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Radioactive Effluent Rept for La Crosse Bwr,For Jan- June 1987
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1987
From: Taylor J
To: Davis A
LAC-12334, NUDOCS 8709040203
Download: ML20237K121 (19)


{{#Wiki_filter:l l i, 1 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT REPORT j FOR THE l t LA CROSSE BOILING WATER REACTOR l (JANUARY 1, 1987 TO JUNE 30, 1987) l l i I l DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE Docket No. 50-409 l 4 _ r,v 8709040203 870630 - /, $ / CD ADOCK0500g9 DR (;/ l RER l l lw--_--____--_-___-__-__-____

TABLE OF CONTENTS l l TITLE PAGE(S) q l Radioactive Effluent Report j Regulatory Limits 1&2 'I I Maximum Permissible Cont entration 3 Average Energy 3 l Analytical Methods 3 thru 5 Batch Releases 5&6 f Abnormal Releases 6 . Estimated Total Analytical Error 6 Offsite Dose Calculation Summary 14 1 1 11 RER L___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7_ i TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE(S_1 1A Effluent and Waste Disposal Gaseous Effluent Release Summaries 7 IB Gaseous Effluents - Elevated Release 8&9 j 2A Liquid Release Summary 10 2B Liquid Effluents 11 3 Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel 12 J Shipments l l J J l l l l iii i RER 1

INTRODUCTION: The La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor, also known as Genoa No. 2, is located on the east bank of the Mississippi River near Genoa, Vernon County, Wisconsin. The plant was designed and constructed by the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company. It was completed in 1967 and has a generation capacity of 50 MW (165 MW(th)). The reactor is owned and operated by Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC). The reactor went critical in July 1967 and first contributed electricity to DPC's system in April 1968. After completing full power tests in August 1969, the plant has been operating between 60% and 100% full power, with the exception of plant shutdowns for maintenance and repair. In April of 1987 plant operation was ceased. The reactor is presently defueled and work is progressing to place the plant into a SAFSTOR mode. In accordance with LACBWR Technical Specifications 6.9.3.a and in compliance with 10 CFR 50.36a(a)(2), this document is the Radioactive Effluent Report for the period January 1 through June 30, 1987, iv RER

EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL REPORT (Supplemental Information) FACILITY Lacrosse Boiling Water Reactor LICENSEE DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE DOCKET NO. 50-409 1. REGULATORY LIMITS a. Caseous Effluent Release Limits: LACBWR'.s Technical Specifications for gaseous effluent releases of i radioactive material limit the release rates of the sum of the j i individual radionuclides, in Curies per second, so that the dose rates j to members of the public beyond the Effluent Release Boundary do not 1 exceed 500 mrem / year to the whole body, 3000 mrem / year to the skin from I noble gases, and 1500 mrem / year to a critical organ from H-3, I-131/133 ) and particulate with half-lives greater than 8 days, i Also, in accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, the Technical Specifications for gaseous effluent radioactive material limit the air dose to a member of the public from noble gases in areas beyond the e Effluent Release Boundary to less than 5 mrad gamma and 10 mrad beta per j calendar quarter, and less than 10 mrad gamma and 20 mrad beta per f calendar year. The dose limits from H-3, I-131/133 and particulate with half lives greater than 8 days are less than 7.5 mrem per calendar quarter, and less than 15 mrem per calendar year to any organ. Cumulative dose contributions from gaseous effluent releases are determined in accordance with the LACBWR Offsite Dose Calculations Manual at least once each 31 days. l l RER 1

,9, ; 3,'. 3, b... Liquid Effluent Release Limits: - .LACBWR's Technical Specifications limits for liquid effluent releases are limited to those concentrations of individual radionuclides such'that the-diluted. discharge does_not exceed 1 MPC in a 168-hour week . averaged over the calendar year. For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration is limited-to a' total activity concentration of 2 x'10

  • pCi/ml. For. alpha emitting radionuclides, the concentration is a total activity concentration _of 4.9 x 10'8.pci/ml, based upon an actual alpha emitting radionuclides analysis performed on a.

representative water sample. The values reported in tables 2A and 2B, Liquid Effluents, are based on dilution with the combination of LACBWR and Genoa #3 condenser cooling _ water flow prior to discharge to the Mississippi. River. 'No credit is taken for further dilution in the mixing zone of the Mississippi River. Also, in accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, the dose commitment to a member of the public from radioactive materials' released in liquid effluents to atoam be'/ond the Effluent Release Boundary are limited to less than 1.5 mRc.a whole body and 5.0 mrem organ dose per calendar quarter, and less than 3.0 mrem whole body and 10 mrem organ dose per calendar year via the critical ingestion pathway. Cumulative quarterly and annual dose contributions from liquid effluent releases are determined for the adult fish ingestion pathway in accordance with the LACBWR Offsite Dose Calculation Manual at least once H each 31 days. .RER 2 lL__-__-----_---

~, i-c. Solid Radioactive Waste I LAll' solid radioactive vastes are handled in accordance'with a j Process Control Program as defined by LACBWR procedures in order to assure that all applicable transportation and burial site disposal requirements are met. 2. MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE CONCENTRATION (MPC) i The MPC used to calculate permissible release rates are obtained from 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Tables I and II. In addition, the following values are used: Tritium in Water = 3 x 10-3 pCi/ml. j Tritium in Air = 2 x 10'7 pCi/cc. l 3. AVERAGE ENERGY j l The release rate limits for LACBWR are not based on average energy. ] 4. ANALYTICAL METHODS l l a. Liquid Effluents Liquid effluent measurements for gross radioactivity are performed by Ge-Li gamma isotopic analysis of a representative sample from each tank discharged. A composite sample is created by collecting representative aliquots of each sample from each tank batch discharged, and is analyzed monthly for Tritium, and quarterly for Iron-SS and Strontium 89 & 90. The iron and radiostrontium are analyzed by a contractor. In addition, each batch discharged tank is analyzed for alpha activity concentration. RER 3

f m x k. L.. l. b. ' Airborne Particulate Airborne particulate releases are. determined by Ge-Li gamma Jsotopic analysis. This analysis'is' performed by analyzing a glass-o fiber. filter paper:taken.from the stack monitor'(Eberline SPING)~which ~ continuously isokinetically samples and monitors the stack effluent. This filter is. changed and analyze'd on an approximate weekly basis and- ~ analyzed within 7 days after removal. This filter is also analyzed for alpha activity. A. quarterly composite of these. filters is sent to a contractor for Sr 89 and 90 analysis, c. Radiciodines Radioiodine releases are determined by Ge-Li gamma analysis of a l TEDA impregnated activated charcoal cartridge taken-from the stack i monitor which continuously isokinetically' samples and monitors the stack effluent. This charcoal cartridge is. changed approximately weekly and analyzed within 48 hours after removal, d. Fission and Activation Gases i The gaseous releases converted into concentration (pCi/cc) are i, continuously sampled from the stack release flow by two stack monitors, which are inline monitors. These gas concentrations (pCi/cc) are averaged by the monitors microprocessor and flowrate/ pressure compen-sated to obtain the daily gaseous release of the plant. A monthly grab gas sample is taken from a stack monitor. This sample is collected in a 8as Marinelli and gamma analyzed on the Ge-Li detector to determine the RER 4

'I O ,h 4 isotopic composition of the gaseous release mixture and the gaseous ' concentration to verify the stack' monitors indicated gaseous concentra-tion'. (pCi/ cc). The-Marinelli isotopic; concentration fractions are then . multiplied times the daily. total gaseous releases to determine the. individual gaseous isotopic' release concentration. K f e. Tritium I Tritium releases are determined by taking a grab sample of the stack atmosphere at the effluent of the stack monitor. Tritium, as ) 1 tritiated water, is removed from the sample stream by condensation, l using a cold trap containing an organic compound and dry ice. The ] J condensed water vapor is thenIdistilled and the distillate is analyzed. 'for H-3 concentration, pCi/ce, by internal liquid' scintillation J 1 . spectrophotometry and the results are expressed in terms of' tritium- . release rates. The tritium grab samples are obtained on at.-least a' ~ l once/ month basis unless the upper reactor cavity is flooded, at which time the sampling frequency is increased to at least once per 7 days. - 5. BATCH RELEASES a. Airborne l All airborne effluent releases at LACBWR are from a single Continuous-Elevat'ed Release Point.

b.. Liquid All liquid effluent releases at LACBWR are batch releases. This is summarized as follows:


__7 s


J(1) Number of-Batch Releases: 56 '(2)! Total' Time Period for Batch Releases: 398.95 hours T (3)' Maximum Time Period for a' Batch Release: 13.78 hours (4) Average Time; Period for Batch Releases: 7.12 hours . (5)7 Minimum Time Period'for a. Batch Release: 1.25 hours (6) ' Average Stream Flow Rate Durin'g Periods 8 of Release lof Effluent into a Flowing Stream: 27,155 ft /sec '6. ABNORMAL RELEASES There were no abnormal releases of radioactivity in plant effluents as summarized as follows: a. Liquid (1) Number of Releases: None (2) Total Activii Released: N/A b. Gaseous (1) Number of Releases: None (2) Total Activity Released: N/A 7. ESTIMATED TOTAL ANALYTICAL ERROR The reported analytical results contain the following estimated errors: CountinB Error i 1 Standard Deviation Sampling Volume Error i 5%. The lower limits of detection (LLD) are erpressed in terms of a 4.66 o as defined in Technical Specifications. I RER 6

7_ l TABLE 1A EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL SEMIANNUAL REPORT - 1987 p i l GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES I l j l UNIT l QTR l QTR l QTR ! QTR l TOTAL-j l A. FISSION & ACTIVATION GASES l 1. TOTAL RELEASE l l l l l j j j l Ci !1.79E3 15.39E2 l '2.33E3 l l 2. AVERAGE RELEASE RATE l l l l l l FOR PERIOD ! pC1/Sec 12.30E2 16.86El ! l t l B. IODINE I-131 j 1. TOTAL 10 DINE-131 l l j j l l l l 1 Ci !7.24E-4!4.52E-4! !1.18E-3l l 2. AVERAGE RELEASE RATE l l l l l l .l FOR PERIOD ! pCi/Sec !9.31E-5!5.75E-5! j C. PARTICULATE l 1. PARTICULATE W/ HALF-l l l l l l l l LIVES > 8 DAYS l Ci l2.92E-4!1.40E-4! 14.32E-4j l l j 2. AVERAGE RELEASE RATE l l l l j l l l FOR PERIOD' ! pC1/Sec 13.77E-5!1.76E-5! l l 3. GROSS ALPHA j j l l l l l RADIOACTIVITY Ci !5.07E-6!7.59E-6! l D. TRITIUM j 1. TOTAL RELEASE l l l l l l l l l Ci l8.71 '3.72 !1.24E1 l ) l 2. AVERAGE RELEASE RATE l l l l l l FOR PERIOD l pCi/See !1.12 '4.73E-1! l E. PERCENTAGE OF (APPENDIX I) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION LIMITS 1. NOBLE GAS RELEASE ! QTR QTR l QTR l QTR ! YEARLY l l GAMMA l ! 3.32 l 2.76 l l 6.52 l l BETA ! 1.58 l 1.31 l 3.11 l 2. I-131, I-133, H-3, AND ALL RADIONUCLIDES IN PARTICULATE FORM WITH HALF-LIVES GREATER THAN 8 DAYS QTR l QTR ! QTR i QTR tYEARLY l l HIGHEST ORGAN l l 1.11 l 1.12 l l l 1.49 l RER 7 1

4 TABLE IB EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL SEMIANNUAL REPORT - 1987 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - ELEVATED RELEASE CONTINUOUS MODE l NUCLIDES RELEASED ! UNIT l QTR l QTR I QTR l QTR ! TOTAL l 1. FISSION GASES d l l 1 l KRYPTON-85 l Ci l l KRYPTON-85M l Ci 18.38E1 11.63E1 l l1.00E2 l KRYPTON-87 Ci l8.36El 11.95El l l1.03E2 l l KRYPTON-88 l Ci l1.66E2 12.65El ! l1.93E2 l j XENON-133 l Ci !2.52E2 l1.19E2 l i !5.39E2 l l XENON-135 l Ci !9.88E2 12.87E2 l l l1.28E3 l l l l !3.87El l l XENON-135M j Ci !3.87El ! l l3.09E2 l l l XENON-138 Ci l1.09E2 ! l l9.49E-1l l KR-89 Ci l9.49E-1! l1.82E-3l j~ XE-133M Ci '1.82E-3l j XE-131M l Ci 6.11El 17.09El l } 11.32E2 l l l l4.16E0 l l XE-137 Ci ,4.16E0 t l6.12E0 l j AR-41 Ci l6.12E0 l l Ci t l l l l l ) l Ci l l l TOTAL FOR PERIOD i Ci l1.79E3 l5.39E2 ! l2.33E3 l 2. I0 DINES l 10 DINE-131 Ci l7.24E-4!4.52E-4! l 11.18E-3l 3 l 10 DINE-133 i Ci !5.13E-4l4.26E-4l l !9.39E-4l '} l 10 DINE-135 l Ci l7.42E-514.21E-4! 14.95E-4l l TOTAL FOR PERIOD l Ci !1.31E-3l1.30E-3! l2.61E-3l 3. (SEE FOLLOWING PAGE FOR PARTICULATE.) i i RER 8

t ~ 1


kE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - ELEVATED RELEASE - (cont'd) l CONTINUOUS MODE l l NUCLIDES RELEASED ! UNIT QTR ! QTR l QTR l QTR ! TOTAL l ~ 3. PARTICULATE i l STRONTIUM-89 Ci 11.30E-4!2.13E-6l l l1.32E-4j i l l l1.60E-7l l STRONTIUM-90 l Ci '1.60E-7! l l l l l CESIUM-134 l Ci l CESIUM-137 l Ci ,4.34E-6l4.87E-6! !9.21E-6l BARIUM-LANTHANUM-140 l Ci !1.25E-4'4.19E-5l l l1.67E-4l l CO-57 l Ci 3.08E-7l l3.08E-7l CO-58 l Ci 1.84E-6,6.60E-7! 12.50E-6l l CO-60 Ci il.27E-516.49E-5! l7.76E-5l l CE-144 l Ci 15.31E-6l2.19E-6' l7.50E-6' l CE-141 l Ci l1.53E-6l !1.53E-6 l CR-51 l Ci !4.56E-6'8.81E-6; I l1.34E-5 L l MN-54 i Ci l6.05E-6 1.38E-5! l l1.99E-5: l j l FE-59 l Ci I l l l l l -ZN-65 Ci l Z1.-95 Ci l2.44E-7! l l2.44E-7l l l5.10E-7l l l5.10E-7l l NT.-95 l Ci l l l l j RU-RH-106 Ci l l l5.70E-7f l RU-103 Ci 15.70E-7' l Ci l l l t Ci l l l t Ci l _l l l Ci l l l l __l l l Ci l l l __l RER 9

y ,;1 ,x - } f){ , 3 ^f l o y 4 > g- .s > .j E., 'i .( E! Y TABLE 2A, 5 EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL SFMIANNUAL REPORT - 1987 l 9 LIQUID E y.juENTS f, SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES i l UNIT l QTR ! QTR l QTR l QTR l TOTAL l l 4 ) A. FISSION & ACTIVATION PRODUCTS l 1. TOTAL RELEMIE '(NOT iNCLj ' l l. l l l l j TRITIIL CASES, ALitIA) 1 Ci

11. 57'E-111. 36E-1 !

!2.93E-1l j 2. AVERAGE LIL M D CONCEN-j j j j j l l TRATION,,2 QIld PERIOD liaci/mi 13.35E-8!2.23E-8! _l l i B. TRITIUM \\ l 1. TOTAL RELEASE J l l , l l i l l l l Ci 12.5221 !1.60E1 !4.12E1 l l T, j 2. AVERAGE DILUTED CONCEN-l l l l l l l TRATION DURING PERIOD 1pCi/ml l5.53E-t! L87E-6l l L) il C. DISSOLVED AND ENTRAINED GASES o > l 1. TOTAL RELEASE l l l l l l l ) l .l.._.l. CJ, l1.27E-3l3.37E-4! l1.61E-3l f 'l 2. AVERAGE DI. LUTED CONCEN-l j j j j l l TRATION DUJJNG PERIOD juCd/p1256E-10!8.15E-11 j j D. GROSS ALPHA RADI0 ACTIVITY I( ,j 17 TOTAL RELEASE l l l l l l l ~ l l Ci l1.29E-4!3.36E-5! l1.63E-4l jE. V6LUME OF WASTE RELEASEDj j j j j l-l j (PRIOR TO DILUTION)_,,_,,, lLif. rs j4.21E5 13.61E5 ! !7.82E5 l f s 3 I 7~ j l l l l ~ lF. VOLUME OF DILUTION WATERj j, USED DURING PER,IOD !Litors J4.69Eff J5.11E9 ! l1.08E10l l G. PERCENTAGE OF (APPENDIX I) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION LIMITS FOR LIQUID l RELEASES 1 L, __j,_ IR !,,0TR l QTR i QTR l YEARLY l Q f, l_, HIGHEST ORGAN l ! 2.78 i 2.50 l l 2.64 l l l 5.86 l j _WHOLE BODY % _ j 6.17 5.51 \\ l 'b i RER 10 l 't r s.. t _______.___________.__________J

C t 4 TABLE 2B EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL SEMIANNUAL REPORT - 1987 l l LIQUID EFFLUENTS I l l l l NUCLIDES RELuASED ! UNIT l QUARTER l QUARTER ' QUARTER l QUARTER l l 2.82E-4 l l l STRONTIUM-89 l Ci l l STRONTIUM-90 l Ci ' 3.35E-4 ! 3.97E-4 l ' 5.25E-5 l i l CESIUM-134 F Ci 2.87E-5 l CESIUM 237 Ci 5.69E-3 7.38E-3 l l l l IODINE-131 Ci 1 5.20E-4 3.10E-4 l l l j j COBALT-58 Ci ! 7.79E-4 3.89E-3 i l COBALT-60 l Ci l 6.72E-2 ' 5.35E-2 l IRON-59 Ci ! 5.59E-5 3.54E-4 l l ZINC-65 l Ci l 3.34E-4 ! 2.24E-4 _ j MANGANESE-54 i Ci ! 1.39E-2 i 1.25E-2 l l l l CHROMIUM l Ci ! 2.44E-4 l 2.94E-4 l l l ZIRCONIUM-NI0BIUM-95 i Ci ! 1.88E-3 l 1.68E-5 l l l l l '.iOLYBDENUM-99 l Ci l j TECHNETIUM-99M Ci ! 1.34E-3 ! 4.09E-4 l l l l l BARIUM-LANTHANUM-140 Ci ! 1.18E-3 l 2.36E-3 l CERIUM-141 Ci 1 3.49E-5 l l l l CE-144 Ci 2.62E-4 ! 1.32E-5 l l l CO-57 Ci 5.44E-6 l 3.01E-6 l l l I-133 l Ci 5.59E-5 ! 3.54E-4 I l l l_I-135 i Ci l l NP-239 l Ci l 1.31E-4 ! 1.71E-4 l l ! 1.01E-4 l l l l RU-103 Ci l RU-RH-105 l Ci l 1.24E-4 i 1.49E-4 l l l l l l l RU-RH-106 Ci ! 8.23E-4 l l l SR-91 i Ci l 8.51E-5 l l SR-92 l Ci l 6.33E-4 l l AG-110M l Ci ! 8.26E-3 1 2.37E-4 l l ER-97 i Ci l 1.96E-5 l TE-132 l Ci l 3.82E-5 3.07E-5 I i j FE-55 Ci ! 5.30E-2 ', 5.31E-2 l l l l Ci l l l l l Ci l f 1 t j i t l TOTAL FOR PERIOD (ABOVE)? Ci l 1.57E-1 ! 1.36E-1 l l l l XENON-133 l Ci l 5.99E-4 l 2.74E-4 l t l l XENON-135 i Ci ! 6.63E-4 l 6.32E-5 l l l l l l j XE-131M l Ci l l l l l XE-133M i Ci l KR-85M l Ci l 2.77E-6 l l l l l l KR-87 1 Ci l 5.37E-6 i l l Ci l l l l l Ct l l l t l t RER 11







3 j' Ci l 2. ESTIMATE OF MAJOR NUCLIDE COMPOSITION l l 6-MONTH j 6-MONTH l (BY TYPE OF WASTE) l PERCENT! PERIOD ! PERIOD l l l a. l l l l l n g l -1 l l l b.__ 4 .I i i l ~ l l l 1 l l l l l l C. 1 d. l t l l l 1 l l






AND CONCLUSIONS: a. Gaseous Effluent Releases The maximum quarterly offsite gamma dose due to noble gases was 0.33 mrad. The cumulative 1987 annual offsite gamma dose due to noble gases was 0.65 mrad. The maximum quarterly offsite beta dose due to noble gases was I 0.32 mrad. The cumulative 1987 annual offsite beta dose due to noble gases was 0.62 mrad. The maximum quarterly offsita dose to any organ from the release of I-131, I-133, H-3 and all radionuclides in particulate form uith half-lives greater than 8 days was approximately 0.83 mrem. The cumulative 1987 annual maximum organ dose from these radionuclides was approximately 0.22 mrem. i b. Liquid Effluent Releases The maximum quarterly organ dose from liquid releases was approximately 0.14 mrem. The maximum cumulative 1987 annual organ dose I was approximately 0.26 mrem. The maximum quarterly whole body dose for liquid releases was approximately 0.09 mrem, and the cumulative 1987 annual whole body dose was approximately 0.18 mrem. c. Conclusion All calculated offsite doses were below Technical Specif' cation limits. k 5 RER 13 i

,p, l 1 9 I a a i 1 1 i I 1 l i I i i l l I l l 1 L 12 to V E-d3S L8bi 1 S0-08NSO {

~ ry s 0 DAIRYLAND l hh/M[ COOPERATIVE e o oox eir. sis cAsr Ave s0 LA CROSSE. WISCONSIN M607 0817 (608) 788-4000 j JAMES W. TAYLOR G:neral Manager August 25, 1987 FQCfq y % 'y 1 In reply, please refer to LAC-12334 ~ ]-1. p ' L... -L-- 1 DOCKET No. 50-409


. M 0 %. 3 R:piqE, ci, 3 71Lb Mr. A. Bert Davis, Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Dear Mr. Davis:


Dairyland Power Cooperative La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR) Provisional Operating License No. DPR-45 Radioactive Effluent Report For the period January 1 through June 30, 1987 In accordance with 10 CFR 50.36a(a)(2), this letter serves to transmit to you the Radioactive Effluent Report for the La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR) for the period January 1 through June 30, 1987. If you have any additional questions, please contact us. Sincerely, DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE James W. Taylor, eneral Manager JWT:LLN:dh Enclosure cc - Mr. James M. Taylor (10 copies) q$ Document Control Desk (3 copies) g NRC Resident Inspector l NRC Project Manager (P. Erickson) \\\\\\ D. Sherman, ANI Library AU'1 1987 l}}