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USGS - Conservation Buffer Distance Estimates for Greater Sage-GrouseA Review Attachments: Manier et al 2014ofr2014-1239.pdf

Conservation Buffer Distance Estimates for Greater Sage-GrouseA Review By Daniel J. Manier, Zachary H. Bowen, Matthew L. Brooks, Michael L. Casazza, Peter S. Coates, Patricia A. Deibert, Steven E. Hanser, and Douglas H. Johnson Open-File Report 2014-1239 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey

U.S. Department of the Interior SALLY JEWEL, Secretary U.S. Geological Survey Suzette M. Kimball, Acting Director U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2014 For more information on the USGSthe Federal source for science about the Earth, its natural and living resources, natural hazards, and the environmentvisit or call 1-888-ASK-USGS For an overview of USGS information products, including maps, imagery, and publications, visit To order this and other USGS information products, visit Cover. Photographs clockwise from top left by Cameron Aldridge and Daniel Manier (USGS),

Gary Kramer (USGS), and Cameron Aldridge; graphic design by Mari Kauffman (USGS).

Suggested citation:

Manier, D.J., Bowen, Z.H., Brooks, M.L., Casazza, M.L., Coates, P.S., Deibert, P.A., Hanser, S.E., and Johnson, D.H.,

2014, Conservation buffer distance estimates for Greater Sage-GrouseA review: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014-1239, 14 p.,

ISSN 2331-1258 (online)

Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Although this report is in the public domain, permission must be secured from the individual copyright owners to reproduce any copyrighted material contained within this report.


Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Analytical Realities and Additional Background ............................................................................................................. 2 Surface Disturbance ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Linear Features ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Energy Development ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Tall Structures ............................................................................................................................................................... 8 Low Structures............................................................................................................................................................... 9 Activities (Without Habitat Loss) .................................................................................................................................... 9 References Cited ..........................................................................................................................................................10 Table Table 1. Lek buffer-distance estimates for six categories of anthropogenic land use and activity ......................... 14 iii

Conversion Factors Inch/Pound to SI Multiply By To obtain Length foot (ft) 0.3048 meter (m) mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer (km) yard (yd) 0.9144 meter (m)

Area acre 4,047 square meter (m2) acre 0.4047 hectare (ha) acre 0.004047 square kilometer (km2) section (640 acres or 1 square mile) 259.0 square hectometer (hm2) square mile (mi2) 259.0 hectare (ha) 2 square mile (mi ) 2.590 square kilometer (km2)

SI to Inch/Pound Multiply By To obtain Length meter (m) 3.281 foot (ft) kilometer (km) 0.6214 mile (mi) meter (m) 1.094 yard (yd)

Area 2

square meter (m ) 0.0002471 acre hectare (ha) 2.471 acre square kilometer (km2) 247.1 acre square hectometer (hm2) 0.003861 section (640 acres or 1 square mile) hectare (ha) 0.003861 square mile (mi2) square kilometer (km2) 0.3861 square mile (mi2) iv

Conservation Buffer Distance Estimates for Greater Sage-GrouseA Review By Daniel J. Manier, Zachary H. Bowen, Matthew L. Brooks, Michael L. Casazza, Peter S. Coates, Patricia A.

Deibert, Steven E. Hanser, and Douglas H. Johnson Introduction based, in conjunction with other considerations (table 1). We present this information for six This report was prepared at the request categories of land use or disturbance typically of the U.S. Department of the Interior and is a found in land-use plans which are representative compilation and summary of published of the level of definition available in the scientific studies that evaluate the influence of scientific literature: surface disturbance anthropogenic activities and infrastructure on (multiple causes; immediate and cumulative Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus influences); linear features (roads); energy urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse) development (oil, gas, wind, and solar); tall populations. The purpose of this report is to structures (electrical, communication, and provide a convenient reference for land meteorological); low structures (fences and managers and others who are working to buildings); and activities (noise and related develop biologically relevant and disruptions). Minimum and maximum distances socioeconomically practical buffer distances for observed effects found in the scientific around sage-grouse habitats. The framework for literature, as well as a distance range for this summary includes (1) addressing the possible conservation buffers based on potential effects of anthropogenic land use and interpretation of multiple sources, expert disturbances on sage-grouse populations, (2) knowledge of the authors regarding affected providing ecologically based interpretations of areas, and the distribution of birds around leks evidence from the scientific literature, and (3) are provided for each of the six categories (table informing implementation of conservation 1). These interpreted values for buffer distances buffers around sage-grouse communal breeding are an attempt to balance the extent of protected locationsknown as leks. areas with multiple land-use requirements using We do not make specific management estimates of the distribution of sage-grouse recommendations but instead provide habitat. Conservation efforts may then focus on summarized information, citations, and the overlap between potential effect zone and interpretation of findings available in scientific important habitats. We provide a brief literature. We also recognize that because of discussion of some of the most relevant variation in populations, habitats, development literature for each category. References patterns, social context, and other factors, for a associated with the minimum and maximum particular disturbance type, there is no single values in table 1 are identified in the References distance that is an appropriate buffer for all Cited section with corresponding symbols.

populations and habitats across the sage-grouse Distances in this report reflect radii range. Thus, we report values for distances upon around lek locations because these locations are which protective, conservation buffers might be typically (although not universally) known, and 1

management plans often refer to these locations. Natural movement behaviors of sage-Lek sites are most representative of breeding grouse have been documented by multiple habitats, but their locations are focal points studies that provide direct evidence of inter- and within populations, and as such, protective intraseasonal movements from a few kilometers buffers around lek sites can offer a useful (km) (nonmigratory populations; Berry and solution for identifying and conserving seasonal Eng, 1985; Connelly and others, 2004) to 20-30 habitats required by sage-grouse throughout km or more (Connelly and others, 2004; Fedy their life cycle. However, knowledge of local and others, 2012; Tack and others, 2012). An and regional patterns of seasonal habitat use influential, telemetry-based, tracking project in may improve conservation of those important central Montana indicated more than 90 percent areas, especially regarding the distribution and of breeding season movements by male grouse utilization of nonbreeding season habitats were within 1.3 km (0.8 mi) of a lek and 76 (which may be underrepresented in lek-based percent were within 1 km of a lek (0.6 mi; designations). Wallestad and Schladweiler, 1974). The 1-km (0.6-mi) buffer used in many management Analytical Realities and Additional efforts was based upon this research. More recent analyses have indicated that 90-95 Background percent of habitat use at the population level Understanding the effects of multiple was focused within approximately 8 km (5 human land uses on sage-grouse and their miles [mi]) of several California and Nevada lek habitats is complicated by the combination of sites (Coates and others, 2013), and 95 percent environmental, ecological, and socioeconomic of all nests were located within approximately 5 conditions across the species range, which km (3.1 mi) of leks. Holloran and Anderson includes parts of 11 U.S. States and 2 Canadian (2005) found that 64 percent of nests in Provinces in western North America. Responses Wyoming occurred within 5 km (3.1 mi) of of individual birds and populations, coupled leks, suggesting considerable protection of with variability in land-use patterns and habitat sage-grouse within these proximate habitats. In conditions, add variation in research results. contrast, home ranges as large as 2,975 km2 This variability presents a challenge for land (1,149 mi2) have been documented (Connelly managers and planners seeking to use research and others, 2000, 2004) in some portions of the results to guide management and plan for sage- species range. These larger distances suggest grouse conservation measures. that for some populations, the minimum Variability between sage-grouse distance inferred here (5 km [3.1 mi]) from leks populations and their responses to different may be insufficient to protect nesting and other types of infrastructure can be substantial across seasonal habitats. Based on the collective the species range. Our interpretations attempt information reviewed for this study, to encompass variability in populations (for conservation practices that address habitats example, migratory versus nonmigratory) and falling within the interpreted distances may be rangewide response patterns of sage-grouse to expected to protect as much as 75 percent various human activities. Logical and (Doherty and others, 2010) to 95 percent scientifically justifiable departures from the (Coates and others, 2013) of local populations typical response, based on local data and habitat utilization.

other factors, may be warranted when Habitat condition, composition, implementing buffer protections or density structure, and distribution are important limits in parts of the species range. potential modifiers of the effect of human infrastructure and activities on sage-grouse 2

populations (Dinkins and others, 2014; Walters to reduce disturbance to breeding sage-grouse.

and others, 2014). The distribution of sagebrush Although specific details and implementation of (Artemisia spp.) is a well-known biological and these different approaches have varied, each statistical predictor of sage-grouse response to approach has the ability (alone or in concert their environment (for example, Connelly and with others) to protect important habitats, others, 2004; Aldridge and Boyce, 2007; Hagen sustain populations, and support multiple-use and others, 2007; National Technical Team, demands for public lands. As such, local and Sage Grouse, 2011; Wisdom and others, 2011; regional differences in design and Kirol and others, 2012; Beck and others, 2014; implementation of conservation plans should be Smith and others, 2014). Differences among assessed with explicit attention to the details sagebrush communities within a population and cumulative impact of a suite of actions, range may also affect the impact of including but not limited to the buffer distances, infrastructure. For example, primary which are the focus of this report.

productivity of sites is typically greater in mountain big sagebrush (A. tridendata ssp. Surface Disturbance vaseyana) communities than Wyoming big sagebrush (A. t. ssp. wyomingensis) Surface disturbance represents a communities (Davies and Bates, 2010). combination of human activities that alter or Sage-grouse depend on sagebrush, so remove the natural vegetation community on a buffer protections may be most effective when site. Isolating the potential effects of human focused on avoidance of disturbance to land-use patterns on sage-grouse is challenging sagebrush that provides the keystone to sage- because causal factors are frequently grouse habitat. Important sage-grouse habitats interrelated and interactive (for example roads include those with >40 percent sagebrush and distribution lines or roads and well pads) landcover (within 5 km [3.1 mi] radial making a general discussion of development assessment area; Knick and others, 2013), effects necessary. In cases where better sagebrush patch sizes greater than 1 km2 (0.4 discrimination is available, those specific types mi2) (Aldridge and Boyce, 2007), and plot-level of surface disturbances are addressed in the composition of approximately 10-30 percent following sections. The values in this section sagebrush cover and >15 percent grasses and reflect a nondiscriminatory understanding of the forbs (Connelly and others, 2004; Stiver and independent and interactive and cumulative others, 2006). Avoidance of activities that effects of activities that remove sagebrush cover increase distance between sagebrush patches or and other natural vegetation, and often include that impose barriers to dispersal could also help continual and (or) intermittent activities, such as maintain populations (Wisdom and others, running motors and pumps, vehicle visits, and 2011; Knick and Hanser, 2011). equipment servicing. The collective influence of Various protection measures have been human activity on the landscape, often referred developed and implemented, including to as the human footprint (Leu and others, complete closure of important habitats, distance 2008), has been associated with negative trends buffers that restrict disturbing activities within in sage-grouse lek counts (Johnson and others, designated distances, and development- 2011) and population persistence (Aldridge and disturbance density limits within habitats (for others, 2008; Wisdom and others, 2011). A examples see, Policy and Rules for multiscale assessment of factors associated with Development at lek abandonment between 1965 and 2007 found structure-info). Timing restrictions have also that the level of the human footprint within 5 commonly been employed at lek sites, primarily km (3.1 mi) of the lek was negatively associated 3

with lek persistence (Knick and Hanser, 2011). within this range (for example, Berry and Eng, Agricultural activities, including tilling, 1985; Lyon and Anderson, 2003; Holloran and seeding, and other highly managed activities, Anderson, 2005; Walker and others, 2007; are a component of the human footprint and Aldridge and others, 2008; Knick and others, clearly fall into the category of surface 2011; Naugle and others, 2011; Coates and disturbance (removal of native vegetation); others, 2013). Importantly, due to variability however, agriculture is a special case because, among individuals and populations, some although agriculture occupies large areas with individuals in most populations (migratory and transformed conditions, these lands are typically nonmigratory) may move greater distances than privately owned and the habitat value of those included in the buffer, but specific agricultural areas is not zero because these lands protections cannot, practically, be determined can provide cover and forage for some for all individuals and all behavioral patterns.

populations in some seasons (Fischer and Although leks are generally recognized as the others, 1996). For example, sage-grouse have center of breeding and nesting habitats, recent been known to use agricultural lands in late utilization distribution analyses have helped to summer and early spring (Fischer and others, refine understanding of sage-grouse habitat-use 1996). Though we found no direct evidence for patterns throughout the year. Based on this spacing recommendations between agricultural approach, Coates and others (2013) suggested lands and leks or other sage-grouse habitat, the that an 8-km (5-mi) protection area centered on conversion of sagebrush to agriculture within a an active lek location should encompass the landscape has been shown to lead to decreased seasonal movements and habitat use of 90-95 abundance of sage-grouse in many portions of percent of sage-grouse associated with the lek.

their range (Swenson and others, 1987; Smith Longer distance movements are not always and others, 2005; Aldridge and Boyce, 2007; explicitly protected in this context, and habitats Aldridge and others, 2008). A potential associated with previously unidentified leks mechanism for this decrease in abundances, may not be protected. However, final settling besides the direct loss of habitat, is the locations for more mobile individuals may be association of generalist predators (Common associated with quality habitats protected by Raven [Corvus corax] and Black-billed Magpie buffers around adjacent lek sites. Furthermore,

[Pica hudsonia]) with agricultural infrastructure buffer distances beyond 8 km (5 mi) result in a (Vander Haegen and others, 2002) and decreasing benefit (cost-benefit trade-off) of subsequent predation on sage-grouse (Connelly increasing protection in areas that are less and others, 2004; Coates and Delehanty, 2010). commonly used by sage-grouse. Without Estimated distance effects were population-specific information regarding the translated to a 5- to 8-km (3.1- to 5-mi) radius location of habitats and movement of birds, around each lek to describe a possible which may be utilized when available (for an conservation buffer area (interpreted range) example see, Colorado Greater Sage-grouse based on interpretation of two principal factors: Steering Committee, 2008), this generalized the potential effect area and the potential protection area (circular buffer around active distribution of habitat use within affected areas. leks with radius of 8 km [5mi]) offers a The need for protection of populations that are practical tool for determining important habitat not well understood requires some areas. (Note: the Colorado Plan [Colorado generalization, and this distance range is Greater Sage-grouse Steering Committee, 2008]

proposed because research suggests that a recommended a 6.4-km [4-mi] circular buffer, majority of sage-grouse distributions and which may be well suited for those populations movements (within and between seasons) occur and falls within the range identified here.)


Importantly, similar results and interpretations Linear Features to those derived from California and Nevada populations (Coates and others, 2013) were Roads, especially active roads such as attained from the eastern portion of sage-grouse collectors, major haul, and service roads, as well range; namely, Holloran and Anderson (2005) as county, State, and Federal highways, create reported 64 percent of monitored nests fell many of the same aversion factors described within 5 km (3.1 mi) of a lek, and response to previously that are related to traffic noise on industrial development (decreased nesting rates roadways and interactions with infrastructure and success rates) was observable to distances associated with corridors (such as fences, poles, between 5 and 10 km (3.1-6.2 mi) from a lek and towers). One potential mechanism behind suggesting that similar buffer distances are as road-aversion behavior by sage-grouse could be relevant in Wyoming as in the Great Basin. In the intermittent noise produced by passing Utah, approximately 90 percent of nests (not all traffic. Blickley and others (2012) discovered movements) were located within 5 km (3 mi) of that noise-disturbance simulations that a lek and threshold distance increased with mimicked intermittent sources (road noise), or greater contiguity of habitats. The smallest separately, drilling noises (continuous),

effect distance (3.2 km [2 mi] from a lek) generated a significant reduction in lek described by Naugle and others (2011) was attendance of sage-grouse (73-percent reduction previously described and tested in field research with road noise, 29 percent with drilling noise).

by Holloran and Anderson (2005) and Walker Most planning related to linear features and others (2007); these studies were designed applies to new construction, that is, avoidance to evaluate the effectiveness of existing of placing new roads or transmission lines in stipulations. However, recent evaluation of important habitats, but existing roads might also different effect areas (Gregory and Beck, 2014) be addressed by considering seasonal closures, suggested significant immediate effects on lek or removal, of roads within protective buffer attendance with one well pad within 2 km (1.2 areas. Fragmentation of habitats related to the mi) of a lek and time-lagged effects due to network of roads and other linear features industrial development within 10 km (6.2 mi) of (potential for cumulative effects) may have a lek indicating a habitat within the 8 km (5 mi) negative effects on sage-grouse populations by identified here may still experience an influence reducing and fragmenting sagebrush habitat.

of development on some landscapes. Although When compared to extirpated leks, occupied considerable protections would be afforded by leks have twice the cover of sagebrush (46 using a greater buffer distance from leks, percent versus 24 percent) and ten times larger research has indicated population effects are average sagebrush patches (4,173 hectares [ha]

variable, and the cumulative effect of [10,310 acres] versus 481 ha [1,190 acres])

development may extend across the landscape (Wisdom and others, 2011). However, it is many kilometers (>10 km [6 mi]) beyond the important to recognize that previous immediately affected areas. Diminishing gain assessments of relations between sage-grouse analysis (Coates and others, 2013) suggested distributions and roads include a combination of that sustained gains from habitat protection positive and negative relations (Johnson and (based on percent of highly used areas protected others, 2011), and local effects may be versus total area protected) diminished after 8 restricted to visible (or audible) range.

km (5 mi)(radius) from leks, which helped to Correlations between the distribution of roads establish a ceiling on interpretations for habitat with the distribution of quality sagebrush buffers seeking to maximize conservation habitats (due to moderate topographic relief),

benefits and minimize impacts on land uses. interactions between influence of roads and 5

infrastructure with topography and habitat 5-km (3.1-mi) radius of lek exceeded 30 km conditions (visibility and audibility), and (18.6 mi). In Great Plains populations (MZ1),

differences in traffic volumes may all contribute lek trends declined within a 10 km (6.2 mi) to population effects on sage-grouse; not all radius of a major road. It is important to note roads have the same effect (Carpenter and that many of the regional assessments did not others, 2010; Dinkins and others, 2014). indicate decreasing lek trends associated with Because roads and other linear features can the various size-classes of roads that were have different effects on sage-grouse behavior, assessed (Johnson and others, 2011). In separate regional models of distributions and population analyses in Wyoming, probability of sage-dynamics have attempted to capture some grouse habitat use (based on pellet-count differences; for example, roads closer to lek surveys) declined around major roads (State and locations and other seasonal habitats may have Federal highways and interstates) when greater effects than those occurring farther from assessed using a 1-km (0.6-mi) exponential important habitats (Hanser and others, 2011). decay function (exp(distance /-1km); Hanser and Effects of pipelines and powerline corridors others, 2011). Assessment of lek trends in were tested but were not found to have clear, proximity to a large, interstate highway (I-80) rangewide effects on lek trends (Johnson and indicated that all formerly recorded lek sites others, 2011). However, it has become evident within 2 km (1.25 mi) of the highway were that interactions and co-location of linear unoccupied, and leks within 7.5 km (4.7 mi) of features (for example, power distribution lines the highway had declining attendance (Connelly along roads and railroads) can make separation and others, 2004).

of effects difficult (Walters and others, 2014); Radio-telemetry (Very High Frequency, power lines are addressed in a following section VHF) studies are often used to help track and (Tall Structures). document animal movements and habitat use, Because of general concerns about and some have reflected affinity of sage-grouse habitat fragmentation and loss due to to roads (for example, Carpenter and others, transportation networks, rangewide assessment 2010; Dinkens and others, 2014). However, this of the effects of distributed human features, pattern may be due to search patterns employed including road proximity (distance) and density, by road-bound investigators (Fedy and others, on trends in sage-grouse populations (based on 2014) or the distribution of roads across quality lek counts), were conducted (Johnson and habitats in flat and lower elevation terrain others, 2011). Incremental effects of (Carpenter and others, 2010; Dinkins and accumulating length of roads in proximity to others, 2014) as opposed to selection of roads as leks were apparent rangewide, although limited preferred habitats. Seasonal, Statewide habitat to major roads (State and Federal highways and models in Wyoming indicated a difference in interstates). This effect was demonstrated by seasonal sensitivity to density of paved roads, decreasing lek counts when there were more suggesting a decaying effects function than 5 km (3.1 mi) of Federal or State highway approaching zero as distance approaches 3.2 km within 5 km (3.1 mi) of leks and when more (2 mi) of leks (negative exponential) during the than 20 km (12.4 mi) of highway occurs within nesting and summer seasons, and a decay an 18-km (11.2-mi) window (Johnson and function approaching zero as distance others, 2011). Regional assessments (sage- approaches 1.5 km (0.9 mi) of leks during grouse management zones, MZs; see Stiver and winter (Fedy and others, 2014). However, others, 2006) indicated downward trends in Dinkins and others (2014) found decreased risk northern Great Basin (MZ4 and a portion of of death for hens with increasing road density, MZ5) populations when road density within but they also noted that the co-location of road 6

distribution and quality habitat may have significant negative relation between well influenced this result. Although noise has been density and probability of sage-grouse habitat clearly demonstrated to influence sage-grouse selection during nesting (3.2-km [2-mi] radius)

(Blickley and others, 2012), the influence of and winter (6.44-km [4-mi] radius) seasons. In individual roads or networks of roads on sage- the Powder River Basin, wintering sage-grouse grouse habitat use and demographic parameters were negatively associated with increasing remains a research need. This is a good example coalbed natural gas well densities within a 2-km of the challenge associated with making clear u 2-km (1.24-mi u 1.24-mi) window (Doherty interpretations of the effect area (and therefore, and others 2008). Also, Gregory and Beck a definitive buffer distance) for these types of (2014) documented lek attendance decline when infrastructure. energy development averaged 0.7 well pads/km2 (1.81 well pads/mi2; using a 10-km u Energy Development 10-km [6.2-mi u 6.2-mi] assessment window) across multiple populations and different Research and applications addressing development patterns.

surface disturbances in sagebrush ecosystems A key consideration, besides the impacts have been commonly conducted in relation to of the development footprint on habitat energy development activities. Lands affected condition and predation potential, is the effect by these activities have been the focus of many of intermittent noise on behavior (avoidance) as studies investigating the effects of evident from work by Blickley and others anthropogenic activities on sage-grouse (2012) who found decreased lek activity due to behavior and population dynamics, so the mimicked drilling and road noise produced at previous section (Surface Disturbance) contains close range (volume level equivalent to a road much of the information relevant here. or well 400 m [1300 ft] away). A precise Direct impacts of energy development distance for noise effects has not been on sage-grouse habitats and populations, such as determined, but this value likely varies loss of sagebrush canopy or nest failure, have depending on the source (equipment, vehicles) been estimated to occur within a 1.2-ha (3-acre) and the terrain.

area of leks (radius: 62 m [68 yards]); indirect Less information is available about the influences, such as habitat degradation or effects of renewable energy development, such utilization displacement, have been estimated to as wind-turbine arrays, on sage-grouse. LeBeau extend out to 19 km (11.8 mi) from leks and others (2014) monitored effects during (Naugle and others, 2011). Regional analyses of breeding season (95 nests and 31 broods) and well-density and distance effects (Johnson and found a linear decline of 7.1 percent in nest others, 2011) suggested negative trends in failure and 38 percent in brood failure with each populations (lek counts) when distance was less 1-km (0.6-mi) increase in distance from wind than 4 km (2.5 mi) to the nearest producing energy infrastructure (less effect with greater well; whereas density effects were evident distance). Changes in mortality were not rangewide based on decreasing population attributed to direct collisions but to increased trends when greater than eight active wells predation. It is notable that one study on prairie occurred within 5 km (3.1 mi) of leks, or when chickens (a related galliform, Tympanuchus more than 200 active wells occurred within 18 cupido) found increased nest success rates km (11 mi)of leks. In Wyoming, significant adjacent to recent wind-energy facilities negative relations between use of seasonal (Winder and others, 2014).

habitats and well densities have been Suggestions that sage-grouse demonstrated. Fedy and others (2014) found a instinctively avoid wind turbines (tall 7

structures) to avoid predators are debated 1.3 km (0.8 mi) of a lek (76 percent of because of the difficulty in directly connecting movements occurred within 1 km [0.6 mi]).

predation risk to infrastructure, which often Subsequently, Connelly and others (2000, p.

includes a combination of features (Walters and 977) suggested, "avoid building powerlines and others, 2014). A further discussion of this topic other tall structures that provide perch sites for is contained in the Tall Structures section raptors within 3 km of seasonal habitats... lines below. It is notable that use of wind turbines as should be buried or posts modified to prevent perches has not been documented. use as perches... Recent research has added important information to previous speculations Tall Structures and estimations, specifying concentrated foraging behaviors by common ravens (a It is important to recognize that the common predator of sage-grouse nests) at 2.2 effect of tall structures remains debated, and this km (1.4 mi) from electrical transmission towers category contains a wide array of infrastructure with the observed foraging area extending out to including poles that support lights, telephone 11 km (6.8 mi; Coates, and others, 2014a).

and electrical distribution, communication According to estimates, the greatest potential towers, meteorological towers, and high-tension impact on sage-grouse nests occurs within 570 transmission towers. Determining effects of m (0.35 mi) of structures (Howe and others, these structures has remained difficult due to 2014). Negative trends in lek counts were limited research and confounding effects (for associated with increasing number of example, towers and transmission lines are communication towers within 18km of leks typically associated with other development range wide (Johnson and others 2011). Johnson infrastructure; Messmer and others, 2013; and others (2011) also documented negative Walters and others, 2014). Lacking precise trends in lek counts for Great Plains populations information regarding the influence of tall within 20 km (12.4 mi) of a power transmission structures on the foraging behavior of corvids line or when the linear density of powerlines and raptors, management plans have adopted within 5 km (3.1 mi) of leks was greater than 10 similar buffer distances to other infrastructure, km (6.2 mi)notably, affected areas may be for example a 1-km (0.6-mi) buffer of greater in these habitats (compared to other avoidance around lek sites. The general intermountain communities) because visibility assumption is that these structures offer is often greater in gentle terrain.

opportunities for increased predator use and Although considerable attention has thereby generate aversion behaviors among prey been paid to the influence of tall structures species (that is, sage-grouse); however, other (both anthropogenic and trees) on the quality of effects, such as electro-magnetic radiation, have sage-grouse habitat (for example, Connelly and not been eliminated, and effects on predation others, 2000; Connelly and others, 2004; Stiver rates have not been confirmed (Messmer and and others, 2006; National Technical Team, others, 2013). Habitat alteration, akin to other Sage-Grouse, 2011; Manier and others, 2013),

linear features (see previous section), may also solid evidence that sage-grouse instinctively be considered an important component of avoid tall structures to avoid predators remains interactions between powerline corridors and debated because of the difficulty in connecting sage-grouse populations. The 1-km (0.6-mi) predation risk to various combinations of buffer indicated here (table 1) was based upon infrastructure (Walters and others, 2014).

Wallestad and Schladweiler (1974) who However some evidence exists; in Wyoming the observed that more than 90 percent of breeding risk of death for sage-grouse hens was greater season movements by male grouse were within near potential raptor perches (Dinkins and 8

others, 2014), and in Idaho common raven who stated that only 5 percent of leks were abundance was greater near energy found within 200 m (656 ft) of a building, infrastructure (2.2 km [1.4 mi]; Coates and which suggests structures, even without regular others 2014a,b). Coates and others (2014b) activity and (or) noise, may have produced found different effects of infrastructure on three aversion behavior in historic sage-grouse species of raptor (Buteo spp.) and common populations. Recent research provides evidence ravens, with clear increases in raven abundance that ravens forage at distances as far as 5.1 km with infrastructure but less consistent results (3.2 mi) from buildings in sagebrush with raptors. Also, in Wyoming, common raven environments (Coates and others, 2014a) habitat use was greatest within 3 km (1.8 mi) of suggesting that a wide distribution of human activity centers, and raven occupancy infrastructure that can supply nesting or resting was correlated with nest failure (Bui and others, sites for ravens could have negative effects on 2010). These studies suggest a potential sage-grouse populations.

increase in predators of sage-grouse, in particular ravens, which may influence Activities (Without Habitat Loss) predation pressure more than raptors.

Tests using recorded noises and wild Low Structures sage-grouse populations (Blickley and others, 2012) suggest that loud noises transmitted at Collisions of flying sage-grouse with decibels (70 dB at 0 m; 40 dB at 100 m [328 ft])

fences have been associated with mortality to approximate a noise source 400 m (1300 ft)

(Beck and others, 2006; Stevens and others, from leks caused decreased activity on leks.

2012a,b). Incidents were focused within 1.6-3.2 Though they did not test the range of potential km (1-2 mi) of leks on flat to rolling terrain and noise volumes or activities (different noises) fences with wide spacing of poles and (or) less associated with recreation or other visible t-posts (as opposed to wooden posts) (nonindustrial) activities, this research is our (Stevens and others 2012a,b). Importantly, the best evidence of the effect of noise (independent effect of fences was apparently less in rougher from infrastructure) on sage-grouse behavior.

terrain, presumably due to differences in flight The upper limit (4.8 km [3 mi]) is the value behaviors in the birds. Marking fences helps being used by the State of Nevada for reducing flying grouse avoid these collisions; therefore, noise effects on sage-grouse due to locations of marking or removal of fences within 2 km (1.2 geothermal energy facilities (Nevada mi) of leks on flat or rolling terrain can reduce Governors Sage-Grouse Conservation Team, sage-grouse mortality associated with collisions. 2010). Better understanding of the type, In a review of previous research, including frequency, and volume of noise effects on sage-theses and reports, Connelly and others (2004, grouse behavior will enhance our ability to

p. 4-2) described findings of Rogers (1964) define effect areas.


References Cited Coates, P.S. and Delehanty, D.J., 2010, Nest predation of Greater Sage-Grouse in relation Symbols in this section refer to citations in Table 1. to microhabitat factors and predators: Journal of Wildlife Management, v. 74, p. 240-248.

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Table 1. Lek buffer-distance estimates for six categories of anthropogenic land use and activity. Literature minimum and maximum values are distances for observed effects found in the scientific literature. Interpreted ranges indicate potential conservation buffer distances based on multiple sources. [Citations for literature minimum and maximum values are denoted using corresponding symbols in the References Cited section.]

Category Literature minimum Interpreted range (lower) Interpreted range (upper) Literature maximum Surface disturbance 3.2km (2mi)

  • 5km (3.1mi) 8km (5mi) 20km (12.4mi) ¸ Linear features 400m (0.25mi) 5km (3.1mi) 8km (5mi) 18km (11.2mi) ¸ Energy development 3.2km (2mi) 5km (3.1mi) 8km (5mi) 20km (12.4mi) ¸ Tall structures 1km (0.6mi) ° 3.3km (2mi) 8km (5mi) 18km (11.2mi) ¸ Low structures 200 m (0.12 mi) § 2 km (1.2mi) 5.1 km (3.2mi) 5.1 km (3.2mi) <<

Activities 400 m (0.25 mi) 400 m (0.25 mi) 4.8 km (3mi) 4.8 km (3mi) 14