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Forwards Draft Order Permitting Operation of Facility Based on Reanalysis of Piping Analyses Previously Performed Using Algebraic Summation & Draft Safety Evaluation.Proposes Issuance During Week of 790806.W/o Encl
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/07/1979
From: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Gilinsky V, Hendrie J, Kennedy R
NUDOCS 7909190426
Download: ML20136C346 (1)


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84-79 5n 333 "E"0PA!'DU" FDC :

Chairnan Hendrie Coroissioner Gilinsky Connissioner Kennedy Comissioner Eradford FPGt': Connissioner Ahearne Harold R. Denton Director THPt': Office of Nuclear, Reactor Re gulation Lee V. Gossick SUPJECT:

Executive Director for Operations DRAFT ORCER AND SAFETY EVALUATI OPERATICU because ofFitzpatrick ':as shut down by ATI!!C TO FIT 7PATPICK Ica.fs algebraically.the use of a coaputer code unia Show Cause Order da

, l'179, ch incorrectly sunned earthquate Enclosed (depending on your is rev a iew) draft .

Order and Safet algebraic suanationbased This on Order wouldofpermit reanalysis pipingoperationyue E

resulting fron incre,ased reanalysis loads f of all pipe supports ianalyses prev i 1

pipe sucports outside containrof all supports inside co rom the piping reanalysesnside containment ent. and analyses of a portion of the, modification the bases described in Vethe Staff'shcun believe that the 1icensee has cause uby it I propose to issue an Order s Safety ncdif i Evaluation. owed to operate the fa Order and confirnine the ycor to ng the March 13, 1979Accordingly.

resuned creration.

Enclosed uitnents r:ade by the licensee Shou Causerelati ng decunents:for Cunnissico consideration ar hope to be ai+1e to(a) draft Order, and (b) draft S fe copies of tt.efi follo  ;

a ety Evaluation. No during the occh of, 1979 August 6 issue the enclosed on Order and I m j p o gi, o t/2.(, eCe



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1 DISTRIBUTION Docket File 50-333 NRC PDR Local PDR i

NRR Reading ORB 3 Reading E00 Reading L. Gossick H. Denton E. Case Attorney, OELD t

I&E (3)

, D. Eisenhut W. Gammil1 T. Ippolito

P. Polk -
l. W. Russell l J. Knight, DSS j S. Sheppard M. Filippone it. Groff

, M. Stine l

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