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Issues Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9079 for Model HN-100 to Allow Addl Contents in Packaging for Two one-time Shipments.Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109079
Issue date: 07/24/1986
From: Macdonald C
To: Rowe B
NUDOCS 8608010209
Download: ML20203G512 (2)


JIA079 Distribution: w/ encl Docket File NRC PDR IE HQ RETl!@ U FCTC: RHO e aarden (2)

L MaM 71-9079 GJackson 390-SS JUL 2 4 g Approval Record File NMSS R/F FCTC R/F Westinghouse Hittman Huclear Incorporated ATTN: Mr. Bruce S. Rowe 9151 Rumsey Road Colusbia, MD 21045 Gentlemen:

As requested by Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Incorporated application dated April 14, 1986, as supplemented June 30, 1986, and pursuant to 10 CFR Part 71, Certificate of Compliance No. 9079 for the Model No.

HN-100 Series 2 package, As amended to authorize the additional contents contained in liner Hos.19 and 23 in accordance with Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Incorporated letter dated April 14, 1986, as supplemented June 30, 1986. All other conditions of Certificate of Compliance No. 9079 shall remain the same.

This authorization shall expire September 30, 1986 FOR THE U.S. HUCLEAR REGULATORY C0f14ISSION Original Signed by OHtJLES E. uArmaAm Charles E. MacDonald, Chief.

Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety,t#4SS


Approval Record cc w/ enc 1:

lir. M. Wangler Department of Energy GPU Nuclear Corporation ATTH: Mr. Ray E. Hahn P.O. Box 480 Middletown, PA 17057 8608010209 860724 PDR ADOCK 0710 9


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NRC FORM 318 (10-80) N RCM 0240

Transportation Certification Branch Anroval Record Model No.

H-100 series 2 Packaoe Docket No. 71-9079 (REVISED)

By application dated April 14, 1986, as supplemented June 30, 1986, Westinghouse Hittman Huclear Incorporated requested a change to the authorized contents of Certificate of Compliance No. 9079 to allow additional contents in the packaging for two, one-time shipments.

During the solidification canpaign and in preparation of the radioactive shipment records, it was discovered that liner Nos.19 and 23 (HN-100 sized liners) had been solidified containing greater than LSA concentrations of Sr-90 and exceeds the cumulative LSA concentration limits for mixtures of radionuclides. The quantity of Sr-90 in both liners is greater than A2. Specific details on each liner are listed below.


  1. 19
  1. 23 Specific Activity of Sr-90 0.027 0.019 (milli ci/gs) in liner LSA limit (milli ci/gm from 0.005 0.005 10 CFR Part 71.4 Since the solidified waste package is greater than LSA concentrations and greater than an A2 quantity, a Type B package would be required. A Type B package for these liners does not exist.

Both Westinghouse liittman Nuclear Incorporated and GPU Nuclear Corporation are expected to take steps to preclude radioactive material levels in excess of current 10 CFR Part 71 limits.

l In view of the alternative to repackage the solidified waste and the limited dispersibility of the waste as solidified, the two shipments are l

exempted from Type B packaging of 10 CFR Part 71 in accordance with the statements and conditions of Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Incorporated letter dated April 14, 1986, as supplemented June 30, 1986 It is concluded that the exemption for these limited shiprents will not endanger life or property.

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l Charles E. MacDonald, Chief l

Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and R2 4 5 Material-5afety;-MMSS l.un,um>



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