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Discusses Encl RW Krimm ,Forwarding Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan Exercise Repts.Two Category a Deficiencies Identified.Recommends Encl Exercise Repts Be Transmitted to Licensee.W/O Repts
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 10/02/1984
From: Jordan E
To: Martin T
Shared Package
ML20126J491 List:
NUDOCS 8410110357
Download: ML20127C147 (2)


VU >

u > T.


q. OCT 2 1984 o

MEMORANDUM FOR: T.T. Martin, Director Division of Engineering and Technical Programs Region I FROM: Edward L. Jordan, Director Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcement


FEMA EXERCISE REPORTS FOR THE BEAVER VALLEY EXERCISE The enclosed letter from Richard W. Krimm, Assistant Associate Director, Office of Natural and Technological Hazards Programs, FEMA, forwarded the exercise reports from FEMA Region III dated July 27, ',984, and FEMA Region V dated July 31, 1984, for the Beaver Valley emergency exercise on June 27, 1984.

The FEMA Region III report identified two Category A deficiencies. The first deficiency concerns (a) the failure of PEMA to clearly communicate protective action recommendations to Beaver County, and (b) excessive time taken to coor-dinate the protective actions and the activation of the public alert and notification system. FEMA states that the first part of the deficiency was corrected during the Limerick exercise on July 25, 1984. Documentation of this correction will be reflected in the Limerick exercise report. A remedial demonstration to correct the second part of the deficiency will be scheduled for PEMA within 120 days of the date of the FEMA letter.

The second Category A deficiency, relating to several problems encountered by Hancock County, West Virginia in implementing protective action procedures, will also be addressed in a remedial exercise to be scheduled within 120 days of the date of the FEMA letter.

We recommend that you transmit the enclosed FEMA exercise reports to the licensee. With regard to the Category A deficiencies, you should ensure that the licensee takes prompt action to work with FEMA and the State and local governments toward their satisfactory resolution. We consider that these Category A deficiencies require the initiation of the 120 day provision of the regulations [10 CFR 50.54(s)(2)]. We also recommend that the other licensees in Pennsylvania be informed of the lack of prompt notification of the public-during this exercise, a deficiency also identified during the recent Limerick exercise. For the Category B deficiencies, you should continue to coordinate


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. OCT 2 ES4

. y .- ,

T. T. Martin with FEMA Regions III and V to ensure that the deficiencies for Beaver Valley are corrected in a timely manner with the assistance, if necessary, of the licensee.

Edward L. Jordan, Director Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcement


FEMA Ltr. Dated 8/30/84 cc: w/o enclosures to FEMA Ltr. DISTRIBUTION J. M. Taylor,IE DCS J. N. Grace, IE DEPER/RF S. A. Schwartz, IE DEPER RF 84-325 D. B. Matthews, IE ,

ELJordan C. R. Van Niel, IE F. Kantor, IE G. E. Simonds, IE S. Varga, NRR P. Tam, NRR f

E/ lEPA/ E E'PB/IE DD/DEPER/IE D /IE G i ds:sc CREan iel DBMatthews SA hwartz Jo an 1 / 84 10/'g/84 10/ /84 10/ /84 10/ /84


. f. -

j g Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 v

APR I 0 c935 MEMORANDUM FOR: Edward L. Jordan Director ~

Division of Emergency Preparedne:is and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission giL Ri 4 a W.

chard L LKrimm

). is ~" ,..:- --


Assistant Associate Director Office of Natural and Technological Hazards Programs


Status of the Beaver Valley Power Station Category A Deficiencies

On June 27, 1984, a full-participation offsite radiological emergency preparedness exercise was conducted at the Beaver Valley Power Station which resulted in a Category A deficiency for the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. This deficiency was the result of a failure to activate the alert and /

notification system within the timeframe as outlined in NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1,-

Rev.1, and FEMA-43.

Since the exercise, the Beaver County government has undergone a reorganization which places the Beaver County Communications Center under the direct control of the Beaver County Office of Emergency Services. With this consolidation, the Emergency Management Coordinator now has the capability to simultaneously notify all 27 municipalities in Beaver County within the 10-mile emergency

. planning zone. On February 25, 1985, a remedial exercise was conducted to demonstrate the improved capability of the Beaver County Office of Energency Services to notify the 27 municipalities in Beaver County. The alert and notification process was completed within the required 15-minutes .

during the remedial exercise. Attached are the FEMA Region III report on the February 25, 1985 remedial exercise and the corrective action schedule for the Category B deficiencies. Based on the demonstrated capabilities, the Category A deficiency has been adequately corrected.

Similarly, the remedial exercise conducted on December 13, 1984, corrected the Category A deficiency that had been cited'for Hancock County, West Vi rgini a. The results of the December 13, 1984, remedial exercise were forwarded to you on February 6, 1985.

Both Category A deficiencies cited during the June 27, 1984, Beaver Valley exercise have now been adequately corrected as demonstr'ted by the two remedial exercises, ocm. . ,, ,.,a y * *- a f s -

'e . _ . , .

2-Therefore,_offsite radiological emergency now adequate to provide reasonable assurance that the public health and safety can be protected in the event of an accident at the site.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Robert S. Wilkerson, Chief,-

Technological Hazards Division, at 646-2860.

Attachments-As Stated i


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.c Federal Emergency Management Agency v I i .

Region III 105 South 7th Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 MAR 1 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Samuel W. Speck, Associate Director State and Local Programs & Support

' ATTENTION: Robert S. Wilkerson, Chief logica az ds Division FROM: 4 o Regional Director


Category "A" Deficiency, Beaver Valley Exercise, June 27, 1984 On June 27, 1984, a full-participation exercise was held for the Beaver Valley Power Station. As a result of that exercise the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency received a Category "A" deficiency. The deficiency was given because the alert and notification system was not s

activated within the 15-minute timeframe called for in NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1 and FEMA-43.

Since the exercise was held, the Beaver County government has undergone a reorganization which places the Beaver County Communications Center under the direct control of the Beaver County Office of Emergency Services; the Director of this agency is the Emergency Management Coordinator for Beaver County. -With this consolidation, the Emergency Management Coordinator now

,' has the capability to simultaneously notify the 27 municipalities in Beaver County within the 10-mile emergency planning zone of the Beaver Valley Power

~- -


In addition, on February 25, 1985, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, Beaver County, Pennsylvania; the West Virginia Office of Emergency y

' Services, Hancock County, West Virginia; the Ohio Office of Emergency /. U " A Services and Columbiana County, Ohio, participated in a supplemental exercise to demonstrate the capability to notify all parties of the decision.

to activate the alert and notification system within the 15-minute timeframe

! requirements of NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1 and FEMA-'43.

..The supplemental exercise, which was observed by the 'C Chairman and the Project Officer for Beaver Valley, began at the Gene Amergency stage which was declared at 1730. The Pennsylvania Emerget... Management Agency advised the Beaver County Emergency Management Coordinator of the General Emergency and provided an update of plant conditions. All municipalities and separate entities were notified.of the change in status.


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n. .

,s The Bureau of Radiation Protection advised PEMA, at 1800, that pressure in


the reactor was increasing, the reactor water pressure was decreasing, all i attempts to depressurize the reactor vessel and increase water level have been unsuccessful, and that there was a possibility.of fuel damage. Based on the above stated plant conditions,.BRP recommended that an evacuation of the EPZ be initiated. '


. PENA contacted the Governor at 1806 and presented the plant conditions and '

the Bureau of Radiation Protection's recommendation to evacuate to him. At i 1815 the- Governor directed an evacuation of the 10-mile Pennsylvania j Emergency Planning Zone, preceded by activation of the alert and j notification system at 1830. At 1816 the Pennsylvania Emergency Management i Agency relayed the Governor's decision to Beaver County and advised West j Virginia and' Ohio of the Governor's decision to activate the alert and j notification system at 1830, over the dedicated telephone. West Virginia i and Ohio concurred with this decision and Beaver County acknowledged receipt  ;

of the message. A hard copy of the decision was then sent to all parties j via the teletype system. Beaver County notified all municipalities via j

~ RACES ~and REACT radio systems at 1817,'that the siren system would be

'j activated at 1830, with EBS announcements to follow'immediately. Route alerting would also be accomplished as necessary.

All 27 municipalities verified receipt of the message by 1827. 1 p

' Based on the' result of the supplemental exercise held on February 25, I feel that the Category'"A" deficiency.given to the Pennsylvania Emergency Man,agement Agency has been adequately addressed. 4 During the supplemental exercise held on December 13, 1984, Hancock County, West: Virginia, demonstrated the capabilities to perform the functions

-necessary to protect the public in the event of an incident at the Beaver

- Valley Power Station. The results of the Hancock County supplemental. l exercise were forwarded to you on December 28, 1984.

Therefore, both Category "A" deficiencies received as a result of the. full-scale-exercise held on June 27, 1984, have been adequately addressed by performances demonstrated in supplemental exercises.

If we can be of further assistance, please contact James R. Asher of my staff at-(215) 597-8664.

cc: John L. Patten, Director Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency

i i


. f' CATEGORY E. The foklowing' deficiencies, while not. indicative of preparedness insufficient to- . .

, provide'the assurance specified in Category A, above,' require corrective action. Also included * **

are recoassendations where performance was adequate, but. correctable weaknesses were noted.



Oni rarponse team representative took 90 minutes to '

- H.4- 1. ' Department of Military Affa' irs did not sign in until 1000 10/17/84 rarpond to the ca'11 to activate the EOC. hours, although'the alert was declared at 0825 hours0.00955 days <br />0.229 hours <br />0.00136 weeks <br />3.139125e-4 months <br />. On -

the surface this appears to be excessive, but these people are located at Indiantown Cap. At a minimum, it takes about

) ' orie hour for the team to get.on site. -


i . ,

, In accardance with State and local plans, the licensee's .. ,A.1.a 2 This deficiency was the subject of a meeting August 9,1984 * ,


< protective action recommendation should have been with'the following participants: Nuclear Regulatory. Date to be

' ' discussed with the States alone, not in conference Commission Federal Emergency Management Agency, States of determined.

. with the Counties as well. " Protocol should'be established. Pennsylvania and Ohio, Counties of Beaver (Penna.), .

'for use of the dedicated hotline by the licensee in Columbiana (Ohio), Hancock (W. Virginia) . Dusquesne Light' confersnee with the States, and by the State in conference and Power (licensee) and Bell Telephone. Many options were

.with acch other and the local jurisdictions. discussed; however, feasibility studies and costs have not -
. been received at this time. A special circuit has been considered and will make it possible to separate any -

~ ,

discussion between the state, BRP, and the facility from the counties concerned. -

Exarcise play was terminated by PEMA too early for the lN.2.d 3. The exercise play was terminated with a caution to all' 10/17/84-County and local participants to have time to fully perticipants that each

  • activity to be monitored by federal pity cut protective actions. observers should contique until reviewed. The county was' also informed that if any county objectives had not been ;.

attained, the county could continue. Mass care and

  • Traffic Control were ' played out'of sequence, thereby reducing exercist_ time folloking protective action

. . execution.

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9 o . a 4 _O

! O 9 g g

SlFY1ARY UI- Utt-11,1tNQt;$,

  • t . CATECORY
  • B. The following' deficiencies, while not. indicative of preparedness ' insufficient tos .

provide the assurance specified in Category A. above, require corrective action. Also included ,

are recommendations where performance was adequate. but correctable weaknesses were noted.




4. Str;tus board lo,cated in the presentation center was not J.9 4. The reference has to do with state'and 16 cal protective krpt up-to-date. -

measures but it presents no requirement for a media center

.to have a status board. The' purpose of a media center is to

, provide a site for the news media ,to assemble and receive .

periodic briefings concerning the status 'of the facility or any other newsworthy information associated with an .

  • l .

incident (natural or man-made). If a media center has a .

  • . ' status board it will be recommended that it be posted in a j timely'ma.nner for all future drills.or actual incidents.


5. Tha team was not adequately briefed on plant or meteor-I.7 5. Air monitoring team'will be briefed on the same information 10/17/84 olagical conditions.'
  • provided to PEMA during each half hour update.. Sensitive .

l information concerning plant conditions will not be transmittei* .

- i

. via radio.

, 6. The team was asked to evacuate from the 10-mile EPZ. . I.7 ~

6. Team will be relocated'out of the plume during future
  • rather than relocate out of t he plume. exercises. This is standard procedure. It was not

. standard procedure for the tese to evacuate from the EFZ.


[ 7. Although the water monitoring team was o.n standby at.; I. 7 7. Water Monitoring Tea's was instructed to report to the ths Beaver County EOC with all equipment'necessary. Beaver County EOC with equipment. During an actual thry were not mobilized during the exercise. incident that's where the team would be, on stand-by.

s" This team was exercised last year, therefore, it was not deemed necessary to exercise them beyond the point of mobilization with equipment.


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. I CATECORY B. The following deficiencies, while not. indicative of preparedness insufficient to-

  • provide *the assurance specified in Category A, above, require corrective. action. Also included- ,

are recommendations where performance was adequate, but. correctable weaknesses were noted. '




  • DECONTAMINATION 4 It rppeared ths.t the decostamination sta't ion at Baden
  • K.5.h 8.. Early activation of activities dur'ing an*esercise is 1986- .i hzd bien activated well before the general emergency. ' characteristic of volunteers who are proficient in.their- Date to be In thi future' activation closer to the general emergency Auties and are anxious to do'a ' good job. In the future a determined.


would be more appropriate. , conscientious effort will be made to activate the

  • decontamination station closer to.'the declaration of a general emergency.

1,. Azruring that vehicles are dispatched to all decontam- 'K. 5. b' 9. Detailed planning in the. future should correct this initien stations would improve future exercises. May 1985 deficiency. .



. The County should examine"both,its internal and external E.2 10.' Communications procedures are being modified to include , 1986 communications procedures with the goal'of preventing

  • escalation /de-escalation, protective action recommendations a rscurrence of the failure to receive.and transmit
  • Data to be and verification. Delays experienced in the notification determined.
  • tha protective action decisions. Messages should be, .

process will be investigated and appropriate modificattoos corpistely written out and read back'to the sender . incorporated prior to the next e'xercise.

  • j j for purposes of verification. The County.should also .
  • i attsapt to determine why some municipalities experienced ,

i dalays in communications from the County, and correct , ,

'tha fsetors causing those delays.

. Ilh11e no protective action decisions (evacuation, use of. E.2 11. The decision to implement protective action in the future i _ KI) wtre received or were misunderstood by the County 1986 from PEMA, there was sufficient information available . will rest with the Board of Commissioners based on the . Date to be to ths County to warrant a more aggressive pursuit of advice of PEMA and local conditions. In the absence of determined.

'. ths catter with PEMA. Such a non-passive stance on the

  • advice from PEMA, the county will aggressively pursue the County's part would foster a more fail-safe communi-issue or take whatever initiative is necessary go protect l the health and safety of all county residence.
s system. ,
  1. 3

- - - - , -e . - - -


t. CATECORY B. The following deficiencies, while not. indicative of preparedness insufficient to- .

i provide the assurance specified in Category A, above, require corrective action. Also included. .*

are recommendations where performance was adequate, but correctable weaknesses were noted.




PART II DATE DATE j 12. Tha County should determine for itself exactly what J.9 12. Personnel will be trained concerning the Ing and status board by 1985

functions chalkboard message los and its status board function. An operations officer will be recruited and i are eupposed to fulfill and use them accordingly. .

trained to identify significant messagesi events and correct

, courses of action to implement county and state policy. <

, 13. Tha County and municipal plans state that the primary F.1 13.,htACES'willbeusedastheprimarymeansofcommunications, May 1985

mesna of communications is by telephone with RACES as
  • with telephone as secondary. County and municipal plans backup., As noted in many of the municipal reports the will be changed accordingly.' ,



County used RACES as the primary comununications link .

for this exercise. If this is to be standard procedure thzn County and municipal plans should be revised to '

. ref1tet this. ,

i 14'. Ths EBS system did not operate in accordance with the E.5 14 The county plan will be changed to include the EBS procedures by 1985 i

Fittsburgh Extended Operational Area EBS Flan. as reflected in the FCC approved Fittsburgh Extended,FA EBS L Operational Area Flan.



15. Th2 A11quippe Borough EOC should receive training for*
0.4 15. The county has an ongoing training program which can be h y 1985 selseted personnel so that such personnel can demon- made available to Aliquippa Borough to eliminate this strate in a drill that
1) contaminated personnel in the deficiency.

, vicinity of the EOC can be properly directed to decon-1 tazination ond/or treatment facilities; and .2) the .

l dzcision making process and FACs for 'the exposure of energency workers to hazardous radiation can be adequately explained and implemented.

i .

BEAVER BOROUCH BEAVER BOROUCH l'6. Since utilization of the correct evacuation routes is J.10.a L6. Information concerning evacuation routes and the best course b y 1985 critical for a successful evacuation, the Borough of action to collect and disseminate this data vill be *

,chould obtain revised information on evacuation routes investigated and therefore incorporated at the earliest as soon as possible. masible date.

4 . .

  • i

i i


! Category B. The fe11oulas deficiencies. while met indicative of preparednese tasofficient to provide the

! assurance specified in Category A. above, require corrective action. Also tecluded are re M iene where -

r,.r c. .ee t.. - t ,1. we. - . _ . a.t.d.




, ., DATE h 4

satoctWATER BOROUCs' '

.. BRIDGEWATER EOROUCN i 17. The Bo' rough should clerify. with Beaver County, the - - G.3.a 17. Huaicipalities have respometbility for establishing rumor May 1985 role ,they should play, G any, in public inforestion -

C.4.c *

' control. County will provide public laformatiep releases .

and rumor control. .

except for those requiring specific informaties about a

. / *

. , municipal government. These points will be stressed during future meettage with Bridgeseter Baergency Managensat

  • personnel. *
18. Additional pereoamel should be tratand and a tester
  • A.4' 18 The significance and importance of identifytes a seceed May 1985

, catablished as part of the plan to cover 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> - ebift will be empressed with bezeugh personnel.

! manning capabilities.



  • l 19. The County should give their musicipalit'ies periodic E.1 19. periodic status reporte concerning response to emergesu.ies 1986 l status reporte concernies the emergency resposee is order
  • will be provided~ te all risk amaicipalities. County staff hte to be to lasure that missed passages are at least received inta will be trained to provide this information and musteipal- latermined.

somewhat timely amaner. If periodic updates are not ities will be gecouraged to be persistaat la requesting ,

, received by the suaicipality. they should not hesitate *

  • this update taforestion if the county is overly delayed -

to contact the* County for inforestica. ,

is *


! 10. Ano.ther phone should be lasta11ed'in the IOC te eliminate F.1.s 20. As suggested telephone will be utilised as a secondary May 1985 some timias problems with incestag and outgoing calle. .~ 'means of commaatcations with RACES se primary. Recommendationi for an additional telephone will be made to appropriate .

offic,ials. ,

. y e

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St#1 NARY OF bttitlENCIES'


B. The following deficiencies, while not indicative of preparedness insufficient to ..

provide the assuren:e specified in Category A. above, require corrective action. Also included are recommendations where performance was adequate, but correctable weaknesses were noted. .




21. Because of the lack of participation by the Borough, N.1.b 21. In future exercises the borough will att'empt to staff - 1986

, ths' Region cannot state definitively that the public 'the EOC, completing as many, tasks as possible. . Data to be h2sith and safety would be maintained in the event -


1 of an actual emergency at Beaver Valley. In future ,

- ex1rcises the Borough should try to staff the EOC , ,

cnd actually completa as many tasks as possible *

.- rsther than simulate. ,


22. Additional phone lines are needed in the EOC. At the F.1.a 22. Additional telephone lines will be discussed with May 1985 prssent time there is only one telephone. appropriate public and private sector officials.


23. Th2 Beaver County plan lists the Hanover fire station K.5.b 23 '. The county is considering other possible sites to be ,1986-as a decantamination station for emergency workers. The used for monitoring and decontamination of emergency Date to be municipality verified this with the Federal observer. workers. ,


24. Ons sector of the Township was route alerted. This E.6 24 Route alerting will be' reviewed with the goal of completing ' Hay 1985 sector required 54 minutes to cover. The routes in the all route alerting within 45 minute timeframe.

, Township should be reevaluated so that alerting


can be accomplished within the 45 minute timeframe as f

stated in NUREG-0654 In addition, more emergency , ,

workers should be recruited and trained to man route -

, alsrc teams.

m 1 . .

I 2

k l StrirtARY Ur- titr-l't itNLits l

  • t CATEGORY B. The following deficiencies, while not indicative of preparedness iroufficient to-l provide'the assurance specified in Category A. above require corrective action. Also included . ,

are recommendations where performance was adequate, but correctable weak . esses were noted.



25. If the three municipalities continue to operate as one.- A 25. All comments will be tactfully passed to' appropriate May 1985 a new plan v111'have to be written naming one person individuals. The utilization of a joint EOC is p. ~

in charge and respensibilities assigned to specific .relatively new concept that can be gainfully employed individuals and agencies. This should assist with if staffs are trained and developed as a team. This thi resolution of the followings team training concept will be emphasized'during future

a. management by committee; "T*1"I"8 ****10"
b. call down lists' not utilized to notify staff members;  ;
c. incomplete staffing; -
d. verification of messages not done;
e. no participation by public officials;
f. plans not up-to-date; * *
g. no 24-hour espability;
h. improper use of status boards;- *



1. no delegation of authority;
j. EMC for Creene Township not' notified. - *
26. Additional training is required in emergency management.' O 26 All comments will be tactfully passed to ' appropriate May 1985 radiological exposure control, practice drille, table- , individuals. The utilization .of a joint EOC is a top communications drills. This will clearing relatively new concept which can be gainfully employed up the following areas: if staffs are trained'and developed as a team. This
a. lack of knowledge in dosimetry. KI use; team' training concept will be emphasized during future training sessions,
b. lack of determination of exercise status! ,  !
c. status boards ineffective;
  • l j
d. reactions out of sequence (route alerting);
e. communications and message management poorly done.

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blFilAM T Ur* l>tr a L n tnL it-b l CATECORY B. The fo11 owl 2s deficiencies, while not indicative of prepersdness insufficient to- .

provide the assurance specified in Category A, above, require corrective action. Also included -

are recommendations where performance was adequate, but correctable weaknesses werer noted.



1 1 Th2 EMC was not aware of the requirements, nor did ha -

E.1 27. The township coordinator is new and will become more May 1985 '

l know how to verify the initiating o.11 from thm proficient through training and experience. ,.

I Braver County EOC. He should have a phone number at home for this purpose. ,


d. A ttst of public alerting by two teams with fire trucks E.6 28. Routt alerting will b's reevaluated and possibly redesigned. '

May 1985 tekss two hours. Routes should be evaluated and so.that each route takes no looser than 45 minutes. -

ridreigned so that each one takes no longer than 45 ninutes. ,

9. Status boards were hard to read and not visible to all J.9 29. All deficiencies will be corrected through training and May 1985 cteff members. thru experience received as a result of this exercise. '


0. . Th3 RACES operator was set up too close to the H.3 -

telephones. The noise level in the EOC made ,

coerdination and discuselon very difficult. .

11. RACES transmissions caused interference on the regular 'F.1.d .

'pslice lines. An antenna mounted on the roof of the EOC will stop interference in the police net. .

82. Additional training in radiological exposure control 0.4.g is needed. ,
33. Tha addresses of people needing assistance are not J.10.d complete. They have mailing addresses, not where they are actually located. ,

'4. Th2 Borough should recruit and train additional A.4 emergency workers to provide 24-hour manning capabilities.




LATEGORY B. The fpilowing deficiencies, while not indicative of preparedness insufficient to-


provide the assurance specified in Category A, above, require corrective action. Also included ,

are recommendations where performance was adequate, but correctable weaknesses were noted.




35. Although it is understood that Clasgow Borough has -

A.4 35. The utilization of joint EOC is a relatively new concept May 1985 attempted to ensure 24-hour emergency response thru that will improve with each exercise. Training "and c:pability, continued efforts shou 1G be made to 40. , exercises will identify problem areas not previously rstolve this problem. , considered. Corrective action will be inittsted for each *

. deficiency identified during this' exercise and sobsequent 36., F1tne should be revised, if the communities feel it is A.2.s

  • training workshops. Plans will be changed to reflect the .

warr' anted, establishing the unified EOC response concept E.1 joint EOC concept. The notification sequence identified by ,

and recognizing one individual as the lead coordinator P.4 deficiency f37 will be utilized by the county and so for the three boroughs. In addition, a combined Los identified in the county plan, should be maintained.

37. The County should establish a notification sequence E.1 uhsreby these communities are contacted early on, due
  • i to their proximity to the plant. - '


  • J RACES communication should be established for these F.1.a .

' cramunities in future exerclees. -

l 39. Bscause of the length of time necessary to complete E.6, . .

ths one route in Ohiov111e/Clasgow, consideration thould be given to adding another route alerting esctor.

40, Ohiov111e should reexamine their plan to update E.6 themselves on the purpose of route alerting and, more importantly, the timing as to when the teams thould be sent out. .

1 e

. D



  • B. The fo11owing deficiencies, while not. indicative of preparedness insufficient to .

provide the assurance specified in Category A above, require corrective action. Also included ,

are recommendations where performance was adequate, but correctable weaknesses were noted.





41. Additional training on dosimetry would enhance the -

0.4.g 41. Additional dosimetry training will be conducted for the May 1985 p2rforcance of the EOC. Emergency workers from the county and municipal emergency response personseh fire department appeared adequately trained by the , ,

rtdiological officer but there was some confusion by

.ather team members within the EOC.


42. Bscause the planned maltiple municipal participation in N.4 42 A mutual understanding vill be established between Patterson May 1985 ene EOC by Patterson Township and Patterson Heights Heights Borough and Patterson Township covering the use .

Borough was not ' implemented, an evaluation of its of a joint EOC. Full participatior. by both municipalit'ies fassibility was not performed. In addition, an is expected, evaluation of the physical separated Patterson Hsights Borough EOC was not able to be performed.

] These should be evaluated as part of the next exercise. .

43. Since some staf f members of the EOC were out of town', A.4 43. -Depth in response team positions will be emphasised during May 1985 round-the-clock staffing was not able to be county training workshops. .

j demonstrated.

44. ' Additional coordination with the Beave:- County EOC E.1 44. ' Additional coordination with the county EOC to improve - May 1985 j .

should be pursued to improve timeliness of messages timeliness of messages will be directed toward great,er

-i. from the County. utilisation of exisping RACES.

l 45.* Not all appropriate maps were available or posted at .7.10.a 45. County will insure that appropriate maps are available to May 1985 8e EOC. .all municipalities. Recommendation for posting of maps

' will be presented during training sessions.

46 Aoditional coordination with Beaver County should be ,E. 6 46. County plans make it quite clear as to when route alerting May 1985 parformed by the Patterson Township DiC to ensure that will be initiated. This issue will be discussed and -

i a fire understanding is established as to when route clarified during training sessions.

l alerting is to take place.


. od avuo ur uu aCaun,ato


CATEGORY B. The following deficiencies, while not indicative of preparedness insufficient to- .

provide"the assurance specified in Category A. above, require corrective action. Also included . ,

are recommendations where performance was adequate but correc:able weaknesses were noted.



  • 7.

. Emergency procedures are needed to adequately address J.10.e 47. Dosimetry training will be conducted by ' county. This May 1985 the secvring and use of film badges. TLDs and KI. K.3.a- training will cover the delivery, control and recovery


.of dosimetry.


48. Maps' shaving populatios estimates for evacuation J.10.a 48 The county will identify maps needed by each municipality, . May 1985 rsutes and relocation centers were n'ot available establish costs then attempt to obtain funding.

in the EOC. '


49. A minimum of four phones needs to be installed in F.1.a 49. This recommendation will be relayed to local elected Oct. 1985 this EOC to ensure effective coordination of officials for action deemed necessary., -

rssponse actions.


30 The fregnentation of the emergency operations between H.3 50. Concur. This deficiency will be addressed during future May 1985

the fire station and police building must be resolved. training sessions. .

The fire station appears to be capable of providing

' adequate space for the EOC staff. RACES operator and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture dosimeter .

distribution point as well as supporting. extended' operations. The fire station could then become.

the Township Emergency Operations Center. All ptrsonnel could report to a single point. Support.

groups (police, fire. RACES. etc.) could coordinate on a continuous ba is. And, perhaps most importantly, ,

the EHC and elected of ficials would be better informed.

  • able to observe the entire operation. and determine

.here w pereonnel adjustments are needed and/or additional support requested. ,

4 k


. f' CATgCORY B. The following deficiencies, while not indicative of preparedases insufficient to- .

provide the assurance specified in Cate8 cry A. above, require corrective action. Also included . -*

are recommendations where performance was adequate, but. correctable weaknesses were noted. -


i. Training sessions need to be conducted to familiarise 0.1 51. Concur. This deficiency v'111 be addressed during future May 1985 thi key staff members with the procedures and ,

training sessions.

, instructions set forth in the Township Plan. .

. Trcining sessions need to be conducted to familiarise 0.4.s 52. ; Concur. Thisdeficiencywillbeaddressedduringduture May 1985-ths key fire department personnel with decontamination

  • training sessions.

.precedures. .

1. Apprndix 3. Attachment A and Appendix 5 need to be .. A.1.d 53. Appropriate changes 'made to provide a complete. - *

',h y 1985 filled in on the plan to provide a complete, single '. single point of reference.

point of reference during an emergency. .

i.' Rsed maps should be obtained and the routes to be,taken J.10.a 54. County will* insure that appropriate maps are available h y 1985 clearly indicated for both alert teams. to all municipalities. Information to be posted on maps will be discussed during. training sessions.

i. Studard Operating Procedures need to be established P.4 55. Keeping personnel changes posted is an essential aspect hy,1985, to ensure the prompt updating of the, plan reflecting ,

of readiness. This issue will be emphasised during

  • pareonnel changes.
  • scheduled training sessions. *
s. Periodic briefings should be held by the EHC to update- .' J . 9 56. Periodic briefings shall be conducted following the receipt by 1985 tha staff; i.e. following a receipt of a message, of messages of' significance - this subject will be emphasized during training. .

I.', Status board should be utilized and clearl'y visible J.9 57. Concur. All municipalities will be encouraged to have a by 1985 to all. It needs to be kept up-to-date on significant status board, post l't with significant messages and have '

events and have the. emergency classification level posted the emergency classification level posted at all times.

at all times. .

, n. Tha plume EPZ maps s'nd evacuation route maps should J.10.a 58. Concur. All municipalities will be encouraged to have a b y 1985 ,

. ba posted and utilized. . status board, post it with significant messages and have .

j the emergency classification level pos,ted at all times.

. e

. O g * . .



i f


. 2' CATECORY 3. The following deficiencies, while not indicative of preparedaees insufficient to- . .

provide"the assurance specified in Category A. above.' require corrective action. Also included - -

are reew tionsa where performance was adequate, but. correctable weaknesses were noted. ,

3 4 .


  • PROJ,D ACT,-



! OUTH HEIGHTS BOROUCH SOUTH HgICHTS BOROUCH J. , Additional phone, lines are ne'eded in this EOC. -

F.1.a 59.' Local officials will be ac'tified of the recomunedation. Oct. 1985 .

l .

! 0.. Additional training is needed in t M -rea of 0.4.s 60. ; Decontamination procedures and the use' of,KI will be 'May 1985 I dicratamination procedures and tb  ? KI. discussed during planned troiming sessions with all risk ,

l ,. .


t i 1. Tha tuC did not confirm with Beaver County that'the .. .J.10.j 61. Ref. NUREC-0654 J.10.j states that " control of access to ,

TCPa were manned by the State Police * . -

' evacuated areas and organisation responsibilities for such control" is applicable to local and state government.

. The Penns'ylvania State Police man the access control points.

and selected traffic control points. Information concerning the manning'of the ACP's and TCP's is made available-through state police channels. A state policeman is *

. located in each risk county EOC to insure that coordination.

assistance and information is available in a timely manner. -

i .

There is no known requirement for a borough to notify county that a TCP is being manned by the PSP. .Therefore.

it is recommended that.this deficiency, as written, be deleted. ,*

1ANPORT TOWNSHIP VANPORT TOWNSHIP , . j MayE985 2.. Thtre is no one adequately relieve the ,

A.1.e 62 The county will attempt to resolve this item by identifying -

, Emergency Management Coordinator. 'a replacement'and tiaining that person re,garding the duties

of an emergency
  • m c.gement coordinator.
3. The Emergency Management Coordinator. in a deviation . J.10.c 63. Concur. This item of route alerting and when to conduct May 1985 .

i from the principal plan, initiated route alerting and  ? route alerting will be covered during planned county

  • manning of ACPs/TCPs at Site Area Emergency. When . training sessione.
  • Beaver County told him to call back the teams and. * -

l pstform route alerting in conjunction with the siren


ssunding, he realized his mistake and n'de a '

  • sireulate route alerting at the proper time. ,

l j .

, . . d -

SUMf1ARY OF Utt l'CithCIES .

. 11 CATEGORY 3. The fo'11owing deficiencies, while not indicative of' preparedness insufficient to ,. .

. provide the r.ssurance specified in Category A above, require corrective action. . Also included -

. are recosusendations where'perfornance was adequate, but. correctable weaknesses were noted.





4. Additional training is required in the area of 0.4.s 64.* Training sessions will be ' conducted by county regarding May 1985 r:diological exposure control. radiological exposure control. '


55 . If the Red Cross' plano a District Headquarters to A.1.s 65. Participating Red Cross chapters will be identified in 10/17/84

, .cupport their operation, this activity should be

  • futu're exercise scenarios. . ,

.ine uded as an action point in the scenario and.

  • t' 'ctivity should be observed. . . . ,


n ,chool boards should be encouraged to select . J.10.c - 66. Pennsylvania Department of Education. representative is May 1985 asignated student pickup points for the making a' concerted effo'rt with local school districts -

aols that may be evacuated. to identify' student pickup points for schools that may tequire evacuation.

.7. A11rgheny County should develop a plan for vehicle K.5.b 67, Allegheny County will incorporate procedures in their plan May 1985 dscsnt.aaination (this was also a deficiency last year). for vehicle decontamination. .

.s .

4 ., .

E *

. [

g . . _


2 The following are.the deficiencies / recommendations for the State of West Virginia and Hancock County from the June 27, 1984 exercise. Also listed are the corrective actions for the State and the County.

CATEGORY A. The following deficiency indicates that offsite emergency pre. 1 paredness was not adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate '

I measures can be taken to protect the health and safety of the public.

HANCOCK COUNTY The County's capability for performing the detailed actions necessary -

to implement an evacuation have not been demonstrated. Future exercises '.

should include realistic simulation of the full range of activities, in- '

ciuding: l

- instructing the public;

- - notifying all special facilities, camps, parks, etc.;

- controlling air, water and rail traffic;

- dete. nining available resources and acquiring unmet ne As;

- evacuating schools;

- . evacuating the transit-dependent population;

- evacuating the handicapped, mobility-impaired, and others with

'c special needs;

- controlling access to the evacuated area;

- 2.+ecovery-and-reentry.

Corrective Actions This Category A deficiency will be corrected in' a two step process.

Step 1 A) A complete revision of the Transportation Services Standard Opera-ting Procedures. The exercise pointed out several areas in the 50P that were unclean. By revising the pr.ocedure, the ill-defined areas in it will be cleared up leaving less of a chance

. of human error.

B) Updating the public information annex to the County plan and updating the public information 50P.

C) Reviewing all the EOC staff SOP's for clarity and updating as appropriate.

  • '
  • Step 2 Conduct one-on-one EOC staff training where appropriate for the SOP changes.

Projected Correction Dates Step 1 -' December 31, 1984 Step 2 - 1985 EOC staff training is now being scheduled, f The following is an item-by-item listing of the Category A de-ficiency and the corrective action for each one. However, it is felt i

that not all of the items listed were properly canmented upon and that.

I some are improperly listed under Category A; these are so noted.

Corrective Actions / Comments .,

- instructing the public There is a mechanism already in place to deal with public informa-tion. It is outlined in Annex K - Public Information Program - of the County plan and in a Public Information Standard Operating Procedure.

However, both documents will be reviewed and updated to make sure the information is disseminated to the public. Additional training will be given to the County PIO to assure that the update is understood and followed. -(Public instructions is also cited as Category B De-ficiency #17; this answer should satisfy both deficiencies).

- notifying all special facilities, camps, parks, etc.

.This activity needs to be broken down into two areas - special facilities and camps / parks.

special facilities - Fox Nursing Home is the only special facility in the ten-mile EPZ. HCOES did notify the nursing home and it was an active participant in the exercise, (FEMA Report Page 86-87, "B. Special Evacuation Problems")., ,

camps / parks - There are two facilities that fall under this cate-gory - Tomlinson Run State Park, and Kennedy Park Marina.

NCOES tried on several occasions to notify Tomlinson Run Park.

- There is a procedure currently being developed with the park to clear up the communications problem. However, the New Manchester Fire Depart-ment has route alerting responsibility for the park, so the general public using the park would have been notified. Also, the park is in-volved in the transient Sticker Program which provides emergency infor- )

t- mation to the general public.

t 8

- . , , ., - - - - - - - - - - - ,, ,- ,. .. - ~ _ - - _ _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l b '* Th2 Newell Fire Departm2nt has rcute alerting responsibility for

.c. .

the Kennedy Park Marina. ' The general public at the marina would have been notified by the fire departnent. The marina also participates in

.the. transient Sticker Program.

J NOTE: The Hancock County plan lists the County Childrens Home and the 4-H Camp as special populations. The County Childrens Home is now closed. The 4-H Camp is considered part of Tomlinson Run Park l and is being addressed in the park's plan. The Hancock County plan will be corrected in the annual update.


- controlling air, water, and rail traffic 1 This is a responsibility that falls under the Transportation Ser-

. vices 50P. It is an area that will be corrected and cleared up by rewriting the 50P. When it comes to air, water and rail traffic, l the SOP is very vague.

The Beaver Valley Power Station notifies the Corps of Engineers to close the New Cumberland Dam. This allows the Coast Guard, also contacted by Beaver Valley Power Station, to control water


traffic.  !

There are no canmercial airports in the Hancock County EPZ.

There is a small private airport in the County's EPZ that is used 1 by local people. The airport is not manned on a day-to-day basis; however, several contact persons for the -airport have now been obtained.

. s There is only one rail line into the EPZ. The 50P will be changed to include a call to Conrail so traffic on this line can be controlled.

I 1

- determining available resources and acquiring unmet needs This deficiency is not understood. The following are comments

.from the FEMA Report:


Page 85, "VII Protective Action; A. Evacuatfo'n 'and Access Control."

"The County requested 20 State Police troopers and the Highway De-partment to assist in providing the necessary resources."

"Following the evacuation decision, at about 1445, activation of

. a second mass care facFity was simulated, in order to provide for an expected 4,000 evacuees."

Page 87, "B. Special Evacuation Problems (cont.)."

"Aftercoordinatingtheevacuationdicisionwiththenursinghome director, two buses with wheelchair lifts and an ambulance were dis-patched at 1145."



"Tha staff determined that 16 Hancock County and 10 Brooke County

-buses were available at the time...."

- evacuating schools The FEMA Report on Page 87 states:

"Due to the time of year County personnel did not have to contend with the problems of evacuating the seven schools located within the EPZ.

Only one school within the EPZ was open for sunmer session at the time of the exercise. This was closed early by school officials (during the Site Area Emergency stage) on the pretext of a low water problem." .


After the 1983 annual exercise the schools were identified as a problem area. Because of that a detailed school plan for Hancock County was developed. The plan details the closing of schools and the '

evacuation of students. It was developed with the assistance of the i

Hancock County school principals and the Hancock County school super- ..

intendent. There is also a School Services Standard Operating Pro-cedure.

There will be a training session held with the School Services Officer to make certain he understands the plans and procedures.


-- evacuating the transit-dependent population The FEMA Report on Page 87 states:

" Capability for providing transportation for those members of the 9eneral population without their own means was partially demonstrated.

The staff determined that 16 Hancock County and 10 Brooke County buses i were available at the time, but there was no demonstration as to how these resources would be allocated to the various pickup points, nor was there a determination as to whether' this was a sufficient quantity of buses to perform the evacuation." ,

This deficiency will be corrected with.the transportation pro-cedure rewrite and additional training. While the procedure lists the pickup points for the transit-dependent population it does not go into the detail necessary to assure sufficient transportation is provided.

Once the update is completed, the transportation officer will receive additional . training on the updated procedure. .

( - evacuating the handicapped, mobility-impaired, and others with special needs It is unclear why this was cited as a Category A deficiency. There are two comments in the FEMA report that would indicate that the evacu-ating of the handicapped, mobility-impaired, and others with special j needs, was adequately addressed.

s 5

9 6

  • 4 4 FEMA R; port Page 86, "B. Special Evacuation Prcblems." )

"The evacuation of mobility-impaired and handicapped residents is

' a responsibility of the individual fire departments serving the dis-

- tricts in which those with special needs reside. Identification of the


11ocation and needs of such individuals has been accomplished through the use of a public'information brochure, which is distributed annually.

The brochure includes a post card by which residents can register their j special needs. The Director exhibited copies of a large number of these j cards which have been returned. The originals have been distributed 1 to the appropriate fire departments. As a sufficient number of Federal l observers was not 'available to visit the fire departments, no further l demonstration of the County's capability to perform this aspect of evacu-ation was observed." l l

FEMA Report Page 87, "B. Special Evacuation Problems (cont.)." l "The County demonstrated evacuation of Fox Nursing Home. This

  • occurred during the Site Area Emergency phase, according to the Director, because of the length of time and special problems involved.

An initial census was requested by EOC personnel at about 0945 in order ,

.to establish transportation needs. After coordinating the evacuation 1 decision with the nursing home director, two buses with wheelchair lifts and an ambulance were dispatched at 1145."


- controlling access to the evacuated area F Here, again, it is unclear why this was cited as a Category A deficiency. Since air, water and rail traffic was addressed as a

, 3 separate Category A item, it can only be assumed that this defis iency ,

was addressed to vehicular traffic. The FEMA Report states that control I of vehicular traffic was demonstrated, i i

FEMA Report Page 85, "A. Evacuation and Access Control."


" Activation of traffic control points (simulated) was timely. The l County requested 20 State Police troopers and the Highway Department to assist in providing the necessary resourus'. An estimate of the expected traffic volume was placed at only 1,000 vehicles based on an estimated EPZ population of 4,000. While actions to control' vehicular  ;

traffic were demonstrated, air, water and rail traffic were not addressed.

One traffic control point was actually established, but this oc-curred during the Site Area Emergency phase (in conjunction with the nursing home evacu4 tion, described below) and was not observed."

- Recovery and Reentry In the scenario packet submitted to FEMA, recovery and reentry was not listed as an exercise objective. In' addition to that, in the same scenario packet, under Actual, Partial and Simulated Events it states:

" Recovery and reentry will not be played in this exercise."

"'" " " * * " " 97 A def b h . * "" ** U ""


  • P 4 CATEGORY B.- The following d2ficiencies, while nst indicativa of preparedness insuf ficient to provide the assurance specified in Category A, require action.


1. Future exercises should demonstrate active and timely briefings through-out the course of the exercise to maintain a current level of awareness for all agency representatives concerning the latest activities and re-sponse operations.

Corrective Action /Date The EOC Shift Leaders have been advised that timely briefings are necessary so that all agency representatives can maintain a current level of awareness of the exercise / emergency. This matter will also be discussed in the 1985 E0C staff training session. -

The timely briefings will be demonstrated in the next WV0ES exer- i.


2. The role of the Controller as a non'-participating exercise individual should be stressed in future exercises in order to more clearly test the roles of the actively-playing personnel.

' Corrective Action /Date The Controller was advised of the problem. In future exercises,

,- controllers will be briefed on their responsibilities.

3. Stricter control and thoroughness is needed with regard to standard procedures for communicatior and message documentation within the EOC.

Messages should be serially numbered to avoid loss of infomation and necessary information regarding time received, person receiving the information, actions taken, and routing should be applied to the message I

form. ,

Corrective Action /Date ,

The WVDES Emergency Operations Center S0P will be reviewed to assure that the logging of messages is explained properly.'

The 1985 EOC staff training session will reflect the necessity for stricter control on messages. .

4. Notification procedures for the State EOC of emergency classifications i and identified points of contact should be reviewed, and corrections to

, the State plan made if appropriate.

Corrective Action /Date These procedures will be reviewed and updated, if necessary, by December 31, 1984.

[. - - _ -_ _ -

Protsctiva acticns were coordinated with tha two ' adjacent impacted 5.

States in order to avoid confusion on the part of the general public.

The State plan provides specific guidance with regard to protective actions which are to be taken based on projected doses to the public.

If the State 'of West Virginia elects to adopt a standard 360 degree provision for implementing protective actions ie mutual coordination with Pennslyvania and Ohio, this should be so noted in the plan.

u Corrective Action /Date l This will be reviewed and updated as appropriate by December 31, 1984.

6. Future exercises should demonstrate active participation in protective 1 action-decision making by the-Governor or his/her designee, as provided for it, the State plan. ,l Corrective Action /Date  ;

In past exercises, the Governor's Office has provided a representa-tive to the State EOC. It has also indicated that in future exercises a representative will be provided.  ;

7. The State plan should be revised to consistently approach the subject of West Virginia's responsibility to contact FEMA regarding radiological emergency status classifications at the Beaver Valley Power Station.

t Corrective Action /Date i

. i' The State plan will be reviewed and updated by December 31, 1984.

8. It is' recommended that active use of the status board, to include significant actions taken by the agency representatives, be maintained throughout the course of future exercises in 7rder to maintain agency ,

I representative awareness of current activities, to maintain coordination between these activities, and to heighten involvement in exercise l actions. .

Corrective Action /Date , i The use and updating of status boards in the State EOC has been ]

reviewed with the staff. It will also be included in the 1985 EDC i staff training session.

9. Additional coordination and experience in the transfer of information.

via the hotline is warranted in order to make this a more viable means of communication.

Corrective Action /Date The Beaver Valley Power Station is currently developing a procedure for the hotline. The procedure should be done prior to the BVPS 1985 exercise.



"10. FuturG ex2rcis2s should dem:nstrate censideration processes for the use

'cf K1 and ing;stion pathway decisions in accordance with the State plan.

Air and rail transportation systems control should also be demonstrated.

Corrective Action /Date Procedures for these items will be reviewed. These items will be considered for objectives in the next exercise.

11. The location where dose rate calculations are to be performed by WVDH/-

IHD staff, i.e., at the State or Hancock County E0Cs, should be clari-fied in the State plan. ,

Corrective Action /Date This item will be discussed with the WVDH/IHD and a decision made by Dscember 31, 1984. '

12. State EOC objectives for future exercises should be aligned with radiological emergency response activities assigned to the State, as identified in the State plan.

Corrective Action /Date l

In future exercises, the State EOC objective will be more '

aligned to State radiological energency assignments.

13. It is recanmended that training be provided to all persons with potential l r

news media responsibilities at the State level with regard to basic

, radiological emergency preparedness parameters. Future exercises I should demonstrate exercise-specific briefings to cba public informa-tion personnel immediately prior to actual or sin.clated briefings and/or technically-qualified persons should attend such briefings as an accurate information source to be called on to support the public information of ficer when necessary.

. Corrective Action /Date Training will be scheduled for the St[te public information people prior to the next exercire.

A special briefing will be conducted for the State PIO during the next exercise. -


. 14. The Hancock County EOC is presently undergoing improvements, including construction of a new Communications Center and installation of an emergency generator. These improvements should be completed quickly in order to establish capability for efficient and uninterrupted E0C communication.

_ . . _ . ---v--

Corr:ctiva Acticn/Date 4 =* -s The ntw Communications Crnter is being completed as quickly as possible. The County is also in the process of requesting Federal funds through FEMA.

15. This exercise marked a deviation from the previous demonstration re-garding accident assessment procedures - instead of relocating to the Hancock County EOC, the State's health physicist remained at the State

. EOC to perform accident assessment and dose calculation. It is recom-mended that, for future exercises and actual incidents, the health physicist relocate to the County _ E0C. This procedure will promote more efficient accident assessment capability, including the capability for rapid re-evaluation, by providng the health physicist direct consulta-tion with the County Director and BVPS technical liaison, and more direct access to the field monitoring team and EOF liaison.

Corrective Action /Date i The County agrees with the FEMA observer that the person doing accident assessment and dose calculations be relocated to the County

. EOC. However, that is a decision that will have be to made at the State level. (See Category B, #11 for the State of West Virginia).

'16. ' Despite activation of the primary EBS station, the secondary station, WEIR in Weirton, failed to activate due to a breakdown in the EBS procedures established in the Wheeling Operational Area Plan. Pro-cedures should be reviewed with appropriate station personnel, r , Corrective Action /Date s

This deficiency has already been corrected. WEIR radio station received the EBS message but failed to rebroadcast it. The procedure was reviewed by station personnel.

17. Public instruction regarding evacuation procedures,' routes, destinations,

. etc. was not demonstrated, despite the fact that such a demonstration was a stated exercise objective, and procedures are contained in the County plan. Future exercises should include preparation of appropriate emergency instructions for the public, in the ' form of both EBS messages and news releases.

Corrective Action /Date Instructing the public was also cited in the Category A deficiency

. for Hancock County. The corrective action cited in the Category A will also apply here.

m Q


e4*b 18. C unty EOC P2rsonnel were not adequately familiar with the population located within the 10-mile EPZ, citing inconsistent and low estimates. 1 All County emergency organizations and personnel should be advised

. of the actual population figures, and re-evaluate their expected needs for resources, as appropriate.

Corrective Action /Date -

The EOC staff training will be changed to address the 10-mile EPZ population figures and locations. The 1985 training is now being scheduled.

19. The County does not have pemanent record dosimetry available. The -

County should assure that appropriate arrangements are made with a supplier of either film badges or themoluminescent dosimeters, to assure the capability for maintaining accurate, pemanent dose records for all ~

County emergency workers.

Corrective Action /Date The West Virginia Department of Health is working with Duquesne Light Company to correct this deficiency. An agreement should be reached by December 31, 1984.

20. There was a discrepancy regarding responsibility for registration of evacuees between the staffs at the reception center and mass care center.

A determination should be made as to which staff is responsible.

i L

Corrective Action /Date Registration of evacuees is the responsiblity of the mass care center staff. This will be clarified in the training given to both staffs. The 1985 training is now being scheduled.

21. In order to achieve a simultaneous activation of the alert and noti-fication system Hancock County delayed their siren sounding to coin-cide with the siren sounding in Beaver County.. Pennsylvania. The sirens were not sounded in Hancock County within the required 15 min-utes. FEMA-43, "Str.ndard Guide for the Evaluation of Alert and Noti-fication Systems for Nuclear Power Plants," states that tlie capability will be available for providing both an alert signal and an infoma-tional or instructional message to the population in the 10-mile EPZ within 15 minutes.

Corrective Action /Date .

The County will participate in a remedial communications exercise with PEMA and Columbiana County, Ohio to demonstrate this coordination capability does in fact exist in Hancock County.

E i 9

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