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License Amendment Request (LAR) 21-01, Chapter 5, 14, OPPD Cpp FC-19-006, Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity CAC2
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 12/11/2019
From: Yetter R, Zoller S
Omaha Public Power District
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML21271A178 List: ... further results
Download: ML21271A212 (48)


ispr Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 1 of 48 FC-19-006 Revision 0 Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Prepared By:

SG Zoller<

12/11/19 Date-Reviewed By:

RF Yetter 12/11/19 Date Approved By:

DR Whisler 12/11/19 Date

  • $yy*

FC-19-006 Omaha Public Power District ReVJSJOn 0 Ludlum Model 44-10 DetectorSensitivity Page 2 of 48 1.0 ISSUE STATEMENT Ludlum Model 44-10 detectors are commonly used to detect gamma emitting radionuclides using portable instrumentation. An analysis of the response of the 44-10 detector is needed to qualify detectors and determine the Minimum Detectable Concentration (MDC) at the Fort Calhoun Station (FCS) site locations where Co-60 and Cs-137 are potentially present as radioactive contamination.


STATEMENT Published sensitivity for the Ludlum 44-10 detector is listed in the manufacturer's literature as 900 cpm/uR/hr for Cs-137. Table 6.7of NUREG-1575 lists the Co-60 and Cs-137 sensitivity for a 5.08 by 5.08 cm Nal detector as 430 and 900 cpm/uR/hr, respectively. A study was performed at the Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station (RSNGS) to confirm the manufacturer's literature. The values derived from the study will be used in this paper as they were derived empirically.

3.0 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Qualify the response of the vendors Nal detector to Cs-137 and Co-60 sources based on a study performed at a previous reactor decommissioning.

3.2 Identify detectable residual soil concentrations for Co-60 and Cs-137 radionuclides at the FCS site locations where the soil nuclide fractions are consistent with the data provided in this document. The evaluation includes consideration for using Co-60 or Cs-137 as surrogate radionuclides.

4.0 ASSUMPTIONS 4.1 The conclusions of this paper are limited to (2" x 2") 5.08 by 5.08 cm Nal detectors


S 5.1 This paper evaluates the sensitivity of the Ludlum Model 44-10 2.0" x 2.0" (5.08 x 5.08 cm) Nal detector when used to scan open land areas as a function of background, scan speed, and radionuclide mixture. Graphs of detector MDC as a function of background for various scan speeds are presented for Co-60, Cs-137, and a mixture of Co-60 and Cs-137. Utilizing the calculations and results, the detector MDC can be derived or calculated for various ratios, field conditions, and survey parameters.

6.0 CALCULATIONS 6.1 Response Factor 6.1.1 Determination of detector response factors at the RSNGS were conducted for both the Eberline Model SPA-3 and Ludlum Model 44-10 detectors. Only the information relative to the response of the Ludlum Model 44-10 will be addressed at this time. Two NIST traceable sources were used, Co-60 and Cs-137. For both sealed sources the active area is very small when compared to


Omaha Puttie Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 3 of 48 the detector size and the distance from the source face to the detector centerline (located at 2.54 cm beyond the detector end cap).

Cable connection End Cap The evaluation process to determine detector response factors for Cs-137 and Co-60 are provided in Attachment 8.1. The results are presented in Table 1.0 below.

Table 1.0 Nal Response Factors for Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Source to Detector Distance (cm)

Microshield' Derived nR/h 44-10 (5.08x5.08 cm)

CPMVR/h Co-60 Cs-137 Co-60 Cs-137 7.62 24.12


15.24 6.032 128.1 387.3 868.4 30.48 1.508 32.01 502.5 933.1 60.96


1021.7 Average 433.3 941.1 The average Cs-137 response factor for the 44-10 Nal detector is 941.0 cpm/jaR/h. The value is consistent with the results found in NUREG-1575 Table 6.7. The average Co-60 value for the 44-10 Nal detector is 433 cpm/laR/h.

This result is also consistent with the value reported in Table 6.7 of NUREG-1575. It is important to note that the principle gamma energy response for Cs-137 and Co-60 are in air and from a point source. The Nal detectors response will be greater for the lower energy gammas resulting from the scattering processes associated with the nuclides being distributed in soil media.

6.2 Model for Determination of Nal Detector Soil MDC:

6.2.1 The MARSSIM suggested scan speed of 0.5 m/s is used with the elevated (soil) area of interest being 0.196 m2 that relates to contaminants in a 50 cm diameter region that is 15 cm deep. The depth is consistent with the EPA and NRC definition of surface soils. The soil density is assumed at 1.6 g/cm3 and the composition used for the MicroShield'custom material soil model is composed of silicon oxide (sand). Recent acquisition of surface and subsurface soil sampling at the FCS indicate construction grade soils consisting primarily of loamy clay, sand and gravels that are of similar density values. The Nal detector height from the surface is varied and assumes surface to detector center distances of 3.0 (7.62 cm), 4.0 (10.16 cm) and 6.0 (15.24 cm) inches (2.0, 3.0, and 5.0 inches from the detector end cap). These distances provide reasonable estimates of the variation of detector height above the surface during scanning operations. The 50-centimeter diameter

BSSlSiS FC-19-006 Omaha Puhlic Power District ReVJSJOn 0 Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Page 4 of 48 area is selected to provide a detector residence time of one second using a scan rate of 0.5 meters per second. It should be noted that soil scan surveys can result in detector residence times greater than one second. To this end, scan measurements are expected to result in conservative MDC values. The Model 44-10 Nal count rate conversion to exposure rate from Table 1.0 is used for each of the principle gamma emitting radionuclides. A surveyor efficiency of 0.5 and a d' (index of sensitivity) of 1.38 is included in the MDC determination.

Inclusion of the surveyor efficiency and training of the surveyors to both listen for the instrument count rate and perform specific investigations following instrument alarms add conservatism to the MDC determination. Finally, the 50 cm diameter by 15 cm thick soil media assumes uniform distribution of the suspect radionuclides.

6.3 Soil Radionuclide Distribution 6.3.1 The soil nuclide fraction for Co-60 is assumed to be 0.10 with Cs-137 comprising the remaining fraction. Values are also included for soils containing 100 percent Co-60 or Cs-137. As soil characterization progresses, the MDC values provided in this paper may be adjusted if significant nuclide fraction differences (+/-20%) are noted. Other soil nuclide compositions and subsequent action levels will be developed based or soil characterization results.

6.4 MicroShield'Code Runs and Derived MDC Values 6.4.1 Specific MicroShield'code runs (See Attachment 8.2) were conducted to determine the exposure rate for the individual or combined nuclides. The code runs are based on the above dimensions, soil composition and density for a 1.0 pCi/g concentration. These values are consistent with guidance provided in NUREG-1575 and 1757 Volume 2 Rev 1.

The data in Attachment 8.2 presents the exposure rate results for various Cs-137 and Co-60 soil nuclide mixtures. The nuclide mix is used in the Microshield'code runs to derive exposure rate values based on the source to detector geometry. The spreadsheets in Attachments 8.3 utilized the MARSSIM guidance and formula, the detector response to the gamma emitting nuclides and the conversion basis for detector cpm to soil pCi/g concentration.

Graphical presentation of the results is included. Table 2.0 compares the derived MDC results for the varied nuclide fractions and assumes an ambient background of 6,000 cpm for the Ludlum Model 44-10 (for the formula see.4, Scan MDC Formula and pCi/g Determination Example).

Detector response to Co-60 (1.0 nuclide fraction) results in a higher response (sensitivity) than for Cs-137 (1.0 nuclide fraction) and illustrates that ifthe Co-60 nuclide fraction increases the MDC will decrease

Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Table 2.0 44-10 Detector Scan MDC (pCi/g)*

for Varied Cs-137 and Co-60 Nuclide Fractions Scan Speed = 0.5 m/s FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 5 of 48 Detector Distance**

Inches (cm)

Nuclide Fraction Cs-137 95%

Co-60 5%

Nuclide Fraction Cs-137 90%

Co-60 10%

Nuclide Fraction Cs-137 100%

Nuclide Fraction Co-60 100%

2.0 (5.08) 4.35 4.1 4.7 2.5 3.0 (7.62) 5.2 4.8 5.7 3.0 6.0(15.24) 7.2 6.7 7.8 4.2 Detector Background assumed at 6,000 cpm.

"Distance from detector end-cap to soil surface 6.5 Observations and Results 6.5.1 Table 2.0 above presents the evaluation results. The results show that as the Co-60 nuclide fraction increases the MDC decreases. At other reactor decommissioning sites Cs-137 was the dominant radionuclide. Both Maine Yankee and Rancho Seco reported an averaged soil Cs-137 content of > 90 percent. An initial nuclide fraction of 0.9 and 0.1 for Cs-137 and Co-60 will be used for site characterization surveys at FCS. Site characterization data will be continually assessed and used to update the soil or structure radionuclide mixture MDC and action levels.

6.6 Survey Techniques 6.6.1 Detector background during land scanning operations is expected to range between 4.00E+03 and 6.00E+03 cpm. Tables 2.0 and 3.0 illustrate the MDCs (in pCi/g) for various distances and scan speeds. Identification of regions of potential contamination is based on the ability of the surveyor to distinguish an increase in count rate during the scanning operation. The surveyor is required to maintain the selected scan speed and detector distance from the suspect surface. Surveyor scanning sensitivity is discussed in chapter 6.0 of NUREG-1575 and NUREG-1507. Other survey techniques that may improve scan sensitivity include: use of the latching mode parameter of the data logging survey instrument (Ludlum 2350-1) to capture the maximum count rate when scanning a suspect surface, changing the instrument (Ludlum 2350-1) time constant from variable to a fixed 1.0 second time constant to increase the instruments response rate and setting the instrument alarm level. Each of the above features augments the surveyor's efficiency for detecting areas of elevated activity.

irtjjK Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Table 3.0 Ludlum 44-10 Detector MDC (pCi/g)*

(Cs-137 Nuclide Fraction 1.0)

Detector Distance**

Inches (cm)

Scan Speed 0.5 m/s Scan Speed 0.25 m/s 2.0(5.08) 4.7 3.4 3.0(7.62) 5.7 4.0 6.0(15.24) 7.8 5.5

'Detector background assumed at 6,000 cpm.

"Distance from detector end-cap to soil surface FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 6 of 48


7.1 Decommissioning Technical Basis Document DTBD-05-012 V-0, 11/7/05 (Evaluation of Eberline SPA-3 and Ludlum 44-10 cpm per uR/h Response Factors Robert F. Decker, August 19, 2004), Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station 7.2 NUREG-1575, Rev 1, "Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM)" August 2000.

7.3 NUREG-1757, V2, Rev 1, "Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance: Characterization, Surveys and Determination of Radiological Criteria" September 2006.

7.4 NUREG-1505, Rev 1, "A Nonparametric Statistical Methodology for the Design and Analysis of Final Status Decommissioning Surveys" June 1998.

8.0 ATTACHMENTS 8.1 Co-60 and Cs-137 Response Factor Determination Instructions and Results Evaluation of SPA-3 and Ludlum 44-10 cpm per uR/h Response Factors for Co-60 Microshield'runs for 7.62, 15.24 and 30.48 cm for Co-60 Source Certificate for Co-60 Serial Number 214-17-195 (SCN 335)

Evaluation of SPA-3 and Ludlum 44-10 cpm per uR/h Response Factors for Cs-137 Microshield'runs for 15.24, 30.48 and 60.96 cm for Cs-137 Source Certificate for Cs-137 Serial Number LY 376 (SCN 618)

Nal Response Factors for SPA-3 and 44-10 Detectors for Co-60 Nal Response Factors for SPA-3 and 44-10 Detectors for Cs-137

Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity 8.2 MicroShield'Code Runs for Various Distances and Nuclide Fractions FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 7 of 48 Co-60 nuclide fraction equals 1.0. Distance equals 7.62, 10.16 and 15.24 centimeters from detector centerline.

Cs-137 nuclide fraction equals 1.0. Distance equals 7.62, 10.16 and 15.24 centimeters from detector centerline.

Co-60 nuclide fraction equals 0.05 and Cs-137 nuclide fraction equals 0.95. Distance equals 7.62, 10.16 and 15.24 centimeters from detector centerline.

Co-60 nuclide fraction equals 0.10 and Cs-137 nuclide fraction equals 0.90. Distance equals 7.62, 10.16 and 15.24 centimeters from detector centerline.

8.3 Scan MDC (pCi/g) for Various Nuclide Fractions of Co-60 and Cs-137 Co-60 nuclide fraction equals 1.0. Distance is as noted in Section 8.2. Scan speed equals 0.5 m/s.

Cs-137 nuclide fraction equals 1.0. Distance is as noted in Section 8.2. Scan speed equals 0.5 m/s.

Cs-137 nuclide fraction equals 1.0. Distance is as noted in Section 8.2. Scan speed equals 0.25 m/s.

Co-60 nuclide fraction equals 0.05 and Cs-137 nuclide fraction equals 0.95. Distance is as noted in Section 8.2. Scan speed equals 0.5 m/s.

Co-60 nuclide fraction equals 0.10 and Cs-137 nuclide fraction equals 0.90. Distance is as noted in Section 8.2. Scan speed equals 0.5 m/s.

Co-60 nuclide fraction equals 0.10 and Cs-137 nuclide fraction equals 0.90. Distance is as noted in Section 8.2. Scan speed equals 0.25 m/s.

8.4 Scan MDC Formula and pCi/g Determination Example


Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity.1 Co-60 and Cs-137 Response Factor Determination Instructions and Results FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 8 of 48 Evaluation of Eberline SPA-3 and Ludlum 44-10 cpm per jJRJh Response Factors August 19, 2004 RFD The Nal detectors provided by Eberline and Ludlum include cpm per //R/h response factors for specific nuclides.

The instructions below are used to evaluate the response of both detectors to Co-60. The results of the evaluation are to confirm manufacturer results or modify the response factors accordingly.


Calibrated Eberline E-600 and Ludlum 2350-1 Eberline SPA-3 and Ludlum 44-10 detectors IPL Co-60 Source 214-17-195 8/1/1988 0.891 //Ci Tape measure Materials to position the source and detector approximately 3 feet above the floor Materials to record the results of testing (utilize data logging features) and boxes provided in the table below.

Co-60 source: 0.891 /vCi on 8-1-88. Decay corrected activity is 3.995 kBq (0.108 //Ci) on 8-19-04.

Microshield'runs attached for point source at 7.62,15.24 and 30.48 cm (3, 6 & 12 inches to centerline of detector active area)

Nal Response Factors for SPA-3 and 44-10 Detectors Distance (cm)

Derived fjRIh SPA-3 Estimate SPA-3 Observed 44-10 Estimated 44-10 Observed 7.62 24.12 1.447E+04 cpm 9.3217E+03 cpm 1.0372E+04cpm 9.8920E+03 cpm 15.24 6.032 3.619E+03 cpm 2.7440E+03 cpm 2.5938E+03 cpm 2.3361 E+03 cpm 30.48 1.508 9.048E+02 cpm 6.8530E+01 cpm 6.4844E+02 cpm 7.5780E+02 cpm Estimates based on vendor value of 600 and 430 cpm/u.R/h for SPA-3 and 44-10, respectively.

Determination is conducted in an open area with the detector and source elevated 1.0 meter above the surface.

Walls and other solid obstructions should be at least 2 meters from the source and detector. The objective is to minimize scattering effects.

Each measurement is conducted in the scaler mode for the instrument and the measurement (count) time is 10 minutes.

Background is evaluated by performing a 10-minute count priorto the tests and with the source removed from the area.

Background cpm value: SPA 8525, 44 8661 To determine the response to Co-60 the net counts per minute are divided by the //R/h provided for the specific distance.

  • 9p*-

Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Page

1 DOS File : Casel Run Date.August 24, 2004 Run Time: 7:45:23 AM Duration : 00:00:00 MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00488)

Sacramento Municipal Uitility District Case





Nal Response Check @ 7.62 cm Geometry: 3 - Disk File Ref:

Date By Checked Source Dimensions Radius 0.238 cm Dose Points X


  1. 1 7.62 cm 0 cm 3.0 in 0.0 in Shield Name Air Gap Shields Material Source Input Grouping Method : Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm2 Co-60 1.0797e-007 3.9950e+003 6.0931e-001 Buildup The material reference is : Air Gap Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 20 Results Air Bq/cm2 2.2544e+004 FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 9 of 48 0.1 in Z

0 cm 0.0 in Density 0.00122 Enerqv Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV Dhotons/sec MeV/cm2/sec MeV/cm2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.6938 6.517e-01 6.189e-04 6.193e-04 1.195e-06 1.196e-06 1.1732 3.995e+03 6.417e+00 6.419e+00 1.147e-02 1.147e-02 1.3325 3.995e+03 7.288e+00 7.291e+00 1.264e-02 1.265e-02 "OTALS:

7.991e+03 1.371e+01 1.371e+01 2.411e-02 2.412e-02

iSpr Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 10 of 48 MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00488)

Sacramento Municipal Uitility District Page

1 DOS File : Casel Run Date: August 24, 2004 Run Time: 7:47:04 AM Duration.00:00:00 File Ref:

Date By Checked Energy MeV 0.6938 1.1732 1.3325 TOTALS:






Nal Response Check @15.24 cm Geometry: 3 - Disk Radius Source Dimensions 0.238 cm 0.1 in

  1. 1 Dose Points X


15.24 cm 0 cm 0 cm 6.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Shield Name Air Gap Shields Material Air Density 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method :Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becauerels uCi/cm2 Co-60 1.0797e-007 3.9950e+003 6.0931e-001 Buildup The material reference is : Air Gap Bq/cm2 2.2544e+004 Integration Parameters Radial Circumferential Activity photons/sec 6.517e-01 3.995e+03 3.995e+03 7.991e+03 Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec No Buildup 1.547e-04 1.604e+00 1.822e+00 3.426e+00 Results Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec With Buildup 1.549e-04 1,605e+00 1.823e+00 3.429e+00 20 20 Exposure Rate mR/hr No Buildup 2.986e-07 2.866e-03 3.161e-03 6.027e-03 Exposure Rate mR/hr With Buildup 2.990e-07 2.869e-03 3.163e-03 6.032e-03

<rti£K Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 11 of 48 Page

1 DOS File : Casel Run Date: August 24, 2004 Run Time: 7:48:15 AM Duration : 00:00:00 MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00488)

Sacramento Municipal Uitility District File Ref Date By Checked Energy MeV 0.6938 1.1732 1.3325 TOTALS:






Nal Response Check @ 30.48 cm Geometry: 3 - Disk Source Dimensions Radius 0.238 cm 0.1 in Dose Points X


  1. 1 30.48 cm 0 cm 1 ft 0.0 in Z

0 cm 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Material Air Gap Air Density 0.00122 Nuclide Co-60 Source Input Grouping Method : Actual Photon Energies curies

,becquerels uCi/cm2 Ba/cm2 1.0797e-007 3.9950e+003 6.0931 e-001 2.2544e+004 Buildup The material reference is : Air Gap Radial Circumferential Integration Parameters Activity photons/sec 6.517e-01 3.995e+03 3.995e+03 7.991 e+03 Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec No Buildup 3.862e-05 4.006e-01 4.550e-01 8.557e-01 Results Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec With Buildup 3.871 e-05 4.012e-01 4.557e-01 8.570e-01 20 20 Exposure Rate mR/hr No Buildup 7.456e-08 7.158e-04 7.895e-04 1.505e-03 Exposure Rate mR/hr With Buildup 7.474e-08 7.170e-04 7.906e-04 1,508e-03

  • %y° Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity


Co-60 Customer: MS^gNggc!H!^I?AL pa No-:

RN 880525589 Catalog No.: GF-060 Snnrr.P. No.:?J___2z__$Reference Date: AUG, Contained Radioactivity:


. Half-life:

5.271^ + 0.0005 Description of Source

a. Capsule type:

Radloimpurities uCi D

b. Nature of'active deposit:


c. Active diameter:


d. Backing:


e. Cover: _

N/A NONE DETECTED Method of Calibration

( X ) The source was assayed by gamma spectrometry, integrating under the. 1.1?3 & 1.332 Mev peak(s). The branching ratio(s) used was/were l.o & 1.0 gamma rays per decay.


) The source was prepared from a weight aliquot of solution whose activity In uCi/gram was determined by the method above.

Uncertainty of Measurement

a. Systematic uncertainty in instrument calibrations 1.3
b. Random uncertainty
1. In assay: +/-


{ %

2. In weighing(s): +/- _
c. Total Uncertainty: +/-

NBS Traceabllity This calibration is implicitly traceable to the National Bureau of Standards.


1. Nuclear data were taken from "Table ofIsotopes", Seventh Edition edited bv C. Michael Lederer et al.
2. IPL participates In an NBS measurement assuranceprogram toestablish and maintain implicit traceabillty for anumber of nuclides, based on the blind assay (and later NBS certification) of Standard Reference Materials (As In NRC Regulatory Guide 4.15)



% at the 99% confidence level.

WU.J p.a-l/*-"~-<' y Quality Control ISOTOPE PRODUCTS LABORATORIES 1800 No. Keystone St., Burbank, California 91504 (818) 843-7000 FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 12 of 48

^y" Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 13 of 48 Evaluation of Eberline SPA-3 and Ludlum 44-10 cpm per uR/h Response Factors August 19, 2004 RFD The Nal detectors provided by Eberline and Ludlum include cpm per (iR/j response factors for specific nuclides.

The instructions below are used to evaluate the response of both detectors to Cs-137. The results of the evaluation are to confirm manufacturer results or modify the response factors accordingly.


Calibrated Eberline E-600 and Ludlum 2350-1 Eberline SPA-3 and Ludlum 44-10 detectors AEA Cs-137 Source 68970 -

LY 376 Tape Measure Material to position the source and detector approximately 3 feet above the floor Material to record the results of testing (utilize data logging features) and boxes provided in table below.

Cs-137 Source: 344 kBq (9.297 u.Ci) on 10/1/03. Decay corrected is 337.1 kBq (9.111 u.Ci)on 8/18/04 MicroShield'runs attached for point source at 15.24, 30.48 and 60.96 cm (6,12 & 24 inches to centerline of detector active area.

Nal Response Factors for SPA-3 and 44-10 Detectors Distance (cm)

Derived uR/h SPA-3 Estimate SPA-3 Observed 44-10 Estimate 44-10 Observed 15.24 128.1 1.537E+05 1.3642E+05 1.153E+05 1.228E+05 30.48 32.01 3.841 E+04 4.361 E+04 2.881 E+04 4.143E+04 60.96 8.001 9.601 E+03 9.601 E+03 7.201 E+03 1.974E+04 Estimates based on 1200 and 900 cpm for SPA-3 and 44-10, respectively Determination is conducted in an open area with the detector and source elevated 1.0 meter above the surface.

Walls and other obstructions should be at least 2 meters form the source and detector.

The objective is to minimize scattering effects.

Each measurement is conducted in the scalar mode for the instrument and the measurement (count) time is 10.0 minutes.

Background is evaluated by performing a 10 minute count prior to the tests and with the source removed from the area.

Background cpm value: SPA-3 = 8525, 44-10 = 8661 To determine the response to Cs-137 the net counts per minute are divided by the \\iRlh provided for the specific distance.

<ft*K Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 14 of 48


1 DOS File
Casel Run Date: August 17, 2004 RunTime: 11:31:58 AM Duration : 00:00:00 MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00488)

Sacramento Municipal Uitility District Case


9.11 uCi Cs-137



Point Source at 15.24 cm Geometry: 1 - Point File Ref Date By Checked Dose Points X


  1. 1 15.24 cm 0 cm 6.0 in 0.0 in Shield Name Air Gap Shields Material Air Source Input Grouping Method : Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels 3.1890e+005 Z

0 cm 0.0 in Density 0.00122 Ba-137m Cs-137 8.6188e-006 9.1108e-006 1

Buildup 3.371 Oe+005 Energy MeV 0.0318 0.0322 0.0364 0.6616 TOTALS:

Activity photons/sec 6.602e+03 1.218e+04 4.433e+03 2.869e+05 3.102e+05 The material reference is : Air Gap Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec No Buildup 7.157e-02 1.336e-01 5.502e-02 6.496e+01 6.522e+01 Results Fluence Rate MeV/cm'/sec With Buildup 7.206e-02 1.345e-01 5.540e-02 6.504e+01 6.530e+01 Exposure Rate mR/hr No Buildup 5.962e-04 1,075e-03 3.126e-04 1.259e-01 1.2796-01 Exposure Rate mR/hr With Buildup 6.003e-04 1.083e-03 3.147e-04 1.261e-01 1.281e-01


Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 15 of 48 3age

1 DOS File : Casel Run Date: August 17, 2004 RunTime: 11:29:10 AM Duration : 00:00:00 MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00488)

Sacramento Municipal Uitility District Case


9.11 uCi Cs-137



Point Source at 30.48 cm Geometry: 1 - Point File Ref:

Date By Checked

  1. 1 Dose Points X

30.48 cm 0 cm 1 ft 0.0 in Z

0 cm 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Material AirGap Air Density 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels Ba-137m 8.6188e-006 3.1890e+005 Cs-137 9.1108e-006 3.3710e+005 i

Buildup The material reference is : Air Gap Results Enerqv Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm2/sec MeV/cm2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0318 6.602e+03 1.779e-02 1.8046-02 1.4826-04 1.5036-04 0.0322 1.218e+04 3.323e-02 3.368e-02 2.674e-04 2.7116-04 0.0364 4.433e+03 1.369e-02 1.3886-02 7.779e-05 7.885e-05 0.6616 2.869e+05 1.622e+01 1.626e+01 3.144e-02 3.151e-02 TOTALS:

3.102e+05 1.628e+01 1.632e+01 3.193e-02 3.201 e-02


Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 16 of 48


1 DOS File: Casel Run Date: August 17, 2004 RunTime: 11:30:55 AM Duration : 00:00:00 MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00488)

Sacramento Municipal Uitility District Case


9.11 uCi Cs-137



Point Source at 60.96 cm Geometry: 1 - Point File Ref Date By Checked

  1. 1 Dose Points X

60.96 cm 0 cm 2 ft 0.0 in Shield Name Air Gap Shields Material Air Source Input Grouping Method : Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels 3.1890e+005 Z

0 cm 0.0 in Density 0.00122 Ba-137m Cs-137 8.6188e-006 9.1108e-006 3.3710e+005 Energy MeV 0.0318 0.0322 0.0364 0.6616 Activity photons/sec 6.602e+03 1.218e+04 4.433e+03 2.869e+05 TOTALS:



Buildup The material reference is : Air Gap Fluence Rate Mev/cm2/sec No Buildup 4.399e-03 8.216e-03 3.391 e-03 4.042e+00 4.058e+00 Results Fluence Rate MeWcnf/sec With Buildup 4.521 e-03 8.444e-03 3.484e-03 4.062e+00 4.079e+00 Exposure Rate mR/hr No Buildup 3.665e-05 6.612e-05 1.9266-05 7.837e-03 7.959e-03 Exposure Rate mR/hr With Buildup 3.766e-05 6.795e-05 1.9806-05 7.875e-03 8.001e-03

1&pr Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 17 of 48 AEATECHNOLOCY CERTIFICATE No. 68970 - LY 376 for a Sealed Radioactive Source Source Type: Reference Source Product code CDRX1476 Drawing VZ-477/2 Source no.

LY 376 Nuclide Caesium-137 461. Issue 4.03-01-03 AEATechnology QSAGmbH Giesclweg 1 38110 Braunschweig Postfach 11 37 38001 Braunschweig Germany Tel. +49(0)5307 932-0 Fax +49(0)5307 932-194 17 September 2003 Measurement Data Activity Uncertainty*

Reference date Traceability*

Radioactive impurities 344 kBq 3%

1 October 2003 Defined on page 2 Related to Cs-137 (equal 100 %) the following radioactive impurities were detected: Cs-134 < 0.1 %

Leakage and Contamination Test/s Test method/s*

Test/s passed on II and I 16 September 2003 Additional Information ISO classification*


  • see page 2 fcr explanation AEA Technology QSA GmbH e'.A tf£ (Production Manager) soJauf

Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 18 of 48 TA-cceiY+ ft 03'0 5-~?

Explanations for Certificates (Page 2 of Certificates)

Uncertainty The reported uncertainty Is based on standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k ~

2, providing a

level of confidence of approximately 95%. (ISO Guide, 1995)

Traceability This certificate documents the traceability of measurement results to national standards, standard measuring equipment and methods for the realisation of physical units of measure ment according to the Inter national System of Units (SI).

Traceability is defined as 'the property of a

result of a

measurement whereby it can be related to appropriate stan

dards, generally international or national standards, through an unbroken chain of compari sons',

AEA Technology QSA GmbH has been accredited as DKO (Deutscher Kalibrierdienst) calibration laboratory by the Physikalisch-Technische Bun-desanstalt (PTB) and Is authorized to issue reference sources which are traceable to national standards held at the PTB in Germany.

Because of the European co operation for Accreditation (EA) mutual recognition agreement the certificates are also accepted by all EA-members (e. g. NAMAS, UK).

This product complies with the requirements for traceability to NIST specified in the American National Standard Traceability of Radioactive Sources to the NIST and Associated Instru ment Quality Control (ANSI N42.22-1995)".

As a requirement for the ANSI N42.22-1995 AEA Technology QSA participates in the NEI/NIST Measurements Assurance Pro-gram of the Nuclear Power Industry.

Leakage and contamination tests Stringent tests forleakage are an essential feature of radioactive sources production. They are based on ISO 9978. Somestandard methods used for testing radiation sources are listed below.

Wipe test I The source is wiped with a swab or tissue, moistened with ethanol or water, the activity removed is measured.

Limit:200 Bq (LimitUSA: 5 nCi)

Immersion test II The source is immersed in a suitable liquid at 50 *C for at least 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and the activity removed is measured.

Limit: 185Bq Bubble test III The source is immersed in water or a suitable liquid and the pressure in the vessel reduced to 13 kPa (100 mm Hg).

No bubbles must be observed.

ISO classification The International Organization forStandardization (ISO)has proposeda system of classification of sealed radioactivesources based on safety requirements for typicaluses (see ISO 2919),This system providesa manufacturerof sealed radioactivesources with a set of tests toevaluatethesafetyofhisproducts. Italsoassistsa userofsuchsealedsourcesto selecttypeswhich suitthe application he has inmind.The tests to whichspecimen sources are subjectedare listedinthe following table Classification of sealed source performance standard according to ISO 2919 Class 1

2 3

4 5

e X

Temperature No test

- 40 "C (20 rnin) C (20 min)

- 40 "C (20 min)

- 40 "C (20 min)

- 40 °C (20 min)

+ 80 *C (1 h)

+ 180'CO h)

+ 400 *C (1 h)

+ 600 *C (1 h)

+ 800 -C (1 h) l 1

ST and thermal shock and thermal shock and thermal shock 400 -C to 20 X 600 "C to 20 "C 800 -C to 20 "C External Notes!

25 kPa absolute 25 kPa absolute 25 kPa absolute 25 kPa absolute 25 kPa absolute Pressure to 2 MPa absolute to 7 MPa absolute to 70 MPa abso lute to 170 MPa ab solute Impact No test 50 g from 1 m 200 g from 1 m 2 kg from 1 m 5 kq from 1 m 20 kq from 1 m Vibration No test 3 x 10 min 3 x 10 min 3 x 30 min 25 - 500 Hz at 25-50 Hz at5g 25 - 80 Hz at 5 g peak ampli peak amplitude 1.5 mm amplitude tude and 50 - 80 Hz at 0.635 mm ampli tude peak to peak and 90 - 500 Hz at 10gpeak amplitude peak to peak and 80 - 2000 Hz at 20 g peak ampli tude Puncture No test 1 q from 1 m 10 g from 1 m 50 g from 1 m 300 g from 1 m 1 kq from 1 m Special applications No test programme can cover all possible combinations of environments to which a

source may be exposed.

Users should therefore consult our experts before using sources in potentially adverse environments.

RE1. Issue 3. 2003-03-27 IAEA Special Form "Special Form' is a test specifi cation for sealed sources given in the IAEA transport regula tions (IAEA Safety Series No.

6, 1985, revised edition).

It is used in determining the maximum acceptable activities for various types of transport containers.

Quality assurance System The quality assurance system of AEA Technology QSA GmbH was certified by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (LRQA) according to ISO

9001, issue 1994.

Isotrak products meet the require ments of 10CFR50 Appen dix B.


IQ/p-Omaha Public Power District FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 19 of 48 Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Co-60 Nal Response Factors for SPA-3 and 44-10 Detectors Gross Data Instrument Serial Number Background*

7.62 cm*

15.24 cm*

30.48 cm*

SPA-3 406074 85249 178466 112689 92102 44-10 211672 86613 185533 109974 84191

  • Ten-minute count results Net Counts Distance (cm)

Derived u./h SPA-3 Estimated SPA-3 Observed 44-10 Estimated 44-10 Observed 7.62 24.12 1 4472E+04 9.3217E+03 1 0372E+04 9.8920E+03 15.24 6.032 3.6192E+03 27440E+03 2.5938E+03 2.3361 E+03 30.48 1.508 9.0480E+02 6.8530E+02 6.4844E+02 7.5780E+02 Estimates based on vendor values of 600 and 430 cpm/u/R/h for SPA-3 and 44-10 respectively CPM/uR/h Instrument 7.62 cm 15.24 cm 30.48 cm Averaqe SPA-3 386 455 454 432 44-10 410 387 503 433


Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 20 of 48 Cs-137 Nal Response Factors for SPA-3 and 44-10 Detectors Gross Data Instrument Serial Number


15.24 cm*

30.48 cm 60.96 cm SPA-3 406074 114876 682101 436075 197493 44-10 211672 115620 613988 414299 197366

  • 5-minulecouni used for the 6'"(15.24 cm) measurementdue lo high count rate Instrument maxed out with approximately 1.5 minutes to go in a 10 minule count.

Net Counts Distance (cm)

Derived u/h SPA-3 Estimated SPA-3 Observed 44-10 Eslimated 44-10 Observed 15.24 128.1 1.5370E+05 1.2493E+05 1.1530E+05 1.1124E+05 30.48 32.01 3.8410E+04 3.2120E+04 2.881 OE+04 2.9868E+04 60.96 8.001 9.6010E+03 8.2617E+03 7.2010E+03 8.1746E+03 Estimates based on vendor values of 600 and 430 cpm/u/R/h for SPA-3 and 44-10 respectively CPM/uR/h Instrument 7.62 cm 15.24 cm 30.48 cm Average SPA-3 975 1003 1033 1004 44-10 868 933 1022 941


(kuitiB Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity.2 Microshield'Code Runs MicroShield 8.03 EnergySolutions (8.03-0000)

Date 12/2/2011 Filename Casel Case Title Description Geometry Height Radius By I

R. F. Decker Run Date December 2, 2011 Project Info Co-60 100%

Co-60 100% 2.54, 7.62 and 12.7 cm 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions 15.24 cm (6.0 in) 25.0 cm (9.8 in)

Dose Points Y

  1. 1 0.0 cm (0 in) 20.32 cm (8.0 in)

Shields Shield N Dimension Material Source 2.99e+04 cm3 Sand Air Gap I

Air 0.0 cm (0 in)

Density 1.6 0.00122 Run Time 12:14:20 PM FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 21 of 48 Checked Duration 00:00:00 Source Input: Grouping Method ** Actual Photon Energies Nuclide Ci Bq uCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Co-60 4.7878e-008 1.7715e+003 1.6000e-006 l

5.9200e-002 Buildup: The material reference is Source Integration Parameters Radial Circumferential Y Direction (axial)

Results 20 10 10

n$*y° Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 22 of 48 Energy (MeV) Activity (Photons/sec)

Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec No Buildup 1.824e-05 Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec With Buildup 3.278e-05 Exposure Rati mR/hr No Buildup 3.521e-08 3.974e-04

Exposure Rate mR/hr With Buildup 6.329e-08 6.150e-04 0.6938 1.1732 2.890e-01 1.771 e+03 1.771 e+03 3.543e+03 2.224e-01 2.623e-01 4.847e-01 3.441e-01 3.929e-01 7.370e-01 1

1.3325 Totals 4.550e-04 8.525e-04 6.816e-04 1.297e-03 Sensitivity Variable 1.824e-05 2.224e-01 Y Dose Point 1 3.278e-05 3.441 e-01 (lof5)

(20.32 cm) 0.6938 1.1732 2.890e-01 1.771 e+03 3.521e-08 6.329e-08 3.974e-04 6.150e-04 6.816e-04 1.3325 1.771 e+03 2.623e-01 3.929e-01 4.550e-04 Totals 3.543e+03 4.847e-01 7.370e-01 8.525e-04 (2 of 5) 1.297e-03 (22.86 cm)

Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 0.6938 2.890e-01 1.547e-05 1.873e-01 2.205e-01 2.720e-05 2.846e-01 3.247e-01 6.093e-01 Y Dose Point 1 2.986e-08 5.251e-08 1.1732 1.771 e+03 3.347e-04 3.826e-04 5.086e-04 5.633e-04 1.3325 1.771 e+03 Totals 3.543e+03 4.079e-01 Variable 7.174e-04 1.072e-03 Sensitivity (3 of 5)

(25.4 cm) 0.6938 2.890e-01 1.318e-05 2.282e-05 2.383e-01 2.544e-08 4.407e-08 1.1732 1.771 e+03 1.588e-01 2.838e-04 3.241 e-04 4.259e-04 4.715e-04 1.3325 1.771 e+03 1.868e-01 2.718e-01 Totals 3.543e+03 3.456e-01 5.101e-01 Y Dose Point 1 1.934e-05 2.017e-01 2.299e-01 6.079e-04 (4 of 5) 2.179e-08 2.422e-04 2.764e-04 8.975e-04 (27.94 cm) 3.734e-08 3.604e-04 3.988e-04 Sensitivity Variable 0.6938 2.890e-01 1.128e-05 1.1732 1.771 e+03 1.356e-01 1.3325 1.771 e+03 1.593e-01 I

Totals 3.543e+03 Sensitivity 2.949e-01 Variable 4.316e-01 5.186e-04 7.593e-04 (30.48 cm) 3.192e-08 3.079e-04 3.406e-04 6.485e-04 Y

Dose Point 1 (5 of 5) 1.876e-08 2.081 e-04 2.373e-04 0.6938 2.890e-01 9.718e-06 1.653e-05 1.1732 1.3325 1.771 e+03 1.771 e+03 1.165e-01 1.368e-01 1.723e-01 1.963e-01 Totals 3.543e+03 2.533e-01 3.686e-01 4.455e-04

Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 23 of 48 Sensitivity Analysis Summary - Y Dose Point 1 Dose Point # Sensitivity Sensitivity Dimension Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec No Buildup Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec With Buildup 7.370e-01 6.093e-01 Exposure Rate Exposure Rate mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup 8.525e-04 1.297e-03 7.174e-04 1.072e-03 6.079e-04 8.975e-04 5.186e-04 7.593e-04 4.455e-04 6.485e-04 1

(1 of 5) 1 (2 of 5) 1 (3 of 5)

(20.32 cm)

(22.86 cm)

(25.4 cm) 4.847e-01 4.079e-01 3.456e-01 5.101e-01 4.316e-01 3.686e-01 1

(4 of 5)

(27.94 cm) 2.949e-01 1

(5 of 5)

(30.48 cm) 2.533e-01

i-$pk" Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity MicroShield 8.03 EnergySolutions (8.03-0000)

Date 12/2/2011 By.

Robert F. Decker Filename Casel Case Title Description Geometry Height Radius

  1. 1 0.0 cm (0 in)

Run Date December 2, 2011 Run Time 12:29:22 PM Project Info Cs-137 100%

Cs-137 100% 2.54-12.7 cm 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions 15.24 cm (6.0 in) 25.0 cm (9.8 in)

Dose Points Y

20.32 cm (8.0 in)

Shields 0.0 cm (0 in)

Shield N Source Air Gap Dimension 2.99e+04 cm3 Material Sand Air Density 1.6 0.00122 FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 24 of 48 Checked Duration 00:00:00 Source Input: Grouping Method - Actual Photon Energies Nuclide Ci Bq UCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Ba-137m 4.5292e-008 1.6758e+003 1.5136e-006 1.6000e-006 5.6003e-002 5.9200e-002 Cs-137 4.7878e-008 1.7715e+003 Buildup: The material reference is Source Integration Parameters Radial 20

4&pr Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 25 of 48 Circumferential 10 10 Y Direction (axial)

Energy (MeV) A 0.0045 I


.ctivity (Photons/sec) 1.740e+01 Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec No Buildup 7.481e-08 9.338e-06 Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec With Buildup 7.709e-08 Exposure Rate mR/hr No Buildup 5.127e-08 Exposure Rate mR/hr With Buildup 5.284e-08 0.0318


3.469e+01 1.152e-05 7.778e-08 9.599e-08 1.797e-07 0.0322 1

6.401 e+01 1.797e-05 1.002e-05 2.232e-05 1.446e-07 0.0364 _[_

2.329e+01 1.339e-05 5.691e-08 7.606e-08 0.6616 1

1.508e+03 8.942e-02 1.631e-01 1.734e-04 3.162e-04 Totals 1.647e+03 Sensitivity 8.946e-02 1.632e-01 1.737e-04 (lof5) 3.166e-04 (20.32 cm)

Variable Y Dose Point 1 0.0045 0.0318 _J_

1.740e+01 3.469e+01 7.481e-08 7.709e-08 5.127e-08 5.284e-08 9.338e-06 1.152e-05 7.778e-08 9.599e-08 1.797e-07 0.0322 1

6.401 e+01 1.797e-05 2.232e-05 1.446e-07 0.0364 1

2.329e+01 1.002e-05 8.942e-02 1.339e-05 5.691e-08 7.606e-08 0.6616 _J_

1.508e+03 1.631e-01 1.734e-04 3.162e-04 Totals l_

1.647e+03 8.946e-02 1.632e-01 1.737e-04 3.166e-04 Sensitivity 1.740e+01 Variable Y Dose Point 1 (2 of 5)

(22.86 cm) 0.0045 l_

6.603e-08 6.801e-08 4.526e-08 4.662e-08 8.448e-08 0.0318 l_

0.0322 1

3.469e+01 6.401 e+01 8.221e-06 1.014e-05 6.848e-08 1.582e-05 1.964e-05 1.273e-07 1.581e-07 0.0364 2.329e+01 8.800e-06 1.175e-05 5.000e-08 6.675e-08 0.6616 1.508e+03 7.588e-02 7.592e-02 1.354e-01 1.354e-01 1.471e-04 2.625e-04 Totals 1.647e+03 1.474e-04 2.628e-04 (25.4 cm)

Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (3 of 5) 0.0045 0.0318 0.0322 0.0364 1.740e+01 5.793e-08 5.966e-08 8.880e-06 1.719e-05 3.971 e-08 5.997e-08 4.089e-08 7.397e-08 3.469e+01 6.401 e+01 2.329e+01 7.200e-06 1.385e-05 1.115e-07 1.384e-07 5.835e-08 2.203e-04 7.697e-06 6.468e-02 1.027e-05 4.373e-08 0.6616 1.508e+03 1.136e-01 1.254e-04


Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 26 of 48 Totals 1.64 Sen; 7e+03 6.470e-02 Variable 1.137e-01 Y Dose Point 1 1.256e-04 (4 of 5) 2.206e-04 (27.94 cm) 3.575e-08 6.461e-08 jitivity 0.0045 1.740e+01 5.066e-08 6.290e-06 1.210e-05 5.216e-08 7.757e-06 3.472e-08 5.240e-08 0.0318 3.469e+01 0.0322 6.401 e+01 1.501e-05 8.961e-06 9.738e-08 3.818e-08 1.208e-07 5.092e-08 0.0364 2.329e+01 6.719e-06 0.6616 1.508e+03 5.540e-02 9.629e-02 1.074e-04 1.867e-04 Totals 1.647e+03 5.542e-02 9.632e-02 1.076e-04 1.869e-04 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (5 of 5)

(30.48 cm) 0.0045 1.740e+01 4.423e-08 4.554e-08 3.032e-08 3.122e-08 0.0318 3.469e+01 5.493e-06 6.773e-06 4.576e-08 5.642e-08 0.0322 6.401 e+01 1.057e-05 5.865e-06 1.311e-05 7.819e-06 8.504e-08 1.055e-07 0.0364 2.329e+01 3.332e-08 4.442e-08 0.6616 1.508e+03 4.771e-02 8.233e-02 9.250e-05 1.596e-04 Totals 1.647e+03 4.774e-02 8.236e-02 9.269e-05 1.598e-04 Sensitivity / Analysis Sumnlary - Y Dose Point 1 Dose Point # Sensitivity Sensitivity Dimension Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec No Buildup Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec With Buildup Exposure Rate mR/hr No Buildup Exposure Rate mR/hr With Buildup 1


(20.32 cm) 8.946e-02 1.632e-01 1.354e-01 1.737e-04 3.166e-04 1

(2 of 5)

(22.86 cm) 7.592e-02 1.474e-04 2.628e-04 2.206e-04 1

(3 of 5)

(25.4 cm) 6.470e-02 1.137e-01 9.632e-02 1.256e-04 1

(4 of 5)

(27.94 cm) 5.542e-02 1.076e-04 1.869e-04 1

(5 of 5)

(30.48 cm) 4.774e-02 8.236e-02 9.269e-05 1.598e-04

rfpr Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity r

Date 12/2/2011 Filename Casel Case Title Description Geometry Height Radius A


  1. 1 0.0 cm (0 in)

MicroShield 8.03 EnergySolutions (8.03-0000) 1 By 1

Robert F. Decker l

Run Date Run Time December 2, 2011 12:50:29 PM Project Info 95% Cs-137 5% Co-60 Cs-137/Co-60 2.54 - 12.7 cm 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions 15.24 cm (6.0 in) 25.0 cm (9.8 in)

Dose Points Y

20.32 cm (8.0 in)

Shields Z

0.0 cm (0 in)

Density 1.6 0.00122 Shield N Source Air Gap Nuclide Ba-137m Co-60 Cs-137 T

Dimension 2.99e+04 cm3 Material Sand Air Source Input: Grouping Method - Actual Photon Energies Ci Bq uCi/cm3 4.3028e-008 1.5920e+003 1.4379e-006 2.3939e-009 8.8574e+001 8.0000e-008 4.5484e-008 1.6829e+003 1.5200e-006 Buildup: The material reference is Source Integration Parameters Radial FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 27 of 48 Checked Duration 00:00:00 Bq/cm3 5.3203e-002 2.9600e-003 5.6240e-002 20

Omaha Public Power District FC-19-006 Revision 0 Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Page 28 of 48 Circumferential I

io 1

10 Y Direction (axial)

I Results I

Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Energy (MeV) Activity (Photons/sec) MeV/cm2/sec MeV/cm2/sec l_

No Buildup With Buildup 0.0045 0.0318 0.0322 0.0364 0.6616 0.6938 1.1732 1.3325 Totals 1.653e+01 3.296e+01 6.081 e+01 2.213e+01 1.433e+03 1.445e-02 8.857e+01 8.857e+01 1.742e+03 7.107e-08 8.871 e-06 1.707e-05 9.516e-06 8.495e-02 9.120e-07 1.112e-02 1.311e-02 1.092e-01 7.323e-08 1.095e-05 2.121e-05 1.272e-05 1.550e-01 1.639e-06 1.721e-02 1.964e-02 1.919e-01 Exposure Rate mR/hr No BuUdup 4.871e-08 7.389e-08 1.374e-07 5.407e-08 0.0045 0.0318 0.0322 0.0364 0.6616 0.6938 1.1732 1.3325 Totals 0.0045 0.0318 0.0322 0.0364 0.6616 0.6938 Sensitivity 1.653e+01 Variable Y Dose Point 1 7.107e-08 7.323e-08 1.647e-04 1.761e-09 1.987e-05 2.275e-05 2.076e-04 (lof5) 4.871e-08 3.296e+01 6.081 e+01 2.213e+01 1.433e+03 1.445e-02 8.857e+01 8.857e+01 1.742e+03 Sensitivity 1.653e+01 3.296e+01 6.081 e+01 2.213e+01 1.433e+03 1.445e-02 8.871e-06 1.707e-05 9.516e-06 8.495e-02 9.120e-07 1.112e-02 1.311e-02 1.092e-01 Variable Y Dose Point 1 6.461e-08 6.273e-08 7.810e-06 1.503e-05 8.360e-06 7.209e-02 7.734e-07 1.095e-05 2.121e-05 1.272e-05 1.550e-01 1.639e-06 1.721e-02 1.964e-02 1.919e-01 9.635e-06 1.866e-05 1.116e-05 1.286e-01 1.360e-06 7.389e-08 1.374e-07 5.407e-08 1.647e-04 1.761e-09 1.987e-05 2.275e-05 2.076e-04 (2 of 5) 4.300e-08 6.505e-08 1.209e-07 4.750e-08 1.398e-04 1.493e-09 Exposure Rate mR/hr With Buildup 5.020e-08 9.119e-08 1.707e-07 7.226e-08 3.004e-04 3.165e-09 3.075e-05 3.408e-05 3.656e-04 (20.32 cm) 5.020e-08 9.119e-08 1.707e-07 7.226e-08 3.004e-04 3.165e-09 3.075e-05 3.408e-05 3.656e-04 (22.86 cm) 4.429e-08 8.026e-08 1.502e-07 6.341 e-08 2.493e-04 2.626e-09


Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 29 of 48 1.1732 8.857e+01 9.365e-03 1.423e-02 1.673e-05 2.543e-05 1.3325 Totals 0.0045 8.857e+01 1.742e+03 Sensitivity 1.653e+01 1.103e-02 9.251e-02 Variable 1.623e-02 1.591e-01 Y Dose Point 1 1.913e-05 1.759e-04 (3 of 5) 3.773e-08 2.817e-05 3.033e-04 (25.4 cm) 5.504e-08 6.840e-06 5.668e-08 3.885e-08 0.0318 3.296e+01 8.436e-06 1.633e-05 9.757e-06 5.697e-08 7.027e-08 0.0322 0.0364 6.081 e+01 2.213e+01 1.316e-05 7.312e-06 1.059e-07 4.155e-08 1.191e-04 1.314e-07 5.543e-08 2.093e-04 0.6616 1.433e+03 6.144e-02 1.079e-01 0.6938 1.1732 1.445e-02 6.589e-07 1.141e-06 1.272e-09 2.203e-09 8.857e+01 7.941 e-03 1.192e-02 1.419e-05 2.130e-05 1.3325 8.857e+01 9.340e-03 7.875e-02 Variable 1.359e-02 1.620e-05 2.357e-05 Totals 1.742e+03 1.335e-01 1.498e-04 2.544e-04 Sensitivity Y Dose Point 1 4.955e-08 (4 of 5)

(27.94 cm) 0.0045 1.653e+01 4.812e-08 3.299e-08 3.396e-08 0.0318 3.296e+01 5.976e-06 7.369e-06 4.978e-08 6.138e-08 0.0322 6.081e+01 1.149e-05 1.426e-05 9.251e-08 1.148e-07 4.837e-08 0.0364 2.213e+01 6.383e-06 8.513e-06 3.627e-08 0.6616 1.433e+03 5.263e-02 9.147e-02 1.020e-04 1.773e-04 0.6938 1.1732 1.445e-02 5.642e-07 9.669e-07 1.089e-09 1.867e-09 1.802e-05 8.857e+01 6.778e-03 1.008e-02 1.211e-05 1.3325 Totals 8.857e+01 1.742e+03 7.965e-03 1.149e-02 1.382e-05 1.994e-05 6.739e-02 1.131e-01 Y Dose Point 1 1.282e-04 (5 of 5) 2.156e-04 Sensitivity Variable 4.202e-08 5.219e-06 1.004e-05 (30.48 cm) 0.0045 1.653e+01 4.326e-08 2.880e-08 2.966e-08 0.0318 0.0322 3.296e+01 6.081e+01 6.434e-06 1.245e-05 4.347e-08 5.360e-08 8.078e-08 1.002e-07 0.0364 0.6616 2.213e+01 1.433e+03 5.571e-06 7.428e-06 3.165e-08 4.220e-08 4.533e-02 4.859e-07 7.821e-02 8.787e-05 1.516e-04 0.6938 1.445e-02 8.267e-07 9.381e-10 1.041e-05 1.596e-09 1.1732 8.857e+01 5.824e-03 8.614e-03 1.539e-05

isyf Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 30 of 48 1.3325 Totals 8.857e+01 6.840e-03 9.816e-03 9.667e-02 1.187e-05 1.703e-05 1.742e+03 5.801e-02 1.103e-04 1.843e-04 Sensitivity Analysis Summary - Y Dose Point 1 Dose Point # Sensitivity (1 of 5)

Fluence Rate Sensitivity MeV/cm2/sec Dimension No Buildup (20.32 cm) 1.092e-01 Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec With Buildup 1.919e-01 1.591e-01 Exposure Rate mR/hr No Buildup 2.076e-04 1.759e-04 Exposure Rate mR/hr With Buildup 3.656e-04 3.033e-04 (2 of 5)

(22.86 cm) 9.251e-02 1

(3 of 5)

(25.4 cm) 7.875e-02 (27.94 cm) 6.739e-02 (30.48 cm) 5.801e-02 1.335e-01 1.498e-04 2.544e-04 (4 of 5)

(5 of 5) 1.131e-01 9.667e-02 1.282e-04 1.103e-04 2.156e-04 1.843e-04


Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Date 12/2/2011 Filename Casel Case Title Description Geometry Height Radius MicroShield 8.03 EnergySolutions (8.03-0000)

I By 1

Robert F. Decker l

Run Date l

Run Time December 2, 2011 12:58:06 PM Project Info 90% Cs-137 10% Co-6 Cs-137/Co-60 2.54-12.7 cm I

8-Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions I

15.24 cm (6.0 in)

T 25.0 cm (9.8 in)

Dose Points Y

  1. 1 0.0 cm (0 in) 20.32 cm (8.0 in)

Shields Shield N Dimension Material Source 2.99e+04 cm3 Sand Air Gap I

I Air 0.0 cm (0 in)

Density 1.6 0.00122 FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 31 of 48 Checked =1 Duration 00:00:00

  • X z

Source Input: Grouping Method - Actual Photon Energies Nuclide Ba-137m Co-60 Cs-137 Ci Bq uCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 5.0403e-002 4.0763e-008 1.5082e+003 1.3622e-006 4.7878e-009 4.3090e-008 1.7715e+002 1.6000e-007 1.4400e-006 5.9200e-003 5.3280e-002 1.5943e+003 Buildup>>: The material reference Integration Parameters is Source


Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 32 of 48 Radial 20 Circumferential

,0 Y Direction (axial) 10 Energy (MeV)

Results Activity (Photons/sec)

Fluence Rate MeV/cm7sec No Buildup Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec With Buildup 6.938e-08 Exposure Rate Exposure Rate mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup 0.0045 0.0318 1.566e+01 6.733e-08 4.615e-08 4.756e-08 3.123e+01 8.404e-06 1.037e-05 2.009e-05 1.205e-05 1.468e-01 3.278e-06 7.000e-08 8.639e-08 0.0322 5.761 e+01 1.617e-05 1.302e-07 1.617e-07 6.846e-08 0.0364 2.096e+01 9.015e-06 8.048e-02 1.824e-06 5.122e-08 0.6616 1.357e+03 1.560e-04 2.846e-04 0.6938 1.1732 2.890e-02 1.771e+02 3.521e-09 6.329e-09 2.224e-02 3.441 e-02 3.929e-02 2.206e-01 3.974e-05 4.550e-05 2.416e-04 6.150e-05 6.816e-05 4.146e-04 1.3325 1.771e+02 2.623e-02 Totals 1.837e+03 1.290e-01 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (lof5)

[20.32 cm) 4.756e-08 8.639e-08 0.0045 1.566e+01 6.733e-08 8.404e-06 1.617e-05 6.938e-08 1.037e-05 4.615e-08 7.000e-08 0.0318 3.123e+01 0.0322 5.761 e+01 2.009e-05 1.302e-07 1.617e-07 0.0364 2.096e+01 9.015e-06 8.048e-02 1.205e-05 5.122e-08 6.846e-08 2.846e-04 6.329e-09 6.150e-05 6.816e-05 0.6616 1.357e+03 1.468e-01 1.560e-04 0.6938 2.890e-02 1.824e-06 2.224e-02 3.278e-06 3.521e-09 1.1732 1.771e+02 3.441 e-02 3.974e-05 1.3325 Totals 0.0045 0.0318 1.771e+02 1.837e+03 Sensitivity 2.623e-02 1.290e-01 Variable 3.929e-02 2.206e-01 4.550e-05 2.416e-04 4.146e-04 Y Dose Point 1 6.121e-08 9.128e-06 1.768e-05 (2 of 5)

(22.86 cm) 1.566e+01 3.123e+01 5.943e-08 7.399e-06 1.424e-05 7.920e-06 4.073e-08 6.163e-08 1.146e-07 4.196e-08 7.603e-08 0.0322 0.0364 5.761 e+01 2.096e+01 1.423e-07 1.057e-05 4.500e-08 6.007e-08 0.6616 1.357e+03 6.830e-02 1.218e-01 1.324e-04 2.362e-04

iSpr Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 33 of 48 0.6938 2.890e-02 1.547e-06 2.720e-06 2.846e-02 3.247e-02 1.828e-01 Y Dose Point 1 5.369e-08 7.992e-06 1.547e-05 2.986e-09 3.347e-05 5.251e-09 5.086e-05 1.1732 1.771e+02 1.771e+02 1.837e+03 Sensitivity 1.873e-02 2.205e-02 1.091e-01 Variable 5.214e-08 1.3325 Totals 3.826e-05 2.044e-04 (3 of 5) 3.574e-08 5.633e-05 3.437e-04 (25.4 cm) 3.680e-08 0.0045 i

I 1.566e+01 0.0318 1

0.0322 1

3.123e+01 5.761e+01 6.480e-06 1.247e-05 6.928e-06 5.398e-08 1.003e-07 6.657e-08 1.245e-07 0.0364


2.096e+01 9.243e-06 3.936e-08 5.252e-08 0.6616 1

0.6938 1

1.357e+03 5.821e-02 1.023e-01 1.128e-04 1.982e-04 2.890e-02 1.318e-06 2.282e-06 2.544e-09 2.838e-05 4.407e-09 4.259e-05


1.1732 1.771e+02 1.771e+02 1.588e-02 2.383e-02 1

1.3325 1.868e-02 2.718e-02 1.533e-01 3.241e-05 1.739e-04 4.715e-05 2.883e-04 (27.94 cm)

Totals 1.837e+03 9.280e-02 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (4 of 5) 0.0045 1

1.566e+01 4.559e-08 4.694e-08 3.125e-08 3.218e-08 0.0318 3.123e+01 5.661 e-06 1.089e-05 6.981 e-06 4.716e-08 5.815e-08 1.088e-07 0.0322 5.761e+01 1.351e-05 8.065e-06 8.764e-08 0.0364 1

2.096e+01 6.047e-06 3.436e-08 4.582e-08 0.6616 1

0.6938 1

1.357e+03 2.890e-02 4.986e-02 1.128e-06 8.666e-02 9.666e-05 1.680e-04 1.934e-06 2.179e-09 3.734e-09 1.1732 1.771e+02 1.356e-02 2.017e-02 2.422e-05 3.604e-05 3.988e-05 1.3325 1.771e+02 1.593e-02 2.299e-02 2.764e-05 Totals 1.837e+03 7.937e-02 1.298e-01 1.487e-04 (5 of 5) 2.442e-04 (30.48 cm)

Sensitivity Variable 3.981e-08 4.944e-06 Y Dose Point 1 0.0045 1.566e+01 4.099e-08 2.729e-08 2.809e-08 I

0.0318 3.123e+01 6.096e-06 4.118e-08 5.078e-08 0.0322 5.761 e+01 9.510e-06 1.180e-05 7.653e-08 2.999e-08 9.496e-08 3.998e-08 0.0364 2.096e+01 1.357e+03 2.890e-02 5.278e-06 4.294e-02 9.718e-07 7.037e-06 7.410e-02 1.653e-06 0.6616 0.6938 8.325e-05 1.876e-09 1.436e-04 3.192e-09

Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 34 of 48 1.1732 1.3325 Totals 1.771e+02 1.165e-02 1.368e-02 1.723e-02 1.963e-02 2.081e-05 2.373e-05 3.079e-05 3.406e-05 1.7' 1.82 rle+02 (7e+03 6.829e-02 1.110e-01 1.280e-04 2.087e-04 Sensitivity Analysis Summary - Y Dose Point 1 Dose Point # Sensitivity (1 of 5)

Sensitivity Dimension Fluence Rate MeV/cm7sec No Buildup Fluence Rate MeV/cm2/sec With Buildup Exposure Rate mR/hr No Buildup Exposure Rate mR/hr With Buildup (20.32 cm) 1.290e-01 2.206e-01 2.416e-04 1

4.146e-04 (2 of 5)

(22.86 cm) 1.091e-01 1.828e-01 1.533e-01 1.298e-01 2.044e-04 3.437e-04 (3 of 5)

(25.4 cm) 9.280e-02 7.937e-02 1.739e-04 2.883e-04 (4 of 5)

(5 of 5)

(27.94 cm)

(30.48 cm) 1.487e-04 1.280e-04 2.442e-04 2.087e-04 6.829e-02 1.110e-01

Omaha Public Power District FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 35 of 48 Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity.3 Scan MDC for Various Nuclide Fractions of Co-60 and Cs-137 Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 100% Co-60 1.0 pCi/g Scan Rate 0.5 m/s d' 1.38 Detector end-cap 2.0" above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (7.62cm)

Detectable Detectable nR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 1.0


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MUUKsurveyor HR/h l!R/h Total uR/h

@ 7.62 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 1.11E+00 0.00E+00 1.11 E+00 1.072 1.0 2.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 1.57E+00 0.00E+00 1.57E+00 1.072 1.47 4.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 2.22E+00 0.00E+00 2.22E+00 1.072 2.07 6.00E+03 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 2.72E+00 0.00E+00 2.72E+00 1.072 2.54 8.00E+03 1.33E+02 9.56E+02 1.35E+03 3.14E+00 0.00E+00 3.14E+00 1.072 2.93 1.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 3.52E+00 0.00E+00 3.52E+00 1.072 3.28 1.20E+04 2.00E+02 1.17E+03 1.66E+03 3.85E+00 0.00E+00 3.85E+00 1.072 3.59 1.40E+04 2.33E+02 1.26E+03 1.79E+03 4.16E+00 0.00E+00 4.16E+00 1.072 3.88 1.80E+04 3.00E+02 1.43E+03 2.03E+03 4.72E+00 0.00E+00 4.72E+00 1.072 4.40 2.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 4.97E+00 0.00E+00 4.97E+00 1.072 4.64 4.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 7.03E+00 0.00E+00 7.03E+00 1.072 6.56 6.00E+04 1.00E+03 2.62E+03 3.70E+03 8.61 E+00 0.00E+00 8.61 E+00 1.072 8.03 8.00E+04 1.33E+03 3.02E+03 4.28E+03 9.94E+00 0.00E+00 9.94E+00 1.072 9.28 1.00E+05 1.67E+03 3.38E+03 4.78E+03 1.11E+01 0.00E+00 1.11E+01 1.072 10.37 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 oo 10.0

'O Q.

8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.0E+00 Co-60 100% Scan Speed 0.5 m/s MDC (in pCi/g) as a Function of Background 5.01 trorrl end-cap

-3 2 trfn jrrrei id-ca P Tom snd- :ap y.^^?


2.0E+04 4.0E+04 6.0E+04 Background (cpm) 8.0E+04 1.0E+05


Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 36 of 48 Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 100% Co-60 1.0 pCi/g Scan Rate 0.5 m/s d' 1.38 Detector end-cap 3.0" above Soil Surface (5 Detectable Detector Centerline (10.16cm)

Detectable (iR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 44-10 Bkg cpm 1.00E+03 Counts per 1.0 second 1.67E+01 MDCR 3.38E+02 cpm/uR/h


M UL. Ksun/eyor 4.78E+02 Exp. Rate 430 Co-60 uR/h 1.11E+00 Exp. Rate 940 Cs-137 uR/h 0.00E+00 Detectable Exp. Rate Total uR/h 1.11E+00 Microshield Results

@ 10.16 cm 0.8975 Scan MDC pCi/g 1.2 2.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 1.57E+00 0.00E+00 1.57E+00 0.8975 1.75 4.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 2.22E+00 0.00E+00 2.22E+00 0.8975 2.48 6.00E+03 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 2.72E+00 0.00E+00 2.72E+00 0.8975 3.03 8.00E+03 1.33E+02 9.56E+02 1.35E+03 3.14E+00 0.00E+00 3.14E+00 0.8975 3.50 1.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 3.52E+00 0.00E+00 3.52E+00 0.8975 3.92 1.20E+04 2.00E+02 1.17E+03 1.66E+03 3.85E+00 0.00E+00 3.85E+00 0.8975 4.29 1.40E+04 2.33E+02 1.26E+03 1.79E+03 4.16E+00 0.00E+00 4.16E+00 0.8975 4.63 1.80E+04 3.00E+02 1.43E+03 2.03E+03 4.72E+00 0.00E+00 4.72E+00 0.8975 5.26 2.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51E+03 2.14E+03 4.97E+00 0.00E+00 4.97E+00 0.8975 5.54 4.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 7.03E+00 0.00E+00 7.03E+00 0.8975 7.83 6.00E+04 1.00E+03 2.62E+03 3.70E+03 8.61 E+00 0.00E+00 8.61 E+00 0.8975 9.59 8.00E+04 1.33E+03 3.02E+03 4.28E+03 9.94E+00 0.00E+00 9.94E+00 0.8975 11.08 1.00E+05 1.67E+03 3.38E+03 4.78E+03 1.11 E+01 0.00E+00 1.11 E+01 0.8975 12.39 Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 100% Co-60 1.0 pCi/g Scan Rate 0.5 m/s d' 1.38 Detector end-cap 5.0" above Soil Surface @

Detectable Detector Centerline (15.24cm)

Detectable uR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 1.0


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MDCKsurveyor uR/h uR/h Total uR/h

@ 15.24 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 1.11E+00 0.00E+00 1.11 E+00 0.6485 1.7 2.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 1.57E+00 0.00E+00 1.57E+00 0.6485 2.42 4.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 2.22E+00 0.00E+00 2.22E+00 0.6485 3.43 6.00E+03 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 2.72E+00 0.00E+00 2.72E+00 0.6485 4.20 8.00E+03 1.33E+02 9.56E+02 1.35E+03 3.14E+00 0.00E+00 3.14E+00 0.6485 4.85 1.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 3.52E+00 0.00E+00 3.52E+00 0.6485 5.42 1.20E+04 2.00E+02 1.17E+03 1.66E+03 3.85E+00 0.00E+00 3.85E+00 0.6485 5.94 1.40E+04 2.33E+02 1.26E+03 1.79E+03 4.16E+00 0.00E+00 4.16E+00 0.6485 6.41 1.80E+04 3.00E+02 1.43E+03 2.03E+03 4.72E+00 0.00E+00 4.72E+00 0.6485 7.27 2.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51E+03 2.14E+03 4.97E+00 0.00E+00 4.97E+00 0.6485 7.67 4.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 7.03E+00 0.00E+00 7.03E+00 0.6485 10.84 6.00E+04 1.00E+03 2.62E+03 3.70E+03 8.61 E+00 0.00E+00 8.61 E+00 0.6485 13.28 8.00E+04 1.33E+03 3.02E+03 4.28E+03 9.94E+00 0.00E+00 9.94E+00 0.6485 15.33 1.00E+05 1.67E+03 3.38E+03 4.78E+03 1.11E+01 0.00E+00 1.11 E+01 0.6485 17.14

  • 9$r Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 100% Cs-137 1.0 pCi/g d' = 1.38 Scan Speed = 0.5 m/s Detector end-cap 2.0" above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (7.62cm)

Area of interest = 50 cm dia.; d' = 1.38 FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 37 of 48 Detectable Detectable uR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 1.0


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MDCRsurveyor uR/h uR/h Total uR/h

@ 7.62 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 0.00E+00 5.09E-01 5.09E-01 0.2628 1.9 2.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 0.00E+00 7.19E-01 7.19E-01 0.2628 2.74 4.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 0.00E+00 1.02E+00 1.02E+00 0.2628 3.87 6.00E+03 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 0.00E+00 1.25E+00 1.25E+00 0.2628 4.74 8.00E+03 1.33E+02 9.56E+02 1.35E+03 O.OOE+00 1.44E+00 1.44E+00 0.2628 5.47 1.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 0.00E+00 1.61 E+00 1.61 E+00 0.2628 6.12 1.20E+04 2.00E+02 1.17E+03 1.66E+03 0.00E+00 1.76E+00 1.76E+00 0.2628 6.70 1.40E+04 2.33E+02 1.26E+03 1.79E+03 0.00E+00 1.90E+00 1.90E+00 0.2628 7.24 1.80E+04 3.00E+02 1.43E+03 2.03E+03 0.00E+00 2.16E+00 2.16E+00 0.2628 8.21 2.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51E+03 2.14E+03 0.00E+00 2.27E+00 2.27E+00 0.2628 8.65 4.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 0.00E+00 3.22E+00 3.22E+00 0.2628 12.24 6.00E+04 1.00E+03 2.62E+03 3.70E+03 0.00E+00 3.94E+00 3.94E+00 0.2628 14.99 8.00E+04 1.33E+03 3.02E+03 4.28E+03 0.00E+00 4.55E+00 4.55E+00 0.2628 17.31 1.00E+05 1.67E+03 3.38E+03 4.78E+03 0.00E+00 5.09E+00 5.09E+00 0.2628 19.35 32.0 30.0 28.0 26.0 24.0 22.0 20.0 M 18.0

$ 16.0

o. 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.0E Cs-137 100% Scan Speed 0.5 m/s MDC (in pCi/g) as a Function of Background I


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+00 2.0E+04 4.0E+04 6.0E+04 8.0E+04 1.0E Background cpm


Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 100% Cs-137 1.0 pCi/g d' = 1.38 Scan Speed = 0.5 m/s Detector end-cap 3.0" above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (10.16cm)

FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 38 of 48 Detectable Detectable uR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 1.0


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MDCJRsurveyor uR/h uR/h Total uR/h

@ 10.16 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 0.00E+00 5.09E-01 5.09E-01 0.2206 2.3 2.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 0.00E+00 7.19E-01 7.19E-01 0.2206 3.26 4.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 0.00E+00 1.02E+00 1.02E+00 0.2206 4.61 6.00E+03 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 0.00E+00 1.25E+00 1.25E+00 0.2206 5.65 8.00E+03 1.33E+02 9.56E+02 1.35E+03 0.00E+00 1.44E+00 1.44E+00 0.2206 6.52 1.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51E+03 0.00E+00 1.61 E+00 1.61 E+00 0.2206 7.29 1.20E+04 2.00E+02 1.17E+03 1.66E+03 0.00E+00 1.76E+00 1.76E+00 0.2206 7.99 1.40E+04 2.33E+02 1.26E+03 1.79E+03 0.00E+00 1.90E+00 1.90E+00 0.2206 8.63 1.80E+04 3.00E+02 1.43E+03 2.03E+03 0.00E+OO 2.16E+00 2.16E+00 0.2206 9.78 2.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 0.00E+00 2.27E+00 2.27E+00 0.2206 10.31 4.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 0.00E+00 3.22E+00 3.22E+00 0.2206 14.58 6.00E+04 1.00E+03 2.62E+03 3.70E+03 0.00E+00 3.94E+00 3.94E+00 0.2206 17.86 8.00E+04 1.33E+03 3.02E+03 4.28E+03 0.00E+00 4.55E+00 4.55E+00 0.2206 20.62 1.00E+05 1.67E+03 3.38E+03 4.78E+03 0.00E+00 5.09E+00 5.09E+00 0.2206 23.05 Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 100% Cs-137 1.0 pCi/g d' = 1.38 Scan Speed = 0.5 m/s Dete :tor end-cap 5.0" above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (15.24 ;m)

Detectable Detectable uR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 1.0


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MDCRsurveyor uR/h uR/h Total uR/h

@ 15.24 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 0.00E+00 5.09E-01 5.09E-01 0.1598 3.2 2.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 0.00E+00 7.19E-01 7.19E-01 0.1598 4.50 4.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 0.00E+00 1.02E+00 1.02E+00 0.1598 6.36 6.00E+03 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 0.00E+00 1.25E+00 1.25E+00 0.1598 7.80 8.00E+03 1.33E+02 9.56E+02 1.35E+03 O.OOE+00 1.44E+00 1.44E+00 0.1598 9.00 1.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 0.00E+00 1.61 E+00 1.61 E+00 0.1598 10.06 1.20E+04 2.00E+02 1.17E+03 1.66E+03 0.00E+00 1.76E+00 1.76E+00 0.1598 11.02 1.40E+04 2.33E+02 1.26E+03 1.79E+03 0.00E+00 1.90E+00 1.90E+00 0.1598 11.91 1.80E+04 3.00E+02 1.43E+03 2.03E+03 0.00E+00 2.16E+00 2.16E+00 0.1598 13.50 2.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 0.00E+00 2.27E+00 2.27E+00 0.1598 14.23 4.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 0.00E+00 3.22E+00 3.22E+00 0.1598 20.13 6.00E+04 1.00E+03 2.62E+03 3.70E+03 0.00E+00 3.94E+00 3.94E+00 0.1598 24.65 8.00E+04 1.33E+03 3.02E+03 4.28E+03 0.00E+00 4.55E+00 4.55E+00 0.1598 28.46 1.00E+05 1.67E+03 3.38E+03 4.78E+03 0.00E+00 5.09E+00 5.09E+00 0.1598 31.82


Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 100% Cs-137 1.0 pCi/g Scan Rate = 0.25 m/s d' = 1.38 Detector end-cap 2.0" above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (7.62 cm)

FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 39 of 48 Detectable Detectable UR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 0.5


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MDCRgurveyor UR/h uR/h Total uR/h

@ 7.62 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 8.33E+00 2.39E+02 3.38E+02 0.00E+00 3.60E-01 3.60E-01 0.2628 1.4 2.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 0.00E+00 5.09E-01 5.09E-01 0.2628 1.94 4.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 0.00E+00 7.19E-01 7.19E-01 0.2628 2.74 6.00E+03 5.00E+01 5.85E+02 8.28E+02 0.00E+00 8.81 E-01 8.81 E-01 0.2628 3.35 8.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 0.00E+00 1.02E+00 1.02E+00 0.2628 3.87 1.00E+04 8.33E+01 7.56E+02 1.07E+03 0.00E+00 1.14E+00 1.14E+00 0.2628 4.33 1.20E+04 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 0.00E+00 1.25E+00 1.25E+00 0.2628 4.74 1.40E+04 1.17E+02 8.94E+02 1.26E+03 0.00E+00 1.35E+00 1.35E+00 0.2628 5.12 1.80E+04 1.50E+02 1.01 E+03 1.43E+03 0.00E+00 1.53E+00 1.53E+00 0.2628 5.81 2.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51E+03 O.OOE+00 1.61 E+00 1.61 E+00 0.2628 6.12 4.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51E+03 2.14E+03 0.00E+00 2.27E+00 2.27E+00 0.2628 8.65 6.00E+04 5.00E+02 1.85E+03 2.62E+03 0.00E+00 2.79E+00 2.79E+00 0.2628 10.60 8.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 0.00E+00 3.22E+00 3.22E+00 0.2628 12.24 1.00E+05 8.33E+02 2.39E+03 3.38E+03 0.00E+00 3.60E+00 3.60E+00 0.2628 13.68 24.0 22.0 20.0 18.0 16.0 a.14-0 G 12.0 tt 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 Cs-137 100% Scan Speed 0.25 m/s MDC (in pCi/g) as a Function of Background


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Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 40 of 48 Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 100% Cs-137 1.0 pCi/g Scan Rate =i 0.25 m/s d' = 1.38 Detector end-cap 3.0" above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (10.16cm)

Detectable Detectable UR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 0.5


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MDCRsurveyor uR/h uR/h Total uR/h

@ 10.16 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 8.33E+00 2.39E+02 3.38E+02 0.00E+00 3.60E-01 3.60E-01 0.2206 1.6 2.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 0.00E+00 5.09E-01 5.09E-01 0.2206 2.31 4.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 0.00E+00 7.19E-01 7.19E-01 0.2206 3.26 6.00E+03 5.00E+01 5.85E+02 8.28E+02 0.00E+00 8.81E-01 8.81 E-01 0.2206 3.99 8.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 0.00E+00 1.02E+00 1.02E+00 0.2206 4.61 1.00E+04 8.33E+01 7.56E+02 1.07E+03 0.00E+00 1.14E+00 1.14E+00 0.2206 5.15 1.20E+04 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 0.00E+00 1.25E+00 1.25E+00 0.2206 5.65 1.40E+04 1.17E+02 8.94E+02 1.26E+03 0.00E+00 1.35E+00 1.35E+00 0.2206 6.10 1.80E+04 1.50E+02 1.01 E+03 1.43E+03 0.00E+00 1.53E+00 1.53E+00 0.2206 6.92 2.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51E+03 0.00E+00 1.61 E+00 1.61 E+00 0.2206 7.29 4.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 0.00E+00 2.27E+00 2.27E+00 0.2206 10.31 6.00E+04 5.00E+02 1.85E+03 2.62E+03 0.00E+00 2.79E+00 2.79E+00 0.2206 12.63 8.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 0.00E+00 3.22E+00 3.22E+00 0.2206 14.58 1.00E+05 8.33E+02 2.39E+03 3.38E+03 0.00E+00 3.60E+00 3.60E+00 0.2206 16.30 12/8/2011 44-10 Bkg cpm 1.00E+03 2.00E+03 4.00E+03 6.00E+03 8.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.20E+04 1.40E+04 1.80E+04 2.00E+04 4.00E+04 6.00E+04 8.00E+04 1.00E+05 Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-100% Cs-137 1.0 pCi/g Scan Rate Detector end-cap 5.0" above Soil Surface @

Detectable Exp. Rate Counts per 0.5 second 8.33E+00 1.67E+01 3.33E+01 5.00E+01 6.67E+01 8.33E+01 1.00E+02 1.17E+02 1.50E+02 1.67E+02 3.33E+02 5.00E+02 6.67E+02 8.33E+02 MDCR 2.39E+02 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 5.85E+02 6.76E+02 7.56E+02 8.28E+02 8.94E+02 1.01 E+03 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 1.85E+03 2.14E+03 2.39E+03 cpm/uR/h


MDCRsurveyo 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 8.28E+02 9.56E+02 1.07E+03 1.17E+03 1.26E+03 1.43E+03 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 2.62E+03 3.02E+03 3.38E+03 430 Co-60 HR/h 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 10 Nal Detector

= 0.25 m/s d' = 1.38 Detector Centerline (12.7cm)

Detectable Exp. Rate 940 Cs-137 UR/h 3.60E-01 5.09E-01 7.19E-01 8.81 E-01 1.02E+00 1.14E+00 1.25E+00 1.35E+00 1.53E+00 1.61 E+00 2.27E+00 2.79E+00 3.22E+00 3.60E+00 Detectable Exp. Rate Total uR/h 3.60E-01 5.09E-01 7.19E-01 8.81 E-01 1.02E+00 1.14E+00 1.25E+00 1.35E+00 1.53E+00 1.61 E+00 2.27E+00 2.79E+00 3.22E+00 3.60E+00 uR/h/pCi/g Microshield Results

@ 15.24 cm 0.1598 0.1598 0.1598 0.1598 0.1598 0.1598 0.1598 0.1598 0.1598 0.1598 0.1598 0.1598 0.1598 0.1598 Scan MDC pCi/g 2.3 3.18 4.50 5.51 6.36 7.12 7.80 8.42 9.55 10.06 14.23 17.43 20.13 22.50

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Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 41 of 48 Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 95% Cs-137, 5% Co-60 1.0 pCi/g d' =1.38 Scan Speed 0.5 m/s Detector end-cap 2.0" above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (7.62 cm)

Detectable Detectable uR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 1.0


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MDCRsurveyor UR/h UR/h Total uR/h

@ 7.62 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 5.56E-02 4.83E-01 5.39E-01 0.3033 1.8 2.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 7.86E-02 6.83E-01 7.62E-01 0.3033 2.51 4.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 1.11E-01 9.66E-01 1.08E+00 0.3033 3.55 6.00E+03 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 1.36E-01 1.18E+00 1.32E+00 0.3033 4.35 8.00E+03 1.33E+02 9.56E+02 1.35E+03 1.57E-01 1.37E+00 1.52E+00 0.3033 5.02 1.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 1.76E-01 1.53E+00 1.70E+00 0.3033 5.62 1.20E+04 2.00E+02 1.17E+03 1.66E+03 1.93E-01 1.67E+00 1.87E+00 0.3033 6.15 1.40E+04 2.33E+02 1.26E+03 1.79E+03 2.08E-01 1.81 E+00 2.02E+00 0.3033 6.65 1.80E+04 3.00E+02 1.43E+03 2.03E+03 2.36E-01 2.05E+00 2.29E+00 0.3033 7.54 2.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 2.49E-01 2.16E+00 2.41 E+00 0.3033 7.94 4.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 3.52E-01 3.06E+00 3.41 E+00 0.3033 11.23 6.00E+04 1.00E+03 2.62E+03 3.70E+03 4.31 E-01 3.74E+00 4.17E+00 0.3033 13.76 8.00E+04 1.33E+03 3.02E+03 4.28E+03 4.97E-01 4.32E+00 4.82E+00 0.3033 15.89 1.00E+05 1.67E+03 3.38E+03 4.78E+03 5.56E-01 4.83E+00 5.39E+00 0.3033 17.76 34 0 Cs-137 95% Co-60 5% Scan Speed 0.5 m/s MDC (in pCi/g) as a Function of Background 32.0 30.0 28.0 26.0 24.0 22.0 20.0

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+00 2.0E +04 4.0E 1

+04 Sack gro 6.0E+04 8.0E+04 jnd cpm 1.0E +05

Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 42 of 48 Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 95% Cs-137, 5% Co-60 1.0 pCi/g d' =1.38 Scan Speed 0.5 m/s Detector end-cap 3.0" above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (10.16 i:m) 12/8/2011 44-10 Bkg cpm 1.00E+03 Counts per 1.0 second 1.67E+01 MDCR 3.38E+02 cpm/uR/h


MDCKsutveyor 4.78E+02 Detectable Exp. Rate 430 Co-60 (iR/h 5.56E-02 Detectable Exp. Rate 940 Cs-137 uR/h 4.83E-01 Detectable Exp. Rate Total uR/h 5.39E-01 UR/h/pCi/g Microshield Results

@10.16 cm 0.2544 Scan MDC pCi/g 2.1 2.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 7.86E-02 6.83E-01 7.62E-01 0.2544 2.99 4.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 1.11 E-01 9.66E-01 1.08E+00 0.2544 4.24 6.00E+03 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 1.36E-01 1.18E+00 1.32E+00 0.2544 5.19 8.00E+03 1.33E+02 9.56E+02 1.35E+03 1.57E-01 1.37E+00 1.52E+00 0.2544 5.99 1.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 1.76E-01 1.53E+00 1.70E+00 0.2544 6.70 1.20E+04 2.00E+02 1.17E+03 1.66E+03 1.93E-01 1.67E+00 1.87E+00 0.2544 7.34 1.40E+04 2.33E+02 1.26E+03 1.79E+03 2.08E-01 1.81 E+00 2.02E+00 0.2544 7.92 1.80E+04 3.00E+02 1.43E+03 2.03E+03 2.36E-01 2.05E+00 2.29E+00 0.2544 8.98 2.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 2.49E-01 2.16E+00 2.41 E+00 0.2544 9.47 4.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 3.52E-01 3.06E+00 3.41 E+00 0.2544 13.39 6.00E+04 1.00E+03 2.62E+03 3.70E+03 4.31 E-01 3.74E+00 4.17E+00 0.2544 16.40 8.00E+04 1.33E+03 3.02E+03 4.28E+03 4.97E-01 4.32E+00 4.82E+00 0.2544 18.94 1.00E+05 1.67E+03 3.38E+03 4.78E+03 5.56E-01 4.83E+00 5.39E+00 0.2544 21.18 Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 95% Cs-137, 5% Co-60 1.0 pCi/g d" =1.38 Scan Speed 0.5 m/s Detector end-cap 5.0" above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (15.24 i:m)

Detectable Detectable uR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 1.0


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MDCKsutveyor UR/h uR/h Total uR/h

@ 15.24 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 5.56E-02 4.83E-01 5.39E-01 0.1843 2.9 2.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 7.86E-02 6.83E-01 7.62E-01 0.1843 4.13 4.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 1.11 E-01 9.66E-01 1.08E+00 0.1843 5.85 6.00E+03 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 1.36E-01 1.18E+00 1.32E+00 0.1843 7.16 8.00E+03 1.33E+02 9.56E+02 1.35E+03 1.57E-01 1.37E+00 1.52E+00 0.1843 8.27 1.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 1.76E-01 1.53E+00 1.70E+00 0.1843 9.24 1.20E+04 2.00E+02 1.17E+03 1.66E+03 1.93E-01 1.67E+00 1.87E+00 0.1843 10.13 1.40E+04 2.33E+02 1.26E+03 1.79E+03 2.08E-01 1.81 E+00 2.02E+00 0.1843 10.94 1.80E+04 3.00E+02 1.43E+03 2.03E+03 2.36E-01 2.05E+00 2.29E+00 0.1843 12.40 2.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 2.49E-01 2.16E+00 2.41 E+00 0.1843 13.07 4.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 3.52E-01 3.06E+00 3.41 E+00 0.1843 18.49 6.00E+04 1.00E+03 2.62E+03 3.70E+03 4.31 E-01 3.74E+00 4.17E+00 0.1843 22.64 8.00E+04 1.33E+03 3.02E+03 4.28E+03 4.97E-01 4.32E+00 4.82E+00 0.1843 26.14 1.00E+05 1.67E+03 3.38E+03 4.78E+03 5.56E-01 4.83E+00 5.39E+00 0.1843 29.23


Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 90% Cs-137,10% Co-60 1.0 pCi/g d' = 1.38 Scan Speed 0.5 m/s FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 43 of 48 Detector end-cap 2.0" above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (7.62 cm)

Detectable Detectable UR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 1.0


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MDCKsurveyor UR/h uR/h Total uR/h

@ 7.62 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 1.11E-01 4.58E-01 5.69E-01 0.3437 1.7 2.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 1.57E-01 6.47E-01 8.05E-01 0.3437 2.34 4.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 2.22E-01 9.15E-01 1.14E+00 0.3437 3.31 6.00E+03 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 2.72E-01 1.12E+00 1.39E+00 0.3437 4.05 8.00E+03 1.33E+02 9.56E+02 1.35E+03 3.14E-01 1.29E+00 1.61 E+00 0.3437 4.68 1.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 3.52E-01 1.45E+00 1.80E+00 0.3437 5.23 1.20E+04 2.00E+02 1.17E+03 1.66E+03 3.85E-01 1.59E+00 1.97E+00 0.3437 5.73 1.40E+04 2.33E+02 1.26E+03 1.79E+03 4.16E-01 1.71 E+00 2.13E+00 0.3437 6.19 1.80E+04 3.00E+02 1.43E+03 2.03E+03 4.72E-01 1.94E+00 2.41 E+00 0.3437 7.02 2.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 4.97E-01 2.05E+00 2.54E+00 0.3437 7.40 4.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 7.03E-01 2.89E+00 3.60E+00 0.3437 10.47 6.00E+04 1.00E+03 2.62E+03 3.70E+03 8.61 E-01 3.55E+00 4.41 E+00 0.3437 12.82 8.00E+04 1.33E+03 3.02E+03 4.28E+03 9.94E-01 4.09E+00 5.09E+00 0.3437 14.80 1.00E+05 1.67E+03 3.38E+03 4.78E+03 1.11 E+00 4.58E+00 5.69E+00 0.3437 16.55 I.0E+00 Cs-137 90% Co-60 10% Scan Speed 0.5 m/s MDC (in pCi/g) as a Function of Background 2.0E+04 4.0E+04 6.0E+04 Background cpm frem-end 8.0E+04 1.0E+05

  • $*y Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 90% Cs-137, 10% Co-60 1.0 pCi/g d' = 1.38 Scan Speed 0.5 m/s FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 44 of 48 Detector end-cap 3.0" above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (10.16 <:m)

Detectable Detectable uR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 1.0


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MDCRsurVeyot UR/h UR/h Total jiR/h

@ 10.16 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 1.11 E-01 4.58E-01 5.69E-01 0.2883 2.0 2.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 1.57E-01 6.47E-01 8.05E-01 0.2883 2.79 4.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 2.22E-01 9.15E-01 1.14E+00 0.2883 3.95 6.00E+03 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 2.72E-01 1.12E+00 1.39E+00 0.2883 4.83 8.00E+03 1.33E+02 9.56E+02 1.35E+03 3.14E-01 1.29E+00 1.61 E+00 0.2883 5.58 1.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 3.52E-01 1.45E+00 1.80E+00 0.2883 6.24 1.20E+04 2.00E+02 1.17E+03 1.66E+03 3.85E-01 1.59E+00 1.97E+00 0.2883 6.84 1.40E+04 2.33E+02 1.26E+03 1.79E+03 4.16E-01 1.71 E+00 2.13E+00 0.2883 7.38 1.80E+04 3.00E+02 1.43E+03 2.03E+03 4.72E-01 1.94E+00 2.41 E+00 0.2883 8.37 2.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 4.97E-01 2.05E+00 2.54E+00 0.2883 8.82 4.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 7.03E-01 2.89E+00 3.60E+00 0.2883 12.48 6.00E+04 1.00E+03 2.62E+03 3.70E+03 8.61 E-01 3.55E+00 4.41 E+00 0.2883 15.28 8.00E+04 1.33E+03 3.02E+03 4.28E+03 9.94E-01 4.09E+00 5.09E+00 0.2883 17.65 1.00E+05 1.67E+03 3.38E+03 4.78E+03 1.11 E+00 4.58E+00 5.69E+00 0.2883 19.73 Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 90% Cs-137,10% Co-60 1.0 pCi/g d' = 1.38 Scan Speed 0.5 m/s Detector end-cap 5.0" above Soil Surface @

Detectable Detector Centerline (15.24cm)

Detectable uR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 1.0


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR M Ut>> KSUTVeyor (iR/h UR/h Total uR/h

@ 15.24 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 1.11E-01 4.58E-01 5.69E-01 0.2087 2.7 2.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 1.57E-01 6.47E-01 8.05E-01 0.2087 3.85 4.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 2.22E-01 9.15E-01 1.14E+00 0.2087 5.45 6.00E+03 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 2.72E-01 1.12E+00 1.39E+00 0.2087 6.68 8.00E+03 1.33E+02 9.56E+02 1.35E+03 3.14E-01 1.29E+00 1.61 E+00 0.2087 7.71 1.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 3.52E-01 1.45E+00 1.80E+00 0.2087 8.62 1.20E+04 2.00E+02 1.17E+03 1.66E+03 3.85E-01 1.59E+00 1.97E+00 0.2087 9.44 1.40E+04 2.33E+02 1.26E+03 1.79E+03 4.16E-01 1.71 E+00 2.13E+00 0.2087 10.20 1.80E+04 3.00E+02 1.43E+03 2.03E+03 4.72E-01 1.94E+00 2.41 E+00 0.2087 11.56 2.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 4.97E-01 2.05E+00 2.54E+00 0.2087 12.19 4.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 7.03E-01 2.89E+00 3.60E+00 0.2087 17.24 6.00E+04 1.00E+03 2.62E+03 3.70E+03 8.61 E-01 3.55E+00 4.41 E+00 0.2087 21.11 8.00E+04 1.33E+03 3.02E+03 4.28E+03 9.94E-01 4.09E+00 5.09E+00 0.2087 24.38 1 00E+05 1.67E+03 3.38E+03 4.78E+03 1.11E+00 4.58E+00 5.69E+00 0.2087 27.26

^IBIHaL^^ ****>>

Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 45 of 48 Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 90% Cs-137, 10% Co-60 1.0 pCi/g d' = 1.38 Scan Speed 0.25 m/s Detector end-cap 2.0" above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (7.62 cm)

Detectable Detectable uR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 0.5


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MDCRsurveyor UR/h uR/h Total uR/h

@ 7.62 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 8.33E+00 2.39E+02 3.38E+02 7.86E-02 3.24E-01 4.02E-01 0.3437 1.2 2.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 1.11 E-01 4.58E-01 5.69E-01 0.3437 1.66 4.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 1.57E-01 6.47E-01 8.05E-01 0.3437 2.34 8.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 2.22E-01 9.15E-01 1.14E+00 0.3437 3.31 1.OOE+04 8.33E+01 7.56E+02 1.07E+03 2.49E-01 1.02E+00 1.27E+00 0.3437 3.70 1.20E+04 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 2.72E-01 1.12E+00 1.39E+00 0.3437 4.05 1.40E+04 1.17E+02 8.94E+02 1.26E+03 2.94E-01 1.21 E+00 1.51E+00 0.3437 4.38 1.80E+04 1.50E+02 1.01 E+03 1.43E+03 3.34E-01 1.37E+00 1.71E+00 0.3437 4.97 2.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 3.52E-01 1.45E+00 1.80E+00 0.3437 5.23 4.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 4.97E-01 2.05E+00 2.54E+00 0.3437 7.40 6.00E+04 5.00E+02 1.85E+03 2.62E+03 6.09E-01 2.51 E+00 3.12E+00 0.3437 9.07 8.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 7.03E-01 2.89E+00 3.60E+00 0.3437 10.47 1.00E+05 8.33E+02 2.39E+03 3.38E+03 7.86E-01 3.24E+00 4.02E+00 0.3437 11.70 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 C 10.0 cm u


8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 Cs-137 90% Co-60 10% Scan Speed 0.25 MDC (in pCi/g) as a Function of Background 5 ttWr. >m e nd-c f*-"--


^0 2.i 1"fro nen d-ca 3 3.C "fro n erv J-cai i 0.0E+00 2.0E+04 4.0E+04 6.0E+04 Background cpm 8.0E+04 1.0E+05

riffr UHHU Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44 90% Cs-137,10% Co-60 1.0 pCi/g d' = 1 Detector end-cap 3.0" above Soil Surface @

10 Nal Detector 38 Scan Speed 0.25 m/s Detector Centerline (10.16 cm)

FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 46 of 48 Detectable Detectable UR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 0.5


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MDCRsurveyor uR/h UR/h Total uR/h

@ 10.16 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 8.33E+00 2.39E+02 3.38E+02 7.86E-02 3.24E-01 4.02E-01 0.2883 1.4 2.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 1.11E-01 4.58E-01 5.69E-01 0.2883 1.97 4.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 1.57E-01 6.47E-01 8.05E-01 0.2883 2.79 8.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 2.22E-01 9.15E-01 1.14E+00 0.2883 3.95 1.00E+04 8.33E+01 7.56E+02 1.07E+03 2.49E-01 1.02E+00 1.27E+00 0.2883 4.41 1.20E+04 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 2.72E-01 1.12E+00 1.39E+00 0.2883 4.83 1.40E+04 1.17E+02 8.94E+02 1.26E+03 2.94E-01 1.21 E+00 1.51 E+00 0.2883 5.22 1.80E+04 1.50E+02 1.01 E+03 1.43E+03 3.34E-01 1.37E+00 1.71 E+00 0.2883 5.92 2.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 3.52E-01 1.45E+00 1.80E+00 0.2883 6.24 4.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 4.97E-01 2.05E+00 2.54E+00 0.2883 8.82 6.00E+04 5.00E+02 1.85E+03 2.62E+03 6.09E-01 2.51E+00 3.12E+00 0.2883 10.81 8.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 7.03E-01 2.89E+00 3.60E+00 0.2883 12.48 1.00E+05 8.33E+02 2.39E+03 3.38E+03 7.86E-01 3.24E+00 4.02E+00 0.2883 13.95 Soil Scan MDC For Ludlum 44-10 Nal Detector 90% Cs-137,10% Co-60 1.0 pCi/g d1= 1.38 Detector end-cap 5.0" above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (15.24 cm) Scan Speed 0.25 m/s Detectable Detectable uR/h/pCi/g 12/8/2011 Counts cpm/uR/h Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshield Scan 44-10 Bkg per 0.5


430 Co-60 940 Cs-137 Exp. Rate Results MDC cpm second MDCR MDCRBurvey0r UR/h UR/h Total uR/h

@ 15.24 cm pCi/g 1.00E+03 8.33E+00 2.39E+02 3.38E+02 7.86E-02 3.24E-01 4.02E-01 0.2087 1.9 2.00E+03 1.67E+01 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 1.11 E-01 4.58E-01 5.69E-01 0.2087 2.73 4.00E+03 3.33E+01 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 1.57E-01 6.47E-01 8.05E-01 0.2087 3.85 8.00E+03 6.67E+01 6.76E+02 9.56E+02 2.22E-01 9.15E-01 1.14E+00 0.2087 5.45 1.00E+04 8.33E+01 7.56E+02 1.07E+03 2.49E-01 1.02E+00 1.27E+00 0.2087 6.10 1.20E+04 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 2.72E-01 1.12E+00 1.39E+00 0.2087 6.68 1.40E+04 1.17E+02 8.94E+02 1.26E+03 2.94E-01 1.21 E+00 1.51 E+00 0.2087 7.21 1.80E+04 1.50E+02 1.01 E+03 1.43E+03 3.34E-01 1.37E+00 1.71 E+00 0.2087 8.18 2.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 1.51 E+03 3.52E-01 1.45E+00 1.80E+00 0.2087 8.62 4.00E+04 3.33E+02 1.51 E+03 2.14E+03 4.97E-01 2.05E+00 2.54E+00 0.2087 12.19 6.00E+04 5.00E+02 1.85E+03 2.62E+03 6.09E-01 2.51 E+00 3.12E+00 0.2087 14.93 8.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 7.03E-01 2.89E+00 3.60E+00 0.2087 17.24 1.00E+05 8.33E+02 2.39E+03 3.38E+03 7.86E-01 3.24E+00 4.02E+00 0.2087 19.27

<ti$r Omaha Public Power District Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity FC-19-006 Revision 0 Page 47 of 48.4 Scan MDC Formulas and pCi/g Determination Example The Nal scan MDC utilizes the same formulas and approach as that found in NUREG -1507, Section 6.8.2 and NUREG-1575, Section 6.7 for open land areas. The following formula parameters are provided:

Scan speed:

Area of Interest:

Soil Depth:

Soil Density:

Soil Composition:

Background Count Rate Surveyor Efficiency:

Detector Response (Co-60):

Detector Response (Cs-137)

Index of Sensitivity (d'):


MicroShield iaR/h/pCi/g:

0.25 and 0.5 m/s 50 cm diameter (0.196 m2) results in a scan width of 0.5 m 6.0 inches (15.24 cm) 1.6 g/cm3 Sand (Si02 Si = 46.74%, O = 53.26%)

6.0E+03 cpm 0.5 430 cpm/iaR/h (See Table 1.0 and Attachment 8.1) 940 cpm/laR/h (See Table 1.0 and Attachment 8.1) 1.38 Minimum Detectable Count Rate (cpm)

For varying distances and radionuclide mix (See Table below)

MicroShield'uR/h/pCi/g Values Detector Distance to end cap Inches (cm)

Nuclide Fraction Cs-137 95%

Co-60 5%

Nuclide Fraction Cs-137 90%

Co-60 10%

Nuclide Fraction Cs-137 100%

Nuclide Fraction Co-60 100%

2.0 (5.08) 0.3033 0.3437 0.2628 1.0720 3.0 (7.62) 0.2544 0.2883 0.2206 0.8975 4.0(10.16) 0.2156 0.2442 0.1869 0.7593 5.0(12.7) 0.1843 0.2087 0.1598 0.6485 To determine the MDC the MDCR must be calculated by first determining the minimum detectable number of net source counts in the interval as given by si.

st = d'JFi The value of d' is selected from Table 6.5 of NUREG-1575 based on the required true positive and false positive rates and bt is the number of background counts in the interval. For a background count rate of 6.0E+03 cpm and a scan area of interest 50 cm diameter, a scan rate of 0.5 m/s (resulting in a detector residence time of 1 second) then st (MDCR) is 8.28E+02 cpm as determined below:

DPRff FC-19-006 Omaha Public Power District ReVJSJOn 0 Ludlum Model 44-10 DetectorSensitivity Page 48 of 48 0.5 m scan width v 1 s counts (6.00£ + 03 cpm)

-t- = 100

= bt uR/h cmnrntt, An interval 60 s/m 0.5scan rate 60 5

m 1.38V100 = 13.8 counts f-Is The MDCR is adjusted using the surveyor efficiency (MDCRsurveyor) using the following formula:

MDCR MULKsurveyor r

Where, p is the surveyor efficiency (0.5).

828 cpm

-= = 1,171 cpm = MDCRsurveyor The MDCRsurveyor result is divided by the detector response factor for the radionuclide(s) in order to obtain -p This illustration assumes 100% Cs-137 and the detector response factor is 940 cpm

= 828 cpm = MDCR = st 1.171E + 03 cpm cpm

= 1.246 uR/h

  • WuR/h MicroShield'runs were performed using the physical and survey parameters provided in this attachment to derive the ^ conversion factors relative to nuclide mixture and detector end pCi/g cap distance from the soil surface. The Table in this attachment lists the conversion factors for a mixture of 100% Cs-137 at different soil to detector distances. For a soil surface distance of 5 inches to the detector end cap the conversion factor is 0.1598. Based on the above derived uR/h value of 1.246 the MDC for a detector background of 6,000 cpm is 7.8 pCi/g.



= 7.796 = MDC 0.1598-^

9 pCi/g.3 illustrates the Ludlum Model 44-10 MDC (in pCi/g) for different background values and mixtures of Co-60 and Cs-137.