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Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Util 860611 Response to IE Bulletin 85-003, Motor-Operated Valve Common Mode Failures During Plant Transients Due to Improper Switch Settings. Info Requested for Completion of Review
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 02/19/1988
From: Berlinger C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Kane W
Shared Package
ML20148C542 List:
IEB-85-003, IEB-85-3, NUDOCS 8802260042
Download: ML20149M430 (4)



. [#ccrooq#o UNITED STATES




a WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

%,.....o FEB 191988 MEMORANDUM FOR: 'llihi$$'F"Kanef Director Division of Reactor Projects Region I FROM:

Carl H. Berlinger, Chief Generic Comunications Branch Division of Operational Events Assessment Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING HADDAM NECX RESPONSE TO IEB 85-03 Northeast Utilities' letter of June 11, 1986, pertaining to Haddam Neck, contained their response to IEB 85-03, "Motor-0perated Yalve Comon Mode f

Failures During Plant Transients Due to Improper Switch Settings." The review l

of the responses indicates the need for additional information before the program to assure valve operability can be approved.

The specific information necessary for the completion of our review is enclosed.

Therefore, in accordance with Section 04.01 of IE Manual Temporary Instruction 2515/73, "Inspection Requirements for IE Bulletin 85-03, ' Motor-0perated Yalve Common Mode Failures During Plant Transients Due to Improper Switch Settings',"

it is requested that you inform the licensee of this need for additional information and also request that they submit the additional information within one month of the date of your letter to them.

Finally, it is requested that Richard J. Kiessel, of my staff, and the appro-priate NRR project manager be provided a copy of your letter transmitting the subject regt.est for additional information to the licensee, f


Carl H. Berling Chief Generic Communications Branch Division of Operational Events Assessment Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


RAI for Haddam Neck CONTACT: Richard J. Xiessel, NRR 492-1154

^N 9 8 0 M (e; o b y V W


Review of Responses to Action Item e of IE Bulletin 85-03 Licensee:

Unit (s): Haddam Neck Northeast Utilities Date of Response: 06-11-86 The Connecticut Light and Power Co.

P. O. Box 270 Respondent:

Hartford, Connecticut 06141-0270 J. F. Opeka, Senior Vice President The information provided in your response to Action Item e of IE Bulletin 85-03 was found to be deficient in some areas.

Provide the additional information necessary to resolve the following comments and questions:

1. Has water hammer due to valve closure been considered in the determination of pressure differentials?

If not, explain.

2.' Unlisted MOV SI-MOV-24 is shown locked open in Zone G-3 of Drawing 16103-26010 Revision 25, in the suction line from the RWST to the centrifugal charging pumps and to the HPSI pumps.

Is power removed from the motor in addition to the locked open position of this MOV?

If so, state this in your response.

Otherwise.. address the effect of assuming inadvertent equipment operations as required by Action Item a of the bulletin, and revise Attachment 1 of the response of 06-11-86 to include this valve.

3. Revise Attachment 1 of the response dated 06-11-86 to include the following MOVs, or justify their exclusion.

As required by Action Item a of the bulletin, assume inadvertent equipment L


(a) Valve FW-MOV-344 (2-inch) is shown normally closed in Zone G-4 of Drawing 16013-26018 Sheet 4 Revision 3.

It is in parallel with normally closed air-operated Valve FW-FCV-295 (3-inch).

These valves control flow from the charging pumps to the 2 inch header for lines leading to cold leg loops 1 through 4.

How would opening of this MOV from the normally closed position be ensured?

(b) Valves FH-MOV-578, -535, -522 and -508 (1 1/2-inch) are shown normally open on Drawing 16103-26007 Sheet 1 Revision 7.

They are located in lines leading from the header mentioned in Item 3(a) above to cold leg loops 1 through 4 How would discharge to the cold legs be ensured if these l

MOVs were to be left closed inadvertently?

4 4--

FEB 191988 Page 2 of 2 RAI for Haddam Neck

4. Present further explanation of the fix described for FW-MOV-35 in Attachment 1 of the response of 06-11-86.

First, correct the following. discrepancy in valve alignment.

This valve is called normally closed in the response, but it is shown normally open on Drawing 16103-26013 Sheet 1 Revision 40.

Second, verify that the time delay-caused by either shutting down the AFW pu'mps or shutting the manual valves, before operating this valve does not exceed the time limits assumed in

-the design analyses.

This MOV is in a line leading from the turbine-driven AFW pumps to all four steam generators.

5. The proposed program for action items b, c and d of the

-bulletin is incomplete.

Provide the following details as a minimum:

(a) commitment to a training program for setting switches and maintaining valve operators, (b) commitment to justify continued operation of a valve determined to be inoperable, I

(c) description of a method needed to extrapolate valve stem thrust determined by testing at less than maximum differential pressure, (d) justification of a possible alternative to testing at maximum differential pressure at the plant, and (e) consideration of applicable industry recommendations in the preparation of procedures to ensure maintenance of correct switch settings.





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