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Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of License Amend Request 92-04,changing TS to Revise Current Requirement That Operations Manager Hold Senior Reactor Operator License
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/03/1992
From: Drawbridge B
Shared Package
ML20106E412 List:
NUDOCS 9211090019
Download: ML20106E415 (4)



4 M North SMBROOK STAnON UMT 1 unasiiii Aflantic Enor0y Servico Corporation j

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1-acility Operating Licen )e NPF-86 Docket No. 50-443 License-Amendment Request No. 92 04 _

Proposed Revision to the Requirement for the Operations Manager to Maintain a Senior Reactor Operator License This Licenso Amendment Roquest is submitted by North Atlantic Energy l

Servico Corporation pursuant to 10C. R50.90. The following information is enclosed in support of this License Amendment Roquest:

.Section I Introduction and Descriptiors of Proposed Changes


. Section 11 Markup of Proposed Changes 1

. Section lli l

Rotype of Proposed Changes i

.Section IV Safety Evaluation of Proposed Changes

.Section V Determination of Significant Hazards for Proposed Changos

. Section Ut Proposoo Schedule for License Amendment issuance and


Ettoctiveness n


. Section Vil 28 Environmental Impact Assessment GOR c.

Sworn and Subscribed 4

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'1r) Public 7 Bruce L. Drawbr' ge

- L a-Executive Dire 36 Nuc r Production mcn.

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1, introduction und lincription of Proon,cd Chanen P




The purpose of the proposed Technical Specification _ change is to revise Technical Specification 612f, ' Station Staff', to require that the Operations Manager hold or have held a senior scactor operator license prior to assuming the position as -

Operations Manager.

l Technical Specification 6 2.21 currently requires both the Operations Manager and the Assistant Operations Manager to hold a ser!or reactor operator license.

This requirement is consistent with Section 13,1.2.2 b of the Seabrook Station Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UPSAR).

The UFSAR also states that all Station personnel either rnect os exceed the minimum qualifications recommended in ANSI /ANS 3,11978 (Sclection and Training of Nuclean Power Plant Personnel).

The guidance that the Operations Manager hold a senior reactor operator license was revised in ANSI /ANS 3.1 1967. The 1987 sevision of ANSl/ANS 3J states that the Operations Manager shall meet one of four special requirements:

t lloid a senior reactor operator license llave held a license for a similar unit llave been certified at an appropriate simulator for equivalent senior operator knowledge llave been certified on plant operational knowledge based on the plant manager job analysis The-1987 revision also states that if the Operations Manager does not hold an NRC license, then the " Operations Middle Manager" shall_ hold a senior reactor operator

license, e

r Maintaining a r.enior reactor operator license acquires the expenditure of a significant amount of time in requalification training.

This training typically consumes a j

minimum of six weeks for senior reactor operator licensees on an annual basis. As stated in the UFS AR, _ thel Operationr, Manager is responsible for managing the operation of the Station in compliance with Tecl~nical Specifications and other license requirements.

To facilitate this.esponsibility-the Operations Department is-structured to provide several-!ayers ef direct technical supervision. Each level of shift supervision, from the St pervisory Control Room Operator on shift to the Shift Superintendent, is supervised by a licensed individual. The most senior individuals _

on shift, the Shift Superintendents, are supervised ' by the. Assistant ' Operations Manages, who holds,. and will continue to be required to hol_d, a senior reactor operator license.

The proposed _ change is consistent with the current industry guidance as delineated ~

in ANSI /ANS 3.1 1987 and with similar 4mendments approved by the -NRC for-D.ske Power's Oconec and McGuire plants. In addition, as described above, the proposed--

change will enhance the safe operation of the plant by increasing the amount of1 time-L the Operations Manager can devote to fulfilling his primary responsibilities.

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11, Description of Proposed Chariges The proposed change would revise Technical Specification 6.2.2 as follows:


Section 6.2.2f would be reviseci in delete the requirement that the Operation.

Sianager hold a senior reactor operat r license and instead require the Operations hinnager to hold or have hcid a tenior scactor operator license for Seabrook Station prior to assuming trie Operations hianager position, j

l 2.

A new paragraph 6.2.2g would be_added to retain the current requircinent that the Assistant Operations hianager hold a senior reactor operator license.

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Markup of I'roposed Chances St,.c attached markup of proposed changes to Technical Specifications.

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