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Proposed marked-up Tech Specs Re Deletion of Paragraph 20, Page 8, Standby Svc Water Sys (Section 9.2.1 Ser,Sser 2)
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/08/1987
Shared Package
ML20206E032 List:
TAC-65156, NUDOCS 8704130503
Download: ML20206E066 (1)


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CLCR- NLA - Tr7/o I 8 1 (19) IE Information Notice 79-22, Qualification of Control System  !

(Section 7.8.C. SER, 55ER #2)

Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, SERI shall complete any design changes found necessary as a result of this review.

(20)StandbyServiceWaterSystem(Section9.2.1SER,SSER#2) u-(c.e". 2 4. . s...i


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pri ' EEc5mpletion 5'f m5dIfic5tions'tb eith'er io5p'A E'r'lEEp'B of the s by service water (SSW) system and verification the design flow c e achieved to all essential SSW systc~ ponents in the modified lo However, should a core off1 ino be necessary prior to comp on of these modif r ions (scheduled for the first refueling outage), ' adiate a may be placed in the spent fuel pool when the RHR syst erating in the spent fuel pool cooling mode is availab Until SSW loops are modified, the spent fuel pool coo in an unmodifie shall be isolated from the loop by 1 closed valves or the loop 11 be declared I inoperable. position of these valves shall be ver d every 31 days the design flowrate for the SSW loop is demon ted.

The veillance to be performed is to verify that any unmodifie

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(21) Spent Fuel Pool Ventilation System (Section 9.4.2, SER, SSER #2)

If spent irradiated fuel is placed in the spent fuel pool prior to installation and operability of the safety related backup fuel pool cooling pump room coolers, the plant shall be placed in shutdown condition and remain shutdown with the RHR system dedicated to the fuel pool cooling mode.

(22) Remote Shutdown Panel (Section, SER, SSER #2) ,

Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, SERI shall install electrical isolation switches between the control room 1 and the Division I remote shutdown panel.

(23) Fire Protection Proaram (Section 9.5.9, SER)

SERI shall maintain in effect and fully implement all provisions of the approved Fire Protection Plan. In addition, SERI shall  ;

maintain the fire protection program to meet the intent of Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50, except that an oil collection system for the reactor coolant pump is not required.

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Amendment No* l 8704130503 870408 -

PDR ADOCK 05000416 PDR l

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