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Enforcement Notification EN-86-057A:order Imposing Civil Penalty in Reduced Amount of $833 Issued Based on Util Justification for Withdrawal of One Violation Re 860501 Power Excursion & Trip
Person / Time
Site: 05000128
Issue date: 01/12/1987
From: Beach A, Wong H
EN-86-057A, EN-86-57A, NUDOCS 8701290246
Download: ML20212K947 (1)


January 12, 1987 EN 86-57A 0FFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT NOTIFICATION OF SIGNIFICANT ENFORCEMENT ACTION Licensee: Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas Docket No. 50-128


IMPOSITION OF CIVIL PENALTY - $833 By EN 86-57 dated July 17, 1986, the Commission was notified of the intent of IE to issue a Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,250) to Texas A&M University.

This action was based on violations involving a power excursion on May 1,1986 and a resultant overpower trip caused by the removal of an experiment with a reactivity worth of $1.08 from the reactor while it was operating. The technical specification requirements which were violated required that the reactivity worth of an experiment be estimated or measured before operating the reactor with the experinent installed and required non-secured experiments to have a reactivity worth less than $1.00.

l The licensee responded to the Notice in two letters dated September 18, 1986. After careful consideration of the licensee's response, the staff has concluded that two violations did occur as set forth in the Notice of Violation ani Proposed l

Imposition of Civil Penalty and one violation was withdrawn. The original proposed civil penalty has been reduced by 33 percent because the licensee has provided sufficient justification for the withdrawal of one violation.

Accordingly, an Order Imposing Civil Penalty in the amount of $833 has been l

1ssued today. Under the terms of the Order, the licensee may within 30 days of l

the date of the Order, pay the civil penalty or request a hearing.


H. Wong IE 29635 A. Beach, IE 24909 Distribution:

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