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Environ Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment - IE Bulletin 79-01B, Technical Evaluation Rept
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 11/14/1980
From: Sassani A
Shared Package
ML20126L458 List:
IEB-79-01B, IEB-79-1B, NUDOCS 8106030349
Download: ML20126L465 (31)


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Licensee: Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comcany ,

Reactor: PWR, ComDustion Engineering Rating: 2630 MW Thermal Prepared cy A. O. Sassani, Jr.

Engineering Succort Section !!

Reactor Construction and Engineering 3uccort 3 ranch, RI Rec'd 056 fr Reg I JD 11/14/80 THOMS2(K) h106030 M%

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s Contents Page

1. Introduction ............................................... 1 1.1 General .................................. ......... .. 1
2. Background and Discussion................................... 1 l

2.1 General ...................................... ........ 1 1

2. 2 On-Site Verification Inspections ...................... 1 2.3 ' Evaluation of Licensee's Report ....................... 1 1
3. General Information ........................................ 2 3,.1 Identification of Class 1E Electrical Equipment ....... 2 3.2 Service Conditions .................................... 2 3.3 Quali fication Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 2 ,

4 Te'chnical Evaluation ....................................... 2 i

4.1 Identi fication of Safety Rel ated Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1

4.2 Master List .......................................... 5 4.3 Service Conditions ...... ............ ................ 6 4.3.1 Inside Containment LOCA ..... ............... 5 ,

4. 3.1.1 Temperature and Pressure Profiles....... 6 Radiation ...................... ... .. 7 Submergence .... ..... .... .. .. .... 7
4. 3.1. 4 Chemical Soray .. . ... . .. .. .. 7 4.4 Hign Energy Line 3reaks (HEL3) .. ....... ...... . ... 7 4.4.1 HEL3 Inside Containment ...... .. ........... 7 4.4.2 HELS Outside Containment ... .... . . ... ... 3 4.4.3 Recirculated Fluids .... . ...... ...... 9 .

[- 4. 5 Margins .. ..... ........ .. .. . ......... ... .... 9 j 4.6 Aging .................... .. . ... . .... . . . 9

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Table of Contents 2 >

i Page b i

4. 7 Documentation ......................................... 10 4.8 Site Veri fication Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 l

'4.9' Equipment Data Review ................................. 11 4.10 Conclusions .. ..................................... . 11

5. Licensee Event Reports (LERs) ........... ............ ..... 12
6. References ..................................... ........... 12 Appendix A, Test Reports and Analysis References.... ....... A-1 Appendix B, Equipment Status Taole ..... ................... B-1 9

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1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 General The NRC Office of Inpection and Enforcement (I/E) issued Bulletion 79-018, " Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Equipment" in January 1980. This bulletin required the licensee to perform a detailed evaluation of the environmental qualification on Class 1E electrical equipment recuired to function under postulated accident t conditions and to submit a report on this action.

This document is a report on tne evaluation of the licensee's response to this bulletin.

2. SACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION 2.1 General The evaluation of the licensee's response was-accomolished oy performing an on-site inspection of selected class 1E equipment and by examining the licensee's report for completeness and technical accuracy. The licansee's report used in this evaluation is datec October,1980, . .

and therefore, does not include the response to tne.oulletin suoplement which was issued on 9/30/30 in ene form of Generic Questions and Answers.

2. 2 On-Site Verification Insoections The on-site inspection, mace on selected IE equipment, verified proper installation of equipment, overall interface integrity, and '

manufacturers nc:aeplate data. The manufacturer and model numcer from the nameplate data was compared to information given in the Environmental Qualification Worksheets of the licensee's report.

If any discrepancies were noted between the installed equfpment and the correspondence equipment addressed in the licensee's report, l

they are referenced in Section 4.8 of this report. The site inspec-tion is documented by Recort Numoer IE 50-309/90-14.

2.3 Evaluation of Licensee's Recort Eacn component as addressac on the Environmental Qualification l Worksheets of the licensee's report was examinec for completeness j and accuracy to the criteria given in the bulletin. This examination i

assumed qualification cocuments (analysis, test reports, etc. )

referenced by the licensee in their suomittal are acceptable.

The results of this examination are documented in Appendix 3.

Rec'd 056 fr Reg I JD 11/14/80 THOM2(L) i i

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3. General Information 3.1 Identification of Class 1E Electrical Ecutoment The licensee's list of systems was compared to the systems list issued by the Equipment Qualification Branch (EQB) and discussed in Section 4.1 of this report.

It is recognized that tnere are differences in nomenclature of systems because of plant vintage and engineering design, therefore, many of these systems may not exist or nave different titles. These differences will be addressed in the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) that will be prepared for this site.

3.2 Service Conditions The service condition accident environment, HEL3/LOCA inside contain-ment and HELS outside containment are indicated or discussed in the licensee's report and are cased on the FSAR accicent analysis and Section 4.3 of this report. ,

3. 3 Oualification Documentation Appendix A is a list of documents (test reports, analysis, letters, ete ) used by the licensee in determining the environmental qualif-ication of plant equipment for Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company.

These references have been tabulated by the licensee and are indicated on the applicaole Environmental Qualification Worksneets of Oneir report.

4 Tecnnical Evaluation i The basis for the technical evaluation is the informatiog provided by Yankee Atomic Electric Company (YAEC) in their submittal YAE(-1229,

. dated October 31, 1980, for the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company and the I verification inspection of the as-installed equioment of tne Main Steam System, Hign Pressure Safety Infection System and Containment Soray System. The installation verification consistec of an insoection of comoonents located outside primary containment that could oe exoosec to a narsn environment and documented oy IE Insoection Report 50-309/30-14 Utili:ing the information identified aoove 5 tne reviewec assessec its ,

adequacy in relation to the 00R guidelines , NUREG 0588', and suoplements' to IES79-01B which provides the Commission's recuirements anc staf' positions.


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l 3 l 4.1 Identification of Safety-Related Eculoment The licensee reviewed his establish the systems .

I required to achieve a safe shutdown or provide isolation for the events identified in IES79-018. These systems were then evaluated l against~the 00R guidelines. The systems identified and included in the evaluation are:

1. Auxiliary Feeawater System .
2. Chemical and Volume Control
3. Containment Air Activity Sampling System
4. Containment Air Recirculation System
5. Containment Leak Monitoring System
6. Containment Spray System ,
7. Emergency Power System  !
8. Feedwater System  !
9. Fire Protection System l
10. Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning System
11. Hign Pressure Safety Injection System _
12. Low Pressure Safety Injection System i
13. Main Steam System l

. 14. . Post-Accident Monitoring System .

15. Primary Containment Cooling System j
16. Primary Samoling System  !
17. Primary Vent and Orain System
13. Reactor Coolant System '
19. Secondary Component Cooling System
20. Service Water System The list of systems including those that were excluded was provided The EQB compared the to the Equipment Qualification Branch (EQg)a. nd to the lists provided list to a "Q" list developed by the staff by similar facilities to determine the completeness of the licensee's response.

Based on the information provided by the licensee and the reviewers comparison, the reviewer has determined that the systems icentified are sithin the guidance provided in Section 3 0 and Apoendix A of ne 00R Guidelines'. However, cecause the licensee nas icentifiedt systems anc comoonents, it does not necessarily mean :ne licensee intends to qualify those systems and comoonents.

The licensee has providec a Master List of safety-related electrical ,

equipment normally availacle for accident mitigation and cringing  !

the plant to cold shutdown status. The Master List is cased on :ne i systems identified aoove, =hich originates from Table I.1 of the submittal" and identifies the electrical equipment whicn is reouirec to function under postulated accident conditions. Ecuipment is 3 l identified as such by a reference to Appendix II of the suomittal environmental qualification worksheet. Electrical equipment


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- identified as not being required to function under postulated accident conditions have a note reference instead of an environmental qualifica-tion worksheet. The notes are defined as follows:

(1) Required to function under non-harsh environtiental conditions.

l (2) Not required to function for any accident.

(3) Not required to function for the accident producing One harsh environmental conditions.

Additionally, the licensee has identified other safety-related electrical equipment that will not have an environmental qualifica-ion worksheet because:

i (1) The equipment is not required for mitigation of design basis accidents; however, it is useo to maintain Tecn Specs prior to an accident.

Therevieweridentifiedsafety-relat3delectricalequipmentthattne licensee identified in the sucmittal as not requiring environmental qualifications. The licensees justification for not qualifying

  • specific electrical ecuipment are:

(1) Required to function under non-narsh environmental conditions.

(2) Not required to function for any accident.

(3) Not reouired to function under the harsh environmental concitions of that accident.

(4) This is required per TMI Lessons Learned; however, it is under evaluation.

(5) Not required for mitigation of design basis accident's; however, it is used to maintain Tecn Specs prior to an accident.

Examoles of safety-related equipment not requiring environmental cualification are l

(1) Hign Pressure Safety nfection Svstem Safety injection tank instruments located inside containment.

Pressure transmitters (3), pressure switches (5), level transmitters l - (3) and level switches (5),

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.(2) Main Steam System Steam generator pressure inputs to the Reactor Protection System. Pressure transmitters (12). yhese transmitters were identified in the May 1980, submittal 3 0 D* ""VI# "**"D"IlY qualified. The October 1980, submittal indicates the transmitters are "Not required to function under the harsn environmental conditions of that accident" and will not be environmentally qual i fi ed.

Main Steam line dump valves to atmospnere (18). ,

(3) Reactor Coolant Svstem Reactor coolant tiow inputs to Reactor Protection System.

Pressure transmitters (12).

Thermal margin inputs to Reactor Protection System. Temperature elements.

Pressurizer spray control valves (2).

The following systems and components located inside gentainment have not been icentified by the licensee in his suomittal The reviewee nas evaluated the systems and components against tne 00R guidelines

,and there appear to be omissions of data. They are:

(1) The Compressed Air System.

(2) Reactor Coolant System pressurizer oower operated relief valves (PORV).

(3) Containment Air Recirculation System campers.

The above specific examples identified by the reviewer 411 be evaluated by tne Eauipment qualification Branen (EGB) and addressed, if applicable, in the Safety Evaluation Recort (SER) to be written for this facility. (Qualification of Eculoment Unresolwec, Category t

IV) l l

4.2 Master List l The licensee ceveloped a master list based on their jystem evaluation as required oy IES79-018. The licensee's submittal provided the l

oasis for including specific components / equipment oetailed data norx 1 sheets as required by IE3 79-013.

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The reviewer has reviewed the master list for the inclusion of equipment and has the following comment:

The licensee's submittal3 does not identify terminal lugs, caole splices, instrument and terminal box sealant material, terminal

! boxes, penetration connection boxes, rigid conduit, and flexible conduit.

The above components identified by the reviewer will be evaluated oy the EQB and addressed, if applicable, in tr.e 5ER to be written for this facility. (Qualification of Equipment Unresolved, Category IV) 4.3 Service Condition 4.3.1 Inside Containment LOCA The licensee provided temperature and pressure profiles for the Maine Yankee containment resulting from a LOCA.

The reactor containment temperature and pressuge profiles, Figures III.1-1 and III.1-2 of their suomittal , are based upon a re-analysis of the LOCA and Main Steam Line 3reak (MSLS) performed by Comoustion Engineering during the

  • to 2530 MW thermal. The temoerature and pressure profiles for the new LOCA, in these figures, do not return to the oper1 ting conditions specified cefore the LOCA.

The LOCA temcerature and pressure profiles prior to Maine Yankee's uprating are also shown in Figures III.1-1 and III.1-2. These profiles were obtained from Maine Yankee FSAR Figures 14.15-2 and 14.15-3. The maximum environments identified are:

Temperature: 278 F Pressure: 54 PSIG Humidity: 100%

Chemical Soray: 1720 PPM Baron as H 30 1 pH = 9.5 Radiation: Maximum not stated 3 3 The delay time from the event to tne initiation of safety l injection for the spectrum of creaks is indicatec in :5AR Section 14.15-2, l

4. 3.1.1 Temoerature and Pressure Profiles The temperature and pressure profdles for tng new LOCA, Figures III.1-1 and III.1-2 of the sucmittal , extend only l 100 seconds foto the accident.

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7 The reviewer has concluded that the above information is incomplete. Radiation The licensee does not state a maximum radiation dose in the submittal'. The radiation dose values for the ecuipment have been identified in the equipment qualification worksheets. j The licensee casis for determining the radiation doses to equipment required to function during aiid af ter a LOCA have been calculated in accordance with Supplement #2 of the IES79-018 and the COR Guidelines.

The reviewer will address equipment in Section 4.9 of this report that do not meet the radiation doses required by i the guidelines.

4. 3.1. 3 Submergence The licensee identified the flood level as 1.7 feet. The l acceptacility of the licensee's basis fdr specific equipment subjected to submergence is Section 4.9 of this report. Chemical Scrav The licensee identifiea the requirement for the containment sprays to me at least 1720 ppm boric acid solution. This requirement is contained in the Maine Yankee Technical Specifications, Section 3.5. The consideration of sprays i is included in Section 4.9 of this report.  !

Subsections,, and above contain unresolved items and are considered: (Category IV, Qualification of Equipment Unresolved).  ;

4.4 Hign Energy Line Breaks (HELB) 4.4.1 HEL3 Insice Containment The Maine Yankee facility has an automatic containment spray system. The OCR Guioelines", Section 4.2.1, indicates that LOCA qualified equipment inside containment is acceptacle for HELBs if tne automatic spray system is not suoject to disaoling single component failures.

The reviewer performed a single failure evaluation of tne containment scray system. It appears that the system is not suojected to a disabling single component f ailure in accordance to the requirements of the JOR Guidelines *,

Section 4.2.1, and that the LOCA qualified equiement inside containment is accaptable for HEL3s.


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l However, the gSLB temperature profile, Figure III.1-1 of the,F.

340 submittal Because , indicates this peaka is peak temperature of such of approximately short duration,100 seconds, the licensee considered the effect on equipment j qualification as minimal.

i 4,4.2 HELS Outside containment The licensee's May 1980, suomittal l0 indicated that

" Supplemental Report on Effects of Postulated Break in a Hign Energy Piping System Outside the Containment,"

Septemoer1973,providetheresultsoftgeirreviewof high energy line breaks. The sucmittal' indicated that the environmental radiations nad no adverse effect on safe shutdown of the plant in all cases analyzed.

However, the licensee's October 1980, submittal 3Apoendix III notes:

"Because of preliminary results from recent HEL3 and Heat-up studies, many areas previously be!ieved to be non-narsh

  • have now been determined to be harsh. The imcact on equipment qualification has yet
  • to :e fully analy:ed ,anc
  • resolved."

The specific equipment wnere this applies is included in Section 4.9 of this report as: (Category IV, Quali fication of Equipment Unresolved. )

Appendix III of the suomittal contains the environmental service conditions uncer whien certain safety-relatec electrical equipment is required to function. The following sections of Appendix III address the various HEL3 envirormenta!

parameters for the: ,

(1) Primary Auxiliary Building /Auxil f ary Feeeaatar ?umo Area (2) Steam and Feeowater Valve Area (3) Turcine Building .

The main steam line atmosphgric duma valves nave ~ceen identified in the submittal as "Not required to function for any accicent." These same valves are described in Section 7 of the eptemoer 1973 report. as being needed to maintajnthereactorc:olantsystemcoolcownratenithin the 50 F per nour design limit prescribed in the FSAR.

These valves have been identified as (Category IV, Qualifica-tion of Equipment Unresolved) in Section 4.1 aoove.

9 4.4.3 Recirculated Fluids 3

Appendix III of the licensee's submitta1 contains the environmental service conditions under wnich certain safety-related electrical equipment is required to function.

The following sections of Appendix III address the various l recirculated fluids . environmental parameters for the:

(1) Primary Auxiliary Building / Auxiliary Feeowater cumo Area (2) Spray Pump Area The acceptability of the parameters identified and the basis for specific equipment qualification are included in Section 4.9 of this report.

4.5 Margins The 00R Guidelines indicate that special consideration was given to tha time reouired to remain functional when establishing the criteria o in Section C.2 of the guidelines.

NUREG-0588, Section 3(4), requires that a type test be for a minimum l of 1 nour in duration when the functional recuirement is within the first seconds or minutes of an event and the 00R guidelines, Section 5.2, requires that the test duration be at least as long as the i period from initiation until the service canaitions return to tne i level that existed prior to the event.

Therefore, any type test that exceecs the functional operability time by 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> or longer meets the requirements defined in NUREG-0588 and the 00R guidelines for margin in relation to test duration for this facility.

l l The other consideration identified in the 00R guidelines in relation to the methods of qualification, other tnan identified soecifically in this report will ce addressed in One Safety Evaluation Reoort (SER) wnich uill incorporate an audit of selected analysis anc test reports identified in Appendix A.

l The considerations of margins is included in Section 4.9 of tnis report. Equipment with questions is classified: (Category U/,

Qualification of Equipment Unresolved).

4.6 Aginq l

l The licensee indicated that a study of the comoonents suojected to harsh environments is still an outstancing item. Detajlsofthe licensee's effort is included in their final suomittal l



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The licensee has identified the components which are still listed as l' requiring data.

The 00R guidelines,. 5ection 7, does not require a qualified life to be established for all safety-related electrical equipment, however, the following actions are' required:


1. Detailed comparison of existing equipment to the materials identified fn 4

Appendix C of the 00R guidelines. The first supplement to IES79-018 requires the licensees to utilize the table and identify any additional materials as the result of

.their effort.

2. Establish an ongoing program to review surveillance and maintenance records to identify potential age related degradations, i
3. Establish component maintenance and replacement schedules which include considerations of aging characteristics of the installed components.

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We, therefore, require that the licensee provide the details of a program which wi41 include a. continuing effort to obtain data on  ;

, existing materials and address tne actions identified acove. In i dddition, we require the licensee provide a senedule for implementation of the program that identifies problem components.

The considerations of aging is included in Section 4.9 of tnis i report. Equipment with questions is classified: (Category !V, .

Qualification of Equipment Unresolved).  !

4.7 Documentation The second supplement to IE3 79-013 and the order $ , No. CLI-80-21, requires the licensee have the documentation and data ide.ntified in the detailed worksheets which tupports the qualification of the safety related eigetrical eraipment available for NRC audit. The second supolement ident 'ies the type of information required and 4

the locations wnere

  • 2 records are to be maintained.

The licensees resconse in the area of documentation accears to ce accep tabl e. A central . file containing all the availaole cocumentation for environmental qualifiation is located at *ne engineering of fices of the Yankee Atomic Electric Comoany.

l-4.8 Site Verification Insoection An inspection of tne installed comoonents associated with tne Main Steam System, Hign Pressure Safety Injection System and Containment Spray system was concucted on Septemoer 3-11, 1980, at tne Maine Yankee facility. The details of this inspection are included in IE Insoection Report 50-309/90-14

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  • 11 The detailed identification of the components and the observations recorded will be addressed in the SER which will incorporate an.

audit of selected analysis and test reports identified in Appendix A.

4. 9 Ecuipment Data Review The equipment listed in Appendix 3 was suomitted by the licensee in-their response to IE3 79-013. This list centains equipment with unresolved items. Appendix 8 identifies the licensees data in a format that allows the reviewer to quickly scan the unresolved items. The component column describes the component and references the system from the equipment qualification worksheet from Appendix II of the submittal 3, The nect three columns are self explanatory, the following three columns are defined as:

. Environment - This column identifies the environmental parameter that appears to be unresolved.

. Category - This column addresses the equipment status as follows:

I Qualified for Plant Life

. II Qualified with Restriction III Exempted from Qualification IV Qualification of Equipment Unresolvec V Equipment not Qualified i

i . Remarks - This column describes the environmental parameter or otner miscellaneous comments.

4.10 Conclusion Thisevaluationisbasedontheon-siteinsgection,theinformation suoplied oy the licensee in nefr suomittal , tneir ?3AR, and tne i

assumotion that the Qualification Occumentation (Test Recorts, l' Analysis, Letters, etc.) are acceotaole.

1 The Region I reviewer using the guidance ' and instructions, for i :ne evaluation of licensee's data suomittals and the site verification insoections that were cerformed to verify tne IE Bulletin 79-013, January 1980 data, submittal informatign, finds the licensee to be in accordance with the NRC direction *** except as listed in Aopendix 8 and the bocy of this report.


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12 The results of this evaluation does not necessarily imply that the equipment is unreliable, unsafe or represents a significant safety issue; it- does imply that additional information is required and that the unresolved items will be evaluated by the Equipment Qualif-ication Branch (EQB) and addressed in the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) to be written for this facility.

5. Licensee Event Reoorts (LERs)

No licensee event reports were submitted by the licensee, associated with their evaluation of IES79-013, as of Novemoer 10, 1980.

6. References
1. IEB 79-018, Memo to V. Thomas (NRC) from A. Finkel (NRC) dated August 18, 1980,
2. EQ 3 ranch' Comparison of systems and parameters. (Systems List CE PWR)
3. Yankee Atomic Electric Company, Revised and Updated Response to IES79-018, dated October 31, 1980.

4 Supplement Information to IES79-018, dated Feoruary 29, 1980, and i septemoer 30, 1980 and October 24, 1980.

! 5. Order requiring licensees implement recuirements of Commission Memorandum and Order of May 23, 1980 (CLI-90-21). ,

6. Division of Operating Reactors (00R), " Guidelines for Evaluating Environmental Qualification of Class IE Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors", Enclosure 4 to IES79-013.
7. NUREG-0588, " Interim Staff Position on Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment", dated December 1979.
3. Inspection Requirements for Verifying Reactor Licensee Resconses to IE Bulletin No.79-013, cated April 25, 1980.
9. IE Succort anc Review of Environmental qualification of Electrical Equioment at Operating Reactors, dated Octooer 10, 1980.
10. Yankee Atomic Electric Company, Responses to IES79-013 dated May 1980, March 1980 and August 1980, l


Test Reports and Analysis Lists Rec'd 056 fr Reg I JO 11/14/80 THOM2(M) ei

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Appendix A 1 l

l 001 Letter, Combustion Engineering, Inc., to Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, MYC-4169, dated January 25, 1978. (This letter contains revised containment pressure and temprature tables for Maine Yankee.)

002 Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station Technical Soecification 3.7 (pages 3.7-1 and 3.7-2) ana FSAR Section 6.2.

003 Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station FSAR Question / Answer 6.10.

004 Maine Yankee FSAR, Section 9.13.3.

005 Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station FSAR Question / Answer 5.11.

006 Maine Yankee Emergency Procedure 2-14, "Long-Term Core Cooling Realignment."

007 Engineering Analysis #MY-#, " Radiation Oose Calculation."

008 Acton Report No.15564-#, Report of " Thermal Aging Analysis of (Specific Equipment Title) for Class 1E Service at Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Generating Staton".

009 EDS Report 02-0570-1065, " Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Electrical

' Equipment", Sectemoer 1980, Revision 0.

010 EDS Report 02-0570-1069, Revision 0, " Pressure and Temoerature Conditions at Maine tankee Due to High Energy 8.ine Sreak (HEL3) Outsice Containment ana Heat-up Caused by Recirculation Fluids Oue to Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) Inside Containment".

011 Test Report, " Qualification Test - Joy Axivane Fan and Reliance Motor for i Recirculation Service for Nuclear Containment", dated Octooer,1969.

(Pages 0-3, 4, 5).

012 Letter with Enclosures, Reliance Electric Company to Stone and Webster, '

dated April 3, 1971.

013 Letter with Enclosure, Reliance Electric Company to Stone and Webster, dated August 17, 1970.

l Ola MYS-2964, " Specification for Motors for Containment Recirculating Fans for Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station", dated 3eptemoer 30, '970. .

015 Test Repot #F-C2S57, " Test of Electrical Cables Under Simulated Post-Accicent Reactor Containment Service."

016 Letter, Cerro Wire and Caole Company to Stone and Weaster, dated Maren 3, l 1971.-

017 Letter, Cerro Wire and Cable Company to Maine Yankee Atomic ?ower Comoany, dated May 20, 1971.

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Appendix A 2 018 MYS-3912, " Specification for 600V Insulated Power Cable for Containment Recirculating Fans", dated March 22, 1971.

019 Test Report #600198, " Test of Limitorque Valve Operator to Meet General Requiremerts of an Electric Valve Actuator in Nuclear Reactor Containment Envi ronment. "

020 Letter, Radiation International, Inc. to Franklin Institute Research Laboratory, dated May 23, 1979.

021 Letter with Enclosure, Limitorque Corporation to Yankee Atomic Electric Company, dated May 4, 1979.

022 Portions of Maine Yankee Drawings #11550-1.23-20A.

023 Test Report: #F-C3341, "Long-Term Testing of Electrical Cables Under Simultaneous Exposure to Gamma Radiation, Steam and Chemical Spray",

. dated January,1973.

024 Test Report: #2204-51-B-006, " Maximum Credible Accident Test on Electronic Transmitters". - .

025 Qualification Tests of Differential Transmitters Under Nuclear Radiation.

026 Test Report: " Qualification of Firewall III Class 1E Electric Caoles" 027 Test Report: WIPS-383, " Qualification Test Program of Electrical Instrumenta-tion Cables for Virginia Electric and Power Company for Surry cower Station - Units 1 and 2", cated Novemoer 27, 1979.

028 Letter, Anaconda (Continental) to Yankee Atomic Electric Company, cated May 30, 1979.

029 Letter with Enclosure, Anaconda (Continental) to Stone ana Weester, dated July 11, 1978.

030 Letter, Continental Wire and Cable Corporation to Stone and Weoster, dated June 2, 1971.

031 MYS-3268, "Scocification for 500V Instrumentation Caole".

032 Letter, General Electric to Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation,

  1. G-HB-9-13, cated Feoruary 2, 1978.

033 Engineering Analysis #MY-401, " Qualification for Radiation Environment" 034 Test Report: #ER-184, "08A Test - Stone and Weoster Cacie Assemoly", ty O. G. O'Brien, Inc., datec Septemoer, 1971.

035 Letter, Maine Yankes Atomic Power Station to USNRC, *WMY 77-113, dated Decemoer 3, 1977.

J .

l Appendix A 3 036 Letter with Enclosure, Collyer Engineering Corporation to Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company, dated January 13, 1967.

037 Test Report #3788, Rosemount, Inc. , " Qualification Test Report for Rosemount Pressure Transmitters".

038 Engineering Analysis #521, " Evaluation of Environmental qualifications".

039 Vendor Data for HPSI Pumps.

040 Vendor Oata for LPSI Pumos.

041 Vendor Data for LPSI Pumps.

042 Vencor Oata- for CS Pumps.

043 Supplementary Report on Effects of a Postulated Break in a High Energy Piping System Outside the Containment - Septemoer, 1973 - Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station.

044 Fischer and Porter Specification for Model 1082496.

045 Combustion Engineering Specification 4467-488-903.

046 Final Report F-C3834, Franklin Institute done for Gems Sensors Division; DeLaval.

047 Test Report No. AQS21678/TR, " Qualification Tests of Solenoid Valves Oy l Environmental Exposure to Elevated Temperature, Radiation, wear Aging, Seismic Simulation, vibration Endurance, Accident Radiation and Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) Simultion", dated March 1978.

l-048 Test Report #600376A, " Nuclear Power Station Qualification Type Test Report, Limitorque Valve Actuators for SWR Service", dated May 13, 1976.

049 Letter, Limitorque to Action Testing Corp. , dated October 3,1978.

050 C74045-1, IEEE PES Conference Paper, " Qualification of Power and Control Caole for Class lE Applications", by T. H. Ling and W. F. Morrison of :ne i

Anaconda Wire and Cable Comoany.

I 051 " Radiation Ef fects on Electrical Insulations" by P. H. Ware.

l 052 Okonite Report No. NWRN-1, " Qualification of Okonite Ethylene-Propylene Ruocer Insulation for Nuclear Plant Service".


053 MG1, NEMA Standards ?uolication for Motors and Generators.

054 Okonite Engineers, Note 74-1.

Appendix A 4 055 Specifications for Thermocouple Extension Cable 'or Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station, Wiscasset, Maine, Seller: Claude S. Gordon, Purcnase Order No, MY-240.

056 CE Specification No. 4467-488-701, A Project Engineering Specification

~for a Pressurizer Heater Proportional Power Control Unit, Combustion i

Engineering, Inc., Utility Division, Windsor, Connecticut, i

l l

. 8 l

n I

i l

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Equipment Status Taoles l

l 0

e l

l I

l l

l l


l l

Appendix B 1 NOTES

1. The qualified radiation data provided is for the actuator excluding the motor. The licensee is presently workirg with Limitorque Corp. to obtain.

radiation tolerance data for'these motors. This information will ce available for review on completion.

2. -The' solenoid operated valves currently installed are ASCO EH8X8320 and

'8311A31F. Although the valves operate ':sfore the abnormal environment

. associated with the accident has an opportuni*/ to develop, we have assigned a' one hour operating time per icoplement #2 of IES79-018.

'Sased on the above, it is planned to reciace these valves with the ASCO NP-1 Series valve which is fully qualif'ed for LOCA and HEL3 environments.

l 3. 'Secause of preliminary results from recent HELS and Heat-Up studies, many areas previously belfered to be non-hars, have now been determined to be harsh. The impact on equipment qualification has yet to be fully analyzed and resolved; and therefore, the conclusions reacned herein ar,e to be considered preliminary.

4 Qualification of this component for the recuired operating time has been determined to be adequate based on an evaluation of the qualifiction data used to qualify it for all applicaole environmental carameters indicated on this worksheet (See Reference 038). .


5. The transmitters have been qualified for 3.5 x 10 R. The licensee refers to reference 1025, in Appendix A as tne documentation to wnich these transmitters are qualified.
6. Aging qualification is under investigation and will be provided wnen completed.

l 7. Qualification is ceing done by the vencer under a generic utility program

! scneduled for comoletion oy June 1981.

S. The vendor is currently testing these components to accress al'1 the environmental parameters. Comolete test recorts will ce available for review on completion.


9. This equipment is included oecause of NUREG-0573.


..,,,..._.m._.__.-_ , _ , -

Part/ ! Contr.11

' Environ-Camponext Manuf. tate @ry haarks grlal meat melt ,,

198 OUT Motar Operator

  • Linitorque St18-00 2 Submernence IV C1VCS-1 Corp. * - The elevations of IEV-25!. ItCV-261 and ItCV-271 are t.elow the noximum postulated flood level. liowever, the function of this equipment is completed prior to suteeroence (if any). EOS to evaluate.

Radia tion '

tiote No. 1 Solencid Operated Asco 8311A31F Agina V Note No. 2. Requires a schedule from the licensee.

Valvt CAAS-1 and 1 .

CAVC5-2 El1818320 TP-1 LPSI-3


Solenoid Operated Asco 8311A31F Aginn

't hote No. 2. Reautres a schedule from the llcensee.

Valve C&VCS-3 and 1 HPS1-3 DiBX8320 Submernence Y 1his solee.old valve will be moved to atove flood level when it - 4 is replaced. Requires a schedule from the licensee.

Flow Iransmitter i Fischer IM2195 1 Ilme Note No. 3 '

CivC5-4 and Temerature

  • Porter Pressure
  • Radiation IV Aqlga Rh Mator Allis- 507-l.P I Tise Note No. 3.

CS-1 Chalmers Temperature Pressure IV A request has been placed with Allis-Chalmers throunh Acton

. Radiation tabs for information. [0B to evaluate, Aalna Rif



Pzrt/ I Contatx3 - Environ- I Remarks

E8"enent mmf. gist mest ment abwy . s .


  1. 40 tor Operator - Ltaforque :Je-00 X Radiation IV tiote No. 1.

. CS-2 '.NS-(X10 Note No. 3.

Sis-06C Tine Note No. 4 EQB to evaluate.

Fan ftotor Reliance 324308-II I Ilme IV Note 130, 4 EQB to evaluate.

. CAR-1 Electric and 324308-2X *


J Pressure Transmitter Fisder 50EP1070 X Time Note ho. 3 C5-3 and Temperature

Porter Pressure IV i

Mt Radiation Aetnn '

f Hotor Control Center Westind. Type W X Time tiote No. 3 EPS-1 house Ternerature

  • Pressure IV The licensee is presently working with Westinnhouse Corporation to

, R!l .

obtain qualification data. This Infomation will be available for RJ dlation review on completion.

j Aning Pressure Iransmitters Fischer 50EP1000 X Radiation IV tiote No. 5. 108 to evaluate.

i level fransmitters and Pressure FW-1 Porter 1302495 l tevel i

i 4

i 4

t l 2 r- . . , -

_ y ... ._ ._ _ _ ... ..


Camponext Manuf.

E'rt/ Coatsix Eavfron- t&tzgerv Remarks girl megg * ,, ig - --

s . .. ..

lH OUT ,

$31enoid Operated Valve tsco 8311A31F I Anina Y flote No. 2. Requires a schedule from the licensee.

HPSt-4 <

and tirBX8320 '

t Flow Transmitter Fischer Not Shown I. Time Note No. 3.

HP51-5 and Ierinera ture Forter Pressure IV Hote No. 6.

Ril .

Radia tion A9tna

'l i Mot:r llP51-6 GE SK37J- I Time IV Note No. 3.

G403 Terpera ture Hote No. 6 3 Pressure The motors were destaned and built usung aeference 053. Present - i i Rat analysts shows that the harsh environment will only amist for a j Radiation short time and that the motors will operate satisfactortly.

j Aging Pressure Switch itPSI-B  ;

4 Fischer 140lPV- I Time flote fio. 3. -

and 03-NS Tenperature i Porter Pressure Hote No. 6 RH IV

\ Radiation Aatnn l

i Motor irrst-7 vesting. 7001 x Tine Note No. 3.

house 7002 Ternerature j 7003 Pressure IV flote No. 6.

! Rif Red 1atton Aglog i

i i

) ..

i i

.1 l -

i 4


4 i  !

. =

Cogonent Manuf. Pirt/ Contal2 [Evirne- nemarts ~

l gisl ment ,

next ,

attory JN OOT 4

Notor Operator LPSI-4 Limitorque 52-1 X Radiation IV Note No. 1 i Time l

Oualtitcation of this component for the reouf red operat*49  :

a time has been determined to be adequate based on an

! evaluation of the qualtf tcation data used to quellfy it for all applicable environmental parameters indicated on this l

worksheet (See Reference 038). EDB to evaluate.

4 Motor HPSI-I' Westing- 5089-5 I Time Note No. 3.

house Temperature Pressure IV

{ -

RH 4


! Aning 2

s a

I i

Motor Operator HPSI-2 Limitorque 5H8-0 . X Radiation IV hote No. 1. '


Note Mc. 3.




. ~ .

t i

. Flow Transmitter LPSI-5' f t'scher 1082496 I Time Note No. 3.

and Temperature '

l , Porter Pressure IV Note No. 6 l RH '

} \ kadiation -

Aning i



Hydrogen Analyzer PAM-1 00H51P, K-III Tire X Note No. 3 j inc. Temperature Pressure IV hote No,7.

. RH Radiation k'* +


o .

j h



is-Y *

  • MOWW e W*

M N vw ememam e.

%g . . .


, e P:rt/ I Contag;I Ewiron- I Remarks Co9onelt . W DGI*

ggrial ment ~ ment tatt<mry .


IN OUT Radittion Detector *PAH-2 General RD-23 X lirr. - tiote No. 8 ,

Atonite Tempera ture

_ Pressure IV Note No. 9.

Rif Radtatton f-

Aging Pressire Transmitter Fischer 50EP1041 I Radiation IV tiote tio. 5 Eq8 to evaliate.

PAH-5 and Porter l

1 .

[ 's Ltv11 Transmitter l'#1-6 GEMS IH-36495 X Time The enutpment manufacturcr is currently qualtfrfna a replace-2 Sprav IV ment unit which will be gurchased by Nf ne Yankee when complete.


. Agirm foulpment was not tested for submernence; however, the electrcnics ~

Submernence will not be affected becaise they are at the top of the unit which g 15 not subject to suteerg:nce. ft)B to evaluate.

tiote fio. 9 1,

4 I

Pressure Transmitter Fischer 50EP1070 X Time flote tio. 3 .

1 PAH-7 and Te g erature i Porter Pressure IV

! . Rif f 'tdf a tion

{ A91"a i


- Pressure Transmitter Rosemount 1153 X Time riote No. 3.

I PAM-B Series D Temperature


Pressure IV Mote No. 7.


' Radiation Aging




.9 6

  • ~ * -- -


e Conconent Manuf. Part/ Coatt,gy - E3viron- Remarks grlzl erg mut- ,

Datowiry ~

lH our Acoustic Transaltter BW NA 1 Ylme flote No. 9.

. PAH-9 Terperature -

Pressure IV Note No. 8 '

Rif Radiation Aning Acoustic Accelereneter BQ NA X Tire PAH-10 Note No. 9.

Terpera ture Pressure IV I4ote Ho. B.

RH Radiation Aalne Solenoid Operated Asco 8311A31F Pilot Valve -

and -

X Antag V Note No.'h. Requires a schedule front the licerssee.

PV-1. PV-2. PCC-1 EHBX8320 1 ,

1 Pus , All'is- 507US X Time Note No. 3.

l PCC-2 Chalmers Teppera ture

  • Pressure IV The Itcensee is presently workino with Allis-Chalmers Corp. to RH obtalr. qualification data for these motors. This Infonnation

{ Antng will be available for review on coinpletion.

i i Solenoid Operated Asco 8311A31F I Aalno V Note No. 2. Requires a schedule from the ifcensee.

! Pilot valve PS-1 and .,

j E31810320

  • ~

Sutnernence These valves will be moved to above flood level when they are 3

1 renlaced. Requires a schedule fron the Itcensee.

i i

t i

I i

5 .

I .

N 3 ..

I i

j t

.; -- M . ~ ~ ~ - - + - - ~ --

1 .

.- r I

Pirt/ Contair - Environ- Remarks

%ies t Hasmsf*

grial mest ' ment ,.

N E4'804 j IH ouT Pressure Transmitter Fischer 50fr1000 X Radiation IV Mote No. 5. [QB to evaluate.

RC-1 and

  • Porter .

1 hotor Operator RC-3 Llat torque 5ts-000 X ltadiation IV Note No. 1.

SIE-00 4

-3 Pressurtrer Hester Hestino- [1183070 ' X line f40te No. 3.' 1 Dist. Cabinet house' Temperature '

i RC-5 Pressure IV Hole fio.8.

Rif .

Anina RfD Rosemo'unt 104 VC X Tire flote No. 9.

RC-6 1erperature -

Pressure IV The qualifications of various RID's for a post-accident environ-i Ril awnt are betne investinated.

Radiation i A'91 C9 1

Hotor Operator RC-4 Limitorque 51B-00 X Radfation tiote No. 1.

! SMB-000 Time IV tiote No. 4 008 to evaluate.

.s 1

4 W

  • We e **W+= _. _ _ - e =m . - - __ _ - -.e g , ww,ee s. g.

- - . e Part/ I ontald Remarks Component Manuf*

C ' Environ- b*timory grlsi ment meat ,

-o IN our .

Control Cabinets E-2PA. Westing- Not Shown X Time No.te No. 3.

E-2P8. RC-7 house Teeperature IV ,

Pressure Rif Pgs Allis- solus X Tine Note No. 3.

SCC-1 Chalmers Teeperature Pressure IV lhe licensee is presently working with Allis-Chalmers Corp. to Rif obtain quellfication data for these actors. This information Radiation will be available for review on coupletion. *

- -- Agina Ter2inal Block Square D 1828-C19 X Tine These unf th will be replaced during the next scheduled outage.

ELEC-7 Teanerature Pressure V Note No. 9.

R!l Radiation Control Cable Collyer PE/PVC/ 1 Time lhe presently installed cable lp quallffed >y test for expected ELEC-8 PVC Tennerature environment and operatina time. Qualification for an operating Pressure V time of one hour will necessitate replacing this cable with RH cable that is appropriately quallfled. Reqstres a schedule from Radiation the Itcensee.

Aging - flote No. 9.

Control Cable Collyer PC/PVC/ ' X Aging IV 11 ate No. 3 ELEC-10 PVC Dg. e#WW e 98 ee D e W6 MM M -- ,- M ".M** W .hg8 p g Ne 96 ,


P:rt/ I Centst! fnviron- Remarks

  • Cogone.;t Manuf.

gg;y ,,,g ,,7, g ktewy ,

j IN out ,


  • Limit Switch - FWtCO EA740- X Ilme The Itcensee is planning to repisce these components. Requires a ItEC-13 80,000 Tem erature schedule from the Itcensee.

Pressure V kit Hote No. 9.

Radiation Aatna Terminal Block square D 1288-219 1 Tine Ncte No. 3.

ELIC-14 Teg erature Pressure IV Operation of equipment uttllzing this component occurs before the RH abnormal envirornent assocatted with an accident has had an Radiation opportunity to fully develop and affect component integrity.

Aging EOR to evaluate.

Fressurtrer Heater GE Silicone X ne flote No. 3.:

Fower Cable Rubber eerperature f ELEC-15 Insul. Pressure IV The licensee is pt asently with General Electric to obtain qualifica-Iwisted Rif tion documentation. Ihls Information will be available for review Glass Radiation on completion.

Orgld Antna .

Limit Switch r(At1CO- 024001 X Time lhe Ilcensee is planning to replace these conponents at the next EtfC-16 Tesmerature scheduled outane.

Pressure IV tiote tto. 9.

RH Radiation

- Anino limit Switch titcro DIE 6-2Ril2 X Tine The licensee is plannita to replace these coniponents. Requires a EL E C-17 Switch Teaperature schedule from the Itcensee.

EL EC- 18 Co. Pressure IV Rif flote No. 9.

Radia tion Aalna 3

4 .- $-