MONTHYEARML20196J9371998-12-0808 December 1998 Notification of 990120 Meeting with Util in Peekskill,Ny to Inform Public of Licensee Plans for Decommissioning Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1 ML20236X5861998-08-0505 August 1998 Summary of 980620 Meeting W/Members of W,Util & NRC in Rockville,Md Re best-estimate Small Break LOCA Model Issues. Attendees List & Nonproprietary Matl Presented at Meeting Encl IR 05000247/19970021997-10-0202 October 1997 Forwards NRC Operator Licensing Exam Rept 50-247/97-02 (Including Completed & Graded Tests) for Tests Administered on 970317-20 ML20217E7381997-10-0202 October 1997 Forwards Operator Licensing Exam Administered on 970317-20 W/Outline & Initial Exam Submittal Designated for Distribution Under Rids Code A070 ML20236N0661997-05-0202 May 1997 Responds to from Consolidated Edison Requesting Interpretation of TS as to Definition of Operable as It Applies to Afs Under Certain Scenarios ML20136C1031997-03-0606 March 1997 Forwards Correspondence Transmitted Via Internet to J Zwolinski from P Blanch During 970102-31.Requests Correspondence Be Placed in PDR ML20134N6211997-02-19019 February 1997 Forwards Response to SB Bram to EDO Re Proposed Corporate Reorganization of Consolidated Edison Co of Ny Approved W/Edit by Chairman for Dispatch ML20134N6371997-01-14014 January 1997 Requests Concurrence Re Proposed Response to SB Bram to EDO Concerning Proposed Corporate Reorganization of Consolidated Edison Co of Ny by Close of Business on 970117 ML20129K2561996-11-0505 November 1996 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-109 W/Listed Attendees on 961202-03 in Philadelphia,Pa to Provide Training,Resolve Interagency Exercise Scheduling Conflicts & Discuss Current Issues in Emergency Preparedness ML20211E9921995-11-0808 November 1995 Informs of Plan to Augment Plant,Unit 3 Resident Staff & Provide around-the-clock Insp Coverage During Plant Restart from Current Unplanned Outage.Primary Objectives of Insp Listed ML17059A9521995-09-27027 September 1995 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Utils on 951102 to Discuss power-operated Valve Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding Issues W/Region I Licensees W/Special Emphasis on Listed Issues ML20211D9061995-08-14014 August 1995 Forwards Final Rev to Plant,Unit 3 Restart Action Plan Based Upon Completion of Insp Activities & Util Oversight ML20203B9821995-06-29029 June 1995 Discusses OI Repts 1-95-011,1-95-012 & 5-93-014 Re Fitness for Duty Incident,Falsification of Chemistry Records Involving EDG Fuel Oil & Falsification of Fire Protection Records ML1004915011995-03-20020 March 1995 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 95-28 W/Util on 950403 Re NRC Restart Assessment Team Insp & NYPA Presentation of Startup Readiness Evaluation ML20211F0441994-12-21021 December 1994 Requests That Plant,Unit 3 Restart Action Plan Be Replaced W/Encl Rev to Plan ML20236L5841994-11-0909 November 1994 Submits Interpretation of TS Requirement Re Fire Protection for Indian Point Unit 2 Per 940719 Memo ML17263A8021994-10-0505 October 1994 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 94-119 W/Utils on 941026 to Discuss MOV Issues W/Special Emphasis Being Placed on Principal Technical Issues,Expectations for Completion of Programs & Process for Closure of GL 89-10 ML20211E9541994-05-12012 May 1994 Requests Approval of Process by Which Plant,Unit 3 Restart Issues,As Listed in Restart Action Plan,Will Be Closed. Restart Issue Closure Process Outlined in Encl to Memo ML20134B5061994-04-13013 April 1994 Submits Plants Which Will Be Discussed in Categories Indicated Re Results of Screening Meetings for June 1994. Partially Deleted ML20057C5721993-09-24024 September 1993 Forwards New Page 20,rev 12 of Security Plan Due to Rev 12 Copy Spillover from Page Nineteen Rev 13 Additions.Page Withheld ML20057B2111993-09-16016 September 1993 Forwards Update to Security Plan,Including Table of Contents,Rev 13 to Pages 18,19,21 & 24 & Chapter 11.Encl Withheld ML20056E4571993-08-0505 August 1993 Forwards Technical Review Rept Re, Tardy Licensee Actions Initiated Because of Delayed Replacement of Batteries in Uninterruptible Power Supplies at Plant IR 05000286/19900161990-10-25025 October 1990 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 90-127/ Enforcement Conference on 901105 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Licensed Reactor Operator Inattentiveness to Duty Noted in Insp Rept 50-286/90-16 ML20059D1341990-08-30030 August 1990 Notification of 900913 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Util Proposal to Upgrade Emergency Diesel Generators at Facility ML20042F1141990-04-0505 April 1990 Informs That Boehlert Requested Item Changed to Request for Dates for New York Power Plants Plus Cintichem Reactor ML20033H0571990-03-27027 March 1990 Discusses Unplanned Radiation Exposures Due to Mishandling of Unidentified Highly Radioactive Sources.Info Notice Needed to Focus More Attention on Subj.Input & Suggestions Requested by 900420 ML20043D9441990-02-28028 February 1990 Submits Summary Rept of ACRS 358th Meeting on 900208-10 Re Rept to Congress on NRC Safety Research Program,Proposed Power Level Increse for Indiain Point Unit 2 & Seismic Margins Evaluation Program for Perry Nuclear Power Plant ML19332F5251989-11-0606 November 1989 Forwards from Clerk of Town of Cortland for Appropriate Handling ML19332F7431989-07-21021 July 1989 Provides Summary of Station Blackout Responses & Staff Review Schedule Per Request.Cursory Check of Licensee Responses to Station Blackout Rule Has Been Performed in Order to Provide Overview of Industry Approach ML19325C1421989-07-0202 July 1989 Forwards Requests Made at ACRS 350th Meeting on 890608-10, Per Agreement That Summary of Actions,Agreements,Assignments & Requests Made During Each Committee Meeting Will Be Sent to Ofc Following Each Meeting ML20244E2681989-04-12012 April 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-015 on 890412.Discussion of Events,List of Attendees & Three Significant Items Identified for Input Into NRC Performance Indicator Program & Summary of Reactor Scrams Also Encl ML20117P9021988-11-21021 November 1988 Forwards Summary of Utils Responses to Generic Ltr 88-02 ML17055E1961988-09-0707 September 1988 Forwards Summary of Current Restrictions Contained in Either Tech Specs or Plant Procedures & Identifies Emergency Action Levels,Per 880902 Request to Review hurricane-related Actions for Plants ML20196C4751988-06-23023 June 1988 Notification of Licensee Requested Meeting 88-097 on 880629 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Security Program Topics ML20151D4271988-03-24024 March 1988 Submits Summary of Actions Discussed at ACRS 335th Meeting on 880310-12 in Washington,Dc,Including ACRS Repts/ Recommendations,Other Actions,Agreements,Assignments & Requests & Future Agenda ML20148D9491988-03-15015 March 1988 Discusses 880315 Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-11. List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Tabulation of long-term Followup Assignments Detailed in Encls ML20147E3621988-02-28028 February 1988 Summary of 880223 Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-008. List of Attendees,Tabulation of long-term Followup Assignments to Be Completed & Summary of Reactor Scrams Encl ML20195H0201988-02-16016 February 1988 Forwards Proposed Updated SALP Evaluation for Plant. Evaluation Based on Insps & Examiner Reviews Conducted During SALP Period Form 860801-870207 ML20195H0081987-12-0101 December 1987 Forwards Input for SALP Rept for Aug 1986 - Nov 1987 ML20147F8761987-10-21021 October 1987 Discusses 871022 Meeting W/Staff to Discuss NRC Position Re Util Steam Generator Replacement Program.Brief Summary of Licensee Position on Why Replacement Can Be Accomplished Under 10CFR50.59 Listed in Encl 1 ML20204G2771987-03-23023 March 1987 Notification of 870326 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Info Required to Support Decommissioning Plan & Need for Environ Statement.Meeting Originally Scheduled for 870324 ML20207R2151987-03-10010 March 1987 Notification of 870324 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Environ Info Required to Support Facility Decommissioning Plan & Need for Environ Statement.Meeting Originally Scheduled for 870310 ML20212F9321987-03-0303 March 1987 Notification of 870310 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Environ Info Required to Support Decommissioning Plan & Need for Environ Statement ML20211K9161987-02-19019 February 1987 Summary of Operating Reactor Events Meeting 87-04 on 870209. List of Attendees,Events Discussed,Significant Elements of Events & Summary of Events Encl ML20209H0831986-12-22022 December 1986 Summarizes INPO 861210 Accreditation Meeting in Atlanta,Ga. Listed Plants Presented Training Programs for Nonlicensed Operators,Reactor Operators,Senior Reactor Operators & Shift Technical Advisors ML20214T3041986-09-17017 September 1986 Notification of Rev 1 to Board Meeting 86-104 on 860923 at Region I to Discuss Regional Evaluation Phase of SALP ML20203N1921986-09-0808 September 1986 Notification of Board Meeting 86-104 W/Util on 860919 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss SALP Regional Evaluation Phase ML20207S2141986-08-0707 August 1986 Forwards Commission Directive to Staff to Respond to Shearon Harris Licensing Board Re Emergency Nighttime Alerting.Staff Should Address Alertability During Stormy Winter in Response to Indian Point Board 860609 & 0710 Ltrs ML20215A5931986-07-30030 July 1986 Forwards Request for Addl Info on Tech Spec Changes in Response to Generic Ltrs 85-09 & 83-28,Item 4.3 Re Reactor Trip Breaker Design Mods.Request Should Be Transmitted,Along W/Generic Ltr 85-09,to Licensee NUREG/CR-2655, Endorses Plant OL Board Position Expressed in to Commission Re Adequacy of FEMA Stds for Judging Nuclear Plant Sirens.Failure to Inform ASLBP Re NUREG/CR-2655 Criticized.Served on 8606101986-06-0909 June 1986 Endorses Plant OL Board Position Expressed in to Commission Re Adequacy of FEMA Stds for Judging Nuclear Plant Sirens.Failure to Inform ASLBP Re NUREG/CR-2655 Criticized.Served on 860610 1998-08-05
MONTHYEARML20196J9371998-12-0808 December 1998 Notification of 990120 Meeting with Util in Peekskill,Ny to Inform Public of Licensee Plans for Decommissioning Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1 ML20236X5861998-08-0505 August 1998 Summary of 980620 Meeting W/Members of W,Util & NRC in Rockville,Md Re best-estimate Small Break LOCA Model Issues. Attendees List & Nonproprietary Matl Presented at Meeting Encl ML20217E7381997-10-0202 October 1997 Forwards Operator Licensing Exam Administered on 970317-20 W/Outline & Initial Exam Submittal Designated for Distribution Under Rids Code A070 IR 05000247/19970021997-10-0202 October 1997 Forwards NRC Operator Licensing Exam Rept 50-247/97-02 (Including Completed & Graded Tests) for Tests Administered on 970317-20 ML20236N0661997-05-0202 May 1997 Responds to from Consolidated Edison Requesting Interpretation of TS as to Definition of Operable as It Applies to Afs Under Certain Scenarios ML20136C1031997-03-0606 March 1997 Forwards Correspondence Transmitted Via Internet to J Zwolinski from P Blanch During 970102-31.Requests Correspondence Be Placed in PDR ML20134N6211997-02-19019 February 1997 Forwards Response to SB Bram to EDO Re Proposed Corporate Reorganization of Consolidated Edison Co of Ny Approved W/Edit by Chairman for Dispatch ML20134N6371997-01-14014 January 1997 Requests Concurrence Re Proposed Response to SB Bram to EDO Concerning Proposed Corporate Reorganization of Consolidated Edison Co of Ny by Close of Business on 970117 ML20129K2561996-11-0505 November 1996 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 96-109 W/Listed Attendees on 961202-03 in Philadelphia,Pa to Provide Training,Resolve Interagency Exercise Scheduling Conflicts & Discuss Current Issues in Emergency Preparedness ML20211E9921995-11-0808 November 1995 Informs of Plan to Augment Plant,Unit 3 Resident Staff & Provide around-the-clock Insp Coverage During Plant Restart from Current Unplanned Outage.Primary Objectives of Insp Listed ML17059A9521995-09-27027 September 1995 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Utils on 951102 to Discuss power-operated Valve Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding Issues W/Region I Licensees W/Special Emphasis on Listed Issues ML20211D9061995-08-14014 August 1995 Forwards Final Rev to Plant,Unit 3 Restart Action Plan Based Upon Completion of Insp Activities & Util Oversight ML20203B9821995-06-29029 June 1995 Discusses OI Repts 1-95-011,1-95-012 & 5-93-014 Re Fitness for Duty Incident,Falsification of Chemistry Records Involving EDG Fuel Oil & Falsification of Fire Protection Records ML1004915011995-03-20020 March 1995 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 95-28 W/Util on 950403 Re NRC Restart Assessment Team Insp & NYPA Presentation of Startup Readiness Evaluation ML20211F0441994-12-21021 December 1994 Requests That Plant,Unit 3 Restart Action Plan Be Replaced W/Encl Rev to Plan ML20236L5841994-11-0909 November 1994 Submits Interpretation of TS Requirement Re Fire Protection for Indian Point Unit 2 Per 940719 Memo ML17263A8021994-10-0505 October 1994 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 94-119 W/Utils on 941026 to Discuss MOV Issues W/Special Emphasis Being Placed on Principal Technical Issues,Expectations for Completion of Programs & Process for Closure of GL 89-10 ML20211E9541994-05-12012 May 1994 Requests Approval of Process by Which Plant,Unit 3 Restart Issues,As Listed in Restart Action Plan,Will Be Closed. Restart Issue Closure Process Outlined in Encl to Memo ML20134B5061994-04-13013 April 1994 Submits Plants Which Will Be Discussed in Categories Indicated Re Results of Screening Meetings for June 1994. Partially Deleted ML20057C5721993-09-24024 September 1993 Forwards New Page 20,rev 12 of Security Plan Due to Rev 12 Copy Spillover from Page Nineteen Rev 13 Additions.Page Withheld ML20057B2111993-09-16016 September 1993 Forwards Update to Security Plan,Including Table of Contents,Rev 13 to Pages 18,19,21 & 24 & Chapter 11.Encl Withheld ML20056E4571993-08-0505 August 1993 Forwards Technical Review Rept Re, Tardy Licensee Actions Initiated Because of Delayed Replacement of Batteries in Uninterruptible Power Supplies at Plant IR 05000286/19900161990-10-25025 October 1990 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 90-127/ Enforcement Conference on 901105 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Licensed Reactor Operator Inattentiveness to Duty Noted in Insp Rept 50-286/90-16 ML20059D1341990-08-30030 August 1990 Notification of 900913 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Util Proposal to Upgrade Emergency Diesel Generators at Facility ML20042F1141990-04-0505 April 1990 Informs That Boehlert Requested Item Changed to Request for Dates for New York Power Plants Plus Cintichem Reactor ML20033H0571990-03-27027 March 1990 Discusses Unplanned Radiation Exposures Due to Mishandling of Unidentified Highly Radioactive Sources.Info Notice Needed to Focus More Attention on Subj.Input & Suggestions Requested by 900420 ML20043D9441990-02-28028 February 1990 Submits Summary Rept of ACRS 358th Meeting on 900208-10 Re Rept to Congress on NRC Safety Research Program,Proposed Power Level Increse for Indiain Point Unit 2 & Seismic Margins Evaluation Program for Perry Nuclear Power Plant ML19332F5251989-11-0606 November 1989 Forwards from Clerk of Town of Cortland for Appropriate Handling ML19332F7431989-07-21021 July 1989 Provides Summary of Station Blackout Responses & Staff Review Schedule Per Request.Cursory Check of Licensee Responses to Station Blackout Rule Has Been Performed in Order to Provide Overview of Industry Approach ML19325C1421989-07-0202 July 1989 Forwards Requests Made at ACRS 350th Meeting on 890608-10, Per Agreement That Summary of Actions,Agreements,Assignments & Requests Made During Each Committee Meeting Will Be Sent to Ofc Following Each Meeting ML20244E2681989-04-12012 April 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-015 on 890412.Discussion of Events,List of Attendees & Three Significant Items Identified for Input Into NRC Performance Indicator Program & Summary of Reactor Scrams Also Encl ML20117P9021988-11-21021 November 1988 Forwards Summary of Utils Responses to Generic Ltr 88-02 ML17055E1961988-09-0707 September 1988 Forwards Summary of Current Restrictions Contained in Either Tech Specs or Plant Procedures & Identifies Emergency Action Levels,Per 880902 Request to Review hurricane-related Actions for Plants ML20196C4751988-06-23023 June 1988 Notification of Licensee Requested Meeting 88-097 on 880629 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Security Program Topics ML20151D4271988-03-24024 March 1988 Submits Summary of Actions Discussed at ACRS 335th Meeting on 880310-12 in Washington,Dc,Including ACRS Repts/ Recommendations,Other Actions,Agreements,Assignments & Requests & Future Agenda ML20148D9491988-03-15015 March 1988 Discusses 880315 Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-11. List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Tabulation of long-term Followup Assignments Detailed in Encls ML20147E3621988-02-28028 February 1988 Summary of 880223 Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-008. List of Attendees,Tabulation of long-term Followup Assignments to Be Completed & Summary of Reactor Scrams Encl ML20195H0201988-02-16016 February 1988 Forwards Proposed Updated SALP Evaluation for Plant. Evaluation Based on Insps & Examiner Reviews Conducted During SALP Period Form 860801-870207 ML20195H0081987-12-0101 December 1987 Forwards Input for SALP Rept for Aug 1986 - Nov 1987 ML20147F8761987-10-21021 October 1987 Discusses 871022 Meeting W/Staff to Discuss NRC Position Re Util Steam Generator Replacement Program.Brief Summary of Licensee Position on Why Replacement Can Be Accomplished Under 10CFR50.59 Listed in Encl 1 ML20204G2771987-03-23023 March 1987 Notification of 870326 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Info Required to Support Decommissioning Plan & Need for Environ Statement.Meeting Originally Scheduled for 870324 ML20207R2151987-03-10010 March 1987 Notification of 870324 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Environ Info Required to Support Facility Decommissioning Plan & Need for Environ Statement.Meeting Originally Scheduled for 870310 ML20212F9321987-03-0303 March 1987 Notification of 870310 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Environ Info Required to Support Decommissioning Plan & Need for Environ Statement ML20211K9161987-02-19019 February 1987 Summary of Operating Reactor Events Meeting 87-04 on 870209. List of Attendees,Events Discussed,Significant Elements of Events & Summary of Events Encl ML20209H0831986-12-22022 December 1986 Summarizes INPO 861210 Accreditation Meeting in Atlanta,Ga. Listed Plants Presented Training Programs for Nonlicensed Operators,Reactor Operators,Senior Reactor Operators & Shift Technical Advisors ML20214T3041986-09-17017 September 1986 Notification of Rev 1 to Board Meeting 86-104 on 860923 at Region I to Discuss Regional Evaluation Phase of SALP ML20203N1921986-09-0808 September 1986 Notification of Board Meeting 86-104 W/Util on 860919 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss SALP Regional Evaluation Phase ML20207S2141986-08-0707 August 1986 Forwards Commission Directive to Staff to Respond to Shearon Harris Licensing Board Re Emergency Nighttime Alerting.Staff Should Address Alertability During Stormy Winter in Response to Indian Point Board 860609 & 0710 Ltrs ML20207Q7071986-08-0707 August 1986 Staff Requirements Memo Requesting Provision of point-by- Point Response of Generic Safety Concerns Outlined in ASLB .Response to 860609 & 0710 Requests Re Adequacy of Alert Sys During Stormy Winter Nights Also Requested ML20215A5931986-07-30030 July 1986 Forwards Request for Addl Info on Tech Spec Changes in Response to Generic Ltrs 85-09 & 83-28,Item 4.3 Re Reactor Trip Breaker Design Mods.Request Should Be Transmitted,Along W/Generic Ltr 85-09,to Licensee 1998-08-05
[Table view] |
.J A,
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March 3, 1987
. DocketjNo. 50-03 F
MEMORANDUM FOR: Herbert N. Berkow,' Director Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B THRU:
- 0. D. T. Lynch, Jr., Section Leader Standardization & Decomissioning Section Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B FROM:
Peter B. Erickson, Project Manager Standardization & Decomissioning Section Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B
To discuss et.vironmental infonnation required to support the Indian Point, Unit 1,Decomissioning Plan and the need for an Environmental Statement.
Time &
March 10, 1987 Date:
10:00 am Location:
Maryland National-Bank Building 7735 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda, Maryland Room 9609 Requested NRC CONSOLIDATED EDISON
C Erickson B. L. Brandenburg
- 0. D. T.-Lynch R. P. Remshaw H. N. Berkow J. Scinto J. E. Moore
feterB.[rcYson,# Project Manager 16 870303 Standardization & Decomissioning
%$30$0ccK05000gj3 Section y
Standardization & Special r
Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B cc:- See next page n
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/J/87 03/$/87 03
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[pa 9%#'o, UNITED STATES f * r
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March 3, 198/
-['cclet No. 50-03 MEMORANGW FOR: Herbert N. Berkov, Director Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B THPU:
- 0. D. T. Lynch, Jr., Section Leader Standardization & Decommissioning Section Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Divisier of PWR Licensing-B FROM:
Peter B. Erickson, Project Manager Standardization & Decommissioning Section Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B
To discuss environmental information required to support the Indian Point, Unit 1,Deconnissioning Plan and the need for an Environmental Statement.
Time &
March 10, 1987 Date.
10:00 am Location:
Maryland National Bank Building 7735 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda, Maryland Room 9609 Requested NRC CONSOLIDATED EDIS0N
C Erickson B. L. Brandenburg
- 0. D. T. Lynch R. P. Remshaw H. N. Berkow J. Scinto J. E. Moore Peter B. Erickson, Project Manager Standardization & Decommissioning Section Standardization & Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B cc: See next page
Mr. Murray.Selman Indian Point Nuclear Generating Consolidated Edison Company Station 1/2 of New York, Inc.
Mayor, Village of Buchanan Director, Technical Development 236 Tate Avenue.
Programs Buchanan, New York 10511 State of New York Energy Office Agency Building 2 Empire State Plaza Mr. Jay Dunkleberger Office of Policy Analysis Albany, New York 12223 and Planning York State Energy Office Mr. Peter Kokolakis, Director Building 2, Empire State Plaza Nuclear Licensing Albany, New York 12223 New York Power Authority 123 Main Street Robert L. Spring White Plains, New York 10601 Manager of Regulatory Affairs Consolidated Edison Company of New York Inc.
Mr. Walter Stein Broadway and Bleakley Avenue Secretary - NFSC New York, New York 10511 Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
Senior Resident Inspector 4 Irving Place - 1822 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission New York, New York 10003 Post Office Box 38 Buchanan, New York 10511 Ezra I. Bialik Assistant Attorney General Environmental Protection Bureau Brent L. Brandenburg New York State Department of Law Assistant General Counsel 2 World Trade Center Consolidated Edison Company New York, New York 10047 of New York, Inc.
4 Irving Place - 1822 New York, New York 10003 Regional Administrator, Region I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Carl R. D'Alvia, Esquire Attorney for the Village of Buchanan, New York 395 South Riverside Avenue Croton-on-Hudson, New York 10520
f March-3,>1987
- j, -
,y w
Local PDR, PBSS Reading ORAS HDenton/RVollmer DCrutchfield ERossi Glainas OGC-Beth Edordan BGrimes JPartlow Receptionist, Phillips Building NRC Participants ACRS (10)
PNoonan PErickson Olynch HBerkow 4