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Summary of 860730 Meeting W/Util in Region II Ofc Re Effect of High Failure Rate by Reactor Operator Candidates on NRC Simulator Exams
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/08/1986
From: Fredrickson P
Shared Package
ML20212K132 List:
NUDOCS 8608190197
Download: ML20212K146 (2)





- uvERATOR LICENSING Licensee: Carolina Power and Light Company Facility: Harris Nuclear Plant Docket No.: 50-400 License No.: CPPR-158


LICENSED OPERATOR SIMULATOR EXAMINATIONS A meeting was held in the NRC Region II office on July 30, 1986 to discuss the effect of a high failure rate by Harris candidates on NRC simulator exams.

Previously licensed reactor operators, had received simulator exam waivers in November 1985 (Group A). A concern about the qualification of Group A arose from the results of simulator exams given to the second group of operators (Group B) in May, 1986, from which only 68% passed the exam.

CP&L stated that their review revealed that their training program was basically sound and that, based on good results from the written and oral exam, the personnel who were waived for the simulator exam were qualified and had the ability to pass a simulator exam. CP&L stated that the problem with Group B may have occurred due to the operators receiving training on "high" probability events, but being examined more on " low" probability events. CP&L provided a proposed training and exam schedule for those operators who had either not taken or failed the NRC simulator exam. This schedule was established to support a September, 1986 fuel load date. Exams were requested the week of September 8, October 27 and December 15, 1986. In addition to proposing this schedule, CP&L also requested that the scheduled simulator training and exams be substituted for the annual requalification training and examination for the Group A operators.

To expedite scheduling of the simulator exams, CP&L requested a waiver of the 60-day notice on reexaminations for exam failure for both Groups A and B. Also requested was a waiver of the hot-licensee FSAR commitment until three months following receipt of the operating license. Since the Manager, Operations is a key individual in plant preoperations and startup, CP&L requested a saiver on his receiving a simulator exam.

Region II stated that the September 8 date would probably not be possible due to resource limitations and other commitments, but that the NRC would try it's best to ensure that scheduling of simulator exams did not impact fuel load. With respect to the requalification substitution, Region 11 stated that CP&L had to meet the intent of its training program and that the simulator training and exam could be used to the extent that it met the requalification program. If program changes (either temporary of permanent) are desired, those proposed changes need 8608190197 860811 PDR ADOCK 05000400 V PDR

f AUG 11 BBS Enclosure 1 2 i to be submitted to NRR for approval. Region II stated that it would support the 60-day waiver and the hot license waiver. The meeting was concluded with Region II stating that it would communicate with CP&L in the near future with respect to -

the schedule proposal. The other proposals would be dependent on the outcome of the scheduling decision and would be finalized at that time.

VN P. E. Fredrickson, Section Chief / Datt Division of Reactor Projects h

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