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Environ Monitoring Rept for LACBWR from Jan-Jul 1981
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Site: La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 10/12/1981
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ML20031G488 List:
NUDOCS 8110220477
Download: ML20031G489 (22)


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I i ' (' s I 'I I l I I t t I I DAIRYLAND POWER COOPERATIVE La Crosse, Wisconsin g lI 8110220477 811012 PDR ADOCK 05000409 l 9






9 I

TABLES PAGE TABLE I Sample Frequency and Analysis of Environmental Samples 10 II Environmental Samples Collected 11 III Quarterly Thermoluminescent Dosimeter Dose I Measurements in the LACBWR Vicinity 12 IV Weekly Beta Air Particulates in the LACBWR I Vicinity 13 V Results of Analysis of River Water in the LACBWR Vicinity 14 VI Results of Analysis of Precipitation from the Vicinity of LACBWR 15 VII Results of Analysis of Milk Samples in the Vicinit y of LACBWR 16 lI VIII Results of Composite Charcoal Filter Analysis li IX Fish Sample Activity in the Vicinity of LACBWR 18 I I I 11

l l FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1 LACBWR Property Map 3 2 LACEWR Environmental Survey and Dose Assessment Locations 11 I I I I I I I 111


The La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor, also known as Genoa #2, is located on the east bank of the Mississippi River at Genoa, Vernon County, Wisconsin. The plant was designed and con-structed by the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company. It was completed in 1967 and has a generation capacity of 50 MW 165 Mw(th). The reactor is owned and operated by Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC). The reactor went critical in July 1967 and first contributed electricity to DPC's system in April 1968. After completing full power tests in August 1969, the plant has been operating 1 between 60% and 100% of full power, with the exception of plant shutdowns for maintenance and repair. During the first half of 1981, the plant factor has been approximately 53%. The monitoring program at the LACBWR facility includes moni-toring of liquid and gaseous releases from the plant as well as environmental samples of surface air, river water, rain water, sediment, milk, fish, vegetation and penetrating rad-intion. The penetrating radiation is measured by thermolumi-nescent dosimetry (TLD). During the second quarter of 1981, additional environmental TLD monitoring stations have been established. Data from the additional stations will be re-ported in the next report. I The program is conducted to the extent necessary to ensure that releases of radioactivity to the environment do not result in radiation coces to the surrounding population, which exceed established radiation protection regulations. I This monitoring report includes the period from January 1, 1981 to July 1, 1981. The report includes a description of the environmental samples collected, analytical methods and the results from these analyses. A map of the general vicinity surrounding LACBWR is provided for the reader so that he may determine the spatial relation-ship of the plant to the surrounding area. The map includes the plant boundary, roads, other generating plants, relation of the plant site to the nearest local community as shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 is a map that pinpoints the location of the environ-mental sampling r.tations for surface air, rain water, milk, I vegetation and TLD's. This map will allow the reader to determine the spatial relationship of the plant to the sur-I rounding sampling stations. I I I I 'I -

l i / u t ur s l [ /....U"?.A..i o I '{ u.sLocai,,f i "'~~rd GENOA J I e eau ho s Y i...... I I t. LOT 2 679 n e R e 29I28 - OS t. $, [ fj,: 32 33

Clj, 2.#

LOCATION MAP .p icoo 500 o icoo gj c t,= o

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SCALE OF FEET c/ O' po'ItIi: ) "'M[l~-~~ T. - 101-N., R. 3 -W. PROPERTY OF THE Sth RM. E LINE I ! JEFFERSON TO','/NSHIP g**f,,t ,'.1 I HOUSTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA ,e 3 l; LOT LOT S 11 N othoa saurn /

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V8LLAGt L5MITS SEC. 7 rit t tist SEC.18 __I i / raistZ g} I / .l t..I 1' l l / I / / i 'o LOT 6 / I d !.O T 3 T.-13-N., R.- 7-W. t f g [q E ~ f OF THE 4th P.M. i g TOWN OF GENOA ? / cI> rLetrino .-. S L1.,f naginoM tr.a-n-.4 e:-- VERNON COUNTY, af[s sirt - ---{di f [SNomo (y "liSCONSIN

    1. e j/

i ISLAND its LOT 7

1. I LOT 4

/ , l O ? - N AL2L T-r:':;h' I i T-t2 N, ;I SEC.5 { t Nort' IS L AND 126 is u'wCE R THE I, / JURIS CIC DON OF UPetR j, I ,/ Mi$$iS$iPPs RivtR w iL D e-tir t ANo nsM n r r uct. u. c. r e inoicar t s weds aeovt THE mouth OF THE ONto RivcR. I FIGURE 1 - LACDWP PROPERTY MAP 3 --

h QTI 18 Miles North l Stoddard gg@ TI f

1. West River Bank at Towers
2. West River Bank at Tree
3. West River Bank at Prairie


4. Control


5. Coal Unloading Chute u
6. Trailer Court East of Plant s
7. G-1 Parking Lot U


8. Gravel Road East of Plant I

w 9.-Access Road S f J

10. G-3 Office Area I


11. Ncrth Trans. Line w
12. South Trans. Line s
13. Abandoned Well E

/ I

14. Kelsey Farm Genoa
15. Lock & Dam No. 8 f

h O

16. Gianoli Farm
17. Philip Malin Farm is Oisj
18. Arnold Pedretti Farm 19.Behind Genoa Legion N'
20. South End of Dike


21. Control mi p r.


22. LACBWR Crib House W


23. Alfred Malin Farm E
24. Genoa Water Supply q


25. Miss. River at La Crosse
26. Stoddard River Bank y


27. Boat Landing at Launch j
28. Victory b ;enoa 1 LACBWR s


29. Fish llatchery j


30. Plant Outfall p

"^ gI . Air Sample W Location Q 'I Genoa - 3 } DOSE Assessment Location M - Milk Sample / I l@ t Trailer Park d I L ,I l \\ cr.. j s co O l4 28 Victory - 5 Mi South gIIW I 29 Ilatchery - 3 Mi South Figure 2 l LACBWR Environmental Survey and Dose Assessment Locations l

I 2.0 SAMPLE COLLECTION ' he sampling frequency of the various environmental samples and the analyses performed on these samples are shown in Tabic 1. The number of various samples collected and analyzed during the first half of 1981 appear in Table II. 1 The penetrating radiation dose in.neasured by thermolu;ninescent dosimeters consisting of five lithium fluoride (LIF) chips. The TLD's are located in the vicinity of the plant on poles, trees or adjacent to air samplers. The TLD's are collected, g shipped and then analyzed by the Eber11ne Instrument Company. I Air samples ara collected continuously at seven sites, six of which are withui three miles of the plant and the seventh used as a control, located eighteen miles north of the plant in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Particulate air samples are collected at the rate of approximately 30 1pm with Gelman Air Samplers. The air filter consists of a glass fiber filter with an as-i sociated pore 'ize of approximately 0.45 p an activated char-t coal CESCO type cartridge for lodine collection. The parti-culate filters ace analyzed for gross beta activity with a low background internal proportional counter and the activated 31 charcoal filter for I. River and rain water samples are collected monthly, n '.ver water samples above and below the plant site are collected and gross beta activity determined on a one-liter sample. A four-liter m$1k sample is collected from three f armers in the vicinity of the plant on a biweekly basis during the _5_

I 31 grazing season. The milk samples are then analyzed for 1 90 and Sr, with a minimum sensitivity of 1 pC1/ liter. Vegetation samples are collected twice per year from nearby farms and an isotopic analysis is performed by Ge(L1) - MCA gamma spectroscopy. Fish samples are purchased on a monthly basis from commercial fisherman. The fish are from Pool #8 above the plant, and Pool #9 below the plant. These samples are analyzed by Ge(L1)- MCA gamma spectroscopy. 4 I I, 6-


I 3.0 RESULTS OF THE JANUARY-JUNE 1981 RADIO-ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SURVEY 3.1 PENETRATING RADIATION The thermolumincescent dosimeters are changed on a quarterly basis and analyzed for dose by the Eberline Instrument Corp-oration.

The results of the analysis are shown on Table III. I The highest measured on-site dose from LACBWR operations was to the adjacent coal-fired power plant, Genoa #3, (Environ-mental Station #10). This dose was approximately 19.0 mrem / lst quarter and 13.0 mrem /2nd quarter. The average dose per quarter attributable to LACBWR operations at all off-cite environmental stations during the year was <1 mrem / quarter. The maximum off-site dose at any location was 4 mrem / quarter and occurred at Station 14 (2nd quarter). Station 15 (Lock and Dam No. 8) had a TLD reading of 38.1 mrem during the 2nd quarter. This number appears to be an anomoly and may be due to annealling error. This reading is being investigated I by Eberline. 3.2 AIR PARTICULAE The gross beta-gamma activity concentrations from air parti-culate filters are shown in Table IV. The air particulate beta activity concentrati0ns ranged from less than 0.035 I pCi/m to 0.583 pCi/m. The semi-annual average concentra-3 tion at the control location was 0.256 pCi/m while for the other six stations, the annual average concentration was 0.267 pCi/m. Seasonal variations in concentrations are similar at near site locations and the control station. -

l lI 3.3 PRECIPITATION AND RIVER SAMPLES The results of the gross beta activity measurements for river water and precipitation are shown in Tables V and VI, respec-tively. The river water samples taken above and below the plant generally exhibit similar patterns in activity over the year. Downstream samples were two to seven times the up-stream concentrations during February 1981. The highest measured concentrations of 15.51 pCi/l occurred in February at the boat launch on DPC property immediately south of the G-3 plant. The gross beta concentrations in precipitation samples taken during January to June 1981 ranged from 13.6 0.6 pei/l to 102.0 2.0 pC1/1 (Pedretti Farm). 3.4 SEDIMENT SAMPLES Sediment samples were not collected during the period January 1 to June 30, 1981. 3.5 MILK SAMPLES Milk samples were collected on a biweekly basis during the grazing season (May through September) from three dairy farms I O in the vicinity of LACBWR and analyzed for I and Sr with 90 a detection limit of 1 pCi/1. The average Sr concentration in milk was 4.37 pCi/1. These samples are listed in Table VII. 3.6 ACTIVIATED CHARCOAL CARTRIDGES 131 The analysis of the activated charcoal cartridges for 7 was performed by counting each cartridge collected during a _ g_ I

1-week period anu averagir.g the measured concentrations. I I Weekly average I concentrations for the seven measurement locations are shown in Table VIII. Average concentrations are 2.01 x 10- 15 pC1/ce. l 3.7 VEGETATION Vegetation samples were not collected during the period January 2 to June 30, 1981. 3.8 FISH Fish samples were collected monthly above and below the plant discharge. The results of gamma spectral analysis of fish samples appear in Table IX. There has been no significant accumulation of radionuclides of plant origin in fish in the plant vicinity.


S The maximum off-site dose as determined by TLD was 4 mrem / I quarter. The average off-site dose as determined by TLD was less than 1 mrem / quarter. The dose to the general populations during the first half of 1981 was well within current regulations. I The concentration of radioisotopes found in the environmental samples collected during the first half of 1981 were found to be well within current regulations. _a_

i TABLE I l SAMPLE FREQUENCY AND ANALYSIS OF RADIO-ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES l SAMPLE FREQUENCY ANALYSIS PERFORMED TLD (LiF) Dosimeters Quarterly Dose in mrem Particulate Air Glass Weekly Gross Beta Fiber Filters Activated Charcoal Weekly Gemma Spectroscopy (GeLi-MCA) Cartridges 1, Water (River and Rain) Monthly Gross Beta 8 131I and '0Sr 9 i Milk Biweekly during go grazing season i Vegetation Twice per year Gamma Spectroscopy Sediment Twice per year Gamma Spectroscopy Fish Monthly Gamma Spectroscopy I l l i a i

~ I !I TABLE II RADIO-ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES COLLECTED I JANUARY-JUNE 1981 I TYPE OF SAMPLE NUMBER OF SAMPLES Penetrating Radiation (TLD's) 57 Air Particulate 175 River Water 18 Precipitation 15 Sediment 0 v getation 0 5 e Milk 15 Charcoal Cartridge 175 Fish 10 I I I I G I

I TABLE III I QUARTERLY THERMOLUMINESCENT DOSIMETER DOSE MEASUREMENTS IN THE LACBWR VICINITY JANUARY - JUNE, 1981 STATION lst QUARTER 2nd QUARTER I NO. (mrem) (mrem) Control 4 10.1 i 2.5 12.6 i 0.7 Control 21 18.5 2.4 19.2 i 1.9 1 11.8 i 3.0 12.0 1.0 2 10.5 3.3 3 13.3 i 4.9 15.7 i 1.6 I 5 13.7 1 2.4 13.9 1.4 6 13.9 i 1.5 11.9 i 0.R 7 16.6 4.1 17.2 i 1.5 8 16.7 i 1.1 16.6 i 1.7 9 17.2 1 2.5 1.7.2 0.5 10 33.3 8.8 29.2 1 2.6 11 14.6 2.6 14.7 1 0.7 12 14.5 i 2.6 16.8 1 1.4 13 16.6 i 1.9 17.1 i 1.7 I 14 1E.3 1 3.9 20.7 i 1.4 15 16.1 3.0 38.1 1 2.2 A 16 15.9 2.3 17.1 i 1.2 17 16.0 2.0 13.4 1 0.7 18 15.3 i 2.0 15.8 i 0.7 19 18.0 i 4.6 16.1 1.4 20 17.3 i 2.6 17.2 1 2.1 i A Anomoly explained in 3ection 3.1 I I - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

M M M M M M M M M M TABLE IV WEEKLY BETA ATR PARTICULATES IN 'IIIE IKBWR VICINITY STATIOJ #4 STATION #6 STATION #7 STATIOJ #16 SIATIOJ #17 STATIOJ #18 COTTPOL CDLLECTION (LACBWR PLANT) (TRAILER COJRT) (DAM #8) (GIROLI FARM) (MALIN FAIN) (PEDRETTI FARM) (IA CPOSSE OFFICE) DATE 1981 pCi/M pCi/M pCi/M pCi/M pCi/M pCi/b[ pCi/Fh 01/01-01/06 0.118 i.012 0.117 .012 0.065 .010 0.052 .012 0.099 i.017 0.135 i.013 0.173 .016 01/07-01/13 0.166 .024 0.103 .011 0.103 .011 0.087 .012 0.303 .013 0.129 .013 0.145 .014 [01/14-01/20 0.135 .024 0.156 .012 0.207 .012 0.101 .013 0.165 .018 0.170 .013 0.226 .017 I01/21-01/27 0.243 .023 0.230 i.014 0.312 .017 0.208 .016 0.380 .029 0.338 .017 0.283 .019 (01/28-02/03 0.127 .011 0.121 .010 0.116 .010 0.122 .012 0.198 i.015 0.126 .012 0.118 .013 I02/04-02/10 0.100 .023 0.134 .014 0.061 .013 0.061 .013 0.120 .016 0.072 .010 0.128 .014 !02/11-02/17 0.151 .021 0.261 .015 0.219 i.015 0.360 .023 0.223 t.020 0.144 .013 0.267 .021 j l02/18-02/24 0.206 .025 0.152 .012 0.180 .014 0.107 .013 0.213 .019 0.186 .014 0.134 .013 02/25-03/03 0.202 .022 0.122 .011 _0.164 .014 0.134 .013 0.180 .018 0.173 .013 0.135 .012 l 03/04-03/10 0.131 .017 0.114 .010 0.147 .014 0.163 .015 0.145 .015 0.035 .007 0.261 .017 03/11-03/17 0.231 .022 0.302 .016 0.330 .017 0.281 .018 0.272 .020 0.245 .014 0.301 t.017 03/18-03/24 0.245 .024 0.333 .017 0.235 .016 0.281 .018 0.291 .022 0.351 i.018 0.254 .016 03/25-03/31 0.551 .029 0.436 .018 0.515 .020 0.518 .021 0.582 .026 0.542 .020 0.503 .019 04/01_-04/07 C.503 t.029 5.408 .018 0.384 .019 0.449 .020 0.623 .028 0.354 i.017 0.416 .019 04/05-04/14 0.466 .028 0.355 i.017 0.430 .019 0.391 i.018 0.418 .023 0.436 .019 0.427 .020 04/15-04/21 0.284 .023 0.305 .018 0.191 .015 0.157 .013 0.343 .022 0.330 .017 0.184 i.013 04/22-04/28 0.314 .027 0.268 1.016 0.337 .019 0.328 .019 0.311 .024 0.271 i.017 0.343 .018 04/29-05/05 0.377 .024 0.385 .016 0.318 .016 0.457 .019 0.471 i.023 0.464 .018 0.370 i.016 05/06-05/i2 0.398 .028 0.318 .016 0.386 .019 0.381 i.019 0.386 i.024 0.314 .017 0.361 .017 05/13-05/19 0.350 .027 0.479 .020 0.501 .021 0.588 .022 0.422 i.024 0.440 .019 0.478 .019 05/20-05/26 0.462 .02! 0.221 .017 0.393 .019 0.380 .018 0.319 i.022 0.387 .019 0.282 .015 05/27-06/02 0.265 .027 0.231 .017 0.269 .018 0.291 i.019 0.243 .024 0.258 i.018 0.153 i.015 l 06/03-06/09 0.279 .022 0.323 .015 0.377 .017 0.330 .016 0.318 i.020 0.381 .017 0.215 t.012 06/10-06/16 0.175 .021 0.165 .014 0.207 .015 0.190 .015 0.088 i.017 0.229 i.022 0.111 .011 06/17-06/22 (Not retrieved during this week). 06/23-06/30 0.173 i.012 0.113 i.007 0.147 .008 0.209 .005 0.191 .012 0.144 i.048 0.122 i.007

I I Tmev RESULTS OF ANALYSIS OF RIVER WATER IN TIIE LACBWR VICINITY (pCi/1) I COLLECTION ABOVE TIIE PLANT SITE BELOW Tile PLANT SITE DATE DAM 88 BOAT LAUNCil VICTORY 01/20/81 6.21 1 2.17 6.48 i 2.19 6.29 i 2.16 02/17/81 <2.46 11.51 1 2.83 4.64 1 2.38 03/17/81 4.477 i 2.036 4.017 i 2.17 7.83 1 2.04 04/27/81 2.309 i 1.939 7.88 1 2.06 6.716 1 2.087 I 06/01/81 5.01 1 2.05 5.018 1 2.041 6.55 1 2.09 06/30/81 6.55 i 2.15 6.53 i 2.08 6.15 1 2.08 I I I ~ I r LE I I I I I

lI lI TABLE VI RESULTS OF ANALYSIS OF PRECIPITATION FROM THE VICINITY OF LACBWR (pC1/M COLLECTION STATION #15 STATION #17 STATION #18 DATE (DAM #8) (MALIN FARM) (PEDRETTI FARM) 01/20/81 62.9 1 1.6 67.3 1.6 102.0 2.0 03/24/81 13.6 0.6 16.9 0.6 16.5 0.6 04/27/81 25.7 i 0.7 50.0 0.8 44.5 i 0.8 06/01/81 42.7 0.7 76.7 0.9 39.6 0.8 .g 06/30/81 16.0 1.3 26.9 0.9 14.6 1 1.3 I I I I ,I I I I I

M E E TABLE VII RESULTS OF ANALYSIS OF MILK SAMPLES IN THE I VICINITY OF LACBWR (pCi/1) Collection Station #16 Station #37 Station #18 Date (A. Malin Farm) (P. Malin Farm) (Pedretti Farm) 131 90 131 90 131 90 7 Sr 7 Sr 7 Sr 1 l 04/30/81 <1.0 4.25 1 0.5 <l.0 3.56 i 0.54 <l.0 4.27 0.58 l 1 05/12/81 <1.0 3.94 0.44 <1.0 3.43 0.50 <1.0 4.99 i 1.21 l 05/26/81 <1.0 5.21 0.42 <1.0 5.52 C.49 <1.0 6.24 i 0.62 \\ 1 06/09/81 <1.0 4.30 i 0.36 <1.0 5.23 1 0.50 <1.0 3.42 i 0.63 1 06/30/81 <1.0 3.14 0.38 <1.0 4.71 1 0.41 <1.0 3.38 0.43

~ ~ I L TABLE VIII RESULTS OF COMPOSITE CHARCOAL FILTER Ai:ALYsIS 131 FOR AIRBORt1E 1 AVERAGE 131 COLLECTIOli I C 0 11 C E ll T R A T I O !I AE ( C1/cc) 01/06/81 2.678 E-15* 01/13/81 2.291 E-15 01/2n/81 2.01 E-15 01/27/81 5.327 E-15 02/03/81 2.737 E-15 02/10/81 2.452 E-15 c2/17/81 2.277 E-15 02/24/81 1.343 E-15 03/03/81 1.559 E-15 03/10/81 1.699 E-15 03/17/81 2.536 E-15 03/24/81 8.826 E-16 03/33/81 1.591 E-15 04/07/31 1.290 E-15 04/14/81 1.358 E-15 04/21/81 1.128 E-15 04/27/81 3.406 E-15 I 05/12/81 1.595 E-15 05/15/81 1.275 E-15 05/19/81 1.226 E-15 05/26/81 6.659 E-15 06/01/81 8.809 E-15 06/09/81 8.028 E-16 06/16/81 6.364 E-16 06/30/81 6.247 E-16

  • (E-15 = x 10-15) e I,


TABLE IX FISII SAMPLE ACTIVITY IN TIIE VICINITY OF LACBWR (pCi/g) 6 ( SAMPLE NO. 1 2 3 4 5 l [ DATE COLLECTED 01/13/81 01/13/81 02/27/81 02/27/R1 03/24/81 03/24/81 Isotope .001 .003 .003 .001 .003 j 57C l 58 .022 .003 C .052 .041 I 60 .039 .030 .064 .019 C .006 .030 65 T' .018 95 .016 131 .005 134 .014 Cs ,014 ,o07 137 141Cs .003 .027 .023 .006 144 " .014 .005 .091 .024 .009 .018 Ce 99m T .048 .026 Sl 40 1.52 1.56 2.96 3.01 1.55 1.69 Cr T K 109 s Cd SAMPLE NO. 7 8 9 10 DATE COLLECTED 04/30/81 04/30/81 06/05/81 06/05/81 Isotope .005 .004 57 .001 Co .005 58 C .061 60 .032 65 95 .016 131 134Cs .006 .020 137Cs 141 .002 .002 .001 C .021 .015 144 Ce 99m 51fe .011 .024 r 40 2.95 3.25 K 109 Cd

  • Indicates none detected.}}