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Summarizes 720330 & 0420 Telcons W/Util Re Proposed Study to Be Carried Out by EPA in Collaboration W/State Agencies & AEC on Radioactivity Monitoring Measurements in Environ
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/21/1972
From: Beck C
NUDOCS 9212030540
Download: ML20128B020 (2)


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Q nas April 21, 1972 ENVIRON, RLE (NEPA)



03iVDGATIQiS OF MAPai 30, 1972, AND APRIL 20,1972, WI'HI WAIE IARKD1 0F N01UiERi STKiU3 POWER On March 30, 1972, Mr. Wade Larkin of the Northam States Power Campary, Minneapolis, (Mantioello) called to infom me that they had as of that date received frun a Mr. Calley of EPA a March 30 version of a pmposed Dresden-type attriy to be carried out by TA in collaboration'with state agencies taid the AEC cn radioactivity nonitcring neasumrrents in the envimranent and in the ftnticello plant. He said that this p4Wd pm6 ram included a consideration of aircraft surveillance measurements of the efflmnt pitanes frorn the plant but pmposed that such measumments #

would not be carried out. He further said that he was calling me about this pmposed pmgrm since the proposal indicated AEC participation, but V

he had had no word frcn AEC about this.

3 I infomed Mr. Larkin that we '.aiew of EPA's pmposed pavgum or study at '

Manticello; that we had been in discussicns with EPA about this program; that.

we had raised questicus about the necessity of considerable portions of the l

initial proposal which appeamd to duplicate much of the licensingarx1 AEC nmitoring pmgrams almady carried out in the license; that EPA wea in the l

l-process of revising their study to minin:ize duplication and to confine thbirj,'

t neanumrent pmuas for the nost part to offsite envirarsnental areas; that, since we had not received EPA's revised proposal, we did not know what it - L contained and we did not know whether we would be in-full ccncurmnoe or not-but would continue to work with EPA until-sorte satisfactory working mlation-ships wem developed--not cnly for the )tuticello situaticn but for EPA's t

proposed txnitority program in general.

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Mr. Larkin asked, "What do you reocarnend as our msponse to the EPA pmposalt" I mplied, "At this point I have no mocosmandation; it. is a matter for you; c to decide.*

' ' - ~~

On April 20,1971, Mr. Iarkin again called to say that EPA ' officials'had '

-m held a meeting at their plant on April 19...but with no AEC pecple. pmsent' in ecntrast to what they had been led by EPA to disosass the~

proposed nrnitoring pmgram at Manticello.

'! hem had been, he inRicated, considerable discussicn of the secpe and time schedule for EPA's pmposed- -l program which would extend,- appamntly, over several armths. Mr. Lazicin o


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April 20, 1972 l'r. Lrkin stated tMt since his earlier discussion with re,13crthem States hr.i had sore intenvil discussicns within their organir.ation and differences of opinion with tycpect to tle tireliness of this study pro-poned by D A.

As a result they advised the EA officials that IJorthem Etater would prvrer to postpone this study for at least sme period of time and discus 31cns. Mr. La.itin stated that since AEC was not involved in the discu :icns an be hid expected th*y wculd be, he was calling to let ne Ira the cittntim and his decisicn.

w I thrmkod Mr. Larkin for hin inforrnticn; I advised him thst we had had a diectreicn with EPA on Pridsy, April 14, at which we had discussed DA's prc:med prommn of inspecticn in general with sme reference to the crecific !bnticello pmpccal arvi Iwl arrived at an apee:!cnt with LTA that they be eet fcrth to to in widting their criteria relating to AEC-EPA inter-free reintionsnips and their pro;med pmcedural arranreronte for carrying out ronitoring prorne:n; that they wculd send these prcamtly to AEC and we expected to receive these rutentarily; that we indoubtedly would core chortly to scr:c workinr ar;recrents cn these mstters. He stated appreciation of rvcciving this infornntion and stated that he would advise us when tratters in dincusnian within their organir.ation had been resolved.

Cliffo"d E. Bot..

Ee;uty Director of Perdlatico for Cogliance, Saferurds, and Ihterials cc:

E. J. Bloch, D3 C. H. Ihtv2uer, In E. G. Cane, DRS L.D.

Los, CO P. A. ?br"is, Dil L. Rcv;ern, IEP C. Pelletier, 03 H. Shomberg, IEP cmet.




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