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Certificate of Compliance 5908,Rev 12,for Model DOT-6M Type B.Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07105908
Issue date: 03/05/1986
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20137Z078 List:
NUDOCS 8603120482
Download: ML20137Z096 (4)


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I se c Fonessis U.S. NUCLEAQ CEOULATO;Y COMMIS$1:N b I += CERTIFICATE CF CEMPLIANCE I I to csa n FOR RADIOACTsVE MATERIALS PACKAGES I 1 a CEarlFICArt NUWSEa D aEvisON Nvu8Ea c P ACKaGE iOENriflCariON Nuusta a P4GE NUutta e totat huweta P Ages ll 5908 12 USA /5908/B( )F 1 3 g h

I 2 PaEAWStE l S. In.S Certificate is ISSved to Certify tnat tne paChaging and contents detCribed in item 5 oeio.. meets tne apobcabie lafety standards set for1a en Title to. Code


5 g of Federal Regulations Part 71. ' Pacnaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material ~


1. o In . certificate does not reiseve ine consignor trom co,nonance ita any requirement o'ine reguiations at ine u s oeoartment of Transoortation or otne, b

I' appacaeie reguiatory agencies. inciuding ine goverament of any country inrougn or into .nien ene paciaae .in de transported I; .>

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I a twis ceariscara is is,suco on t e easis os a saaarv a issuno to w =

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Babcock & Wilcox Company Nuclear Materials and Eouipment Corporation I Il li P.O. Box 785 application dated May 3,1974, as supplemented. )

gj Lynchburg, VA 24505 g I

Il I 1 . ooc ar ~uweta 71-5908 I 1 co omc~s I.l Tnis cctiescate is conditenai woon ewie,ning ene reau,rements ce io cr A Part 7i as sooncaene and ne condie ons so.cie.d neio. I

,1 I!

I, 5 ;I I (a) Packaging I I: ;I j

00T-6M Type B f (1) Model No.:


I (2) Description .I I .I I Metal packaging as described and constructed in accordance with DOT Specification 6M.

j j

l 'I I ;I g' (b) Contents I I I (1) Type and fom of naterial lD Il B fgl (i) Solid radioactive materials which will not decompose at te up to 250"F. Carbide compounds are not authorized; or I' .I j

l (ii) UO or 2 U0 nixtures 2

in the fom of powder or compact pellets; or Il (iii) Plutonium nitrate or uranyl nitrate solution in flane sealed glass ampoules or screw t'op plastic vials, each within one or l ll nore additional plastic vials with taped lids, and within a 1 gl!

I sealed product can or polyethylene bottle containing a sufficient 'I amount of vemiculite to absorb twice the liquid contents present; I Il >

l or I li l Il i f

Il I I I

I l

I lI Il ;I I :I I ,I I 'I l 'II l

l I

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l 86031204820%5 PDR ADOCK O 908 f h C __._________________________________,,_____________J' PDR

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}l' Page 2 - Certificate No. 5908 - Revision No.12 - Docket No. 71-5908 g W

1 R

'I li 1

(b) Contents (continued) N 1 h l

j (iv) Plutoniun sources in excess of 20 curies per package must be at least double encapsulated in a metal capsule such that the sources l

y 1 neet the requirenents for special fom radioactive material . W 1 li 4 Inner and outer capsules are individually leak tested during k j fabrication per ANSI N542-1977, procedure A2.2.3 (He pressure M 1

y bubble test), or equivalent.

l F

1 (2) flaximum cuantity of material per package and fissile class k 1 9 3 (i) For the material described in 5.(h)(1)(1), the naximum fissile h

]j naterial and naxinun hydrogen per package for Fissile Class I is as follows: ,

I h 1 t'aximun fissile material Hydrogen fiaterial F 1 Fissile per package, ner package, k j Haterial kiloarans arams l

1 l U-235 Pu 1.6 0.9*

20 11 lg 1 U-233 0.5 6.4 y L >

1 Vecause of the 10 watt thennal decay heat limitation, the limit for k j Pu-238 is 0.02 kilograns. Plutoniun in excess of 20 curies per package must be in the form of netal, netal alloy or reactor lg 1

j fuel elements. k 1 0

  1. (ii) For the raterial described in 5.(b)(1)(i) the naximun U-235 N 4 loading for uranium bearing naterials with an H/X 4. 3 and the l ninimum transport index to be assigned to each pacF g Class II is as follows: y 1 W.

J Maxinun Mininun F

'l Kos U-235 Tra ns po rt Inder k ig' .W l

.j 4.2 5.4 0.1 0.2 l

g j 7.3 0.5 >

1 9.1 1.0 i

1 1 8 (iii) For the naterial described in 5.(b)(1)(ii) the maxinun quantity 3 l of U-233 is 500 grams at an H/V ratio not to exceed 20 contained l l within a package size of at least 55 gallons. Each shipnent rust l
1 be linited as foilows:
j p 1 The mininun transport index for Fissile Class II is 2.5 I 1 I l The maximun number of packages for Fissile Class III is 51. l 1 I l' It I, B sI ', .I

p__ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ m A_ 11 N 11 M 1 T W i"A*3f1?$

li . k

, f CONo1TIONS Icontmusdp g 1 F 1 Page 3 - Certificate No. 5908 - Revision No.12 - Docket No. 71-5908 k

1 F 1 E 1 K 1 >

1 5. (b) Contents (continued) k 1 k 1 (iv) For the naterial described in 5.(b)(1)(iii) the maxinun quantity k F

3 of naterial is not to exceed 20 curies radioactivity and 40 nl of s olution . Fissile material must not exceed 10 grans. (


. (v) For the material described in 5.(b)(1)(iv) the maximun quantity k

q k 3 of plutoniun is 100 curies, k 1 k E

3 6. Two steel through bolts may be installed between the lid and botton of the steel j d runs . (

k 3

j 7. Venting may be provided by a 1-inch diameter hole in the drun lid backed by a y

] ninimun 1/2-inch thick Cerafelt refractory pad. k 1 F j 8. Maxinun decay heat per package nust not exceed 10 watts. [


9. The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 671.12.

f 3

-1 F 1 10. Expiration date: Februa ry 29, 1991. D i :1 1 B B.

'J 3 D 3 REFEPENCES y 1 >

Nuclear t'aterials and Equipment Corporation application dated t'ay 3,1974

] [

j Westinghouse Electric Corporation supplement (WAPD-RS(CC)-620) dated fiay 8,1973. l h

3 3 00E, NR supplements dated: fia rch 28, 1979; and July 19, 1982. k 3 k Allied Chemical Corporation, Report No. ICP-1061, Decenber 1974

] [

j Monsanto Research Corooration application dated January 10, 1980. (

B i


3 K b


Charles E. PtacDonald, Ch ef p i Transportation Certification Pranch i(

1 Division of Fuel Cycle and M j t'a terial Safety, NHSS [


- n

1 1

L 1 Date: EG i Einf;

{ ,

k I

! 1 .I I

f 1; I L. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m_m_m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m_ _ _ _ _m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ t

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      1. ~%, UNITED STATES

' E o NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION h WASHINGTON, D. C 20666 e...e Transportation Certification Aranch Approval Record 3

Model No. 00T-6ft Type B Packaging Docket No. 71-5908 Certificate of Compliance No. 590f! has been revised to correct the incomplete " equal to or less than" sign in Condition 5.(b)(2)(ii) of the certificate.

i Charles E. t'acDonald, Chief

. Transportation Certification Branch

' Division of Fuel Cycle and l'aterial Safety, f.HSS Date: NAA051986 i

4 l

