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Annual Operating Rept for 1987
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1987
From: Gucwa L
SL-4184, NUDOCS 8803070186
Download: ML20147E921 (53)



~ Ge6rgia'Powerd ENCLOSURE (Continued)


ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 INTRODUCTION Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant is a two unit facility located approximately 11 miles north of Baxley, Georgia on U. S. Highway 1. The plant consists of two. Light Water Reactors licensed to operate at 2436 MH Thermal power each.

Electrical Maximum Dependable Capacities for 1987 were 750 MH for Unit 1 and 761 for Unit 2. General Electric Company furnished the Boiling Hater Reactor Nuclear Steam Supply System and the Turbine Generator. The plant was designed by Southern Company Services, Inc. with assistance provided by Bechtel Power Corporation. The condenser cooling method employs forced draft cooling towers and circulating water systems with normal makeup drawn from the Altamaha River.

The plant is a co-owned facility with ownership delegated as follows:

Georgia Power Company 50.1%

Municipal Electrical Authority of Georgia 17.7%

City of Dalton, Georgia 2.2%

Oglethorpe Electric Membership Corporation 30.0%

Licensing information for the units is as follows:

Unit 1 Unit 2 Docket Number 50-321 50-366 License issued 08/06/74 06/13/78 (DPR-57) (NPF-5)

Initial criticality 09/12/74 07/04/78 Initial synchronization 11/11/74 09/22/78 Commercial operation 12/31/75 09/05/79 Georgia Power Company has sole responsibility for overall planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance and disposal of the plant.

8803070186 871231 DR ADUCK 0500 1 h%

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t GeorgiaPowerA ENCLOSURE (Continued)

' ANNUAL' OPERATING REPORT-FOR 1987 SRV Challenges for 1987 UNIT 1 DAIE VALVES ACTUATED 1/1/87 1821-F013A, B C, D, E, F, G, H,-J, K, L 1/15/87 1821-F013A, B, C, D, E,F,G,H.J,K,L UNIT 2 Dale VALVES ACTUATED 1/26/87 2821-F013A, B, C, D, F,G,H K,L,M i

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Pursuant to 10CFR50.59, the following is a brief description of changes to Safety Related systems and components, tests performed, and a summary of- the safety evaluation of each for 1987. This summary addresses the three criteria used to determine if a proposed change of test involves an unreviewed safety question, i.e.-

1. If the probabil .ty of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or mal functic:. of equipment important to safety previously l evaluated in the FSAR may be increased.
2. If a possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type I than any evaluated previously in the FSAR may be created.
3. If the margin of safety as defined in the bases for any Technical Specification is reduced.

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. Georgia Power A ENCLOSURE (Continued)

ANNUAL OPERATIN'i REPORT FOR 1987 DESIGN CHANGE REQUESTS78-254 Reinstate the valve position of. the valves located in the CRD Hydraulic System which were affected by DCR 78-082.

1. The valve line up is being changed back to the configuration that existed prior to DCR 78-082.
2. There are no new modes of failure introduced as a result of this design change.
3. There are not any safety limits affected by this change.78-256 Provide more reliable timers to be used for load shedding and sequencing during a LOCA or LOSP emergency.
1. The principles of the -load shedding and sequencinp during a LOCA or LOSP emergency remains unchanged.
2. There are no new modes of failure introduced as a result of this design change.
3. There are not any safety limits affected by this change.79-242 Provide a means by which the operator can bypass the bridge drive Rev. I brake to allow the platform to coast to a stop without compromising safety. Operator control will prevent unnecessary wear of the bridge drive.
1. The use of a spring return brake bypass switch located on top of the control lever will prevent unexpected and unnecessary application of the brake at speed while allowing use of the brake when needed.
2. The possibility of an accident or malfunction of a different type than analyzed in the FSAR does not result from this change.
3. The margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications is not reduced due to this change.

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ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 79-299 Provide additional protection and . separation for divisionalized circuits in cable trays in the Cable Spread'.1g Room and other areas of the Reactor. and Control Buildings which could be vulnerable in an exposure fire.

1. This will actually reduce the existing modes of failure since the modi fication will. eliminate the possibility of degradation of circuits due to fire.
2. There are no new modes of failure introduced as a result of this modification.
3. The margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications is not reduced due to this change.79-474 Provide Radiation Monitors on the Drywell floor to monitor radiation levels of fluids pumped from the Drywell floor and equipment drain sumps to Radwaste in order to prevent inadvertent pumping of high level contamination.
1. Safety related systems are not associated physically or electrically with this modification.
2. This modification does not add any new modes of failure as the change is to a non-safety related system.
3. This modification does not perform a safety related function.79-475 Provide Post Accident Sampling for primary reactor coolant and Rev. I primary containment atmosphere to comply with NUREG-0578.
1. The sample lines connected to the RPV and the primary containment are designed in accordance with Safety Guide 11 and hence satisfies 10CFR50, Appendix A - GDC 56.
2. The sample lines connected to the RPV and the primary containment meet the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix A - GDC 56.
3. The valves will be maintained the same as the existing primary containment isolation valves in the plant.

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ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 79-476 Provide Post Accident Sampling for primary reactor coolant and Rev. 1 primary containment atmosphere to comply with NUREG-0578.

1. The sample lines connected 'to the RPV and the primary containment are designed in accordance with Safety Guide 11 and hence satisfies 10CFR50, Appendix A - GDC 56.
2. The sample lines connected to the RPV and the primary containment meet the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix A - GDC 56.
3. The valves will be maintained the same as the existing primary containment isolation valves in the plant.80-018 Remove the Equipment Room Vent air high differential temperature ,

isolation signal from the HPCI system to prevent spurious isolation of the HPCI system.

1. The remaining isolation signals are sufficiently redundant and diverse to cause isolation of the HPCI steam line.
2. No new modes of failure are introduced.
3. The intent or operability of the HPCI system is not altered.80-089 Add a selector switch to panel 1Hil-P601 to allow the operator the option of selecting either 'A' or 'B' loop high conductivity indicator, depending on which loop is in service.
1. The ability to select the proper loop conductivity indicator will provide for more accurate system conductivity monitoring.
2. Both conductivity indicators will function as before, only now the operator will be able to tell which loop is causing the high conductivity alarm.
3. The operator will have more precise indication cf the conductivity build up within the RHR loop in service without being hampered by the loop not in service.

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ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 80-101 Increase spent fuel storage capacity to allow continued operation without filling the spent fuel pool in'the immediate future.

1. This change does not vary or affect any existing equipment important to safety.
2. No new failure or accident modes are being imposed on the plant due to this change.
3. Based on the response to 1 above, the margin of safety for the spent fuel racks will be increased due to the sample surveillance programs.80-202 Move various penetration nitrogen pressure gauges and taps down to the 130 foot elevation.
1. The new nitrogen pressure monitoring system will be only a continuation of the existing system. The modi fication has no bearing on the probability of occurrence or the consequences of any accident.
2. This design modification will not degrade any equipment or prevent any system from functioning as assumed in the FSAR.
3. No margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications is affected by this modification.81-008 Provide additional cooling capacity in the Drywell.
1. The design and installation of the new equipment meet the criteria of 10CFR50 GDC-57.
2. No new modes of failure are introduced by the addition of coolers, ductwork, piping, conduits and supports.
3. The coolers provide additional capacity for cooling the Drywell lower elevations, removing hot spots at lower elevations and maintaining average temperatures below the maximum design temperatures. The pipe, conduits and associated supports added by this change do not affect any margin of safety as defined in the 4

Technical Specifications Basis.

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ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 81-058 Install, modify, or delete pipe supports per IEB 79-014 design Rev. 2 requirements. Revision 2 incorporates all 79-014 work for Unit 1.

1. This change reduces the actual stresses to meet commitments in the FSAR.
2. No new modes of failure have been introduced.
3. This change increases the margin of safety.81-093 Replace unqualified H0V motors and actuators with qualified Rev. 2 ones to meet the requirements of IEB 79-018.
1. The replacement motors and actuators / motors will be qualified per USNRC IEB 79-018 requirements for all postulated events.
2. The operation of the replacement motors and actuators / motors will not be different from the existing equipment.
3. The replacement motors and actuators / motors will be complying to the same Technical Specifications as the existing equi.' ment. ,81-107 Install a complete, semi-permanent, cooling system for the Torus Rev. 1 and Torus Room. Penetrations in the Reactor Building wall for the cooling water piping will be permanent.
1. All penetrations have been designed to the appropriate loading criteria of seismic, missile protection, pressure, temperature, etc., equivalent to the original wall. The electrical penetration is sealed in a manner similar to the electrical floor penetration in the Main Control Room. For the components installed inside the Reactor Building, Seismic Category I criteria were used for all piping and duct support and for mounting the air handler to the floor.
2. Due to the location of the chillers and pump skid outside of the Reactor Building there are no safety related components nearby.

Therefore there are no postulated failures from operation of this equipment which could impact any safety function.

3. Manual double isolation valves are installed in the chilled water supply and return lines, one on each side of the Reactor Building wall, to isolate the lines in the event of line rupture and thereby maintain Secondary Containment.

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ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 81-132 Provide environmentally qualified power feed source and replacement Rev. 2 of power feed cable with fully qualified cables. Provide H2/02 analyzers and recorders to meet IEEE 323, 1974 (NUREG-0588) and IEEE 344, 1975. Provide new sample lines for the H2 /02 analyzer to post-accident reactor coolant and containment atmosphere sampling system. These lines will tap off the fission products monitoring sample lines.

1. The design and installation of the pipe, tubing and valves will be commensurate with the piping system in which they are installed.
2. The system responds exactly as before as a result of the change.
3. The valves will be maintained in the same way as the existing primary containment isolation valves in the plant.81-134 Provide additional inputs to the process computer from the NSSS shutoff system in order to more fully instrument the computer for Group I isolation signals. Change existing A71 digital inputs for output on sequence of events log and provide spare cable runs between the Control Room and the Computer Room for possible future expansion.
1. The additions and changes in existing A71 digital inputs to the process computer from the NSS System do not change the operation of that system.
2. The modifications provide additional instrument data to the process computer and no basic design intent will be changed.
3. No item relative to the Technical Specifications will be affected.81-165 Replace existing primar) containment oxygen and hydrogen analyzers and recorders with qualified equipment.
1. The replacement equipment will be qualified for all postulated events and provides the same function as the existing equipment.
2. The operation and power requirements of the replacement equipment will not be different from the existing logics.
3. The replacement equipment will subjected to the same Technical Specifications as the existing equipment.

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ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 81-174 Provide transient monitoring instrumentation on the HPCI/RCIC systems capable of recording system parameters and responses during system startups.

1. This will not alter the logic or affect the operation of the HPCI or RCIC system as described in the FSAR.
2. The new circuit design will not introduce any new modes of failure.
3. This will increase the operability and availability of the HPCI and RCIC systems by minimizing and improving trouble shooting and maintenance operations.81-177 Replace existing MOV motors and actuators with environmentally Rev. 3 qualified ones to meet the requirements of IEB 79-018.
1. The replacement motor will be qualified fer all postulated events.
2. The operation of the replacement motor will not be different from the existing motor.
3. The replacement motor will be subject to the same Technical Specifications as the existing motor.82-024 Replace the existing RN filter flow converters with a more accurate Rev. I model.
1. The replacement flow converter will be qualified for all postulated events.
2. The operation of the replacement flow converter will not be different from the existing motor.
3. No item relative to the Technical Specifications will be affected.

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ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 82-157 Replace the existing 0 to 1200 GPM Square Root Scale gauge to provide easily readable RHR Service Hater flow indication in the Control Room to aid operations in conducting ISI testing of the RHRSH pumps.

1. The modification will improve both divisions of the Unit 1 RHRSH flow instrumentation by installing new orifice plates.
2. The possibility of an accident or malfunction of a different type than analyzed in the FSAR does not result from this change.
3. The margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications is not reduced.82-164 Change the setpoint of the RBCCH surge tank low level switch from one (1) inch below the alarm switch to one half (1/2) inch above the alarm switch. This will prevent unnecessary alarm activation.
1. This modification raises the low level refill setpoint to one half (1/2) inch above the low level alarm setpoint so that the tank will refill prior to initiating a low level alarm. It also adds a timer / counter logic circuit which provides a means of detecting unacceptable leakage.
2. Previously a lengthy alarm occurred as the low level setpoint was one (1) inch below the alarm setpoint. This modification will eliminate an annunciator for normal system operation and will also provide an annunciator for leakage of unacceptable magnitude.
3. This modification changes the setpoint for low level refill of the RBCCH surge tank. This change will not reduce the margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications.

,82-171 Replace presently installed HFA relays or relay coil assemblies with new improved longer-life Century series type HFA relays or Century series coil assemblies as recommended per SIL No. 44

1. The replacement of coils in existing relays does not change the operation of any existing equipment.
2. No system operation is modified.
3. After replacement of the coils, the relays will have longer life coils and this will increase system reliability.

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.GeorgiaPower A ENCLOSURE (Continued)

ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 82-186 Replace the existing Square D Hodel 9012-AEH differential pressure switch with a Static-0-Ring Model 102-AS-XX-712 or equivalent to

  • reduce the possibility of switch setpoint drift and alleviate spurious annunciator actuation.
1. This design change does not effect the performance of any safety related systems and therefore does not change the results of any accident analysis presented in the FSAR since the Barton component provides annunciation only.
2. The possibility of an accident or malfunction of a different type than analyzed in the FSAR does not result from this change.
3. The margin of safety is not reduced.83-053 Upgrade or correct electrical raceways including cable trays and conduits that are identified to be inadequate by the Cable Tray Restoration Group during their walkdown.
1. This modification improves the reliability of the equipment affected by adding braces and improved splices to the subject raceways.
2. The possibility of an accident or malfunction of a different type than analyzed in the FSAR does not result from this change.
3. The margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications is not reduced.83-218 Provide cooling water piping to the Unit 2 RHRSH pump motors to eliminate the possible flow restrictions due to rust, siltation, etc.
1. Changing the piping from carbon steel to stainless steel will help eliminate pipe fouling.
2. The RHRSH system will not be degraded.
3. These changes are being implemented to enhance the performance and reliability of the RHRSH and PSH systems.

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. Georgia' Power d ENCLOSURE (Continued)

ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 83-243 Install a Fire Protection sprinkler system in the east, northwest and southwest sections of the Reactor Building elevation 130 to comply with Appendix "R" commitments.

1. This modification if being implemented to comply with the response to Appendix "R" to upgrade plant safety.
2. The structures have been analyzed to ensure the margin of safety is not decreased by the additional loads. The supports were analyzed to Seismic Category I.
3. System operation and design as defined in the Technical Specifications is not impacted.84-011 Install new fire detection system in the Unit 1 Power Rev. 2 Block to comply with fire codes and 10CFR50 Appendix "R".
1. This modification is being implemented to comply with the response to Appendix "R" to upgrade plant safety.
2. The structures have been analyzed to ensure that the margin of safety will not be decreased by the additional loads.
3. System operation and design as defined in the Technical Specifications is not impacted. Increase of loads on the structure due to the system is negligible.84-012 Install new fire detection system in the Control Building Rev. 2 to comply with fire codes and 10CFR50, Appendix "R".
1. This modification is being implemented to comply with the response to Appendix "R" to upgrade plant safety.
2. The structures have been analyzed to ensure that the margin of safety will not be decreased by the additional loads.
3. System operation and design as defined in the Technical Specifications is not impacted.

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ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR'1987 84-014- Remove the existing fire detection after the new Pyrotronics system Rev. 1 is installed and functional.

1. The new system will satisfy surveillance requirements of the FHA in a manner meeting or exceeding the old system.
2. The new Pyrotronics system performs the same function as the old system and cannot result in any different types of accidents or malfunctions than previously considered.
3. The new system will meet the requirements of the FHA, which is referenced by the Technical Specifications.84-017 Provide fire detection for the Diesel Generator Building to comply with NRC commitments per 10CFR50 Appendix "R".
1. The modification is being implemented to comply with the response to Appendix "R" to upgrade plant safety.
2. Though the Fire Protection System is not safety related, the supports were designed seismically.
3. System operation and design as defined in the Technical Specifications is not impacted.84-018 Install new fire detection system in areas outside the Power Block Rev. I to comply with fire codes and Appendix "R".
1. The modification is being implemented to comply with the response to Appendix "R" to upgrade plant safety.
2. Though the Fire Protection system is not safety related, the supports were designed seismically.
3. System operation and design as defined in the Technical Specifications is not impacted.84-019 Install master multiplex panel and printer in control room and install slave panels and printers in the C02 tank area on the 147' elevation of the Control Building. Interconnect the master and slave printers and connect the fire detection systems.

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1. The modification is being implemented to comply with the response to Appendix "R" to upgrade plant safety.
2. The structures have been analyzed to ensure the margin of safety will not be decreased by the additional loads.
3. System operation and design as defined in the Technical Specifications is not impacted.


84-020 Install new fire detection system in the Unit 2 Power Block to Rev. 3 comply with fire codes and Appendix "R".

1. The modification is being implemented to comply with the response to Appendix "R" to upgrade plant safety.
2. The supports were designed seismically.
3. System operation and design as defined in the Technical.

Specifications is not impacted.84-060 Replace the carbon steel Plant Service Water pumps with stainless steel pumps on an as needed basis. The pump bowls, wear ring, seal rings, discharge case and suction bell will be stainless steel.

The impellers will remain bronze.

1. The performance rating is the same as the existing pumps evaluated in the FSAR.
2. There are no changes by this design which could cause a different type of accident or malfunction other than those analyzed.
3. The stainless steel bowls will increase the margin of safety by increasing the service life of the pumps.84-082 Replace existing HPCI and RCIC temperature indication switches with Ashcroft duratemp, gas activated, dial thermometers.
1. The replacement equipment provides the same function as the existing equipment and will be equivalent in configuration and operation to the existing equipment.

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2. The replacement equipment will reduce the potential for mercury contamination and its operation will not degrade the integrity of the existing system.
3. The margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications is not reduced.84-200 Modify the ADS initiation logic in response to NUREG-0737 item II.K.3.18.
1. The same conditions that caused ADS to initiate before (low RPV level + high drywell pressure + ECCS pumps running) will initiate ADS.
2. No new modes of failure have been introduced.
3. The intent of the ADS system has not b2en changed.84-250 Replace existing TIP system purge line check valve with a safety grade valve.
1. The replacement valve design requirements exceed those of the existing valve, therefore; the TIP system's ability to meet original design conditions will not be altered.
2. This change will not affect the operation of the TIP or the TIP purge systems.
3. This change will not affect the operation of the TIP system as described in the Technical Specifications, therefore, the margin of safety is not reduced.84-297 Increase tangent dimension of outer clamp from three (3) inches to approximately four and one fourth (4-1/4) inches for the RHRSH pumps.
1. The modified pump supports for the RHRSH pumps will ensure that the pumps maintain their Seismic Category I integrity.
2. No unanalyzed failure modes are being introduced.

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3. The Seismic Category I integrity of the pumps is maintained and the pumps remain operable.85-029 Replace the Refueling Bridge load cell system with a system which is more reliable.
1. This modification does not change the operation of the Refueling Bridge grapple. It only adds a more reliable load cell system.
2. No new modes of operation are introduced.
3. The Technical Specifications remain unaffected by this change.85-049 Replace the existing L& N temperature recorders due to the condition, high maintenance requirements and unavailability.
1. The temperature recorder does not perform any safety related functions, therefore, its postulated failure will not create an unsafe plant condition.
2. No new modes of failure are introduced per this design modification.
3. No margin of safety is specified in the basis for the measurement of the CR0 hydraulic drive water temperatures. The recorder is utilized as a means to monitor, record, and annunciate high CRD hydraulic drive water temperatures only.85-052 Extend vent lines to discharge outside the courtyard surrounding the Nitrogen Storage Tank to prevent accumulation in the courtyard area.
1. This modification will not alter or affect the Nitrogen Inerting system's ability to meet original design conditions.
2. This change does not affect the operation of the Nitrogen Inerting system as described in the FSAR.
3. This change does not affect the operation of the Nitrogen Inerting system.85-100 Provide the necessary emergency lighting to safely shutdown Unit 2 in accordance with 10CFR50 Appendix "R" Section III.J.

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1. The addition of emergency lighting battery units and the modifications to the existing emergency battery units will tie into the existing lighting branch circuits and will not affect equipment important to safety.
2. No basic design intent is changed.
3. No system operation will be affected.85-105 Replace the present Fission Product Monitoring system with the General Electric NUMAC system.
1. The new NUMAC radiation monitor is functionally equivalent to the existing monitor and will perform all process radiation monitoring requirements.
2. The NUMAC is an upgraded functional replacement and will not any operational parameters.
3. The replacement NUMAC monitors will provide the same protection as the existing monitors and will not reduce the margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications.85-158 Modify RWCU pipe whip restraint No.147 to reduce loads.
1. The enhancement of RHCU pipe whip restraint No.147 by adding shim plates does not change the design intent of the restraint.
2. No new failure modes or accidents result from this modification as the design intent and configuration of the restraint are not altered.
3. The margin of safety as defined in the basis for the Technical Specifications is not reduced.85-168 Replace obsolete and unreliable Offgas preheater temperature controllers.
1. This instrument regulates power to the Offgas preheater, assuring startup when required, as described in the FSAR.

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2. The instrument provides no new system of operation not analyzed in the FSAR.
3. No Technical Specification limits are reduced.  !85-178 Spare out old permanent unused ILRT cables to provide space for new

-Rev. 1 ILRT cables.

1. This change is an . upgrade to equipment already existing in the plant and will actually improve the ILRT Testing.
2. This change is in support of a test described in the FSAR, and required by the Plant Technical Specifications.
3. .This Design Change Request is in support of a test (ILRT) specifically required by the Technical Specifications.85-207 Replace Station Service Battery 18.
1. The existing Station Service Battery IB is being replaced by a new higher capacity battery (2400 AH).
2. No new failure mechanism is created as a result of this change.
3. The margin of safety will not be' reduced.85-208 Replace Station Service Battery 1A.
1. The consequences of accidents analyzed in the FSAR will not be increased because the new battery will not affect the DC power distribution system.
2. No new failure mechanism is created as a result of this change, j
3. The margin of safety will not be reduced.  ;

100 Amp molded circuit breakers with 100 Amp 85-233 Replace case non-automatic breakers in fire 120/208 V distribution panel in

order to coordinate the breakers with downstream loads.

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1. Replacing the automatic breaker with an non-automatic breaker and fuses will increase reliability and eliminate the possibility of an over trip caused by two breakers in series tripping on a fault.
2. System operation and performance are not affected as a result of this change.
3. Safety margins will be improved because of this change.85-277 Replace dry tubes with a newer design dry tube capable of longer reactor service.
1. The change involves the replacement of an old design with a new design for the purpose of eliminating crevices in the plunger end of the tube assembly. The replacement will not alter or affect the i systems ability to meet original design conditions. '
2. This change will not affect the operation of the source range or intermediate range monitor systems.
3. This change will not affect the operation of the source range or i intermediate range monitor systems, therefore, the margin of safety l is not reduced.86-007 Replace four General Electric LPRH's with Kraftwerk Union LPRH's in order to obtain information as to which is most suitable for use at Plant Hatch.


1. The replacement LPRH's will not alter or affect the system's ability to meet the design conditions.

( 2. The replacement equipment will perform the same function as the existing equipment.

! 3. The replacement equipment has the same sensitivity as the existing equipment, therefore, the margin of safety is not reduced.86-093 Replace various solehold valve extension cables which are rated up Rev 2 to 90*C with cables rated in excess of 138'C.

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1. The change will enhance the ability of the affected solenoids to function properly if' required in the mitigation of an accident.

The replacement cable is environmentally qualified and will have a temperature tolerance greater than the existing cable thereby enhancing the reliability of the cable and the solenoid valve.

2. No design intent is changed and no new failure mechanisms are introduced as a result of this change.
3. The margin of safety as specified in the Technical Specification Basis is unaffected by this modification.86-099 Replace the HFB 70A thermal / magnetic breakers supplying the primary

' side of the Motor Control Center's (HCC) 600-120/208 volt transformers with fused disconnect switches using 100 amp type FRS-R fuses on MCC's 2R24-S011, S012, S025, and S027. Replace the HFB 30A thermal / magnetic breakers on the primary side of the HCC's 600-120/208 volt transformers with 40 amp thermal / magnetic breakers on HCC's 2R24-S009 and S010.

1. Replacing the 30, 70, and 100 ampere circuit breakers with fused disconnect switches will improve selectivity and coordination with downstream loads for faults of the type postulated in an Appendix "R" type fire. Therefore, system performance during an event of this type would be improved. The implementation of this DCR will  ;

not adversely affect the seismic qualification of the subject MCC's.

2. System operation and performance are not affected by the replacing of circuit breakers with fused disconnect switches.
3. The replacement of the breakers with fused disconnect switches will not change the safety related function or classification of the MCC's. Therefore, safety limits are not affected by this change.86-100 Replace existing 100 ampere thermal / magnetic molded case circuit breakers with a 100 ampere molded case non-automatic breaker.
1. Replacing the automatic breaker with a non-automatic breaker and fuses will increase reliability and eliminate the possibility of an over trip caused by two breakers in series tripping on a fault.

The fault will be cleared by fuses so the upstream breakers will remain closed. Therefore, system performance will have a greater margin of safety.

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2. System operation and performance are not altered as a result of this change.
3. Safety margins will be improved because of this modification.86-101 Replace 125 volt AC and 125 volt DC non-current limiting control fuses with current limiting fuses.
1. Replacing non-current limiting fuses with current limiting fuses will improve reliability.
2. System operation and performance are not affected as a result of l

this change.

3. Replacing the non-current limiting fuses with current limiting fuses will improve safety margins.86-103 Upgrade those walls that need to be fire rated for Appendix "R" Rev. 1 compliance but are not shown as rated in the "Evaluation of the HNP Fire Protection Program". Upgrade fire dampers and doors as required, except in the Reactor Buildings, and upgrade floors / ceilings as required.
1. These modifications are being implemented to comply with the response to Appendix "R" to upgrade plant safety.
2. The rodifications maintain the plant margin of safety as it was before the modifications.
3. This change does not affect the Technical Specifications. The modifications increase the margin of safety above that which currently exist in the plant.85-106 Install junction boxes with terminal blocks so that various Target Rock Solenoid Valves can be sealed.
1. The change will enhance the ability of the subject solenoids to function properly even under postulated accident environmental conditions and will not affect the design operation of the valves I or their seismic qualification. The new terminal boxes being added will also be seismic supported. As the solenoid valves will be 1944C 02/29/88 1 I

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GeorgiaPower A ENCLOSURE (Continued)

ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 environmentally sealed by this change, the probability of a malfunction in a harsh environment is decraased. The consequenc,es of a mal function are not increased because the sealing of the ,'

subject solenoid valves and the addition of terminal boxes will not affect the proper functioning of the required equipment.

2. No basic design intent is changed and no new failure mechanism is introduced as a result of this change.
3. No margin of safety is affected by this modification. /

86-112 Provide replacement controllers for controllers which have becot e obsolete and replacement parts are no longer available.

1. The replacement contrcilers selected are identical in function as the existing controllers and are one-for-one replacements. They utilize the same process inputs and outputs for controlling the Hydrogen Recombiner System operation as the existing controllers do. The response times and sensitivities of the replacement controllers are either the same as or are better than the existing '

controllers. Therefore, flow and heater controls are not P.ffected by this change.

2. The new controllers are one-for-one replacements for the existing controllers. They have the same/similar design intent and system interfaces / interactions as the existing controllers. Therefore, no new modes of failure are introduced by this change.
3. The Hydrogen Recombiner System operation or hydrogen removal capability is not affected by this change, nor is the operation or function of any other systems important to safety because the new controllers are one-for-one replacements, have the same operating characteristics, and have the same qualifications.86-175 Connect General Electric supplied autoclave for the Hydrogen Hater Rev. 1 Chemistry Test.


1. The systems involved in the hydrogen and oxygen injection are ,

non-safety frcm the point of connection. The connections are located in non-safety areas and will be made in accordance with industrial safety practices and standards. These connectione, will

, be made at points of isolation from the existing r,y' tems . ,

Therefore, the probability of occurrence and the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety sre not increased above those analyzed in the FSAR.

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ENCLOSURE (Continued)


2. The possibility of an accident or malfurction of a- different type

, than analyzed in the FSt.R does not resuli from this change.

i 3. The margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications is not reduced as a result of this change. '

i 86-192 Install and connect temporary hydrdgen and oxygen storage facilities Rev. I vith General Electric supplied equipment for the Hydrogen Hater Chemistry Test.

1. The equipment required for the Hydrogen; Hater Chemistry Test is to r

be installed and tested in accordance with accepted industry 4 standards and will be installed in such a manner that all postulated accidents have been addressed to determine that safety related equipment will not be adversely affected.

2. The possibility of an accident or malfunction of a different type f than analyzed in the FSAR does not result from this change.


.'3. The margin of safety as defined in the, Technical Specifications is not reduced.86-204' Replace the obsolete RHR Service Water cross-tie pressure switches .

Rev. I with currently manufactured pressure switches.

1. The replacement pressure switch will not degrade or affect the ability of the system to perform its intended function. - The replacement switch is environmentally and seismically qualified for 1

this application.

2. The proposed changes will not degrade any equipment or prevent any system from functioning as stated in the FSAR.

I r


3. The instrument setpoints will remained unchanged, thus, system operation will remain unaffected.86-208 Add normally open maintenance valves to provide for divisional isolation of Plant Service Hater.
1. The replacement valves are considered to be upgraded components and will perform the same functions as the existing components which have been previously evaluated in the FSAR.

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4-(l ENCLOSURE (Con'tinued)

_ A!stpl OPERATING REPCRT FOR 1987 e_ 2. This modifictition will not alter the operation of the Plant Service

%7 ,

Water System or the abilit/ of the system to perform its saf t.ty-



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, 3. Systgio isolation perfoniantie 'will be enhanced as a result of this J chaage.

s86-218 Install insulation en ih9 Reactor Pressure Vessel water level Rev. 1 instrumentation refarenc6 legs to protect. the water in the 1' reference legs iYom flust h,9 to steam 'thereby giving erroneous water level indications when high dryvell tempc W ures exist.

3 1. The insulation will only te installed on the . instrument piping from the temperature , equalization column i:o the drywon penetration.

The operation of the water level columa will be unaffected

2. 'The NUKON insulation system ha been evaluated and, S.ccepted by the regulatory agencies for its resdting properties fc110 wing a design basis accident.
3. The addition of insulation on the water level reference legs will not prevent the actuation of Emergency Core Cooling Systems at the various predatermined water levels.

8f-21'9 Install inselition on the Reactor Pressurn Vessel water level 2

Rd. f instrumentation reference legs to protect the, water in th?

s eeference leg from flashing to steam therehy giving erronsous N' . water level inF cations uhen high drywell tempc.ratures exist.

,3 1. The insulatio(uill only be installed on the hstrument piping from

'N r the temperaure equalization column to the drywell penetration.

The speration vf the water level column will be unaffected.

2. The NUKON insulation system has been evaluated and accepted by the regulatory agencies for its resulting properties following a desig, basis accident.
3. The addition of insuiation on the water level reference legs will not prevent the octuatien of Emergency Core Cooling Systems at the various predetermined vatte levels.

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v GeorgiaPowerA j ENCLOSURE (Continued)-

ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 86-223 ; Add _ spray shields over class 1E electrical. equipment, other than i that required for - Appendix "R" in order to protect the equipment 1

.from inadvertent actuations of the existing sprinkler systems in. ,

the Reactor, Turbine, Radwaste,'and Control Buildings.

1. This change will protect 'certain Class lE electrical equipment (other than: 10CFR50 Appendix- "R" equipment) from inadvertent actuation of existing sprinkler systems and will . not affect the l probability of occurrence or the consequence of any accident.- The  !

water protective sealant applied to the equipment increases i

' equipment reliability in 'the event of inadvertent sprinkler system i actuation -and does not have' any effect on the ability of -the  ;

equipment to perform its intended function.

l 2.- This modification will not degrade any equipment or prevent any  !

system from functioning as the FSAR states.

3. ' No margin of safety- specified in the Technical Specifications is t i

affected by this modification.  :

86-230 Replace General Electric'NA200 LPRMs with the new NA300 LPRMs.

1. The replacement equipment will not alter or affect the system's l ability to meet its design conditions and will provide greater i neutron sensitivity.  :


2. The replacement equipment will perform the same function as the  !

existing equipment, i 3.

i The appropriate DECON values will be used to ensure the required accuracy is maintained.  !

86-.234 Install the Alternate Rod Insertion (ARI) System in order to {

provide compliance with the ATHS rule 10CFR50.62. '


1. The ARI System is independent from any equipment important to f safety such that operation of, or any failures of the ARI System  !

will not adversely affect or prevent any safety related equipment '

from performing its safety function, i L

'2. The ARI System is not designated as safety related and is designed  !

as a backup to the normal scram function. Any interfaces with  ;

safety related systems utilize the appropriate isolation devices, i

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GeorgiaPower A ENCLOSURE (Continued)


3. The operation of, or any failures of the ARI System or equipment will not affect the operation of any safety related equipment as defined in the Technical Specifications.86-235 Install the Alternate Rod Insertion (ARI) System in order to provide compliance with the ATHS rule 10CFR50.62.
1. The ARI System is independent from any equipment important to safety such that operation of, or any failures of the ARI System or equipment will not adversely affect or prevent any equipment important to safety from performing its safety function. ,
2. The ARI System is not designated as safety related and is designed as a backup to the normal scram function. Any interfaces with safety related systems utilize the appropriate isolation devices.
3. The ARI System is not classified as a safety related system. The operation of, or any failures of the ARI System or equipment will not affect the operation of any equipment important to safety as defined in the Technical Specifications.86-242 Install remote test switches inside the level switch boxes for the heater circuit in order to prevent the lifting of the heater wire at the level elements when testing the Shutdown Volume thermal level sensors.
1. A failure of the components in this modification will not affect the system in any way such that the plant will be in a condition outside those evaluated in the FSAR as a failure of one of these test switches would only cause a half scram condition.
2. This modification does not add any materials which have not been used previously at Plant Hatch. If the components in this modification fail the result would be a half scram condition which has been previously evaluated in the FSAR.
3. This modification is being made to increase the durability of the system and to enhance the performance of the plant surveillance procedure and meets the margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications.

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Georgiapower A EMCLOSURE (Continued)

ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 86-243 Install remote test switches inside the level switch boxes for the heater circuit in order to prevent the lifting of the heater wire at the level elements when testing the Shutdown Volume thermal level sensors.

1. A failure of the components in this modification will not affect the system in any way such that the plant will be in a condition outside those evaluated in the FSAR as a failure of one of these test switches would only cause a half scram condition.
2. This modification does not add any materials which have not been used previously at Plant Hatch. If the components in this modification fail the result would be a half scram condition which has been previously evaluated in the FSAR.
3. This modification is being made to increase the durability of the system and to enhance the performance of the plant surveillance procedure and meets the margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications.86-283 Replace the boron solution in the Standby Liquid Control System with Rev. 1 enriched boron to meet the ATHS criteria specified in 10CFR50.62.
1. This change will not alter the operation of the Standby Liquid Control System or its conformance to the BHR Emergency Procedure Guidelines. The operational response of the Standby Liauid Control System will be increased by the addition of this modification.
2. The enriched sodium pentaborate will undergo isotopic testing to ensure the boron-10 content before acceptance for plant use. Also, enriched sodium pentaborate powder will be bought instead of enriched boric acid and borax to diminish the possibility of mixing errors which might occur when preparing the sodium pentaborate solution. *
3. Both the FSAR and the Technical Specifications will be revised as a result of this modification. The margin of safety as defined in the current Technical Specifications will be maintained. Also, the new temperature and level alarm setpoints will be within the margin of safety as set by the current Technical Specifications.

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ENCLOSURE (Continued)

ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1932 86-284 Replace the boron solution in the Standby Liquid Control System with enriched boron to meet the ATHS criteria specified in 10CFR50.62.

1. This change will not alter the operation of the Standby Liquid Control System or its conformance to the BHR Emergency Procedure Guidelines. The operational response of the Standby Liquid Control System will be increased by the addition of this modification.
2. The enriched sodium pentaborate will undergo isotopic testing to ensure the boron-10 content before acceptance for plant use. Also, enriched sodium pentaborate powder will be bought instead of enriched boric acid and borax to diminish the possibility of mixing errors which might occur when preparing the sodium pentaborate solution.
3. Both the FSAR and the Technical Specifications will be revised as a result of this modification. The margin of safety as defined in the current Technical Specifications will be maintained. Also, the new temperature and level alarm setpoints will be within the margin of safety as set by the current Technical Specifications.


06-319 Reroute certain cables to satisfy the electrical separation criteria in the FSAR as it relates to the voltage level in the secondary penetrations.

1. This modi fication is being made to relabel certain secondary containment penetrations to meet the voltage level requirements as stated in the FSAR. No system function is affected.
2. This modification does not affect the logic of any system or change any wiring terminations. Therefore, no system function is affected.
3. Only the secondary containment nomenclature will be changed. This modification will not impact the ability of existing plant equipment to function in a design basis event.86-335 Install Belleville Springs on packed valves in order to reduce valve stem leakage, extend packing life, increase stroke endurance, and reduce maintenance costs.

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1. Through the use of Belleville Springs proper gland bolt loads can be maintained on all valves that are reworked. This will result in reduced valve stem leakage, extended packing life, and increased stroke endurance thereby making any reworked valve more reliable.

System function and operation will not be affected.

2. The only consequence of a failure of the Belleville Springs would be valve leakage. This is a situation which has been evaluated previously.
3. The Technical Specifications are unaffected by this change.86-338 Provide sample taps downstream of the Offgas System Hater Separator in order to provide oxygen monitoring capabilities during the Hydrogen Water Chemistry Test.
1. The oxygen monitoring connection will be made in the Offgas Building in a non-safety related portion of the system. The connection will be made to the same piping code as the interfaced system.
2. The oxygen sample connection is designed with a point of isolation from the existing system.
3. No injection or sampling of gases is implemented per this change.86-339 Modify the control logic of the pressurization mode channels "A" and Rev. 1 "B" on the Control Room and Cable Spreading Room air conditioners such that after an Engineered Safety Feature Activation signal is cleared they must be manually reset to return to normal operation.
1. This change will allow for manual reset and prevent automatic reset of the system until the emergency has cleared thereby improving system performance.
2. The addition of the manual action to the control logic on the isolation dampers will increase the reliability of the system.

This change will prevent a malfunction in the automatic mode during an emergency situation from degrading the entire system.

3. Hodifying the control circuitry of the system's isolation dampers will increase the reliability of the system.

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Georgialbwer d ENCLOSURE (Continued)

ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 86-375 Install code H01 or equivalent cables from the General Electric Rev. 1 Supplied Generator Frequency Honitor to'the Main Control Room.

1. The penetrations made in the Control Room wall will be sealed in accordance with approved plant procedures. The cables being installed are temporary and all connections being made are to non-safety related systems. The cable will be supported as specified in the FSAR and the three hour fire rating of the wall will be maintained.

2 All cables are supported adequately per design documentation, therefore, no new seismic concerns exist. This modification does not affect any safety related systems and all fire barriers will be maintained per approved plant procedures.

3. No safety related systems are being modiTied by this change. As the penetrations will be sealed there will be no air flow to the Turbine Building and the positive pressure in the Control Room will be maintained.86-377 Replace the 3/4 ampere fuses in the IRH instrumentation with 1.5 ampere fuses per the recommendation made by General Electric SIL No. 445.
1. The new fuses will be Class IE and will not affect the ability of the IRH instrumentation to provide trip signals to the Reactor Protection System in the mitigation of postulated accidents.
2. The increase in fuse size can be made without any loss of IRH protections against fault propagation and will improve IRH system availability. The 1.5 ampere fuse will still provide short circuit protection.
3. This modification will not reduce IRH system operability, alter any trip setting, nor increase the IRH response time.

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ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 86-400 Change valve components /hardsurfacing from "Stellite 6" to "Stellite 21" (or vice-versa).

1. This change does not alter the original design intent of the component and does not affect the function of the component.
2. This change will not affect the operability of the valves and the new hardfacing will allow for a more leak tight seating.
3. This change will restore the valve disc hardfacing to satisfy the requirements of the LLRTs in the Technical Specifications.86-437 Replace the 81ndicator capacitance type level probe and transmitter on the Fuel Storage Tanks and Day Tanks for Diesel Generators 2A and 2C with up to date capacitance type instrumentation.
1. This modification does not degrade or adversely affect the ability of the system to perform its intended functions.


2. This change does not modify the function of the instruments or the design basis.
3. This change does not affect the margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications.87-008 Replace the HPCI turbine steam inlet and exhaust drain pot level switches with a thermal actuated level switch.
1. The existing level switch is to be replaced by a current design j level switch with the same operational capability. New conduits i being added to effect this change will be supported by new and  !

existing supports. A design review of the existing supports has been completed and they were shown to be adequate. The supports were designed as Seismic Class I structures and meet all the  ;

requirements of the FSAR. '

2. The new switch will perform the same function as the existing switch. Loss of power to the electronics will drive the switch contacts to the alarm position. ,
3. The operation of these level switches is not addressed in the Technical Specifications.

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GeorgiaPower d ENCLOSURE (Continued)

ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 87-010 Replace the RCIC turbine steam inlet drain pot level switches with a thermal actuated level switch.

1. The existing level switch is to be replaced by a current design level switch with the same operational capability.
2. The new switch will perform the same function as the existing switch. l.oss of power to the electronics will drive the switch contacts to the alarm position.
3. The operation of these level switches is not addressed in the Technical Specifications.87-013 Connect the HI-HI radiation signal and the INOP signal on the Radwaste Effluent Radiation Monitor in series to the radwaste effluent isolation circuitry.
1. This modification will increase the requirements to be satisfied before radioactive waste can be released to the discharge canal.
2. The logic for the liquid radwaste isolation system will continue to isolate any radioactive discharge to the canal as it did previously. A failure of any new contacts added in the logic by this change will, at worst case, return the system to its original condition before this change.

3 This change will bring the plant into compliance with the existing Technical Specifications.87-025 Install Belleville Springs on packed valves in order to reduce valve stem leakage, extend packing life, increase stroke endurance, and reduce maintenance costs.

1. Through the use of Belleville Springs proper gland bolt loads can be maintained on all valves that are reworked. This will result in reduced valve stem leakage, extended packing life, and increased stroke endurance thereby making any reworked valve more reliable.

System function and operation will not be affected.

2. The only consequence of a failure of the Belleville Springs would be valve leakage. This is a situation which has been evaluated previously.
3. The Technical Specifications are unaffected by this change.

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ENCLOSURE (Continued)

ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 87-078 Replace the existing air tight doors in the Steam Chase with wire mesh doors to allow for air circulation and reduce temperatures inside the Steam Chase. Also, cut holes in the grating inside the Steam Chase to allow for. passage of HVAC duct work into the Steam Chase from the Torus Room.

1. This design modification was analyzed for FSAR design requirements and no system design or function is altered by this modification.
2. No new accident or malfunction types will be introduced by this change.
3. The margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications will remain unaffected.87-087 Install two keylock manual inhibit switches, indicating lights and annunciator on the ADS control panel to complete the ADS modifications required by NUREG-0737.
1. The ADS function is not changed or affected by this modification.

The two independent manual keylock switches will only be used to inhibit ADS during an ATHS event. The keylocks, alarm, and indicating lights ensure that ADS will not be inhibited unless the operator deliberately elects to do so. When deemed necessary, prevention of ADS initiation will allow the operator to take ,

actions to maintain proper reactor water level and will enhance the effectiveness of the Standby Liquid Control System in shutting down the reactor.

2. No new modes of failure are introduced by the addition of the inhibit switches. Their addition does not affect the ability of ADS to automatically initiate with a single failure. The switches are independent, Class lE, and Seismic Category I. If a single inhibit switch is placed in the inhibit position, a light at the switch and an alarm common to both switches will alert the operator of this condition.

Both inhibit switches must be in the inhibit position to operationally prevent ADS initiation.

3. This modification does not affect the ADS logic initiation or input parameters when ADS is required, nor does it affect the operation of ADS once it has initiated. The ADS inhibit switches enhance the effectiveness of the Standby Liquid Control System, when the  !

operator elec5.s to use it, in shutting down the reactor in an ATHS event.

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GeorgiaPower d ENCLOSURE (Continued)

ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 87-099 Upgrade the Transfer Canal leak detection system by providing flow routes from both Unit I and Unit 2 Transfer Canal seal assemblies.

1. The addition of two one half (1/2) inch holes in the one (1) inch thick plate will allow leakage water to reach the leak detection drain. The sheet metal channel added at the gap between the two units will hold the water until it reaches the leak detection drain. These modifications will improve the reliability of the leak detection system.
2. The addition of the two one half (1/2) inch holes in the one (1) inch thick plate will have no effect on the plate's function.
3. This modi fication will increase the reliability of the leak detection system.87-100 Upgrade the Transfer Canal seal assembly by providing redundant air supplies to the Transfer Canal seals.
1. This design change does not involve any safety related systems or components.
2. All piping and components are being mounted seismically and will be constructed according to the applicable codes. Calculations were performed to ensure the probability of failure of a component is negligible and that if failure occurs, no safety systems or components will be adversely affected.
3. No safety systems or components are being changed by this design.87-122 Replace the CRD System's (globe) stop check valves.
1. This portion of the Control Rod Drive System performs no safety related function. The change of valves in the minimum flow lines will not cause a malfunction of the safety related portion of the system or of any other safety related system and it does not compromise the minimum flow portion of the pump.
2. The addition of the two new valves serve the identical function as the existing stop check valve. Their addition does not affect any safety related portions of the Control Rod Drive System or any other safety related systems.
3. There are no Technical Specification basis associated with the Control Rod Drive Pumps and minimum flow lines as they are non-safety related and not important to safety.

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GeorgiaPower d ENCLOSURE (Continued) 6 DEAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 87-129 Install a new one half (1/2) inch gate valve in the HPCI Steam Drainpot drain line as the existing drain valves leak by and cannot be repaired due to the unavailability of parts.

1. The replacement valve design requirements meet those of the existing valves. The HPCI System's ability to meet the original design conditions will not be altered.
2. This change will not affect the operation of the HPCI System.
3. This change will not affect the operation of the HPCI System as defined in the Technical Specifications.87-131 Replace existing EC-2A overcurrent trip devices with solid state General Electric micro versa overcurrent trip devices on the General Electric AK-25 600 volt AC, three phase 100 ampere circuit in IR23-S004 frame 8.
1. The safety related function, classification, and application of the circuit breaker will not change. The micro versa overcurrent device will improve breaker reliability, selectivity and coordination with downstream loads.
2. The micro versa trip device has the same function as the EC-2A device being replaced. The micro versa device incorporates better design and more up to date technology. Breaker operation and system performance are not affected as a result of this change.
3. The installation of the micro versa trip device will not change the safety classification of the switchgear and breaker.

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MNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 87-156 Held overlay the crack in the instrument tubing coming off the recirculation discharge piping flow element.

1. The application of the weld overlay provides reinforcement of piping at flawed locations so that design margins are maintained or improved. Also, weld overlays have been shown to reduce the potential for further crack growth and to inhibit crack initiation through modification of weld residual stress distributions.

Equipment and structures that interfere with the weld overlay will be removed. Restoration will be completed to duplicate, to the extent possible, the original design of the systems affected.

2. The application of weld overlay makes the location less acceptable to failure. The initial liquid penetrant examination of the first layer and the liquid penetrant examination of the final surface of the repaired area assure that the identified crack was sealed and r has not propagated during welding to the surface of the weld overlay. Because of additional weld material, repaired locations are stronger than prior to the repair. Interferences that have been removed will be functionally tested and nondestructively examined as required following restoration.
3. Code design margins are maintained or restored by the weld overlay. In addition, the potential for further crack greth is reduced due to the weld residual stress improvement resulting from weld overlay application. Systems that have been affected by interference removal will be restored to ASME codes under an -

approved ASME Section XI Repair Program.

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l 001 This test was performed to --determine the method most appropriate for performing the operability requirements for the stroke time testing -of system isolation valves. The two methods evaluated were the time from "switch-on to light-on" and the time ' . f rom .

"light to light" which is the method currently used by plant procedures.

1. This TER:will not operate the valves in a manner different from that which has already been approved. .!
2. The already approved operability procedures will be used to cycle t the valves. .


-3. The TER does not change any safety setting or setpoints.87-002 This test was performed to determine if a new type of insulator  ;

would reduce the nuisance alarms experienced from the E-field  !

detection system when steam from the cooling towers or bad weather  :

caused trace ~ currents to be sensed by the E-field across the  !

present insulators.

1. The affected equipment.has no safety functions as analyzed by the FSAR.
2. No new modes of failure are introduced.
3. No new failure mechanisms are introduced by this TER.87-003 This test provides verification of rated flow through minimum flow check valves on the RHR, Core Spray, and HPCI Systems for the ISI commitment to satisfy ASME Section XI Code requirements.


1. The affected equipment will be operated only in modes and  ;

parameters for which it was designed.  !

2. The affected components will not be subjected to any operating  !

conditions more severe than they would see during normal system  !



3. This TER will be implemented in conjunction with existing l surveillance procedures. No new failure mechanisms are introduced.  ;


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GeorgiaPower d ENCLOSURE (Continued)


l OCCUPATIONAL PERSONNEL RADIATION EXPOSURE This section has been compiled to satisfy the requirements of E. I. l Hatch Unit I and II Technical Specifications Section and to ensure compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations as set forth in the pertinent sections of Title 10. Special attention was afforded to the methods prescribed by the Commission in Regulatory Guide 1.16 in order that the intent as well as the letter of these laws might be fulfilled with providing meaningful information as to the degree and circumstances of all exposures of personnel at this facility. An indication of the effectiveness of the plant radiation program may be inferred from the -large number of individuals with no measurable exposure or minimal doss.

The time period covered by this tabulation extended from January 1,1987 through December 31, 1987. All monitored personnel were included in i summary as provided under 10CFR20.407(a)(2). Individual exposures as ,

indicated by self-reading pocket ion chambers were recorded daily with the use of an ALARA Computer System. These exposures were tabulated and printed in hard copy on a weekly basis and when required, along with the difference between these readings and the most restrictive exposure limit. . The corresponding ion chamber results as recorde.d on the disc dosimetry files were supplanted by thermo-luminescent dosimeter measurements made over a period of approximately one month as the TLD data became available from a vendor.

Each person listed in the dosimetry disc files was Assigned an usual job  !

category based on his expected daily activities. There are six job categories of this nature and are identified in the folloting table.

Running totals of dose acquired in each of these categories were maintained for each person in his dosimetry file. Each dosimeter reading, in addition to being retained for individual exposure records, is added to the total representing the cumulative dose in the appropriate job category.

The implicit assumption involved in this method of accounting for exposure in different tasks is that all exposure acquired in job categories other than the usual will be documented by a radiation work permit. This circumstance should prevail in all significant cases, t

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f GeorgiaPower d ENCLOSURE (Continued)


i- Further delineation as to the number of persons and amount of exposure j cf people in different job categories by various personnel categories is indicated by the standard reporting format of Regulatory Guide 1.16.

Each personnel dosimetry disc file centains the personnel category information required to accomplish this compilation. The individual f*

running dose totals for each job were used by the ALARA Computer to compute the number of man-rem indicated in each group. Backup disc i files were maintained for redundancy in the case of destruction or temporary inaccessibility suffered by the main files. Hard copy records

{ as printed by the ALARA Computer were also maintained, k

By the use of the ALARA Computer Systen personnel dosimetry information has been complied, retained and tabulated in such a manner as to satisfy the pertinent Federal Regulations and Plant Technical Specifications.

The system has been organized to provide this information in the format specified by these requirements and the suggestions of the Regulatory Guides.




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, ENCLOSURE (Continusd)

ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 Sunnary of Personnel Monitoring Ending Dec. 31, 1987 -

Georgia Power Company - Nuclear Generation .

Plant E.I. Hatch -

P.O. Box 439 Baxley, Georgia 31513 i

License DPR - 57

. License NPF - 5 .


- --- :I.

Actual Whole Body Exposure Range Number of -

(rems) Individuals in Each Range No measurable exposure................ ............. 1274 Measurable exposure less than 0.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 924 0.1 to 0.25.......................................... 361 ,

0. 25 to 0 . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 3 2 0 0.75.........................................

0.5 to 224 0.75 to 1.0......................................... 151 1.0 to 2.0.......................................... 186 2.0to3.0..........................................25 g.

3.0 to'4.0............. ..J.......................... 8 4.0 to 5.0........................................... 3 5.0 to 6.0........................................... 0 6.0,to 7.0........................................... 0

~ '

7.0 to 8.0........................................... 0 8.0 to 9.0........................................... 0 i

9.0 to 10.0........................................... O

. 10.0 to 11.0......................................... 0 11.0 to 12.0......................................... 0 12 + ................................................. O Total Number of Personel Monitored 3476 This report submitted in accordance with paragraph (a) (2) of 10CFR20.407 Total Manrem for 1987 is 816.05 (TLD).

1944C 02/29/88 1

ENCLOSURE (Continued)



P.O. BOX 439 BAXLEY, GA $1513 LICENSE: DPR-57 LICENSE: NPF- 5 REGULATORY GUIDE 1.16 INFORMATION END OF YEAR REPORT 1987 8 PERSONNEL (>100 MREM) TOTAL MAN-REM WORK & JOB FUNCTION STATION UTILITY CONTRCT STATION UTILITY CONTRCT Reactor Operations & Surveillance Maintenance & Construction 53 1 27 32.742 .422 12,922 Operations. 105 0 2 59.450 .040 .811 Hemith Physics & Lab 64 0 .53 45.471 .026 31.796 Supervisory & Office Staff 21 0 5 9.684 .337 1.469 Engineering Staff 29 3 15 13.643 .886 4.866


R:utine Plant Maintenance 215 66.682 .973 94.122 Maintenance & Construction 141 2 Operations 21 0 1 7.582 0.000 .230 Health Physi'es & Lab 39 0 31 31.640 0.000 12.881 Supervisory & Office Staff . 16 0 4 6.498 .064 4.302 Engineering Staff 9 1 21 3.387 .448 5.869 g.

Inservice Insp& ection Construction Maintenance, 18 1 15 6.853 .250 6.999 Operationsj- 7 0 1 1.829 0.000 .218 Health Physics & Lab 11 0 8 4.781 0.000 1.987 Supervisoryv.& Office Staff 5 0 1 2.486 026 .295 Engineering Staff 2 1 9 .746 .779 3.842


Special P1 M Iintenand4' Maintenance & Construction 41 3 389 17.958 .866 206.687 Operations .

8 0 1 2.102 0.000 .218 Health Physics & Lab 17 0 16 12.195 0.000 5.153 Supervisory & Office Staff 6 0 8 3.611 .086 4.219 Engineering Staff 4 3 58 2.426 3.130 22.224 W2ste Processing Maintenance.& Construction 25 1 16 10.864 .250 8.475 .

.242 7 0 0.000 Operations 1 1.829 Hemith Physics & Lab 14 .

0 9 7.835 0.000 2.012 Supervisory & Office Staff 5 0 1 2.669 .026 .392 Engineering Staff 2 0 4 .746 .052 .856 Rofueling Maintenance & Construction 38 1 34 20.971 .250 12.982 Operations 7 0 1 1.829 0.000 .218 Health Physics & Lab 14 0 8 6.554 0.000 2.089 Supervisory & Office Staff 4 0 2 1.682 .026 .489 Engineering Staff 3 0 15 1.099 .052 3.107 Tucalm Maintenance & Construction 316 9 696 155.070 3.009 342.188 erations -

155 0 7 74.620 .040 1.939 H alth Physics & Lab 159 0 125 108.475 .026 55.918 Supervisory & Office Staff 57 0 21 26.631 .565 11.166 Engineering Staff , 49 8 122 22.046 5.347 40.764 Grand Totals 736 17 971 386.842 8.987 451.975

) The Personnel totals reflect individuals having received 7100 mrem in more than one I work and job function causing the totals to appear higher than expected. The ManRem ,

totals are based on RWP data which is pocket dosimeter data only.  !

1944C 02/29/88

. ENCLOSURE (Continusd)

ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT FOR 1987 REACTOR COOLANT CHD'ISTRY T bulations on a monthly basis of values of SJAE Isotopics and Reactor Coolant system parameters as required by Section 4.6.F.1 'of the Unit I Technical Specifications are found in the following tables. Unit Il vuues are also ,

chown, although it is not required that they be reported. Isotope values listed as "O" are less than LL6 for the <:ounting system.

0 UNIT 1 .

g 1987 SJAt ISoToPICS OC1/SEC CATL 1943 MWT Ae.]33 me.135 3e.135 et.55m Er.57 Er.84 L6 Ju 05 2397 4.30t+2 1.34t+3 2.90t+3 5.43t+2 4. 3 5t+ 2 5.03t*3

. ........................................ .... - ... 2.25t+2 '. .

Fc;) 05 2424 5.38t+2 1.27t+3 2.12t+3 1.92t+2 '4.38t+2 4.52t+2 5.01t+3

. ............ .................... - . . . ...w - .: 4 . .............

ner 95 2423 6.34t+2 1.04t+3 4.398+3 3.20t+2 9.14t+2 7.91t+2 4.92r+3

. - .. . .... ........... . ... _ ..  : _. _ ........ ~ ... ~ .

Art 09 2428 5.40t+2 1.35t+3 2.49t+3 2.35t+2 , 5.55t+2 6.10t+ 2 ,

  • 5.7 6t + 3 ty OS 0

0 0 0 0 0


................t 0

Jva 05 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 J:1 06 2436 0 6.31t+0 2.15t+2 0 .

i 1.41t+1 0

  • 2.3 6t+ 2 . 1 Aug 10 2436 0.50t+0 2.41t+1 1.44t+2

- ~ .


.... ............... 1.00t+1 ~ 1.33t+1


. 2.15t+2 sep 10 2435 5.39t+1 1.498+2 7.57t+2 3.00t+1 1.10t+2 1.03t+2 1.20t+3

. - ..... - .. ...... .....- _- .. - _ ..........I oct 05 2436 5. 6 6 t + 1 1.65E+2 0.36t+2 3.45E+1 1.478+2 1.16t+2 1.35t+3 +

. .. ...... .lI Nov 09 2436 5.21t+1 1.66t+2 0.51E+2 3.51t+1 1.40t*2 1.06t+2 1.35t+3 cee 07 2436 3.75t+1 1.11t+2 5.64t+2 2.44t+1 9.32t+1 7.40t+1 9.04t+2 i

REACTOR CERN!STRY to0INes act/al '

DATE 1957 Mv7 1 131 1 132 1 133 1 134 1 135 Dt! 131 Jan 05 2397 1.412 3 1.138 2 6.60s.3 1.32t.2 9.39t.3 4.61t.3

. . .... - . . . _ ___. .. ............ 6 .

Feb 05 2424 2.572 3 1.05t.2 7.60s.3 9.298 3 0.33t.3 4 5.86t.3

..................e Ort 05 2423 3.27t.3 2.50s.2 1.345 2 2.60s.2 0 0.22t.3 l

_ . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 1.453 3 1.162 3 4.828 3 4.738 3 3.69t.3 i

Apr 09 2428 5.30t.3

...... - .. .... . ....................i 3 may 08 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 L

-. . ... . .............. ......... .. _ _ ..: l Jun 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J:1 06 1436 0

4.30t.4 1.245 4

. .. 2.02t.3 6.02t.4 1. 34 t. 4 Aug 10 2436 1.88t.5 5.63t-4 2.765 4 1.588 3 , 6.60s.4 1.96t.4 2435 0 6.90s.4 2.595 4 2.213 3 6.202 4 1.84t.4 SeP.......

.... .10 . .... ......................._ ___

oct 05 2436 2.83t.5 6.97t.4 2.53t.4 1.91t.3 6.39t.4 2.00s.4 nov 49 2436 4.128 4 1.08t.3 3.41t.4 5... ......... 9695...4 3 4

- ........ - . ........ 225 -

. 268...3 - .... - .. ......... ~ ...................

Dec 07 2436 9.70s.5 1.102 3 4.39t.4 3.45t.3 9.99t.4 4.00t.4

.- ,.  : .......... ~ .............. ....................

s .

1944C -43 02/29/88 h.



W ENCLOSURE (Continudd) '


f 1


t Qu17 2 .

1987 SJAE 15Crr0 PICS uct/stC DA7C 1947 MWT 1e 133 Xe.135 Me.135 Ar.55m Ar.57 tr.44 (6 Jan 06 2423 4.04t*0 1.86t+1 1.75t+ 3 - 1.66t+1 1.34t+2 6.41t+1 2.0$t+3 FGb 06 2432 4.12t+0 6.53tel 1.46t+3 1.29t+1 .1.04t+2 4.83t+1 1.69t+3

.............................................................. n....................... .............. ................

mar 06 2421 4.59t+0 8.02t+1 1.78t+3 1.59t+1 1. 2 3t+ 2 5.00t+1 2.06t+3 A;r 10 2194 1.30t+3 3.64t+3 7.59t+3' 4.15t+2 1.44t+3 1.01t+3 1.54t+4 May 08 2436 2.43t*3 8.81t+3 2. 86t+ 4 1.60t+3 4.99t+3 3.49t+3 4.91t+4 Jun 05 2206 1.54t+3 6.19t+3 2.58t+4 1.12t+3 4. 0 9t+ 3 2. 5 9t + 3 4.13t+4 J:1 07 2173 2.27t+3 7.23t+3 2.99t+4' 1.188+3 4.36t+3 3.04t+3 4.80t+4 ,

Aug 11 2100 2.31t+3 0.00t+3 2. 6 4t+ 4 . 1.31t+3 4.47t+3 3.43t+J 4. pt+4

............ . ...... .............. ..... ... ._- ...... ~ ............. .. ...... ......... ..........

Sep 11 2.56t+4 1.70t+3 5.07t+3 4.70t+4 2215 4.478+2 9.828,3 4.383+3 Oct 04 2070 1.96t+3 6.368+3 2.21t+4 1.19t+3 4.08t+3 3.41t+3 3.91t+4

....... ............... ................. .................. ...... ~ .................... - .............................

po7 10 2059 3.13t+3 8.26t+3 2.56t+4 1.53t+3 5.188+3 4.69t+3 4.84t+4 Dec 08 1818 2.22t+3 6.99t+3 1.80t+4 1.34t+3 4.14t+3 3.78t+3 3.65t+4

........... .... .. . .... .. ............ .. .. ~ ~ ..... .. ..... .. .. . .. ... .. - ... ......

REACTop carMISTRY IODINES uCUml DATE 1957 MWT I.131 I.132 3 133 1 134 1 135 051 131 Jan 06 2423 7.235 5 2.123 3 7.983 4 7.088 3 1.958 3 6.488 4 Feb 06 2432 6.19t.5 2.812 3 9.778 4 7.49E.3 2.488 3 7.625 4 Mar 06 2421 4.30t-5 1.898 3 7.622 4 5.21t.3 1.94t.3 5.68t.4 Apr 10 2194 4.89t.3 1.002 2 7.76t.3 4.67t.3 5.06t.3 7.85t.3

'May 08 2436 3.482 3 1.438 2 1.373 2 1.06t.2 1.568 2 9.31t.3 Jun 05 2206 5.65t.3 3.025 3 2.538 2 3.025 2 2.90s.2 1.65t.2 J;107 2170 5.9 5t- 3 4.828 2 2.425 2 4.22t.2 3.225 2 1.825 2 tog 11 2100 7.91t.3 7.725 2 4.695 2 8.398 2 6.148 2 2.995 2

. .... ... ..... ............ ................. ..... . ...............t.................. ......... .............

$*P 11 2215 4.878 3 4.25t.2 2.03t.2 3.28t.2 2.422 2 1.45t.2 Oct 06 2070 8.812 3 8.718 2 3.2Dt.2 5.18t.2 3.60s.2 2.458 2


. 2 0 5 9.. ........ .1 2 .5.t 2.... . . 5 8 3. 5 2. . . . .. 4 8 2. .8 2.-. . . . .S 8 .6..8 2. ..... . . 4 3...

. . 52 2......... 3 0 2. 8 .2......... ..... . .

Dec 06 1818 5.373 5 3.39t.2 1.748 2 2.98t.2 2.10t.2 1.37s.2 1944C 02/29/88,

o m

GGi]S33iB (%ntinu:d)


January _1, 1987 0 .0148 2431 .000701 January 2, 1987 947 .0408 2425 .000642 January 3, 1987 1865 .00701 2362 .000602 January 4, 1987 2386 .00507 2419 .000475 January 5, 1987 2422 .00506 2415 .00061 January 6, 1987 2414 .00807 2436 .000381 January 7, 1987 2426 .0033 2417 .00064 January 8, 1987 2436 .00559 2422 .000419 January 9, 1987 2430 .00573 2418 .00062 J anu ary 10, 1987 2436 .00545 2122 .000515 January 11, 1987 2435 .0061 2412 .000387 J anuary 12, 1987 2425 .006 2426 .00044 January 13, 1987 2436 .0058 2429 .00063 J anu ary 14, 1987 2436 .00523 2432 .00047 January 15, 1987 0 .00934 2435 .00064 J anu ary 16, 1987 160 .053 2436 .00048 J anu ary 17, 1987 895 .039 2436 .00046 January 18, 1987 2005 .013 2423 .00055 January 19, 1987 2300 .0061 2436 .00022 January 20, 1987 2423 .0111 2432 .000561 January 21, 1987 2418 .013 2436 .000424 January 22, 1987 2436 .0051 2436 .00056 January 23, 1987 2433 .0047 2436 .0005 January 24, 1987 1504 .006 2436 .00055 January 25, 1987 1732 .0022 2430 .00071 January 26, 1987 1727 .002 0 .0001 January 27, 1987 1742 .0017 430 .00011 January 28, 1987 1737 .001578 1352 .000397 January 29, 1987 1747 .00129 2222 .000544 January 30, 1987 1656 .0016804 2407 .000605 January 31, 1987 1670 .0014 2419 .000563 February 1, 1987 1683 .0018 2435 .00059 February 2, 1987 1695 .0016 2430 .0006 February 3, 1987 2306 .00056 2432 .00073 February 4, 1987 2420 .00689 2436 .000611 February 5, 1987 2425 .00529 2436 .000564 February 6, 1987 2430 .0051 2433 .00062 February 7, 1987 2436 .0055 2433 .00062 February 8, 1987 2430 .00515 2428 .0006 February 9, 1987 2429 .00415 2436 .000414 -

February 10, 1987 2436 .0048 2436 .00033 February 11, 1987 2430 .0045 2431 .00057 February 12, 1987 2425 .0044 2436 .00066 February 13, 1987 2436 .0042 2435 .00063 February 14, 1987 2435 .00365 2436 .00064 February 15, 1987 2436 .00394 2436 .000648 February 16, 1987 2434 .00401 2436 .000409 February 17, 1987 2436 .00408 2435 .000579 February 18, 1987 2422 .00402 2428 .000437 February 19, 1987 2425 .0045 2435 .00035 February 20, 1987 1722 .01 2430 .000635 February 21, 1987 2083 .00799 2436 .000554 February 22, 1987 2235 .0082 2436 .00059 February 23, 1987 2407 .0133 2436 .000583 February 24, 1987 2424 .013 2436 .00041 Febeutry 25, 1987 2425 .0122 2436 .000423 Fetraary 26, 1987 2418 .0118 2433 .000478 Febr.ary 27, 1987 2426 .0114 2433 .000607 February 28, 1987 2421 .011 2433 .00045 1944C -45 02/29/88 L

ENCLOSURE (C:ntinu:d)


March 1 -1987 2432 .01175 2431- .0006356 March 2, 1987 2436 .0111 2430 .000607 March 3, 1987 2419 .0109 2430 .000607 March 4, 1987 2430 .0100 2430 .00059 March'5, 1987 2434 .0089 2428 .00058 March 6, 1987 2436 .009647 2436 .00058232 March 7, 1987 2375 .0127 2374 .000565 March 8, 198/ 2429 .00739 2436 .000439 March 9, 1987 2430 .00667 2425 .000622 March 10, 1987 2418 .00771 2430 .000683 March 11, 1987 2412 .00804 2430 .000457 M arch 12, 1987 2432 .0068 2436 .00068 March 13, 1987 2418 .0073 2430 .000455 March 14, 1987 2436 .0067 2071 .00062 March 15, 1987 2436 .0063 2423 .00054 March 16, 1987 2421 .0056 2430 .00057 March 17, 1987 2434 .00567 2436 .000638 March 18,_1987 2430 .00619 2425 .000621 March 19, 1987 2425 .0054 2436 .00059 March 20, 1987 2423 .00511 ~436 .0067 March 21, 1987 2436 .00996 2436 .00554 March 22, 1987 2436 .00539 2430 .00414 March 23, 1987 2436 .00592 2432 .00387 March 24, 1987 2418 .00848 2436 .0037 March 25, 1987 2436 .00584 2436 .00287 March 26, 1987 2433 .00554 2430 .0052 March 27, 1987 2421 .00519 2424 .00759 March 28, 1987 2074 .011 2428 .00363 March 29, 1987 2200 .00554 2436 .00255 March 30, 1987 2375 .00747 2431 .00238 March 31, 1987 2436 .00694 2436 .00286 April 1, 1987 2433 .0069025 2436 .0084217 April 2, 1987 2434 .0065041 2434 .0071467 Apell 3, 1987 2433 .0065 2436 .00575 ,

April 4, 198/ 2431 .0062 2435 .00502 April 5, 1987 2430 .00611 2424 .00453 April 6, 1987 2424 .00577 2432 .00443 Aprtl 7, 1967 2436 .00547 2427 .0044 r April 8, 1987 2432 .00516 2436- .00582. -  ;

April 9, 1987 2436 .0053 2036 .0067 April 10, 1987 2430 .00539 2353 .0048 April 11, 1987 2434 .00507 2423 .019 Rpril 12, 1987 2436 .00505 2419 .015 April 13, 1987 2434 .00711 2434 .0124 April 14, 1987 2434 .00525 2436 .0109 April 15, 1987 2436 .00514 2436 .0109 i April 16, 1987 2432 .00474 2266 .014 i April 17, 1987 2436 .00543 2266 .00895 April 18, 1987 2425 .00503 2380 .00888 April 19, 1987 2436 .0044 2427 .00866 April 20, 1987 2410 .00275 2431 .00899 April 21, 1987 598 .00708 2430 .00899 i April 22, 1987 0 .0546 0 .0285 April 23, 1987 0 .0116 364 .16 April 24, 1987 0 .00481 1347 .0152 f Apell 25, 1987 0 .00422 2120 .00997 April 26, 1987 0 .00213 2400 .0129 April 27, 1987 0 .00242 2430 .0137 April 28, 198? O .00178 2428 .0137 1944C 02/29/88 L


[ ANNUAL OPERATING REPORT-FOR 1987 UH1T 1 AHD UH1T a DOSE Eq I-131 FOR 1987 DOTE MWT(1) DOSE _EQ_I131(1) MWT(2) DOSE _E0_1131(2)

LApril 29, 1987 0 .00228 2436 .0132 April 30, 1987 0 .001396 2430 .0151 May 1, 1987 0 .000829 2432 .0146 May 2, 1987 0 .000618 2436 .0164 May 3, 1987 0 .000503 2430 .0158 May 4, 1987 0. .000525 2429 .0158 May 5, 1987 0 .000671 2421 .0177 May 6, 1987 0 .000471 2435 .0179 May 7, 1987 0 .000721 2436 .0185 May 8, 1987 0 .000836 2433 .0186 May 9, 1987 0 .0005481 2400 .02805 May 10, 1987 0 .000383 2332 .0201 May 11, 1987 0 .0002523 2429 .026389 May 12, 1987 0 .000224 2436 .0207 May 13, 1987 0 .000337 2430 .0202 May 14, 1987 0 .000213 2433 .0174 May 15, 1987 0 .0001281 1408 .0301 May 16, 1987 0 .000162 2110 .0184 May 17, 1987 0 .0000591 2100 .0133 May 18, 1987 0 .0000637 2067 .0138 ,

May 19, 1987 0 .0000596 2068 .0129 May 20, 1987 0 .00012 2189 .0173 May 21, 1987 0 .000148 2180 .0177 May 22, 1987 0 .000199 2238 .0193 May 23, 1987 0 .000242 2185 .0172 May 24, 1987 0 .000284 2184 .018 May 25, 1987 0 .000274 2197 .0203 May 26, 1987 0 .000112 2194 .0197 May 27, 1987 0 .0006927 2185 .0194 May 28, 1987 0 .0000074 2205 .01898 May 29, 1987 0 .000145 2189 .0195 May 30, 1987 0 .0000204 2199 .0192 May 31, 1987 0 0 2196 .0213 June 1, 1987 0 .0000438 2196 .022 June 2, 1987 0 .0000481 2195 .0226 June 3, 1987 0 .0000386 2198 .0265 June 4, 1987 0 .0000173 2200 .0216 June 5, 1987 0 .00000566 2205 .0215 June 6, l'997 0 .0000466 2199 .0217 June 7, 1987 0 .0000251 2203 .0229 June 8, 1987 0 .0000222 2197 .0223 June 9, 1987 0 0 2196 .0198 June 10, 1987 0 0 2202 .02 June 11, 1987 0 .0000523 2200 .0226 June 12, 1987 0 0 2062 .0236 June 13, 1987 0 .00000945 2190 .02317 June 14, 1987 0 0 2196 .0242 June 15, 1987 0 .00001536 2196 .02091 June 16, 1987 0 .00000554 2194 .0224 June 17, 1987 0 0 2190 .022 June 18, 1987 0 0 2188 .0217 June 19, 1987 0 .00000243 2190 .0196 l June 20, 1987 0 0 2195 .0198 l June 21, 1987 0 0 2197 .0219 June 22, 1987 0 0 2200 .0225 June 23, 1987 100 0 2195 .021 June 24, 1987 100 .00000426 2195 .0229 June 25, 1987 464 .0000566 2200 .0301 June 26, 1987 627 .000158 2200 .0227 1944c 02/29/88


............... bb !bb$ bbbb;bb=1b bbb$ .[bbb bbb=bb;1bbbbbb

. June 27, 1987 0 .0000598 2195 .0227 .

June 28, 1987 25 .00000519 2193 .0252 June 29, 1987 till .000135 2192 4025 June 30, 1987 1511 .0000918 2198 .0232 July 1, 1987 1750 .000134' 2190 .0328 July 2,: 1987 2097 .000144 1775 .0232 July 3, 1987 2220 .000206 1743 .0171.

July 4,~1987 2420 .000146 1943 .0164-July 5, 1987 2436 .000232 2096 .0226 7J uly 6, 1987- 2436 .000215 2170 .0241 July 7, 1987 2432 .000315 2170 .025

' July 8, 1987 2436 .000339 2190 .0308 July 9, 1987 2431 .000265 2201 .0296 July 10, 1987 2436 .000233 2190 .0238

. July 11, 1987 2436 .000105 2187 .0218

. July 12, 1987 2436 .000169 2177 .0271 July 13, 1987 2436 .000184 2170 .0234 July 14, 1987 2431 .000152 2181 .0224 July 15, 1987 2436 .0000994 2187 .026 July 16, 1987 2433 .000162 2187 .022 ,

July 17, 1987 2436 .000191 2187 .0238 r July 18, 1987 2435 .000194 2191 .0258 July 19, 1987 2436 .000254 2193 .0221  !

July 20, 1987 2436 .000191 2190 .0236 July 21, 1987 2427 .000262 2188 .0238  !

July 22,.1987 2436 .000385 2190 .025 ,

July 23, 1987 0 .000174 2190 .0225 ,

July 24, 1987 0 .0000398 2190 .0249 i July 25, 1987 915 .000114 2194 .0254 l July 26, 1987 1129 .000205 0 .0298 July 27, 1987 2045 .00024 0 .11 July 28, 1987 2422 .000252 20 .0415 July 29, 1987 2433 .000188 761 .0331 July 30, 1987 2436 .000253 1976 .0266 July 31, 1987 2300 .000251 2180 .0476 i August 1, 1987 2434 .0002 1930 .0252 August 2, 1987 2436 .000184 2190 .029 August 3, 1987 0 .000117 0 .0559 l August 4, 1987 660 .0000848 0 .0596 '

August 5, 1987 1966 .000223 525 .0272 t August 6, 1987 2420 .000146 1776 .025 August 7, 1987 2435 .000304 2140 .0333 August 8, 1987 2436 .000172 2183 .0341 Augups 9, 1987 2436 .00028 2186 .0334 August 10, 1987 2436 .000181 2192 .0372 i August 11, 1987 2436 .00029 2181 .0331 August 12, 1987 2434 .000305 1326 .0144 August 13, 1987 2436 .00035089 2194 .039797 -

August 14, 1987 2435 .00035089 480 .039797 i August 15, 1987 2435 .00036132 0 .084932 i August 16, 1987 2432 .000302 0 .042 .

August 17, 1987 2433 .000266 0 .0324 August 18, 1987 2436 .000287 0 .131 August 19, 1987 2436 .00827 0 .0135 i August 20, 1987 2436 .000292 0 .0185 August 21, 1987 2436 .00028 122 .0239 t August 22, 1987 2436 .06031 868 .00862 August 23, 1987 2426


.000332 2000 .0219 j August 24, 1987 2436 .000295 2148 .0267 ,

1944C -48 02/29/88

ENCLOSURE (Ccntinu;d)


DATE NWT(1) DOSE _EQ 1131(1) NWT(2) DOSE _EQ

_ _  !!31(2)

August 25, 1997 2436 .000288 2192 .0247 August 26, 1987 2434 .000295 2192 .0261 August 27, 1987 2436 .000292 2191 .0262 August 28, 1987 2436 .000514 2188 .0274 August 29, 1987 2435 .000248 2186 .0255 August 30, 1987 2429 .000251 2175 .0248 August 31, 1987 2435 .000293 2190 .0240 September 1, 1987 2435 .000294 2198 .0263 September 2, 1987 2434 .000292 2200 .0272 September 3, 1987 2435 .000296 2201 .0278 September 4, 1987 2294 .000291 2208 .028 September 5, 1987 2433 .000423 2216 .0287 September 6, 1987 2436 .000574 2213 .0292 September 7, 1987 2436 .000328 2207 .0288 September 8,_1987 2436 .000285 2213 .038 September 9, 1987 2432 .000322 2214 .0287 September 10, 1987 2432 .000329 2215 .0278 September 11, 1987 2436 .00033 2217 .0278 September 12, 1987 2436 .000265 2208 .0286

  • September 13, 1987 2431 .000296 2230 .0285 September 14, 1987 2435 .000304 2205 .0342 September 15, 1987 2436 .000276 2216 .0398 September 16, 1987 2436 .000295 2215 .0435 September 17, 1987 2434 .000187 2223 .0278 September 18, 1987 2434 .000335 2220 .0288 September 19, 1987 2435 .000306 2225 .0283 September 20, 1987 2431 .00031097 2215 .028166 September 21, 1987 2436 -

.000295 2215 .0306 September 22, 1987 2434 .000259 2211 .0303 September 23, 1987 2436 .000295 2220 .0341 September 24, 1987 2436 .008313 2185 .03 September 25, 1987 2436 .000289 2194 .0273 September 26, 1987 2436 .000255 2194 .028 September 27, 1987 2436 .000183 2195 .0296 September 28, 1987 2436 .000365 2193 .0277 September 29, 1987 2436 .000502 2191 .027 September 30, 1987 2436 .000297 2067 .0263 October 1, 1987 2435 .00036 2069 .0244 October 2, 1987 2436 .000321 2063 .0242 -

October 3, 1987 2436 .000294 2063 .024 October 4, 1987 2436 .000231 2071 .0251 October 5, 1987 2436 .000279 2071 .0244 October 6, 1987 2435 .000275 2064 .0244 Octob'er 7, 1987 2436 .000267 2070 .0408 October 8, 1987 2436 .000262 2073 .0238 October 9, 1987 2436 .000199 2065 .0251 October 10, 1987 2435 .000315 2065 .0221 October 11, 1987 2436 .000331 2068 .0245 October 12, 1987 2435 .000315 2071 .0259 October 13, 1987 2433 .00028 2065 .0239 October 14, 1987 2436 .000277 2065 .0234 October 15, 1987 2433 .000303 2066 .0229 October 16, 1987 2436 .000404 2066 .0228 October 17, 1987 2436 .000299 1919 .025 October 18, 1987 2436 .000228 2050 .0247 October 19, 1987 2435 .0002396 2050 .0238 October 20, 1987 2436 .000296 2070 .0294 October 21, 1987 2434 .000291 2062 .0294 l October 22, 1987 2436 .00032 2069 .0332 1944C 02/29/88 1



' UNIT-1 CHD UNIT 8 DOSE Eq !-131 FOR ~ 1987.

DATE MWT(1) DO$t_E0_1131(1) NWT(2) DOSE _E0_!131(2) 00030h 038h


October 23 1987 436 2078 j October 24,: 1947 2436 4000285 2070 .0239 't b October.25, 1987 2436 .000455 2070 .0218.

  • October 26.-1997 2432 .000449 2065 .0206 a October 27, 1997 2433 .00027215 2064 .045448-

-October 28, 1987 2433 .00028449 2056 .037171 October'29, 1987 2434 .000275 2064 .0208 October 30, 1987 .2435 .000307 2063 . 0208 October 31, 1987 2435. .000292 2063 .0218  :

November 1, 1987 2435 .000289 2068 .0234-  !

Hovember 2,-1987 2436 .000306 2070 .022 i Hovember 3, 1987 2435 .000265. 2074 .0209 November 4, 1987 2436 .000297 2068 .02 November 5, 1987 2436 .000327 2070 .0306

November 6, 1987 2436 .000288 2072 .0184 i-November 7, 1987 2432 .000301 2063 .0206 Hovember 7, 1987 2435 .000305 1821 .0142 November 8, 1987 2436 .00028798 2053 .020786 November-9, 1987 2436 .0003034 2068 .0189 November 10, 1987 916 .0001285 2064 .0294 ,

November 11, 1987 2354 .000314 2074 .43 November 12, 1987 2436 .000225 2075 .0191 November 13, 1987 2436 .000342 1797 .021 November. 14, 1987. 2436 .000366 2073 .0190 l Hovember 15, 1987 2436 .004337 2078 .0174 -

November 16, 1987 2436 .000296 2067 .0186 i

Hovember 17, 1997 1938 .000404 2966 .0191

Hovembe'r 18, 1987 2000 .400261 2070 .0276 Hovember 19, 1997 2436 .000454 2078 .0194-l November 20, 1987 2436 .000841 2062 .0187 l November 21, 1987 2436 .804574 1770 .0207 l

November 22, 1987 2436 .000354 2072 .0465-l Hovember 23, 1987 2436 .000305 2070 .045 November 24, 1987 2434 .0003 1823 .0432 November 25, 1987 2436 .000304 1835 .0176 November 26, 1987 2436 .00029 1919 .0159 November 27, 1987 2341 .000205 1911 .0162 November 28, 1987 2436 .0003 1960 .0161 November 29, 1987 2436 .000299 1820 .0152 November 30, 1987 2436 .000267 1819 .0139 -

December 1, 1987 2436 .004368 1918 .0156 December 2, 1987 2435 .000294 1818 .0139 December 3, 1987 2436 .00037 1918 .0128 Decemger 4, 1987 2436 .000311 1918 .0128 December 5, 1997 2138 .009254 1836 .014 December 6, 1987 2435 .000398 1826 .0145 December 7, 1997 2435 .000385 1821 .0142 December 9, 1997 2435 .000305 1821 .013 December 9, 1987 2435 .00429 1816 .0134 December te, 1987- 2435 .404325 1887 .0125 December 11, 1987 2436 .000322 1820 .0143 December 12, 1987 2270 .400297 1822 .0137 December 13, 1987 2436 .000312 1825 .0145 December 14, 1987 2436 .004326 1820 .022 December 15, 1987 2436 .000271 1921 .0143 December 16, 1987 2436 .000316 1828 .814

-December 17, 1987 2435 .000319 1838 .0133 December 18, 1987 2436 .000325 1821 .0201 December 19, 1987 2040 .000299 1838 .0227 1944C 02/29/88

y ,,- -- - -

ENCLOSURE (Cx.titued).

UN I T ' 1 ?. Uk!bh E 31 0 1987 DATE'MWT(1) DOSE _E0_!!31(1:> NWT(2) DOSE _EQ _ 1131(2)

December 20,:1987 2436 .00056 1827 .017  :

December 21, 1987 ~ 2436 .000496 1914 .0132- [

December.22, 1987 -2436 .000206 1825 .0133 December 23, 1987 2436 .000352 1676 .0217 December 24.-1987- -2436' .000362 1817 .0179 December 25,.1987: .

2436 .000329- 1817. .0149

-December 26,.1987 2434 .000331 1816 .0143 December, 27,~1987 2436 .000345 1826 .014 ,

December 28,'1987. 2436 .00033 1917 .0126 , .;

' December 29, 1987 2436 .00034 1825 .014  ;

December 30, 1987 2436 .00030803 1829 .0132 f Deeember 31, 1987- 2436 .00033613 1825 .0125 t January 1, 1988 2436 .000336. 1818 .0129 i

i s [


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L 1941C -51 02/29/88 '




Georgia Power Con 4aw 333 Pe3 nut Avenue Atlama. Gecrg:a 3030 Te:ephone 404 536C626 Martop Ad: bess: ,

Post offee Box 4545 Atlata. Georgia 30302 o

GeorgiaPower >

. L.T.Qucws N #** #'"

,, Managet Nuclear Safety Y' and Liceaseg

,.3 s

SL-4184 ,

1944C X7GJ17-H510 February 29, 1988

/. i U.25. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk "

Hashington, D. C. 20555 g


[ Gentlemen:


j Enclosed is the Plant Hatch Annual Operating Report for 1987 This .

m ' ' report is submitted in accordance with Technical Specifications Sectioas ' and

If you have any questions in thir. regard, please contar;t this office at any time. .

Sincerely, endtr 4 - -

L. T. Gucwa s

T JCJ/lc


Annual Operating Report for 1987 l c: Genraia Power Comoany Mr. J. T. Beckham, Jr., Vice President - Plant Hatch GO-NORMS U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cowalnion. Washington. D. C.

Mr. L. P. Crocker, Licensing Pro.iect Manager - Hatch  ;

L U. S. Nig.l. ear Regula.tpry Commission. Region II '

Dr. J. N. Grace, Regional Administrator  ;

i Mr. P. Holmes-Ray, Senior Resident Inspector - Hatch $ 1

, 1 L ,

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). -)l  : PLANT HATCH - UNITS 1, 2 .

NRC 00CKETS 50-321, 50-366 -


8 #

  1. JAflLLQF CONTENTS ke l]


Introduction i-SRV Challenges-for 1987  ! 2 a

1- Design Changes and Test or Experiment  :

Plant Design Changes (Safety related) 3

. Test or Experiment Request. 38 Data Tabulations ano'Unigt e Reporting, Requiremcnts n

c, '

Lj j Occupationa's Personnel Radiatiin Exposure- 39 a ' Reactor Coolant Chemistry,Semmary

,, 43 a, (

,-N-j[ t 1 y ' t '.

F lt I

-1944C i 02/29/88 s

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