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Forwards Guidelines for Troubleshooting Quarantined Equipment Involved in 850609 Trip & for Review of Transcripts from fact-finding Team
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/18/1985
From: Heltemes C
To: Harold Denton, Dircks W, Taylor J
NUDOCS 8506260693
Download: ML20127J565 (10)


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June 18, 1985 T0: W. Dircks H. Denton J. Taylor J. Keppler The following is forwarded for your information (I received this today from E. Rossi, Team t.eader, Davis Besse Fact-Finding Team):

1. The guidelines for' troubleshooting quarantined equipment.
2. The guidelines for review of transcripts.

C. J. Heltemes, Jr.

Director, AEOD Attachments:


Nine pages (plus cover) e 4

8506260693 850618 6 ,


p. .. .

i REVIEW AND AVAILABILITY OF TRANSCRIPTS The NRC Fact Finding Team has had interviews and meetings tracscribed to assist theTeam in conducting its review of the June 9,1985, transient at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. The Team intends to make transcripts of interviews 'and meetings available for reviw under the following guidelines:

1. ~ A copy' of the transcript will be made available initially for review only to individuals who have been interviewed. Individuals may read only their transcript, make notes, and consult with others whil.e reviewing the transcript. However, they may not make copies of the transcript and will not be parmitted to keep the transcript until a later time. -
2. Individuals may make correcticns or suggest clarifications to their answers which will be attached to the ' official transcript.

Corrections er clarifications should be made on the correction aheets that will be provided rather than on the transcript itself. If anyone wishes to speak further with the Fact Finding Team, the Team will be available to conduct fg ther interviews.

Further interviews sill also be transcribed.

3. The Fact F'i nding Team intends to give each individual interviewed a copy of the transcript of his interview for his personal retention and use after the conclusion ef all the interviews and after each individual has had an opportunity to correct his transcript.

4 At the same time that those interviewed are provided a copy of their transcripts, the Team intends to make the transcript available to the public and steps will be taken to transmit the transcripts to the NRC's Public Document Rooms.

S. Transcripts of meetings batveen the feet Finding Team and Toledo Edison Company will be available to NRC personnel (including Region III) and Toledo Edison Company personnel for review. Toledo Edison Ccmpany may suggaat corrections or clarifications, if appropriate, which will be included with the official transcript.

Corrections or clarifications should be made en the correction sheets that will be provided rather than on the transcript itself.

6. Copies of the meeting transcripts vill be released to Toledo Edisen Ccapany for its retention after the Team has substantially con-cluded its efforts at the atte. The transcripts will be made available to the public unless the licensee has made a request for protection of proprietary information in the transcripts in accordance with NRC regulations. ,

NRC' Fact Finding Team 06/17/85

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If you have any corrections that you wish to make on your transcript, please do so on the following page in the following fashion Indicate the page of the correction, the line number, and then the change to be made and t.he reason for making the change. Date and sign all correc-tion pages that correspond with your transcript.



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l Page No. DATE.


yah Ll~m ~ LMu 2 G~ T DATE y INTR A.CCfAPANY MEMCMANDUM E O f.214 2 June 13, 1985


w yo June 15,1985, Rev.1 Action Item Lead Individuals __ _


3. K. Mood - - .

SuhEoT .

Guidelines to Follow When Troubleshooting or Performing Investigative Actioca into the Foot Ceuses Surrounding the June _9.1985 Reactor Trip For each item on the Equipment Freeze list (Attachment 1), an action plan shall be developed f or investigative or troubleshooting work which I provides the basis for the Maintenance Work Order. Personnel (lead and/

or support) developing the action plan shall hava knowledge of the design criteria of the specific area being considered. Vender engineering support will be utilined as necessary to acce=plish this requirement.

When used, vendor asaistance shall be documented.

Troubleshooting and investigative activity shall be preceded by event evaluation and analysis to determine hypothesis (ses) and probable causes of failure or abnormal operation. Analysis and evaluation shall proceed as follows: .

Collect and analy:a knevn information/ operational data for -ondi-a.

tions prior to, during and af ter the transient.

b. Review - =aintenance pnd surveillance [cesting history. gg Xg


  • v b dree.
c. Develop a su= mary of data 4that Wpport any proposed probable cause of failure or abnormal operation.
d. Cenduct a changa analysis (i.e., what has changed since the last known successful operation of the system or equipnent),
e. Based on above Items a-d, develop primary and alternate hypoth-esis(see) for the root cause of the problem.
f. Develop plans for testing tbc prebable causes/bypothesis (i.e.,

checks, verificatiens, inspections, troublesheeting, etc.) . In developios inspection and troublechooting plans, care must be taken to insure when possible that the less likely causes/ hypotheses (ses) re=ain testable. When planning troubleshooting activity try to simulate as closely as practical the actual conditions under which .

the eyetem or camponent f ailed to operate properly on June 9,1985.

g. Document the above in a report.

It is very important that the performance of our investigations do not in any way result in the loss of any infor=atien due to disturbances of co=ponents er systens. Investigations need to be conducted in a logical, well thought-out and documented canner. To avoid the loss of information

g Juno 13, 1985 June 15, 1985, Rev. 1 Page 2 and to assure the capture of reliable _ information, the following guide-lines in addition to the requirements of AD 1844.00 need to be addressed and followed when initiating and implementing an W0.

I 1. All action plans for troubleshooting and investigative work shall be reviewed with MRC personnel prior to implementatica.

2. All W0s relating to the 6/9/85 trip igestigation aball be handled as NSR.
3. Troubleshooting and repair shall be accomplished on separate Wos.
4. WO's are to be approved by the Actica Item Lead individual and revieved by- QC prior to their in:plementation. Copies of W0s, when approved by the Action item Lead Individual, shall be forwarded to D. J. Mominee,(Stop 3070), it is the 1.ead Individual's responsi-biltty to assure that the investigativa actions are appropriate, 1 sufficient, properly defined, documented, and data is preserved.
5. Only thesa WO's approved by the Action Item Lead Individual and QC may be worked on any of the "f rozen systems" identified on the attached list.
6. Assure that only current drawings and centro 11ed vender manuals are used.
7. Consider the need for vendor representatives, vender representatives should be used to assist in troubleshooting if appropriate expertise is not available in-house. The representatives will need to be given specific guidance for what they are and are not to do. Vendor representatives must follow the guidelines of this memorandum and 1 requirements of the Maintenance Work Order.
8. The WO must clearly document the scope, affected equipment, and the desired objective of the investigative activity.
9. The sequence of activity needs to be documented on the WO or proce- '

duras specified in the WO. If the'ssquence can be datermined prior to the activity being perfor:sd, define that sequence and provide a checkoff for each step. If the desired sequence cannot be determined

. prior to the activity, as a minimum define the fundamental sequence to be tsken and document each specific step as it is performed.

1,0. Document on the WO all as found conditions. Visual inspect and document any missing, Icose or damaged components, note positions 1 (open, closed, up, down, kneb settings, switch positions, setpoints, etc.) abnormal environmantal conditions, operation of cooling de-vices, water leaks, eil leaks, icose fittings, cracks, evidence of overheating or water damage, cleanliness, bent tubing, fluid levels, I jumpers, lifted wires, etc. Describe the overall condition or


Juna 13, 1985 June 15, 1985, Rev. 1 Page 3 appearance. Whenever possible, use photographs to document as found conditions. When coceidered necessary, retain a sample of fluids or their residue for further analysis.

11. When discrepancies are noted during the investigation, stop work and notify the Acticn Item Lead Individual. Document the deficiency.

The Leed individual must sign off en the discrepancy prior to contin-ning the investigation.


12. Document the results of the investigation on the MWO.
13. Prior to starting any repair activities the Action Item Lead Individual must document that all investigaticus have been properly

. completed.

14. No equipment is to be shipped off site without prior approval of I Hucigar Pacility Engineering and Quality Engineering for including appropriate hold and witness points. Use the "Q" purchase order process to cbtain these approvals.

HOTE: In all cases, applicable procedure must be followed. The requirements of this memorandem must be ec=municated to craf t personnel to avoid any confusion or misunderstand 1nga during this investigative period.

15. All failed or removed cerponents/aquipnent sball be retained for ongoing review and ersmination. Complete traceability shall be maintained.

The NRC shall be notified when the determination of the root cause of the 1 malfunction / failure has been made, an'soon as practical, the results of the troubleshooting process, root cause determinations and justification will be presented to the NRC (e.g., next day in a meeting).

The NRC shall be advised as soon as practical of plans and schedules for

- corrective action work, prior to the work being performed.

NOTE: Any communication with the NRC personnel will be coordinated through John Wood.

O JyW/SCW/bjs Attachment

_;.__ . _ . . _______,__,_m_.

6/15/85 Rev. 1 5:00 AM Attachsant 1 Page 1 EQUIF! TENT FTdEZE The folleving. list of items is the licensee's prcpossi for continued quarantiner


1. RFP's Turbius and Controls
2. SFRCS and Associated Instrument Channels

. 3. Aux Feed Pump. Turbines and Controla 4 MSIV's' Including Controla - Actuating Circuits, Pneumatic SuppM es S. S/07 Feed Valve SP-7A - and Controls

6. Source Range Instrument Channels
7. Turbine Bypass Valve SP-13A2 - Any other ccuponents for which there is found an indication of water hammar damage
8. PORV and Controls and Actuation System
9. Kain Steam Safety Valves
10. AF 599 and AF 608 valves, Actuators and controls i 11. MS 106 and controls l

l r This item was released by the Fact-Finding Team:

l l . 1. SPDS l

l This item was added by the Fact-Finding Team:

1. SW Valve and Controls on A W Alternate Supply ,

It is agreed that no work will be done in the proximity of, or on, this equipment.

The licensee agreed to co=plete a walkdown cutside Centair.nent of the Main Steam System by appropriate personnel to identify any additional damage that may have been caused by water hamer.

y 6/15/85 Rev. I 8:00 /M Attachment 1 Fage 2 1 The Fact-Finding Team stated thati

a. If required for safety, work shall proceed.
b. S t' illanceRehuirementsofthe'IschnicalSpecificaticusshouldbe r 'ied.
c. The tea:n shculd be advised of any acticus taken in the two areas above. &#

SCW/bj s h

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N Instructions fer Checking Out Transcripts

1. Transcripts of individual interviews are to be checked cut only by the ind'ividual who was interviewed (as identified on the first page of the transcript). In the esse of joint interviews, each person who was jointly interviewed may examine that transcript.
2. Transcripts of : nettings between Toledo Edison and NRC personnel may be checked out by either KRC or Toledo Edisen personnel.


3. Keep a sign-out sheet for the transcripts. Log in the time checked out and the time returned for each transcript, the title of the transcript (for exa:nple, " Smith Interview,""6-15-85 Meeting"), and the person who checked the transcript out.
4. Ask for identification of persens checking out the transcript, particularly for persons wishing to see the individual interviews.
5. Provi-Je a copy of the general guidelines " Review and Availability of

, Transcripts" which includes instructions for making corrections on transcripts. Also provide a correction sheet and additional sheets as requested.

6. Collect any correction sheets and make sure they are signed. Give the correction aheats to dayne Lanning..
7. Do not permit photo-copying or retentien of the transcript until authorized by the HRC Fact Finding Team. As indicated in the general instructions, individuals may make notes and may have the assistance of other persons in reviewing the transcripts.
