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Request for Subpoenas to Listed Wake County Sheriff Dept Employees to Appear at 850930-1005 Hearings on Contention WB-3 Re Drug Abuse During Const.Certificate of Svc Encl. Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/23/1985
From: Runkle J
Shared Package
ML20132C352 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8509270021
Download: ML20132C362 (6)





Carolina Power & Light Company ) Docket No. 50-400 OL and North Carolina Eastern )

Municipal Power Agency )


(Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plad .)


FOR HEARING ON CONTENTION WB-3 Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 2 720(a), now comes the Conservation Council with a request that the attached subpoenas be issued for the following persons:

(a) Major Lanier, Wake County Sheriff's Department. The purpose of the testimony will be to describe the overall findings of the Department's drug investigation at the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant and further to describe the extent of the drug abuse at.the plant.

(b) K. G. Hensley, Wake County Sheriff's Department. The purpose of the testimony is the same as that above from the perspective.of the undercover agent at the plant.

l (c) L'ieutenant Self, Wake County Sheriff's Department. The purpose of-the testimony is the same as that of Major Lanier in that Lt. Self-was the direct supervisor of the investigation.

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8509270021 850923 PDR ADOCK 05000400 T PDR

.Please note.that although the subpoenas to be issued require'the representatives of the Sheriff's Department to attend the entire hearing from September 30 through October 5, we will request of the Board a time certain on Monday for their testimony.f Other subpoenas may necessarily be required for rebuttal witnesses, depending on the testimony of the other party's ' witnesses.

Respectfully-submitted, John Runkle Counsel for the Conservation Council 307 Granville Road Chapel-Hill, NC 27514 919/942-7935, 942-0600 cc. Lynn Carvey, Attorney Wake County Sheriff's Department L

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Unitch 9tates of America NUCLEAR REGULATORY C051511SSION


In the matter of:

($\pt0LINn towErlall6HT CokfnN4 M (gkue Hovd5 Nabuw fm fla dh >- DOCKET NO. iDYCO O L TO [2, Cey A c,y,,q m s # s b 9 -t e + ,

Wp%; lie s f . M ll 14 2 b s4 t NC 1%oL YOU ARE IIEREBY CO5151ANDED to appear ..6.t...b...$.E .$.M..1 .. .

In the ettv of f...'fw......J.y An W . . . .c.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

on the..... .O. ..dayof...9[.b..b.....I9.....h.$.at..... . . .../.Q... 0'cloek A51.

to testify on behalf of ..f.b...h.r. M.M8:Y.!,lof,,Al,@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , ,

in the abose entitled action and bring with you the document (s) or object (s) described in the attached schedule.

BY ORDER OF THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD BY FOR - . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . 1 9 . . .

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10 C.F.R. 2.720 (f) preadms officer or. If he is u"vailable. the t On motion made promptly and in any ownt Commission may (1) qua+ or modify the sub-at or befort the 11me specified in the ashpoena poena if it is unreasonable or requires evndence for compliance by the person to whom the sub- not retenust to any matter in Lssue, or (2) con-potu Lt directed, and on notnce to the party at ditaan densa! of the motion on gust and reasonable l umhone instance the subpoena emas inrued, the term 1

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In the matter of:


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in the city of . [d. 4. .b..C.,, ,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,, , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

on the......3.9. ..... day o f..~.b.f.E.P.&... ..19....h..k.$.a t.... ...../.9.... 0'cloek d 31.

to testify on behalf of .ib.t...h.9.ct v va,1,,'pn,,(a te,gj,,(, o[,, N C,,, , ,, ,,,,,_,_ , ,, ,, , ,,,,

in the above entitled action and bring with you the document (s) or object (s) described in the attached schedule.

BY ORDER OF THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD l'Y O O +## C' . . . . . . . . . . . . ,19 - .


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10 C.F.R. 2.720 (f) presuisns 011tcer or, if he is unvailable. the On motion made promptly. and in any ownt Commisnon may fl} quash or modify the sub-at or before the time specified in the arbrorna poena if it is unreasonable or requires evedence for compliance by the person to dom the sub- not relevant to any matter in issue. or f.') con-poena is dsrected. and on notwe to the party at dition denial of the motion on just and reasonable dose instance the subpoena w issued, the trrmL


Enitch 9tates of Arnerica NUCLEAR REGULATORY COM511SSION O

In the matter of:

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  • LIW (*W"Y (skesvsn krVis Nuttuv% Ylant) >. DOCKET NO. 50-100 OL TO Mgjov (,anity Ve ke (su Hh b "' D f 8b*d .

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YOU ARE HEREBY CO3151ANDED to appear . ?.I...b..b." ".b.b... ... .. . .......

in th e ci t y o f . . bf.T.I.. ..b.b.. ...... ....... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .... . . . .. .... .. ...... .. .... . .. . . .. .. ..... ...

on the.... 3.o.f..... day of...%.#.5..k..... . ...19..k.(.....a t.. .l.9.. .. .. ... 0* clock 4 31.

to testify on behalf of .d.W...@.S.S81E.*I.(@...h.9.Oii3...?[...U..C... .. ......... .. ...... . ..... . ..

in the above entitled action and bring with you the document (s) or object (s) described in the attached schedule.


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10 C.F.R,. 2.720 (f) prendans offscer or, if he is unvastabie, the On motion made promptly. and in any owne Commission may (1) quam or modify the sub-at or before the time spectfled in the nubpoena poena if it it unressonable or requtres eveJence for compli.nnce by the person to 'shom the ask- not relesent to any matter in issue, or f.') con -

poena is dsrected, and on nonce to the party at danon dens,al of the motion on just and reest,nable mhose anstance she subpoena mes issued. the terms

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' CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that this Testimony of Patty Miriello and Request f E f E SubpoenaswereservedonthefollowingpersonsbydepositintheU.SfNkl, postage prepaid, or by hand-delivery. (* for overnight mail).

Thomas S. Moore, Chaiman (appeals only) _M. Travis Payne Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board PO Box 12643 US Nuclear Regulatory Comission Raleigh, NC 27605 GFFICE OF bHti An' DOC G ERvirl Washington, D. C. 20555 Dr. Richard D. Wilson Dr. Reginald Gotchy (appeals only) 729 Hunter Street Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board Apex, NC 27502 US Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D. C. 20555 Wells Eddleman 806 Parker Street Howard A. Wilber-(appeals only) Durham, NC 27701 Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board US Nuclear Regulatory Comission Richard E. Jones Washington, D. C. 20555 Dale Hollar Legal Department James L. Kelley

  • Carolina Power & Light Atomic Safety & Licensing Board PO Box 1551 US Nuclear Regulatory Comission Raleigh, NC 27602 Washington, D. C. 20555 Thomas A. Baxter
  • Glenn O. Bright
  • Shaw, Pittman, Potts 6 Trowbridge Atomic Safety & Licensing Board 1800 M Street, NW US Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D. C. 20036 Washington, D. C. 20555 Robert Cruber Dr. James H. Carpenter
  • Public Staf f-Utilities Comission Atomic Safety & Licensing Board PO Box 991 US Nuclear Regulatory Comission Raleigh, NC 27602 Washington, D. C. 20555 H. Al Cole, Jr.

Docketing and Service (3 copies) Attorney General's Office Office of the Secretary PO Box 629 US Nuclear Regulatory Comission Raleigh, NC 27602 Washington, D. C. 20555 Spence W. Perry (emerg. planning)

Charles A. Barth

  • Associate General Counsel Office of the Executive Legal Director FEMA US Nuclear Regulatory Comission 500 C Street, SW, Ste. 480 Washington, D. C. 20555 Washington, D. C. 20740 Bradley U. Jones NRC-Regit,n II This is the 23rd day of 101 Marrietta Street September, 1985.

Atlanta, CA 30303 Daniel F. Read PO Box 2151 Jdhn Runkle Raleigh, NC 27602 Attorney at Law t