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Proposed Changes (mark-up) to Palisades Plant - Appendix a Technical Specifications, and Appendix B Environmental Protection Plan Pages
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Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/01/2021
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML21152A108 List:
PNP 2021-005
Download: ML21152A111 (87)


Enclosure Attachment 1 to PNP 2021-005 Proposed Changes (mark-up) to Palisades Plant Renewed Facility Operating License DPR-20, Appendix A Technical Specifications, and Appendix B Environmental Protection Plan Pages 86 pages follow



1. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) having previously made the findings set forth in Operating license No. DPR-20, dated February 21, 1991, has now found that:

A. The application for Renewed Operating license No. DRP-20 complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act),

and the Commission's rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I, and

~ I required notifications to other agencies or bodies have been duly made; B. Constrnction of the Palisades Plant (the facility) has been completed in conformity with Provisional Construction Permit No. CPPR 25 and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Commission, and has been operating under facility operating license since February 21, 1991; C. Actions have been identified and have been or will be taken with respect to:

(1) managing the effects of aging on the functionality of structures and components that have been identified to require review under 10 CFR 54.21 (a)(1) during the period of extended operation, and (2) time-limited aging analyses that have been identified to require review under 10 CFR 54.21 (c), such that there is reasonable assurance that the activities authorized by this renewed operating license will continue to be conducted in accordance with the current licensing basis, as defined in 10 CFR 54.3 for the facility, and that any changes made to the facility's current licensing basis in order to comply with 10 CFR 54.29(a) are in accordance with the Act and the Commission's regulations; Amendment No. ~ . 235

/7 be ma_; _tained D. The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Commission; E. There is reasonable assurance: (i} that the activities authorized by this renewed operating license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii} that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; F. Entergy Nuclear Palisades, LLC (ENP} is financially qualified and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (ENO} is financially and technically qualified to engage in the activities authorized by this renewed opefating license in accordance with the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; G. ENP and ENO have satisfied the applicable provisions of 10 CFR Part 140, "Financial Protection Requirements and Indemnity Agreements" of the Commission's regulations; H. The issuance of this renewed operating license will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; I. After weighing the environmental, economic, technical, and other benefits of the facility against environmental and other costs and considering available alternatives, the issuance of this renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-20, subject to the conditions for protection of the environment set forth herein, is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 (formerly Appendix D to Part 50}, of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied; and J. The receipt, possession, and use of source, byproduct, and special nuclear material as authorized by this renewed opefating license will be in accordance with 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70.

2. Opefating License No. DPR 20, dated Febrnary 21, 1991, as amended, ,,,as s1:.1pefseded in its entifety by Renewed Facility Opefating License No. DPR-20 (pfevio1:.1sly iss1:.1ed to Cons1:.1mera Enefgy Company), is hereby issued to ENP and ENO as follows:

A. This renewed license applies to the Palisades Plant, a pressurized light water moderated and cooled reactor and electrical generating equipment (the facility}. The facility is located in Van Buren County, Michigan, and is described in the Palisades Plant Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, as supplemented and amended, and in the Palisades Plant Environmental Report, as supplemented and amended.

B. Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses:

Renewed License No. DPR-20 Amendment No. 224, 235

(1) Pursuant to ection 104b of the Act, as amended, and 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensing of Producti and Utilization Facilities," (a) ENP to possess and use, and (b) ENO to possess, se aAd opeFate, the facility as a utilization facility at the designated location in Van Buren County, Michigan, in accordance with the procedures and limitation set forth in this license; that was used and are used in the calibration of (2) ENO, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR P s 40 and 70, to reee\Vle;, possess, use source and special nuclear material s reactor fuel, in rdance with the limitations for storage * * , as described in the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, as sup mented and amended*

that were used (3) ENO, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 3 , 40, and 70, to receive, pos ess, sealed use byproduct, source, and special ar material as sealed sources or sources that reactor s , reactor instrumentation, diation monitoring equipment were used for oalibFatioA, an fission detectors in amounts as required; (4) ENO, pu ant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to receive, possess, and u in amounts as required any byproduct, source, or special nuclear ma rial for sample analysis or instrument calibration, or associated with that were used as ciioactive apparatus or components; and (5) ENO, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to possess, but not separate, such byproduct and special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operations of the facility. ~that were I C. This renewed operatiAg license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act; to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below:

~ (1) ENO is authoFized to operate the facility at steady state reaetoF eoFe poweF levels Rot iA e>Eeess of 2566.4 Megawatts theFmal (100 peFeeAt Fated poweF) iA

.-X_X_X__ aeeoFdaAee with the eoAditiOAS specified hereiA.

(2) The Tee

  • I pecifications contained in Appendix A, as revised through Amendment N . ~ . and the Environmental Protection Plan contained in Appendix B are hereby incorporated in the license. ENO shall eet~te the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications and the Environment Protection Plan.

maintain (3) FiFe ProteetioA tj[deleted] I ENO shall implemeAt aAd maiAtaiA iA effect all pro*.-isioAs of the appro..-ed fire proteetioA program that comply with 10 CFR 60.48(a) aAd 10 CFR 50.48(0), as speoified in the license amendment requests dated DeoembeF 12, 2012, No..-ember 1, 2017, No*.-ember 1, 2018, and Maroh 8, 2019, as supplemented by letteFS dated FebFUary 21, 2013, SeptembeF 30, 2013, OetobeF 24, 2013, Renewed License No. DPR-20 Amendment No. ~ . 271

D&Gember 2, 2013, April 2, 2014 , May 7, 2014, J1::1Ae 17, 2014, .4.ygyst 14, 2014 ,

No*Jember 4, 2014, De68mber 16, 2014, JaAY81)' 24, 2016, &Ad May 26, 2019, as appmved iA the safety e*Jal1::1atioA& dated Februaf!)' 27, 2015, Febf!\laf!)' 27, 2016, aAd .4.1::1g1::1st 20, 2019. EixGept *IAlere NRC approwl fer GhaAges or d&lJiatiOAB is req1::1ired by 10 CFR 50.46(6}, aAd pro*Jided AO other regYlatiOA, teGhAiGal speGifiGatioA, liGeAse GOAditioA or req1::1iremeAt *1J01::11d req1::1ire prior NRC appro1Jal, the liGeAsee may make GhaAges to the fire proteGtioA program without prior appro1Jal of the CommissioA if those GhaAges satisfy the provisioA& set felth iA 10 CFR 50.46(a} aAd 10 CFR 50.46(6}, the GhaAge does Rot req1::1ire a GhaAge to a teGhAiGal speGifiGatioA or a liGeAse GOAditioA, aAd the Griteria listed below are satisfied.

Risk IAfermed ChaAaes that May 8e Made Without Prior NRG .6,poro1Jal

.4. risk assessmeAt of ttte GhaAge must demoA&trate that the aGGeptaAGe Griteria bel01i,v are met. The risk aHeHmeAt approaGh, methods, aAd data shall be a668ptable to the NRG aAd shall be appropriate fer the Aat1::1re

&Ad &GOp& of the GhaAge beiAg e1Jal1::1ated; be based OR the as b1::1ilt, as operated, aAd maiAtaiAed plaAt; aAd refleGt the operatiAg 8)Cp&rieA68 at the plaAt. .4.GGeptable methods to assess the risk of the GhaAge may iAGIYde methods that have beeA 1::1sed iA the peer re1Jiewed fire PR.4.

model, methods that hati.'8 beeA approtJed by NRC thro1::1gh a plaAt speGifiG li68A&e ameAdmeAt or NRG appro1Jal of geAeriG methods speGifiGally for 1::1se iA NFPA 605 risk assessmeAts, or methods that haw beeA demoA&trated to bOYAd the risk impaGt.

Prior NRG re1Ji8'J.' aAd appFO'Jal is Rot req1::1ired fer GhaAges that Glearly result iA a deGrease iA risk. The proposed GhaAge must alBO be GOABi&teAt with the defeA&e iA depth philosophy &Ad m1::1st maiAtaiA sl::lff.iGieAt safety ma,giA&. The GhaAge may be implemeAted follO'J.'iAg GompletiOA of the plaAt GhaAge e1Jal1::1ati0A.

Prior NRG re1Ji8'.\I aAd appro*Jal is Rot req1::1ired fer iAdi!Jid1::1al chaAges that res1::1lt iA a risk iAGrease leH thaA 1x10-11year (yr} fer GDF aAd less thaA b10:4/yr fer bE:RF. The proposed GhaAge m1::1&t also be GOA&i&teAt with the defeA&e iA depth philosophy aAd m1::1st maiAtaiA sl::lffiGieAt safety ma,giA&. The GhaAge may be implemeAted followiAg completioA of the plaAt GhaAge eti.*al1::1atioA.

{b} Qth§r ChaAaes that Ma*.* 8e Made Without Prior NRC Appro1Jal ChaAges to NFPA 605, Chapter 3, FYAdameAtal Fire ProteGtioA Program Prior NRG revi8'1.* aAd appro*Jal are Rot req1::1ired fer GhaAges to the NFPA 605, Chapter 3, fuAdameAtal fire proteGtioA program elemeAt& aAd desigA req1::1iremeAts fer whiGh aA eAgiAeeriAg e1Jal1::1atioA demoAstrates that the alternati1Je to ttte Chapter 3 Renewed License No. DPR-20 Amendment No. 265-,, 269

element is functionally equi*1-alent or adequate for the hazard.

The licensee may use an engineering etJaluation to demonstrate that a c;hange to an NFPA 005, Chapter 3, element is functionally equi*}alent to the c;orresponding tec;hnic;al requirement A qualified fire protection engineer shall perform the engineering evaluation and c;onc;lude that the c;hange has not affected the functionality of the c;omponent, system, proc;edure, or physic;al arrangement, using a rele*}ant tec;hnic;al requirement or standard.

The licensee may use an engineering &tJaluation to demonstrate that c;hanges to c;ertain NFP.O. 005, Chapter 3, elements are aooeptable bec;ause the altemati\-18 is "adequate for the hazard." Prior NRC ret.iiew and approval

'..'ould not be required for altematiws to four spec;ific; sedions of NFP.A. 005, Chapter 3, for 'JJhic;h an engineering e-...aluation demonstrates that the altemati*.~e to the Chapter 3 element is adequate for the hazard. A qualified fire protec;tion engineer shall perform the engineering e\~aluation and c;onc;lude that the c;hange has not affected the functionality of the c;omponent, system, proc;edure, or physic;al ammgement, using a rele*.~ant tec;hnic;al requirement or standard. The four spec;ific; sections of NFPA 005, Chapter 3, are as follmtJs:

  • "Fire Alarm and Detec;tion Systems" (Section 3.0);
  • "Automatic; and Manual 'Nater Qased Fire Suppression Systems" (Sec;tion 3.9);
  • "Gaseous Are Suppression Systems" (SeGtion 3.10); and
  • "Passi*}& Fire Protection Features" (Section 3.11).

This bic;ense Condition does not apply to any demonstration of equi\~lenc;y under Section 1.7 of NFP.A. 005.

Fire Protection Program Changes that Ha-...e No More than Minimal Risk lmpac;t Prior NRC ret.~i.,..., and appro*.~al are not required for c;hanges to the licensee's fire protec;tion program that ha\-18 been demonstrated to have no more than a minimal Fisk impact. The licensee may use its sc;reening process as appr8\-18d in the NRC safety e*}aluation dated February 27, 2015, to determine that certain fire protec;tion program c;hanges meet the minimal c;riterion. The lic;ensee shall ensure that fire protec;tion aefense in depth and safety Renewed License No. DPR-20 Amendment No. 2-&4, 265

mar-gins are maintained when ehanges are made to the fire proteetion program.

(G} Transition Lieense Conditions

~ Before aehie\liRg f1;1ll eomplianee with 10 Cf'R 50.40(6}, as speeified by 2, belGt.-J, Fisk iRfoFFRed ehanges to the lieensee's fire proteGtion program may not be made *llitho1;1t pFior NRG re*,.iiew and approval 1;1nless the ehange has been demonstrated to ha\le no more than a minimal Fisk impaGt, as deseFibed in 2. abo*.,e.

2. The lieensee shall implement the modifieations to its faeilily, as deseFibed in Table S 2, "Plant Modifieations Committed," of ENO letter PNP 2019 028 dated May 28, 2019, to eomplete the transition to f1;1ll eomplianee with 10 CFR 50.48(6} before the end of the refueling 01;1tage follGtNiRg the fo1;1rth f1;1II operating eyGle after NRG approval. The lieensee shall maintain appropriate GOmpensatory meas1;1res in plaee 1;1ntil GOmpletion of these modifieations.

The lieensee shall implement the items listed in Table S 3, "Implementation Items," of ENO letter PNP 2014 097 dated No*,.iember 4, 2014, within siK months after NRG approwl, or siK months after a ref1;1eling 01;1tage if in progress at the time of appro*ml with the eKGeptioR of Implementation Items 3 and 8 whieh

[deleted] will be GOmpleted onee the related modifieations are installed and validated in the PRA model.

(4) The follo'.JiRg req1;1irements shall apply to GORtrol rod drive GRD 13 d1;1ring eyele 25:

(a} Performanee of Teehnieal Speeifieations SuF\1eillanee Requirement SR is not required for CRD 13 until the neKt entry into Mode 3.

(b} Seal leakage on GRD 13 shall be repaired prior to entering Mode 2, following the ne>d Mode 3 entry. *

(G} The reaetor shall be shut down if GRD 13 seal leakage eKGeeds 1\\10 gallons per minute.

(5) (deleted] +<:----1Movement of a fuel cask in or over the spent fuel pool is prohibited when irradiated fuel assemblies decayed less than 90 days are in the spent fuel pool.

Renewed License No. DPR-20 Amendment No. i65-, 269

-5b-(6) Develop and maintain strategies for addressing large fires and explosions and that include the following key areas:

a. Fire fighting response strategy with the following elements:
1. Pre-defined coordinated fire response strategy and guidance
2. Assessment of mutual aid fire fighting assets
3. Designated staging areas for equipment and materials
4. Command and control
5. Training of response personnel
b. Operations to mitigate fuel damage considering the following:
1. Protection and use of personnel assets
2. Communications
3. Minimizing fire spread
4. Procedures for implementing integrated fire response strategy
5. Identification of readily-available pre-staged equipment
6. Training on integrated fire response strategy
7. Spent fuel pool mitigation measures
c. Actions to minimize release to include consideration of:
1. Water spray scrubbing
2. Dose to onsite responders (7) Upen implementatien 8f Amendment 230 adepting TSTF 448 A, re'lisien 3, the

. ~* ~** ~-' 1 determinatien 8f centrol roem en'lelepe (CRE) unfiltered air inleakage as required

~ by SR 3.7. 10.4, in accordance with TS 5.5.16.c.(i), the assessment ef CRE habitability as required by Specificatien 5.5.16.c.( ii), and the measurement of CRE pressure as required by Specificatien 5.5.16.d, shall be censideFed met.

Follewing implementatien:

(a) The first per:fGrmance. ef SR, in accordance *.t.iith Specificatien 5.5.16.c.(i), shall be within the specified Frequency ef six years, plus the 18 menth allewance 8f SR 3.0.2, as measured frem June 26, 2007, the date ef the mest recent successful tracer gas test, as stated in the August 16, 2007, letteF respense te Generic better 2003 01 .

(D} The first per:fGrmance ef the periedic assessment 8f CRE habitability, Specificatien 5.5.16.c.(ii), shall be within three years, plus the nine menth allowance ef SR 3.0.2, as measured from June 26, 2007, the date 8f the mest recent successful tracer gas test, as stated in the .A.ugust 16, 2007, letter response te Generic better 2003-01 .

(c) The first per:fGrmance of the periodic measurement 8f CRE pressure, Specific;ation 5.5.16.d, shall be within 18 menths, plus the 138 days all8"1ed by SR 3.0.2, as measured frem July 16, 2007, the date 8f the mest recent succ;essful pressure measurement test.

Renewed License No. DPR-20 Amendment No. 230


-5c-(8) Amendment the implementation of 10 CFR 60.61a in lieu of 10 CFR 60.61.

Renewed License No. DPR-20 Amendment~. 257


D. The faGility has beeR gi:aRted GertaiR e:icemptiORS ft:om AppeRdi:ic J to 10 CFR f!art 50, "f!rimary ReaGtor CoRtaiRmeRt Leakage TestiRg for Water Cooled f!ov.f8r ReaGtors."

This seGtioR GORtaiRS leakage test reqyiremeRts, SGhedYles aRd aGGeptaRGB Griteria for tests of the leak tight iRtegrity of the primary reaGtor GORtaiRmeRt aRd systems aRd GOmpoReRts whiGh peRetrate the GORtaiRmeRt. These eKBmptiORS *.-Jere graRted iR a letter dated OeGember 6, 1909.

These eKBmptiORS graRted pYrsYaRt to 10 CFR 50.12, are by la*.¥, ....~11 Rot preseRt aR IJRdlJe risk to the pYbliG health aRd safety, aRd are GORSisteRt with the oommoR defeRse aRd seGYrity. '.'Vith these eKBmptioRs, the faGility *.'.'ill operate, to the e:icteRt aYthori.zed hereiR, iR GORformity with the appliGatioR, as ameRded, the provisioRs of the AGt, aRd the mies aRd regYlatiORS of the CommissiOR.

E. ENO shall fully implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the Commission-approved physical security, training and qualification, and safeguards contingency plans including amendments made pursuant to provisions of the Miscellaneous Amendments and Search Requirements revisions to 10 CFR 73.55 (51 FR 27817 and 27822) and to the authority of 10 CFR 50.90 and 10 CFR 50.54(p). The combined set of plans, which contains Safeguards Information protected under 10 CFR 73.21, is entitled: "Entergy Nuclear Palisades Nuclear Plant Physical Security Plan."

ENO shall fully implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the Commission-approved cyber security plan (CSP), including changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR 50.90 and 10 CFR 50.54(p). The Palisades CSP was approved by License Amendment No. 243 as supplemented by changes approved by License Amendment Nos. 248, 253, 259, and 264.

F. [deleted]

G. ENP and ENO shall have and maintain financial protection of such type and in such amounts as the Commission shall require in accordance with Section 170 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, to cover public liability claims.

Renewed License No. DPR-20 Amendment No. 2&9, 264


11. The Updated Safety* Analysis Report supplement, as re't'iseel, submitted pursuant te 10 CFR 54.21 fd), shall be included in the next scheduled update te the Updated Safety A11alysis Repo111eqahed by 18 CFR 58.71(e)t4) following the issaance of this renev.1ed operating license. Until that update is eemplete, ENO may make ohaRges te the programs anEI aeti'lities EleseFibeEI iR the s1::1pplemeRt witf:leyt pFier CemmissieR appro\'8I, pl'O't*ided that ENO e*.paluetes sueh ehaRges p1::1rs1::1aRt te the oFiteria set ferth i1118 CFR 58.59 and otherwise complies with the requirements in that seetion.



K. This license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall OMpire et mie:tRight eR March 24, 2031. I' FOR THE NUCLEAR REG JLATORY COMMISSION

- until the Commission notifies IRA/ the licensee in writing that the license is terminated J. E. Dyer, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Permanently Attachments:


1. Appendix A - echnical Specifications
2. Appendix B - Environmental Protection Plan Date of Issuance: January 17, 200:7 XXX XX, 20XX Renewed License No. DPR-20 Amendment No. 224


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS As Amended through Amendment No. 2 Definitions 1.1 1.0 USE AND APPLICATION 1.1 Definitions


The defined terms of this section appear in capitalized type and are applicable throughout these Technical Specifications and Bases.

Term Definition ACTIONS ACTIONS shall be that part of a Specification that prescribes Required Actions to be taken under designated Conditions within specified Completion Times.

A>.!ERAGE DISINTEGRATION E sl:lall l:le tl:le aYeF0!1Je 1,Yei!;!l:lted iR pFoportioR to tl:le ENERGY E soRseRtFatioR of easl:l FadioRuslide iR tl:le pFiFRaf)' soolaRt at tl:le time of saFRpliR!;I) of tl:le suFR of tl:le a1,eFa!1Je l:leta aRd

!;Jamma eReF!;Jies peF disiRte!;JFatioR (iR Me1/) foF isotopes, otl:leF tl:laR iodiRes, witl:l l:lalf li11es > 1e FRiRutes, makiR!;I up at least 06% of tl:le total RORiodiRe asti 11ity iR tl:le soolaRt.

AXl/\,L OFFSET (AO) AO sl:lall l:le tl:le poweF !1JeReFated iR tl:le lo*NeF l:lalf of tl:le soFe less tl:le poweF !1JeReFated iR tl:le uppeF l:lalf of tl:le sore, diYided l:ly tl:le suFR of tl:le poweF !1JeReFated iR tl:le loweF aRd uppeF l:lali;es of tl:le sore (deteFFRiRed usiR!;I tl:le iRsore moRitoFiR!;I system).

AXl/\,L Sl=l/\,PE INDEX (ASI) ASI sl:lall l:le tl:le power !1JeReFated iR tl:le loweF l:lalf of tl:le soFe less tl:le poweF !1JeReFOted iR tl:le uppeF l:lalf of tl:le sore, di*,ided l:ly tl:le SUFR of tl:le poweF !;JeReFated iR tl:le loweF aRd uppeF l:lali;es of tl:le soFe (deteFFRiRed usiR!;I tl:le e>EsoFe moRitoFiR!;I systeFR).

CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLER A CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLER is an individual who complies with provisions of the CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLER training and retraining program required by Specification 5.3.2.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 1.1-1 Amendment No. 2Qa, 266

Definitions 4-:4 1.1 Definitions CHI\NNEL CALIBRATION A CH,t\NNEL CALIBRATION neoessar)', oft;~ ol=l:r:nel o~tl=lall be tl=le adjustR.:ient, as tl=le neoessaf)' range and ao put ~uol=l tl=lat it Fesponds witl=lin paFameteF tl=lat tl=le ol=lannel ouFa_( to known ... alues of tl=le CALIBRATION sl=lall enoo R.:ion1 OFS. T~e CHI\NNEL Fequirnd for ol=lannel OPE:!':~:iT~I de\*1oes in tl=le ol=lannel FUNCTIONAL TEST. n and tl=le CH,t\NNEL TeR.:iperature Deteotor (RTDnnels w1tl=l Resistanoe Calibration of instruR.:ient ol=la .

oonsist of an inplaoe qualitaf*~r tl=lerR.:iooouple sensors R.:iay bel=laYior and normal oalib ~-e assessR.:ient of sensor deYioes in tl=le ol=lannel. ration of tl=le remaining adjustable

\AIR n enewer* a RTD or tl=le replaoed, tl=le nmd re uir mooouf'e sensing element is inolude an inplaoe or:ss ~:l~H, t~NNEL CALIBRATION sl=lall

. ra I0n that GOR.:i sensmg elements ....,itl=l ti=! e reoently installed

_ p a rsensing e s tl=le otl=ler eleR.:ient.

Tl=le f CH,t\NNEL CALIBRATION n ' ' may be p rf

~0 any series of sequential ' over .. 1 .0;)Fmed by means appIng, or total ol=lannel CHANNEL CHECK A CH,t\NNEL CHECK sl=lall be observ~tion, of ol=lannel bel=la\*i=redqu_ahtat1Ye a~sessR.:ient, by determination sl=lall inolude "'R unng_operat1on. Tl=lis tl=le _ol=lannel indication and ~i~t=;~:oss1bl?, ~om_parison of derP.. ed froR.:i independent instr otl=ler md1oat1ons or status saR.:ie paraR.:ieter. uR.:ient ol=lannels measuring tl=le CH,A,NNEL FUNCTION,A,L TEST A CH,A,NNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST sl=lall be:

,A,nalog and bistable ol=l simulated or aotual si:nl~els tl:le in1eotion of a tl:le sensor as practio:bl: ~=~~ t~:. ol=lannel as close to de*..ices in tl=le cl:lannel requi:00;1/ 13 o:ERABILITY, of all OPERABILITY* r o annel Palisades Nuolear Plant ~ AmendR.:ient No. 189

I 1: :=

E tf.

Definitions 1.1 1.1 Definitions LEI\KAGE LEAKAGE st=iall be:

a: ldeRtified LEAKAGE

1. LEI\KAGE, SUSA as tl=iat fFom pump seals OF *1al1*1e paekiRg (e><Sept Primary CoolaRt Pump seal water leakoff), tt=iat is saptured aRd soRdueted to solleetioR systems or a sump or solleetiRg taRk;
2. LEI\KAGE iRt0 tl=ie S0RtaiRmeRt atmospl=iere fFom sourses tl=iat are botl=i speeifisally loeated aRd kR0WR Rot to iRterfere witl=i tl=ie operatioR of leakage detestioR systems aRd Rot to be pressure bouRdary LEAKAGE; aRd
a. Primary CoolaRt System (PCS) LE/\KP,GE tl=irougt=i a Steam GeRerator to tl=ie SesoRdary System (primary to sesoRdary LE'\K/\GE).

Ir. URideRtified LEAKAGE All LEAKP,GE (e><Sept Primary CoolaRt Pump seal leakoff) tl=iat is Rot ideRtified LEAKAGE; Er. Pressure BouRdary LEAKAGE LEAKP,GE (mcsept primary to SOSORdary LEAKP,GE) tt=irougt=i a R0Risolable fault iR aR PCS eompoReRt body, pipe wall, or ***essel wall.

MODE /\ MODE st=iall sorrespoRd to aRy oRe iRslusiYe eombiRatioR of sore reaeti>1ity soRditioR, power leYel, aYerage primary eoolaRt temperature, aRd roaster \1essel t=iead elosure bolt teRsioRiRg speeified iR Table 1.1 1 1.Yitl=i fuel iR tl=ie reaetor YOSSOI.

NON-CERTIFIED OPERATOR A NON-CERTIFIED OPERATOR is a non-licensed operator who complies with the qualification requirements of Specification 5.3.1.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 1.1-4 Amendment No. 2Ga, 266

DefiRitiORS 4:4 1.1 DefiRitiORS OPERABLE OPER/\BILITY A systeFR, s1:1hsysteFR, tFaiR, eoFRpoReRt, or de1, 1ioe shall he OPERABLE or ha11e OPERABILITY 1*1heR it is oapahle of perforFRiRg its speeified safef/ fl:IRetioR(s) aRd wheR all ROOOssary atleRdaRt iRstFl:lfflORtatioR, 60Rtrols, ROFFRal OF eFRergeRey elestrieal power, eooliRg aRd seal water, l1:1hrioatioR, aRd other a1:1>Eiliary eq1:1ipFReRt that are req1:1ired fer the systeFR, s1:1hsysteFR, traiR, ooFRpoReRt, or de11 ioe to perforFR its speeified safety fl:IRstioR(s) are also eapahle of perforFRiRg their related s1:1pport fl:IRetioR(s).

PHYSICS TESTS PHYSICS TESTS shall he those tests perforFRed to FR0as1:1re the fl:IRdaFReRtal R1:1elear eharaeteristies of the roaster eore aRd related iRstr1:1FReRtatioR. These tests are:

a-: Desorihed iR Chapter 1a, IRttial Tests aRd OpeFatioR, of the FS,I\R; Ir. A1:1thorii!ed 1:1Rder the pro11isi0Rs of 10 CFR 60.69; or Er. Otherwise appro11ed hy the N1:1elear Reg1:1latory CoFRFRissioR.

QUADRANT POWER TILT Tq shall he the FRa>EiFRl:IFR positi11e Fatio of the po111er (Tq) geRerated iR aRy q1:1adFaRt FRiR1:1s the a11erage q1:1adFaRt power, to the a11erage q1:1adraRt power.

R/\TED THERM,I\L PO>Jl.tER RTP shall he a total roaster sore heat traRsfer Fate to the

~ priFRary eoolaRt of 2686.4 M)."Jt.

REFUELING BORON REFUELING BORON CONCENTRATION shall he a Primary CONCENTRATION CoolaRt SysteFR horoR soReeRtFatioR of 2: 1720 ppFR eRd s1:1ffisieRt to ass1:1re the reaetor is s1:1heritisal hy ~ 6% Ap with all soRtrol rods withdFawR.

SHUTDO>.'IJN MARGIN (SOM) SOM shall he the iRstaRtaROOl:IS aFROl:IRt of reasti*,ify hy Whish the roaster is s1:1heritieal or wo1:1ld he s1:1hsritisal froFR its preseRt 60RditiOR asSl:lffliRg:

Palisades N1:1elear PlaRt 4:4-e AFR0RdFR0Rt No. 206, 288

DefiRitioRS 4-:4 a:- All ft:111 leRgtl=I GORtFol FOEIS (sl=lutEt ...

ft:llly FOB fiRserteEt

. mEGept fe t'"" ~O~--~Rt-::B~R~Ei~FFO§lttff:taAAL...r -

&lYily wellh ,., : ~ rne SiR!lle r d ~g*laliAg) **


~owe¥eF, witl=I '1011=!101=! is assumeEt : of l=l1gl=lest e Imserte,.,.


~ . *Y i.. !weaiAd" full lenat'""M 88AIF&I F8d BO ,fullv ...*ti..

' ,...,d...,,*A ffl'!f'lL.V-"'*. .

~ **t ****

o aooouRt feF epeREteRt mea . 15

    • Y !ell leA
  • sl*sk ,ed iA th AS, i***-* u,~u,,.,':;'~~I ,eds Aet i;.;**ly .,.,-u,

':::0~ 1**l**lali*A- ':Z e EteteFFRiRatiOR ~ FOEts FRUSt BO

          • Aled 1e, iA el !hes e el beiAg lelly

"' Thef8 is ** *h .

  • SOM; BAd aRge IA part leR ositioR.


Fate to ti=! e PFIFRBF)'

. tl=le total FOaotoF GOFO l=leat ooolaRt.

PalisaEtes Nuolea=F~P=l-a-Rt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

+.4-6 nA FROREIFRORt No. 2Qe, 266

DefiRitiORS 4:4 Table 1.1 1 EJ:>age 1 of 1)


(RB 4 Po*.*.ier OJ;)OFatiOR ~ G:-99 >--e NA 2: StartYJ;) ~ G:-99 ~& NA 3 I-lot StaRdby ~ NA ~300 4 I-lot 8l=tYtdo1.\1R1B3/4 <-8:99 NA agg > Tave > 2QQ

& ColEt Sl=tYtdo'lm!B3/4 ~ NA ~2:00 6 RefueliRg 1~ NA NA NA

~ EHelYEiiRg deeay !=teat

~ All reael:or "llOSSOl l=teaEt elOSYF0 bolts fylly t0RSiOR0d.

~ ORO OF FROFO reaetor *.~essel !=toad elOSYFO bolts less tl=taR fully teRSiOR0d.

PalisaEtes NYolear PlaRt 4:4-+ AFROREiFRORt No. 189

Logical Connectors 1.2 1.0 USE AND APPLICATION 1.2 Logical Connectors PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to explain the meaning of logical connectors.

Logical connectors are used in echnical Specifications (TS) to discriminate between , and yet nnect, discrete Conditions, Required Actions, Completion Times, S eillances, and Frequencies. The only logical connectors that appea in TS 8f8 D aRd QB. The physical arrangement of #Iese connectors constitu s logical conventions with s ecific meanings.

Levels BACKGROUND eeYet:aH!eY-letS of logic may be used to state Required Actions. These levels are identified by the placement (or nesting) of the logical connectors and by the number assigned to each Required Action. The first level of logic is identified by the first digit of the number assigned to a Required Action and the placement of the logical connector in the first level of nesting (i.e., left justified with the number of the Required Action).

Tt:ie S1:Jooessi11e le11els of logio are ideRtified by additioRal digits of tt:ie Reqt:Jired /\otioR Rt:Jmber aRd by s1:Jooessi11e iRdeRtioRs of tt:ie logioal ooRReotors.

Wt:leR logioal ooRReotors are 1:Jsed to state a CoRditioR , CompletioR Time, S1:JF¥eillaRoe, or Freqt:JeRoy, ORiy tt:ie first leYel of logio is 1:Jsed, aRd tt:ie logioal ooRReotor is left jt:Jstified witt:i tt:ie statemeRt of tt:ie CoRditioR, CompletioR Time, S1:JF¥eillaRoe, or Freqt:JeRoy.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 1.2-1 Amendment No. 189

Logical Connectors 1.2 1.2 Logical Connectors EXAMPLES The following examples illustra the use of logical connectors.


AND Initiate In this example the logical connector AND is used to indicate that when in Condition A, both Required Actions A.1 *and A.2 must be completed.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 1.2-2 Amendment No. 189

Logioal ConneetoFS


1.2 Logioal ConneetoFS EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1.2 2 Eoontin1:1eet~



~ \<efify .. .

A.2.2.1 Reet1:1oe .. .

QR A.2.2.2 Perform .. .


/\.3 /\ligR . ..

This eHamJ:>le reJ;)resents a more oomJ;)lioateet 1:1se of logioal oonneetoFS.

Req1:1ireet Aetions A.1 , A.2, anet A.a are alternati\le ohoioes, only one of whieh m1:1st he J:>erformeet as inetioateet hy the 1:1se of the logioal oonneotor QB anet the left j1:1stifieet J:>laoement. Any one of these three Aotions may he ohosen. If /\.2 is ehosen, then hath /\.2.1 anet /\.2.2 m1:1st he J;)erformeet as inetioateet hy the logioal oonneotor ~ - Req1:1ireet Aotion A.2.2 is met hy J:>erforming A.2.2.1 or A.2.2.2. The inetenteet J:>Osition of the logieal oonneotor QB inetieates that A.2.2.1 anet A.2.2.2 are alternati*,e ohoioes, only one of whioh m1:1st he J;)erformeet.

Palisaetes N1:1olear Plant ~ /\rnenetment No. 189

Completion Times 1.3 1.0 USE AND APPLICATION storage and handling of spent nuclear fuel 1.3 Completion Times PURPOSE The purpose of thi section is to establish the Completion Time convention and to provide guidance for its use.

BACKGROUND Limiting Conditi for Operation (LCOs) specify minimum requirements for ensuring safe e1:1eFatien ef the 1:1lant. The ACTIONS associated with an LCO state Conditions that typically describe the ways in which the requirements of the LCO can fail to be met. Specified with each stated Condition are Required Action(s) and Completion Time(s).

facility DESCRIPTION The Completion Time is the amount of time allowed for completing a Required Action. It is referenced to the discovery of a situation (e.g ,

ine1:10Fable eet1:1i1:1ment eF variable not within limits) that requires e ring an ACTIONS Condition unless otherwise specified, providing the is in a MODE eF specified condition stated in the Applicability of the LCO. r T

  • i
  • t

!The ac11 y Unleoo otheFV.i1ioe 01:1eeifies, IM Completion Time begins when a GeAieF Certified Fuel lioensea e1:1erateF on the e1:10Fating shift crew with responsibility for f:M8ffi operations makes the determination that an LCO is not met and an Handler (CFH)

ACTIONS Condition is entered. The "ethew.i1ise s1:1eoifiea" e>Eoe1:1tiens aFe

\'aFiea, 01:1oh ao a Reet1:1iFOa Pdien Neto eF S1:1F¥eillanoe Reet1:1iFOment Neto that l:)Fe*.i1iaes an altOFnati*,e time te 1:1eFfeFm s1:1eoifio tasks, s1:1eh as tooting, withe1:1t starting the Cem1:1letien Time. 'A'-hile 1:1tilii!!ing the Neto, she1:1la a Cenaitien be a1:11:1lioable foF any FOaoon not aaaFOssea by the Neto, the Cem1:1letien Time begins. She1:1la the time allewanoe in the Neto be e>Eoeeaea, the Cem1:1letien Time begins at that 1:1eint. The e>Eoe1:1tiens may aloe be inoeFl:)eFatea inte the Cem1:1letien Time. FeF 0>Eam1:1le, LCO 3.8.1, "AC 8e1:1Fe0s O1:)eFating," Reet1:1iFea Aotion B.2, FOEfl:liFOs aeolaFing FOEf l:liF0B feat1:1FO(G) 61:11:)j:lertea by an inej:I0Fable aiesel geneFateF, inej:IOFable when the FOBl:lnaant FOEf l:liFOa featl:IFO(S) aFO inej:IOFable. The Cem1:1letien Time states, "4 he1:1FG fi:em aisoe'I0F)' of Cenaitien B oenOl:IFFOnt with inej:IOFability ef FOBl:lnaant FOEfl:liFOa feat1:1Fe(s). 11 In this ease the Cem1:1letien Time aees net begin 1:1ntil the oenaitiens in the Cem1:1letien Time aFe satisfies.

Required Actions must be completed prior to the expiration of the

~ specified Completion Time. An ACTIONS Condition remains in effect and

~ ~ the Required Actions apply until the Condition no longer exists or the f:M8ffi is not within the LCO Applicability.

If sit1:1atiens aFe aisee\'0Fea that FOEfl:liFO enti:y inte meFO than ene Cenaitien at a time within a single LCO (m1:1lti1:1le Cenaitiens), the Req1:1irea Aotions for eaol=I Condition m1:1st be performed witl=lin tl=le Palisades Nuclear Plant 1.3-1 Amendment No. 489, 270

GempletieR Times 4-:-3 1.3 GempletieR Times DESGRIPTIO~~ asseeiated GempletieR Time. WheR iR multiple GeRditieRs, sepaRHe Ee0RtiR1:1ed) GempletieR Times aFe troeked f.eF eaeh GeRditieR staFtiRg fFem the dise011er)' ef the situatieR that FequiFed eRtF)' iRte the GeRditieR, uRless etheF\¥ise speeified.

ORee a GeRditieR has beeR eRteFed, subsequeRt tFaiRs, subsystems, eempeReRts, eF 11aFiables eMpFessed iR the GeRditieR, dise011eFed ta be iReperoble eF Rat withiR limits, will Rat Fesult iR separote eRtF)' iRte the GeRditieR, uRless speeifieally stated. The RequiFed AotieRs ef the GeRditieR eeRtiRue ta apply ta eaeh additieRal failuFe, with GempletieR Times based eR iRitial eRtF)' iRte the GeRditieR, uRless etheF\¥ise speeified.

Mewe11eF, wheR a subsegueRt tFaiR, subsystem, eempeReRt, eF 11aFiable eMpFessed iR the GeRditieR is disee*,eFed ta be iReperoble BF Rat withiR limits, the GempletieR TimeEs) may be eMieRded. Te apply this GempletieR Time eMieRsieR, twe eFiteFia must fiFst be met. The subsequeRt iRepeFabili~*:

Must eMist eeReUFFeRt with the :fi!:fil iReperobility; aRd Ir. Must FemaiR iReperoble eF Rat withiR limits afteF the fiFst iRepeFability is Fesel11ed.

The tetal GempletieR Time all01.'v0d f.eF eempletiRg a RequiFed AotieR ta addFess the subsequeRt iRepeFability shall be limited ta the meFe FestFioti11e ef eitheF:

a:- The stated GempletieR Time, as measuFed fFem the iRitial eRtF)' iRte the GeRditieR, plus SR additieRal 24 heuFS; BF Ir. The stated GempletieR Time as measuFed fFem disee'l'eF)' ef the subsequeRt iRepeFability.

The ab011e GempletieR Time eMieRsieRs de Rat apply ta these SpeeifieatieRs that ha11e eMeeptieRs that allew eempletely separote Fe eRtF)' iRte the GeRditieR Ef,eF eaeh tFaiR, subsystem, eempeReRt, eF

'*'aFiable eMpFessed iR the GeRditieR) aRd sepaFate tFaekiRg ef GempletieR Times based eR this Fe eRtF)'. These eMeeptieRs aFe stated iR iRdi'lidual SpeeifieatieRs.

The ab011e GempletieR Time eMteRsieR dees Rat apply ta a GempletieR Time with a medified "time 2:eFe." This medified "time 2:eFe" may be eMpFessed as a Fepetiti11e time Ei.e., "eRee peF 8 heuFS," wheFe the GempletieR Time is FefeFeRoed fFem a pFe11ieus eempletieR ef the RequiFed AstieR veFsus the time ef GeRditieR eRtF)') eF as a time medified by the phFase "fFem eliseevery . .. " EMample 1.3 a illustFates eRe use ef Palisades NueleaFPlaRt ~ AFReRelmeRt Ne. 189, 270

Completion Times 1.3 1.3 Completion Times DESCRIPTION Eeentin1:1ea~ GeRdilieRs A aRd 8 iR Iii'"'"'~'* ?

tl:lis type ef GempleUen Time. Tl:le 1Q aay Gempletien Time speeifiea for

"'BY Rel~* ..teRdi .

EXAMPLES The following examples illustrate the use of Completion Times with different types ef Genaitiens ana el:langing Genaitiens.


EXAMPLE 1.3-1 Suspend movement of fuel assemblies in the Spent Fuel Pool.


~Immediately B. 1 Be in MODE a. 6 R8l:IFS tlmmediatety I AND Spent Fuel Pool empletien boron TiFRe net met. B.2 ~-tA-~M::lt~ ~ -J 36 l:le1:1rs Initiate action to restore concentration not ~ IA7 SpentFuelPoolboron

  • ~ concentration to within within limit.


Condition B has two Required Actions. Each Required Action has its own separate Completion Time. Each Completion Time is referenced to the time that Conditio~ is entered. ~

~ The Required Actions of Condition B are to t:ie in MODE a A1itl:lin 6 l:le1:1rs 1

immediately suspend movement of fuel assemblies in the Spent Fuel Pool and initiate action to restore Spent Fuel Pool boron concentration within limit.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 1.3-3 Amendment No. 489, 270

11 *

    • ., ... . , ~ T m%~% iJ\" *
  • t

-~: :1r iirtll liilli f I i t

Completion Times 4-:d Times EX/\MPLES EX/\MPLE 1*a 2 (eont1nueel)

The ~~mpletion Tim .

Conel1tion A Complet~o:;:::~o~

O B is traekeel from the f,me lhe PIFed.

Completion Time is ~ pumps to OPERABLE n restoring one of th

    • '<!d~eela,ed iRepe,aBI; ;;*. ~el 88RliRYes R8FeSl9 h fre;;::*i"'e

- CeRdilieR A 24 mp ,esle,ed le OPEiRAB ,s Cemplelie* Time me . ,me !he fiFSI pam

,es~=~= :::ieR le lhe s1:ds1 ee*d pam pe1ng


B . 7inoperael lhe fiFSI i::p:~~:,;ded Wlh~

1s alle-*-ed . amp . n*

e (or > ,7pro¥1eleel elays. this elo es not Palisaele suelear N Plant Amenelment No. 189

11 **

lfli I 111t 111i


Jfi ~ ffl ffl f-i i Uf Ii i ., Ii j t



ii ,.

1 IU ju ~ 11

~* II t Ii !

f f i t

CempletieA Times 4:-3 1.a CompletieA Times EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1.a a


ACTIONS NOTE SepaFate CeAdiUoA eAti:y is alle*Ned fer eael=t iAeperable ¥al¥e.


,6,. 0Ae er mere A.1 Restere ¥al¥e ta 4 l=t01:1rs YalYes OPEFtlliBLE iAepeFable. stat1:1s.

B. Reei1:1ired 8.1 Be iA M09E a. 8 l=t01:1rs AotieA aAd asseoiated AN9 CempletieA

+iFAe Aet met. 8.2 Be iA M09E 4. 12 l=t01:1rs Tl=te Neto abe¥e tl=te ACTIONS +able is a metl=ted ef medif)1iAg l=tew tl=te CempletieA Time is traoked. If tl=tis metl=ted ef medifyiAg l=t01.*1 tl=te CeFApletieA Time is traoked 1Nas applioable eAly ta a speoifio CeAditieA, tl=te Neto w01:1ld appear iA tl=tat CeAditieA ratl=ter tl=taA at tl=te tap ef tl=te ACTIONS Table.

Tl=te Neto allews CeAditieA A ta be eAtered separately fer eael=t iAeperable

¥al¥e, aAd CempletieA Times traoked eA a per 11al-.1e basis. >JIAleA a ¥al¥e is deelared iAeperable, CoAditieA A is eAtered aAd its CempletieA Time starts. If Sl:lbSOEjl:IOAt 11al¥OS are deolared iAepeFable, CeAditieA A is eAtered fer eael=t ¥al-.1e aAd separate CempletieA Times start aAd are traeked fer eael=t 11al¥e.

If tl=te CeFApletieA TiFAe asseeiated witl=t a -.1al-.10 iA CeAditieA /\ oKpires, CeAditieA B is eAtered fer tl=tat 11al¥e. If tl=te CeFApletieA Times asseeiated witl=t Sl:lbSOEjl:IOAt ¥01¥05 iA CeAditieA A OKpire, CeAditieA 8 is OAtered separately fer eaol=t -.1al-.1e aAd sepaFate CempletieA TiFAes start aAd are tFaeked fer eael=t 11al¥e. If a *1al¥e tl=tat oa1:1sed eAtry iAte CoAditieA B is rostered ta OPERABLE stat1:1s, CeAditieA B is OKited fer tl=tat ¥al-.1e.

SiAoe tl=te Neto iA tl=tis OKample allews m1:11Uple CeAditieA eAti:y aAd traekiAg ef separate CempletieA Times, CempletieA Time eKteAsieAs de Aet apply.

Palisades N1:1olear PlaAt AFAOAdmeAt Ne. 189


rt. 0Re el=laRRel A1 PerfoFm SR 3.x.x.x. 0Ree peF 8 l=lel:IFS iRepeFable.


.01.2 Redt:1ee TMERMAL 8 l=lel:IFS PO>i>JER te

~69% RTP.

B. Reett:1iFed B.1 Be iR M09E 3. 6 l=lel:IFS AetieR aRd asseeiated CempletieR Time Rat met.

ERtf)" iRtf> CeRditieR A effeFS a ol=leioe bet\\'eeR Reetl:liFed AetieR A 1 eF A2. Reetl:liFed AotieR A 1 l=las a "eRee peF" CempletieR Tiffie, wl=liel=I ett:1alifies fer tl=le 26% exteRsieR, peF SR 3.9.2, te eaol=I perfoFn:taRee afteF tl=le iRitial performaRoe. Tl=le iRilial 8 l=let:1r iRteNal ef Reett:1iFed AotieR A 1 begiRs '#l=leR CeRditieR A is eRteFed aRd tl=le iRitial perfoFn:taRee ef Reetl:liFed AotieR l\..1 ml:lst be oemplete witl=liR tl=le fiFSt 8 l=lel:IF iRteNal. If Reetl:liFed /\1etieR A 1 is fellewed aRd tl=le Reetl:liFed AotieR is Rat met witl=liR tl=le CempletieR Time Eflll:ls tl=le exteRsieR alle1.¥ed by SR 3.9.2, CeRditieR B is eRteFed. If Reetl:liFed .'\etieR A.2 is fellewed aRd tl=le CempletieR Time ef 8 l=lel:IFS is Rat met, CeRditieR B is eRteFed.

If afteF eRtf)" iRte CeRditieR B, Reett:1iFed AotieR A 1 eF A2 is met, CeRditieR B is exited aRd epeFatieR may tl=leR oeRtiRl:le iR CeRditieR A Palisades Nt:1oleaF PlaRt ~ AmeRdffleRt Ne. 189

GompletioA Times 4:-3 1.a GompletioA Times E)(AMPLES EX.'\MPLE 1.3 7 EeoAtiA1:1ed)




  • A.. 1 ,'!en"flI a#eeteEt s1:19sysrem isolated.

4-Aet:tF iAopeFEl91e. ANS OAee per 8 ho1:1rs thereafter ANS A2 Restore s1:1esystem 72 ho1:1rs to OPERABLE stat1:1s.

B. Re1:11:1ired B.1 Be iA MODE a. 8 he1:1rs AetieA aAd asseeiated ANQ GompletioA Time Rot met. B.2 Be iA MODE e. 38 ho1:1rs R_e1:11:11red.A,etI0A .'\.1 has tl**o C . .

Time eegiAs at the time t~: co:~~let1~A Times. The 1 ho1:1r Golf! letioA 8 """'" l!le,e-1 iRle""'I be . dl!leR ,. eR!efed OREi eoell "OReo AetlOA A 1. @IRS l:IPOA performaAee of Re1:11:1ired i;..,

lll~Rlbal 1 """'.,OR¥ **b~ **!"~"::!

If a~e~ _GoAditioA A is eArered Re . A *

..ell~R A.1 i& Rel -wil!liR eillller permaAoe Epl1:1s the eM'teAsioA II ... l:lr IA eF\1al frolfl the pre1Jie1:1s OAtered. a Oned ey SR a.Q.2), GoAditioA B is Palisades N1:1elear PlaAt *A,meAd lfleAt No. 189

Completion Times 1.3 1.3 Completion Times EXAMPLE:S EXAMPLE 1.3 7 (eontin1:1ed)

The Completion Time sleek for Condition A does not stop after Condition B is entered, t:n1t eontin1:1es frorn the time Condition A was initially entered. If Re~1:1ired Aotion A.1 is met after Condition B is entered, Condition B is e>Eited and operation may eontin1:1e in aeeordanoe 1llith Condition A, pro\*ided the Completion Time for Re~1:1ired Aetion A.2 has not e>Epired.

IMMEDIATE When "Immediately" is used as a Completion Time, the Required Action COMPLETION TIME should be pursued without delay and in a controlled manner.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 1.3-12 Amendment No. 189

Frequency 1.4 1.0 USE AND APPLICATION 1.4 Frequency PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to define the proper use and application of Frequency requirements.

DESCRIPTION Each Surveillance Requirement (SR) has a specified Frequency in which the Surveillance must be met in order to meet the associated LCO. An understanding of the correct application of the specified Frequency is necessary for compliance with the SR.

The "specified Frequency" is referred to throughout this section and each of the Specifications of Section 3.0, Surveillance Requirement (SR)

Applicability. The "specified Frequency" consists of the requirements of the Frequency column of each SR; as well as eertain Notes in tl:ie Sl:lrveillanee eoll:IFRn tl=tat FRoelify 13erforrnanee reql:lireFRents.

SornetiFRes s13eeial sitl:lations elietate wl=ten tl=te reql:lireFRents of a Sl:lrveillanee are to be FRet. Tl=tey are "otl=terwise stateel" eonelitions alloweel by SR a.0.1. Tl=tey rnay be stateel as elarifying ~fotes in tl=te Sl:lrveillanee, as 13art of tl=te Sl:lrveillanee, or botl=t.

Sitl:lations wl=tere a Sl:lrveillanee eol:llel be reql:lireel (i.e., its Freql:leney eol:llel 0*13ire), bl:lt wl=tere it is not 13ossible or not elesireel tl=tat it be 13erforrneel l:lntil sornetirne after tl=te assoeiateel LGO is 1*.1itl=tin its P.1313lieability, re13resent 13otential SR 3.0.4 eonfliets. To aYoiel tl=tese oonfliets, tl=te SR (i.e., tl=te Sl:lrveillanee or tl=te Freql:leney) is stateel sl:lel=t tl=tat it is only "reql:lireel" \\11:ten it oan be anel sl=tol:llel be 13erforrneel. VVitl=t an SR satisfieel, SR a.0.4 irn13oses no restrietion.

The use of "met" and "performed" in these instances conveys specific meanings. A Surveillance is "met" only when the acceptance criteria are satisfied. Known failure of the requirements of a Surveillance, even without a Surveillance specifically being "performed," constitutes a Surveillance not "met." "Performance" refers only to the requirement to specifically determine the ability to meet the acceptance criteria.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 1.4-1 Amendment No. 489,231

Frequency 1.4 1.4 Frequency DESCRIPTION Some SuNeillaRoes ooRtaiR Rotes tt:lat modify tt:le FFequeRoy of (0ORtiRued) 13erfeFmaROO OF tt:le OORdiUORS duFiRg whiot:l tt:le aooe13taRoe 0FitOFia must be satisfied. FoF tt:lese SuF\1eillaRoes, tt:le MODE eRtr=y FestFiotioRs of SR 3.Q.4 may Rot a1313ly. Suot:l a SuNeillaRoe is Rot rnquirnd to be 13erfeFmed f:)FiOF to eRtOFiRg a MODE OF ott:leF s13eoified 0ORditiOR iR tt:le

/\.1313lioability of tt:le assoeiated LGO if aRy of tt:le followiRg tt:!Fee eoRditioRs are satisfied:

a:- The SuNeillaRoe is Rot FequiFed to be met iR tt:le MODE OF ott:ler s13eeified SORditioR to be eRternd; OF tr.. Tt:le SuNeillaRoe is Fequired to be met iR tt:le MODE OF ott:leF s13eeified eoRditioR to be eRteFed, but t:las beeR 13erfermed witt:liR tt:le s13eeified FrnqueRey (i.e., it is SUFFeRt) aRd is kROWR Rot to be failed; OF

&.- Tt:le SuNeillaRoe is FequiFed to be met, but Rot 13erfermed, iR tt:le MODE OF ott:ler s13eeified ooRditioR to be eRtered, aRd is kROWR Rot to be failed.

E>Eam13les 1.4 a, 1.4 4, 1.4 6, aRd 1.4 6 diseuss these s13eeial situatioRs.

EXAMPLES st:lowR) is illustrate the type of Frequency statements that appear in the Technical Specifications (TS).

Palisades Nuclear Plant 1.4-2 Amendment No. 439,231

Frequency 1.4 1.4 Frequency 7 days EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1.4-1 (continued)


Verify level is within limit.

~ ffie!~HeA 7 days Example 1.4-1 contains tAe type of SR most ofteA enc untered in the "'-- ~

Teol:i Aioal SpeoifioatioAs (TS). The Frequency specifi s an interval ~

(12 l:io1:1rs) during which the associated Surveillance ust be performed at least one time. Performance of the Surveillance initi s the subsequent interval. Although the Frequency is stated as 12 t:io1:1rs, an extension of the time interval to 1.25 times the stated Frequency is allowed by SR 3.0.2 for operatioAal flexibility. The measurement of this interval continues at all times, even when the SR is not required to be met per

!facility SR 3 O 1 <such as when tt:ie eei1:1ipmeAt is iAoperaele, a variable is outside specified limits, or tr@ f:H6At is outside the Applicability of the LCO). If the interval specified by SR 3.0.2 is exceeded while the ~ in a MODE or etAer specified condition in the Applicability of the LCO, ~ --ifacility I perfermaAoe of tt:ie S1:11veillaAoe is Rot otl:ieFWise modified (refer to E>Eample 1.4 3), then SR 3.0.3 becomes applicable. ~

If the interval as specified by SR 3.0.2 is exceeded while the f:H6At is not in a MODE or ott:ier specified condition in the Applicability of the LCO for which performance of the SR is required, then SR 3.0.4 becomes applicable. The Surveillance must be performed within the Frequency requirements of SR 3.0.2, as modified by SR 3.0.3, prior to entry into the MODE or otl:ier specified condition or the LCO is considered not met (in accordance with SR 3.0.1) aAd LGO a .0.4 eeoomes applioaele.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 1.4-3 Amendment No. 489,231

Frequency 1.4 1.4 Frequency EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1.4-2 (continued)


~ Prior to storing a fuel assembly .. .

24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> thereafter illustrates Example 1.4-2

  • a one time performance Frequency; and the seoond is of the type shown in E>Eample 1.4 1. The logioal oonneotor "&HQ" indioates that both Frequenoy requirements must be met. Eaoh time reaotor power is inoreased from a po1lt'er lei.*el

< 26% RTP to ~ 26% RTP, the Suf\*eillanoe must be performed 11.'ithin 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

The use of "onoe" indieates a single performanoe will satis~* the speoified Frequeney (assuming no other Frequenoies are eonneoted by "fil!Q.").

This type of Frequency does not qualify for the extension allowed by SR 3.0.2. "Thereafter" indioates future performanees must be established per SR 3.0.2, but only after a speeified oondition is first met (i.e., the "onoe" performanee in this e>Eample). If reaotor power deoreases to

< 26% RTP, the measurement of both inteF\1als stops. Ne1.v intervals start upon reaotor power reaohing 26% RTP.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 1.4-4 Amendment No. 489, 231

II **

rv I-E UH!H~!tH. *" II f

1f f ~ t i r 1 << ~-


FF0E!l:l0Aoy 4-:4 1.4 FFOql:l0AGY EXAMPLES EX,A,MPLE 1.4 4 (GOAtiAl:l0d)


'JeFify leakage Fates aFe 'o\liU'liA liFAits. 24 ROl:IFS E>mmple 1.4 4 spesifies tl=lat tl=le FOql:liFOFAOAtS of tl=lis Sl:lFYOillOAGO do AOt R0'I0 to BO FA0t l:lAtil tl=le plaAt is iA MODE 1. Tl=le iAt0FYal FA00Sl:lF0FA0At foF tl=le FF0E!l:I0AGY of tl=lis Sl:lFYOill0A60 60AtiAl:lOS at all tiFAOS, as dessFieed iA Example 1.4 1. Ho1o\le110F, tl=le Note s0Astit1:1tes aA "otl=leFY.iise stated" exseptioA to tl=le ApplieaBility of tl=lis S1:1FYeillaAse. Tl=leFOfoFO, if tl=le Sl:lFY0illOA60 W0FO AOt peFfoFFA0d witl=liA tl=le 24 ROl:lf iAt0FYal (pl1:1s tl=le exteAsioA allowed BY SR a.0.2), Bl:lt tl=le plaAt was Rot iA MODE 1, tl=leFe wo1:1ld Be AO fail1:1Fe of tl=le SR AOF fail1:1Fe to FAeet tl=le LCO. Tl=IOFefoFO, AO 11iolatioA of SR a.0.4 oss1:1FS wl=leA sl=laAgiAg MODES, 01,eA witl=I tl=le 24 ROl:IF FFOql:l0AGy exseeded, PF0 11ided tl=le MODE sl=laAge was Rot made iAto MODE 1. PFiOF to eAteFiAg MODE 1 (ass1:1miAg agaiA tl=lat tl=le 24 l=lo1:1F FFOql:leAoy W0F0 AOt FA0t), SR a.0.4 wo1:1ld F0ql:liFO satisfyiAg tl=le SR Palisades N1:1sleaF PlaAt 4-:4-e AmeAdFAeAt No. 2a1


  • f ti


  • t f


2.0 S.~.FIITY LIMITS (Sbs) ~

2A Sb&

~ Reactor Core Sls 2.1 .1.1 In MODeS 1 and 2, the Cepart1,1re from N1,1sleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR) shall be maintained at or abo*.ie the follO'.*.iing DNB sorrelation safety limits:

Correlation Safet'{ limit XNS 4-.-1-7 ANF-P AM l=fTP ~

2.1 .1.2 In MODeS 1 and 2, the peak linear Heat Rate (bHR) (adj1,1sted for f1,1el rod dynamiss) shall be maintained at < 21.0 k).AJJ.ft.

2-.4-.2 Primary Coolant System lf!CS} f!ress1,1re Sb In MODeS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, the PCS press1,1re shall be maintained at


2-.-2 Sb Violations 2,.2.,..1. If Sb 2.1 .1.1 or Sb is \<iolated, restore somplianse and be in MOCe 3 within 1 ho1,1r.

~ If Sb 2.1 .2 is violated: In MODe 1 or 2, restore somplianse and be in MODe 3 within 1 ho1,1r. In MODe 3, 4, 5, or 6, restore somplianse within 5 min1,1tes.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 2.0-1 Amendment No. 189

LCO Applicability 3.0 3.0 LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION (LCO) APPLICABILITY LCO 3.0.1 LCOs shall be met during the MOOES or other specified conditions in the Applicability, except as provided in LCO 3.0.2; bCO 3.0.7, bCO 3.0.S, and bCO 3.0.Q.

LCO 3.0.2 Upon discovery of a failure to meet an LCO, the Required Actions of the associated Conditions shall be met, exc:ept as provided in bCO 3.0.5 and bCO 3.0.6.

If the LCO is met or is no longer applicable prior to expiration of the specified Completion Time(s), completion of the Required Action(s) is not required, unless otherwise stated.

bCO 3.0.3 \JVhen an bCO is not met and the assoGiated ACTIONS are not met, an assoGiated ACTION is not provided, or if direGted by the assoGiated

.A.CTIONS, the plant shall be plac:ed in a MOOE or other speGified Gondition in whiGh the bCO is not appliGable. AGtion shall be initiated within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> to plac:e the plant, as appliGable, in:

a- MOOE 3 within 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />; b,. MOOE 4 i.vithin 31 hours3.587963e-4 days <br />0.00861 hours <br />5.125661e-5 weeks <br />1.17955e-5 months <br />; and G. MOOE 5 within 37 hours4.282407e-4 days <br />0.0103 hours <br />6.117725e-5 weeks <br />1.40785e-5 months <br />.

ExGeptions to this SpeGifiGation are stated in the individual SpeGifiGations.

'J\Alere GorreGti*.ie measures are Gompleted that permit operation in ac:GordanGe with the bCO or ACTIONS, Gompletion of the ac:tions required by bCO 3.0.3 is not required.

bCO 3.0.3 is only appliGable in MOOES 1, 2, 3, and 4.

When an bCO is not met, entry into a MOOE or other speGified Gondition in the .A.ppliGability shall only be made:

a- When the assoGiated ACTIONS to be entered permit Gontinued operation in the MOOE or other speGified Gondition in the AppliGability for an unlimited period of time; Palisades Nuclear Plant 3.0-1 Amendment No. ~ . 252

LCO Applicability 3.-0 3.0 LCO APPLICABILITY LCO 3.0.4 (contim~ed)

After performance of a risk assessment addressing inoperable systems and components, consideration of the results, determination of the acceptability of entering the MOOE or other specified condition in the .A,pplicability, and establishment of risk management actions, if appropriate (exceptions to this Specification are stated in the indi\<idual Specifications); or G,- 'J\Jhen an allo11.iance is stated in the individual *.ialue, parameter, or other Specification.

This Specification shall not pre-.ient changes in MOOES or other specified conditions in the Applicability that are required to comply *.¥ith .A.CT IONS or that are part of a shutdow1=1 of the plant.

LCO 3.0.5 Equipment remo\<ed from seF\<ice or declared inoperable to comply with ACTIONS may be returned to service under administrati\<e control solely to perform testing required to demonstrate its OPER.A,BIUTY or the OPER.4,BIUTY of other equipment. This is an exception to LCO 3.0.2 for the system returned to service under administrative control to perform the testing required to demonstrate OPER.A.BILITY.

LCO 3.0.6 '.AJhen a supported system LCO is not met solely due to a support system LCO not being met, the Conditions and Required .A.ctions associated with this supported system are not required to be entered. Only the support system LCO ACTIONS are required to be entered. This is an exception to LCO 3.0.2 for the supported system. In this e*.ient, an e\<aluation shall be performed in accordance with Specification 5.5.13, "Safety Function Determination Program (SFOP)." If a loss of safety function is determined to exist by this program, the appropriate Conditions and Required Actions of the LCO in which the loss of safety function exists are required to be entered. When a support system's Required Action directs a supported system to be declared inoperable or directs entry into Conditions and Required Actions for a supported system, the applicable Conditions and Required Actions shall be entered in acoordance with LCO 3.0.2.

Palisades Nuclear Plant .A,mendment No. 31Q, 270

bCO Applicability 3.0 3.0 bCO .A,PPblCABlblTY bCO 3.0.7 Special Test ~ception (STE) bCOs in each applicable bCO section allow specified Technical Specifications (TS) requiFements to be changed to permit performance of special tests and operations. Unless otherwise specif ied, all other TS FequiFements Femain unchanged. Compliance 1Nith STE bCOs is optional. When an STE bCO is desired to be met but is not met, the ACTIONS of the STE bCO shall be met. When an STE bCO is not desiFed to be met, entry into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability shall only be made in accordance *.t.tith the other applicable Specifications.

bCO 3.0.8 )J\Jhen one or more required snubbers are unable to perform their associated support funGtion(s) , any affected supported bCO(s) are not Fequired to be declared not met solely for this Feason if risk is assessed and managed, and :

a. the snubbers not able to perform their associated support function(s) are associated \-Ath only one train or subsystem of a multiple train or subsystem supported system or are associated with a single train or subsystem supported system and are able to perform their associated support function *Nlthin 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />; or b,. the snubbers not able to perform their associated support function(s) are associated with rnoFS than one train or subsystem of a multiple train or subsystem supported system and are able to perform their associated support function within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

At the end of the specified period the required snubbers must be able to perform their associated support function(s) , or the affected supported system bCO(s) shall be declared not met.

bCO 3.0.Q When one or rnore Fequired barriers are unable to perform their related support function(s), any supported system bCO(s) are not Fequired to be declared not met solely for this reason for up to 30 days pro\<ided that at least one train or subsystem of the supported system is OPERABLE and supported by barriers capable of providing their related support funGtion(s) , and risk is assessed and managed. This specification may be concurrently applied to more than one train or subsystem of a multiple train or subsystem supported system pro>.<ided at least one train or subsystem of the supported system is OPERABLE and the barriers supporting each of these trains or subsystems pro11ide their related support function(s) for diffeFent categories of initiating events .

Palisades Nuclear Plant 3.-0-3

LCO Applicability 3-.0 3.0 LCO .6.PPUCABILITY LCO 3.0.Q (continued)

If the required OPERABLE train or subsystem becomes inoperable while this specification is in use, it must be restored to OPERABLE status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or the pro¥isions of this specification cannot be applied to the trains or subsystems supported by the barriers that cannot perform their related support function(s) .

At the end of the specified period, the required barriers must be able to perform their related support function(s) or the supported system LCO(s) shall be declared not met.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 3-.-0-4 Amendment No. 252

SR Applicability 3.0 3.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT (SR) APPLICABILITY SR 3.0.1 SRs shall be met during the MODES or other specified conditions in the Applicability for individual LCOs, unless otherwise stated in the SR.

Failure to meet a Surveillance, whether such failure is experienced during the performance of the Surveillance or between performances of the Surveillance, shall be failure to meet the LCO. Failure to perform a Surveillance within the specified Frequency shall be failure to meet the LCO except as provided in SR 3.0.3. Surveillances do not have to be performed on inoperable eqlliprnent or variables outside specified limits.

SR 3.0.2 The specified Frequency for each SR is met if the Surveillance is performed within 1.25 times the interval specified in the Frequency, as measured from the previous performance or as rneasllred from the time a specified condition of the Freqllency is met.

For Freqllencies specified as "once," the interval extension does not apply.

If a Completion Time reqllires periodic performance on a "once per ... "

basis, the abov~ Freqllency extension applies to each performance after the initial performance.

Exceptions to this Specification are stated in the individllal Specifications.

SR 3.0.3 If it is discovered that a Surveillance was not performed within its specified Frequency, then compliance with the requirement to declare the LCO not met may be delayed, from the time of discovery, up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or up to the limit of the specified Frequency, whichever is greater. This delay period is permitted to allow performance of the Surveillance. The delay period is only applicable when there is a reasonable expectation the surveillance will be met when performed. A risk evaluation shall be performed for any Surveillance delayed greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and the risk impact shall be managed.

If the Surveillance is not performed within the delay period, the LCO must immediately be declared not met, and the applicable Condition(s) must be entered.

When the Surveillance is performed within the delay period and the Surveillance is not met, the LCO must immediately be declared not met, and the applicable Condition(s) must be entered.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 3.0-5 Amendment No. ~ . 270

SR Applicability 3.0 3.0 SR APPLICABILITY SR 3.0.4 Entry into a MOOE or other specified condition in the Applicability of an LCO shall only be made when the LCO's Surveillances have been met within their specified Frequency, except as provided by SR 3.0.3. WheR an bCO is not rR&t d1,1e to Sw*veillances not having been rR&t, entry into a MOOE or other specified condition in the Applicability shall only be made in accordance *.-.1ith bCO 3.0.4 .

This pro¥ision shall not pre\lent entry into MODES or other specified conditions in the .A.pplicability that are req1,1ired to comply with .A.CTIONS or that are part of a sh1,1tdown of the plant.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 3.0-6 Amendment No. 48Q., 219

SFP Water Level

/FACILITY 3.7.14 3.7 PL.A.NT SYSTEMS 3.7.14 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) Water Level LCO 3.7.14 The SFP water level shall be ~ 647 ft elevation.


SFP level may be below the 647 ft elevation to support fuel cask movement, if the displacement of water by the fuel cask when submerged in the SFP, would raise SFP level to ~ 647 ft elevation.

APPLICABILITY: During movement of irradiated fuel assemblies in the SFP, During movement of a fuel cask in or over the SFP.

ACTIONS LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. SFP water level not within A.1 Suspend movement of Immediately limit. irradiated fuel assemblies in SFP.

A.2 Suspend movement of Immediately fuel cask in or over the SFP.

7 days SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify the SFP water level is ~ 647 ft elevation. In accordance with the Surveillance Frequency Control Program Palisades Nuclear Plant 3.7.14-1 Amendment No. 439, 271

SFP Boron Concentration 3.7.15



3. 7.15 Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) Boron Concentration LCO 3.7.15 The SFP boron concentration shall be ~ 1720 ppm.

APPLICABILITY: When fuel assemblies are stored in the Spent Fuel Pool.

ACTIONS LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A SFP boron concentration A.1 Suspend movement of Immediately not within limit. fuel assemblies in the SFP.

A.2 Initiate action to restore Immediately SFP boron concentration to within limit.

7 days SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENC SR Verify the SFP boron concentration is within limit. In accordance 11,1ith the Surveillance Frequency Control Program Palisades Nuclear Plant 3.7.15-1 Amendment No. ~ . 271

Spent Fuel Pool Storage rFACILITY 3.7.16 3.7 PLANTSYSTEMS 3.7.16 Spent Fuel Pool Storage LCO 3.7.16 Storage in the spent fuel pool shall be as follows:

a. Each fuel assembly and non-fissile bearing component stored in a Region I Carborundum equipped storage rack shall be within the limitations in Specification and, as applicable, within the requirements of the maximum nominal planar average U-235 enrichment and burnup of Tables 3.7.16-2, 3.7.16-3, 3.7.16-4 or 3.7.16-5,
b. Fuel assemblies in a Region I Metamic equipped storage rack shall be within the limitations in Specification, and
c. The combination of maximum nominal planar average U-235 enrichment, burnup, and decay time of each fuel assembly stored in Region 11 shall be within the requirements of Table 3. 7 .16-1.

APPLICABILITY: Whenever any fuel assembly or non-fissile bearing component is stored in the spent fuel pool or the north tilt pit.

ACTIONS NOTE LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A Requirements of the LCO A.1 Initiate action to restore Immediately not met. the noncomplying fuel assembly or non-fissile bearing component within requirements.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify by administrative means each fuel assembly Prior to storing the or non-fissile bearing component meets fuel fuel assembly or storage requirements. non-fissile bearing component in the spent fuel pool Palisades Nuclear Plant 3.7.16-1 Amendment No. 489, ~ . ~ , ~ , 250

Design Features 4.0 4.0 DESIGN FEATURES 4.1 Site Location The Palisades Nuclear Plant is located on property owned by Entergy Nuclear Palisades, LLC on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan approximately four and one-half miles south of the southern city limits of South Haven, Michigan. The minimum distance to the boundary of the exclusion area as defined in 10 CFR 100.3 shall be 677 meters.

4.2 Reaotor Gore +-<-----1l(Deleted)I

~ F1:1el Assemblies T1=1e reaotor sore shall sontain 204 fuel asseR:iblies. Eash assembly shall sonsist of a R:iatriK of 2:irsaloy 4 or Me slad fuel rods with an initial SOITIJ:IOSition of def:)leted, nat1:1ral, or slightly enrished 1:1rani1:1m dioKide (U02) as f1:1el R:iaterial.

Limited s1:1bstit1:1tions of 2:irooni1:1m alloy or stainless steel filler rods for f1:1el rods, in assordanse with af:)J:)Fo*;ed af:)J:)lisations of f1:1el rod sonfig1:1rations, R:iay be 1:1sed. F1:1el assemblies shall be limited to those f1:1el designs that haYe been analy2:ed with af:)J:)lisable NRG staff af:)J:IFO'Jed eodes and methods and shoi.*1n by tests or analyses to somf:)ly with all f1:1el safety design bases. A liR:iited n1:11T1ber of lead test assemblies that ha*;e not somf:)leted reJ:)resentatiYe testing R:iay be J:)lased in nonlimiting sore regions. A sore J;1l1:1g or J:1l1:1gs may be 1:1sed to ref:)lase one or more fuel asseR:iblies s1:1bjeot to the analysis of the res1:1lting J:IOWer distrib1:1tion. Poison R:iay be J:)laeed in the f1:1el b1:1ndles for long terR:i reasti*;ity oontrol.

~ Control Rod AsseR:iblies The reastor sore shall sontain 46 eontrol rods. Fol:IF of these sontrol rods R:iay sensist of J:)art length absorbers. The sontrol material shall be sili.*er indi1:1m oadmi1:1m, as aJ:IJ:IFOYed by the NRG.

4.3 Fuel Storage 4.3.1 Criticality The Region I (See Figure B 3.7.16-1) Carborundum equipped fuel storage racks incorporating Regions 1A, 18, 1C, 1D, and 1E are designed and shall be maintained with:

a. New or irradiated fuel assemblies having a maximum nominal planar average U-235 enrichment of 4.54 weight percent; d

Palisades Nuclear Plant 4.0-1 Amendment No. 489, 207-, ~ . ~ .


Design Features 4.0 4.3 Fuel Storage 4.3.1 Criticality (continued)

3. Control blades may be stored in both fueled and unfueled locations in Regions 1D and 1E, with no limitation on the number. The Region I (See Figure B 3. 7 .16-1) Metamic equipped fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with:

a. Fuel assemblies having a maximum nominal planar average U-235 enrichment of 4.95 weight percent;
b. Keff < 1.0 if fully flooded with unborated water, which includes allowances for uncertainties as described in Section 9.11 of the FSAR;
c. Keff s 0.95 if fully flooded with water borated to 850 ppm, which includes allowances for uncertainties as described in Section 9.11 of the FSAR;
d. A nominal 10.25 inch center to center distance between fuel assemblies; e
e. New or irradiated fuel assemblies;
f. Two empty rows of storage locations shall exist between the fuel assemblies in a Carborundum equipped rack and the fuel assemblies in an adjacent Metamic equipped rack; and
g. A minimum Metamic 8 10 areal density of 0.02944 g/cm 2 . The Region II fuel storage racks (See Figure B 3. 7 .16-1) are designed and shall be maintained with:

a. Fuel assemblies having maximum nominal planar average U-235 enrichment of 4.60 weight percent;
b. Keff < 1.0 if fully flooded with unborated water, which includes allowances for uncertainties as described in Section 9.11 of the FSAR.
c. Keff :5; 0.95 if fully flooded with water borated to 850 ppm, which includes allowance for uncertainties as described in Section 9.11 of the FSAR.
d. A nominal 9.17 inch center to center distance between fuel assemblies; and Palisades Nuclear Plant 4.0-4 Amendment No. 439, ~ . ~ . 249, 250

Design Features 4.0 4.3 Fuel Storage 4.3.1 Criticality (continued~

e. New or irradiated fuel assemblies which meet the maximum nominal planar average U-235 enrichment, burnup, and decay time requirements of Table 3.7.16-1.

Tl=le Rew fuel storage raoks are desigRed aRd sl=lall ee maiRtaiRed witt:r.

T>.veRey four uRirradiated fuel assemelies l=la'l'iRg a ma*imum RomiRal plaRar a*,erage U 236 eRFiol=lmeRt of 4.96 weigl=lt (Deleted) peroeRt, aRd stored iR aeoordaRee witl=I tl=le patterR sl=lo11','R iR Figure 4.3 1, or Tl=lirey si* uRirradiated fuel assemelies ha*.*iRg a ma*imum RomiRal plaRar a'lerage U 236 eRriohmeRt of 4.06 weigl=lt peroeRt, aRd stored iR aeoordaRoe with the patterR sl=lowR iR Figure 4.3 1; lr. Keff ~ 0.06 wl=leR flooded witl=I eitl=ler full deRsity or low deRsity (optimum moderatioR) water iRoludiRg allowaRoes for uRoertaiRties as deserieed iR SeotioR 9.11 of tl=le FSAR.

Er. The pitoh of the Rew fuel storage raok lattioe eeiRg ~ ~

iRol=les aRd e*,ery other positioR iR the lattiee eeiRg permaReRtly oooupied ey aR 8"

  • 8" struotural steel or sore plugs, resultiRg iR a RomiRal 13.26 iRoh oeRter to oeRter distaRoe eet.*,eeR fuel assemelies plaoed iR alterRatiRg storage looatioRs.

4.3.2 Drainage The spent fuel storage pool cooling system suction and discharge piping is designed and shall be maintained to prevent inadvertent draining of the pool below elevation 644 ft 5 inches.

4.3.3 Capacity The spent fuel storage pool and north tilt pit are designed and shall be maintained with a storage capacity limited to no more than 892 fuel assemblies.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 4.0-5 Amendment No. 439, ~ . ~ . ~ . 250

DesigR FeatUFOS 4.-Q GEN:rERLINE l£GEH9 PA1=fERN REPEA'FO Note: If aRy asSOFA 9hes. SORtaiRiRg fuel .

New F1:1el Storage Rask, tt:te 60 Rt OF ORFl~~FRORtS gFeateFOFRj:lt1' FO*u must FOFRaiR tt:taR 4.0e!1/4 u 2ae aFO stoFed IA tt:te f*

FiguFO 4.a 1 (page 1 of 1)

New Fuel StoFage Rask r.FFaRgemeRt 11.

Palisades NueleaF PlaRt ~ /\FReRdfflORt No. 207, 2ae

Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 Programs and Manuals 5.5.2 Primapti CoolaAt Souroes Outside CoAtaiAmeAt This program proi.iides ooAtrols to miAimii!e leakage to the eAgiAeered safeguards rooms, from those portioAs of systems outside ooAtaiAmeAt that (Deleted) eould ooAtaiA highly radioaotiYe fluids duriAg a serious traAsieAt or aooideAt, to as low as praotioal. The systems iAolude the CoAtaiAmeAt Spray System, the Safety IAjeotioA System, the ShutdowA CooliAg System, aAd the ooAtaiAmeAt sump suotioA pipiAg. This program shall iAolude the follo 11.1iAg:

&.- Pro11isi0As establishiAg maiAteAaAoe aAd periodio 11isual iAspeotioA requiremeAts, aAd IAtegrated leak test requiremeAts for eaoh system at a frequeAoy Rot to e>Eoeed refueliAg oyole iAteP1als.

The portioA of the shutdowA oooliAg system that is outside the GOAtaiAmeAt shall be tested either by use iA AOrmal operatiOA or hydrostatioally tested at 2:66 psig.

PipiAg from 11alYes CV 302:9 aAd CV aoao to the disoharge of the safety iAjeotioA pumps aAd ooAtaiAmeAt spray pumps shall be hydrostatioally tested at AO less thaA 100 psig.

The ma>Eimum allowable leakage from the reoiroulatiOA heat remoYal systems' oompoAeAts (whioh iAolude i.ial11e stems, flaAges aAd pump seals~ shall Rot e>Eoeed 0.2: galloA per miAute UAder the Aormal hydrostatio head from the SIRW taAk.

5.5.3 Post /'.ooideAt SameliAg Program (deleted)


Palisades Nuclear Plant 5.0-7 Amendment No. 489, 4-QJ, 49S, 213

Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 Programs and Manuals 5.5.5 GoAtaiAmeAt StruotUFal IAtegrit'( SUFYeillaAoe Program Tl=tis 13rogram 13ro1fises ooAtrols for moAitoriAg aAy teAsoA segrasatioA iA 13re stresses ooAorete ooAtaiAmeAts, iAelusiAg effeeti'feAess of its oorrosioA (Deleted) 13roteotioA mesium, to eAsure ooAtaiAmeAt struotural iAtegrity. Tl=te 13rogram sl=tall iAoluse baseliAe measuremeAts 13rior to iAitial O13eratiOAs. Tl=te GoAtaiAmeAt Struotural IAtegrity SuFYeillaAoe Program, iAs13eotioA frequeAoies, aAs aooe13taAoe oriteria sl=tall be iA aooorsaAoe 1l.'itl=t ASME Boiler aAa Pressure

\Jessel Gose, SeotioA ~I. SubseotioA IWE aAs IWL.

If, as a result of a teASOA iAs13eotioA, oorreoti'fe reteAsioAiAg of fi'fe 13eroeAt (8) or more of tl=te total Aumber of some teAsoAs is Aeoessary to restore tt:1eir liftoff foroes to witl=tiA tl=te limits, a some selamiAatioA iAs13eotioA sl=tall be 13erformes witl=tiA QO says followiAg suol=t oorreoti\ie reteAsioAiAg. Tl=te results of tl=tis iAs13eotioA sl=tall be re13ortes to tl=te NRG iA aooorsaAoe 1l.'itl=t S13eoifioatioA 6.6.7, "GoAtaiAmeAt Struotural IAtegrity SuFYeillaAoe Re13ort."

Tl=te 13ro'fisiOAs of SR a.0.2 aAs SR a.o.a are a1313lioable to tl=te GoAtaiAmeAt Struotural IAtegrity SuF\ieillaAoe Program iAs13eotioA frequeAoies.

5.5.6 Primary GoolaAt Pump Fl'twl=teel SuF\ieillaAoe Program SuFYeillaAoe of tl=te 13rimary eoolaAt 13um13 flywl=teels sl=tall ooAsist of a 100% *.iolumetrio iAs13eotioA of tl=te u1313er fly,l.'t:leels eaot:I 10 years.


Ir. Tt:le 13ro14iisiOAs of SR a.0.2 are Rot a1313lieable to tt:le Fty,....t:ieel TestiAg Program.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 5.0-10 Amendment No. 189

Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 Programs and Manuals 5.5.7 lnservioe Testina ProaFam (Deleted)

(Deleted) 5.5.8 A Steam Generator Program shall be established and im19lemented to ensllre that SG tllbe integrity is maintained. In addition, the Steam Generator Program shall inolltde the following 19rovisions:

a:- Pro*Jisions for oondition monitoring assessments. Condition monitoring assessment means an evalllation of the "as foltnd" oondition of the tllbing with res19eot to the 19erformanee eriteria for strllotltral integrity and aeeident indltoed leakage. The "as foltnd" oondition refers to the oondition of the tllbing dltring an SG ins19eotion Olltage, as determined from the inservioe ins19eotion reslllts or by other means, 19rior to the 19lllgging of tllbes.

Condition monitoring assessments shall be eondltoted dltring eaoh Olltage dllring 11.1hieh the SG tllbes are ins19eoted or 19lllgged to eonfirm that the 19erformanee eriteria are being met.

Ir. Performanee eriteria for SG tllbe integrity. SG tllbe integrity shall be maintained by meeting the 19erformanee eriteria for tllbe strnetllral integrity, aeeident indltoed leakage, and 019erational LEAKAGE Palisades Nuclear Plant 5.0-11 Amendment No. ~ . 262

flregraFRs aAd Man1:1als

&:e 6.6 flrograFRs end M

  • en1:1als

&:&.-8 SteaR=t G eAerater (SG) rearaFR lr. flerfeFfR8A60 er1teria. f-er SG t1:1 9e .1ntegrit1* ( .

~== . .,

4, S!Fllel . ., . eeAMaed) 1:1ral 1Ategri~* 188 Sl=tall ~tain str1:1et~ 1:1e~rFR~Aee eriterien- I\ .


g~~g 88Adi1ie.:: tile i.;11 *.:~;:~"' SC laltee
  • el elaAdlt. g e1ar1a, . A8FRIBI Thie iAolades AeFR1el &leedy


IAeladeEI iA tile ;.71 : **d eeel de""" 8 ~,i e,e~o* IA !he,.,.,


.,ooilieeliefl) :.d*: BAlloiJ)eled lreA;i::1e a oelely laelor el 3 ':'!!" ltasie eeeideflle

'"'""""' dillereRliel a,11 ,.,,,., o,eralio* ~ . ege1Ael !tare! aAde,'

""lied le tile deelg,,":d II eelely laelar el ~~*'l' le eeee*d***

,ro.. a,e dillereRliel ~816 eeeideAI 'ri"' : ege1Ael ltarel "J edd_lll***I loediA * .*_ .,.r1 """' !ho alt~? le &eeeAda**

eeo1d-. or ee g ooi,d11to** aseeoiel *:o reqairel"8.i:.

desigA a*d lieen~i~1*elio~ el eeeideflle"1*- lhe desigA lt~eis


tile aeeesi- loal lte&1&: &hell alee lie ~'.'""rdaAee *

  • tile
e;1t1AelioA witil Ilia 1::i*I~lie delo..,,iAed  ::i:i do eigAifioallli¥ A i,;.,:. tile eeMlliAed '""'*~ * -~*ee<I& **d 1 g with eeeeesed le ,ressare a oelely 1

iA el laelar

  • . * ** ""'" **ee*dae*

rl88ldeAI iAdaeod le .,

~:*~;~:'e111::: ':'::'~i:~**keg::i."':,"::~:*_

SC60Adan* a

  • rele """"

~kage l:)CrfeFFRa

d. e '""'"re .., II

,riMBfl' lo e1gA lteeis Teekege is Rel le """oe  ;*d g'"'*

'."'kege rele far el~:;; IA !he eeeideAI ~.a1:..-*el """8eEI tile
  • 9.3leakage rale lar ,e BA'"1Adi*idaal leFRls el lelel SC.

l=te o1:1erational LE A A P .,- . LGO 3.4 .13, "FIGS ..Kr.G~ 1:1erferR=tane

- o,eraltoAal biAl<,II~~*** . . le e,eoilied .

. re,l&IOA& far SC I * . IA IASl:)eetioA to ABMiAel !alto 60 i;:-~* ~-

~ee re1:1air eriteria w~h a de~:* 1"'""d by iA68Niee

""" eFiloria &hell lie

-Fie: 18 a,,lied

  • 868 &hall a* aa to a& ItA alterAate

,1wgged. leTl,e 8M8e 1d" or lall8'~

tl=te q" 49% el the IAgalternati¥e A§


40 4, T It delll!I lteeed 1:1. es f-e1:1Ad e . iA ,* .

flaNs 'l.iitl=tin 1l6. seF\1ee IASl:)eetion to .


Palisades N1:1elear fllaAt ~ AfRCAdR=teAt N0 - 326, 361

Pregrams aAd Mam:1als


  • BAl:lals

~ Steam GeAerater (SG) p rearam fr. Pre*t" l!. *

  • ISl8AS fer SG tl:I be ,epe,r . erilerie EeeRI"
  • T
  • IRHe<lj 1:1ees fel:IAd * .  :
  1. laws 'HithiA 19l~;~::;:ee iASJ;>eetieA te eeAt . .

-**ieR lreR&iti "" llelew Ille belle -SIR ee"",ee iR8Hee8 lewe'., e_hell be pl*~" *; lep el Ille eeld leg~ : 11,e eeld leg 6

"'"'"'" '" se""iee

  • ge . ~1..,. leeatea bel 80 this ele"

",.,e&11eel, f whieh"""r i Pre*;eieR I ~*EHDR "'"Y

  • s~r SG t l:I 9e IASJ:)eetieAS J:)erfermed el i _. Th e """'lier aa . FleRe81e

. . SC I b .

  • ,.;:~eel1eR ehell be pelfo':...P*~*** el Ille IH;.,~ : ***;,eelieR& 8 shell be be p:.:!:':i~:*1* " ' - ~ .;.."':1: * *~eeli<,e bellelff el lh h g lhe leRgllil el l~e I b Rd ..,..,u,,leFDRliel er"!:".::* lftelhede g 11..... el
    • h*

t e el leg e

,-18".....,r is le-*'8r 7***ieR lreRsilklR-~ I .6 IRehes llel1>" II, ereeks:) Ille!



""P* * " , e 3 87

  • er op ef Ill
e':iE~*~a*:: ::!'!£::~e~~-~=heel, FeqHiFemeAle~':': ;.eia ie Rel pall er'"!" ~P*" eFileria. ** ;......,r, e

IR&peelieR melh . '8.2, 8.3, eRS a 4 be *be. IR eSSllieR le .


Ille! SG lobe iRIe<ls, ~*8 iR&peelieR*;.;*I'."* lhe iR&peelieR meel1Rg Ille

            • me* 1* maiAlelRe ..,...,;. shell be ** see;,e, leeelieR el~ ~- ElegradalieR shell ba **~I Ille RDlll llG iR..h ** le """"'"



lllis ........: ' " '" v.ihieh Ille IHb..: petfeRRed le deteFfl:""""* AA emplD!'Od **:*~ deteRRiRe whieh~*Y be 9H&eeplible ~:: u;,e ly;,e ORS

  • whel leeelieR&* RspeelleR melhed* Reed
  • esea le be""

. IAsJ:)eet 100~ eHh FOJ;>laeemeAt e1:1tage fellei.¥iAg S~ t1:1ees iA eaeh SG dl:IFIAg . the first refueliA IR&;,eel 1QQ"4 th g J:>8 meRIII&.


  • efThe e t1:1ees fire! e at *"'l*eeliel ;,eriede 1
"'1' glR - r lhe fire! iR ,. "'l*e*~*I perieEeeed 24 effeeti*.ie ~~l:ls~-~


J:)8uerthe eraek er 8Ae ffl8Aths Palisades N1:1elear PlaAt &0-43 22s,261

Prograffls ana Manuals 6.6 PFOQFafflS ana M

  • anuals e:-&:-8 SteaFR GenOFatoF (SG)- p roaFaFR

~ PFO . srtE*1OH=n1Ssr4feio~

ri~t¥¥ts 1 F SSGGr--tt\:feee-if u e *mspeotions Eoont*


1 . """edj FO ueling outage (.. *1=1*

as ffOFR eMafflinar'1 ,01=te110F is less) If a

,egieA wiU. I' U.e **seFYiee ltlb

lieable 1!~ :i::iYe el
  • II , * .,., .....u.. OF"one dete.::gt~:.~. ~:

..,leria 6.6.8e.1 ""' ;,., I leg t*b*=~~~~Aled, 6 ; G. -, 0"011' 1

I FOf elrTS 6.. al "'"Y2 salisli 4 '* the PR3YisieAs f . 7'10 tAg **Iago, whie~ " -eli*e

    • "'""'leriAg . e,er 1s less 8 peFat,onal pFiFRan*, t o seoonaaFv, LF AVIIG Crir-.::t-t - .E.

Palisaaes ~~uoleaF Plant &:G-44 /\FRenaFRent No. 226, 261

Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 Programs and Manuals 5.5.9 Seeonaarv Vl/ater Ghemistrv Program A J:)rogram shall be establishea, imJ:)lementea ana maintainea fer monitoring of

.-----------. seeonaary water ehemistry to inhibit steam generator t1::1be aegraaation ana shall (Deleted) inel1::1ae:

laentifieation of a samJ:)ling sehea1::1le fer the oritieal \'ariables ana eontrol J:)Oints fer these *.*ariables, laentifieation of the J:)roeea1::1res 1::1sea to meas1::1re the ¥al1::1es of the eritieal


~ laentifieation of J:)roeess samJ:)ling J:)oints, whioh shall inel1::1ae monitoring the aisehargo of the eenaensate J:)l::lmJ:)s fer e*,iaenee ef eenaenser in leakage,

&: Proeea1::1ros fer the reeeraing ana management ef aata,

~ Preeea1::1res aefining eerreoti¥e aotiens fer all eff eentrol J:)Oint ehemistry eenaitiens, ana f: A J:)roeea1::1re iaenti~ing Ea) the a1::1thorit)* resJ:)onsible fer the interJ:)retatien of the aata, ana Eb) the seq1::1enee ana timing ef aaministrati¥e O\'ents req1::1irea te initiate eeFFeoti\10 aotiens-:

5.5. 10 ~:e:::~ing p,ag,a,.

A J:)rogram shall be establishes to imJ:)lement the fellowing req1::1irea testing of Control Reem \lentilatien (GR.'/) ana F1::1el l=lanaling Area Ventilation EFHNI) systems at the freq1::1eneies SJ:)eeifiea in Reg1::1latery G1::1iae 1.62, Re¥isien 2 ERG 1.62), ana in aeeeraanee with RG 1.62 ana ASME N610 1080, at the system flBt.vrates ana teleranees SJ:)eeifiea below*:

a:- Demonstrate fer eaeh ef the ¥entilatien systems that an inJ:)laee test ef the High Effieieney Partie1::1late Air EI-IEPA) filters she'l.'S a J:)enetratien ana system byJ:)ass < 0.06% fer the GRV system ana < 1.00% fer the Fl-l.'W system 1Nhen testea in aeeeraanee with RG 1.62 ana .'\SME N61 0 1089:

'lentilatien 8¥stem Flewrate fGFM)

Fl-l,'\'l Esingle fan BJ:)Oratien) 7300

  • 20%

FI-I/\V Ea1::1al fan BJ:)eratien) 10,000 ~ 20%

GRlJ 3,200 *10% 6%

Palisades Nuclear Plant 5.0-15 Amendment No. ~ . 263

PFegFOms aAd MaAuals e:e 6.6 PFegFOms OAd MaAuals VeAtilatioA Filter TestiAg Pregram (ooAtiAued)

Ir. DemeAstrate fer eaoh of the ¥eAtilatioA systems that aA iAJ:llaoe test of the eharoeal adseFbeF she\*x; a 1:1eAetFatieA aAd system by1:1ass < 0.06% fer the GR'/ system aAd < 1.00% feF the FHi'W system wheA tested iA aooordaAee with RC 1.62 aAd ASME N610 1989.

VeAtilatieA System FlewFOte fGFM)

FHA\' (dual faA 8J:1eFOtieA) 10,000 :I: 20%

GRlJ 3200 +10% 6%

&: DemeAstrate fer eaoh of the *teAtilatieA systems that a labeFOtery test ef a sam1:1le ef the ohareeal adserbeF, wheA ebtaiAed as desoribed iA RC 1.62 shews the methyl iedide J:I0AetFOtieA less thaA the \1alue s1:1eoified bolo*#

'#heA tested iA aoeerdaAee with ASTM D3803 1989 at a tem1:1eFOture of

s 309 G aAd equal te the relati¥e humidity s1:1eeified as fellews:

VeAtilatieA s*,stem PeAetratieA Relati*te Humidity R-IAV 6:QG% 9S%

GRlJ 0.167% -79%

Eh F8F eaoh ef the *,10AtilatieA systems, demeAstFOte the J:IFOGSUF0 dF8J:1 aoress the eembiAed HEPA filteFS, the 1:1refilteFS, 0Ad the ehareeal adserbera is less thaA the ¥alue s1:1eoified bele*.*.i wheA tested iA aooerdaAG0 *.tJith RC 1.62 aAd ASME N610 1989:

\<eAtilatieA S*rstem Delta p fl A H20) Flewrate fGFM)

FHi'W (dual faA e1:1eFOtieA) S:G 10,000 + 20%

GRlJ &G 3200 +10% 6%

DemeAstFOte that the heaters fer the GR\! system dissi1:1ates the fellewiAg s1:1eeified 'falue + 20% wheA tested iA aooerdaAoe with ASME N610 1989:

VeAtilatieA S1*stem \'\lattage GRlJ 4e-kW The J:IF8'fiSi8AS ef SR 3.0.2 0Ad SR 3.0.3 0FO a1:11:1lioable te the \<eAtilatieA Filter TestiAg PregFOFA fFequeAoies.

! Should the 720 hOUF limitatioA OR ohareoal adsorbeF OJ:IOFOtioA OGGUF duriAg a 1:1laAt 01:1eratioA requiriAg the use of the ohaFeeal adsorber sueh as refueliAg testiAg may be delayed uAtil the oom1:1letioA of the 1:1laAt 01:1eratioA er UJ:I to 1,600 houFS ef filter e1:1eratioA; whiehe-.1er ooeurs firat.

Palisades Nuolear PlaAt &Q--ffi AFAeAdmeAt No. 261 , 263

Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 Programs and Manuals 5.5.11 F1:1el Oil Testing PFOEJFaffl

/\. f1:1el oil testing pFogFam to ifflplement FCQl:liFCd testing of both new f1:1el oil and (Deleted) stoFed fl:lel oil shall be established. The pFogFaffl shall inel1:1de safflpling Feq1:1iFefflents, testing Feq1:1iFCl'flents, and aeoeptanee eFiteFia, based on the diesel Fflan1:1faet1:1FeF's speeifieations and applieable /\.STM StandaFds. The prngFaffl shall establish the following:

a,. /\.eeeptability of new fl:lel oil pFioF to addition to the F1:1el Oil StoFage Tank, and aeoeptability of fl:lel oil stoFed in the F1:1el Oil StoFage Tank, by deteFl'flining that the fl:lel oil has the following prnper1ies within limits:

+. /\Pl gFa\'ity OF an absol1:1te speoifie gFa\'ity,

~ ~inematie lfiseosity, and

& WateF and sediment eontent Ir. OthCF prnper1ies of fl:lel oil stOFed in the F1:1el Oil StoFage Tank, speoified by the diesel man1:1faet1:1FeFS OF speeified foF gFade 2D f1:1el oil in

/\.STM D 976, aFe within lifflits.

The pF011isions of SR a.0.2 and SR a.o.a aFC applioable to the F1:1el Oil Testing PFOQFaffl.

5.5.12 Technical Specifications {TS) Bases Control Program This program provides a means for processing changes to the Bases of these Technical Specifications.

a. Changes to the Bases of the TS shall be made under appropriate administrative controls and reviews.
b. Licensees may make changes to Bases without prior NRC approval provided the changes do not require either of the following:
1. A change in the TS incorporated in the license; or
2. A change to the updated FSAR or Bases that requires NRC approval pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 5.0-17 Amendment No. 48B, ~ . ~ . 261

Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 Programs and Manuals 5.5.12 Technical Specifications (TS) Bases Control Program (continued)

c. The Bases Control Program shall contain provisions to ensure that the Bases are maintained consistent with the FSAR.
d. Proposed changes that meet the criteria of Specification 5.5.12.b. above shall be reviewed and approved by the NRC prior to implementation.

Changes to the Bases implemented without prior NRC approval shall be provided to the NRC on a frequency consistent with 10 CFR 50.71(e).

5.5.13 Safew FuAef:iOAS DeteFmiAatioA PFOSFam (SFDP)

This PFO:)Fam eASUFes loss of safety fuAotioA is Eleteet:eEI aAEI appFOpFiate aotiOAS (Deleted) takeA. UpoA eAtry iAto LGO a.0.6, aA eYaluatioA shall be maEle to EleteFmiAe if loss of safety fuAef:ioA e>Eists. AEIElitioAally, otheF appFopFiate limitatioAs aAEI rnmeElial OF oompeAsatOFy aotioAs may be iEleAtifieEI to be takeA as a rnsult of the suppoFt system iAopembility aAEI ooFrnspoAEliAg e>EoeptioA to eAteFiAg suppoFteEI system GoAElitioA BREI RequiFOEI AotiOAS. This PFO:)Fam implemeAtS the FequirnmeAts of LGO a .0.6. The SFDP shall ooAtaiA the follo 1,YiAg:

&.- PFOYiSiOAS foF 0FOSS tFaiA oheoks to eASUFO a loss of the oapability to peFfoFm the safety fuAotioA assumeEI iA the aooiEleAt aAalysis Eloes Rot go uAEleteoteEI; 9:- PFOYiSiOAS foF eASUFiAg the plaAt is maiAtaiAeEI iA a safe OOAElitioA if a loss of fuAef:iOA GOAElitioA e>Eists;

&.- PFoYisioAs to eAsuFe that aA iAopeFable suppoFteEI system's GompletioA Time is Rot iAappFOpFiately e>EteAEleEI as a rnsult of multiple suppoFt system iAopeFabilities; aAEI

~ OtheF apprnpFiate limitatioAs aAEI FemeElial OF oompeAsatoF)' aet:ioAs.

A loss of safety fuAef:iOA e>Eists wheA, assumiAg AO GOA0UFFOAt siAgle failuFe, AO 0OAGUFFeAt loss of offsite poweF OF AO GOAGUFFeAt loss of OASite Eliesel g eAemtOF(s , a safety fuAef:ioA assumeEI iA the aooiEleAt aAalysis oaAAot be peFfoFmeEI. FOF the puFpose of this pFogFam, a loss of safety fuAotioA may e>Eist wheA a suppoFt system is iAopemble, aAEI:

&.- A FequiFeEI system rnEluAElaAt to system(s suppoFteEI by the iAopeFable suppoFt system is also iAopeFable; OF tr. A FequiFeEI system FeEluAElaAt to system (s iA tum suppoFteEI by the iAepemble suppoFteEI system is also iAopeFable; OF Palisades Nuclear Plant 5.0-18 Amendment No. 489, ~ . 230, 261

Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 Programs and Manuals

~ Safew F1:1RetieRS DeteFmiRatieR PF8EJFaRl (SFDPl (68RtiR1:1eet)

&: A FeE11:1iFeet systeFR Feet1:1RetaRt ta s1:1pp0Ft systeFR(s) feF tl=te s1:1pp0Fteet systeFRs (a) aRet (13) aba,,e is alse iRepeFable.

Tl=te SFDP ieteRtifies wl=tme a less ef safety fl:IRotieR eHists. If a less ef safety fl:lm~tieR is eteteFmiReet ta eHist by tl=tis pFegFaFR, tl=te appF8pFiate GeRetitieRs aRet ReE11:JiFeet AetieRs ef tl=te LGO iR wl=tiel=t tl=te less ef safety fl:IRetieR eHists aFe

~Feet te be eRteFeet. Wl=leA a less ef safety fl:IRetieA is ea1:1seet by tl=te iRepeFability ef a siRgle Teel=tRieal SpeeifieatieA s1:1pp0Ft systeFR, tl=te appFepFiate GeRetiUeRs aRet ReE11:JiFeet AetieRs ta eRteF aFe tl=tese ef tl=te s1:1pp0Ft systeFR.

5.5.14 GeRtaiRmeRt Leak Rate TestiREJ PFeaFam

-*-* .. J & A pFegFaFR sl=tall establisl=t tl=te leakage Fate testiRg ef tl=te eeAtaiRFReRt as

~ FeE11:JiFeet by 19 GFR 69.64(8) aRet 19 GFR 69, AppeRetiH d, OptieR B, as meetifieet by appFa,,eet eHemptieRs. Tl=tis pFegFam sl=tall ee iR aeeeFetaRee

'.¥itl=t NEI 94 91, R()llisieR 2 A, "IRet1:1sti:y G1:1ieteliRe feF IFRpleFReRtiRg PeFfeFmaAee Baseet OptieR ef 19 GFR PaFt 69, .~ppeAetiH d," etateet OeteeeF 2998, witl=t tl=te fellewiRg eHeeptieRs:

4:- Leakage Fate testiRg is Rat Reeessai:y afteF epeRiRg tl=te EFReFgeRsy Eseape .~iFLeek eteeFS feF pest test FesteFatieR eF pest test aetj1:1stFReRt ef tl=te aiFleek eteeF seals. l-lewe11eF, a seal eeRtaet el=teek sl=tall ee peFfeFFReet iAsteaet.

EmeFgeRey Eseape AiFleek eteeF epeRiRg, selely feF tl=te p1:1Fpese ef stFeRgeaek FeFR011al aRet peFfeFmaRee ef tl=te seal eeRtaet el=teek, etees Rat Aeeessitate aetetitieRal pFess1:1Fe testiRg.

Leakage Fate testiRg at Pa is Rat Reeessai:y afteF aetj1:1stFReRt ef tl=te PeFSeRRel AiF Leek eteeF seals. 1=1a,.¥e11eF, a betwooR tl=to seals test sl=tall ee poFfeFFReet at 19 psig iRstoaet.

Leakage Fate testiRg fFeE11:JeRsy feF tl=to GeRtaiRRlORt 4 iRel=t p1:1Fge eHl=ta1:1st 11al11os, tl=te 8 iRel=t p1:1Fgo eHl=ta1:1st \'al11es, aRet tl=te 12 iRel=t aiF FeeFR s1:1pply ,,al11es may ee eHteReteet 1:1p ta 69 FReRtl=ts easeet 8A eeFRp8ROAt peFfeFFRaR60.

Ir. Tl=to eale1:1latoet peak eeRtaiRFRORt iRteFRal pFess1:1Fe feF tl=te etosigR easis less ef eeelaRt aeeietoRt, Pa, is 64.2 psig. Tl=to eeRtaiRFReRt etesigR pFess1:1Fe is 66 psig.

&: Tl=te FRaHiFRl:IFR allewaelo eeRtaiRFReRt leakage Fate, La, at Pa, sl=tall eo 9.1% ef eeRtaiRFReRt aiF ,_..,eigl=tt peF etay.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 5.0-19 Amendment No. 489, 494, ~ .



PFegFafflS aRd MaRuals 6.6 PFegFOFfl& aRd M

  • aRuale e:&:-44 ~

GoRtaiRmeRt Leak Rate TestiRa PFOSF Leake a"' Eeonlin*ed) ge Fate aeee~R ee onteFia . aFe*

+. Go tOIRFJIORt theRfiFst TpFegFaffl plaRt leak

' the leakFtup a age t followiRn ~

st age Fate aooeptaRee . . .

test1*Rn IA ~ . GFltOFIO ~

ass dIS 1.0 La- uunRg n .

I'll" 8 and T . -- ""' aeeel'lan . ~ranee will, u,*

l'P* G leela end " g 7 eo enlefia ere< 9.lill b '"

Air leek leeling ae . 6 b, fer lype A leela.

  • fer U.e eeptaRee eFiteFia a .

et .. re.

is ~ 1 0 L ...


0-veFall eoFJ113iRed aiF....eakage leek I lype 8 an;t all peRelR!lie*~ an~ 7.h~~ - d al Fl. a*d follo.,*1*Ra t . tests. l-lo...e"eF d . .-al.. es sul:>ieeted t

.. * --eeliH ..n -. -**n II, ' e pregre"', U.e 1.!~elfeFRled iR aeeer<I~~e firs! **it lilel!Up WAOR eomh1" d ~ge Fate aeeepta RS~ WltA this me. Re- u11t... II Ree GFlt . .is "' 0 6 L o Type B aR d G utests " a* peRetFafeF1a IORS aRd 'lal11-es sul3teeted

.. a t


',\'ROA pFOSSUFii!ed t 0 z! nlF10Leek psig,doeF, leakane ~ 1*-s ""'....._ ...,..........


I E"'

  • eoRtast eheekeFgeR~ ~soape AiF Lo eonleel belwe~:::*1611ng ef a ...,Fili*= deer, a seal
  • c aeeel'lable. e oealo **d Iha sea:** ef eeRlln****

,ng **Jfeee

  • 1 enlain"'ent OP ~.
  • Er.

the pu Fposes of the ERABILIT¥"

testiRg~ *is_ OEf Ui'laleRt to "Go t .

The '. . ~~*trefflE!Hls. A a,n"'e"I lnlegfi~ I

~"' .. ** el SR ., -<1r f.: 818 Test1Rg PFogFaffl FOEfU~;!;!eLFet R s. applieal31e to the GORtammeRt . L Nelhing i* u, ~ak Rale

~ testiR gro(:fueneies F ese Teehnieal s

  • FeEf UiFeEf~~e~:~~~s 60, shall he OORstFued P1ppeRdiK cl. t 0 FJIOdlfy . the Palisades Nuel eaF Plant /1.

nfflendment N0 . 189, 194,230, 261

Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 Programs and Manuals 5.5.16 GoAtrol RooFR EA-.telope l-labitability ProaraFR

.'\ GoAtrol Room EA'lelo19e EGRE l-labitability Program shall be establisheet OAel (Deleted) im19leFReAteet to eAsure that GRE habitability is FRaiAtaiAeet suoh that, with OA OPERABLE GoAtrol RooFR VeAtilatioA EGRV FiltFatioA, GRE ooou190Ats oaA GOAtrol the reaetor safely UAeler AOFFROI GOAelitiOAS OAel FROiAtaiA it iA a safe eoAetitioA follo*.viAg a raetiologioal el/eAt, hazaretous ehemioal release, or a smoke ehalleAge. The 19rograFR shall eAsure that aetequate raetiatioA 19reteetioA is f:)FO'Jieleet to 19erFRit aeeess OAel OGGUf:)OAoy of the CRE UAeler etesigA basis aeeieteAt EDB,'\ GOAelitiOAS without 19eFSOAAel reoei'liAg raetiatioA eM19osures iA eMeess of 6 reFR whole boety OF its equi*,aleAt to ORY 19art of the boety for the eturatioA of the aeeieteAt The 19rograFR shall iAeluete the follo-.'fiAg eleFReAts:

The etefiAitioA of the GRE aAet the GRE bouAetary.

Ir. RequiremeAtS for FROiAtaiAiAg the GRE bOUAelOF)t iA its etesigA GOAelitioA iAeluetiAg OOAfiguratioA GOAtrol aAet 19re-.t0Ati1Je maiAteAaAoe.

RequireFReAts for Ei eteterFRiAiAg the UAfiltereet air iAleakage 19ast the GRE bouAetary iAto the GRE iA aooeretaAoe with the testiAg FRethoets aAet at the FrequeAoies s190oifieet iA SestioAs G.1 aAet G.2 of Regulatory Guiete 1.197, "DeFROAstFatiAg GoAtrol RooFR EA11elo190 IAtegrity at Nuolear Power Reaetors," R01JisioA 9, May 2993, aAet Eii assessiAg GRE habitability at the Fre1:1u0Aoies s19eoifieet iA SeetioAs G.1 aAet G.2 of Regulatory Guiete 1.197, R01JisioA 9.

MeasuremeAt, at etesigAateet loeatioAs, of the GRE 19ressure relati*,e to all eMterAal areas aEljaoeAt to the GRE beuAetary eturiAg the 19ressurizatioA FReete of 019eratieA by OAe traiA of the GR\f FiltratieA, 019eratiAg at the fle*.v rate re1:1uireet by the 'JeAtilatieA Filter TestiAg PrograFR, at a Fre1:1ueAoy of 18 FROAths OA a STAGGERED TEST BASIS. The results shall be treAeteet OAel useet as 19art of the 18 FROAth assessFReAt of the GRE beuAetary.

The 1:1uaAtitati'le liFRits eA uAfiltereet air iAleakage iAte the GRE. These liFRits shall be stateet iA a FROAAOr to allow etireet OOFRJ:)arisoA to the UAfiltereet air iAleakage FReasureet by the testiAg etesoribeet iA 19aragra19h e.

The UAfiltereet air iAleakage limit for raetiolegioal ehalleAges is the iAleakage flew rate assuFReet iA the lieeAsiAg basis aAalyses of DB.'\

GOAse1:1u0Aoes. UAfiltereet air iAleakage liFRits for hazareteus eheFRioals FRUst eAsure that eMf:)OSUre of GRE OGOUf:)OAtS to these hazarets will be withiA the OSSUFRf:)tieAS iA the lieeASiAg basis.

The 19re-.tisi0As of SR a.9.2 are a1919lieable to the Fre1:1u0Aoies for assessiAg GRE habitability, etetermiAiAg GRE uAfiltereet iAleakage, aAet FReasuriAg GRE 19ressure OAel assessiAg the GRE bOUAelary as r01:1uireet by 19aragra19hs o aAet et, res190oti1Jely.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 5.0-22 Amendment No. ~ . 261

Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 Programs and Manuals 5.5.17 SuF\1eillanee FFCquenS¥ GontFOI PFOaFaffl

~ Tl=lis pFogFaFA pFO¥ietes oontFols foF Surveillanee FFequenoies. Tl=le pFogFaffl sl=lall ensuFe tl=lat SuFYeillanee RequiFCFFlents speoifieet in tl=le Teol=lnioal Speoifioations aFe peFfoFFF1eet at intervals su#ioient to assuFC tl=le assooiateet Liffliting Gonetitions foF OpeFation aFe Fflet.

&: The Surveillanoe FFCquenoy GontFOI PFOgFaFA shall oontain a list of FFCqueneies of tl=lose Surveillanoe RequiFeFAents foF wl=liol=I tl=le FFequeney is oontFOlleet by tl=le pFOgFBFA.

&. Changes to tl=le FFCquenoies listeet in tl=le Surveillanoe Frnquenoy GontFOI PFogFaFA shall be FF1aete in aoooFetanee witl=I NEI 04 10, "Risk lnfoFFF1eet Metl=loet foF GontFol of Surveillanoe FFequenoies," Re¥ision 1.

&. Tl=le pF0111isions of Surveillanoe RequiFefflents a.0.2 anet a.o.a arn applioable to tl=le FFCquenoies establisl=leet in tl=le Surveillanoe FFequenoy GontFol PFOgFaffl.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 5.0-23 Amendment No. ~ . 271

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Reporting Requirements The following reports shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4.

5.6.1 (Deleted) 5.6.2 Radiological Environmental Operating Report

~ The Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the

~ during the previous calendar year shall be submitted before May 15 of each year. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analysis of trends of the results of the radiological environmental monitoring program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and in 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Sections IV.8.2, IV.8.3, and IV.C.

5.6.3 Radioactive Effluent Release ReJ1(lrt C---,

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering operation of the ~ in the facility previous year shall be submitted prior to May 1 of each year in accordance wi 10 CFR 50.36a. The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the f91am.

The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and Process Control Program, and shall be in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Section IV.8.1.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 5.0-24 Amendment No. 489, 2-4-J, 220

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.4 (Deleted) 5.6.5 GORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (GOLR)

GoFO operating limits shall be establisheet pFioF to eaoh Feloaet oyele, OF pFioF to any FOmaining poFtion of a FOleaet oyole, anet shall be Etoo1::1menteet in the GOLR foF the folloi.*.iing:

(Deleted) 3:4-:-4 Sh1::ttEto't.1n MaFgin

&4-:6 Reg1::1lating Roet GF01::tp Position Limits

~ LineaFI-teat Rate Limits

~ Raetial Peaking FaetoF LiFAits

~ /\SI Limits 3:4:4 DNB LiFAits Ir. The analytioal methoets 1::tseet to EteteFmine the ooFO operating limits shall be those appFo*,eet by the NRG, speeifioally those EteseFibeet in the latest appFo>Jeet FO*.iision of the following Eteo1::1ments:

EMF 96 929(P)E/\) \lol1::1mes 1 anet 2, "ReaetoF Analysis SysteFA foF P\OJRs," Siemens PoweF GoFpoFation.

(LGOs 3.1.1, 3.1 .6, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, & 3.2.4)

~ /\NF 84 7a /\ppeneti:1< B (P)(/\), "/\Et*.*anoeet N1::1oleaF F1::tels Methoetology foF PFOss1::tFi:2:eet lJIJateF ReaetoFS: Analysis of GhapteF 16 E>Jents," /\Et>Janeeet N1::teleaF F1::tels GoFporation. (Bases FOpoFt not appFo>Jeet) (LGOs 3.1.1, 3.1.6, 3.2.1 , 3.2.2, & 3.2.4)

&- XN NF 82 21 (P)(/\), "/\pplieation of EKKOn N1::teleaF Company P\t\JR TheFmal MaFgin Metheetology te Mi:1<eet GoFe Gonfig1::1rations," EKKon N1::teleaF Company.

(LGOs 3.2.1, 3.2.2, & 3.2.4) 4:- EMF 84 Q93(P)~'\), "Steam Line BFOak Methoetology foF plJIJRs, "Siemens PeweF GeFperatien.

(LGOs 3.1.1, 3.1.6, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, & 3.2.4)

XN 76 32(P)(l\) S1::1pplements 1 thF01::tgh 4, "Gemp1::1tatienal PFOoeEt1::tFe foF E>Jal1::tating F1::tel Reet Boi.\ling," EKKen N1::telear Company. (Bases Etee1::1ment net appFe>Jeet)

(LGOs 3.1.6, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, & 3.2.4)

Palisades Nuclear Plant 5.0-25 Amendment No. 489, ~ . 220

Repofting Reei1:11Fements


&.8 Repoi:t*mg Reei1:1iF mente

&:6-:e COLR Eeontin1:1eel)

ReaeleFB." ELCOe 3~*&bOCA Melllollolo!llffNP, IRe., Mey 2Ql!l

. . 'a.2.1, a.2 2 & a 2 :F PFeSSl:IFii!eel '"'at '

~N NF . ' . l " OF

- 78 44ENP 6 ,, 6 .

EJeetion TFansie H, .), *' GeneFie I\ nal ..

-*eel! N**I~;,
~~* of NOR bOCA c~.,,., loF r-noea bCOe 3.1.8 3 2 1 o
  • Co,,oFEllioR

, . . , a.2.2, & a.2. .

oi,te, 16 l?,eRI&"

EMF N~eleate92 1&3EPHA Bailin ,t S1off10Rs Powe~ CoFpoFat1on.

anel S_1:1pplement 1 "1-1 .

oF10lell_oR 1o,ELGOs Th High a 2e;mallP. DOl'OFIYFe PeReFfflanee """'F1:1el "

~N NF &2HPW'l * . . , 3.2.2, & 3.2.4) ,

4G-: Designs " E . ' ' E~oEon N1:1eleaF 41-:

Offl,o RI'*. ELCOe 3 -OF --o-a B""'"'"

1 8lellieRII , , leORI! 6,uohfieelioR "Q . of

  • * , 3.2.1, 3.2.2 & * ..eR Nueleo, 3
  • 6,NF 88 133EPlE , .2.4)

N1:1eleaF F1:1els' p,1 anel S1:1pplement 1 " .

Nyolea, Coff1,:1~e!IOR ORI! ThoFFRal ~FBRIUffl.DiOMi<lelCollol' .

  • ~- ELCOe * * , 3.2.1,ORlluelP,ilJ*

3.2.2, &~.R * '"'"

3 1 11 2 .::1:1lts, Exxon Palisaeles N1:1elear Plant Amenelment No. 189,209

EMF 92 118(PW\ " .


F:el DeeigRs," s;i;.. CeR8flS Mesl,aRisel D .

( cos 3.1.8, 3.2.1 3e~s2Pewer Gerperati0Aes1gA Criteria for P'MR

' * * , & 3.2.4

  • 4e-:- EMF 2087(PHA PWR LBLOC;:*

"S_EM/PWR 98* EGG Nasleer d . Fasls c::*l'fGI&

--rperoli ef Chaple; 16 - IEe,J Reeeler

,,.,R19. A ~

Prelenf"10R Neel!IR darlRg Ille NRG"":

8"E!IR~er 16, 1988j E~..., ef liseRse I'..:::"~"

IAPP,.,.,*d ~ . * . ndoeRsed Ille Palisade&

4+, 6 3.1.6 3 2 1 R IReRI 118

. EMF 1961E~EI . , .. , 3.2.2, & 3.4 .1) ,

2000 -~* "St ERglReeriRg . r.,, Sel

-&lieel * ~ O, s*lelReRs Pe-.,

Re\'ISieA Tyfle ~~~R&ieRI Melll~~e; CerpereUeR, daly

&4.-11/4 ** er&. ELGOe 3.1.6 * ;2eg1y .::io * * -

for Gemb1:1sti0A 322 3 411, EMF 2 ' . . ' - .2.4, &

"P~-IR Eb

  • 81Rell 328 (PHA llreek , Re1,*isi0A 9 cos 3.1.8, 3.2.1 ' & 32 bOC * - ' Fre1Rete1Re
  • N
  • 2E-,alaelieR Medel'  :~Re.,

- ELAPS Mereh B 2001 " '

411, II*"'

P*an. 2489P , "R . IJ!l8d .

211, EMF risaeles." 31

- e11Iseel (LGO~ F S~e~.'\ssembly Gre'"Jth C

. . ' . .1, 3.2.2, & 3.2:4) eFFOlelieR fer 2193(PHA , "R . . 8 Press1:1rii!eel ,A,n-a~r t Reaoters eahst10 Large

" (LG roak LOGA Metheel u, il,l\.\l>J 1924QE * * . Os 3.1.6, 3.2.1, & 3.2.~egyfer ANP Atai>re"e~

The eere e .


  • e--eels

" ( Lef.

~R99FpereliOR M6 p- repert"

  • COe 3.1.8, 3.2.; ;~*'" Fra1Rete1Re


lilRite Ee-1 -,p~:~Rg lilRite shell ~e del . ' . .2, 3.2.4, & 3.4.1)

-FgiR, "1 EIReFgeRO . C llleffRSI 1ReeheRi _e'!"IRed ***h Illa!

~*re CeeliRg ~IReal _IIIRII&, sere llleRRel ell_ epphee~le eRei-,aie a~s~"':' &. eRelysis li1Rite, .':.::IRII&'. Raelear eee,deRI li"'ils lilRi 8R8l'fGi&  :::*he lilRite, a& &hlll<le-,*,R TIie GOLR . te) ef Ille -

  • PF ... ' meludiR!I "" . . .,

e,1eleel, 1:1190A iss1:1aA~1;:1e1 r eaeh eyolereleael eyeleer re1.iisi0As , tes1:1pplemeAts the NRG ' shall be Palisaeles N1:1ol ear PlaAt

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.6 Pest Aoeident MeniteFina ReeeFt Wt.en a FOpeFt is FOE11:1iFOd by LCO a.a.7, "Pest Aeeident Menitering lnstr1:1FRentatien," a FOpeFt sl=tall be s1:1bFRitted *witl=tin tl=te felle-.*.iing 14 days. Tl=te (Deleted) FOpeFt sl=tall e1:1tline tl=te pFeplanned alteFAate FRetl=ted ef FReniteFing, tl=te ea1:1se ef tl=te inepeFability, and tl=te plans and sel=ted1:1le feF FOstering tl=te instr1:1FRentatien el=tannels te OPERABLE stat1:1s.

5.6.7 CentainFRent Str1:1et1:1ral lntearity S1:1rveillanee ReeeFt RepeFts sl=tall be s1:1bFRitted te tl=te NRG eei.ieFing PFOstFOssing, Anel=teFage, and (Deleted) DeFRe DelaFRinatien tests 'Nitl=tin 98 days afteF eeFRpletien ef tl=te tests.

5.6.8 SteaFR GeneFater T1:1be lnseeetien ReeeFt A FOpeFt sl=tall be s1:1bFRitted witl=tin 188 days afteF tl=te initial entf)' inte MODE 4 (Deleted) fellewing eeFRpletien ef an inspeetien peFfeFFRed in aeeeFdanee witl=t tl=te Speeifieatien 6.6.8, SteaFR GeneFateF (SG) PregFaFR. Tl=te FOpeFt sl=tall inel1:1de:

& Tl=te seepe ef inspeetiens peFfeFFRed en eael=t SG,

~ degradatien FReol=tanisms fe1:1nel, Er. Nendestr1:1eti-.1e eMaFRinatien teel=tni1:11:1es 1:1tilii!eel fer eael=t elegraelatien FReel=tanisFR,

~ Leeatien, erientatien (if lineaF), and FReas1:1FOel sii!es (if a*.iailable) ef sef\1iee ind1:1eed indieatiens,

&: N1:1FRber ef t1:1bes pl1:1ggeel d1:1ring tl=te inspeetien e1:1tage fer eaol=t aeti*.ie degFadatien FR0Gl=taniSFR, f:- Tetal n1:1FRbeF and peroentage ef t1:1bes pl1:1gged te elate, g:- Tl=te FOs1:1lts ef eenditien FReniteFing, inel1:1ding tl=te F0s1:1lts ef t1:1be p1:1lls and in sit1:1 testing, anel f:t:- Tl=te pl1:1gging pereentage feF all pl1:1gging in eaol=t SG.

+:- Tl=te res1:1lts ef FReniteFing feF t1:1be aMial elisplaeeFRent (slippage). If slippage is dioeei.ieFOd, tl=te iFRplieatiens ef tl=te disoet.ief)' and eeFreeti1, 1e aetien sl=tall be pre*.iided.

Palisades Nuclear Plant 5.0-28 Amendment No. ~ . 261


Amendment No. ea, 176


TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 Objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan ..................................... 1-1 2.0 Environmental Protection Issues .............................................................. 2-1 2-1 2.1 Aquatic Issues....................................................................................... . 2-1 2.2 Terrestrial Issues ...................................................................................... H 3.0 Consistency Requirements ...................................................................... 3-1

~ ~Design and Operation ..................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Reporting Related to the NPDES Permits and State Certification ............ 3-2 3.3 Changes Required for Compliance with Other Environmental Regulations .............................................................................................. 3-3 4.0 Environmental Conditions ........................................................................ 4-1 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events ............................................ 4-1 4.2 Environmental Monitoring ......................................................................... 4-1 5.0 Administrative Procedures ....................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Review and Audit ..................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Records Retention ................................................................................... 5-1 5.3 Changes in Environmental Protection Plan .............................................. 5-2 5.4 ~ Reporting Requirements ................................................................. 5-2


Amendment No. 63 January 22, 1981

1.0 Objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan The Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) is to provide for protection of environmental values during oonstrl::lotion and operation of the nuclear facility.

The principal objectives of the EPP are as follows: handling and storage of spent fuel and maintenance (1) Verify that thel'Eflaf~ret~atE~ in an environmentally acceptable manner, as established by the FES and other NRC environmental impact assessments. facility is maintained (2) Coordinate NRC requirements and maintain consistency with other Federal, State and local requirements for environmental protection.

(3) Keep NRC informed of the environmental effects of facility oonstrnotion and operation and of actions taken to control those e cts handling and storage of spent fuel and maintenance of the Environmental concerns identified in the FES which relate to water quality matters are regulated by way of the licensee's NP DES permit.

1-1 January 22, 1981

2.0 Environmental Protection Issues In the final addendum to the FES-OL dated February 1978 the staff considered the environmental impacts associated with the operation of the Palisades Plant.

Certain environmental issues were identified which required study or license conditions to resolve environmental concerns and to assure adequate protection of the environment.

2.1 Aquatic Issues Specific aquatic issues raised by the staff in the FES-OL were:

The need for aquatic monitoring programs to confirm that thermal mixing occurs as predicted, that chlorine releases are controlled within those discharge concentrations evaluated, and that effects on aquatic biota and water quality due to operation are no greater than predicted.

facility Aquatic issues are addressed by the effluent limitations, and monitoring requirements are contained in the effective NPDES permit issued by the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources. The NRC will rely on this agency for regulation of matters involving water quality and aquatic biota.

2.2 Terrestrial Issues

1. Potential impacts on the terrestrial environment associated with drift from the mechanical draft cooling towers. (FES-OL addendum Section 6.3) 2-1 January 22, 1981

Facility 3.0 nsistency Requirements ~

3.1 P-lam Design and Operation I facility The licensee may make changes in station design or operation or or experiments affecting the environment provided such changes, t sts or experiments do not involve an unreviewed environmental question, nd do not involve a change in the Environmental Protection Plan. Changes in ~ design or operation or performance of tests or experiments which do not affect the environment are not subject to the requirements of this EPP. Activities governed by Section 3.3 are not subject to the requirements of this section.

Before engaging in additional construction or operational activities which may affect the environment, the licensee shall prepare and record an environmental evaluation of such activity. When the evaluation indicates that such activity involves an unreviewed environmental question, the licensee shall provide a written evaluation of such activities and obtain prior approval from the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. When such activity involves a change in the Environmental Protection Plan, such activity and change to the Environmental Protection Plan may be implemented only in accordance with an appropriate license amendment as set forth in Section 5.3.

A proposed change, test or experiment shall be deemed to involve an unreviewed environmental question if it concerns (1) a matter which may result in a significant increase in any adverse environmental impact previously evaluated in the final environmental statement (FES) as modified by staffs testimony to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, supplements to the FES, environmental impact appraisals, or in any decisions of the Atomic Safety and Licensing 3-1 January 22, 1981

Board; or (2) a significant change in effluents or power le1.iel [in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51.5(b)(2)] or (3) a matter not previously reviewed and evaluated in the documents specified in (1) of this Subsection, which may have a significant adverse environmental impact.

The licensee shall maintain records of changes in facility design or operation and of tests and experiments carried out pursuant to this Subsection. These records shall include a written evaluation which provide bases for the determination that the change, test, or experiment does not involve an unreviewed environmental question nor constitute a decrease in the effectiveness of this EPP to meet the objectives specified in Section 1.0. The licensee shall include as part of his Annual Environmental Operating Report (per Subsection 5.4.1) brief descriptions, analyses, interpretations, and evaluations of such changes, tests and experiments.

3.2 Reporting Related to the N PDES Permits and State Certifications Violations of the NPDES Permit or the State certification (pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Mater Act) shall be reported to the NRC by submittal of copies of the reports required by the NPDES Permit or certification.

Changes and additions to the NPDES Permit or the State certification shall be reported to the NRC within 30 days following the date the change is approved. If a permit or certification, in part or in its entirety, is appealed and stayed, the NRC shall be notified within 30 days following the date the stay is granted.

3-2 January 22, 1981

The NRC shall be notified of changes to the effective NPDES Permit proposed by the licensee by providing NRC with a copy of the proposed change at the same time it is submitted to the permitting agency. The notification of a licensee-initiated change shall include a copy of the requested revision submitted to the permitting agency. The licensee shall provide the NRC a copy of the application for renewal of the NP DES permit at the same time the application is submitted to the permitting agency.

facility 3.3 Changes Req red for Compliance with Other Environmental Regulations Changes in plaRt design or operation and performance of tests or experiments which are required to achieve compliance with other Federal, State, or local environmental regulations are not subject to the requirements of Section 3.1.

3-3 January 22, 1981

the handling and storage of 4.0 Environmental Conditions spent fuel and maintenance 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events of the facility Any occurrence of an unusual or important event th t indicates or could result in significant environmental impact causally related to plaRt opeFatioR shall be recorded and promptly reported to the NRC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> by telephone, telegraph, or facsimile transmissions followed by a written report per Subsection 5.4.2. The following are examples: excessive bird impaction events, onsite plant or animal disease outbreaks, mortality or unusual occurrence of any species protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973, fish kills, increase in nuisance organisms or conditions and unanticipated or emergency discharge of waste water or chemical substances.

No routine monitoring programs are required to implement this condition.

4.2 Environmental Monitoring 4.2.1 Meteorological Monitoring A meteorological monitoring program shall be conducted in the vicinity of the plant site for at least two years after conversion to cooling towers to document effects of cooling tower operation on meteorological variables. Data on the following meteorological variables shall be obtained from the station network shown in Figure 4.2.1: precipitation, temperature, humidity, solar radiation, downcoming radiation, visibility, wind direction and wind speed. In addition, studies shall be conducted for at least two years to measure affects of cooling tower drift on vegetation by associated salt deposition, icing or other causes.

4-1 January 22, 1981

5.0 Administrative Procedures 5.1 Review and Audit The licensee shall provide for review and audit of compliance with the Environmental Protection Plan. The audits shall be conducted independently of the individual or groups responsible for performing the specific activity. A description of the organization structure utilized to achieve the independent review and audit function and results of the audit activities shall be maintained and made available for inspection.

Iprevious I 5.2 Records Retention T Records and logs relative to the environmental aspects of plant operation I\

shall be made and retained in a manner convenient for review and inspec ion.

These records and logs shall be made available to NRC on request.


'A""Ql~ structures, systems and components determined to potentially affect the continued protection of the environmen shall be retained for the life of the . All other records, data and logs relating to this EPP shall be retain d for five years or, where applicable, in accordance with the requirements and the handling and storage of spent fuel and maintenance of the facility 5-1 January 22, 1981

5.3 Changes in Environmental Protection Plan Request for change in the Environmental Protection Plan shall include an assessment of the environmental impact of the proposed change and a supporting justification. Implementation of such changes in the EPP shall not commence prior to NRC approval of the proposed changes in the form of a license amendment incorporating the appropriate revision to the Environmental Protection Plan.


5.4 ~ Reporting Requirements 5.4.1 Routine Reports An Annual Environmental Operating Report describing implementation of this EPP for the previous year shall be submitted to the NRC prior to May 1 of each year. The initial report shall be submitted prior to May 1 of the year following issuance of the operating license. The period of the first report shall begin with the date of issuance of the operating license.

The report shall include summaries and analyses of the results of the environmental protection activities required by Subsection 4.2 of this Environmental Protection Plan for the report period, including a comparison with preoperational studies, operational controls (as appropriate), and ..-----,

facility previous nonradiological environmental monitoring repo assessment of the observed impacts of the ~ operation on the environment. If harmful effects or evidence of trends towards irreversible damage to the environment are observed, the licensee shall provide a detailed analysis of the data and a proposed course of action to alleviate the problem.

5-2 January 22, 1981

The Annual Environmental Operating Report shall also include:

(a) A list of EPP noncompliances and the corrective actions taken to remedy them.



A list of all changes in station design or operation, tests, and experiments made in accordance with Subsection 3.1 which involved a potentially significant unreviewed environmental issue.

(c) A list of nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with Subsection 5.4.2.

In the event that some results are not available by the report due date, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.

5-3 January 22, 1981

5.4.2 Nonroutine Reports facility A written report shall be submitted to the NRC within 30 d ys of occurrence of nonroutine event. The report shall (a) describe, analyze, nd evaluate the event, including extent and magnitude of the impact and ~ operating characteristics, (b) describe the probable cause of the event, (c) indicate the action taken to correct the reported event, (d) indicate the corrective action taken to preclude repetition of the event and to prevent similar occurrences involving similar components or systems, and (e) indicate the agencies notified and their preliminary responses.

Events reportable under this subsection which also require reports to other Federal, State or local agencies shall be reported in accordance with those reporting requirements in lieu of the requirements of this subsection. The NRC shall be provided a copy of such report at the time it is submitted to the other agency.

5-4 January 22, 1981