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Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Administrative Changes
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1984
Shared Package
ML20087D605 List:
NUDOCS 8403130463
Download: ML20087D632 (10)


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Attachment 1 O


Mf ' Proposed Administrative Technical Specification Change; *

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, (; 1) Change to Hote 3 of Table 4.3-1 (Both Units 1 & 2) 49

.. N. The existing note requires that the monthly time clock for the g!

a l d: -

~t~. comparison of incore to excore axial flux differences begin when is This requirement J*


Q the reactor is above 15% RATED THERMAL POWER.

not consistent with the surveillance requirements of Technical

?J ~ [5 l.' f. Specification sections and Since which require flux mapping ;h that flux mapping be performed every 31 EFPD.

is required in order to verify incore to excore axial flux {

I( 3, differences, it is requested that all tb ;se Technical Specification g;2 p$ . ; requirements be performed every 31 EFPO. h -

This change will alleviate the administrative burden of maintaining gy jf separate schedules and the potential for duplicate flux mappino ?p solely for incore to excore axial flux difference comparisions.

]@ Reduction of this duplication of operator ef fort will allow more ,'

time and attention for more significant issues of plant operation p?


'9 i and reduce wear on the movable incore detector system components. x i

3,.y a) Change to Table 3.6-1 Section A, Items 42, 43, 44 and 45 (Both N



.+ 2) J Units 1 and 2) p[?

. e.~ ?

,.,. Recent plant modifications to implement license comitments Q f

/0' related to containment purge have been completed. As part of pi these modifications the Containment Mini-purge Isolation Valves f4 +

have been replaced with 8 inch diameter valves. The valve K .,

-1 V y

identification numbers have been changed as a result. This

$ .S. renumbering requ1res these Technical Specification Tables to be f7 revised.

M y'


. ,& .D b) Change to Table 3.6-1, Section D, 'tems 1,2,5,6 .nd 17 (Unit 1 ')

V?h only)

. ~ U. ' )

./ %.4 -l This change simply corrects the valve numbers so that the ,s.

~ J. ( proper Unit 1 prefix number is reflectad in the tables. . g.

..1y m

Change to Figure 6.2-2 (Both Units 1 & 2)

~y 3) 19 a.2 The Chemistry Supervisor Position title has 'oeen changed to d

Chemistry and Environmental Supervisor. There have not been i{ The i g.i significant responsibility changes as a result of this change. M change in title simply reflects more closely the responsibilities 7 7

i i 6


onL of this position.


. . . . no In addition, the new position of Computer Services Supervisor has A f og been added to Figure 6.2-2. This change reflects the importance of P

, f4 ho the Computer Services function in supporting the operation of the f.l i~

' n 4x Farley Nuclear Plant. .,"

av 40 oJ i 6'~

'g.- 4) Change to Technical Specification 3.7.ll.l.c (Unit 1 only) Q MJ

r. n  ;.$

A recent review of this Technical Specification section identified D' O$

mat that the cross-references to other fire protection specifications


'-N 6:- were in error. The proper cross-references are to Sections d", and This corrects an administrative :i error that has existed since License Amendment 26 was issued.  ;

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' Attachment 2


Praposed Changes to Technical Specification Pages Unit 1 Page 3/4 3-14 Page 3/4 6-17 Page 3/4 6-18 Page 6-3 Page 3/4 7-82 Unit 2 Page 3/4 3-14 Page 3/4 6-17 ,

Page 6-3 s

u TABLE 4.3-1 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION With the reactor trip system breakers closed and the control rod drive system capable of rod withdr:dal.

(1). - If not performed in previous 7 days.

(2) -

Heat balance only, above 15% of RATED THERMAL POWER. Adjust channel if absolute difference greater than 2 percent.

(3) -

Compare incore to excore axial flux difference every 31 EFPD.

Recalibrate if the absolute difference is greater than or equal to 3 percent.

(4) -

Manual ESF functional input check every 18 months.

(5) -

Each train or logic channel shall be tected at least every 62 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS.

(6) -

Neutron detectors may be excluded from CHANNEL CALIBRATION.

(7) -

Below the P-6 (Block of Source Range Reactor Trip) setpoint.

t (8) . - Logic only,'if not performed in previous 92 days.

(9) - CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST will consist of verifying that each channel indicates a turbine trip prior to latching the turbine and indicates no turbine trip after latching the turbine.

(10) - If not performed in the previous 31 days.




TABLE 3.5-1 (Continued) ,

i is0tarianitiin E

(SEC) 5 enASE a" 150taTion FUNCTION g (Continued _

4 <10 l CCW from exc. letdoun itCOT lets

" 710 l 32. CCWW-3067 '

Accumulators fill line isolation i i 33. CVC-HV-8860 Accumulator tanks sample isolation valve 310

34. SS-HV-3766 Accumulator tanks sample isolation valve $10 i <10

! 35. SS- N-3334 RCOT vent line isolation valve

36. LWP-HV-7126 310

! RCDT vent line isolation valve $10 j 37. LWP-HV-7150 Containment sump recirculation valve -

38. LWP-HV-3380 .Demineralizer water to reactor W storage $10 1 <5
39. CTS-HV-3659 Containment purge exhaust isolation valve i _5
40. C8V-HV-3196 Containment purge supply isolation valve 1 41. C8V-HV-3197 Containment mini purge e.*aust isolation valve $5
42. C8V-HV-2867 C Containment mini purge eAhaust isolation valve $5 l w $5 l ) 43. C8V-HV-2867 D Containment mini-prge supply isolation valve
44. CBV-HV-2866 C Containment mini purge supply isolation valve $5
e. .


.t. 45. C8V-HV-2866 D l

i w '

<15 .

CCW to RCP coolers <15 1.


2. CCW-MOV-3046

.. CCW from RCP oil coolars <10 l 3. CCW-MOV-3182 CCW from RCP THRM BARR <10

4. CCW-HV-3184 CCW froc RCP THRM BARR <10 .

i E 5. CCW-HV-3045 Containment instrument air supply valve 1 E 6. IA- W-3611 o '



o Charging pumps to regenerative HX



1. CVC-MDV-8107 Charging pumps to regenerative HX
2. CVC-MOV-8108 <15 4

SW to RCP motor air coolers <15

3. SW-MOV-3135 SW from RCP motor air coolers l 4. SW-MOV-3131 <15 i SW from 3CP motor air coolers
5. SW-MOV-3134 l

4 1 .

g a

  • s TABLE 3.6-1 (Continued)




!Q FUNCTION (SEC) ly. 3.- MANUAL NA IQ Refueling Cavity Supply

! 1. Q1G31V012 NA

2. Q1G21V005*

Reactor Coolant drain tank <120 f" 3. RHR-MOV-8701A**

Reactor cootant LP IC to RHR pump 1A Reactor coolant LP 1A to RHR pump 18 <120

! 4. RHR-MOV-8702A** MA i 5. Q1P18V001" Service Air NA

6. Q1P18V002" Service Air NA l Containment leak rate test valve l 7. CdV-MOV-3238 7

11 A o RH RHR <17 Containment sump to RHR pump 18

10. RHR-MOV-8811 8 <17 Containment sump to RHR pump 1A
11. RHR-MOV-8812 A <17 l Containment sump to RHR pump 18 ,

'w 12. RHR-MOV-8812 8 <17 ,

CS-MOV-8826 A CS pump 1A containment sump suction isolation <17

') 13. CS pump 18 containment sump suction isolation si 14. CS-MOV-8826 8 -

<17 4

CS pump 1A containment sump suction isolation 0

15. CS-MOV-8827 A CS pump 18 containment sump suction isolation


16. CS-MOV-8827 8 NA l Pressurizer pressure generator l 17. Qt813V0268* Containment post-LOCA sampling valve 1 NA
18. C8V-MOV-3528 A* NA l Contaiswaent post-LOCA sampling valve 2
19. C8V-MOV-3528 8* NA C8V-MOV-3528 C*

Conainment post-LOCA sampling valve 3

20. Containment post-LOCA sampling valve 4 NA
21. CBV-MOV-3528 D* NA a

08V-MOV-3739 A*

Containment post-LOCA sampling isolation valve


22. Containment post-LOCA sampling isolation valve NA
23. C8V-MOV-3739 B" NA C8V-MOV-3745 A*

Containment post-LOCA sampling return valve J

24. Containment post-LOCA sampling return valve NA
25. CBV-MOV-3745 88 NA

{k jg 26.


C8V-MOV-3835 A*

C8V-MOV-3835 B*

  • Containment post-LOCA sampling return valve Containment post-LOCA sampling return valve Containment post-LOCA vent isolation valve NA NA
28. C8V-MOV-3740" NA l ,o C8V-MOV-3530*

Containment post-LOCA vent isolation valve

! $ 29.

, E.

' ~*May be opened on an intermittent basis under administrative controls

    • May be opened and power removed under administrative controls when the plant is in MODE 4 (for ensuring overpressure protection system operability).


___m _ _ _


% nager let Asistant 1 - Staff - Staff Plant & nager Assistant l I I I i i g I l I Operations SL mintenance Technical Adninistrative Training Sys. Perf, and l

Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Director Planning Super.

l I

I l l - L_T -l l I I Operations SL Supervisor lac Supervisor Nintenance Supervisor l Computer Serv.

Supervisor Technical Supervisor ll Nterials Supenisor Security Supervisor Dorasent (bn.

SupPrvisor Staff Plaming Sys. Perf.

SupPrvisor Supervisor l

lI Il

_ _ _ _ _ _J '

l.. _ I I  !

Shift SL lac Nintenance l Reactor Fire Staff Searity Staff Staff Staff l Supenisor Forven Forwen Engineer Nrshall** Forsen l

g i I l Staff

  • Staff Staff Staff Ojartis Plant %d. (bality (bntrol Supervisor Supervisor l

I l _

l I i l l Health Phy. Chenistry & Envirornental Staff Staff

- Shift Tectrifcal Supervisor *** Supervisor Advisor I I 1 - Senior Operator's License Staff Staff * - Reactor Operators will have Operator's License

    • - Onsite Apibility for Fire Protection Progrsa Fipre 6.2-2 Facility Organization
      • In rustine netters, the Health Physics Supervisor reports directly to the Technical Superintendent, in netter of radiatim policy & termination, interpretatim or iglenentation (Based toon the Health Physic Supervisor's judgnent) the Health Ptysics Supervisor rey report directly to the Assistant Plant %napr.

FARLEY - lMT 1 6-3 M O D O E 10.


o 1 ,, .




I3.7.11.1 : The fire suppression . water system shall be OPERABLE with:

a. Two' high pressure pumps, each with a capacity of 2500 gpm, with their discharge aligned .to the fire suppression header, ib. . Separate water supplies, each with_ a minimum contained volume of 250,000 gallons, and


c. An OPERABLE ~ flow path capable of'taking suction from each tank and transferring the water through distribution piping with OPERABLE sectionalizing control or isolation valves to the yard hydrant curb valves, -the last valve ahead of the water flow alarm device on each sprinkler or hose standpipe, and the last valve ahead of the deluge valve on each deluge or spray system required to be OPERABLE per Specification, and

APPLICABILITY: At-all times.


a. With one of the above required pumps and/or water supplies inoperable, restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status within 7 days or,

-in lieu of any other report required by Specification 6,9.1, prepare and submit a-Special Report to the Co;amission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the next 30 days outlining the plans and

. procedures to be used to provida for the loss of redundancy _in this system. The pro' visions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable. '

- b. With the fire suppression water systed otherwise inoperable:

-1. Establish a backup fire suppression water system within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, and

2. 'In lieu of any other report required by Specification 6.9.1, submit a SpecialL Report in accordance with Specification 6.9.2:

a)~ By telephone.within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, m b)~ - Confirmed by telegraph, mailgram or facsimile transmission no 11ater than:the first working day following the event, and

-c) In writing within 14 days following the event, outlining the action taken, the cause of the inoperability and the ' plans and schedule .for restoring the system to OPERABLE status.



h t

T,ABLE 4.3-1 (Continued)


(1). - If not performed in previous 7 days.

(2) - Heat balance only, above 15% of RATED THERMAL POWER. Adjust channel if absolute ~ difference greater than 2 percent.

(3) - Compare incore to excore axial flux difference every 31 EFPD.

Recalibrate if the absolute difference is greater than or equal to 3 percent.

(4) - - Manual ESF functional-input check every 18 months.

(5) - Each train or logic channel shall be tested at least every 62 days an a STAGGERED TEST BASIS.

(6) . Neutron detectors may be excluded from CHANNEL CALIBRATION.

(7) - Below the P-6 (Block of Source Range !;ac; tor Trip) setpoint.

(8). - Logic only, if not performed in. previous 92 days.

(9) - CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL lEST will consist of verifying that each channel indicates a turbine trip prior to latching the turbine and indicates no turbine trip after latching the turbine.

(10) If not performed in the previous 31 days.


'l . FARLEY-UNIT 2 3/4 3-14 AMENDMENT N0.

y '

j . .

TABLE 3.6-1 (Continued) .



PHASE "A" ISOLATION 1 (Continued E $10

% CCW from exc. letdown RCOT ifMS <10 u 32. CCW-HV-3067 Accumulators fill line isolation 310

33. CVC-HV-8860 Accumulator tanks sample isolation valve Accumulator tanks sample isolation valve 510
34. SS-HV-3766 <10
35. SS-HV-3334 RCDT vent line isolation valve 310
36. LWP-HV-7126 RCDT vent line isolation valve j Containment sump recirculation valve- $10 l
37. LWP-HV-7150 $10 1
38. LWP-HV-3380 Demineralizer water to reactor HD storage l Containment purge exhaust isolation valve $5
39. OsS-HV-3659 $5
40. C8V-HV-31% Containment purge supply isolation valve ' ,

Containment mini purge exhaust isolation valve $5 /

41. C8V-HV-3197 l

Containment mini purge exhaust isolation valve 55

42. CBV-HV-2867 'C $5 R 43. CBV-HV-2867 0 Containment mini purge supply isolation valve 15

^ 44. CBV-HV-2866 C Containment mini-purge supply isolation valve ,

? 45. CBV-HV-2866 0 i 0

8. PHASE "8" ISOLATION <15 CCW to RCP coolers <15
1. CCW-MOV-3052 CCW from RCP oil coolers <15
2. CCW-MOV-3046 CCW from RCP oil coolers <10
3. CCW-MOV-3182 CCW from RCP THRM BARR <10
4. CCW-HV-3184 CCW from RCP THRM BARR <10
5. CCW-HV-3045 Containment instrument air supply valve E 6. IA-HV-3611 9


<10 w Charging pumps to regenerative HX <10 5 1. CVC-MOV-8107 Charging pumps to regenerative HX <15

  • 2. CVC-MOV-8108 SW to RCP motor air coolers <15
3. SW-MOV-3135 SW from RCP motor air coolers <15
4. SW-MOV-3131 SW from RCP motor air coolers
5. SW-MOV-3134

r- ,y a

e Plant IUC Assistant 1 - Staff - Staff Plant knager Assistant i I I I 1 1 I

'I f I l l Assinistrative Training Sys. Perf. and Operations SL mintenance Tecmical l Superintendent Superintendent Director Planning Super.

Superintendent Superintendent l 1

l i i i- L_: -l i i i ll l Gruputer Serv. Technical mterials Security Document (bn. Staff Planning Sys. Perf.

Operations SL UC mintenance Su,e,wsor S - g{ 5 - s- l Superus- Su,erw-ll Su,erus- Su-s- Superws- Superus- Su,erus-l _____ _ _ _ _ _ _J l

i l i II mintenance Reactor Fire Staff Security Staff Staff Staff Sift i 180 l Mrshall** Forwen Supervisor Tcus

  • Formen Engineer l l- ,

l I i i l Staff (hants Plant m d. Quality Control l Staff

  • Staff Staff l Supervis- Supervisor .


l I I 11 1 Health Pty. Chenistry & Envirornental Staff Staff l Shift Technical-

- Supervisor *** Supervisor Advisor I I SL - Senior Operator's License Staff Staff * - React- Operators #11 have Operator's -

    • -(hsite Responsibiitty for Fire IN' Figne 6.2-2 Facility Organization
      • In ruutire asttm, the Health Ptysics Supervisor reports directly to the Technical Swerintendent, in retter of radiation policy determination, interpretation or t-ga'ntation (Based upon the Health Phyfc Supervisor's judpent) the Health Ptysics Supervisor ney report directly to the Assistant Plant knager.

Farley - thit 2 6-3 MlOUT M).
