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Requests That NRC Revise Name & Address of Company Officer to MP Alexich for Which Util Registered as User of Listed Casks
Person / Time
Site: 07109168, 07109208, 07106574, 07109079, 07109086, 07109089, 07109216, 07109159, 07109176, 07109151, 07109222, 07109224
Issue date: 09/22/1989
From: Alexich M
To: Murley T
AEP:NRC:0379G, AEP:NRC:379G, NUDOCS 8909290236
Download: ML20247R369 (2)


Indiana f(dchigan Power Company P.O. Box 16631 Columbus, OH 43216


INDIANh A4fCHIGAN POWER AEP:NRC:0379G Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316 License Nos. DPR 58 and DPR-74 CASK REGISTRATION CHANGE REQUEST U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN:

Document Control Desk Washington, D.C.

20555 ATTN:

T. E. Murley September 22, 1989

Dear Dr. Murley:

Indiana Michigan Power Company, licensee of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, is currently registered as a user of the casks listed below. This letter is issued to request that you revise the name and address of the company officer to whom related correspondence is addressed.

Package Approval Model Certificate Identification Issued To Number Number Number Hittman Nuclear HN-100 Series 3 9151 USA /9151/A Hittman Nuclear HN-190-2 9224 USA /9224/A Chem-Nuclear CNS 8-120B 9168 USA /9168/B(U)

Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear, Inc.

HN-190-1 9086 USA /9086/A Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Inc.

HN-200 6574 USA /6574/B( )

Nuclear Packaging NUPAC 14/210L 9176 USA /9176/A Nuclear Packaging NUPAC 14/210H 9176 USA /9176/A Nuclear Packaging CNSI 14-215H Series A 9176 USA /9176/A Nuclear Packaging LN 14-195L 9176 USA /9176/A Nuclear Packagin5 LN 14-195H 9176 USA /9176/A Nuclear Packaging NUPAC 14/190L 9159 USA /9159/A Nuclear Packaging NUPAC 14/190M 9159 USA /9159/A Nuclear Packaging NUPAC 14/190H 9159 USA /9159/A Nuclear Packaging LN 14-170L 9159 USA /9159/A Nuclear Packaging LN 14-170M 9159 USA /9159/A p

Nuclear Packaging LN 14-170H 9159 USA /9159/A J;f M

Nuclear Packaging NUPAC 14D-2.0 9079 USA /9079/A g

'Jg b[(M er 8909290236 890922 P


p PDR ADOCK 07106574 f

C PNV ll JD, 3 ' g,

s, Dr. T. E. Murley AEP:NRC:0379G Package Approval Model Certificate Identification Issued To Number Number Number Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear, Inc.

HN-194S 9089 USA /9089/A Nuclear Packaging 10-142 9208 USA /9208/B( )

Hittman Nuclear HN-215H 9222-USA /9222/A Chem-Nuclear CNS-1-13G 9216 USA /9216/B( )F Presently, the addressee is listed as Mr. John E. Dolan, Indiana &

Michigan Electric Company. The addressee should be Mr. Milton P.

Alexich, Indiana Michigan Power Company.

The correct address is P. O. Box 16631, Columbus, Ohio 43216.

This document has been prepared following Corporate procedures that incorporate a reasonable set of controls to insure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersigned.

Very truly yours, M.

P'. Alexich Vice President edg cc:

D. H. Williams, Jr.

A. A. Blind - Bridgman R. C. Callen NFEM Section Chief G. Charnoff NRC Resident Inspector - Bridgman A. B. Davis - Region III

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