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Final Rept,Surveillance of Earthwork UHS & UHS Dam.
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1981
From: Conroy P
Shared Package
ML20041G411 List:
07699-055-07, 7699-55-7, NUDOCS 8203220244
Download: ML20041G420 (44)


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1 Dames & Moore -

1 07699-055-07

, ,, , August, 1981 h

8203220244 820316 I PDR ADOCK 05000482 PD:<

D^m7 & MWm V e-

's s" *""" *"'" ' 's" *' r Park Ridge, Illinois 600M p g= (312) 297-6120 t_ nvx; 910-253-4097 cable address: DAMEMORE August 18, 1981 I

Kansas Gas and Electric Company P.O. Box 208 Wichita, Kansas 67201 Q Attention: Mr. Melvin L. Johnson 3 Manager - Nuclear Plant Engineering DMLK-727 Gentlemen:

Re: Final Report Surveillance of Earthwork I UllS and UHS Dara holf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1 I Enclosed are five (5) copies of our " Final Report, Surveillance of Earthwork, UllS and UHS Data, Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1, for Kansas Gas & Electric Company."

The work described in this report has been perforraed as outlined in Dames & Moore Project Plan and Memorandum, holf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1, Section 4.3.4. This work was I authorized by Kansas Gas & Electric Company Purchase Order No.

62256 dated December 28, 1976.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Very truly yours, DAMES & MOORE C M A/ A. Pe t e r J . Conroy, P.E.

PJ C/TP: j ag cc: Mr. Gary Fouts (KG&E - Burlington)

Mr. Maury Clark (KG&E - Burling ton)

Mr. Jim Kutin (S& L)




l 1


, _P _A _G _E l Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Discussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4

General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Ultimate Heat Sink Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Instrumentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 I Ultimate Heat Sink Dam Foundation Preparation 5

5 Compacted Earth Embankment Fill. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Fine Riprap Bedding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Coarse Riprap Bedding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Riprap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 0 Instrumentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 7

6 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 9

9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 0 Testing By Dames & Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5

5 Observation Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 0 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 7




11 S

4 I (ii]

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LIST OF TABLES NUMBER TITLE 1 Summary of In-Place Density Tests, Compacted Earth Fill Embankment 2 Summary of In-Place Density Tests, Fine Riprap Bedding 3 Compaction Test Data 4 Relative Density Test Data 5 Soil Properties 6 Qualification Test Data, Fine Riprap Bedding 7 Qualification Test Data, Coarse Riprap Bedding 8 Qualification-Test Data, Riprap 9 Grain-Size Distribution, Fine Riprap Bedding 10 Grain-Size Distribution, Coarse Riprap Bedding 11 Riprap Gradations 12 Settlement Monument Readings 0

7 13 Volume of Fill, Number and Frecuency of Tests Ie9 9

0 5

5 0

7 K

G 3


S 4



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NUMBER TITLE 1 Ultima te IIeat Sink , Plan 2 Ultimate Heat Sink, Sectional Views 3 Ultimate Heat Sink Dam, Plan, Profile, and Section 0

7 6

9 9

0 5

5 I _0 7




11 S

4 I (iv]

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INTRODUCTION I This report presents the results of Dames & Moore's surveillance of earthwork construction activity for the Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) and Ultimate Heat Sink Dam (UHSD) conducted since August of 1978. The work area covered by this report is shown on Figure 1, Ultimate Heat Sink, Plan. Sargent & Lundy's Specification A-3854, Lake Work and A-3853, Earthwork Testing governed the performance of the earthwork.

The Dames & Moore surveillance work described in this report has been authorized by Kansas Gas & Electric Company 0

7 Purchase Order No. 62256 dated December 28, 1976. Dames &

6 9 Moore's work was performed in accordance with the requirements of 9 .

Dames & Moore's Quality Assurance program.

I05 5


7 The scope of the surveillance covered by this report is K

G outlined in section 4.3.4 of the Dames & Moore Project Plan and I&E Memoranda for the Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1 U and is as follows:

H S 1. Inspect and approve foundations and any foundation 4 treatment required prior to any fill materials or concrete materials being placed.

2. Evaluate and approve borrow materials as to their suitability for use as fill or backfill.


na m s a noare

3. Provide surveillance to assure that geotechnical related construction and qualit, control activities are performed in accordance with project plans and specifications and generally accepted procedures and professional practices.
4. Review geotechnical quality control reports to assure that required work and testing were performed and results conforra to project plans and specifications.
5. Verify and document that all geotechnical monitoring instrumentation is installed correctly and functioning properly.
6. Identify, evaluate and report subsurface

~ ~ ~

conditions, fill materials, and characteristics of placement behavior of fill materials which may require design modifications.

7. Report the progress of geotechnical work and deficiencies requiring remedial action on a current basis.
8. Prepare a final report of all geotechnical related activity.

During the course of this work blasting was required for the 0

7 excavation of the Ultimate Heat Sink, Essential Service Water 6

9 System Discharge Structure and Essential Service Water System 9

Discharge Line. More detailed information on this blasting is 0

5 presented in DMFC-35, April 20, 1979, DMFC-56, November 12, 1979, 5

- and DMFC-81, July 21, 1980. Additionally, geologic maps are 0

7 presented for the excavations for this wo rk as described in Final K Report, Results of Geologic Excavation Mapping, Wolf Creek G

Generating Station, Unit No. 1 (in preparation) .

l I&E U

l H S

4 (2]

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DISCUSSION General The excavation and fill placement was performed by Clarkson Construction Company (CCC) and Quality Control Services were provided by Daniel International Corporation (DIC).

I Ultimate Heat Sink Construction The cooling water storage in the Ultimate Heat Sink system was created by excavating out two small, connecting troughs to a flat bottom elevation of approximately 1965 and constructing the Ultimate Heat Sink Dam across the junction of the two troughs. Common excavation of the soil in the UHS began on August 31, 1978. The soil in the north lobe of the UHS was 0

7 excavated using scrapers. In much of the south lobe of the UHS 6

9 the Plattsmouth Limestone was close to the surface requiring 9

extensive ripning and blasting. From December 13, 1978 through 0

5 April 21, 1979, a total of 73 shots were made in order to 5

excavate this area of the UHS to the required level. Additional 0

7 blasting in the UHS area was performed for excavation of the K ESNS Discharge Structure from September 12, 1979 through G

& September 15, 1979 and the ESWS Discharge Line from January 18, E

1980 through February 12, 1980. A total of 4 shots were used U

H for the excavation of the ESWS Discharge Structure and 50 S

i 4 shots were used for the ESWS Discharge Line excavation. During geologic mapping of the excavations in the UHS area no i [3]

oamos s uome g


significant opening of bedding planes or joints due to blasting or other excavation was observed which would adversely affect I seepage from the UllS (Ref: Final Report, Results of Geologic Excavation Mapping).

After completion of the rough excavation of the UHS basin, preliminary surveyed cross-sections indicated that in some areas the finished bottom elevation was above 1965. These areas were in the Plattsmouth Limestone and would have been difficult to blast and excavate. Field Change Request ( FCR) 1-0481-C was generated and submitted to Sargent and Lundy to request that these high areas be left as they were. Following a review of the UllS cross-sections, Sargent & Lundy determl?ed that additional excavation would be necessary. Therefore, in order to provide the required storage capacity, the north lobe of the Ulis was 0 extended 75 feet to the west in an area between the ESWS Intake

  • . y 6 Channel and a point about 500 feet northeast of the UliS Dam. The 9

9 final cross-sections of the UllS were reviewed and approved by 0 Sargent & Lundy on FCR l-0539-C. Figure 1 presents a plan view 5

5 of the Ulls area.

O During the excavation of the ESWS Discharge Line a 7

portion of the area dividing the two lobes of the Ulls was K

G inadvertently removed. On May 1, 1980 this area was rebuilt E using 420 cubic yards of cohesive fill excavated from the west U side of the U llS . This work was performed in accordance with 11 S Sargent & Lundy Specification A-3854. Density Test number 4

LQ-435 presented in Table 1 was performed on this fill with O


um m mn

satisfactory results. The final cross-sections of the UHS were reviewed and approved by Sargent & Lundy on FCR 1-0539-C. Figure 1 presents a plan view of the UHS area.

Instrumentation I In order to monitor the accumulation of sediments in the Ultimate Heat Sink and ESWS Intake Channel 20 sediment monitoring pads were installed as shown on Figure 1. These installations are 4 foot square concrete pads poured flush with the Heat Sink floor, with an eye anchor for attachment of a locating buoy, with the exception of points 5 and 6 where 3 inch diameter holes were drilled 5 feet into the Plattsmouth Limestone and the eye anchor grouted in with non-shrink grout. The degree 0

of smoothness for these installations was to be the same as for 7 the concrete pads. In ALK-3598 (dated S e p temt?e r 25, 1980)

I69 Sargent & Lundy directed Kansas Gas and Electric Company to check 9

the sediment pads at specified milestones during the filling of 5 the UllS . No measurements at these installations have been made.

I50 However, Dames & Moore performed a visual inspections of Pads 11 7 and 13 on July 15, 1980, revealing that between 1/8 and 3/4 inch K of sediment were deposited on the pads.


11 S Foundation Preparation 4

Excavation for the UliS Dam began on September 11, 1978 and continued intermittently to August 21, 1979. The cut was (5]

o;m ,

made using scrapers to remove the soil and a ripper working with a loader and trucks to excavate the loose rock. No blasting was necessary fo r the excavation of the UHS Dam area. All loose or soft material was cleaned off to a competent bedrock surface by hand when necessary. Upon completion of the excavation, Dames &

Moore personnel prepared geologic maps of the UHS Dam Foundation.

Most of the foundation is composed of the Plattsmouth or Leavenworth Limestone. These two limestone units exist in a slightly. to moderately weathered state at the UHS Dam site with the upper bed of the Plattsmouth Limestone commonly solution pitted 1 to 2 inches [t the exposed surface. The jointing of both units ranges from tight to several inches in width with the wider joints being clay filled. Two other rock units were encountered in the floor of the UllS Dam foundation, the Lower 0 H uma h and SnWe M lle % ales. W Lower Heumader Shale is m derately weathered in the UliS Dam foundation from Station -2+29 6

9 to Station -0+50. Along the axis of the north trough the Leavenworth Limestone was removed and the underlying Snyderville Shale exposed. The Snyderville Shale is fresh to slightly f

weathered. Additionally, the IIe ebne r Shale was encountered at


7 the abutments of the UllS Dam at Stations 2+50 and 8+80 but is not present in the floor of the dam foundation. The geologic mapping b

of the UllS Dam was completed on September 28, 1979. Additional i E


U information on the rock units encountered at the Ulls Dam is N

contained in Final Report, Results o f Geologic Excavation Mapping, O

Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1 (in preparation).

1 Figure 3 presents a centerline profile of the Ulls Dam depicting the geologic units present in the foundation.


l n , nm

I Excavation for the UllS Dam was extended 30 feet beyond the location of the clay embankment toe to allow the fine and coarse riprap bedding and riprap to be founded on bedrock (with the exception of the Heebner Shale). The Heebner Shale, which was considered to be unsuitable by Dames & Moore as foundation material, was therefore removed between Stations 4+00 and 7+00 such that the embankment could be founded on the Leavenworth limestone in accordance with specifications. During excavation however, it was found that the Leavenworth limestone had been partially disturbed through erosion by the existing stream at the planned location of the downstream toe of the embankment.

Therefore, the excavation was continued down into the Snyderville shale. Also, in order to avoid the additional excavation which would be required to maintain the 30 foot extension from the 0 toe and to maintain the geometry of the dam in this area, 7

6 FCR l-0429-C was submitted and approved to allow placement of 9

9 cohesive fill up to the top of the Leavenworth limestone and 0 to place the bedding and riprap on fill. The cross-section on l 5 l 5 Figure 3 is at Station 5+00, and represents this condition.

l l

0 Representatives of the Kansas State Board of 7

Agriculture, Division of Water Resources inspected and approved l K l G the UIIS Dam Coundation on September 26, 1979. Prior to the I&E approval of any individual segment of the foundation by Dames &

U Moore, a final check was made to assure that the foundation S surface was free of debris and any broken rock fragments.

4 i Prior to fill placement, the foundation was moistened to promote bonding of the clay fill to the bedrock surface. No grouting or


oc m . c a-

other special foundation treatment of the foundation surfaces were required. Approval of the foundation surfaces by Dames &

Moore is documented by Dames & Moore Surveillance Reports.

Compacted Earth Embankment Fill Placement of compacted cohesive fill for the UHS Dam began on October 11, 1979 and continued until October 18, 1979 when heavy rains forced a discontinuation of work for the I rest of the year. Fill placement resi nt-, in 1980 on March 5 and continued through May 4.

The compacted embankment fill for the UHS Dam was inorganic, cohesive soil, obtained primarily from the north lobe of the Ulis with minor amounts also originating from the north side of the south lobe of the UHS and the EShS Intake Channel.

0 7 The borrow materials were inspected and approved by Dames & Moore 6

9 personnel before use as fill. Fill placement was governed by 9

the requirements of Sargent & Lundy Specification A-3854 Section 0

5 302.12. The material was placed in 8 inch lifts and compacted 5

with a self-propelled sheeps foot roller. The fill was compacted 0

7 to a minimum of 95% of the maximum dry density and within plus or K minus 2% of the optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM G

6 D-698. Each lift was scarified using a disc prior to the E

placement of the next lift to assure a satisfactory bond between IU 11 S

lifts. In the event of a failing density or moisture test 4 during fill placement, additional compactive effort or moisture conditioning was applied as necessary to achicve the specified I


a , ,wc, I

I degree of compaction and moisture content. At vertical faces in excess of 8 inches high the Dames & Moore Resident Geotechnical Engineer required that the fill be placed by hand operated power tampers to assure that all corners were filled satisfactorily. The material compacted manually was placed in lifts not exceeding 3 inches in thickness and compacted to a minimum of 95% of the maximum dry density and within plus o r minus 2% of the optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D-698. Density testing was performed by Daniel International Corporation during the placement of fill at a rate of 1 test for every 1000 cubic yards of machine placed fill and 1 test fo r every 50 cubic yards within 5 feet of any vertical face.

In order to maintain drainage from the U lls a r e a while completing the work on the UliS Dam, a closure gap was left 0 in the UllS Dam from station 4+15 to station 4+40. On May 3, 7

1980, Kansas Gas & Electric Company gave permission to start fill I69 The foundation preparation and 9 placement in the closure area.

0 fill placement techniques were conducted as previously described.

5 5 To obtain a satisfactory bond to the existing fill, benches were O cut into the existing embankment as the new fill was placed. The 7

benches were cut back to fresh firm material and ranged in K

G vertical height from 1 to 2 1/2 feet. The clay fill placement E for the UllS Dam closure was completed on May 4, 1980. The U results of the density tests for the cohesive embankment material S are given in Table 1.




In order to disperse the runoff from the downstream toe of the UllS Dam and prevent significant erosion at the toe of the dam, the trough below the dam was backfilled for a distance of 300 feet parallel to the embankment. This work was performed by pushing in the sides of the trough and placing enough additional material to match the existing grade in the area. The fill material was placed and compacted such that 1. would support heavy equipment. This work was required by Engineering Change Notice (ECN) S-80-II-1.

Fine Rip Rap Bedding Placement of fine rip rap bedding for the UliS Dam started on April 4, 1980 and was completed on May 15, 1980. The material used for fine rip rap bedding was a mixture of natural 0

7 sand and crushed limestone from the Fogle Quarry at Ottawa, 9 Kansas, conforming to the following gra ation af ter compaction as 9

specified in FCR l-0491-C, and meeting the quality requirements 5 of Specification A-3854 Section 302.16 b and restated in DMFC-41.

5 0 Sieve Size  % Passing 7

3/4 in. 100 K 1/2 in. 90 - 100 G 3/8 in. 70 - 100

& # 10 20 - 65 E # 30 8 - 35

  1. 50 3 - 15 U #200 0-5 11 l S I

4 To monitor the in-place, after compaction gradation of the fine riprap bedding one set of three gradations was taken


a:mes ww

from the middle of the lift with a minimum frequency of one set of three per 4000 cubic yards or 1 set per day whichever occurred first. The average of the three gradations for the passing

  1. 200 screen was maintained at or below 5%. The results of the rock quality tests and in-place fine riprap bedding gradation tests are presented in Tables 6 and 9, respectively.

Prior to approval by Dames & Moore of the embankment for fine riprap bedding placement, one density test was performed on the slope for every 200 lineal feet to assure that the slope grading had not left an excessive amount of loose material or that the slope had not softened significantly due to wetting and drying. The fine riprap bedding was then spread to a thickness such that after compaction an 18-inch layer of fine riprap bedding was maintained. Compaction of fine bedding wac performed 0 by tracking down with a dozer. Compaction checks were made in 7

6 the middle of the lift. The m in imurt. degree of compaction fo r 9

9 this material was 80% relative density as determined by ASTM I O 5

D-2049. The fine riprap bedding was placed in this manner over 5 the entire surface of t' e dam as shown in the cross-section on 0 Figure 3. The results of the relative density tests on the 7

I K fine riprap bedding are presented in Table 2.

G E Coarse Riprap Bedding IU11 S

Placement of cc a r se riprap bedding for the Ulls Dam was 4 conducted during the period from April 14, 1980 through May 14, 1980, using material crushed from the Plattsmouth Limestone I


o , w ore

at the On-site Quarry. The material used was to have a gradation as listed below, as detailed in FCR l-0491-C with rock quality tests conforming to Specification A-3854 Section 302.16b and restated in DMFC-41.

Sieve Size  % Passing 4 in. 100 3 in. 85 - 100 I 1 1/2 in.

3/4 in.

3/8 in.

55 30 10

- 85

- 65

- 30

  1. 4 0 - 15

,I # 10 0-3 A minimum of one gradation test was made daily or for every 4000 cubic yards of compacted coarse riprap bedding. The rock quality acceptance test data and in-place grain-size determinations are presented in Tables 7 and 10, respectively.

O To cvoid misleading and eroneous density test results 7

and achieve a consistent finished lift thickness, it was I69 9 determined that the most appropriate method of compaction 0 control for the coarse riprap bedding with its large material 5

5 would be on a roller-passes basis. A test fill was run on the I 0 7

subject material to find the compactive effort which would obtain the required 80% relative density as determined by ASTM K

G D-2049. To do this a 9-inch lift of material was spread and I&E alternately rolled and tested until an additional compactive U effort obtained no measurable additional density. Based on the 11 S result of this test it was determined that two passes of the 4

vibratory roller would be necessary to compact a lift of coarse 9


o ur <me

riprap bedding to 80% relative density. This information was presented and approved in FCR l-0491-C. The coarse bedding was spread and compacted in two lifts not exceeding 12 inches in thickness individually to obtain a total thickness of 18 inches over the entire embankment as shown in the cross-section on Figure 3. Continuous Quality Control surveillance as previously described was maintained throughout tne entire placement operation.

I Riprap I Placement of riprap for the UHS Dam commenced on April 18, 1980 and was completed on May 20, 1980. A blend of South Bend Limestone from the Fogle Quarry at Ottawa, Kansas and Plattsmouth Limestone from the On-site Quarry was used for the 0

7 riprap. The larger sized riprap pieces were produced from the I69 South Bend Limestone because it does not contain fragments of 9

shale partings or bedding planes and would therefore not be I05 susceptible to excessive breakdown. The gradation of the riprap 5

I07 was to conform to the following limits as given in Specification A-3854 Section 302.17 b 5.1 K

G Maximum Size Weight 3200 lb.

6 85% Size Weight 1500 - 2200 lb.

[ 50% Size Weight 15% Size Weight 190 - 400 lb.

25 - 50 lb.

U 11 3 Minimum Size Weight 5 lb.

l 4

I (13]

u w ,u w.

The material quality requirements were listed in Specification A-3854 Sections 302.17 a and 302.17 b 5.2 and restated in DMFC-41. An initial gradation sample was made based on the number of end-loader buckets of each material as presented on FCR 1-0509-C, and a sample pile was maintained for visual comparison.

After the proper proportions of materials were obtained, a Daniel International Quality control inspector was continuously present at the loading of each truck to assure that the proper amount of each limestone was used and another inspector was stationed at the dam to assure that the in-place gradation matched the visual comparison pile. During the course of riprap placement four truckloads of riprap were taken from the production line and gradations were made for the entire load of rock. The completed gradations were approved by the Dames &

0- Moore Resident Geotechnical Engineer (Ultimate Heat Sink 7

The riprap rock quality tests I69 Surveillance Report Number 46).

9 and g radations are presented in Tables 8 and 11, respectively.

IO5 The material was carried up the slopes using end-5 loaders and the riprap was placed in a four foot thick blanket 0 over the entire dam and in the overexcavated area at the dam toe 7


back up to original grade as shown in the cross-section on Figure

3. Near the end of the completion of riprap placement, Dames &

E Moote and Daniel International Corporation Quality Control U parsonnel inspected the riprap surface and marked any voids where il S coarse riprap bedding was exposed. These voids were repaired 4

using Plattsmouth Limestone material which had been used for the smaller riprap pieces, placed by backhoe and hand labor.


o _  %.

l Instrumentation l Nine, 3 foot diameter concrete settlement points were i poured in the UllS Dam on May 8, 1980. The location of the monuments are along the centerline of the dam at stations -2v00, 0+00, 2+00, 4+00, 5+50, 7+00, 8+50, 10+00, and 12+00. All of the monuments (except at Station 12+00) were poured such that he bottom of the concrete was 5 feet below and the top was 8 feet above the finished grade of the earth embankment. At Station 12+00 the Plattsmcuth Limestone was encountered at a depth of approximately 3 feet below trie top g rade of the embankment. This condition was documented and approved on FCR l-0525-C. The locations of the settlement points are shown on Figures 1 and 3.

Surveying of the mounments was performed by Campbell, Barber, Lambeth & Associates. P.A. of Shawnee Mission, Kansas. Starting 0

7 f rom May 20, 1980 the vertical movements were surveyed monthly.

I69 In September of 1980 Sargent & Lundy revised the frequency of the 9

vertical movement survey to a monthly basis until the dam is I05 submerged with additional readings taken at specified filling l I5 0 milestones. Ilo r i zo n t a l movement surveys were to be taken 7 at the occurrence of given milestones. These changes were K made in ALK-3598. The record of ve) ical movement is given in I G l

& Table 12.


j  !!

S 1 4 l

l I [15]

I Dames a Moore I


TESTING I General The testing program for the U S il Dam was carried out in accordance with Table 2-4 of Sargent & Lundy Specification A-3853. The test results were reviewed by Dames & Moore jersonnel, and in the event of a failing moisture in a moisture-density test on the slope prior to fine riprap bedding placement or a failing gradation on granular material which was felt to still meet the design intent, Dames & Moore approved the results as acceptable per Specification A-3854 Section 106.41. The testing fregnencies as required and performed are listed in Table

13. The volumes presented in this table are estimates to be used for relative comparison only.

O In addition to tests as listed in Table 13, 14 7

I69 Moisture-Density Relation Determinations (ASTM D-698) and 1 9 Relative Density Determination (ASTM D-2049) were used for 0 the control of the work and are presented in Tables 3 and 4, respectively.

0 7

Testing by Dames & Moore K


& Dames & Moore performed a testing program for confirma-E tion of UllS dam embankment design properties. This program was U

11 requested by Sargent & Lundy (ALDM-3059, May 30, 1979) and S

4 was part of the requirements of the NRC Regulatory Guide 1.70, Revision 3, dated November, 1978. This work was performed in I

[16] g, mc , g g ,y c

accordance with Dames & Moore Project Plan and Memorandum and Quality Assurance Program.

The drilling operation was performed on March 25, 1980 by Layne Western Inc. of Kansas City, Missouri and supervised by a Dames & Moore soils engineer. Three vertical boreholes were drilled on the UllS Dam and undisturbed soil samples were obtained at different elevations using a 3-inch diameter thin walled tube sampler. After completion of the drilling operations, all three boreholes were grouted. The grout mix consisted of portland cement, pulverized bentonite and water.

The laboratory testing was conducted according to Sargent & Lundy's Program (ALDM-3059) and NUREG 1.138, dated April, 1978. The results of confirmatory laboratory testing were presented in Dames & Moore letter DMLK-667 dated September 26, 0 1980.

7 I69 9 Observation Period I _0 5 In Sargent & Lundy letters ALK-3542 and ALK-3543 a 30 5

daily observation was required in the filling proedure of the UllS 0

7 Dam. This observation period was recommended by James L.

K Sherard in a letter dated May 16, 1980 to make a positive G

I&E assurance of the safety of the UllS Dam against the remote possibility of a dispersive piping failure. The boundary U

11 conditions of this observation were that the Ulis wa te r level S

4 was to be maintained between Elevations 1969 and 1969.5 while maintaining the water level downstream of the UliS Dam below (17]

o ., , ,amome

Elevation 1955 far 30 days. Fillins of the UHS began on June 8, 1980 and the boundary conditions specified in ALK-3543 were met I c, . i November 7, 1980. During the filling of the UHS and the 30 day observation period Kansas Gas and Electric Co. personnel recorded the amount of water pumped from the downstream toe of the USH Dam as a determination of the volume of seepage through the dam. During the observation period only 388,740 cubic feet of water were pumped into the UHS basin. During the observation period, no significant change in the UHS basin water level was observed and seepage quanitities observed were in line with what Sargent & Lundy had anticipated for normal seepage. The seepage water also remained clear throughout the period. During UHS filling and hold period Dames & Moore personnel made a weekly inspection of the downstream area of the UHS Dam. No unusual or 0 deleterious features were observed.


5 The geotechnical surveillance provided by Dames &

5 Moore for the construction of the UHS and UHS Dam since August, 0

7 1978 has included the surveillance of construction procedures K and materials, geologic mapping of excavations, approval of G

& foundation surfaces, and auditing of quality control activities E

to assure satisfactory compliance with the project plans and U

H specifications. When deficiencies or problems were encountered S

4 appropriate remedial or corrective measures were taken and l


n.n - <%w

A documented. Based on the results of our observations, it is our opinion that all earthwork performed under the surveillance by Dames & Moore as reported herein, was accomplished in accordance with the project plans and specifications. Inspection of the UHS and UHS Dam on a monthly basis will continue until the dam is submerged. Any adverse developments observed will be reported.


The Tables and Figures as listed in the Table of Contents are attached and complete this report.

Respectfully submitted, DAMES & MOORE Qdh

//4 Peter J. Conroy, P.E.

O Partner 7

6 PJC: j ag 9

9 0

5 5

0 K



4 (19] , 3,,,,,,



OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TESTS COMPACTED EARTH FILL EMBANKMENT I Test Loca tion (ft) Plevationa In-Place Moisture Content Compaction Correcting Number Station Offset (ft) Material (%) (%) Test Number LQ-70 -1+00 12 N 1967.4 LW-54 (23.5) 98.4 LO-71, 72 LO-71 -l+00 13 N 1967.4 LW-54 21.3 100.9 LQ-72 -l+00 10 N 1967.4 LW-54 20.9 101.4 LQ-73 0+95 0 1963.7 LW-54 20.5 102.7 LQ-74 10+62 6 S 1967.8 LW-53 24.4 100.0 i LO-75-S 0+35 17 S 1965.2 LW-53 25.0 101.4 t LQ-76 6+15 50 N 1954.6 LW-58 19.4 99.9 LQ-77 7+60 55 S 1955.3 LW-58 17.4 99.3 LQ-78 7+30 10 S 1955.8 LW-55 26.8 101.5 LO-79 6+40 70 S 1948.6 LW-81 (15.6) (94.6) LQ-80 LQ-80 6+40 70 S 1948.6 LW-63 14.0 101.1 LQ-81 6+70 25 N 1954.7 LW-52 22.9 100.6 LQ-82 7+55 50 N 1954.7 LW-60 (11.2) 105.2 LO-85 LQ-83 5+80 30 N 1955.6 LW-60 (12.8) 104.2 LQ-86 i

LO-84 6+35 65 S 1948.6 LW-60 (11.2) 101.3 b LQ-85 7+55 50 N 1954.7 LW-60 14.4 99.5 LO-86 5+80 30 N 1955.6 LW-54 21.7 100.6 LQ-87 6+35 65 S 1948.6 LW-60 (12. 5) 101.6 b LQ-88 9+65 0 1965.1 LW-54 20.6 97.1 LQ-89 6+35 65 S 1948.6 LW-60 (12.6) 104.7 b LO-90 7+80 15 S 1958.0 LW-53 24.4 100.1 LO-91 5+65 40 S 1955.6 LW-11 27.6 98.2 LO-92 6+35 65 S 1948.6 LW-60 (12.3) 104.8 b LO-93 8+92 25 S 1955.3 LW-52 23.7 99.5 LQ-94 7+60 45 S 1957.5 LW-54 (14.7) 98.6 LQ-95 LQ-95 7+57 45 S 1957.5 LW-58 16.7 97.9 LQ-96 6+62 60 S 1948.6 LW-54 22.7 98.2 LQ-97 6+10 65 S 1949.1 LW-81 18.1 95.7 LO-98-S 5+40 25 S 1956.6 LW-81 17.9 95.6 LO-99 7+85 30 S 1959.5 LW-6 16.4 95.1 LQ-100 8+30 10 N 1961.2 LW-82 27.0 95.3 LQ-101 6+40 65 S 1951.1 LW-82 23.5 96.3 LQ-102 5+55 52 S 1947.1 LW-82 23.9 98.9 LQ-103 5+95 30 N 1957.6 LW-53 25.1 98.3 LQ-104 8+20 0 1958.5 LW-82 25.5 99.6 LQ-lG5 5+85 30 N 1960.9 LW-82 (28.2) 97.0 LQ-107 NOTE: The "S" following the test number indicates sand cone correlation test.

0 Refer to SNUPPS Datum bMaterial Removed

TABLE 1 (Sheet 2)

Location In-Place I Elevationd Test (ft) _

Moisture Content Compaction Correcting Number Station Offset (ft) Material (t) (%) Test Number LQ-106 8+93 25 S 1960.6 LW-82 25.8 98.1 LQ-107 5+85 30 N 1960.9 LW-55 26.6 100.8 LQ-108-S 0+00 5S 1966.7 LW-54 20.6 100.5 LQ-109 7+80 15 N 1960.4 LW-52 22.7 98.7 LQ-110 6+33 63 S 1950.2 LW-55 24.6 98.7 LQ-111 5+60 70 S 195i. 1 LW-55 24.7 98.6 LQ-112 5+15 15 N 1959.5 LW-52 23.0 96.8 1952.6 96.2 I LQ-113 6+20 55 S LW-55 23.9 LQ-114 8+93 15 S 1960.5 LW-55 25.6 97.8 LQ-115 1+63 15 S 1962.0 LW-54 19.6 97.7 1963.0 LW-58 17.1 96.5  ;

I LO-116 1+61 30 S LQ-117 2+42 10 N 1960.0 LW-54 19.8 99.1 )

L0-118 2+20 10 S 1960.5 LW-58 17.1 102.1 2+46 1952.0 LW-81 18.1 95.9 I

LQ-119 36 N LQ-120 2+62 6N 1951.0 LW-58 17.8 96.9 LQ-121 3+00 0 1952.0 LW-81 17.9 95.8 2+47 5N 1953.5 LW-58 17.8 (94.7) LQ-123 I

LQ-122 LQ-123 2+47 5N 1953.5 LW-58 18.3 96.5 LQ-124 3+10 23 N 1954.0 LW-58 17.7 104.7 LQ-125 2+90 5S 1954.5 .W-54 20.7 97.4 I LO-126 LQ-127 3+85 3+53 20 N 35 N 1950.0 1950.0 LW-58 LW-58 17.4 17.9 99.5 (91. 3) LQ-128 LQ-128 3+53 35 N 1950.0 LW-58 19.1 95.0 LQ-129-S 4+15 30 S 1954.0 LW-81 16.8 99.4 LQ-130 2+75 25 N 1955.0 LW-82 (28.2) 97.6 LO-131 LQ-131 2+75 25 N 1955.0 LW-81 18.7 99.4 I LQ-132 LQ-133 2+47 3+60 0

35 S 1955.0 1955.5 LW-81 LW-58 18.2 17.7 98.8 99.7 LQ-134 4+28 5S 1954.0 LW-58 17.4 100.5 LQ-135 3+20 20 N 1956.0 LW-81 16.6 99.4 LQ-136 4+60 98 S 1949.5 LW-81 17.9 (94.4) LQ-137 LQ-137 4+60 98 S 1949.5 LW-81 17.6 97.5 L0-138 4+00 90 S 1949.0 LW-52 20.5 96.1 LQ-139 5+90 90 S 1949.0 LW-58 16.3 95.5 LQ-140 6+70 90 S 1951.0 LW-52 (24.2) ( 91. 2 ) LO-141 LQ-141 6+70 90 S 1951.0 LW-54 20.3 99.0 LQ-142 3+40 100 S 1953.5 LW-58 (15.8) 99.7 LQ-143 LQ-143 3+40 100 S 1953.5 LW- 5 8 17.2 99.5 LQ-144 2+83 98 S 1955.0 LW-54 19.2 98.3 LQ-145 3+60 100 S 1952.0 LW-58 18.4 100.3 I


I TABLE 1 (Sheet 3)

Location In-Place Test (ft) Elevationa Moisture Content Compaction Correcting Number Station Offset (ft) Material (%) (%) Test Number I LQ-146 LQ-147 LQ-148 5+50 3+20 4+00 90 S 50 N 80 S 1953.0 1954.0 1954.5 LW-81 LW-58 LW-81 18.3 (15.7) 18.2 98.7 105.2 99.3 LQ-150 I

LQ-149 11+00 0 1969.0 LW-52 (24.3) (93.4) LO-156 LO-150 3+20 50 N 1954.0 LW-58 17.3 98.5 L0-151 6+15 105 S 1955.0 LW-58 16.8 98.5 LO-152-S 3+90 60 S 1953.5 LW-58 17.4 99.7 LQ-153 6+70 102 S 1956.0 LW-52 (14.1) (88.6) b LO-154 5+80 0 1960.0 LW-52 (27.6) (92.3) LQ-165 LQ-155 3+90 35 S 1955.0 LW-81 16.6 96.6 LQ-156 11+00 0 1969.0 LW-52 (19. 3) (9 2. 7) LQ-162 LO-157 2+90 15 5 1955.0 LW-54 19.1 98.8 LO-158 3+05 50 S 1955.5 LW-58 17.4 99.5 LQ-159 3+65 10 N 1956.0 LW-54 21.2 99.4 LQ-160 4+00 50 N 1956.5 LW-81 (15.8) 102.1 LQ-161 LQ-161 3+95 50 N 1956.5 LW-81 (13.6) 107.3 LQ-163 LQ-162 11+00 0 1969.0 LW-54 19.6 100.2 LO '.63 4+00 50 N 1956.5 LW-81 (14.8) 101.7 LO-167 LO-164 3+20 25 S 1957.0 LW-81 (14.9) 98.3 LO-168 LQ-165 5+80 0 1960.0 LW-52 23.7 99.1 LQ-166 7+15 10 N 1961.0 LW-83 24.2 97.5 I LO-167 LQ-168 LQ-169-S 4+00 3+20 10+50 50 N 25 S 5N 1956.5 1957.0 1969.5 LW-81 LW-81 LW-81 16.7 17.9 18.1 102.4 98.9 96.1 25.1 I LO-170 7+90 25 S 1961.0 LW-53 101.7 LQ-171 2+90 45 S 1957.0 LW-53 25.6 96.4 LO-172-S 5+95 70 S 1956.5 LW-82 26.5 100.7 LQ-173 6+85 10 N 1963.0 LW-58 17.1 99.9 LO-174 4+35 0 1958.0 LW-52 23.1 97.5 LQ-175 8+00 25 N 1963.0 LW-54 20.8 99.0 70 N 1960.0 I

LQ-176 8+75 LW-81 17.2 98.2 LQ-177 3+10 0 1957.5 LW-81 18.1 97.6 LO-178 7+00 10 N 1963.5 LW-58 17.6 99.5 LQ-179 1+00 10 N 1966.5 LW-81 19.2 97.1 LQ-180 6+60 15 N 1964.0 LW-58 (12.1) 104.8 LQ- 18 2 LQ-181 3+20 40 N 1960.0 LW-58 20.0 96.5 LQ-182 6+60 15 N 1964.0 LW-81 17.6 95.2 LQ-183-S 3+00 30 S 1961.0 LW-53 25.4 98.5 LQ-184 6+20 15 S 1962.0 LW- 5 4 22.0 97.2 LO-185 5+05 30 S 1959.0 LW-54 22.1 98.9

I TABLE 1 (Sheet 4)

I Number Test Station Location (ft)

Offset Elevationa (ft) Material in-Place Moisture Content




Correcting Test Number )

I LQ-186 LO-187 LQ-188 2+70 8+05 U+15 25 N 15 N 100 S 1962.0 1966.0 1959.0 LW-54 LW-54 LW-81 20.7 20.9 (14.5) 99.9 99.9 100.0 LO-192 l

LO-189 2+80 20 S 1964.0 LW-81 18.7 97.6 LQ-190 6+00 10 S 1967.0 LW-53 25.3 98.7 l LO-191 3+95 10 N 1964.0 LW-81 18.0 99.3 LQ-192 8+15 100 9 1959.0 LW-81 (14.4) 105.1 LO-193 LQ-193 8+15 100 S 1959.0 LW-54 21.2 99.8 LQ-194 7+00 15 N 1967.5 LW-58 (13.6) 106.7 LQ-196 LQ-195 0+00 0 1967.0 LW-58 18.2 99.0 1 LO-196 7+00 15 N 1967.5 LW-58 (14.2) 100.5 LQ-198 )

LO-197 0+80 10 S 1966.5 LW-81 (15.2) 99.5 LQ-199 LQ-198 7+00 15 N 1967.5 LW-58 (12.1) 102.5 LQ-201 LQ-199 0+80 10 S 1966.5 LW-81 (14. 3) 100.6 LQ-200 LO-200 0+80 10 S 1966.5 LW-81 16.7 102.6 LQ-201 7+00 15 N 1967.5 LW-60 15.3 96.4

( LO-202 3+00 10 S 1966.0 LW-58 17.3 102.5 LO-203 7+00 0 1968.5 LW-60 (13.2) 97.1 LO-205 LQ-204 1+10 6S 1969.5 LW-51 31.0 102.7 LQ-205 7+00 0 1969.5 LW-60 14.8 (9 3.1) LQ-206 LO-206 7+00 0 1968.5 LW-60 14.3 (94.9) LO-208 LQ-207 2+95 6S 1968.5 LW-60 (12.0) 106.4 LO-209 LQ-208-S 7+00 0 1968.5 LW-60 14.5 99.9 00-209 2+95 6S 1968.5 LW-60 17.7 96.6 LQ-210 6+00 11 S 1969.0 LW-51 (35.4) 100.3 LO-211 LO-211 6+00 11 S 1969.0 LW-53 24.1 97.2 LO-212 6+L J 12 S 1969.0 LW-51 (34.9) (92.4) LQ-213 6+00 LW-58 I

LO-213 14 S 1969.0 19.0 99.2 LQ-214 3+25 5S 1969.0 LW-53 (26.5) (90.5) LQ-215 LQ-215-S 3+28 5S 1969.0 LW-53 25.1 100.3 3+28 3S LW-54 22.0 96.7 I

LQ-216 1969.0 LQ-217-S 5+50 3N 1969.5 LW-58 19.9 97.5 LQ-216 4 5+75 7N 1970.0 LW-60 14.1 100.2 LO-219 2 : .s v 0 1970.0 LW-81 (20.9) 98.3 Lfa-2 21 l

LQ-220 7+10 3N 1970.0 LW-60 (19.6) (92.5) LO-222 LQ-221 2+30 0 1970.0 LW-81 19.5 98.9 LO-222 7+10 3N 1970.0 LW-60 (18.2) 98.9 LQ-223 i

LO-223 7+10 0 1970.0 LW-81 18.4 98.0 l LO-224-S 4+09 2S 1970.0 LW-60 14.8 99.4 LQ-225 10+20 3S 1970.0 LW-60 (13.7) 103.4 LQ-227 l

l l

TABLE 1 (Sheet 3)

Location In-Place Test (ft) Elevationa Moisture Content Compaction Correcting Number Station Offset (ft) Material (%) (%) Test Number LQ-226 6+30 0 1970.0 Lh-58 (21.2) (92.9) LQ-231 LQ-227 10+20 3S 1970.0 Lh-60 16.6 97.3 LQ-228 12+38 17 S 1968.0 Lh-60 15.1 (94.3) LQ-232 LQ-229 12+33 16 N 1968.5 Lh-52 21.7 99.5 LQ-230 11+03 17 N 1969.0 Lh-57 24.1 98.1 LQ-231 6+30 0 1970.0 Lh-58 (20.6) 96.1 LQ-242 LQ-232 12+38 17 S 1968.0 Lh-81 20.6 95.4 LQ-233 11+60 17 S 1968.5 Lh-81 17.5 99.3 LQ-237 8+50 26 S 1966.0 Lh-60 11.3 102.0 LQ-238 8+00 34 N 1964.0 Lh-60 9.1 101.1 LQ-239 7+20 38 S 1963.0 LW-60 12.7 105.5 LQ-240 7+00 30 N 1965.0 Lh-54 (15.3) (92.6) LQ-243 LQ-241 5+50 42 S 1962.0 L-h-6 0 11.5 103.5 LO-242 6+30 0 1970.0 Lh-58 16.2 104.0 LQ-243 7+00 30 N 1965.0 th-54 21.2 96.0 LQ-248 2+95 22 S 1967.0 Lh-90 9.0 98.0 LQ-249 1+15 18 S 1968.0 Lh-52 22.5 102.3 LC-250 -1+30 18 S 1968.0 Lh-53 23.9 102.0 LQ-251 2+70 30 N 1965.0 Lh-90 13.7 98.9 LQ-252 1+00 22 N 1968.0 Lh-90 12.4 99.0 LQ-253 -l+00 14 N 1969.0 Lh-90 12.9 101.3 l LQ-435 N98,579c E103,597C 1973.5 Lh-54 22.9 97.6 LQ-447 4+41 16 S 1953.0 Lh-90 (19.5) (90.8) LQ-4 8 LO-448 4+41 17 S 1953.0 Lh-81 (22.2) (93.4) LQ-449 l LQ-449 4+42 17 5 1953.0 Lh-81 18.0 101.7 LQ-450 4+37 17 S 1953.0 Lh-81 17.9 95.5 W LQ-451 4+22 4N 1955.5 Lh-81 19.0 98.5 LQ-452 4+47 24 S 1956.5 Lh-81 (15.8) 100.4 LQ-453 LO-453 4+50 24 S 1956.5 Lh-81 (14.8) 99.5 LQ-454 LQ-454 4+50 24 S 1956.5 Lh-81 17.4 102.0 LO-455 4+75 45 N 1957.0 Lh-81 19.6 96.2 LQ-456-S 4+15 18 N 1960.5 Lh-90 16.0 95.9 LQ-457 4+19 6S 1962.0 Lh-58 19.2 96.7 '

LQ-458-S 4+12 16 N 1965.0 Lk-58 18.5 96.5 LQ-459 4+50 2N 1966.5 Lh-82 25.6 102.5 L0-460 4+91 4N 1967.0 Lh-90 14.3 96.3 LO-461 4+30 0 1970.0 Lh-58 19.1 98.7 LQ-464 4+20 34 E 1964.0 Lh-58 19.4 97.9 LC-465 4+40 18 h 1968.0 Lh-58 (11.4) 96.9 LQ-466 LQ-466 4+43 18 h 1968.0 Lh-90 13.9 98.0 CSduPPS Coordinates



OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TESTS FINE RIPRAP BEDDING Loca t ion Dry Relative Test (ft) Elevationa Density Density Correcting Number Station Offset (ft) Material (pcf) (%) Trst Number QLRD-87 13+00 14 N 1969.0 LWRD-22 109.6 (55.6) QLRD-88 Q LR D- 8 8-S 13+00 14 N 1969.0 LWRD-22 119.2 86.2 Q LRD-89 6+30 30 S 1963.0 LWRD- 2 2 118.C 82.7 Q LR D-9 0 8+50 46 S 1961.0 LWRD-22 115.0 (7 3.5) QLRD-91 Q LR D-91 8+50 46 S 1961.0 LWRD-22 117.4 80.9 Q LRD-92 7+90 26 N 1966.0 LWR D-2 2 117.7 81.8 I QLR D-9 3 QLRD-94 Q LR D-9 5 10+20 5+71 2+00

~18 S 58 S 26 S 1968.0 1958.0 1966.0 LWRD-22 LWRD-22 LWRD- 22 120.5 120.2 120.7 90.0 89.1 90.6 QLR D-96 1+00 30 S 1965.0 LWRD-22 119.5 87.1 Q LR D- 97-S 0+00 22 N 1967.0 LWRD-22 . 120.8 90.8 Q L R D-98 1+30 30 N ._ 1965.0 LWRD-22 122.8 96.4 I QLR D- 23 2 QLRD- 2 3 5 QLR D- 2 3 6 4+60 4+40 3+85 26 E 3W 0

1966.0 1971.0 1971.0 LWRD-22 LWRD-22 LWRD-22 120.8 123.5 118.5 90.8 98.4 84.1 QLRD-237 1+10 2W 1971.0 LWRD-22 125.7 104.3 QLR D-2 3 3-S 4+25 30 W 1965.0 LWRD-22 119.6 87.4 Q LR D-2 34 3+80 26 W 1966.0 LWRD-22 121.2 92.0 I QLR D-2 3 8 QLRD- 2 39 Q LR D-2 4 0 12+18 12+16 12+15 2S 4S 3S 1971.0 1971.0 1971.0 LWRD-22 LWRD-22 LWRD-22 111.3 118.5 116.2 (61.4) 84.1 (77.2)

QLRD-239 QLRD-241 I QLRD-241 Q LR D- 24 2 Q LRD-24 3 12+18 7+10 5+50 2S 0

8E 1971.0 1970.0 1971.0 LWRD-2 2 LWR D-2 2 LWRD-22 120.8 118.5 126.2 90.8 84.1 105.6 NOTE: The "S" following the test number indicates sand cone correlation test.

aRefer to SNUPPS Datum I


I i M M M M M M M M M l

a TA B L I:. 3 j COMPACTION TEST DATA Compaction Data Crain Size Distribution

, Material Sample Maximum Dry Atterberg Percent Percent Percent i Identification Depth OMC Density Limits Passing Passing Passing Unified Soil Number Sample Location (ft) t pef LL PI No. 4 No. 200 0.005 mm Classification i

LW-6 EDA sta 83+00 ---

17.5 106.5 37 15 100.0 85.9 26.5 CL LW-Il BDA sta 64+99 ---

27.0 94.8 72 45 100.0 96.3 60.5 CH LW-51 UHS N98300 E104600 0.0-2.0 29.7 89.6 87 62 100.0 94.9 61.8 CH LW-52 UHS N97700 E103200 0.0-3.0 21.7 102.4 54 32 100.0 88.2 47.5 CH LW-53 UHSD 250 NE of 2+00 2.0-4.0 24.4 98.8 65 42 100.0 91.1 56.9 CH LW-54 UHS N98200 E104000 5.0 20.8 105.2 45 26 100.0 87.1 45.3 CL LW-55 UHS N98300 E104600 2.0-5.0 25.1 97.0 63 100.0 90.5 49.4 CH 3,8 t LW-57 BDA 75 E of 50+00 ---

20.5 105.9 50 30 100.0 94.4 52.8 CL-CH LW-58 UHS (south end) ---

18.2 110.1 44 21 100.0 88.4 54.0 CL LW-60 bDA 150 W of 25+50 ---

16.0 113.2 47 26 100.0 60.5 39.0 CL LW-81 UHS stockpile ---

17.4 108.7 45 24 99.3 91.0 50.0 CL LW-82 UHS stockpile ---

25.3 96.2 64 40 99.6 90.4 51.0 CH LW-83 UHS stockpile ---

23.3 97.4 66 42 99.6 91.4 53.5 CH LW-90 UHS closure stockpile ---

14.3 117.7 41 21 99.7 58.3 45.0 CL  ;

I TABLE 4 RELATIVE DENSITY TEST DATA I Material Identification Number Sample Location Minimum Density (pcf)

Maximum Densiti (pcf)

LWRD-22 Fogle Quarry 95.6 124.1 I


I I l I

I I .

I I TABLE 5 SOIL PROPERTIES Atterberg Grain Size Distribution Test Location Identification Limits Passing Passing Passing Unified Soil Number Station Oftset Number LL PI No. 4 No. 200 0.005 mm Classification A1339 1+00 12 N Lh-54 44 25 100.0 83.7 41.8 CL A1346 0+35 17 S LW-53 60 40 100.0 90.6 48.5 CH I A1347 7+60 55 S Lh-58 47 26 99.7 65.8 44.2 CL A1348 9+65 0 Lh-54 51 31 99.8 88.7 45.0 CL-CH A1352 5+40 25 S Lh-81 55 30 99.8 86.4 46.0 CH I

A1356 0+00 5S LW-54 57 37 99.5 84.9 43.0 CH A1384 1+62 10 S Lh-58 46 23 99.9 90.3 59.5 CL A1385 1+61 30 S Lh-58 46 23 100.0 92.6 59.5 CL 4+15 LW-81 I

A1388 30 S 43 20 100.0 90.9 52.0 CL A1389 2+83 98 S Lh-81 45 23 100.0 82.4 51.5 CL A1390 3+00 60 N Lh-54 50 29 99.8 79.0 49.0 CL-CH A1391 3+90 60 S Lh-58 47 26 100.0 72.5 46.5 CL A1392 10+50 5N LW-81 47 26 100.0 85.5 50.0 CL A1393 5+95 70 S Lh-82 52 29 '00-0 92.5 48.0 CL-CH A1394 3+0C 30 S Lh-53 57 35 100.0 84.4 49.5 CH A1395 8+05 15 N Lh-54 41 22 100.0 71.6 43.5 CL A1396 6+00 10 S Lh-53 50 28 99.9 87.8 52.5 CL-CH A1397 7+00 15 N Lh-60 43 24 99.8 68.6 47.0 CL A1398 3+28 3S Lh-53 51 31 100.0 93.3 56.5 CL-CH A1399 5+50 3N Lh-58 51 33 100.0 88.6 41.5 CL-CH A1401 4+09 2S Lh-60 42 19 99.9 73.3 54.0 CL A1402 10+20 3S Lh-60 44 23 100.0 82.8 54.5 CL A1403 6+30 0 Lh-58 44 24 99.9 80.6 52.0 CL A1409 N98,579a E103,597a Lh-54 59 37 100.0 84.2 51.2 CH A1410 4+15 18 E Lh-90 42 23 99.8 71.' 51.5 CL A1411 4+50 24 h th-81 48 28 99.9 68.5 50.0 CL A1412 4+12 16 E Lh-58 44 23 100.0 85.1 57.0 CL aSNUPPS Coordinates I


M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M TABLE 6 QUALIFICATION TEST DATA FINE RIPRAP BEDDING Sodium Sulfate Organic Test LA Abrasion Soundness Clay Lumps Impurities Number Source (Req <35%) (Req <10%) (Reg <5%) (Req <No.3)

FBAT-8 From Fogle Quarry 33.6 2.23 0.21 0 FBAT-9 From Fogle Quarry 32.6 3.43 0.11 0 FBAT-10 From Fogle Quarry 31.5 7.24 1.12 0

M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M TABLE 7 QUALIFICATION TEST DATA COARSE RIPRAP BEDDING Sodium Sulfate Test LA Abrasion Soundness Clay Lumps Number Rock Type (Req <35%) (Req <10%) (Reg <5%)

l CBAT-8 Plattsmouth Limestone 30.4 5.33 0.75 CBAT-9 Plattsmouth Limestone 28.4 5.05 0.24 CBAT-10 Plattsmouth Limestone 29.1 3.71 1.09 l

l l


M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 1

i i


RIFRAP Sodium Sulfate Specific

, Test Petrographic LA Abrasion Freeze-Thaw Soundness Gravity Absorption Number Rock Type Analysis * { Req <35% Loss) (Req <lSt Loss) (Req <10% Loss) (Req >2.4) (Req <6%)

RRAT-12 Southbend Limestone Acceptable 24.1 0.45 1.36 2.67 0.52 RRAT-13 Plattsmouth Limestone Acceptable 26.5 0.56 6.96 2.68 0.69 RRAT-14 Southbend Limestone Acceptable 2J.8 10.80 3.41 2.69 0.26 RRAT-15 Plattsmouth Limestone Acceptable 31.6 3.00 6.51 2.63 1.06 RRAT-16 Southbend Limestone Acceptable 31.0 4.38 6.48 2.68 0.29 RRAT-17 Plattsmouth Limestone Acceptable 29.0 2.20 5.15 2.67 0.60 RRAT-18 Southbend Limestone Acceptable 27.5 1.47 5.10 2.65 0.70 RRAT-19 Plattsmouth Limestone Acceptable 32.2 3.18 6.15 2.55 0.42 Pe t rosj raphic examinations were per f o rmed by Law Engineering Testing Company.

11 I TABLE 9 GRAlt; SIZE DISTRIBUTION I FINE HIPRAP BEDDING Grain Size Disbribution Location Test (ft) Percent Passing Percent Passing Percent Passing Number Station Offset 3/8 Inch No. 10 No. 200 001A 14+00 18 S 99 52 1.9

, 0018 11+80 14 N 99 51 2.2 5 001C 11+20 22 S 98 51 2.2 002A 6+30 38 S 100 61 3.6 I 0028 6+75 22 S 99 55 2.8 002C 7+20 50 S 99 57 2.8 003A 7+90 26 N 98 56 3.5 I 003B 9+30 18 N 98 53 2.2 003C 8+50 46 S 99 54 2.6 004A 8+40 0 98 52 2.2 1

004B 10+20 18 S 98 51 3.1 004C 5+71 58 S 98 54 2.5 005A 2+00 26 S 98 52 4.8 005B 1+00 30 S 99 53 2.8


I 005C 0+10 18 S 99 55 3.2


006A 2+10 34 N 99 58 3.3 006b 0+00 99 54 2.7 I

22 N 1 006C 1+30 30 N 99 54 2.8 007A 4+60 20 E 98 54 1.9 007B 4+95 30 E 98 52 1.1 I 007C 008A 5+25 3+80 38 E 26 W 96 99 49 57 1.8 2.8 008B 4+25 30 W 99 54 2.9 I 008C 009A 5+00 4+40 54 W 3W 99 99 55 58 2.8 2.6 009B 3+85 -

99 57 2.7 009C 2+55 7E 99 56 2.1 010A 1+10 2W 99 57 2.3 010B 1+00 3W 99 58 4.1 010C 0+60 -

99 56 2.5 Olla 12+18 2S 100 58 2.7 011B 12+09 5N 100 58 3.0 011C 11+90 3N 99 59 3.3 012A 7+01 9E 99 58 3.3 012B 7+00 9W 99 58 3.5 012C 7+10 0 99 55 3.5 1 013A 5+50 8E 100 58 4.0 l 013B 5+35 4 E 100 60 4.2 013C 5+42 9W 100 60 4.1 l ll 1



I TABLE 10 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTIOt COARSE RIPRAP BEDDING Location Grain Size Distribution Test (ft) Percent Passing Percent Passing Percent Passing Percent Passing I

I Number QCB-001 QCB-002 Station 11+50 13+00 Offset 72 N 14 S 3 Inch 100 100 1-1/2 Inch 73 72 3/8 Inch 13 14 No. 10 4

4 I QCB-003 QCB-004 QCD-004A 6+90 6+90 6+87 42 S 50 S 50 S 100 100 100 79 87 85 18 38 31 2

9 6

I QCB-005 QCB-006 QCB-007 9+20 2+00 42 N 26 N 100 100 100 73 80 76 13 19 10 3

5 2

i QCB-010 4'+ 7 6 26 E 100 80 24 6 5 QCB-011 5+30 58 W 100 85 29 7 QCB-012 4+75 6E 100 72 12 2 I QCB-013 QCB-014 QCB-014A 4+30 2+00 2+03 6W 5W 6W 100 100 100 76 55 63 16 4

7 2

0.2 0.1 l QCB-015 8+63 1N 100 66 9 1 I

l I



iI ,



Percent Percent Total Weight Truck Greater Than SIZE WEIGHT Smaller Than of Sample Date Time Number 3,200 lbs 85% 50% 15% 5 lbs (1bs) 4/19/80 15:14 03506 0 1,150 190 45 0 43,601 4/22/80 11:27 03504 0 1,650 240 55 0 53,219 4/24/80 7:49 03503 7 1,700 270 54 0 122,766 7:55 03522 i

l I 4 trucks combined 4 1,500 240 50 0 219,586 i

i M M M M M M M TABLE 12 SETTLEMENT MONUMENT READINGS Station 0+00 2+00 4+00 5+50 7+00 8+50 10+00 12+00 Date -2+00 1978.031 1978.369 1978.753 1978.663 1978.565 1978.414 1978.289 1978.093 05/20/80 1978.276 1978.269 1978.364 1978.740 1978.653 1978.555 1978.404 1978.280 1978.084 05/27/80 1978.023 1978.264 1978.360 1978.733 1978.648 1978.554 1978.401 1978.276 1978.084 06/03/80 1978.022 1978.266 1978.363 1978.732 1978.650 1978.555 1978.406 1978.283 1978.089 06/10/80 1978.021 1978.370 1978.736 1978.656 1978.559 1978.410 1978.287 1978.094 06/17/80 1978.038 1978.282 1978.279 1978.376 1978.739 1978.656 1978.563 1978.414 1978.291 1978.098 06/24/80 1978.036 1978.378 1978.740 1978.661 1978.568 1978.414 1978.296 1978.100 07/01/80 1978.039 1978.282 1978.290 1978.387 1978.744 1978.666 1978.573 1978.416 1978.296 1978.101 07/08/80 1978.046 1978.274 1978.374 1978.733 1978.654 1978.559 1978.408 1978.288 1978.094 07/15/80 1978.030 1978.380 1978.742 1978.664 1978.573 1978.424 1978.304 1978.113 07/22/80 1978.030 1978.275 1978.279 1978.377 1978.733 1978.656 1978.563 1978.410 1978.291 1978.095 l

07/29/80 1978.038 1978.373 1978.729 1978.651 1978.557 1978.406 1978.288 1978.090 j

08/05/80 1978.034 1978.276 1978.283 1978.375 1978.730 1978.652 1978.560 1978.407 1978.286 1978.089 08/12/80 1978.040 1978.273 1978.367 1978.720 1978.642 1978.550 1978.397 1978.280 1978.084 08/19/80 1978.035 1978.377 1978.728 1978.652 1978.558 1978.406 1978.291 1978.096 08/26/80 1978.037 1978.280 1978.277 1978.375 1978.724 1978.648 1978.556 1978.404 1978.287 1978.091 09/02/80 1978.036 1978.287 1978.380 1978.726 1978.649 1978.556 1978.403 1978.288 1978.093 09/09/80 1978.046 1978.379 1978.731 1978.653 1978.560 1978.406 1978.288 1978.092 09/16/80 1978.032 1978.275 1978.277 1978.373 1978.721 1978.643 1978.551 1978.397 1978.281 1978.083 09/23/80 1978.035 1978.272 1978.372 1978.719 1978.642 1978.549 1978.394 1978.278 1978.081 09/30/80 1978.030 1978.275 1978.375 1978.720 1978.643 1978.550 1978.396 1978.284 1978.084 11/04/80 1978.031 1978.272 1978.379 1978.722 1978.644 1978.553 1978.397 1978.289 1978.085 12/01/80 1978.026 1978.264 1978.379 1978.709 1978.632 1978.542 1978.387 1978.278 1978.073 01/05/81 1978.019 1978.015 1978.260 1978.366 1978.704 1978.629 1978.541 1978.386 1978.281 1978.074 02/06/81 1978.017 1978.263 1978.370 1978.707 1978.633 1978.545 1978.390 197b.287 1978.080 03/06/81 1978.273 1978.379 1978.711 1978.636 1978.54J 1978.391 1978.291 1978.083 04/03/81 1978.023 1978.365 1978.698 1978.624 1978.536 1978.382 1978.282 1978.072 05/08/81 1978.010 1978.254 1978.263 1978.374 1978.703 1978.630 1978.543 1978.388 1978.290 1978.077 06/05/81 1978.017



TABLE 13 VOLUME OF FILL, NUMBER AND FREQUENCY OF TESTS l l Approximate I Number ot Tests I treguency of One Test Per l l l Volume i In-Place Density I l l S pe c i t i ed i Actual l l l Placed l Passing i Sand-Cone l Grain-Size l l Volume l Volume l Material l (cubic yards) l Nuclearl l Correlation 2 l Analyses l Qualificationi (cubic yards) l (cubic yards) {

l l I i i l l l Cohesive Fill l l l l l l l l Total l 68,550 1 145 l --

l --

1 --

l 1,000 l 472 i hand Placed i 679 l 20 l --

l --

l --

l 50 l 34 l l ---

1 ---

l 17 l --

I --

l 107 l 87 l l 1 ---

I ---

1 --

l 273 l --

l 4,000 1 253 I l l 1 I I I I I l l Eine Riprap I 11,383 l 20 1 --

l --

l --

1 1,000 1 569 l Bedding l l l 3 l --

1 --

l 10a l 7a j l l ---

l --

l 13 4 a,b i --

! 4,000 l 875 l l l ---

1 --

1 --

l 35 l 10,000 1 3,794 l l l l 1 I I i l Coarse Riprap i 12,755 I NA l --

l --

l .-- l 1,000 l 4,251 l bedding I l ---

1 --

l 134b l --

l 4,000 l 981 l l l ---

I --

1 --

l 35 l 10,000 1 4,251 l l l 1 I I I i l Riprap l 50,610 1 NA l --

l --

1 --

l 4,000 i Continuousb l l 1 ---

1 --

I --

l 86 l 10,000 l 6,326 I Notes:

Test performed in accordance with

1) ASTM D 2922 and D 3017
2) ASTM D 1556
3) ASTM D 422 and Atterberg Limits - ASTM D 423 and D 424
4) a) ASTM C 117 b) ASTM C 136
5) ASTM C 33
6) ASTM C 88, C 127, C 131, C 295 and AASHTO T 103. t 2r tests performed on each of South Bend Limestone and Plattsmouth Limestone.

Per passing nuclear tests bRefer to text


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