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Testimony of Jt Grant Re Rockland County Withdrawal from FEMA & Util Radiological planning.Four-county Plan Not Supported by Rockland County & County Will Not Participate in Drills & Exercises.Affidavit of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/12/1982
From: Jeffery Grant
Shared Package
ML20054N120 List:
NUDOCS 8207150367
Download: ML20054N122 (5)







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Please state your full name, address, and your.ebployer.

xq A.

My name is John T. Grant'.

My business address ^ik County i

Office Building, New City, New York 10956.

I 'have been a member of the Rockland County Legislature for the past twelve years, and for the pasE two-and-a-half years I have served as the Chairman


of the Rockland County. Legislature.


N do.

Are you employed by anyone other than the County of Rockland?



Yes. I am a full time employee of Chemical Eank.

I occupy the i# position of Assistant Vice President - Government Service Division,


'and work out of Chemical Bank's khite Plains Office.



As County Chairman, when.did you first becoce involved in the

issue of nuclear safety in regard to Indian Point?


I became involved in the early part of 1980.

During my first A


] year,meetingsoftheFourCountySafetyCommitteewereheldwhich d

the request of the Honorable Alfred DelBello.I

I personally attended at 4
Much of our discussion involved several different funding l.jmechanisms for'anning.

The result was Chapter 9


i j708oftheLawsof'19E1.

I went on record with my opposition to l

0 that Bill, ' stating thab it was unacceptable to the people of d'Rockland County becaupa of inadequate funding.

Prior to signing the


Bill into law, the G6vernor assured me that if there were not

, enough money in the Bill to satisfy the needs of the counites as far ab equipment and manpower to carry out an evacuation, that the y

I l

l Bi?.1 would be reviewed and that the money would be upgraded.

Money appropriated under the Bill has been shown to be insufficient and 8207150367 820712 PDR ADOCK 05000247 G



j s,.


m I understand at this time, development of new funding is being f


M Q.

Are you familiar with a letter addressed to you by Donald M

B. Davidoff dated June 9, 1982, and please comment on it.

g A.

On May 28th I called a meeting with Mr. Davidoff in my i

i office to discuss Resolution 320 of 1982; which was passed by the Rockland County Legislature withdrawing Rockland County from j1


~ radiological planning in participation with FEMA and the utilities.


f l

After Mr. Davidoff returned to Albany, this letter was sent to me

[d I

in which the Radiological Emergency Planning Group, headed by


Don Davidoff, under the direction of Fr. Hennessy assumed many


q things.

On July 2nd, I responded to his assumptions stating that


i most of them were incorrect.

REPG assumed that Rockland continues i}

=0 f

to support the Four County concept for the time being, and that the [

5 concept will be incorporated into the plan.

I responded as


E follows:

by Resolution 320 and 321 of 1982 we do not support the E

Four County Plan at this time and cannot assume what the advisory l

committee will recommend for Rockland County's own plan.


i l

j l also assumed that the County will continue to participate with the w



i State and other effected counties in drills and exercises.

Again, we responded that Rockland County will not participate with the l

utilities, FEMA or other effected counties.

A copy of my letter r.

to Don Davidoff dated July 2nd is appended hereto as Exhibit 1.


s I



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l s

E July'2, 1982 3

k Mr. Donald Davidoff, D'irector d

Radiological Emergency Preparedness Group i

State of New York B

Office of Public Health Tower luilding F

Albany, New York 12237

Dear Don:

I regret that a written response wasn't forthcoming sooner.

However, I would, at this time, like to clear up a few points raised in your

letter of June 9.

the 3


"REPG assumes that Rockland will continue to support for the time being, and that the con-E four County concept cept will be incorporated into the plan" E

Response--By Resolutions #320 and #321 of 1982, we do not the 4 County Plan at this time and cannot assume support what the Advisory Committee will recomend for Rockland County's own plan.

the County will continue to participate "REPG assumes that 2.

with us and other affected Counties in drills and exercises" l

I Response--Rockland will not participate with the Utilities,


FEMA, or the other affected Counties.

5 I would like to remind you of your comitment to us to pay for the M

costs incurred by the County ($30,000) during the drill preparation and during the actual drill itself.

I am enclosing a breakdown that will show how we arrived at the $30,000 figure.

g N

1 E

$m Q6i. n t

,s h

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. ' ') _.

I a

8 5

8 I do feel that the County's position at this time should be made

!g g

very clear so that there will be no misunderstanding later.

Cincerely, j;[





Chairman of the Legislature i


I k


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In the Mattar of Irm mAnn gpIScN ctNPANY T NEW YORK i

(Irwiian Point' 1211t 2)

BY MAIL - Ibcket Nos. 50-247-SP J

// 7 50-286-SP MMER AUntORITY & 'DE: SDIE & NEW YORK (Irxiian Point, tatit 3)




zurrY w mCFMND )

Esta Paseltiner being chly a.orn, dernr.aa and says that deponent is ra a aarty to the action, is over 18 years of age, resides at:

hat on thel 2th day of au D rive, Thiells NY 14 Mt. V1 D

1982 deponent served the erclosed papers up~ the

-hs listed in the attacted pages by depositing a true copy of sarre encirmi in a po.itynid argerly addramwi wramer, in an official depmitory under the exclusiv e

tody of

he United States Post Office repetment within the State of New York.

9.orn to before me this d

/ Lo day of July

, 1982 Tsta Paso tineT ~~

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,",",, M* ".d..;..n*n $.a GARY PUBLIC


puted e Gerausad M p.,. e..e as 1 g

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Renee Schwarts, Esq.

LN MOLT, P70 JECT D191CT. DavEd H.

P6hwa, Esq.

Stanley Sc K144tM'g gogegn, Mays, $klar 6

  1. 1RC - Tntrd rioop Aschard F. Czaje. Esq.

as.v.s. trungy ortsca He rztie rg 9urray Street 100 Madtson Avenwe 2 knafaller Pl.saa 200 Park Avenue

Judath Kessler, Coordinator uce Moore, Esq.

D artes A. M e u.a.

Dockland Catasens for Safe

e.,fluZEJtIQt J. EN, Aan.- Jui}e aff Counsel P. O. Dos 448 Energy = 300 hew Hempstead


5,ga g.y g,2,4, g,g hwclear REC. Comm.

U.S. lea:1 ear les3. Ca ama nduta Plaana, NY 10602 New Csty, New York 10956 ahangton, D. C. 20$55 tendulgton, D. C. 20t5%

Alan Latman, Esq.

hetang 6. Service sect, Ellyn A. Weiss, Esq.

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44 Sunset Drive

' ace of the SecreterF 1225 1 Street, h.W.S usta 506 P"" t*

  1. "^'"

.10520 Croton-on-Mudson NY L muetey segulatory e.

.tagton, o. C. 20006 Ms. Amanda Potterf.ield 3 da ' '**

anington, o. C. 2n55 g,0;,Q, ny 10520 P.O. Box 384, Village Sta.

New York, NY 10014 ans J. Carter, Esq.

amt L. Branime, Esq.

sm.a Salaman earman, Adatnastratave Assaatant hal C maial n iende M h M W.

Ige = Atoa&c Safety 6 Cunao1&datant h 4.

204 6mt 13th Street

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'*** YO'"* H"" Y*'" 10011 fa. AMNII,nIsh!:22s1 tam. n,th russamer C

i John Gilroy, West.

  • wtar of cne c=ga M O^rl** " kat** E*f stat. of Coor. Ind.Pt.Proj.

C'tY *8 ','** * '",x~ a0007 Oscar u. Parts

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, yo,s, gv tato ed, u.S. asuclear Reg.Co. C.arles W, h, Esq.

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hangton, D. C. 20555 I"' ' 't'est, N4 26 smywenant mt we harugton, D. C. Je0 M Phsw York,teme vogt 10003 asc Safety 6 Liceneang Jeffrey N. Slum Esq.

pcm. Ract.ard L. art mal Soard N.Y. Emaversaty Edd Schm31 pgsrtat.r of Ccaanty !=' Altsud M Mo Nuclear Bag. Commise. 423 vardusta. alt itall Ccaanty of f ace Isaaldarq htcreater Cca.nty Duscutave 40 ***aher toute Plaana, siv 10 01 W Matt'Id ^

  • teme voa,'it'^ Ma*ce Sch.tA h tm Plaard.'*** EKh M 01 hangton, D. C. 20555 eens Vosk 10012 Carlae J. Maaki.aa, Eaq.

nsyor George V. Emsgany -

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