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License NPF-67,authorizing Operation of Facility to Power Levels Not Exceeding 5% of Rated Power & Limiting Operation to No More than 0.75 Effective Full Power Hours
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/26/1989
From: Murley T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20244D098 List:
NUDOCS 8906160094
Download: ML20244D099 (8)


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1. The Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the Comission) has found that:

A. The application for a license filed by Public Service Company of New Hampshire, acting for itself and as agent and representative of the.

11 other utilities listed below and hereafter referred to as licensees,.

complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), .and the Comission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I, and all required notifications to other agencies or bodies have been duly made;-

8. Construction of the Seabrook Station, Unit No.1 (the facility) has been substantially ccrpleted in conformity with Construction Permit No. CPPR-135 and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Commission; C. The facility will operate in conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Commission (except as exempted from compliance in Section 2.D below);

D. There is reasonable assurance: (1) that the activities authorized by this operating license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations set fortn in 10 CFR Chapter I (except as exempted from compliance in l Section2.Dbelow);  !

E. Public Service Company of New Hampshire is technically qualified to l engage in the activities authorized by this license in accordance l

with the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I, j 1

l l  !

  • Public Service Company of New Hampshire is authorized to act as agent for i the: Canal Electric Company, The Connecticut Light and Power Company, EUA Power j Corporation, Hudson Light & Power Department, Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company, Montaup Electric Company, New England Power Company, New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc., Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant, The United Illuminating Company, and Vermont Electric Generation and Transmission Cooperative, Inc., and has exclusive responsibility and control over the phy-

-sical construction, operation and maintenance of the facility.

j 8906160094 890526 PDR ADOCK 05000443 p PDC



F. The licensees have satisfied the applicable provisions of 10 CFR 140, " Financial Protection Requirements and Indemnity Agreements," of the Commission's regulations; I

G. The issuance of this license will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; H. After weighing the environmental, economical, technical, and other benefits of the facility against environmental and other costs'and considering available alternatives, the issuance of Facility Operating License No. NPF-67, subject to the conditions for protection of the environment set forth in the Environmental Protection Plan attached as Appendix B, is in accordance with 10 CFR 51 of the Comission's regulations and ali applicable requirements have been satisfied; and I.

The receipt, possession, and use of source, byproduct, and special nuclear material as authorized by this license will be in accordance with the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR 30, 40, and 70.

J. The decommissioning funding plan submitted on March 20, 1989, as supplemented on April 27, 1989, by the licensees in response to the Commission's order in CLI-88-10 (28 NRC 573 December 21,1988),

provides reasonable assurance that funds are available in an amount '

sufficient to decommission the facility after low power operation in the event a full power operating license is denied. I

2. i Based on the foregoing findings and the Commission's Memorandum and Order, '

CLI-89-08, May 18, 1989, Facility Operating License No. NPF-55 is superseded by Facility Operating License No. NPF-67, which is hereb Service Company of New Hampshire, et al. (the licensees)y , toissued to Public read as l


A. This license applies to the Seabrook Station, Unit 1, a pressurized by thenuc1 water car reactor and associated equipment (the facility), owned l

licensees. The facility is located in Seabrook Township, Rockingham County, on the southeast coast of the State of New Hampshire, and is described in the licensees' " Final Safety l

Analysis Report," as supplemented and amended, and in the licensees' Environmental Report, as supplemented and amended.


Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses:

(1) Public Service Company of New Hampshire (PSNH), pursuant to

' Section 103 of the Act and 10 CFR 50, to possess, use and operate the facility at the designated location in Rockingham County, New Hampshire, in secordance with the procedures and limitations set forth in this license; (2) The licensees to possess the facility at the designated location in Rockingham County, New Hampshire, in accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth in this license;


(3) PSN'H, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR 70, to receive, possess, and use at any time special nuclear material as reactor fuel, in accordance with the limitations for storage and amounts required for reactor operation, as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report, as supplemented and amended; (4) PSNH, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR 30, 40, and 70, to receive, possess, and use at any time any byproduct, source, and special nuclear material as sealed neutron sources for reactor startup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation monitoring equipment calibration, and as fission detectors in amounts as required; (5) PSNH, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR 30, 40, and 70, to receive, possess, and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source, or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical fcrm, for sample analysis or instrument calibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or components; and (6) PSNH, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR 30, 40, and 70, to -

possess, but not separate, such byproduct and special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operation of the facility authorned herein.

C. This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below:

(1) Maximum Power Level PSNH is authorized to operate the facility at reactor core power levels not in excess of 170 megawatts thermal (5% of rated power) and limited to no more than 0.75 effective full power hours in accordance with the conditions specified herein.

(2) Technical Specifications and Environmental Protection Plan The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A and the Environmental Protection Plan contained in Appendix B both of which are attached hereto, are hereby incorporated into this license. PSHH shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications and the Environmental Protection Plan, t_________----

(3) Human Factors Engineering lSection 18 SSER 6, SSER 7)*-

a. Before proceeding above 5% of rated power, PSNHjshall provide for continuous display of residual' heat removal and hydrogen concentration critical safety function variables at the primary Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) stat. ion.
b. Before startup following the first refueling outage PSNH shall have operational a SPDS and shall have resolved the open issues described in Section 18 of SSER 6 and SSER 7.

I D. Exemptions

, PSNH is exempted from the Section III.D.2(b)(ii)' containment airlock testing requirements of Appendix J to 10 CFP, 50, because of the special circumstances described in Section 6.2.6 of SER Supplement 5 and authorized by 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(fii) (51 FR 25279 July 11, 1986).

NRC Naterials License No, SNM-1963, issued December 19, 1985, granted an exemption pursuant to 10 CFR 70.24 with respect to requirements

, for criticality alarms. PSNH is hereby exempted from provisions of I

10 CFR 70.24 insofar as this section applies to the storage and handling of new fuel assemblies in the new fuel storage vault, spent fuel pool (when dry), and shipping containers.

These exemptions, authorized by law, will not present an undue risk to the public health.and safety and are consistent with the common defense and security. These exemptions are hereby granted pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12.

With the granting of these exemptions, the facility will operate, to the extent authorized herein, in conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission, E. Physical Security "

i PSNH shall fully implement and maintain in effect all provisions of  :

the physical security, guard training and qualification, and '

safeguards contingency plans, previously approved by the Commission and all amendments and revisions to such plans made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR 50.90 and 10 CFR 50.54(p) including amendments and revisions made pursuant to provisions of the Miscellaneous

'The parenthetical notation denotes the section of the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) and/or its supplements (SSER) wherein the license condition is' discussed.

Amendmen'ts and Search Requirements of 10 CFR 73.55. The plans which contain Safeguards Information protected under 10 CFR 73.21, are entitled: "Seabrook Station Physical Security Plan," with revisions submitted through June 9,1988; "Seabrook Station Security Training and Qualification Plan", with revisions submitted through November 4,1987; and "Seabrook Station Safeguards Contingency Plan,"

with revisions submitted through May 19, 1987. Changes made in accordance with 10 CFR 73.55 shall be implemented in accordance with the schedule set forth therein.

F. Fire Protection PSNH shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report, the Fire Protection Program Report, and the Fire Protection of Safe Shutdown Capability Report for the facility, as supplemented and amended, and as approved in the Safety Evaluation Report, dated March 1983; Supplement 4, dated May 1986; Supplement 5, dated June 1986; Supplement 6, dated October 1986; Supplement 7 dated October 1987; and Supplement 8 dated May 1989 subject to the following provisions: PSNH may make changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the Commission, only if those changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.

G. Reportino to the Commission Except as otherwise provided in the Technical Specifications or Environmental Protection Plan, PSNH shall report any violations of the requirements contained in Section 2.C of this license in the following manner:

Initial notification shall be made within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to the NRC Operations Center via the Emergency Notification System, with written followup within thirty days in accordance with the procedures described in 10 CFR Part 50.73(b), (c), and (e).

H. Financial Protection The licensees shall have and maintain financial protection of such type and in such amounts as the Commission shall require in accordance with Section 170 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, to cover public liability claims.

1. Effective Date and Expiration This license is effective as the date oi issuance and shall expire at midnight on October 17, 2026.


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Thomas E. Murley, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Ltachments/ Appendices:

Appendix A - Technical Specifications (NUREG-1331) l Appendix B - Environmental Protection Plan jteofIssuance: MAY 2 61989 l


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Effective May 26, 1989 , Indemnity Agreement No. B-106, between i

Public Service Company of New Hampshire, the Connecticut Light and Power .

Company, Hudson Light and Power Department, Montaup Electric Company, New i Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc., The United Illuminating Company, Canal Electric Company, EUA Power Corporation, Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company, New England Power Company, Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant, i Vermont Electric Generation and Transmission Cooperative and the Nuclear '

R:gulatory Commission, dated December 18, 1985, as amended, is hereby further amend:d as follows:

Item 3 of the Attachment to the indemnity agreement is deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefor:  !

i Item 3 - License number or numbers SNM-1963 (From12:01a.m., December 18, 1985, to i 12 midnight, Octnber 16, 1986 i ir.clusive) I i

l NPF-56 (from12:01, October 17, 1986 to i 12 midnig t, May 25, 1989 inclusive NPF-67 (From12:01a.m., May 26, 1989 )


Cecil 0. Thomas, Chiet l Policy Development and Technical Support Branch Program Management, Policy Development 4 and Analysis Staff Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 1

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2 Accepted , 1989 Accepted , 1989 By By Public Service Company Canal Electric Company of New Hampshire Accepted _ , 1989 Accepted 1989 By But The Connecticut Light EUA Power Corporation and Power Company l Accepted , 1989 Accepted ,,__ , 1989 By By hudson Light and Power Department Massachusetts liunicipal Wholesale Electric Company i

Accepted _ ,,_ ,1989 Accepted , 1989

)By By Montaup Electric Company liew England Power Company

) Accepted , 1989 Accepted , 1989 By By New Hampshire Electric Taunton Municipal Cooperative, Inc. Lighting Plant Accepted , 1989 Accepted , 1989 By By The United Illuminating Vermont Electric Generation Company and Transmission Cooperative

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