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Affidavit of JW Yelverton Supporting Proposed License Transfer & Conforming Amends.Util Requests That Designated Documents Be Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790 (a)(4) & 10CFR9.17(a)(4)
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 04/23/1999
From: Yelverton J
Shared Package
ML20205R993 List:
LT, NUDOCS 9904260046
Download: ML20205S003 (4)



'5ENT BY:5HAK PITTMAN 4-23-9S 2:41PM SHAP PITTVAN-6114:0ll4:15104:1001;: 3 -

t, i

Boston Edison Company Isocket 50-293 Entergy Nuclear Generation Company I,icense No. DPR 35 AFFIDAVIT I, Jerry W. Yelverton, President and Chief Execuuve Officer of Entergy Nuclear Generauon Company (Entergy Nuclear), do hereby atfirm and state:


Entergy Nuclear is providing mformation m support of the proposed hcense transfer and conforming amendments (Pilgnm Docket 50 293). The documents bemg provided m Attachment A to the letter dated Apnl 15,1998 (Jay Silberg, Shaw, Pittman, Potts &

Trowbndge to US Nuclear Regulatory Commission) contain financial infornunon related to En*crgy Intemational Ltd. I LC. The financial mformation for 1998 is not available for public disclosure a3 of the date of the subrmttal. Therefore, these documents constitute propnetary financial information that should be held in confidence by the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR 9.17(a)(4) and the policy reflected m 10 CFR 2.790, because; This mformation is and has been held in confidence by Entergy.


This informauon is of a type that is held in confidence by Entergy, and there is a rational n.

basis for domg so because the mformation contams sensitive financial infonnation conceming Entergy International Ltd. LLC.

in. This mtormation is being transmitted to the NRC in confidence.

iv. This information is not available in public sources and could not be gathered readdy from other pubhcly available mformatton.

Public disclosure may be adverse to Entergy Intemational Ltd. LLC.



Accordingly, Entergy Nuclear requests that the designated documents be withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790(a)(4) and to CFR 9.17(a)(4).


!O '

Je W. Ye erton State of Mississippi) llinds County


Then personally appeared before me, Jerry W. Yelverton, who being duly swom, did state he n Pre.sident and Chief Operatmg Otticer of Entergy Nuclear Generation Company and that he is duly authorized to execute and file this affidavit in the name and on behalf of Entergy Nuclear Generation Company and that the statements are true to the best of this knowledge and belief.


  • e me Dunn af W M Lmgp W^

- - Empree:Ane v7, som tasmen tusuu peressHeutasem, esa.

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A My L,ommission Expires:

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(Notar#Pubhe) 9904260046 990421 PDR ADOCK 05000293 0



of the intartet assocasted with the prsformd secunties. Management's swaps outriandaag at December 31, 1997, approsomately 32.0 million.

based on quoted interest and currency ratas, is a not asset of profstred secunties are redsomable at the option of Entergy Lo their principal amount, or earher under cartain tunited cittumstaneca, including the 19, 2002, at 100% of Capita! and has agreed to maintais ownenhip of 1% of Entergy a

e ucnon NOTE 9.


% )angaerm debt of the Company at December 31,1997 is summarised as follows i

i 8% Eurobceds repopble MarcJi 28,2003

$ 162,964 8 $/8% Eurobonds repayable October 26,2005 162,976 Loan noens due March 31,2003 (a) 33,814 Revolving beak Debt facility Facility A 1,332,774 Fact'ity B 111,000 Other 715.330 Othat bank debt 21,906 Total 2,546,764 IAes current maturities 33,814 Long-term debt, not ofcunent inaturitica g

Fair Value ofLong Terrn Debt (b)

$2.398,597 (a) Loan notes are included as current maturmes oflong term debt based on the option of such noans on Mareb 31 c(cash year until their 6and matunty on March 31, 2003.

(b) The fait value ascludes other lang esrum debt and includes debt due within one y prieus reposted by denier markets and by imemauenally recogmand invcatmane banking fir b annuallong term debt tasaurines far debt outstandes at December 31,1997, for areas foGows:

1998 3

33,814 1999 2000 713,330 2001 2002 1.332,774 Page 16


. SENT BY:SHAK PITTMAN 4-23-99. 2:42PM SHAW PITTMAN-0114:0114:13101:1001:= 3 t ENTERGY INTERNATIONAL LTD LLC NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. (C anse from the movemess in interest rates If the counterparues to an interest rate sw on contractual payments, the subsuliary could be exposed to mernaamd costs re agreernant l' in effset as of Deesmber 31,1997.aei, CitiPower does not anticipate nonperformance b As of December 31,1997, CitnPower was a party to intere t a notional amount of 900 million Australian dollars ($585.3 mdllon) with matu s rate swaps having 1999 to December 2000, which e5setively fixed the rate of intersst on the CitiPow radlion) and a memrity date of C.~,,ks 2009CitiPower is also a party to a represents the estunated amount CitiPower would pay to terminate the swa quotad interest rates, is a net liability of $28 million.

31, 1997, based on NOTE 10.

COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES CA) R-rs and F1-mina Construction expendatures for London Electricity fbr the years 1998,1999, and 200 the period 1998 2000 to mest long term debt mamrines p.imardy with internally generated funds and caab on hand, supplemented by the is oblignaed mandatority redeemabic preihered securmes, and the use ofoutstanding credit &calities)

Construction expenditures for CitiPower for the wars 1998,1999, and 2000 are estana mdhon,347 million, and $34 million, respeedvely. CitiPower will also require 5715 m 1998 2000 to meet lontMerm debt maturities. CitiPower plans to meet the above req inearnally gamrated funds and cash on hand, supplemented by the issuance of debt credit fbeilities.

W Au m'Pawar FC _

London Electricny uses consrects ibt differeness (CFDs) and power purchase contracts wi generssors to as abe price ofelectricity for a contracted quantity over a speci6c pened of time. As o 31,1997, London Electricity bed outstandas CFDs and power pgd.eee contracts fbr appronunat GWH of elecencity. 'thsee include a long totta power purchase contreet with an afBlima, which of the affiliate's capacity 6 tun its 1000 MW facihty tarough the year 2010. Ienden Elecencity were ;; ----t "y 18,000 GWH la the year ended 1997. h8n m's asumnae of the fhir value of Leedon Electricity's CFDs cantandes at December 31,1997 is that thir value appro umates contract value.

CitiPower amst beden a least 80% of its energy purchasesIn accordnam apprimumately 100% ofits ihresasend energy purchases through energy trades swa goesrunts. As Deesmber 31,1997 CitiPower had outsemuhag mergy trading swaps totalir,g s nanomal am

' 5,372 MW of everage daily land of ciectncity. Thsee contracts matuse through the year 2000.

4 estamase of the fair value of such swaps outstandmg at December 31,1997 is a not liability of a million.

Page II

b.sENTcy:silAwPITTNAN 4-23-33 2:42PY SilAR FITTVAN-0114:0114=13104:1001 = 6 '-

00CKETED Boston Edison Ocmpany USMPC Cocket No 50/293 Entergy Nuc' ear Generation Company Licensee N

}.35 99 APR 23 CC' O\\

Mr Alan B Wang, Project Manager Mr Hubert J. Milh N.

Project Directorate 13 Region i Admin $tth6r O# ice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop OWFN 14820 Region i 1 White Fknt North 475 Allendale Road 11555 RockviHe Pike rGng of Prussia. PA 19406 Rockville, MD 20852


(10 copies)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Senior Resident inspector Attention: Document Control Desk Pilgnm Nuclear Power Station Washington. DC 20555 0001 Secretary U S. NucJear Regulatory Commission General Counsel Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Rulemaking and Adjudications Staff Washington, DC 2055561 (fax; 301-4151101)

(fax. 301-415-3725)

John M. Futton. Esq.

Asst. General Counsel Boston Edison Co.

800 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02199-8003 (fax: 617 414-2733)

Douglas Levanway, esq.

(counsel for Entergy)

Wise, Carter, Childs and Caraway PO Box 651 Jackson, Mississippi 39205-0651 (fax: 601 966 5519)

Mr. Robert Hallisey Mr. Peter LaPorte Director Radiation Control Program Mass. Energy Management Agency Center for Communicab6e Diseases 400 Worcester Road Mass Dept. of Public Health P O. Box 1496 305 South Street Framingham, MA 01701 0313 Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 m