MONTHYEARML20046C8721993-08-0606 August 1993 Notification of Registration as User of Cocs 6697,6717,9006, 9007,9032,9033,9035,9036,9039,9056,9098,9127,9137,9141,9143, 9156,9157,9165,9166,9185 & 9245.Notifies That Cocs 9133,9135 & 9160 Expired ML20059G6591990-09-0707 September 1990 Notification of Termination of Certificate of Compliance 9160 Based on 900803 Submittal Informing That Sufficient Info Not Available to Prepare Consolidated Application.Use of Model 20-VS & 40-VS Packages No Longer Authorized ML20056A7101990-08-0303 August 1990 Responds to NRC Re Licensee Request for Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 9160 for Models 20-VS & 40-VS. Amersham Unable to Submit Consolidated Application,Therefore Accepts That Certificate of Compliance Will Be Terminated ML20043J0071990-06-21021 June 1990 Advises That QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl package:0533,expired on 900531 ML20042F2111990-05-0303 May 1990 Ack Receipt of Re Request for Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 9160 for Models 20-VS & 40-VS Packages.Subsection 4.3 Preparation of Package for Transportation & Shipment Encl as Requested ML20055C4051990-02-27027 February 1990 Requests Addl Info Supporting 890922 Application & 900124 Suppl Requesting Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 9160. NRC Understands That Licensee Does Not Desire to Fabricate Addl Units of Models 20-VS & 40-VS Packages ML20055C3311990-02-12012 February 1990 Requests Registration as User of Models 40VS & Century SA Under Certificates of Compliance 9135 & 9160,respectively ML20006B6911990-01-24024 January 1990 Forwards Revised Operating Procedures,Acceptance Tests & Maint Programs for Models 20-VS & 40-VS to Enable Renewal of Certificate 9160 ML20245G7521989-08-14014 August 1989 Advises That QA Program Approval for Radioactive Matl packages:9028 & 9160 Expire on 891031.Renewal Must Be Requested within 30 Days of Expiration.If Renewal Not Desired,Nrc Should Be So Notified ML20235W9271989-03-0202 March 1989 Notifies of Registration as User of Certificates of Compliance 9006 & 9160,in Response to ML20235H2631989-02-21021 February 1989 Forwards Rev 2 to Certificate of Compliance 9160 for Models 20-VS & 40-VS.Certificate of Compliance Renewed Until 891030 to Provide Time to Compile & Submit Consolidated Application.Approval Record Also Encl ML20235J0511989-02-0202 February 1989 Forwards QA Program & Requests Registration as User of Certificates of Compliance 0542,6717,9160,9006 & 9135 ML20150B0851988-06-28028 June 1988 Advises That Registration of Each Location Separately as User of Shipping Package Not Necessary.Records Indicate That Recipient Already Registered for Packages Ref in ML20197D7491988-05-20020 May 1988 Requests Registration as User of Listed Certificates of Compliance Models ML20149J6111988-02-19019 February 1988 Forwards Certificate of Compliance 9160,Rev 1,for Models 20-VS & 40-VS Shipping Packages.Certificate Supersedes,In Its Entirety,Certificate of Compliance 9160,Rev 0 Dtd 840410.Changes Made to Encl Certificate Indicated ML20196E8691988-02-18018 February 1988 Requests Registration as User of Model 20V ML20196A2401988-01-0606 January 1988 Notifies That on 880108 Amersham Corp Will Be Distributors of Gamma Industries & Gulf Nuclear Type B Packages ML20236H6621987-07-13013 July 1987 Requests Registration as User of Gamma Century Series 9135, Gamma C-10 6717,Gammatron 50A 9126,Gamma C-8 9128,Gamma Overpack 6717,GNI 20V 6717,GNI 20VS 9160,GNI RC-6C/U-110 6717,Tech Ops 650 9032 & Tech Ops 660 9033 Models ML20141P2401986-03-13013 March 1986 Notification of Registration as User of Models 20-VS & 40-VS in Response to 860210 Request ML20142A1441986-02-10010 February 1986 Requests Registration as User of Model 20-VS. QA Program for Procurement,Use,Repair & Transport of Packages Containing Radioactive Source Matl Encl.Fee Paid ML20134B5501985-04-0303 April 1985 Requests Registration as User of Gamma Industries Models 6017-B,100A,C-8,50A,Gulf Nuclear Models 20VS & 40VS,Source Product & Equipment Co C-1 & Tech/Ops Models 660 & 650. Instruction Manuals Encl ML20054K9141982-06-10010 June 1982 Responds to Re Application for Packaging of Radioactive Matls.Retesting in Process.Revisions Will Be Submitted ML20054G5411982-06-0404 June 1982 Discusses 820302 Applications Requesting Approval to Use Models GNG-20,GNM-20,20-VS,40-VS & R.Current NRC Approved QA Program Does Not Cover Design & Fabrication Activities ML20053E4781982-05-27027 May 1982 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 820302 Application for Approval of Model 20-VS & 40-VS Packaging.Submittal Schedule Should Be Provided within 30 Days ML20052B0791982-03-0202 March 1982 Forwards Application for Approval of Type B Shipping Containers,Models 20-VS & 40-VS 1993-08-06
MONTHYEARML20056A7101990-08-0303 August 1990 Responds to NRC Re Licensee Request for Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 9160 for Models 20-VS & 40-VS. Amersham Unable to Submit Consolidated Application,Therefore Accepts That Certificate of Compliance Will Be Terminated ML20042F2111990-05-0303 May 1990 Ack Receipt of Re Request for Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 9160 for Models 20-VS & 40-VS Packages.Subsection 4.3 Preparation of Package for Transportation & Shipment Encl as Requested ML20055C3311990-02-12012 February 1990 Requests Registration as User of Models 40VS & Century SA Under Certificates of Compliance 9135 & 9160,respectively ML20006B6911990-01-24024 January 1990 Forwards Revised Operating Procedures,Acceptance Tests & Maint Programs for Models 20-VS & 40-VS to Enable Renewal of Certificate 9160 ML20235J0511989-02-0202 February 1989 Forwards QA Program & Requests Registration as User of Certificates of Compliance 0542,6717,9160,9006 & 9135 ML20197D7491988-05-20020 May 1988 Requests Registration as User of Listed Certificates of Compliance Models ML20196E8691988-02-18018 February 1988 Requests Registration as User of Model 20V ML20196A2401988-01-0606 January 1988 Notifies That on 880108 Amersham Corp Will Be Distributors of Gamma Industries & Gulf Nuclear Type B Packages ML20236H6621987-07-13013 July 1987 Requests Registration as User of Gamma Century Series 9135, Gamma C-10 6717,Gammatron 50A 9126,Gamma C-8 9128,Gamma Overpack 6717,GNI 20V 6717,GNI 20VS 9160,GNI RC-6C/U-110 6717,Tech Ops 650 9032 & Tech Ops 660 9033 Models ML20142A1441986-02-10010 February 1986 Requests Registration as User of Model 20-VS. QA Program for Procurement,Use,Repair & Transport of Packages Containing Radioactive Source Matl Encl.Fee Paid ML20134B5501985-04-0303 April 1985 Requests Registration as User of Gamma Industries Models 6017-B,100A,C-8,50A,Gulf Nuclear Models 20VS & 40VS,Source Product & Equipment Co C-1 & Tech/Ops Models 660 & 650. Instruction Manuals Encl ML20054K9141982-06-10010 June 1982 Responds to Re Application for Packaging of Radioactive Matls.Retesting in Process.Revisions Will Be Submitted ML20052B0791982-03-0202 March 1982 Forwards Application for Approval of Type B Shipping Containers,Models 20-VS & 40-VS 1990-08-03
MONTHYEARML20056A7101990-08-0303 August 1990 Responds to NRC Re Licensee Request for Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 9160 for Models 20-VS & 40-VS. Amersham Unable to Submit Consolidated Application,Therefore Accepts That Certificate of Compliance Will Be Terminated ML20042F2111990-05-0303 May 1990 Ack Receipt of Re Request for Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 9160 for Models 20-VS & 40-VS Packages.Subsection 4.3 Preparation of Package for Transportation & Shipment Encl as Requested ML20006B6911990-01-24024 January 1990 Forwards Revised Operating Procedures,Acceptance Tests & Maint Programs for Models 20-VS & 40-VS to Enable Renewal of Certificate 9160 ML20197D7491988-05-20020 May 1988 Requests Registration as User of Listed Certificates of Compliance Models ML20196A2401988-01-0606 January 1988 Notifies That on 880108 Amersham Corp Will Be Distributors of Gamma Industries & Gulf Nuclear Type B Packages ML20142A1441986-02-10010 February 1986 Requests Registration as User of Model 20-VS. QA Program for Procurement,Use,Repair & Transport of Packages Containing Radioactive Source Matl Encl.Fee Paid ML20054K9141982-06-10010 June 1982 Responds to Re Application for Packaging of Radioactive Matls.Retesting in Process.Revisions Will Be Submitted ML20052B0791982-03-0202 March 1982 Forwards Application for Approval of Type B Shipping Containers,Models 20-VS & 40-VS 1990-08-03
[Table view] |
i Amweham corpwatu 9636 South Cleartwook Dme c ' Arbngton He4ghts, !!hnos 600054692 J
(312) 593 4300 l
Amersham May 3, 1990 i
t Mr. Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation' Branch Division of Safeguards and l
Transportation, NMSS United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.
20555 j
Dear Mr. MacDonald,
l Thank you for your letter of February 27,- 1990, coacerning our h
request for renewal of the Certificate of Compliance-No. 9160 for Model Numbers 20-VS and 40-VS packages.
5 I
attach a
sub-section 4.3 Preparation of Package for I-Transportation and Shipment, as requested in your letter for 1
inclusion in the Operating Procedures, i
We do understand that the renewed certificate will include a condition precluding. f abrication of new packaging and that is acceptable to Amersham Corporation.
Do not hesitate to call me should you have any questions concerning this additional information I have provided.
I can be reached by phone at (708) 593-6300, extension 379.
M AkA BryancW NBhker, Ph.D.
Manager, Environmental and Safety Regulatory Affairs Attachment c:
'I 9005070400 900503 PDR ADOCK 07109160 C
Check that the lock holding the source in position, is in the i
closed position by. turning the key to the
- right, and
I depressing the lock.
Remove the key before shipment.
Check that the safety plug is in position and tightly screwed down.
Check that the shipping cap has been placed on the lock block.
Check that a tamperproof seal has been made on the package.
If the container is to be packaged in a crate or outer packaging, the outer packaging must be strong enough to withstand the normal conditions of transport, as described in 10 CFR 71.71.
The container should be packaged with bloccing in the outer package to prevent movement during transportation.
Using a survey meter, measure the radiation level at the
- surface, and one meter from the surface of the shipping package, to determine the correct shipping labels required by 4 9 CFR 172. 4 03.
If radiation levels exceed 200 mR/ hour at the surface or 10 mR/ hour at o..e meter from the surface, the l
i package must not be shipped.
t 7.
Complete two shipping labels with the following information:
Radioisotope l
Total Radioactivity I
Transport Index (The Transport Index (T.I.)
is required on Yellow II and Yellow III labels and is defined as the maximum radiation
level in mR/ hour, one meter from the surface of the package).
Remove any previous shipping labels and place the two new shipping labels on opposite sides of the package.
Ensure that the package is marked with the proper shipping name (Radioactive
- Material, Special
- Form, n.o.s.)
and identification number (UN 2974).
If the container is packaged in an outer container, the letter should be marked "INSIDE PACKAGE COMPLIES WITH PRESCRIBED SPECIFICATIONS - TYPE B(U)
USA /9160/B/(U).
Since depleted uranium is used as shielding in the container, a notice must be on the package or included with it, giving i
the name of the consigner or consignee and stating that: "This package conforms to the conditions and limitations specified in 49 CFR 173.424 for excepted radioactive waterial, articles manufactured from depleted uranium, UN2909."
Prior to shipment of an empty container, ensure that there is i
no radioactive source in the container.
If the radiation level at the surface of the container is less than 0.5 mR/hr, and there is no measurable radiation at one meter from the surface of the container, no label is required.
If the radiation level at the surface of the container exceeds 0.5 mR/hr, then the container should be labelled with Yellow II labels.
Mark the outside of the package with the proper shipping name (Radioactive material, articles manufactured from depleted uranium, UN2909) and the following statement:
" Exempt from specification packaging, shipping paper and certification, marking and labeling and exempt from the
i requirements of Part 175 per 49 CFR 173.421-1 and 49 CFR 173.424."
i In addition a notice must be included in or on the package giving the name of the consigner or consignee and the following statement:
"This package conforms to the conditions and limitations specified in 49 CFR 173.424 for excepted radioactive materials, articles manufactured from depleted
- uranium, UN2909."
The U.S. Department of Transportation requires each shipper of Type B
quantities of radioactive material to provide the consignee with prior notification of the date of shipment and expected arrival.
b l
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