AECM-89-0166, Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept,Jan-June 1989

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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept,Jan-June 1989
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1989
From: Cottle W
AECM-89-0166, AECM-89-166, NUDOCS 8909060264
Download: ML20246L156 (63)


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           ,       WumM T. Conti August 30, 19 @

NNINsm. 1t h -U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ~ . ;.); Mail Station P1-137


Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk LGentiemen:


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-29 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report AECM-89/0166-Attached is'the System Energy Resources,.Inc. (SERI) Semiannual

             . Radioactive Effluent Release Report for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (tiGNS) for the period January 1 1989 through June 30. 1989. This report is submitted in compliance with the requirements of 10CFR50.36aia)(2) and the GGNS Technical Specifications,, 6.13 and 6.14.

Questions concerning this report should be directed to this office. Yours.truly.. e 9 F CJocc:-

              .WTC:mte Attachment
cc: (See Next Page) i 8909060264 890630

{DR ADOCK0500g6 g GRNO C4F NdCLl#2 STATON f l P O B'A 75t f POf? C,lET4)N mis $%39 3010 ($1) 4374@

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                .NLSAECM89082801' 1

AECM-89/0166 Page 2 cc: Mr. D.'C. Hintz (w/a) Mr. T.- H. Cloninger (w/a) Mr. R. B. McGehee (w/a) Mr. N. S. Reynolds (w/a' Mr. H. L. Thomas (w/0) Mr. H. 0. Christensen (w/a) Mr. Siewart D..Ebneter (w/a) Regional-Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Region 11 101 Marietta St., N.W., Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 1 Mr. L. L. Kintner, Project Manager (w/a) Office'of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Mail Stop 14B20 Washington, D.C. 20555 NLSidCM89082801 - 2

Grand Gulf Nuclear Station SEMIAhTUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT January 1 - June 30, 1989 l 0001.0.0 1

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l4.. TABLE OF CONTENTS i SUBJECT PAGE 1 I. INTRODUCTION......................................................... 1 II. DETAILED INFORMATION................................................ 2 A. Re gul a t o ry Limi ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1. 10CFR20 Limits
a. Fission and Activation Gases......................... 2
b. Radioiodines and Particulate........................ 2
c. Liquid Effluents........................... ......... 2
2. 10CFR50, Appendix I Limits
a. Fission and Activation Gases......................... 3
b. Radiciodines and Particulate........................ 3
c. Liquid Effluents..................................... 3
3. 40CFR190 Limits........................................... 4
                         .B. Maximum Permissible Concentrations.............................                                                       4
1. Airborne.................................................. 4
2. Liquid..... .............................................. 4 C. Average Energy.................................................. 4 D. Measurements and Approximations of Total Activity.............. 5
1. For Fission and Activation Gases.......................... 5
2. For Particulate and Radioiodines......................... 6
3. For Continuous Releases................................... 6
4. For Batch Releases: Gases................................. 6
5. For Batch Releases: Liquid Effluents...................... 7 E. Batch Releases. ............................................... 7
1. Liquid.................................................... 7  ;


2. Gaseous................................................... 8 F. Abnormal Releases.................... ......................... 8 f 1. Liquid.................................................... 8
2. Gaseous................................................... 8 0002.0.0
g. . .
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TABLE OF CONTENTS.(cont'd)- i j

                                  -SUBJECT                                                                                 PAGE      -!


                                 - G.     : Estimate of Total   Error..................................'......               8 1.-    Liquid....................................................                8           l 2

2 .- Gaseous................................................... '9 'I

3. Solid Radioactive Waste.................................... 9 .


                                  .H.     ;-Solid Radioactive Waste Shipments..............................                  9        1 I.      Meteorological Data.............................................                  9' y           .,..


                                          . Radioactive Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Operability ..................................................                   10
                                                                                                                                     -l III. OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL / PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM /

RADI0 ACTIVE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM CHANGES j A. 'Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (0DCM)........................ 11.  ! i

                                 'B.       Process Control Program (PCP)..................................                  11           l 1

C. Radioactive Weste Treatment. Systems..........'................. 11 .!


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_ - - - _ _ _ _ _- _ _ _ = _ - - - _ _ _ L LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1A Gaseous Effluents - Summation of All Re:. eases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I A-1 IB Gaseous Effluents - Elevated Releases...................... IB-1 IC Gaseous Effluents - Ground-Level Releases.................. IC-1 ID Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis Program.... ID-1 2A Liquid Effluents - Summation of All Releases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2A-1 2B Liquid Effluents - Continuous and Batch Modes............. 2B-1 2C Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis Program.... 2C-1 3 Solid Radioactive Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments............................................. 3-1 4A Meteorological Data - January-March 1989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4A-1 4B Meteorological Data - April-June 1989 ................... 4B-1 4C Classifica cion of /. mospheric Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4C-1 0004.0.0

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I. INTRODUCTION This Semiannual. Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of

;                            . January 1 through June 30, 1989, is sclaitted in accordance with Section of Appendix A to Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS) License No. NPF-29. That portion.of Appendix A which refers to the monitorlag of radioactive effluents, Sections 3/4-11 and 3/4-12, will hereafter be referred to as the Radiological Effluent Technical Specification (RETS).

Airborne discharges at GGNS are ground-level releases. All liquid and

                             . airborne discharges to the environment were analyzed in accordance with the RETS requirements. All effluent releases were within the concentration and total release limits specified by the RETS.

Projected offsite doses were within the dose limits specified by the RETS. The doses were projected using the methodology of the GGNS Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). Dose calculations will be summarized in the July-December 1989 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. The summation of all gaseous releases during the reporting period is given in Table IA, while elevated releases and ground-level releases for the reporting period are given in Tables IB and IC, respectively. Table ID describes the radioactive gaseous sampling and analysis program implemented at GGNS. l The summation of all liquid releases during the reporting period is ! given in Table 2A, while continuous and batch mode releases are given in L Table 2B. Table 2C describes the radioactive liquid waste sampling and analysis program implemented at GGNS. Solid radioactive waste and irradiated fuel shipments during the reportirg period are summarized in Table 3. Meteorological data is included in Tables 4A - 4C. 1 PENV SRERR/8906 - 1


C _ _ _ _ -


1. 10CFR20 Limits
a. Ffssion and Activation Gases - The release rate limit at any time for noble gases to areas at or beyond the site boundary shall be such that:

D tb

                                                                          =  average total body dose rate in the current year (mrem /yr)
                                                                          = 2 7i} I Kg      Q g 5500 mrem /yr D      =  average skin dose rate in the current a

year (mrem / year)

                                                                          = X/Q I       (Lf ' t 1.1 Mg) Q f
                                                                                                              $3000 mrem /yr where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.
b. Radioiodines and Particulate - The release rate limit for l the sampling period for all radiciodines, tritium and j radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days shall-be such that:

D, -= average organ dose rate in current year

                                                                            -(mrem /yr)

I fWPg @ g 11500 mrem /yr where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.

c. Liquid Effluents - The concentration of radioactive materials released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areas from the reactors at the site shall not exceed at any time the values specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2. The <

concentration of dissolved or entrained noble gases, released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areag from all reactors at the site, shall be limited to 2 x 10 r.icrocuries/ml maximum concentration.  ! l

l.  ;

i 1 PENV SRERR/8906 - 2 I C. _ - _ - - - - - - - _ . - - _ _ _ - - -- - )


2. 10CFR50, Appendix 1 Limits
a. Fission-and Activation Gases - The dose from noble gases in gaseous effluents to areas at or beyond-the site boundary shall be such that:

D = air dose due to gamma emissions from noble gases .

                          = 3.17 x 10 .y 3 779, Qg 5 5 mrad /qtr 110 mrad /yr
                   'D p   =   air dose due to beta emissions from noble gas
                          = 3.17 x 10        IN ggX/Q' Q $10 g        mrad /qtr
                                                            .520 mrad /yr where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.
b. Radiciodines and Particulate - The dose to an individual from tritium, 1-131, 1-133 and radioactive material in particulate form uith half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents shell be such that:

D = dose to an individual from tritium, I-131, I-133 and P radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days (mrem)

                        = 3.17 x 10         I Rf WQ g     $7.5 mrea/qtr Any Organ i 15 mrem /yr Any Organ where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.
c. Liquid Effluents - The dose from radioactive materials in liquid effluents shall be such that:

m D Tau I At3 Cg F3] $1.5 mrem /qtr Total Body

                          *Ii [AiTau i=1 5 5 mrem /qtr Any Organ 5 3 mrem /yr Total Body 5 10 mrem /yr Any Organ where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.

PENV SRERR/8906 - 3

3. 40CFR190 Limits Doses are calculated for Fission and Activation Gases; Radioiodines and Particulate; and Liquid Effluents according to equations contained in Sections 2.(a), (b), and (c) respectively, with the exception'that the limits applied are:

525 mrem /yr, Total Body or any Organ except Thyroid 175 mrem /yr, Thyroid

                           $10 mrad y/qtr or $20 mrad y/yr, Fission and Activation Gases
                           $20 mrad /qtr or-540 mrad p/yr, Fission and Activation Gases
                           $15 mrem /qtr or 530 urem/yr, any Organ, Iodine and Particulate 5 3 mrem /qtr or 56' mrem /yr, Total Body, Liquid Effluents 5 10 mrem /qtr or $20 mrem /yr, any Organ, Liquid Effluents B. Maximum Permissible Concentrations
1. Airborne The Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents is limited by the dose rate restrictions of 10CFR20. In this case, the MPCs are actually determined by the dose factors in Table 2.1-1 of the GGNS 0DCH.
2. Liquid The MPC of radioactive materisis in liquid effluents is limited by 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2. The MPC chosen is the most conservative value of either the soluble or insoluble MPC for each radioisotope.

C. Average Energy Not applicable for GGNS RETS. PENV SRERR/8906 - 4

(4( L . L D. Measurements and Approximations of Total Activity The following discussion details the methods used to measure and approximate total activity for the following:

1. Fission and Activation Gases
2. Radiciodines
3. Particulate
4. Liquid Effluents Tables ID and 2C give sempling frequencies and minimum detectable sensitivity requirements for the analysis of gaseous and liquid effluent streams, respectively.

Values in the attached tables given as zero do not necessarily imply that the radionuclides were not present. A zero indicates that the radionuclides was not present at levels greater than the sensitivity requirements shown in Tables ID and 2C. For some radionuclides, lower detection limits than required may be readily achievable; when a radionuclides is measured below its stated limits, it is reported.

1. For Fission and Activation Gases The following noble gases are considered in evaluating gaseous airborne discharges:

Ar-41 Xe-131m Kr-85m Xe-133 Kr-85 'Xe-133m Kr-87 Xe-135m Kr-88 Xe-135 Kr-l9 Xe-138. Periodic grab tamples from Station effluent streams are analyzed I by a computerized pulse height analyzer system utilizing high-resolution germanium detectors. (See Table ID for sampling and analytical requirements.) Isotopic values thus obtained are used for dose release rate calculations as given in Section II.A.I. of this report. Only those radionuclides that are detected are used in this computation. During the period between grab samples, the amount of radioactivity released is based on the effluent monitor readings. Monitors are assigned a calibration factor based upon the last isotopic analysis, using the following relationship: C f = Ug+m where l C = isotopic calibration factor for isotope i f l l i PENV SRERR/8906 - 5

p y a $ Uj. = concentration of' isotope i;in the grab sample in ' uCi/ml.


e m. = net moniter reading associated with the effluent stream (determined at the time.of grab sampling). These calibration' factors, along with the hourly effluent monitor values and f!:2 rates, are entered into the laboratory computer. where the release rates for individual 1 radionuclides are ' calculated and stored. Iffno activity'is: detected in the- grab sample,:the calibration factor for Kr-85 and the dose factor for. Kr-89 are entered-into the laboratory computer. p . 12 . For Particulate and Radiciodines The radiofodines and radioactive materials in particulate form to be' considered are: Zn-65 1-133 Cr-51 Cs-134 Mn-54 Cs-136-Fe-59 Cs-137 Co-58 Ba-140 Co-60 Ce-141 Sr-89 Other radionuclides Sr-90 with half-lives Zr-95 greater.than Sb-124 8. days. I-131

3. For Continuous Releases Continuous sampling is performed on the continuous release points E (i.'e.,'Radwaste Vent, Containment Purge, Fuel Handling Area Vent, Turbine Building Vent). Particulate material is collected by filtration. Radioiodines are collected by adsnrption onto a
              -                    charcoal filter. Periodically these filters are removed and analyzed on the pulse height analyzer to identify and quantify radioactive materials collected on the filters. Particulate filters are then analyzed for gross alpha and Strontium-89, 90 as required.           Gross alpha determinations are made using a 2-pi gas flow proportional counter. Strontium-89,!90. values are obtained by chemical separation and subsequent analysis,using 2 pi gas flow proportional counters. During major operational occurrences, the frequency of sampling is increased to satisfy the requirements of footnote "c" of Table ID, " Radioactive Gaseous Waste, Sampling and Analysis," (GGNS RETS, Table
4. For Batch-Releases: Gases The processing of batch type releases,(from Containment Purge) is analogous to that for continuous releases.

PENV SRERR/8906 - 6

5. For Batch Releases: Liquid Effluents The radionuclides listed below are considered when evaluating liquid effluents:

H-3 Mo-99 Co-58 Tc-99m Co-60 I-131 Fe-55 I-132 Fe-59 I-133 Zn-65 I-135 Mn-54 Cs-134 Cr-51 Cs-137 Sr-89 Cs-140 Sr-90 Ba-140 Nb-95 La-140 Zr-95 Ce-141 Ce-144 Representative pre-release grab samples are obtained and analyzed as required by Table 2C. Isotopic analyses are performed using the computerized pulse height analysis system previously described. Aliquots of each pre-released sample, proportional to the waste volume released, are composited in accordance with the requirements of Table 2C. Strontium determinations are made by performing a chemical separation and counting the separated strontium using a 2 pi gas flow proportional counter. Gross alpha determinations are made using 2 pi gas flow proportional counters. Tritium and Iron-55 concentrations are determined by'using liquid scintillation techniques. Dissolved gases are determined employing r ab sampling techniques and then counting on the pulse height analyzer system. E. Batch Releases

1. Liquid 1st Quarter 1989
a. Number of batch releases. 86
b. Total time period for batch releases: 67,900 minutes
c. Maximum time period for a batch release: 42,188 mirutes
d. Average time period for batch releases: 790 minutes
e. Minimum time period for a batch release: 6 minutes 2nd Quarter 1989
a. Number of batch releases: 73
b. Total time period for batch releases: 22,327 minutes
c. Maximum time period for a batch release: 405 minutes
d. Average time period for batch releases: 306 minutes
e. Minimum time period for a batch release: 221 minutes PENV SRERR/8906 - 7 l
     ,f       .   - 0
2. Gaseous
                              .lst & 2nd Quarter 1989

No batch releases were made during this period. F. Abnormal Releases

1. Liquid 1st & 2nd Quarter 1989 No abnormal liquid release occurred during this period.
2. Gaseous 1st & 2nd Quarter 1989 No abnormal gaseous release occurred during this period.

G. Estimate of Total Error

1. Liquid The maximum errors are collectively estimated to be Fission & Dissolved &

Activation Entrained Gross Products Tritium Gases Alpha Sampling 26% 15% 26% 26% Measurement 68% 65% 61% 92% Total 73% 70% 66% 95% Sampling errors include uncertainty associated with mixing, representative sampling and discharge volume. Measurement errors include uncertainty associated with instrument calibration and the preparation and counting of low-activity samples. Counting errors are based on measurements of blank samples and, for germanium detectors, the least-readily-detectable radioisotope. Calibration errors are calculated by summing the errors associated with the calibration of a particular instrument with a radioactive source. Total error is calculated by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the individual errors. PENV SRERR/8906 - 8

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h a. 2. Gaseous 9' ' The' maximum errors (not' including-sample line loss) are 1 . collectively estimated to be Fission & Activation Particu- Gross i'

                      ,                                             Gases    Iodine-             late                                   Alpha Tritium LSampling'             32%       23%                22%                                     23%     23%

Measurement 61% 67% 65% 101% 62% Total ~ 69% 71%- 69% 104% .66%

                                              . Sampling errors include uncertainty associated with sample flow, vent flow and monitor calibration.

Measurement errors include uncertainty associated with~ instrument' calibration and preparat!on and counting of low-activity samples. Measuremen+. and total errors are calculated by the same methods used for'. liquid effluents.

3. . Solid Radioactive Waste See. Table 3 for error terms.

H. Solid Radioactive Waste Shipments See Table 3 for shipment.information. I. Meteorological Data I '1. Meteorological Data Recovery Rate-1st Qtr.

                                             . Parameter                            .% Data Recovery 50m Wind Direction                                     97.22 50m Wind Speed                                         95.93 10m Wind Direction                                     97.27 10m Wind Speed                                         94.58 Temperature                                           99.86 Dew Point                                              92.36 Delta T                                            200.00 Precipitation                                      100.00 PENV SRERR/8906 - 9
                                                                                      . _ _ . . __._.._.___________._____m___m._____

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 ,s d , ' J' ' '                                                               l2nd Qtr.

d ,O.?- Parameter  % Data Recovery-4?,- ' ' .. . ~- ,, , 50m Wind Direction , '95.92

9L i50s Wind Speed. '95.92 7;. . 104 Wind Direction- 95.38
  /                     j.:                                              ,10m. Wind Speed                                                                            95.24
                                                                         ; Temperature.                                                                              91.39 Dew Point ~                                                                               83.10 Delta T                                                                                   89.24 g;;.,g .
                                                                         ; Precipitation'                                                                    -96.70 4                          ,
                            ,                                     ' 2. - f Meteorological data for the period.of the report is included in' Tabler 4A and 4B.

b 3;. Annual Meteorological Data Summary reported in the July-December

                                                                         ~ 1989 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Report l-
p 'J . Radioactive Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Operability o No reportable instances of inoperability occurred during the, report ipericJ.

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                .                                       11tEATMENT SYSTEM CH/JiGES e

q'. 'j. -' a ~ A .- Offsite Dose Calculation. Manual (ODCM) No changes were made during the report period.

        ^o                                              B.      Process Control Program (PCP)
                                                              'No changes were made during the report period.

C. Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems No major changes were made during the report period.


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PENV SRERR/8906 - 12

TABLE 1A-Grand Gulf Nuclear Station JANUARY '- JIDIE 1989 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS-SUffMATION OF All RELEASES l l Unit l Quarter l Quarter l Est. Totall

    .l-                                                                          l         l     1         l    2      l Error % l A.                      Fission & Activation Gases l                       1. Total release                                  l Ci      l 1.63E+01l 2.30E+01l 6.90E+01 l l                       2. Average release rate for period                luci/secl 2.08E+001 2.93E+00) l                       3.   % of Technical Specification limit             l    %    l 7.89E-01l 1.13E+001
    .B . Iodines l                       1. Total Iodine-131                               l  Ci~    l 2.42E-05l 6.49E-06l 7.10E+01 l l                       2. Average release rate for period                luci/secl 3.08E-06l 8.25E-07l l                       3.   % of Technical Specification limit             l    %    l 1.50E-01] 4.18E-02l C.                      Particulate

l 1. Particulate with half-lives >8 days l Ci l 5.84E-05l 1.60E-04l 6.90E+01 l l 2. Average release rate for period luci/secl 7.43E-06l 2.04E-05l l 3.  % of Technical Specification limit l  % l 1.67E-02l 1.91E-02l l .4. Gross alpha radioactivity l Ci l 1.92E-07l 1.65E-07l D. - Tritium l 1. Total release l Ci l 9.89E-01l 4.91E-01l 6.6C+01 l l 2. Average release rate for period luCi/secl 1.26E-01l 6.25E-021 l 3.  % of Technical Specification limit l  % l 8.56E-03l 4.25E-03l E. Tritium, radioiodines and particulate l 1.  % of Technical Specification limit l  % l 1.75E-01l 6.52E-02] l PENV SRERR/8906-T-1A - 1 l


                                           .(Not Applicable - GGNS releases are considered ground level)

PENV SRERR/8906-T-1B - 1

!l-i.- TABLE IC Grand Gulf Nuclear Station January - June 1989 GASEOUS EFTLUENTS-GROUND-LEVEL RELEASES CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH NODE l Radionuclides Released l Unit  ! Quarter ! Quarter l Quarter l Quarter l l l l 1 l 2 l 1 1 2 l

1. Fission gases l Xe-133 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E-00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Xe-131m l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 j l Kr-88 l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Xe-133m l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Xe-135 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l--0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Kr-85m l Ci l 5.06E-01 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 j 0.00E+00 l l Kr-87 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Xe-138 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Xe-IS7 i Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Kr-85 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E490 1 0.00E+00 j l Xe-135m l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l l Er-89 l Ci l 1.58E+01 l 2.23E+01 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Ar-41 l C1 l 0.002+00 l 6.79E-01 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Kr-90 l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 1 l l l l 1 l l Total for period l Ci l 1.63E+01 l 2.30E+01 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l
2. Iodines l I-131 l Ci l 2.34E-05 l 6.49E-06 l 0.00E+90 l 0.00E+00 l l I-133 l Ci l 3.72E-05 l 1.63E-05 l 0.00E%0 l 0.00E+00 l l I-152 l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l I-134 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l I-135 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l l l l l l l
                                } Total for period                          l      Ci    l 6.05E-05 l 2.28E-05 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l PENV SRERR/8906-T-1C - 1

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ __. _ _1

TABLE IC (cont'd)

                                                                                   ' CONTINUOUS MODE                                                                        BATCH MODE l Radionuclides Released                 j Unit                   l Quarter l Quarter l Quarter l Quarter                                                                       l l                                        l                        l     1                         l                   2                        l 1       l         2           1
3. Particulate 1

l Sr-89 l Ci l 4.89E-07 l 9.08E-07 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Sr-90 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 3.69E-07 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Ce-141 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Cr-51 l Ci l 1.22E-05 l 2.38E-05 l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l l Ba-140 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 1 Cs-134 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l Cs-137 l Ci l 5.28E-07 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Ce-144 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Zr-95 l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Kb-95 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l.0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Co-58 l Ci l 4.98E-07 l 3.65E-06 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Ma-54 l Ci l 7.56E-06 l 4.62E-05 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Fe-59 l Ci l 1.30E-06 l 1.36E-05 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Co-60 l Ci l 1.35E-05 l 7.12E-05 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l La-140 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 ! 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l C-14 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l l P-32 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Fe-55 l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Ni-63 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Zn-65 l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l

l. Y-91 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l l Ru-103 l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 ! 0.00E+00 l l Ru-306 l Ci l 6.40E-06 l 8.04E-07 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Ag-110m l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Cs-136 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Pr-143 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l l I-131 l Ci l 8.17E-07 l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l I-133 l Ci l 1.50E-05 1 0.00E-00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l l l l l l l l Total for period l Ci l 5.84E-05 l 1.60E-04 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l PENV SRERR/8906-T-3C - 2

1., . I '


TABLE ID Grand Gulf Nuclear Station RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM Lower Lower Limit of Limit of Detection Detection Gaseous Minimum lype of Required (Worst Case) Release Sampling Analysis Activity (LLD) Capabiligy Type Frequency Frequency Analysis (pCi/ml)a (pCi/ml) A. (1) Radwaste M M Principal 1E-04 1.5E-07 Building Grab Sample Gamma Ventilation Emittersb ,e Exhaust . H-3 IE-06 1.8E-10 (2) Fuel Continuous d gc I-131 1E-12 6.0E-13 Handling Charcoal Area Sample I-133 1E-10 9.0E-13 Ventilation Exhaust I _ Continuous d gc Principal IE-11 9.6E-13 (3) Containment Particulate Gamma Ventilation Sample Emitters

  • Exhaust (I-131, Others) d (4) Turbine Continuous M Gross Alpha 1E-11 1.8E-14 Building Composite Ventilation Particulate Exhaust Sample d

Continuous Q Sr-89, IE-11 1.]E-14 Composite Sr-90 Particulate Sample Continuous Noble Gas Noble Gases 1E-06 4.4E-07 Monitor Gross Beta or Gamma Note: Footnotes indicated are listed in GGNS Technical Specifications, Table PENV SRERR/8906-T 1

                                =. '

7' TABLE ID (Continued)' i Lower Lower Limit of Limit of Detection Detection Gaseous Minimum Type of Required (Worst Case) Release Sampling Analysis Activity (LLD) Capability Type Frequency Frequency Analysis (pCi/ml)" (pCi/ml) B. (1) Offgas Post M M Principal- IE-04 5.4E-05 Treatment Grab Sample Gamma Exhaust, Emitters

  • whenever there is flow (2) Standby Gas Treatment A Exhaust, whenever there is flow (3) Standby Gas Treatment B Exhaust, whenever there is flow Note: Footnotes indicated are listed in GGNS Technical Specifications, Table

PENV SRERR/8906-T-ID - 2


    .- l .

i TABLE 2A Grand Gulf Nuclear Station January - June 1989 LIQUID EFFLUENTS-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES l Unit ! Quarter j Quarter l Est Total l l l 1 l 2 l Error % l A. Fission & activation products

              .]         1. Total release (not 2ncluding H3,          1          l            l            l                      l l                 gases, alpha)                       l    Ci    l   1.13E-01 l  9.69E-02 l          7.30E+01     l l        2. Average diluted concentration             l          l            l            l l                 during period    ..                 I uci/ml ! 5.24E-08     l  1.28E-07 l l        3. Percent of applicable limit               l   *%     l  6.27E-02 l   3.03E-01 l B. Tritium l        1. Total release                             l    Ci    l  5.12E+00 l   2.72E+00 l          7.00E+01    l l       2. Average diluted concentration              l          l            l            l l                 during period                       I uCi/ml l    2.38E-06  l  3.57E-06 l l       3. Percent of applicable limit                l   *%     l  7.93E-02  l  1.19E-01 l C. Dissolved and entrained gases l       1. Total release                              l    Ci    l  2.20E-04  l  3.67E-05 l          6.60E+01    l l       2. Average diluted concentration              l          l            l           l'
                ]                 during period                       l uCi/ml i    1.02E-10 l 4.83E-11 l l 13. Percent of applicable limit                     l   *%     l  8.09E-02 l 4.83E-02 1 D. Gross alpha radioactivity l        1. Total release                              l    Ci    l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l             9.50E+01    l E. Volume of waste (prior to dilution)                  l liters l    9.21E+07  l  7.78E+06 l 2.50E+01             l l

F. Volume of dilution water used l liters l 2.06E+09 l 7.52E+08 l 2.50E+01 l l

  • Percentages of applicable limit based on 10CFR20, Appendix B, T.sble II, Column 2.

PENV SRERR/8906-T2-A - 1


1 TABI.E 2B Grand Gulf Nuclear Station January - June 1989 LIQUID EFFLUENTS - CONTINUOUS AND BATCH HODES CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE l Radionuclides Released j Unit l Quarter l Quarter l Quarter l Quarter l l l I 1 l 2 l 1 l 2 l l Sr-89 l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 5.17E-04 l 5.09E-04 l l Sr-90 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Cs-134 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E-00 l 0.00E-00 l l Cs-137 l Ci j 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E+00 l l I-131 l Ci j 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 5.62E-06 l 0.00E+00 l l Co-58 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 5.07E-03 l 3.20E-03 l l Co-60 i Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 1.65E-02 l 2.15E-02 l l Fe-59 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00Et00 l 2.21E-03 l 7.26E-03 l l Zn 65 l - Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l l Mn 54 j Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 3.55E-02 l 3.05E-02 l l Cr 51 l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 5.10E-02 l 1.63E-02 l l Zr-Nb-95 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 8.62E-05 l 9.75E-05 l l Mo-99 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 1 0.00E-00 l l Tc-99m l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 4.23E-06 l 0.00E-00 l l Ba-La-140 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 1 Ce-141 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l l Ce-144 l Ci l 0.00E+00 j 0.00E+00 l 0.00E-00 l 1.13E-04 l l Cu-64 l Ci l 0.00E+00 j 0.00E+00 1 2.51E-04 l 1.56E-04 l l As-76 i Ci l 0.00E+00 l'O.00E+00 l 2.98E-04 l 0.00E-00 l l Ag-110m j Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 2.39E-04 l 4.18E-04 l l Na-24 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 1.08E-04 l 5.07E-05 l l Sb-124 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 6.75E-05 l l Sb-125 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 1.20E-05 l 0.00E-00 i l Ru-106 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 2.97E-04 l 2.63E-03 l l Hf-181 l Ci l 0.00E+00 1 0.00E+00 l 0.00E-00 l 2.42E-05 l l Ni-65 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 4.32E-06 l l Fe-55 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 4.84E-04 l 1.41E-02 l l Total for period (above) l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 1.13E-01 l 9.69E-02 l l Xe-133 l Ci j 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 6.92E-05 l 0.00E-00 l l Xe-135 l Ci l 0.00E+00 l 0.00E+00 l 1.51E-04 l 3.67E-05 l PENV SRERR/8906-T2B - 1

_'e-TABLE 2-C Grand Gulf Nuclear Station RADIOACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM Lower Lower Limit of Limit of Detection Detection Liquid Minimum Type of Required (Worst Cas'? Release Sampling Analysis Activity (LLD) Capabiligy Type Frequency Frequency- Analysis (pCi/ml)" (pCi/ml) A. Batch P P Principa SE-07 1.6E-07 Waste Each Each Emitters} Gamma Releage Batch Batch Tanks I-131 1E-06 2.3E 08 P M Dissolved and IE-05 7.1E-08 One Entrained Gases Batch /M (gamma emitters) P M b H-3 IE-05 4.4E-06 Each Composite Batch Gross Alpha IE-07 3.8E-08 P Q b Sr-89, Sr-90 5E-08 2.6E-08 Each Composite Batch Fe-55 IE-06 1.4E-07 B. SSW Baein PrincipagGamma 5E-07 1.6E-07 (prior to Each Each Emitters blowdown) Blowdown Batch I-131 1E-06 2.3E-08 Note: Footnotes indicated are listed in GGNS Technical Specifications, Table PENV SRERR/8906-T2C - 1

[:- - L TABLE 3 Grand Gulf Nuclear Station January - June 1989 SOLID RADI0 ACTIVE WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS A. Solid Waste Shipped Offsite for Burial or Disposal

1. Type of Waste 6-month Estimate Total Unit Period Error, %


a. Spent resins, filter sludges, m3 8.01E+01 oil evaporator bottoms, etc. *Ci 6.08E+01 7.2E+01
b. Dry compressible waste, m3 9.52E+01 contaminated equipment, etc. *Ci 4.86E+00 6.9E+01
c. Irradiated components, control m3 None N/A rods, etc. *Ci e
d. Other m3 4 None N/A
  • Total curie quantity determined by measurement. Total volume used is burial container volume
2. Estimate of major radionuclides composition (by type of waste as identified above).
a. Fe-55 34%

Co-60 32% Mn-54 26% Cr-51 3% Co-58 2% All others 3%

b. Fe-55 24%

Co-60 21% Mn-54 34% Cr-51 ' 9% Fe-59 10% Co-58 2%

c. N/A N/A
d. N/A N/A PENV SRERR/3906-T3 - 1
                                                                                    ._. _______-____D
~ :. . .
 '.)          +


3. Solid Waste Disposition
a. Resins were dewatered in steel liners or polyethylene High Integrity Containers according to the requirements of the GGNS PCP and shipped LSA. Oil was solidified in 55 gallon drums in accordance with the GGNS PCP and shipped as LSA.
b. DAW was packaged in steel B-25 boxes and shipped LSA, t

Number of Shipments Mode of Transportation Destination 1 Truck Beatty, NV 12 Truck Barnwell, SC 7* Truck Barnwell, SC

         *Seven shipments were made to Scientific Ecology Group (SEG) of 0&kridge, TN for volume reduction. SEG shipped the compacted waste to Barnwell, SC.

Actual compacted burial volume and activity was used in providing information given in A.1.b. NOTE: 995 gallons of contaminated oil was shipped to SEG for disposal by burning. This oil has not been processed to date. B. Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Disposition) Number of Shipments Mode of Transportation Destination None N/A N/A PENV SRERR/8906-T3 - 2 1 _ _ _ _ _-. _ - . . _ .

e . .I. TABLE 4A l NETEOROIDGICAL DATA - JANUARY-MARCH 1989 TC1AL F4EGudl C Y DI51 RU:UTION PER100.0F kECORD: 1/ 1/89, 000 -- 4/ 1/89, 030 WIND S8EED (M/S) AT 10-F. LEVEL 13 AVG-0-2 3-5 o-- 9-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP' TOTAL 3 PE E D N 9.5 3.1 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 12.6 .3 NN: ..i .F .3 .~ .C .C .0 4.7- .2 NE 5.1 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 5.2- .1 ENE 3.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0' 3.6 .0 D E.- 3.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 3.3 .0 I ESE 4.2 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.2 .0 R SE 3.2 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 3.7 .1 W E SSE 4.3 1.4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 6.2 .1

I C. S 5.5 3.4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 8.9 .2 N T-SSW 3.1 3.2 .2 .0 -.0 .0 .0 6.5 .2 0.I sw 2.3 2.1 - .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.5 .1 0 WSW 3.0 1.6- .0 .0 .C .0 .0 4.5 .1 nW 1.9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 2.0 .0
                                / WWW                               2.6       .0      .0       .0'      .0       .0       .1             3.0    14.7 hk                         3.9       .5      .0       .0       .0       .0       .0             4.3      .1 NNW                        s.5     3.s       .0       .0       .C       .0       .0            10.1      .3-CALM                       o.5                                                                  8.4 TOTAL                          77.5    20.1       .2      .C       .0       .0-      .1    100.0             1.0 117. HCORS OF SAD 04 MISSING DATA CR                  5.4 PERCINT FOR              2160 HOURS J20SRERR-T4-A - 1
                   .f 5
 , -c . , . .


                                                                                                                                                                    ,       18                         AV G C-2                   3-5     o-S     9   12-14 ~ 15 AND UP            TOTAL      SPEED' N                                                               3. 2'                          .0-     .0      .0        .C      .0     .0     .3.2               ~.1'
                                **; l                                                             3.2                             .3     .a       .3       .0      .0     .0        3.8              .1 -

NE- 5.1 1.3 .0- .3 .0 .0 .0 6.3 .2

                                -INE                                                             1.9                             .0      .0      .0        .0      .0     .0      1.0                .0 0 E                                                                            .6                  .0.     .0       .0-      .0      .0     .0-             .6         .0 I ESE                                                               1.3                            .0      .0       .0       .0      .0     .0      1.3                .0 R"SE                                                                2.5                             .o     .0       .0       .0      .0     .0      3.2                .1
                      & E 35E                                                                   7.0                              .6      .0      .0        .0      .0     .0      7.6                .1 I'C'S                                                                     1.3-                          1.4      .0       .0       .0      .0     .0      3.2                .1 NT SSW                                                                    1.3                            1.3      .6      .0'       .0      .0     .0      3.2                .1 0 1 SW                                                                    3.2                            2.5      .o      .0        .0      .0     .0      6. 3 -             .2 0 kSW                                                              6.3                           10.7-     .0      .0        .0      .0     .0     17i1                .5
                             .N W                                                                3.2                             .0      .0      .0        .0      .0     .0      3.2                .0:

WhW 5.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 5.1 .1 NW 7.e 3.2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 10.7 .3 l . , 'NNW 3.9 14.5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 23.4 .7' CALM .0 .0 TOTAL 61 . 4 37.3 1.3 .C .0 .0 .0 100.0 .2


J205RERR-T4-A - 2 l _ _ _ _ - ___ - ___ - _ _______ _ _ ____ ____ _ __ _ ___________ _ __ _ ________ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ a

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       . y.                           ....  .

Is - TABLE 4A (CONT.) 1 SCDERATELY UNSTA5LE STAEILITY CLASS E PERIOD OF,AECORD: 1/ 1/39e 00C-- 4/ 1/89, 00 ; l' w1hD SPEED (M/S) AT 10-V LEVEL 18 AV G 6-E 9-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP TOTAL SPEED - 0-2 3-5

                                                'h                                            1.3                 5.E      .0       .0       .C     .0                                  .0                     6.5         .2
                                                                                                                   .0      .G       .0'      .C     .0                                  .0                     3.0         .1 A*4 :                                        2.4
                                                                                                                   .0      .0       .0       .0     .0                                  .0                    11.7         .2-wi                                      11.7 2.6         .0 2.6                  .0      .0       .0       .0     .0                                  .0 ENE D 2-                                                   2.6                  .0      .0       .0       .0     .0                                  .0                     2.6         .1
                                                                                                                                             .0     .0                                 .0                      5.2         .1 I EEE                                                 2.6                 2.6      .b       .0 5.2         .1 5.2                  .0      .0       .0       .0     .0                                  .0 R SE                                                                                                                                                                   2.6         .0 1.3                 1.3      .0       .0       .G     .0                                  .0
                       'd E.SSE                                                                                                     .0       .C     .0                                  .0                     3.9         .1 I C S                                                             1.3                 2.6      .0 2.6                 2.6      .0       .0       .0     .0                                  .0                     5.2         .2 N T iSw.

0 I SW 5.2 1.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 6.5 .2 0 hSW 11 7 3.9 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 15.6 .4

                                                                                                                           .0       .0       .0     .0                                  .0                      .0         .0 NW                                                           .0             .0
                                                                                                                                    .0       .C     .C                                  .0                     1.3-        .0 WNW                                        1.3                  .0      .0 13.0           4 WW                                    10.4                      2.6      .0       .0       .C     .0                                 .0 NW                                    10.4                     3.9      .0       .0       .C     .0                                 .0                     14.3         .4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                .0 CALM                                             .0 26.0               .C             .0                             .0 100.0                                 .2 TOTAL 74.C                                                                  .0               .0 HCURS OF BAD CR MISSIhG DATA OR                   1.3 PERCENT FOR                                                      78 HOURS 1.

J20SRERR-T4-A - 3

m. pn p-TABLE 4A (CONT.) P. J 4 SLIGHTLY UNSTABLi STAE!LITY CLASS-C PERIOD OF RECORD: 1/ 1/39, OCC-- 4/ 1/89, 030 WIND SPEED (M/S) AT 10-M LEVEL 15- . AVG G-2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12-14 15-17 AND'UP TOTAL S PE E D N' 7.9 2.6 .0 .3 .C .0 .0 10.5 .3

r,t. E  :, .1 9 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 7.0- .1 NE. 8.8 .O .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 B.4 .2 L ENE 5.5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 5.3 .1 DE .9 .0 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 .9 .0 I ESE .9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .9  :.0 R 3E 5.3 1.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 7.0 .2
                         'd E SSE                 1.7     1.7            .0       .0       .0     .0     .0     3.5        .1 2CS                      5.3     6.1           -.0       .0       .0     .0-    .0    11.4        .4 N T'SSW                 4.4        .0          .9       .0       .0     .0     '0
                                                                                                         .      5.3        .1
                         - D I SW                 7.0     2.6            .0       .0       .0     .0     .0     9.6        .3 0 WSW               6.1     1.7            .0       .0       .0     .0     .0-    7.9.       .2 NW                  1.7        .0          .0       .0       .C     .0     .0    -1.7        .0 WNW             3.5        .0          .0'      .0       .0     .0     .0     3.5        .0~      !

NW _4.4 . .' 9 ~ .0 .0 .0. .0 .0 5.3 .1-NNW 3.1 4.4 .0 .0 .C .0 .0. 10.5 .3 CALM .9 .9 TOTAL 76.3 22.8 .9 .C .0 .0 .0 100.0 .2


J20SRERR-T4-A - 4 I

p.. . ... V. Th:. . L i

i .

i TABLE 4A (C0TT.) NEUTRAL STAEILITY CLASS D PERIOD OF PECORD: 1/ 1/39, 000-- 4/ 1/S9, 000 WIhD SPEED (M/S) AT 10-M liv EL 13 AVG 3-5 11 12-14 15-17 AND UP TOTAL. SPEED 0-2 6-3 19.0 .4 N 14.o- 4.4 .0 .0 .C .0' .0 10.3 .. .0 .0 .C .C .C 11.0 .2 NNE .0 4.5 .1

                                                                                    .0     .0 N E"       4.5     .v      .0       .0 ENE        2.6     .0      .0       .0       .C~    .0     .0      2.6-       .0
                                                          .0      .0       .0       .0     .0     .0      2.3        .0
                                  .D E            2.3
                                                                                    .0     .C     .0      2.1        .0~

2.1 .0 .0 .0 I ESE .0 2.5 .1 R SE 2.0 .6 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 5.9 .1 W'E-SSE 4.0 9.8 .3 4.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 5.1 .0'


ICS .0 7.7 .3

f. T $$W 2.4 5.1 .2 .0 .0 .0
                                                                  .0       .0       .C     .0     .0      4.3        .1 0 I sk              1.6    2.5                                                         .1
                                                          .3      .0       .0       .0     .0     .0      3.1
                                  -0 hSW          2.3                                                     2.8        .0 NW            2.7     .1      .0       .0       .0-    .0     .0
                                                          .0      .0       .0       .0     .0     .3      3.7      28.3-WNW        3.4                                                     4.7        .1
                                                          .2      .0       .0       .0     .0     .0 NW         4.5 3.5    3.6      .0       .0       .0     .C     .0     12.2        .3 Nhd                                                                1.5 CALM       1.5
                                                                 .2      .C       .0     .0      .3    100.0       1.9 T3TAL- 74.6      24.9 9.1 PERCENT FOR      1167 MUR S 106. HOURS OF 9AD CR r.ISSING DATA OR J20SRERR-T4-A - 5

g y ,_--__ - _ . . __ i TABLE 4A (CONT.)_ [:. o. r l -- SLIGHTL'Y STASLE - STABILITY CLASS E PERIOD OF RECORD: 1/ 1/sy,4 003-- 4/ 1/d 9, 030 WIND SPEED (M/S) AT.10-v LEVEL AVG 12-9-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP TOTAL SPEED 0-2 3-5 6-5 7.6 .2 5.5 2.1 .0 .0 .0 .C .0

                                .N                                                                          !.5-       .1
                                              $.$     .J         .0-     .0         .0    .C      .0 NNI                                                                       4.5        .0 NE          4.8     .0         .0      .0         .C    .C      .0
                                                                         .0         .C    .0      .0        3.9        .0 ENE         3.9     .0         .0 3.5     .0         .0      .0         .G    .0      .0        3.5        .0 0 E                                                                            7.3        .1
                                                                 .0      .0         .G    .C      .0 I ESE            7.6     .0
                                                                                          .0                5.5        .1 R SE             5.3     .2         .0      .0         .C            .0
                                                      .9         .0      .0         .0    .0      .0        9.5        .2 W E SSE               3.5
                                                                                          .C      .0      12.7         .3
                       'I C .5             10.3      1.8         .0      .0         .0
                                              $.7-   1.c         .0       .0        .G    .0      .0        3.5        .2 NT $5W                                                      .C    .0                4.6        .1 '

D I 3W 2.5 2.1 .0 .0 .0 2.3 .2 .0 .0- .0 .0 .0 2.5 .0 0- WSW .7 NW .9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 2.1 .0 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 2.1 .0

                                . WNW                                                                                  .0 NW          1.4     .0         .0       .0        .0     .0     .0        1.4
                                                                          .0        .C     .0     .0       ' 3.2       .0 NNd         2.8      .5        .0 12.7 CALN;    12.7 90.3       9.7         .0      .C       .0      .0      .0     100.0         .1 TOTAL
                                                                                         .9 PERCENT FOR          437 HOURS

I J20SRERR-T4-A - 6

g!- ,4 ts . ; . 1' L TABLF 4A (CONT.) 1' MODE 6ATELY STASLE STASILITY, CLASS F PERIOD OF RECORD: 1/ 1/ S P, 000-- 4/ 1/ $ 9, 000 HIND SPEED (A/3) AT 10-M LdVEL l 18 AV G 0-2 3-5 e-6 9-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP TOTAL S*EED N .0 .0 .0 .0 . 0. .0 .0 .0 .0 NNE  :.2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .C d.2 .0 NE- 5.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .J .0 5.1 .3 ENE 4.1 -.0 .0 .3 .0 .0 .0 4.1 .0 0 E 6.2 .0- .0 .3 .0 .0 .0 6.2 .1 I.ESE 13 4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 13.4 .1

                                             -R     SE       4.1        .0        .0       .0           .0       .0      .0           4.1             .0
                  .             UE SSE                        4.1       .0        .0        .0          .0       .0      .0           4.1              .0 I.C 5                        2.1       .0'       .0        .0          .0       .0      .0-          2.1             .0
                           . N T 35W                           .0-   .0           .0        .0          .0      -.0      .0            .0             .0
                                                               .0    -.0          .0        .0          .0       .0      .0            .0             .0 0'I SW 1.0        .0        .0       .0           .0       .0      .0           1.0             .0 0 WSW hW               .0       .0        .0        .0          .0       .0      .0.           .0             .0 WNW         .0       .0        .0        .0          .0       .0      .0            .0             .0-NW.        .0       .0        .0        .3          .0       .0     - .0           .0             .0 NNW       2.1       .0         .0       .0          .0       .0      .0           2.1             .0 CALM    51.5                                                              51.5 TOT AL '1 C0.0    .0           .0       .C         .0        .0      .0 100.0                      .1

i 1 1 I J20SRERR-T4-A - 7 W- - _ _ . - - _ . . - . _ _ _ _

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l. ? 1 TABLE 4A (CONT.)

\ I 1 ZXTREMELY 2 TABLE STA?ILITY. CLASS G PERIOD OF RECORD: 1/ 1/ 39s 000-- 4/ 1/39e.030-WIND SeiED (M/S) AT 10-M LEVEL-15 AV G s-3 3 e-5 9-11 12-14 15-17 -AND UP TOTAL SPEED N

                                                     .0   .0      .0       .0       .C   .0-      .0                                    .0       .0
                                 -NNE                .J   .0      .0       .3       .C   .0'      .C                                    .0        .0 NE         3.9     .0      .0.      .0       .0   .0       .0                           3.9               .0 ENE'    13.6     .0      .0       .0       .C   .0      -.0                  13.6                        .1 D'E                               13.4     .0      .0'     .0        .C   .0       .0                  18.4                       .2 10.7     .0'     .0       .0       .0   .0       .0                  10.7                        .1 I ESE
           -R SE                                  3.9     .0      .0       .0       .0   .0       .0                           3.9                .0
        'd E SSE                                  1.0     .0      .0       .0       .0   .0       .0                           1.0                .0 ICS                                         .0'  .0      .0      .0        .0   .0       .0                                    .0       .0 N T SSW                                     .0   .0      .0       .J       .C   .0       .0                                    .0       .0 0 I SW                                      .0   .0      .0      .0        .C   .0       .0                                    .0        .0 0 WSW                                  .0   .0      .0,      .0       .0   .0       .0                                    .0        .0 NW                                     .0   .0      .0       .0       .0   .0       .0                                    .0       .0 WNW           .0   .0-     .0      .0        .0   .0       .0                                    .0       .0 NW<           .0   .0      .0      .0        .0   .0     '.0                                     .0-      .0 NNW          .0   .0      .0       .0       .C   .0       .0                                    .0       .0 43.5                                                                42.5' CALM TOTAL 100.0                   .0      .0      .C       .0   .0       .0    1 00.0                                    .1

I'.. ,. L: I TABLE 4A (CONT.) 1 TOTAL FD14UENCY DISTau?UTICil , PERIOD OF edCC D: 1/.1/37, 00C -- 4/ 1/d9, 030 si1ND $ PEED (M/S) AT 50-M LEVEL 18 AVG b-6 9-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP TOTAL SPEED' C- 2 3-5 5.1 7.9 .3 .0 .0 . 0 -- .0 13.3 .4 N 7.0 '

                                                                                                                                    .2 ni                     .G       f . .-       .0       .3       .C    .0      .0 1.4          .0       .0       .0     .0     .6       3.4        .1 NE'                   1.0                                                             2.7        .1 ENE                   2.1          .6        .0       .]       .C    .0      .0-
                                                                                                  .0    .0      .0      '4.1        .1 D' E                                  1.5       2.3          .3       .0
                                                                                                         .G              S.4        .3 I ESE'                                2.0       5.9          .5       .0       .C            .0
                                                                                                                .O       8.2      .3 A-SE                                  1.7       5.3          .o      .0        .0     .0 1.4-      3. 7.
                                                                                .3       .0       .0    .0      .0       5.0        .3 di SSE                                                                                   .0              7.6        .3 IC S.                                    1.3       4.7         1.5       .1       .0            .0
3. s
  • 2. 2 .2 .0 .0 .0 7.6 N T SSk 1.6
                                                                                                         .0     .0-      5.2        .2 0 I SW-                                  1.4       2.9        i+.Y.      .0       .0
                                                                                                         .0     .0       2.3        .1

1.4 .9 .0 .0 .0

                  -0 WSW                                                                                                          4. 9 NW                                   1.9       1.1           .2      .0       .0     .0     .0'      3.2 1.4          .6         .0      .0        .0    .0     .0       2.1        .0
                                  .kNW                                                                                              .3 NW                    1.7       4 .'3         .4      .0       .C     .0     .0       6.5 2.9       5.5         1.1        .0      .0     .0     .0       9.8-        .4 NNW-
                                  -CALM                  2.9                                                             1.5 55.8         E.S               .0    .0       .0    100.0        .5
                          . TOTAL              35.1                                     .3 2



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i 1 lL , TABLE 4A (CONT.) l r EXTREF.ELY LNSTABLE STASILITY CLASS A  ! PERIOD OF RiCORD: 1/ 1/59, 000-- 4/ 1/89, 00 0 WIND SPEED (M/S) AT 50-M LEVEL 18 avg, 0-2 3-5 6-6 9-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP TOT AL SPEED N 1.9. 3.2 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 5.1 .1

                                                                                                                         .1 NNE                           .0    1. 3 '      .0       .C      .C      .J      .0      1.9 hii                           .o    2.5         .0       .0      .0      .0      .0      3.2        .1 ENE                         1.9      .6       .0        .0      .0      .0      .0      2.5         .1 DE                                 .6    3.4       1.3        .0      .C      .0      .0      5.7        .2 I ESE                             1.9    5.1        .0        .0      .C     .0       .0      7.0        .2
         . R SE                              1.3    1.3        .0        .0      .0     .0       .0      2.5        .1 W E SSE                               1.9. 1.3        .0        .0      .0     .0       .0      3.2        .1 I 'C     S                             .6      .6       .0        .0      .0     .0       .0      1.3        .0 N T SSW                                .o      .3      2.5      1.3       .0     .0       .0      4.4        .3 D I sw                                1.9   10.2       2.5        .0      .C     .0       .3     14.6        .7 0 WSW                               .0    6.' 4      .6        .0      .0     .0       .0      7.0        .3 NW                                2.5      .0       .o        .3      .0     .0       .0      3.2        .1 WNW                          3.3      . (,     .0        .0      .0     .0       .0      4.4        .1 Nb                           5.1   14.o        .6        .0      .0     .0       .0     20.4        .3
4Nw 2.5 10.2. .o .3 .C .0 .0 13.4 .6 CALM .0
                                                                                                              .0 TOTAL                        23.0    01.3       3.9      1.3      .0      .0       .0    100.0        .3
2. HOUd5 0F 5AD Gd MISSING DATA CA 1. 3 FE RC ENT FOR 15 9 HO UR S J20SRERR-T4-A - 10 l

y:f T.GLE 4A (CONT.) MODERATELY UNSTABLE STASILITY CLASS B PERIOD OF RECORD: 1/ 1/09r. 000- - 4/'1/59, 000 KIND SPEED (M/$) AT 50-M LEVEL  ; 0-2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP TOTAL' SPEED N .0 5.3 1.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 6.6 .3 4'. i 1.3 1.3 .3 .3 .0 .0 .0 2.6 .1 NE .0 o.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 c.o .2 ENE 1.3 2.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 3.9 .1 D.E. 1.3 2.o .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 3.9 .1 I'ESE 1.3 11.5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 13.1 .5

            .         R SI                     .0    5.3     1.3                                    .0    .0                                     .0                                .0                     6.6          .3 WE SSE                         .0    1.3       .0                                   .0    .C                                     .0                                .0                     1.3          .0 I.C..S                        1.3    1.3       .0                                    .0   .0                                     .0                                .0                     2.6          .1 d.T SSW                        .0      .0    2.o                                    .0    .0                                     .0                                .0                     2.6          .2 0 I SW                        1.3    7.9     1.5                                     .0   .0                                     .0                                .0                 10.5             .5 0 WSW                    3.9    6.6       .0                                   .0    .0                                     .0                                .0                 10.5             .3 3W                        .0    1.3       .0                                   .0    .0                                     .0                                .0                     1.3          .0 Whw                  .0     -.0      .0                                   .0    .0                                     .0                                .0                          .0      .0 NW                   .3   15.8     1.3                                    .0    .0                                     .0                                .0                 17.1             .7 N4W                  .0   10.5       .0                                   .0    .0                                     .0                                .0                 10.5             .4 CALM-                .0                                                                                                                                                              .0 TOTAL 11.5                80.3     7.9                                    .C    .0                          .0                                         .0             100.0                  .3

l i J20SRERR-T4-A - 11

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l.,. TABLE 4A (CONT.) 1 l SLIGHTLY Uh5 TABLE STAEILITY CLASS C PIRIDD OF AICOAD: 1/ 1/37, 003-- 4/ 1/59e 030 JIND SPEED O'./ S ) AT 50-M LEYit i 15 AV 5 0-2 3-5 6-E 9-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP ' TOTAL SPEEC t; 3.5 c: .1 0 .0 .C .0 .0 10.5 .4 kNi  :.i -c4 .0 .2 .C .0 .0 7.9 .3 iiE 3.5 1.7 .0 .0 .; .C .0' 5.3 .1 ENE 1.7 1.7 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 3.5 .1 DE 3.5 2.6 .0 .0 .c .0 .0 6.1 .2 2.6 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 2.6 .1 I EsE .0. R sE 1.7 7.0 .? .0 .0 .0 .0 9.6 .4 W E ssE 2.o 1.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.4 .1 IC S .0 .9 5.3 .0 .0 .c .0 6.1 .4 2.6 9 .0 .0' .0 7.9 4 N T 35d 2.5 1.7 D I SW 2.6 4.4 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 7.0 .2 0 bis W 3.5 1.7 .0 .O .C .0 .0 5.3 .1 - N w 1.7 1.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 3.5- .1 - WWW .9 9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.7 .0 NW 3.5 o.1 1.7 .0 .c .0 .0 11.4 .4-NNw 1.7 2.6 1.7 .0 .C .0 .0 6.1 .3

                                                                                                       .Y                                                                          .9 CALM TOTAL                                                    37.7    43.2     13.1       .9       .0     .0          .0    100.0                      .2 5.-HOUAS CF B A D C a. MISSING DATA OR        4.2 PERCENT FOR                          119 HOUR 3 4

J20SRERR-T4-A - 12


l g, m .

                                                                                                                                                                                                  >i TABLE 4A (CONT.)

h') . NEUTRAL STAIILITY Class D PERIOD OF FECORD: 1/ 1/89, 300-- 4/ 1/S9s 000 WIND SPEED (M/S) AT 50-M LIVIL 13 AVG, 0-2 3-5 o-5 9-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP. TOTAL S PE E D 4 6.2 11.9 .4 .0 .0 .C' .0 18.5 .6 4:. I 4.5 5.! .0 .3 .C .2 0 9.5 .3 kE 1.7 1.3 -O .0 .0 .0 .u 3.0- .1 ENE 1.S 1 .0 .0 .0 =.0 .0 2.3 .3 D E- 1.6 .5 .3 .0 .C .0 .0 2.5 .1 o I ESE 1.9 4.6 .5 .0 .C .0 .0 7.0 .3 A SE 1.5 3.5 .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 5,2 .2

                                                                                                                                                                                        .3-dE $3E                                                                     1.3        3.0             1.3        .3       .0              .C               .0      5.6-IC5                                                                             .6    4.0             2.3        .2       .0              .0               .0      7.1       .4 nT SIW                                                                          .6    3.7             3.0        .1       .C              .0               .0      7.4       .4 9 I S4                                                                     1.3        1.5               .8       .0       .C              .0               .0      3.6       .1
              .3 WSW                                                                  1.2         .2               .0       .0       .0              .0               .0      1.4       .0 NW                                                                     2.4        1.2               .3       .0       .0              .0               .1      3.7      9. 3 Whd                                                 1.6         .7               .1       .0       .0              .0              .0       2.5       .1 NW.                                                 1.9        6.1               .4       .0       .C              .0               .0      6.4       .2 NNW                                                  2.6        S.O             1.7        .0       .C              .0               .0     12.4       .5
                            . CALM                                                    1.4                                                                                     1.4 T;TAL                                                          34.2        54.0          11.3         .3       .0              .0               .1     100.0       .?

J20SRERR-T4-A - 13 {



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       .            ~

1[ I !'a ' TARIZ 4A (CONT.) 3 LIGHTLY SYAbtE STAEILITY CLASS E PERIOD OF 6EC04D: 1/ 1/19, 200-- 4/ 1/S9, 00 0 WIND SPEED-(9/S) AT 50-M LEVEL AVG 16 9-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP TOT AL SPEE) C-2 3-5 6-8 5.1 4.2 .0 .0 .C .0 .9 9.2 .3 N

                                                      .0      .C     .C      .0      c.3-     .2 N15       5.5     1.i        .0
                                                              .C     .C      .0      2.5      .1 19        .7       .0       .0 NE
                                    .0       .0       .0      .0     .0        0     1.4      .0 ENE      1.4
                                                      .0      .C     .C      .0      58       .2 0E            1.1      4.4       .2
                                                      .0      .C     .C      .0    -12.3      .5 I ESE         2.3      9.0       .9 16.0      .8
         ~ R SE           2.1    12.5       1.4       .0       .0    .0      .0 16       S.3       .5       .0      .0     .0      .0      7.9      .3 d E SSE                                              .0     .0      .0     12.5      .5 1.9    10.4        .2       .0 ICS                                          .0       .0    .0      .0      e.5      .3 HT SSW           1.1      4.c       .7 5.5      .3 p I sw             .7     3.7-     1.1       .0       .C    .0      .0
                                             .0       .0       .C    .0      .0      1.6      .0' 0 WsW         1.o       .0                                               3.0      .1 NW            1.4      1.o       .0       .0       .C    .0      .0
                                                      .0       .C    .C      .0      1.4      .0 WNW        .7      .7       .0
                                                                     .0              1.1      .0
                            .5      .5       .2       .0       .C            .0 MW
                                                      .0       .0     .0     .0      5.3      .1 NNW      3.9      1.4       .0 1.o CALM     1.0 5.3       .C      .0    .0       .0   100.0       .2 TOTAL   32.4     62.3 1.1 PERC#N1 F 0P.      437 H0Uts
5. hours OF SAO CR MISSING DATA 04 l

J20SRERR-T4-A - 14

  ._       __=____-__--_______________

g t 2- r TABLE 4A (CONT.) MDD E R AT ELY STA?LE STABILITY CLASS F PIRICD CF KiCORD: 1/ 1/59, 000-- 4/ 1/59, 030 WIND IPEED (M/5) 41 50-M LEVIL 12 AVE C-2 3-5 6-E 5-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP TOTAL S PE ED N 6.2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 e.2 .1' rads  :.2 3.1 .; .

                                                                                                     .C        .'      .0       0.3      .2 1.0    1.0              .0       .0       .0        .G      .0       2.1      .1 NE 4.1    1.J              .0       .0       .C        .0      .0       5.1      .1
                         ' EVE DE                                       1.0    5.1              .0       .0       .0         .0     .0       6.2      .2 I ESE                                   .1     c.2            '.O        .G       .C        .0      .0      12.4      .4 a EE                                    4.1    6.2            1.0        .0       .0        .0      .0      11.3        4 d E ESE                                     3.1   11.3              .0       .0       .G        .C      .0      14.4      .5 2.1    2.1              .0       .0       .C        .0      .0       4.1      .1 IC S                                                                                  .c        .0      .0       7.2      .2
               .v T'SSW                                    6.2    1.0              .0       .0
                                                                                                                                         .1 e .1   1.0              .0       .0       .0        .0      .0       5.1 D I SW                                                                                                           1.0 0 WSW                                    1.0     .0              .0       .0       .C        .C      .0                .0-N W.                                     1.0     .0              .0       .0       .c        .0      .0       1.0      .0 WWW-                         1.0     .0              .0       .0       .0        .0      .0       1.0      .0 NW                            1.0    1.0              .0       .0       .0        .0      .0       2.1      .0 l                              NNW                          7.2     .3              .3       .J       .G         .O     .0       7.2      .1 CAL 6                        A.1                                              .

4.1 57.7 41.2 1.0 .C .0 .0 .0 1 00.0 .2 TOTAL

                                                                                                              .0 PERCENT FOR        ?? HOURS

} ( l; TABLE 4A (CONT.) p 1 j l EXTREFELY ST ABl.E STAEILITY class G PnIOD OF AICORD: 1/ 1/3?, 000-- 4/ 1/80s 000 1 i l  ; o l; L-, alIND SPEED (*/$) AT 50-*' L EVEL 1S AVG 3-5 .9-11 12-14 15-17 A *4 D U P TCT AL' SPEED-0-2 o-3 2.9 .1 N 2.9 .0 .0 '.0 .C .0 .0 aNI- .3.o 1.0 .0- .0 .0 .0 .0 6.8 .1 o.6 1.0 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 '7.8 .1 NE-ENE 7.3 1.9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0, 9.7 .2 6.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 8.7 .3 0 E 1.9 I ESE. 1.9 5.5 .J .0 .0 .0 .0 7.8 .3 R SE 2.9 d.7 .0 .0 .0- .0 .0 11.6 .4

                                                       .0-                    .0        .0          2.9                             .1
              ^ W'E SSE                .0    2.9                .0       .0 10.7 IC S                 7.8    2.9       .0       .0       .0   .0        .0                                          .3
               . N' T SSW            11.6   10.7       .0       .0       .0   .0        .0      '22.3                               .6 D: sw                1.0     .0       .0       .0       .0   .0        .0          1.0                             .0
                                              .0.      .0       .0       .0   .0        ,0           .0                            -.0
                     '3 WSW            .0
                                                                                                                                   .0 NW               .0     .0       .0       .0       .0   .0        .0           .0 WNW         .0    .0       .0       .0       .0    .0.      .0           .0                             .0
                                              .0       .0-      .0       .0   .0        .0           .0                             .0 Nb           .0 Nhw       2.9     .0       .o       .0       .0    .0       .0          2.9                             .1 CALM-     4.3.                                                          4.3 TOTAL    5s.2    41.7       .0      .0        .0   .0       .0      100.0                                .2

1 J20SRERR-T4-A - 16 e , --m.~.L.. .._L . _ _

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                 '; J                                                                     ' TABIE 4A (000ff.)

p l PERCENT.BA3 DATA-' REPORT ' ll ~ , f AEPORT. CCVERS 21 o0 HOURS HOURS PEP.CEhT 3dM DIAECTION 60. 2.75 SGM WIND. SPEED E h . .- 4.C7 10M~DIRECTIch $ 7. : 2.73 1 0 r *. I ND'.'t ? t ED 117.- 5.42' TEAPERATURi: 3. .14 DialPOINT. 2105.- 7.c=

                      ' DELTA"T O.                     .C0 PRECIPITAT10h                                      0.                     .C0

1 b

                   )I a

J20SRERR-T4-A - 17

n - _ .


g n .x . s. l ( I TABLE 4B METEOROLOGICAL DATA - APRIL-JUNE 1989 l l TOTAL 74EQUitJCY DISTRueUTION FERI30 OF RECORD: 4/ 1/ N 300 -- 7/ 1/39e '000 I WIND i?EED (M/S) AT 10-F. LEVEL

18 AVG 0-2 3-5 6e 1-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP TOTAL S PE ED
                        -N-                  3.5        1.3               .0                                                    .0       .C               .0                                         .0         7.7         .1
4h s '7 .1 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 7.6 .1 NE E.4 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 9.2- .1 ENE o.6 .1 .0 .0 .c .0 .0- 0.9 .1
D I. 4.5 .3 .0 ,.0 .0' .0 .0 4.3 .1~

I ESE- 3.c- .2 .G .0 .3 .0 .0 3.d .D

          .A SE                              2.3          .a              .0                                                    .0       .0              .0                                          .0        3.0         .0 W E SSE

4.0 .4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.4 '1 IC S 5.9 2. 7- .1 .0 .C .0 . G '- 8.7 .2 N'T:$SW 4.1 1.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 5.5 .i D'I SW 4.9 1.4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 6.3 .1 0.uSW 3.d .4 .0 .3 .0 .0 .G 4.3 .1 NW 4.2 .2 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 4.4 .1 unW 3.1 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 3'. 3 .0 NW 3.9 .6 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.4 .1 NWW 5.4 .4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 5.9 .1" CALM 5.4 9.5 TOTAL 35.o 11.2 .1 .C .0 .0 .0- 100.G .1 - 250. HOURS OF SAD OR MISSING DATA OR 11.4 PERCENT FOR 2134 HOUR S I 6 J20SFIRR-T4-B - 1

  • j h .'

TABLE 4BL(CONT.) E XT REF.ELY LN5T ABL E STABILITY' CLASS A r Pf3100 0F RdCORD:,4/ 1/59, 000- ' 7/ 1/39,'000-f. w1ND EPEiD Ll/'J ) AT'10-M LEVEL' 18- AVG 0-2 3-5' 6-d 9-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP. TOTAL SPE ED

                . is           7.7-    3.5        .O        .0       .' C    .C      .0    11.3.                             .3
             ,     4NE -       o.5       .7       .0        .0-      .0      .0     .0       7.0                              .1 fiE          7.7       .7:      .0       .0       .C       .0     .G       d
                                                                                             '.4>                            .2 IN c -       7.0       .7       .0       .0       .0       .0     .0      7.7                               .1
         'D:i                  2.1       .0       .0       .0       .C       .C     .0'      2.1                             .0 I 35c               2.4       .0       .C       .3       .0       .0     .0      2.8                              .0 A Si                2.s       .0.      .0-      .0       .0       .0     .0      2.S                              .1
      .! ; ~ 3 3 :             2.5       .7       .0       .0      ..G.      .0     .0      3. 5 -                           .1
     .I'C5                     4.'2    2.1-       .3       ,0       .C       .0.    .0      o.3                              .2 14 ' I 45W               5.6     2.1        .0       .0       .C       .G     .0      7.7                              .2 0 1:IW                   3.5     2.1        .0       .0       .C       .0     .0      5.o                              .1 0 .' S W            2.1     2.1'       .0       .0       .C       .0     .0      4.2                              .1
        'v a 4.?'     .0-       .0       .0       .0       .0     .0      t. 9                             .1 c WNW               .7      .7       .0        .0       .C       .0     .0      1.4                              .0 rdW           s.3      .7       .0'       .0       .C       .0     .0-     7.0                              .1
               .hNW          14.1      2.3       .0        .0       .C       .0     . 0;   16.9                              .4 CALH           .0.                                                            .0 TOTAL          81. C    19.0       .0        .0      .0       .0      .0    100.0                             .1 0.'nCURS OF EAD CR' MIS 3InC- DATA CR            .3 PERCENT F0d         142 HOUR S                           .

I 6 J20SRERR-T4-B - 2

 > ? .. t "

i-y: r.. ( TABIE 4B (CONT.) j. MCDERATILY dNSTAhtE STAEILITY CLASE:3 PERIOD.0F fsCORD: 4/ 1/ 6 b 000-- .7/ 1/o9, 000 WINf SPEED I ', / C ) AT 10-? LEVEL \ 1E- WG C 3-5 6-d 9-11 12-14 17 AND UP- TOTAL SPEED a- 5.1 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 5.2 .1

                     <4 4 E '                      o.5                  50.3         .0..      .0       .0       .0      .0       7.3        .2 N;                         14.3                     .0         .0        .)       .0       .0     .0      14.3-        .3 ENE '                        2.o                    .0         .3        .0       .0       .0      .0       2.6       2.0 1 E-                                   11.7                     .0         .0        .0       .C       .0      .0    11.7          .2' I'. E si ;                             o.5                    .0        .0         .0       .C       .C      .0       s.5        .1 a - SE.                                1.3                    .0-        .S        .u       .0-      .0      .0       1.3        .0
     ?;J2 053                                      6.5                  1.3          .0        .J.      .C       .C      .0       7.8        .2 IL C 3                                       3.i'                   .0         .0        .0       .0       .C      .0       3.9        .1 N T iSW                                      1.3                  1. 3 -       .0        .J       .0       .0     .0        2.6        .1' D I~ sk                                      3.(                    .0.        .0        .O       .0       .0      .0       3.9        .1
0. 36 1.3 1.3 .0 .0 .c .0 .0 2.6 .1
          'N u:                                    2.o                    .0         .0        .0       .C       .0      .0      '2.6-       .0 WNr                         -1.3                    .0         .0        .0       .0       .0      .0       1.3        .0 ENW                             '3.9                  1.3          .0        .0-      .0       .0      .0       5.2        .1 tSN.i                     ~15.o                   3.2          .0        .0       .G       .0      .0-   20.8          .5 C A trl                       .0                                                                             .0 TOTAL. 26.4                                          11.7           .0       .C        .0       .0      .0    100.0         .1 J. nCURS OF SAD Og MIS 31iG DATA CR                              .0 FERCENT For          /7 HOUR S

J20SRERR-T4-B - 3

      .;i; e f                      . *-


 , t3
           -j f          Y' r                                                                                                 TABLE 4B (CONT.)

SLIUnTLY UAJTABLE STABILITY ~ CLASS.C PE;IOD.'CF SECORD: t. / .1/ 3 9, 000-- 7/ 1/S9, 000 L- '

     .L                                                                                   WIND ,, F E E D C4/S) .AT'10-n L.dVEL 12                           AVG C-2                            3-5         3-5                       9 12-14          15-17 .AND UP.        TOT AL' SPE ED l-                        a                            5. o :                         5.o          .0                        .3       .C             .0-      .0     11.3                   .3
                       .. N h E                       7.2~                             .0         .D                        .0     ..C              .0-      .0       7.2                 .1 -

ut '12.9 .0 .0 ;0 .C .0- .0 12.9 .2 dNE 4.4 '0

                                                                                       .         .5                         .0'      .C            .0        .0-     ;6.4                 .1 De                                 5.6                              .0         .0                         .0'      .C:           .0        .0      15.6                .1~

I isE. .0 .0- .0 .0 .0- .0- .0 .0- .0

               . a. ST                               2.4                              .G         .3              '0         .        .0            .0        .0       3.2               .1 ps l'3Si                                             .2.4                              .E        . .0                       .0       .0'            .0        .0       3.2               .1' lL;J CSS                                              2.4                             1.6         .0                     .0          .0             .0        .0      '4.0               .1 l fl.T-55W                                            7.2                             2.4         .0                      .0         .0             .0        .0       9.7               .r D I SW                                        . 5. o .                         3.2         .s                     .0          .0             .0        .0       S.9               .,3 l                  d wsw                              7.2                              .4         .0                     .0          .0             .0        .0-      8.1                   7              .

i .: ' tJ w 2.4- .0 .s .3 .0 .0 .C 2.4 .0

                      'WN.                           2.4                              .O'        .0                     .0          . C'           . 0'      .0       2.4               .0" nh ;                         s.1                              .0         .0                     .0          .C             .0        .0       3.1               .1-
                      -WNw                           3.c                              .3-        .0                     .0~         . C. -         . 0 '.    .0       6.4               .1~

L CALM .0 .0 . . TOTAL f3.7 16.1 . 0 .C .0 .0 .0 100.0 .1* 1

0. HOURE OF LAD Ch y.1 5 :; I N E D A T A Ok .0 PERCENT FOR 1 24 H3 ORS

( l r, J20SRERR-T4-B - 4

                       h__.,.______-_____m_-            Em.a ___ _ _______.._-__m_        m      -   .____m. _ _ _ _ _

Y Y) i .,


g ; .. , f j y: I TABLE 4B (CONT.) q NEUTRAL STA3!LITY CLA!S 0

                                                      ?t?.I03 CF adCOAD: 4 / ,1/ 3 9,     0 0 0 --- 7/ 1/37,-000 WIND SPEED ( ./ 0 ) AT 10-M LEVEL.
18. AVG C-2 3-5 o-3 9-11 12-14 15 AND UP -T0TAL $ PEED h 7.1 - 1.3 .e .3 .0 .0' .0 '6.4 .2 WNE .2 ' .c' .0 .0 .0' .0' .0 d.7 .2
                ' t< E '         y.2       1.5.-             .O    .0      .0        .0      .0     10.7-          .2'
                 .iAE            4.2          .1-           .0     .0      .C.       .0      .0        4.4         .0
             )     E-            1.4        ..I            .G      .0      .0        .0      .0        2.1         .0
I isi c.1' .2 .G .0 .C .0 .0 2.3 .0 A 55- 2.1 .G .0 .0 .0 .3 .0 2.1 .J
      .d     I SSI              .i.7          .3           .0      .0      .0       .0       .0        4.0         .1 '

LI : C - 5 6.7 4.5 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0- 11.3- .3'

    'N . . T 3SW                .3.7      .2.2            .0       .0      .C       .C'      .0"     ~ 5. 9 '      .1 -
    ' D'I-sh:                    o . 5-    1.7            .0       .J      .0       .3       .0        5.3         .2 0 bSW-               5.6         .2           .1       .0      .C       .0       .0       6.0          .1-
            .rd9                 6.3          .2           .0      .0      .C.      .0       .0        c.5         .1 WNW            4.6         .2           .0       .0      .0       .0       .4        5.0         .1' NL              4.6         .?           .0       .0      .0       .0       .0       5.7         .1 NNw~            5.4         .2           .0      .0       .0       .0       .0       5.6          .1 ' '

CALM 5.0 3.0


TOTAL 35.3 14.5 .2' .C .0 .0 .0 100.0 .1

9. dOUds 0F DAD CA MISSING DATA 0F 1.0 P CR C EN T F05t S79 HO UR S ,

' ' l_. s J20SRERR-T4-B - 5

9. TABLE 4B (CONT.) SLI 3HTLY. S TAdLE .5TABILITY. CLASS.E PERIOD-CF PICORD: 4/ 1/89, 200-- 7/ 1/89, 030

                                                                     ~ WAND SPEED'(n/C) AT 10-r. - L IVEL 18                  AVG.
                                                   '0-2      .3          5-5     9-11  12-14     15-17   AND UP    TOTAL      SPEED
t. 7.s . 0 .- .0. .0- .C .0 .0 .d.0 .1 UNii S.o .2. .0 .0 .: .3 .D 'b.3 .1 NE~ 2.9 .5 .0 .J .0 .J .0 3.4 .0 Eh E- 4.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .O 4.1. .0 0 2.7 ..S .0- .0 .0 .0 .0 3.2- .D 1-isi' 4.s .I .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.9 .0.
         . A di.                                  4.1:        .5           .0       .0      .0        .0     .0      4.'6       .1 w i SSE                                     o .' 3 -    .5           .O.      .0      .0        .0     .0      6.3        .1
 i C 1                                          'r.5      1. 7 -         .2       .0      .C        .0     .0    11.3         .2-ti T i s W ,                                7.3         .0           .0       .0      .0        .0     .0     7.3         .1 EDele:W                                            5.4       1.5            .0       .0      .C       .0      .0      6.8        .1 3 WSw                                  2.4         .O           .0       .0      .C       .0      .0      2.4        .0 p          it W                                    2.9         .2           .0       .0      .C       .0      .0     3.2         .0 UNW.                               2.7'        .0           .0       .0      .C       .0      .0     2.7         .O Nk:                                2.7         .2           .O       .0      .0       .0      .0     2.9         .0
              'NNW                                4.1-        .0           .0      .0      .0        .0      .0     4.1        .0 CALM                             17.1                                                              17.1 TOT AL                            93.4        6.3           .2       .0      .0        .0      .0   100.0        .1

L,.,'-.- ,a : 9 4 4

p. .. TABLE 4B (CONT.)

1 M005 d AT ILY STAeLE STABILITY.CLAS3 F ! .. PERIOD OF RECCRD: 4/'1/$9, 000-- _7/ 1/3v, 000 g WIND '5FE29' (al/$) AT'10-M LEVEL 13- AVG 0 3-5 3-8 9-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP TOTAL SPEED t .V - 3. : .3 .0 .0 .C .0 . 0 '4.o .1

                     .d E                             1.2         .0       .0        .0       .0       .0    2 . 0      0.2         .1
                     ;;d                           '10. 7 :       .0-     .0         .J       .0       .0      . 0    10.7          .1 INE.                             9.9.        .0      .0        .0        .C'     .0       . 0      9.?         .1
           .D's                                      E.4          .0      .0        .0        .C      .0     '. 0       3.4         .' 1 El' 53I                                        7.6          .3'     .0        .0        .C      .0       . 0      e.4         .1 a si                                     7.6        1.5       .0        .0       .0       .0       . 0      9.2-       .1
   .W I'35E                                          3.8          .0      .0        .0       .0      .0       . 0      3.5         .0 l11 C :;                                              2.3         .0       .G        .0       .0       .J      . 0      ?.3         .0

' 17 - $sW- .0 .0 .0 .0- .C .C . 0 .0 .0

  'O I S '.   ~
                                                       .8        .0       .0        .3       .0       .0      . 0       .5        .0
         .C usw-                                     1.5         .0       .0        .0       .C       .0      . 0     1.5         .0 5 s.                                        .8        .0       .0        .J       .0       .0      . 0       .3        .0 aNW                              1.S         .0       .0        .0       .G       .0      . 0     1.5         .G-
                   .v h                                .0        .0       .0        .0       .0       .0      . 0       .0        .0'
tlN W .5 .'O' .6 .0 .0 .0 . 0 .3 .0
                ' CALM                             2s.2                                                               26.2
            ' TOTAL                        -76.9               3.0      .0        .C       .0       .0      .0      100 0        .1 F




                                                                                                                                          -PERIOD OF dECORD:-4/ 1/SC,                           000--                   7/ 1/E9, 000 L


                                                                                                                                                                                                            -1 B                            AVG 0- 2.-                         3-5                6-3               9-11    12-14  15-17          AND UP TOT A L -' 3 PE E D
. 2 :. ; .0 .. . u .0 .0 .0 .0 2.2 .0 ta E - :2.8 .5 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 3.3 .0
                     -ni                                                             13.5                                             .0                 .0                .0       .0     .c              .0-           10.5            .1
                        'Eni                                                        24.4                                              .0                 .0                .0       .G     .0              .0            24.4            .2
0. 2 L 17.2 .5 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 17.8 .' 2 I- EIE 7.a. .0 . O. .0 .C .0 .0 7.8 .1 R. si -W .0 .0- -.0 .0 .0 .G .5 .0
     - i i; SS E                                                                             1.1,                                     .0                 .0                .J.      .0     .0             .0              1.1            .0 l I C;s:               .

1.1 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0- 1.7 .0 i ft T ' S 3 W .0 .0 .0 .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 -.0 D I- SW .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 l3 u3s .0 .5 .G .0 .0 .0 .0 .5 .0

           ' d ' 1.                                                                          1 ^.1                                   .5                  .a                .0       .0     .0             .0              1.7            .0^
                    . Wn                                                                                .5                           .0                 .0                 .0       .0     .0             .0                 .5          .0 NW                                                                              .0                          .0                  .0                 .G       .0     .0             .0                 .0         .0 tJn                                                                             .0                          .0                   .J                .0       .0     .0             .0                 .0          ..O CALM                                                       27.S                                                                                                                                  27.8 TOTAL; 97.2                                                                                                 2.3                .U                     .C         .0    .0              .0        100.0               .1
                                                           'O. HOU.95 0F c AD OR MIS 3Ifd D AT A- OR                                                                                     .0 FERCENT.FOR                         180 HOUR S                                            .

J20SRERR-T4-B - 8 L- __ _ _ - - - - - - . - - - . _ - - - - _ _ - - - - _ - _ - - - - _ - - _ - - - - - - - - _ - - -- - - - - - - - . - - -- _ _ . . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - _ -

y - y'

  .,.h_                  *-


                                                      ' WIND SPEID C4/ S ) AT 30-M LEVEL
                                         '                                                                       18                          AVG C-2           3-5        o-5       9-11        12-14         15-17        AND UP . TOTAL                3 PEED
. - 2.4 3.5 .3 .) .0 .0~ .0 6 '.1 .2
                  -NNE-           2.1          2.5          .1        .0            .0            .0            .0         4.7            .1 as           2.1          3.0'         .0        .0            .0            .0           .0          5.1            .2 INE          2.1          1. o '       .0         .0           .0            .0           .0          3.7            .1
       -D            E            2.9          7.1          .0        .0            .0            .0           .0        10.1             .3
IfESI 3.4 5.9 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 9.5 . ,3 k Li 3.1 4.$ .3 .a .0 .0 .0 7.9 .3 ci E SSE 3.9 5.2 .7 .0 .6 .0 .0 10.5 .4 IC s' 3.0 o.6 .9 .0 .0 .0 .0 10.5 .4 N T SSW 2.0 3.4: 1.0 .1 .0 .0 .0 6.5 .3
 'D I..S=                        42.1          3.1          .5        .0            .0            .0           .0          5.7-           .2 0 wSJ                     2.2            .3         .0        .0            .0            .0           .0          2.6            .D hW                        2.5            .4         .0        .0            .C           .0            .0~         2.9            .1 VNW           2.9           .6          .0        .0            .C           .0            .0          3.4            .1 (JW           2.5          1.9          .0        .0            .C            .0           .0          4.4            .1 NNW           2.6          2.5          .0        .0           .0            .0            .0          5.2            .2~

CALM 2.6 1.1 TOTAL 43.1 52.o 4.1 .1 .0 .0 .0 100.0 .2 235. HCURS Of 6AD CR MISSING DATA OR .10.3 PEr(CEST FOR 2154 HOUR S J20SRERR-T4-B - 9 l l L--________- ._

                                                                       . TABLE 4B (CONT.)

2 X T R d r e L Y L t4 S T A .0 L E STABILITY CLAS3 A-PLY: C0 OF -1 CORD: 4/ 1/83 r 030-- 71 1/39, 030 WIAD LFEis (4/3) AT 50-7 LEVFL

                                                    .                                                    1*                                                         AVG-C-2     3-5           6-e          .V-11        12-14  15-17   AND UP                                            TOTAL      SPEED 14            1.*    4.;             .3            .0            .0     .3      .0                                             6. 3        .3 T.i           2.a    4.2            .7             .0             .C    .0      .u                                           7. 7.         .3 E             4.2    2.4            .0             .0            .C     .0      .0                                           7.0'          .2 Lie           3.!      .0           .6             .2            .0     .0      .0                                             3.5         .1 32-                4.i    6.0            .0             .7            .0    .3       .0                               15.5                     .c 1 i : E-           2.1    4.2          1.4              .0            .0    .0       .0                                           7.7          .3
1.4 .7 .7 .0 .G
                                                                                         .0            .0                                            2.3          .1 W!! sif                          2.4    2.1            .0             .0            .C    .0       .3                                          4.9           .1
     ! C                             1.4-    2.4            .a             .0            .0    .0      .0                                           4.2           .2 Jd T 35W                             .7    3. 5 '         .0             .7            .C    .0      .0-                                          4.9-          .3 D I1SW'                         1.4     2.1          1.4              .3            .0    .0      .0                                          4.?            .2
                 - 3.' W S W           .0      .7           .0             .G            .C    .0      .0                                               .7        .0 if w                 .0     .0            .0            .0             .c   .0       .0                                               .0        .0' Wh.             .7'   1.4            .3            .0            .C     .0      .0                                          2 .1.          .1 NJ            2.6    10.6            .0            .3            .C     .0      .0                             13.4                        .5
                      'h             2. 1   12.G            .0            .0            .0     .G      .0                            14.1                         .5 C A L:4         .0                                                                                                               .o TcTAL ~32.4           62.0         4.2           1.4             .0     .0       .0     100.0                                              .3^
0. ncuaS OF DAD Ca 'lI $ S IN G DATA Oh .0 PERCENT FOR 142 HOUR S ,

J20SRTER-T4-B - 10 E - a-________________-___-______-__-______-___-___-___-_______-_______-_._ _ _ _ - _ - _ - - _ - - - _ _ _ - - - _ - - -

            . ,y            ..

3( . TABLE 4B (CONT.)-

                                                                      .HCCERATILY.bNSTABLE                          ETABILITY CLASS-3 FEAIOD O F ' M Co.10: 4 / 1/ Ne 300-- 7/ 1/39, 0'J0 W I".D         E Pi!E D ' Ci/ 5 ) AT 53-8 LEVIL 13                              AVG C-2i      z 3 -:i -            3-5        i-11   12-14           15-17     AND,UP            TOTAL        SPIED N      .
                                                   ;0          .C              1.3           .3        .C            .0          . 0 .~      1.3             .1 -
                        .i.S E                     .0      1.1                    .0         .0        .0            .0          .0          1.3             .0 Ni            '3.9 3.9                    .0         .0        .C            .0         .0           7.J-            .2 E                      , iNI.          '7.i                : 5.1                 . 3.         .J        .0            .0         .0        -13.0              .4 c .:                     3.5           11'. 7                 -.0          .0       .0             .C         .0         19.2             .o
                ; I c;I
                                      ' o' . 5..
5. 2.
                                                                                 .0-         .0       .0             .C'        .0         11.7             .3
                . . n : :.                    ..u-         :i . e .              . u.       .0        .c
                                                                                                                     .J         . u.         : . c, s i 53:                        1. 3'            3.9                 1.3-         .0        .C             .0         .0          'o. 5           .2 I- C 5                                 .u       3. 9                  .0         .0       '.0             .0         .0           3.9            .2
           .V O 3 5 '.'                           .C          .GJ                .0       1.3         .' G .         .0.        .O           1.3            .1

' o ':I;:- u : .0- 3.9 .O .J .C .0 .0 3.9 .2 J'bsk .0L .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 N i. .'J .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .C .0 .0 w.h - 1.3 2.6 .0- '.3 .0 .0' .0 3.9 .1

                     - t.v .        ,
                                                  .0     11.7                    .0         .0        .0             .0         .0        11.7              .4 tin w                              7.3                               .0
i. 6 .0 .0 .0 .0 10.4 .4-CALA .0 .0 TOTAL  ??.; e6.2 2.6 1.3 .0 .0' .0 100.0 .3 1

0.: SCOAS OF 4AD.On MISSItiG DATA Cn .D PERCEteT FOA . 77 HO UR S - . 1 J20SRERR-T4-B - 11 1 1 1

       .~                                             ,


                                                                   ' PERIOD OF A E C11 R O :      t, / 1/30,        000--       7/ 1/ N 000 WIND SPEEL (1/S) AT 5 0             .M   L E V E t, 13                    AVG 0-2               3 .s         6-b            9-11  12-14       15-17         AND UP       TOTAL .SFEED
                       .;              c.4               4.0           3.2              .0      .0          .0            .3.      ?.7         .4-t4.; E '-          .4              3.2            .0             .0      .0          .C           .0       4.0          .1 tie             2.4                3.2            .0             .0      .C          .0           .0       5.6          .2 En E            2.4               1.o.           .0             .0       .0          .0           .0      .4.0'       . .1 0 E                       5.4               5.6            .0             .0       .C          .0           .0      11.3          .3 I ESE                     3 . 2 '-          o.4            .0             .0       .0          .0           .0       9.7         .3.

A SE- 4.C 1.6 .4 .0 .C .0 .0 7.2 .2 W 2 33E 4.0 2.4 .3 .0 .C .0 .0 7.2 .2-

2. c' 0 : -

4.4 1.6 .6 .J .C. .0 .0 4.~d .2 N T SSL .0 4.0 . .i .0 .C .0 .0 4.8 .3 c 1154 .u 11.3 1.2 .0 .0 .0 .0 12.9 l 0 45W .5

                                         .4                .0           .s.            .0      .0          .0            .0       1.6         .1
4 w .0 .C .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 UNk 4.0- .3 .0 .0 .C NW 1.6 4. 0
                                                                                                           .0            .0       4.8         .1-i nnW
                                                                        .0             .J      .0          .0            .0       5.6         .2 l                                      2.4                2.4            .3             .0      .C.         .C            .0       5.6         .2 CALM'             .3
             -TOTAL               37.9               52.4            7.7             .C      .0         .3             .0     100.0         .2
0. ei0 0 R $ ' C F SAD Ch a:s 3 I;;G DATA OR .0 PERCENT FOR 124 Houas J20SRERR-T4-B - 12

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                                                                                                                                                                        .i LUN                                                                     ' TABLE 4B-(CONT.)


                                                        'PIRIOD OF sICD;D: 4/ 1/di,                           000-- 7/ 1/39,,000
                                                     ' WIND SPEfD- N/S) AT 50".*                      L EVEL 13                          AV G -

0 3-5: 5-E S-11 12-14 15-17 AND UP' TOTAL SPEED '4 N .1. 7J '3.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 5.5 .2 115 1;7 2.0 .1 .0 .C' .0 .0. 3.9 .1 ki 1.5. 2.t .0 .0 .C .0 -

                                                                                                                     .O          4.1             .1 iNE                1.6          1.3         .0              .0           .C            .0            .0          2.3             .1
           -J d                    2.3'         o.1.        .1              .0           .0            .0            .0          8.5             .3
           ;fEC3E                  1.9          4.3         .0            ,.0            .C            .0            .0          o.7             .2-
     ,.WSE                         2.5          3.          .1              .0           .0            .0           .0          6.3              .2 s 2. 534                     3.9          5.S         .9              .0           .C            .0           .0         10.o              .4 1.cn3                        '3.9          3. 9       1.o              .3          .C             .0           .0        14.s               .6 N4T SSk                       1.s-         3.5        1.7              .0          .C             .0           .0          7.0-             .3                 -
     'o I1rw                      -3.4       .4.2           .1              .1           .0            .0            .0          8.0             .3 0 w54                  3.5           .6         .J              .J           .0            .0           .0          4.1              .1 Nw                     4.2           .2         .1              .0          .0             .0           .0           5.1             .1 J.1 W               4.2           .3         .0              .0          .0            .0            .0          4.5              .1.

N'n ' 3.3 .'d .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 3.9 .1 (NNW 2.6 1.1 ..u .0 .0 .0 .0 3.8 .1 CALM 37 .7' TOTAL. 44.5' 49.9 3.2 .C .0 .0 .0 100.0 .2

    = -         -    _ _ _ _                  _

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                                                                                                                              - 3
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  • 9 s;.

p. 1 4 TABLE 4B (CONT.) L

                                                    - SLIGHTLY. S TABL :              STABILITY CLAIS I F94100 JF RiCDED:        4,/ 1/3h       300--    7/.1/37, 030

[~ L WIND 5 P E FU - (1/ S ) AT I 3-r: LiVEL 12 AVG 0-2 ~3-5 s-5 9-11 12-14 15-17.- AND UP TOT AL SPEID

e 1;c -2.9 .0' .0 .C .0 .0 5.5 .1 tJ 4E. 1.2 1.7 ..O .0 .C .0 .G 1.9 .1
                ' ni-             .2          1.2          .0-     .0       .0          .0       .0     1.7        .0
                ,ENE           1.0            1.C         .0       .0      .0           .0       .0     1.9        .0
          '3      ;-           2.s            7. 7J       .0       .0      .0          .0        .0   .10.4        .3 I "ai               4.1 -          7.7         .0       .0      .0-         .0       .0     11.s        .4 d $2                5.1            3.7         .5      .0       .0          .0       .0     14.2        .5 e E ' 35 E'               5.3            7.9      1.0        .0       .C          .0       .0     14.2        .5
    'I C s'                    3.6           e.4'         .0      .0       .0          .0       .0     12.0        .4 N T SSW-                  2 .' 4 -      5;5       1.3        .0       .0          .0       .0      8.9        .3-D I ~sk                    1.0             .5         .7      .0       .0          .0       .0      2.2       .1 0 wSW               1.9             .G.        .O      .0       .C.         .0       .0      1.9       .0 hW                   1.9             .0         .0      .0       .0          .0       .0      1.9        .0
               -WNw            1.9            .5          .0      .0.      .C          .0.      .0      2.4       .0 Nd            1.4             .5        .0       .J~      .0          .0       .0      1.9       .0 N N. '        2.2.          2.6        ..]       .0       .0          .0       .0      4.8       .1 CALM          1. 2 .                                                                   1.2 T0TAL          40.0           56.9        3.1       .0       .0          .0        .0   100.0        .2

J20SRERR-T4-B - 14 w __ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ - _ -

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                                            ' \ 'a il TABLE 4B (CONT.)

MODCiATELY STA3LI STASILITY CLASS F PiisICD Cf.' AICCRD: 4/ 1 / ?,9 e ~000-- 7/ 1/54, 000

                                                                                       - JIND SPEED'(6/S) A7 5 0-* - L E V t'L
                                                                                                                                   '18                                   . AVG C - 2 .-        3-5         d-d~     5-11   12-1c     15-17   AND UP           TOTAL. SPEED
                             -N                                d.3              2.3           .' J     .3       .C       .0       .0      4.5                       .1 l
                          .nai                               5.2                S '. 3        .0-      .0:      .0       .C       .0      9.1                       .3 N.                             4.5               3.5           .0       .3       .0       .C       .0. 11.4                       .3 cN:                            1.i              1. 5 -        .0       .]       .0       .C       .0-     3 .' 3                    .1
0'i' c.3 S. 3 .. .0 .C .0 .0 7.6 .2 I E3 5' r; . 4 v.1 .3 .J. .C .0 .0 15.0- .5 R Si 2.3 9.1 ;d .3 .0 .0 .0 12.1 .4 4I 30 3.0 9.8 .0 .3 .0 .0 .0 12.?- .5 IC 4 1.5 3.0 .0 .0' .0 .0 .0 4.5 .1 A T'lsW' 3 . c, .0 .0 .0 .C- .C .0 3.3 .1 D I . S .' .# . 0. .0 .J .0 .0 .0 .3' .0
    '0 WSa
                                                                  .h             .0          .0        .0      .C        .0      .0            .6                 .0
    . t; a                                                        .0             .0           .0       .3      .c        .0      .0            .0                 .0 WNw                               1.5                .3          .0        .0      .C        .0      .0       2.3                     .0 Na                                3.o                .0          .0        .0      .c        .0      .0'-    .3. S                   .1 NNW                               4.5                .3          .5        .0      .0        .0      .0       5.3                    .1' CALM                              1.3                                                                         1.5 T3TAL 44.7                                                   54.5             .5       .C       .0       .0       .0    1 00.0             .2
0. HCUd3 CF 3 A D c c: AISSING DATA OR .0 ?ERCINT FOR 132 H0URS J20SRERR-74-B - 15 L _ . . - - . . . . . . - - - . - - . - -
. g ;. w, w n . ..g.;;&n. , a -,-
                                                                                                                                                  -                  . . . - . a;,u ,;-- - - - - - - -                     =w

(- , ;,; : . : l: t l l ..: I v TABI.E 4B (CONT.) 1 i ., 1 1 [ EXTRL/ FLY STASLE STABILITY CLAS$ 3 PERIOD Of RECORo: 4/ 1/37, 000--- 7/ 1/S9, 000'

                                              .                 WIND SPsID M/5) AT $0-3 L iV Et.                                                                  .

13 avg C-2 3-5 6-5' i-11' 12-1v 15-17 AND-UP TOTAL SPc2D

             - tv                7.2-      *.4                                                       . 0 ..                .J       .0          .0            .0.       11.7                                     . 3.

1l4 2 .s.1 2.3 .0- .0. .0 .0 .0 3.0 .2 Nd- '3.9 c.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 10.0 .3. E r. c . 3.7 3.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 7.: .2

      '0-i'                      2.2       8.5                                                       .a                   .0        .0          .0           .0         10.5-                                   .4 I E5E                 .o.7         c.7                                                      .0                    .0        . 0.        .0          .0          13.3                                    .4~.

f:- 3i-2.2 1.7' .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 3.9 .1

 ' W..: E13 S i               23.3        '4.4                                                      .0                    .0       .C          .0          .0             3 .' 3                                .3-I    C-S.                     1.7       1 '.1                                                    .J                    .0      s.O          .0          .0             2.3                                  :.1 N T SSW                                                                                                                .0 5.0          .0                                                     .0                             .0          .0'         .0             5.0                                   .1
a. I '.' W : 2.3 .5 .0 .0- .0 .0 .0 3.3 .1
  • 0 'W s s 1.1 .C' .0 .0 .0 .0 .' O 1.1 .0 N w 1.7' .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 2.2 .07 WNW 1.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 . 0' 1.1 .0
            -Na                 1.7         .5                                                    .u.                     .0       .C          .0        .0              2.2                                    .0 NNw              2.a         .5                                                   .0                       .0       .0          .0       .0               3.3                                    .1-0ALA             4.4                                                                                                                                      4.4 7 3T,A L ~ 53.3             '41.7                                             .0                              .C       .0          .0       .0'           100.0                                     .2^

J20SRERR-T4-B - 16 er__-_____--__-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - _ - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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                                                                                                                                                     ' TABLE 4B (CONT.)~

i . 2

                                 - P E ACENT :3AD: DAT A /EP0 A1:

lo i: R E PO RT . C CV E R S 2124 HOURS P

                                                                                                       h00RS.                                  PERCE.NT iscri'. 31 A2 C TION                                                                                   .S9.-                             .t    03 -

S un." WIfdD i. f r E ED .: 59 - 4 , ,; 3 '" :10H DIRECTION 101. 4.d; 10.4 k1ND 3Pf fD. '104. ' 4.76 TEMPARATURI- 183,. 3,61 D dW :-P OINT . ;369... (16.90-J El.TA E T- 235. 10. 7o L

          . P k E CIP IT ATI0kL
72. '3.30 .

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a f TABLE 4C

                                 ,         ' CLASSIFICATION OF ATMOSPHERIC STABILITY:

Stability' Pasquill' 00* . Temperature Change

                            ' Classification-       Categories                        (degrees)                                          with Height-('C/100m)-

Extremely Unstable A 25.0 <-1. 9 - . ,

                         ' Moderately Unstable                  B-                                  20.0                                      -1.9  to'-1.7
                          ;Slightly Unstable                    C                                    15.0                                    -1.7   to -1.5 Neutral:                             D                                    10.0                                    -1.5   to -0.5
                         -Slightly Stable                       E                                          5.0                                -0.5  to -1.5 Moderately Stable-                   F                                           2.5 -                              1.5 to 4.0 Extremely Stable                      G                                          1.7                                    >4.0 Standard deviation of horizontal wind direction fluctuation over a period of 15 minutes to I hour. The values shown are average for each stability; classification.-

l l~ T PENV SRERR/8906-T4-B - 35 O _ _ __ _ _ _-_ _}}