IR 05000083/1981001

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IE Insp Rept 50-083/81-01 on 810714-17.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Organization,Logs,Records, Requalification Training,Surveillances,Experiments,Audit Functions & Procedures
Person / Time
Site: 05000083
Issue date: 08/04/1981
From: Butcher R, Julian C
Shared Package
ML20030D411 List:
50-083-81-01, 50-83-81-1, NUDOCS 8109010363
Download: ML20030D413 (6)


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o ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 Report No.

50-83/81-01 Licensee: University of Florida 202 Nuclear Sciences Center Gainesville, FL 32611 Facility Name: University of Florida Training Reactor Docket No. 50-83 License No. R-56 Inspector: - . & h

R. C. Butsher, Project Snspector Date Signed Approved by: i - IN, f[M[[ C. A. Juliarf/ Acting Section Chief, Division of Date Signed Resident and Reactor Project Inspection SUMMARY Inspection on July 14-17, 1981 Areas Inspected This routine, unannounced inspection involved 28 resident inspector-hours on site in the areas of organization, logs, records, requalification training, sur-veillances, experiments, audit functions, procedures, licensee event followup and review of previous outstanding items.

Resul ts Of the ten areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.


G109010363 810804" DR ADOCK 05000083 PDR

' ' . . - . DETAILS 1.

Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • A. N. Jacobs, Chairman, Department of Nuclear Engineering Science


  • N. J. Diaz, Reactor Supervisor and Director of Nuclear Facilities
  • G. R. Dalton, University of Florida Subcommittee Chairman


  • H.

G. Norton, Radiation Control Officer

  • A. W. !1arvin, Reactor Manager H. Gogun, Senior Reactor Operator

! G. Fogle, Reactor Operator ' M. Constable, Reactor Operator

  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on July 17, 1981, with those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 above.

The licensee understood and

concurred in the findings presented.


Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings See Paragraph 9 for details.

' ! 4.

Unresolved Items were not identified during this inspection.


Operating Logs, Records and Experiments The inspector reviewed representative samples of the control console operating logs from March 1980 to present. All entries appeared adequate.

The daily and weekly check sheets were complete and correct except for a few minor omissions such as: a.

May 1,1981 daily - Item 4.2.3 not acknowledged as being accomplished.


May 5, 1981 daily - Items 5.6.6 thru 5.6.10 not acknowledged as being accomplished, c.

May 17, 1981 daily - Operators name not entered on sheet In each case, it appears that the work was actually accomplished but that the appropriate blank was not checked off.

The inspector reviewed the records of experiments since March 1980 and found the " Requests for UFTR Operation" records, as required by Standard Operating Procedure (50P) 5.A, were not complete in that experiment numbers 81-1 and 81-2 did not have. paragraph 5 " Expected Reactivity Effects in the Reactor" completed. These experiments were both class 1 and duplicated previous I {

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experiments in which reactivity effects were observed to be negligible.

Although in these two examples the blanks were not filled in, it appears that the experiments were properly reviewed and the technical specifications met.

i Since the above findings were a small portion of the total log and record entries, they are noted here for licensee corrective action and for inspector followup on future inspections to ensure improvement in this area.

This is an inspector followup item (50-83/81-01-01).

, The facility organization and staffing was consistent with Technical

Specification requirements. The inspector had no further comments.


Requalification Training , The inspector reviewed the requalification records for the operators . presently licensed at the UFTR and checked operating log entries for correlation.

It was found that one senior reactor operator had allowed his ' license to expire on February 10, 1981.

Subsequently, on February 26, 1981, the operator's log show that individual's initials as the reactor operator.

A licensed reactor operator's initials had been entered also but were marked l thru. Discussions with several members of staff and management indicate that the individual in question never operated the UFTR without one of the

full time licensed operators present. The operations were done under the direction of a licensed operator for training in support of a license ' renewal request.

Operator lecture attendance records, examinations and test results and operational manipulations were documented. The inspector had no further coments.


Surveillances The inspector reviewed surveillance records for five parameters which are required by Technical Specifications: a.

Control blade drop time b.

Control blade reactivity worth c.

Operability test of interlocks listed in Table 1 of the Technical Specifications d.

!!inimum shutdown margin e.

Reactivity insertion rate for a single control blade The inspector observed the performance of a daily preoperational check, a reactor startup and the shutdown of the reactor. A failure to check the wide range channel count rate interlock is discussed in paragraph 9.e.

The inspector also noted that Technical Specifica'. ion paragraph IV.C.4 requires an operability test of interlocks prior to each startup.

UFTR 50P A.1 requires a daily preoperational check within 6 hours of startup unless the

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reactor has been shutdown less than 6 hours from a run begun that same day and no known condition exists that would prevent a successful check from being performed.

Proposed UFTR Technidal Specifications have been revised to permit operation as defined in S0P A.1 and have been submitted to the NRC for approval.

This is an unresolved item (50-83/81-01-02) pending further review during a future inspection.


Procedures The inspector reviewed the status of the facility standard operating procedures (50P's).

The following minor discrepancies were noted.

The console copy of the UFTR S0P's list of effective pages is out of a.



S0P A.1 cover sheet shows revision 10 entered but the last revision number in the book is revision 8.

Several sheets have no revision number but they have later dates than revision 8.


S0P E.3.A. was reviewed and the system walk down showed the procedure was out of date. The procedure referred to the addit 1on of a jumper to connect city water (a backup source) to the secondary side of the reactor heat exchanger.

This was made obsolete when two check valves and a motor operated valve were added.

See paragraph 9.c for further information. The console copy of S0P's was verified to contain the latest version of SOP's.

The licensee has committed to reviewing procedures for accurary and completeness. The inspector had no further comments.


Review of Previous Outstanding Items Inspector Followup Item (79-02-06) " Licensee will complete Generation a.

of Procedure E-4 for Safety-Related Auxiliary Systems by July 1,1980" The inspector reviewed the facility standard operating procedures (S0P's).

SOP's E.4.A " Reactor Shielding and Graphite" and E.4.B " Auxiliary Systems liaintenance - Shield Tank and Shield Tank Recirculating System" have been reviewed and approved by the IJFTR subcommittee. This was outstanding item 50-83/79-02-06.

This item is closed.


IE Circular 80-02 " Nuclear Power Plant Staff Work Hours" The inspector discussed the staff work with the Reactor Supervisor.

' There are administrative guidelines that require an individual who works greater than 40 hours in any one week to take off equivalent hours the following week unless permissions to do otherwise is obtained from the administrative office. In general, excessive work hours fc- , . operators has never been a problem at the UFTR.

This item is closed.

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IE Circular 80-14 " Radioactive Contamination of Plant Demineralized Water System and Resultant Internal Contamination" The inspector reviewed the actions taken by the UFTR personnel. The city water connection to the well water for the secondary side of the reactor heat exchanger has two chack valves in series plus it is normally isolated by a motor operned valve.

This item is closed.


IE Circular 79-15 " Bursting of High Pressure Hose and Malfunction of Relief Valve and '0'-Ring in Certain Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus" The inspector examined the self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) used by the UFTR.

They use MTA model 401 and Scott air Pac model 6000 A2M SCBA's and this circular is not applicable. This item is closed.


Infraction (80-01-02) " Technical Specification IV.C. Requires Check of Wide Range Count Rate Inhibit Check Prior to Each Startup" The technical specifications require a check of the wide range source count rate inhibit circuit prior to each startup. The check at 2 cps cannot be accomplished as explained in UFTR letter dated May 7,1980 and a change to the technical specifications regarding this check has been submitted to the NRC.

This item remains open at this time.


Inspector Followup Item (79-02-01) " Develop and Implement a Written Procedure for Test Reactivity Measurements" The UFTR procedure for reactivity measurements which measures control blade reactivity worths, shut down margin and reactivity insertion rates was reviewed by the inspector. The tests appeared to be con-ducted correctly and the written procedure completes the licensee commitment to develop such procedures.

This item is closed.

, i ! 10.

Licensee Event Followup An unusual occurrence was reported by the licensee by telephone on July 24, 1980 and by written report on August 5, 1980. The occurrence involved the failure of the reactor operator to remove the PuBe source from the reactor prior to attempting to bring the reactor to full power.

The licensee i committed to corrective actions in the August 5,1980 report.

The inspector I reviewed the reactor faci'!ty and UFTR records for compliance to the commitments. The following status was found.

, ! a.

UFTR S0P's A.2 and A.4 were revised to include provisions for insertion and removal of the PuBe source. The revisions had been reviewed and approved by the UFTR subcommittee.


An audible alarm that actuates when the reactor reaches 10 watts with the PuBe source still inserted has been installed.

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The Radiation Control Committee (RCC) also recommended that the reactor building ventilation system have the capability to be closed from the ou tside. The licensee stated that the design was complete and this modification is to be accomplished during a shutdown scheduled for August 1981.

The inspector had no further questions.


UFTR Subcommittee Review and Audit . The inspector reviewed the minutes from the meetings of the Univarsity of Florida Training Reactor (UFTR) subcommittee held from March 1980 thru 1981.

The meetings frequency met or exceeded the time limit in the technical specifications. The meeting minutes were formally documented and retained in file.

The subcommittee organization and quorum met technical specifi-cation requirements.

The inspector had no further questions.

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