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Corrected Tables for 1990 & 1991 CPSES Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Repts
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1991
From: Woodlan D
Shared Package
ML20105B619 List:
NUDOCS 9209210061
Download: ML20105B616 (5)


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Attachment to TXX-92422 Corrected Tables for 1993 and 1991 CPSES Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Reports 1

-Table 7.3, Gaseous Effluents--Summation N All Relcases (end-of-year 19'JG ~


-Table 7.5, Liquid Ef fluents--Summation Of All Releases .(mid-year 1991 report).

-Table 7.7, Solid Waste And Irradiated Fuel Shipments (mid-year 1991 report).

-Table 7.13, Solid Waste And Irradiated fuel Shipments (tend-of-year 1991 report).

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! - Tablo 7.3 QASEOUS EFFI1 TENTS--SUMMATION OF All RELEASES Units Quarter Quarter Est. Total 3 4 Error, %

A. Fission and Activation. Gases

1. Total release Cl 4.44E+0i3.08E+02l1.76E+01l
2. Average release rate for period gcl/sec 5.59E+01 3.b8E+01
3. Percent of "VCM REC timit (Total Body)  % 1.30E 02, 8.61E-03
4. Percent of CDCM REC limit (Skin)  % 6.T 't 03{ 4.75E 03 B. IodLies
1. Total lodine 131 Cl 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Note 1 l
2. Average ratesse rate for period gC1/sec 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
3. Percent of CDCM PEC timit (Organ)  % 0.00E+001 0.00E+00 C. Particulates a
1. Pcrticulates with half Lives > 8 Days Cl 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Note 1 l
2. Average ratesse rate for period SC1/sec 0.00E+00 o, cog +on
3. Percent of CDCH REC limit (Organ) L 0.00E+C0jU.00E+00
4. Gross alpha radioactivity Cl 8.76E55l1.69E-04Note 2 D. Tritium
1. Total release Ct 2.00E+00 4.07E+00 2.40E+01
2. Average retesse rate for period SCl/sec 2.51E-01 1.12E 01 _
3. Percent of TCM REC timit torgan)  % , 7.03E-04 1.43E-03 Note 18 No Iodine or parti utete activity is reported for gasecus affluents, therefore errors for these values are not reported.

kote 2: The gross althe radioactivity reported is assumed to be raden daughters, as discussed in section 2.4.2.

Tman10-7e5' T.TfftTTD E7?'117Ettf5--SMRi&TI(N OF 411 RELEASFS


tagits tierter Guerrer $st. 1 stet 3- 4 Error, 1 A. Fission and Acti'mtion Products

( iotel reteese (net includtry trittua, Cl 3.43E 05 T.91E-03 -1.95E+01 genes, . eipne)

2. Awege diluted *.oncentretton daring period act/et t.ost-to 3.27t-10 ~l
3. Percent of CDot REC timit 1 l B. Tritium-l 1. 7otat reieene Ci s.43E+01 '.22E+01 9 2.00E+01
2. Awreee diluted concentration eing period act/e4 3 583'08' 3 ***~ 6 l
3. Percent of caos mEC timit E. ,e.:st-os 1.27z-0) ,

i C. Dissolved and Tntrained Cases

1. fotel reteese lC1 2.65E 01 4.60E 02 1.88E+01
2. Average diluted cancentration dering period 3Cl/mi e,112-og 1. 94 t-011 l
3. Percmt of coot aEC ti it t

, m,g , ,,

l D. Gross Alpha Radioactivity i


-1. Tc-tet release Cl 9.93E 05 7.95E-05 mete 1 '

l E. Votues of weste reteemed (prior te dilution) Liters 2.3eE+06 1.aIE+06 2.20E+00 F. Vetuen ettution of water used during pari,ej Liters 3.27E+10 2.42E*10 1.00E sote la The gross alphe restonctiv8t y reported is aseuutd to be eedon daughters, as disoM in section 2.6.1.

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. Table 7.7 D_QLJ.D__Wh8TT _AE_IRBADIhTEp_)TM SHIP!EllTS A._5olid Weste Shippnd Offsite For Durial or Disposal (Not Irradiated Fuel)

1. Type of Waste l Unit 6-month Est. Total Period Error %
a. Spent resinni ,2 m3 5.83E+00 Ci 1.22E-02 1. 0 0 E+ 01, contaminated m3 5 '/CE+00 b.Drycompressib}ewaste, Ci 4.97E-02 1.00E+01 equip., etc.**
c. Irradiated components, control m3 110NE rods, etc. Cl N/A N/A
1. There were no solidification ayents or absortsents applied to the solid wMte.
2. Volume shipped to taurial site
3. Voltsne shipped to taurial sites via waste procewors
2. Estimate tA Major Nuclide Composition (by type of vasto)

Type of Waste Nuclide  % Abund.I Activity I

a. Spent resins H-3 99.7% 1.22E-02
b. Dry compreusible waste, Co-58 63.8% 3.17E-02 contamir atul eqiup. , etc. Fe-55 29.0% 1.48E-02 Mn-54 6.4% 3.18E-03 t
3. So'.id Waste Disposition Waste Number of DOT Type of Transportation Shipped Burial Clase Shipments Type Container Mtue To Site AU ' .00E+00 LSA Type A Truck Barnwell Barnwell AU 1.00E+00 LSA Strong-tight Truck SEG Barnwell AU 1.00E+00 LSA Strong-tight Truck SEC Beatty D. Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Dispobition)  ;

Humber.qf St)lpmento tiode of TraD!iporatiori Pflillnat ion 0 N/A N/A

l .


TADLE 7.13 fiQ]dj2 WASTE AUD_1RBliDlliTELLfW1.JlilEM12!IS A. Solid Wanto Shipped offaite for Durial or Disposal (Not Irradiated Fuel) _ ..-- _ w a.~ ,.mu _ n _ m ,- -

1. Type of Wasto Unit 6-month Eut.Tctal Period Error %
a. Spent renilo a' tione 11/ A ci ri/ A
b. Dry comprecoible waato, contaminated m' L.83E+01 1.00E+01 equip. etc. ta' ct 7.14E-01
c. Irradiated components, control rode, m' tione il/,\

etc. ci rt / A

d. Other tlone fl/A I

n l ti/ A n-_.-_ - n~

1. Thero woro no solidtfication agento or abscrbento applied to the polid wanto
2. Volume chipped to burial site via want; p r oc e r. c o r e .
3. Volume includen -rento buried in pri- 6 month period but not reported in last Semiannual Effluent. Report.

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2. Estimate of Major Nuclido flu c l ido  % Abund. Activity composition (by type of waste) (Cl) _
b. Dry consprensible wanto, Co-58 56.11 4.01E-01 contaminated equipment, etc. Cr-51 19.7% 1,4)E-01 Zr-95 4.4% 3.14E-02 tib-95 4.4% 3.14E-02 Co-60 2.4% 1.71E-02 Mn-54 2.3% 5.,64E-02 I-131 1.4% 1.00E-02 111- 6 3 1.2% B.57E-03 -

Fe-59 1.1% 7.85E-03 Othern 7.01 5.00E-02 m.

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3. Solid Waste Disposition Waste riumber of DOT Type of Transpottation Shipped Burial Clano shipments Typt container Modo To Sito _

AU 5.00E+00 Lf;A Strong- Truck ALARott Llarnwell tight AU 5.00E600 LSA Strong- Truck SEC Deatty tight

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B. Irradiated Fuel Shipmentu (Disposition)

[hinber OLJhlpnentn [iot!LgLTtimppg r_t.piloD 130 G t iDD110_n 9 U/A N/A

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