3F0897-09, Provides Response to Request for Addl Info Re TS Change Request Notice 211,Rev 0.Attachment a Provides List of Regulatory Commitments Made in Submittal

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Provides Response to Request for Addl Info Re TS Change Request Notice 211,Rev 0.Attachment a Provides List of Regulatory Commitments Made in Submittal
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/20/1997
From: Holden J
3F0897-09, 3F897-9, NUDOCS 9708260169
Download: ML20217N437 (33)


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August 20, 1997 3F0897 09 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

! Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 0001 Subjer.t: Request for Additional Information Regarding Technical Specification Change Request Notice No. 21), Revision 0


A. FPC to NRC letter, 3F0397-16, dated March 27, 1997 B. FPC to NRC letter, 3F0597-23, dated May 1, 1997 C. NRC to FPC letter, 3N0496 25, dated April 30, 1996

Dear Sir:

Florida Power Corporation (FPC) is providing this letter to respond to NRC questions regarding Technical Specification Change Request Notice (TSCRN) No.

211, Revision 0, which were discussed during a telephone conference call that was held on June 16, 1997.

Attachment A provides a list of regulatory commitments made in this submittal.

Attachment B provides the NRC questions and FPC responses. As part of the res)onse to Question 1, a revised Table 1 is provided containing all known tubes wit 1 first span Intergranular Attack (IGA) indications in the "B" Once-Through Steam Generator (OTSG).

The response to Question 6 includes a detailed discussion of the information that will be included as part of the reporting requirements to be provided in TSCRN No. 211, Revision I which will propose to adopt, on a permanent basis, the current reporting requir'ements as approved for Crystal River Unit 3 in License Amendment No. 154 (Reference C). FPC will submit TSCRN 211, Revision 1 under separate cover.

Additionally, FPC will submit a licensa amendment request by October 6,1997 to address how FPC will monitor first span IGA indications and disposition growth '

during future "B" OTSG eddy current exams.

9708260169 970820 PDR P

ADOCK 05000302 lllllllfl lf f(

g PDR J CRYSTAL FWcR cNERGY COMPLEX e 15700 W. Power une otreet . Crystal River e riorida 3442a6708. (352) 7956400 A rkwida Progross Corrywry


4 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Jf0897 09 Pag,e 2,

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, Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact David Kunsnmiller a (352) 563 4566.

Sincerely, i

l J.}.Holdenhelde~

Director Site Nuclear Operations JJH/LVC-


Attachment A: List of Regulatory Commitments Attachment 8: Responses to Technical S >ecification thange Request Notica 211, Revision 0,-Request or Additional information xc: Regional Administrator, Region 11 Senior Resident inspector NRR Project Manager 4

l M

l"- u l'. S. Nuclear Ragulatory Commission 3F0897 09 Page 3, ATTACHMENT A LIST OF REGULATORY COMMITMENTS 1he following are the actions committed to by Florida Power Corporation in this document. Any other actions discussed in the submittal represents intended or planned actions by Florida Power Corporation. They are described to the NRC for the NRC's information and are not regulatory commitments. Please notify the Manager, Nuclear Licensing of any questions regarding this dccument or any

-hssociated regulatory commitments.

ID Number to:nmitment -Commitment Date 3F0897-09-1 In TSCPN 211, Revision 1, FPC will propose August 20, 1997 to adopt, on a permanent basis, the current L reporting requirements whicii were approved for Crystal River Unit 3 in' License-Amendment No. 154, 3F0897-09-2 FPC will tubmit a license amendment request October 6, 1997 by Octobr.r 6, 1997 to address how FPC will monitor first span _lGA indications and disposition growth during future inspections.

3F0897-09-3 Attachment B, responses to NRC questions, Programmatic include the following commitments which Commitment will be incorporated into FPC procedures effective upon upon approval of TSCRN 211: approval of TSCRN-211 Following future inspections, tubes may be added to table 1 as described in the response to Question 2a.

The criteria for confirmation of a tube as a first span IGA is described in the response to Questions 2b, 4, and 5 Following future insfections, tubes may be removed trom Table 1 as described in the response to Question 2c.

CR-3 will not leave: tubes in service with first cpan IGA indications within one inch of the edge of the lower tubesheet secondary face (LTS+1) or within one_._ inch of .t.he first support plate lower edge (01-1.75).

The protocol to disposition pit like IGA is described in the response to_ Question 4 (A through K)..

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U. S. 11uclear Regulatory Commission 3f0897 09 Page 4,

. 1 ATTACHMENT B Responses to Technical Specification Change Request 110tico 211, Rev, 0, Request For Additional Information

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commlulon 310897 09 Attacionent 11 Each question presented by the NRC staff is shown below in Italles and is followed by the FPC response.

Question I nthes includedfor consideration of the pit like IGA eddy current depth sidng technique are included in Table I of the submittal dated March 27,1997. Esplain the snethodology used and criteria established to define this list of tubes containing IGA indications in thefirst span of the

Respome to Question i The tube identitles originally submitted in Table I with TSCRN 211, Revision 0, all had historical bobbin calls in the first span of the il OTSO, To ensure FPC programmed the examination with a conservative approach, the CR 3 TUllAN 11 database was queried for all tubes with previous bobbin calls in the 11 OTSG tirr.t span from 1987 through 1996 inspections, The query results did aut depend on whether a tube had previous rotating coil exams. These calls consisted of:


NQI 34 19

% TW 23 23 S/N 1298 318 IIVT 282 109 NOTE: htaltiple ttd>es had tnote than one inditatitsn cpe, tiitts the' ntard>cr <f q1fected tidies is tiet deterntined l>y siniply adding the lait colunut.

Of the 366 tubes listed on Table 1, a limited number had been inspected with an MRPC probe in the past. The results of these inspections were:

INDICATION CODE NUMilER OF NU$1IlER OF TULLES INDICATIONS AlFECTED VOL 246 130 PIT 42 21 NOTE: blultiple tubes had snore than one indication type, thus the mE*nber <f c#rted tubes is tiet determinett by simply adding the last column, Page l vf 29 8/13N7 Y_, _ _ _ _


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U.S. Nuctsor itetulclory Conunission 3F0897-09 Attachment li CWes used in the above tables:

NQI Non-Quantittable Indication PIT

  • The indication exhibits pit like qualities VOL The Indication exhibits volumetric (pit like) qualities llVT* The Indication was llelow an established Voltage Threshold S/N* The Indication was below an established Signal to Noise ratio

%TW Percent Through Wall of the Indication

  • 1hese codes are no longer used at CR 3.

An updated Table 1 has been included as part of this response. This updated Table 1 includes E ._ all known tubes with 11 OTSG first span IGA indications. This list was developed by l inspecting all of the tubes identitled in the previously submitted Table 1 as well as all first span 11 OTSG bobbin indications identified in the 1997 inspection with the protocol described

-in the reply to Question 4.

Note that three tubes listed in the originally submitted Table I have been removed from the updated Table 1. Two tubes were dispositioned in the 1997 rotating coil inspections as Manufacturing flurnish Marks (MilMs). One tube was dispositioned in the 1997 rotating coil inspections as No Degradation Found (NDF). These tubes were dispositioned in accordance with the protocol established in the CR 3 Eddy Current inspection Guidelines.

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~ u U.S. Nuclect Regulatory Conunlalon 31:0097-09 Attacionent 11 Qu stion 2 i (a) As currently proposed, a tube not listed in Table I uith a corfirmedpit like IGA indication will be counted tvuard the C 1, C-2, and C.1 inspection < lass 01 cation. It'ould suth a tube be added to the list in the 01SG Insenice Inspection Surveillance procedure to require that it be included in the sample inspection referenced in 75 forfitture inspections?

(b) Describe any additional criteria other than the cordirtnation of a pit like IGA indication that uvuld be considered prior to adding a tube to the list tubes in the inspection ?rocedure.

(c)l'cfine the conditions, if any, uhere tubes uvuld be removedfrom the list.

Itesponse to Question 2 (a) Yes. In future inspections, tubes nul already identified in Table 1 which confirm to be first span IGA tubes ydDI be taken into consideration when determining inspection results categories in the inspection year in which the tube is identified. Af ter that inspection, these newly identified first span IGA tubes will be added to Table I to ensure subsequent outage inspections per reply to Question 4 are performed. Once a tube has been added to the Table, the tube will be excluded when determining inspection results categories in future inspections.

(b) The criteria for confirmation of a tube as a first span (pit-like) IGA tube are:

  • The protocol described in the response to Question 4 below must be followed to ensure that the morphology is consistent with that expected for the first span IGA.
  • The historical data review protocol described in the responses to Question 4 and to Question 5 below must be followed to validate the existence of a pievious signal and ascertain whether the signal is changing.

Only tubes that can meet these criteria will be added to Table 1. Tubes that cannot meet these caiteria will be plugged.

(c) Tubes may be removed from Table i for the following reasons:

1. The tube is plugged.
2. A sleeve is installed that spans the degraded or defective region (for future use -

CR 3 is not installing any sleeves in 1997).

Since a rotating coil examination will be required for all first span indications in future outages, no tubes will be removed from the list unless one of the above two reasons is applicable, taxe 3 0129 vl847

m U.S. Nuclect itef ulclory Conuninion 3F0897-09 Attatlunent B Question 3 1he "first span

  • region is dcfined as the section of tubing between the louer tubesheel secondaryface and the bottorn of thejitSt tube support plate. 1he stqff notes that based on industry c.tperience in aty> lying an eddy current depth sizing technkpte to indications at support structures that applying the technhpte near thefirst span boundary coldd lead to significant, non-conservative errors in estiinated depth inconsistent with the results of the <peahjication prograin. 7he proposed 75 changes mndd allow degradation at or near the tubesheet orfirst support plate to retnain in service based on the eddy current .ticing technhjue. Provide the basisfor not including an allonunce in the dtjinition of thejirst span region that could preclude introducing errors into the depth estionate of degradation located at or near the periphery of thefirst span.

Response to Question 3 CR 3 will not leave tubes in service with first span IGA indications within one inch of the edge of the lower tubesheet secondary face (LTS +1) or within one inch of the lirst support plate lower edge (0151.75" since the support plate is 1.5" thick and measurements are referenced f rom the centetline of the support plate). B OTSG first span IGA tubes with indications in these regions will be plugged regardless of %TW. As a result of the 1997 inspections, there are no tubes with known IGA indications within 2 inches of the LTS secondary face or tubes with known IGA indications within four inches of the lower face of the first support plate, l'igure I shows the distribution of first span IGA indications left in service after the 1997 inspection.

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U.S. Nuclear iterutctory Conunission 3F0897 09 Attachment 11 Question 4 Reference C (FPC to NRC Letter, 3F039619, dated March 21,1996) of the March 27,1997, submittalprovides background litformation on the mnk the licensee has completed to demonstrate that pit like IGA degradation can be distinguishedfrom other modes of tube degradation (i.e., cracks). Hmvever, this reference does not appear to include .specipc criteriafor the data analysts that uvuld be used to classify indications as pit-like IGA.

i Provide a summary defining the criteria data analy.sts will utilite to classify an indication a pit-like IGA degradation.

Response to Question 4 The protocol that CR 3 uses for dispositioning the first span IGA is:

A) The area of interest is ihnited to the first span of the B OTSG.


11) If an NQ1 is called by the mid range (hiR) bobbin exam lall freespan bobbin indications are identified as NQls using the hiR bobbin exam l, or the tube is listed in Table 1, the entire length of the first span of that tube is inspected using the rotating coil exam technique. The rotating coil exams in 1997 consist of a mid range + Point coil,0,115" pancake coil and 0.080" mid-range pancake coil in a hlRPC probe head with three shoes.

C) The + Point coil is the primary coil telled upon for identification (detection) of the indications. The analysts must review the C-scan plot for the entire length of data acquired. Indications that are volumetric in nature are identified as VOL. Locations that have more than one VOL indication in the same circumferential plane are identified as h1VI (multiple volumetric indications). If another type of iadication is observed, the appropriate three letter code is used for that indication (examples: SCl, sal, etc.).

D) A high frequency bobbin coil exam is performed on the tubes that have a VOL indication.

This exam is used to ensure that the same probe and parameters used during the development of the regression technique are maintained.

E) The analyst uses the VOL indications from the rotating coil exam as a 'toadmap" to obtain bobbin signals off the high frequency data, if the analyst is capable of correlating a bobbin signal to the VOL hication, the analyst applies the CR-3 specific regression technique (via the ZETEC Regression Tool). If the analyst is not capable at correlating a bobbin signal to the VOL indication, the analyst identifies this situation by the use of the NQI code for that hication in the high frequency bobbin results.

F) Tubes with a high frequency bobbin NQ1 are plugged.

G) Tubes with an h1VI call are plugged [due to the inability of the bobbin coil to acceptably distinguish individual volumetric indications when multiple indications are present at the same axial kication).

II) Tubes with a regression call 240'7r are plugged.

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U.S. Nuclect Regulatory Conunission 3F0897 09 Attachment 11

1) Tubes that have first span IGA indications which are within one inch of the OlS support lower edge or within one inch of the lower tube sheet secondary face are identified and plugged.

J) Tubes that have VOL indications which are all sized less than 40% throughwall have their historical data reviewed. These tubes have at least one previous inspection reviewed to ensure that there is historical evidence of the indication. Only 27 tubes with 11 OTSG tirst span IGA indications do not have previous high frequency bobbin data (these tuber xere last inspected in 1990, when a mid range bobbin probe was used). For these 27 tubes, the mid range bobbin data is reviewe<l to verify that these indications were present in 1990, but the regression tool is not applied. The remainder of these tubes have, as a minimum, the most recent high frequency bobbin inspection reviewed and the historical indications sized using the regression technique, if the analyst is not capable of clearly sizing a bobbin indication in the historical data for that Vol, indication, the code INF (indication not found) is used to denote this fact. The indication is then conservatively assigned an initial depth of 0 when determining growth rate for that indication. Many indications had multiple years of data reviewed to further validate the CR-3 position that this degradation mechanism is dormant. As a result of the 1997 inspections, CR 3 determined that these indications continue to be dormant.

A complete report describing the data gathered and compiled results of these indication growth studies will be submitted to the NRC with the CR 3 OTSG inservice inspection Special Report, as required by CR-3 ITS 5.7.2.

K) Any tube which contains an indication that demonstrates a growth of greater than 10% TW by regression sizing is conservatively plugged regardless of 1997 %TW. This growth criteria is applied to 1992 to 1997,1994 to 1997, and 1996 to 1997 high frequency bobbin coil data.

l Assuming a 39% throughwall ind! cation was left in service that grew 10% throughwall in an operational cycle, the indication would exhibit a depth of 49% throughwall at the end of cycle. This depth for CR-3 first span volumetric IGA is well within the previously submitted Regulatory Guide 1.121 structural integrity analysis for thu degradation mechanism (reference FpC letter to the NRC,3F0494-09, dated April 19, 1994).

Assuming the tube did demonstrate this type of measurable growth in a single operational cycle, during the next inspection the tube would be readily identified by the mandatory II OTSG first span IGA inspection and subsequently plugged.]

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U.S. Nuklear Regulatory Commission 3F0897-09 Attachment 11 -

A tube is readily identified on the + Point coil as volumetric by the nature of the signal response of the coil. Similarly, the pancake coil has a characteristic signal :esponse to the first span IGA indications. These volumetric signals present themselves in the characteristic l- " camel-toe" response pattern on the vertical strip chart li.e., the vertical component of the sipr1 starts by deviating from background to the right, the signal dips back to the left, then tracks back to the right past background, and finally returns to background position]. Figure 2 show the + Point coil and Pancake coil lissajous, strip chart components, and C-scan plots for a 36% throughwall first span IGA indication. Figure 3 shi ws the + Point coil and Pancake l coil lis:,ajous, strip chart componerts, and C-scan plots for a 41% throughwall first span IGA l indication. For corsparison purposes, Figure 4 shows the + Point coil and Pancake voil 9 llssajous, strip chart components, and C scan plots for a 20% throughwall flat bottom hole on the calibration standard. . =

P l i I



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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3F0897-09 Attachment B Question 5 1he pit-like IGA degradation is believed to be attributed to a one-time chemistry escursion severalyears ago. Consequendy, the licensee has concluded that little or no grouth is expected in theJiaurefor knoun indications. Ihnvever, the potential esistsfor the initiation 1 and granth ofIGA degradation in the CR 3 OTSG tubesfrom mechanisms other ?han those

\ uhich resuhed in the pit-like IGA indications in thefirst span of tubing.

(a) Discuss how new or active IGA degradation (i.e., not associated ukh mechanisms of the pit-like IGA indications) uvuld be identilled and dispositioned during the course of the eddy current etaminations.

j (b) If such indications developed in theJirst span of a tube that uns included in the list of -

tubes in the OTSG Inservice Inspection Surveillance Procedure, describe the specific procedures that uvuld identW the degradation as a mode of degradation dissonilarfrom the ~

pit-like IGA indications.

Response to Question 5 (a) As described in the protocol listed in the response to Question 4, any first span indication which demonstrates that it has grown by more than 10% throughwall [via the regression techniquel since the previous tube inspection will be plugged. Tubes with an INF inJication for the historical high frequency data will be assigned an initial % throughwall ot zero at that indication location. This is a conservative approach, since the detection threshold of the bobbin probe is not near 7ero. Thus, if the indication has demonstrated growth of greater than 10% by the use of the regression technique data, the tube will be plugged. The protocol wscribed above (the use of the INF code when reviewing historical data in which an indication is not readily apparent or sizable) will ensure that any "new" degradation is identifiable.

Additionally, the routine and thorough monitoriag of the growth rates will ensure that any active degradation is immediately identified. Tubes included in Table I will be inspected with both a high frequency bobbin and rotating coil probe during each future inspection of the B OTSG.

(b) The rotating coil data, when displayed in the c-scan format, provides the capability for the analysts to differentiate these small, velumetric IGA indications from crack-li!,e indications or

. other anomalous volumetric indications. If crack-like dt radation manifests itself in there first span tubes, the current CR-3 OTSG ET luspcction Guidelines provide guidance for the analysts to identify these indicatio.ns with appropriate three leuer codes [ Single Axial Indication (sal),

Single Circumferential Indication (SCI), etc.). In the event that a volumetric indication appears in the first span that does nat exhibit the characteristics described above, the analyst is directed by the guidelines ta identify the indication with the code SVI (single volumetric indication). The SVI code is used at CR-3 to identify (nen-wear) volumetric indications which are not readily identifiable as B OTSG first span (pit-like) IGA. Per the CR-3 OTSG ET Inspection Guidelines, the SVI code is a pluggable indication at CR-3.

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LU.S; Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3F0897-09 Attachment B -

Question 6

Other steam generator alternate repair criteria (ARC) approved by the NRC include

- requireme:ns it: the TSfor reporting routine and abnormal results obtained during each inservice inspection of the critical areas (e.g., Generic Letter 95-05, F-star). Although the .

i proposed amendment does not propose any changes to the existing repair criteria (i.e., 40 percent depth), the staf has concluded that the proposed amendment request wuld permit .

degradation to remain in service in a manner that is more consistent with ARC than generally appiled industry practice tomrd dispositioning steam generator tube degradation. On this I basis, the staff considers additionalperiodic reporting requirements necessary to document the future progress, or lack thereof, of this mode of degradation. Provide the basisfor not including reporting requirements in the TS that specifically address the inspection results of

. pit-like IGA degradation at each outage.

Response to Question 6 Consistent with CR 3 ITS 5.7.2. Amendment 154 reporting requirements, Crystal River proposes to supply the NRC with this information following each inservice inspection of steam generator tubes, prior to ascension into Mode 4:

l. Number of tubes plugged and sleeved
2. Crack like indications in the first span
3. An assessment of growth in the first span indications

. 4. Results of in situ pressure testing, if performed The complete results of the OTSG tube inservice inspection shall be submitted to the NRC

.. within 90 days following the completion of the inspection. The report shall include:

1. Number and extent of tubes inspected,
11. Location and percent of wall-thickness penetratica for each indication of an imperfection,

' 111. Location, bobbin coil amphtude, and axial and circumferential extent (if determined) for each first span IGA indicadon, and

IV. Identification of tubes plugged and tubes sleeved.

This reporting information will be more extensive than the originally proposed reporting requirements in TSCRN 211, Revision 0. Revised CR-5 ITS pages retlecting these reporting requirements will be submitted under sgarate cover.-

To ensure adequate background information is provided to the NRC, these additional items will be provided to support the presentation of the above listed items:

-a) _ Number of and identities of tubes with B OTSG first span IGA indications left in i service (per III).

b) Number of and identities of tubes with B OTSG first span IGA ' indications plugged

.or sleeved (per 1,11,111 & IV) .

c) A distribution curve showing axial location of indications for tnose tubes left in

. service with B OTSG first span IG A (to verify the one inch clearance from support <

structures was implemented).

d) A distribution curve showing the sizes of the B OTSG lirst span IGA as determined by the regression technique. The curve shall distinguish between Page 9 of 49 W18S7 o


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conunission 3F0397-09 Attachment D indications left in service and indications removed from service (to supplement 11 &


e) A distribution curve showing the apparent growth of B OTSG lirst span IGA

-indications as duermined by the regression technique sizing. The curve shall distinguish between indications left in service and indications removed fiom service (per 3),

f) A distribution curve showing the apparent axial and circumferential growth of B OTSG first span IGA indications as determined by clip plot sizing [when performed] (per 3),

Information provided in c.urve format will also be provided to the NRC in tabular format. For the results of the 1997 inspection, the information used to determine the specific growth of each indication left in service will identify the year used to determine the historical depth of the indication (since 100% bobbin inspections were not previously performed at CR-3, a variety of inspection years must be used to determine a " historical depth" for the indications).

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conunission 3F0897-09 Attachment B B OTSG KNOWN TUBES WITil FIRST SPAN IGA TUBES IN SERVICE cour:t . row 7J  :


1 4 40 59 80 85 92 2 16 22 60 3E ~ 65 96 3 24 43 60 44 85 98 4 37 50 61 25 85 99 -

5 38 45 61 82 86 24 6 38 64 61 88 87 98 7 39 44 62 15 89 89 8 40 45 62 28 90 40 9 41 39 62 44 90 88 70 42 42 62 99 91 93 ff 42 63 63 26 92 26 l 12 43 48 63 41 92 34

. 13 43 49 65 37 92 39 i

14 43 82 65 42 93 39 f5 45 40 F5 44 93


46 16 45 48 6:i 48 93 79 17 46 39 65 50 93 87 l

18 46 41 66 34 93 04 I 19 46 49 67 50 95 36 20 48 43 68 38 95 45 21 48 61 - 68 99 95 47 22 49 56 69 42 96 40 23 50 39 70 38 96 41 24 50 41 70 58 96 42 25 51 30 ~ 73 44- 96 44 26 51 55 74 110 96 45 27 51 79 77 86 96 91 28 51 80 78 41 97 37 29 52 37 78 45 97 41 30 52 49 ~ 79 22 97 49 31 53 44 79 97 08 39 32 54 82 60 99 98 45 33 56 53 81 94 98 47 34 57 33 81 1 44 99 41 35 57 89 83 100 ' 100 33 36 58 25 84 31 100 36 37 58 33 84 93 100 38 38 58 89 84 96 100 41 39 59 30 84 98 100 45 40 59 40 84 100 100 66 TABl.E1 Page 1 of 6 Page Ii of 29 8ll8/97


,. _o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory C<uiunission 3 FOS 97-09 A:taciunent B 4 4 D OTSG KNOWN TUBES WITil FIRST SPAN IGA TURES IN SERT 1CE count .: - ROW  : NUMBER.

1 100 92 2 101 43 3 101 47 4 101 90 5 101 98 6 102 41 1

7 102 43 8 103 37 9 103 41 10 104 40 l f1 104 44 l 12 104 90 f3 100 42 f4 106 48 15 106 50 16 106 72 17 106 74 ~

18 107 47 19 107 66 20 107 74 2f 108 34 22 108 74 23 109 46 159 B OTSO TUBES REMAWIN SERVICE 24 110 40 WI!H FIRST SPANIGA.

25 110 43 26 110 46 27 110 52 28 111 42 29 111 51 30 113 44 31 113 45 32 114 42 33 114 43 34 114 46 35 116 43 36 118 41 37 123 77 38 129 41 39 131 3 TABLE 1 Page 2 of 6 Page 12 of 29 Wi&'Y7 l

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conunission 3F0897-09 Attaciunent B


30 36 $ 40 49 50 2 31 37 43 ~ 42 50 33 3 33 37 43 43 50 34 4 33 39 43 45 50 42 5 34 37 43 46 50 48 6 35 37 44 37 51 34 7 35 38 44 40 51 35 8 36 39 44 42 51 42 9 36 40 44 44 51 47

10 36 44 44 46 51 48

! ff 37 40 45 31 51 49 l 12 37 41 45 37 51 65 13 37 44 45 43 57 34 14 37 93 45 45 52 36 15 38 41 45 46 52 39 16 38 42 45 47 52 40 ~

17 38 44 46 33 52 41 18 38 51 46 37 52 43 19 30 33 46 44 52 81 20 39 41 46 46 53 37 2f 39 42 47 34 53 39 22 39 45 47 37 53 43 23 39 46 47 40 53 49 24 40 38 47 47 53 81 7

25 40 42 47 48 54 33 26 40 43 48 33 54 35 27 40 44 4' 38 54 37 28 40 47 48 41 54 40 29 41 29 48 42 54 43 30 41 45 48 47 54 51 3f 41 47 48 48 55 26 32 41 51 ~ 48 49 55 32 33 42 29 49 35 55 41 34 42 39 49 37 55 46 35 42 - 41 49 38 55 49 36 42 45 49 41 55 52 37 42 48 49 42 55 81 38 43 32 49 47 55 82 39 43 34 49 48 56 31 40 43 39 49 49 56 32 TABl.EI Page 3 of 6 Page 13 of 29 8/l8/97

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Corunission 3F0397 09 Attacitment B B OTSG KNOWN TUDES WITil FIRST SPAN IGA TUDES REh!OVED FR0h! SERVICE count :ROWM+ 4. NUMBER ; .s ROW e ' NUMBER ::: n ROW -- . NUMBER 1 56 35 61 26 69 99 2 56 42 61 29 70 2d 3 56 44 61 38 70 42 ~

4 56 49 61 48 73 3' ~

5 56 50 62 26 74 4 j 6 56 51 62 27 74  %

! 7 56 82 62 29 74 47 8 57 27 62 33 74 51 9 5/ 38 62 36 76 93 10 57 40 62 40 77 93 11 57 43 62 42 77 94 12 57 44 62 50 78 25 13 57 45 63 27 79 47 14 ;7 47 63 28 79 93 15 5} 50 63 29 80 22 16 57 bl 63 39 81 93 17 57 52 63 44 61 96 18 57 96 63 45 81 98 19 58 27 64 28 82 29 20 58 29 64 39 82 94 -

21 58 31 64 46 82 95 22 '" 58 37 64 51 83 30 23 58 41 65 27 83 92 24 58 43 65 28 83 95 25 58 44 65 33 83 96 26 58 45 65 38 84 30 27 58 51 66 28 84 95 28 58 83 66 52 84 99 29 58 88 67 27 ' ~ 85 26 30 58 92 67 35 85 29 31 59 25 67 36 85 30 32 59 26 67 41 85 93

, 33 59 28 67 43 85 95 34 59 31 67 45 85 97 35 59 39 68 35 80 30 36 59 49 68 39 86 32 37 60 32 69 27 86 35 38 60 38 69 28 86 94 ~

39 60 43 69 29 86 99 40 60 53 69 41 87 43


TABLEI Page 4 of 6 Page 14 of 29 3!!8N7 m

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conunission 3F0897-09 Attachment B 4 4 B OTSG KNOWN TUDES WITil FIRST SPAN IGA TUBES REMOVED FR031 SERVICE count  : ROW .- , NUMBER- ROWS. LNUMBER-,

f 7?OV/ t 14 UMBER 3 f 87 94 95 28 100 32 2 88 26 95 32 100 37 3 88 32 95 33 100 46 4 89 32 95 37 100 47 5 89 43 95 40 100 91 6 89 95 95 42 100 94 7 89 96 95 44 101 31 8 90 21 95 46  ! 101 32 9 90 43 95 92 101 37 10 90 44 95 95 101 41 11 90 90 95 96 101 42 12 90 94 95 97 101 45 13 90 95 96 27 l 101 48 14 90 96 96 28 101 91 15 90 97 96 29 101 93 16 90 98 96 30 102 46 17 90 99 96 39 102 47 18 91 23 36 43 - 102 91 19 91 37 96 47 102 4 03 20 91 43 90 95 103 34 21 91 44 97 27 103 35 22 91 97 97 36 103 44 23 92 25 97 42 103 45 24 92 44 97 45 103 46 25 92 45 97 95 103 47 26 92 93 98 36 103 90 27 92 96 98 38 103 91 28 93 27 98 43 103 93 29 93 32 98 46 104 31 30 93 41 98 92 104 33 31 94 39 98 93 104 36 32 94 41 98 95 104 37 33 94 42 99 34 1C4 48 34 94 43 99 42 104 51 35 94 44 99 43 ~ 104 77 36 94 45 99 45 115 32 37 94 48 99 94 105 34 38 94 91 99 95 105 35 39 94 96 100 27 105 36 40 94 97 100 30 105 41 TABLE 1 Page 5 of 6 Page 15 of 29 8/18/97

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