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Partially Withheld Memo Forwarding Ofc of Inspector & Auditor Rept of Inquiry Entitled, Anonymous Allegation Re Proposed Enforcement Action - Grand Gulf Nuclear Station. Allegation Raised in Ltr Unsubstantiated
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/15/1985
From: Connelly S
To: Asselstine, Palladino, Roberts
Shared Package
ML20212B780 List:
FOIA-85-187 NUDOCS 8703030683
Download: ML20212B991 (2)


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wasmotou.o e rosss January 15, 1985 MEMORANDUP FOR: Chairman Palladino '

Corrissioner Roberts Comissioner Asselstine Comissioner Bernthal Comissioner Zech -

FROM: Sharon R. Ccnnelly, D,irector Office cf Inspector and Auditor


ANONYMOUS Alt.EGATION REGARDING PROPOSE 0 ENFORCEMENT ACTION - GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION Attached is the Office of Inspector and Auditor (OIA) Peport of Inquiry entitled "Anonymcus Allegation Regarding Proposed Enforcement Action -

Grand Gulf Nuclear Station." The inouiry focused on an allocatien contained in an anonymous letter dated November 13, 1964, to Chairman halladino. More specifically, the letter described the proposed enforcernent action, which is addressed in SECY B4 419, as "...the most flagrant violation of ethics in government I have ever seen."

The anonyrous letter also contained an allega-tion that the proposed civil penalty "was carefully planned to cover up the disgraceful performance of NRR (Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation) where the real blame lies." ,.

Our inauiry disclosed that by letter dated March 13, 1984, from Congress-man Markey to Chatrrt,an Palladinc, Congressnan Markey asked if the Comission considered that, "the erroneous technical specifications and surveillance procedures subnitted by HPat for Grard Gulf constitute either a material false statement or a false statement of fact." As a result of Congressman Markey's renuest, NRR staff addressed the issue raised by him. Furthermore, in a July 17, 1984, memorandun from Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director, Division of 1.icensing, NRR, to, Jane A. Axelrad, Director Enforcement Staff, Office of Inspection and Enforcement (IE), it was noted that "it appears that this situation constitutes grounds for a findirg that a material false statement was made by the licensee."

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2 issue be pursued for possib1 enhut recomended in the memorandum that the enforcenent action. Based on the Eisenhut N

') memorandum IE conducted,4. reliminary review of the errors in the technical s

accificat ons for Grand Gu f Nuclear Station. This effort was documented in l

bh SECY 84 305 as preliminary enforcement views on this matter and culmiaated in nyha SECY 84-419 as a proposed enforcenent action, g@M o- The O!A inquiry also disclosed there was much discussion among NRC staff concernin the issue of whether the applicant / licensee or NRC staff was 9x5 responsib e for, errors in the technical specifications for Grand Gulf Nuclear

$2h Station. Based learned that th ondiscussions inforrution provided by NRC staff during the inquiry, we reached the Icvel where the ations ^ Q kfum> Con in Sis. record was ddeled e'

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. . . l j expresse Furtherrore, differing opinions were staf f as to who bears accuracy of the technical specifications. While the responsibility for ersuring the there were various discussions and differing opinions on this issue, the inquiry disclosed no ainformation which substa.itiated the allegation that the enforcement action was

" Cover up." I b

l!e did note that the staff interviewed by O!A indicat NRC's licensing or +aa ni *a en s was Because of these deficiencies, a

evidenced in the u ear Statier technical l ,

specifications, NRR management has recently increased the staff resources for

' technical specification reviews, and has irplemented a direct management oversight and accountability program for the technical specifications '

licensing review process.
As described in our FY 1985 audit plan, OIA lans to i

i Our inquiry found nothing to substantiate the allegation raised in the anerymous letter to the Chaiman, and we see no reason to pursue this matter further. If you desire additional work in this area, please let me know.

! Attachment

  • As Stated l

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