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Application for Amend to License NPF-33,revising Tech Specs to Reflect Organizational Mod,Per 850614 Meeting W/Region III & Two Minor Technical Changes
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/21/1985
From: Jens W
To: Youngblood B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20127G914 List:
NE-85-0896, NE-85-896, NUDOCS 8506260133
Download: ML20127G910 (3)


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unn orma t4h Detroit M

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June 21, 1985 1

NE-85-0896 i

1 l

Mr. D. J. Youngblood, Chief i

i Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation t

Licensing Branch No. 1 Division of Licensing j

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commionion Washington, D.C. 20555 l

i j

Dear Mr. Youngblood References (1)

Fermi 2 l

NRC Docket No. 50-341 l

NRC Licenoc No. HPF-33 l


Detroit Edison to NRC Lotter, " Technical Specification Change Request", NC-85-0710, June 6, 1985 l


Additionni Technical Soecification Changen t

i The Reference (2) letter requented come changen to the Formi 2 Technical Specifications to be innued with the Fermi 2 full power operating licence.

Thio letter requesto two j

i additional minor technical changen plus changen reficcting an organizational modification discuaned with NRC Region III at a meeting on June 14, 1985.

The reorganization, in i

1 effect, strengthono the plant's role in the overall Detroit l

Edison Nuclear Operationo management structure.

In addition, it transfers the authority for the romaining


functions of the Project Management Organization to Nuc1 car 4'


The chango 10 not considered a reduction in i

licensing or quality accuranco commitmento and will bc reficcted in the next revision to the FSAR filed per 10CPR50.71 (c).

l' i


4 1

8506260133 850421 i

PDR A N M 05000341 I

4 P

i 40 l



Mr. B. J. Youngblood June 21, 1985 NE-85-0896 Page 2 consists of the proposed changes shown as marked up Technical Specification pages.

provides individual justifications in the same sequence as the marked up pages in Attachment 1.

Some changes in are duplicated from Reference (2) to ensure there is no confusion.

Detroit Edison requests that these proposed changes be incorporated into the Technical Specifications issued with the Fermi 2 full power license.

With the exception of changes necessitated by the organization change, I hereby certify that-these proposed changes reflect the plant, Final Safety Analysis Report and the staff's Safety Evaluation Reports in all material respects.

Please direct any questions to Mr. O. K. Earle at (313) 586-4211.


[-@N y


4 cc Mr. P. M. Byron Mr. M. David Lynch USHRC Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555

I, WAYNE H. JENS, do hereby affirm that the foregoing statements are based on facts and circumstances which 1

are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and

.l belief.


'Y g.

, g WAYNE H. JENS V Vice President I

Nuclear Operations i

4 on this J/

day of S '

1' 1985


before me personally appeared Wayne lifJens, being first duly sworn and says that he executed the foregoing as his free act and deed.

3 f ' ts_ ^_fe t" t J Notary Public MARCIA DUCK Notary Public. Washtenaw county, Mi My Commission Dptros Occ.23,121 Arq, yre l

I 1