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Progress Rept for twenty-fourth Quarter, Woodborer Study Associated W/Oyster Creek Generating Station,810221-0522.
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 06/01/1981
From: Belmore C, Blake N, Hillman R
Battelle Memorial Institute, COLUMBUS LABORATORIES
Shared Package
ML20005A414 List:
15055, NUDOCS 8106300305
Download: ML20005A419 (22)



PROGRESS REPORT FOR Tile TWENTY-FOURT11 QUARTER on WOODBORER STUDY ASSOCI ATED WITil Tile OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION to JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGilT C05fPANY June 1, 1981 by N. Ibciolek Blake, C.I. Belmore, and R.E. llillman Report No. 15055 February 21 to Fby 22, 1981 BATTELLE New England Marine Research Laboratory Duxbury, Massachusetts 02332 Ba ttalle is not engaged in rcccarch fbe advertising, sales promotion, or publicity purpcaco, and thr's report may not be reproduced in full or in part fbr auch purposes.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION............'......................................... 1 PROCEDURES AND IKIERIM DATA...................................... l..

Exposure Panels............................................. 1 Water Quality...............................................

9 Teredinid Gonadal Development Studies....................... 9 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Geographical Locations of William F. Clapp Labora-tories' Exposure Panel Arrays in Barne Bay, New Jersey.........., ................ 3 Table 2. Incidence of Teredinidae in Panels Removed March 9-10, 1981............................................ 6 Table 3. Incidence of Teredinidae in Panels Removed 6-7, 1981.:................................ April

........... 7 Table 4. Incidence of Teredinidae in Panels Removed Ma 4-5, 1981....................................y ......... 7 Table 5. Incidence of Limnoria in Panels Removed March,


April, and May, 1981.................................. 8 Table 6. Water Quality at Exposure Panel Stations, March 9-10, 1981........................................... 10 Table. 7. Water Quality at Exposure Panel Stations, April 6-7, 1981............................................ 11 Table 8. .Water Quality at Exposure Panel Stations May 4-5, 1981............................................ 12 Table 9. Condition of Gonads of Teredinid Borers Removed from Exposure Pancis in Barnegat Bay from January, Februar March, and Pril, 1981................................y, 13 LIST OF FIGUR.E_S._

Figure 1.

Outline of Barnegat bay Showing Geographical Locations of Exposure Panels....................................


I 1

WOODBORER STUDY ASSOCIATED WITH Tile OYSTER CREEK CENERATING STATION by N. Maciolek Blake, C.I. Belmore, and R.E. lilliman INTRODUCTION Battelle's New England Marine Research Laboratory is conducting an investigation to determine whether the generating station is affecting that the resident matine borer population in Oyster Creek to the extent that population is contributing significantly to marine borer-caused damage in Barnegat Bay.

A description of the program and procedures used may be found in titled Study of Woodborer Populations in Relation 15040, dated February 27, to the Oyster, Creek Generating Station, Report 1981.

l'theFifthAnnualReport 2

This report presents data for the twenty-fourth quarterly period from February 21 to May 22, 1981.

PROCEDURES AND INTERIM DATA Exposure Panels The long-term and short-term exposure panels were retrieved and the 20 replaced with new untreated pre-soaked (for two weeks) panels at exposure sites in Barnegat Bay and adjacent waters (Figure 1) during the periods March 9-10, April 6-7, and May 4-5, 1981. Long-term and short-term panels at all stations were cetrieved and replaced.

Table 1 describes the geographical locations of the exposure sites.

The data for the laboratory examination of the panels may be found in Tables 2 through 5.


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} !!ILES DA1:NECAT INLET, NEW .1ERSEY 4 g l Latitude 39* 45.8 N j Longitude 74* 06.0 W ~/ l f



TABLE 1. CE0GRAPilICAL LOCATIONS OF UILLIAM F. CLAPP LAEORATORIES' EXPOSURE PA'JEL ARRAYS IN BARNEGAT BAY, NEW JERSEY Structure to be used for Nearcst Previous Approximate Latitude Site No. Site Suspension of Rack Data Stations and Longitude

1. Barnegat Coast Guard Finger Pier UC 1 Lat. 39' 45.8'N Station, Barnegat Inlet kFCL 1948-1967 Long. 74* 06.5'W
2. Ashton Marina Bulkhead WC 13,14 Lat. 39' 40'N 1450 Bay Ave. Long. 74* 13'W Manahawkin
3. Iggic's Marina Lulkhead WC 16,17,18,19 Lat. 39' 45'N East Bay Ave.

Long. 74* 12.5'W Barnegat (Conklin Island)

4. Liberty llarbor Marina Bulkhead WC 21 Lat. 39' 47'N Washington Ave.

R. Turner Long. 74* ll'W Warctcun Rutgers U.

4-A*. Iloliday Harbor Marina Bulkhead WC 21 Lat. 39' 48'N Lighthouse Drive R. Turner Long. 74* ll'N Waretown Rutgers U.

Dock UC 29,30 Lat. 39" 48.5'N g 5. Mouth of Oyster Creek, Lot 4, Compass Road Rutgers U. Long. 74* 10.3'W Offshore End O Oyster Creek ill Dock Lat. 39* 48.5'N y 6.

Lagoon, Inchore End Long. 74* 10.35'W 37 Capstan Drive Private Dock End of Dock WC 27,28 Lat. 39' 48.5'N y 7. Dock Ave. R. Turner Long. 74* ll.1'W-i.-==

Rutgers U.

Oyster Creek Sands Pt.11 arbor E Waretown M

r=~ .

mwomm -vo we>

TABLE 1. (con tinued)

Structure to be used for Nearest Previous Approxi::ste Latitude Site No. Site Suspension of Rack Data Stations and Longitude

8. Oyster Creek-R.R. Cross Member WC 26 Lat. 39' 48.7'N Bridge Bridge Rutgers U. Long. 74* 12'W Discharge Canal -
9. Forked River Cross Member WC 31 Lat 39' 49.2'N South Branch R.R. Bridge *-

Rutgers U. Long. 74' 12.2'W Intake Canal

10. Tet .; Aarina Pier WC 33,34 Lat. 39' 50.l'N Bay Ave. Long. 74* ll.6'W forked River 10A*. Private Dock Under Dock Lat. 39' 49'N 1217 cruarius Ct. Long. 74* 10'W ^

Forked hiver 10B*. Private Doch Under Dock Lat. 39" 49.4'N 1307 Beach B17d. Long. 74* 10.l'W Forked River

11. Forked River Bulkhead WC 35 Lat. 39' 49.7'N (near mouth) Rutgers U. Long. 74' 10'W 1413 River View Drive
12. Stouts Creek Bulkhead UC 38,40,41 Lat 39 50.5'N 1273 Capstan Drive R. Turner Long. 74* OS.8'W Q Wurtz

@ Rutgers U.

N 3. Rocknak's Yacht Basin End of Pier WC 46 Lat. 39' 52'N Long. 74* 09'W Q Lanoka Harbor Cedar Creek O



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7 TABLE 1. (continued)

Site I;o.

Structure to be used for Nearest Previous Approximate Latitude Site Suspension of Rack Data Stations and Longitude

14. Dicks Landing Pier UC 49 Lat. 39' 54'N Island Drive n. Turner Long. 74' 08.1'N Uayville (!!olly Park) Nelson *
15. Winter Yacht Basin Inc. Pier UC 57 Lat. 40' 02.5'N Rt. 528 ,

Long. 74* 03.5'W

}iantoloking Bridge W. Mantoloking

16. Berkely Yacht Basin Pier WC 60,61 Lat. 39' 55.9'N J. Street Long. 74' 04.9'W Seaside
17. Island Beach Pier WC 68 Lat. 39' 47.l'N #

State Park Long. 74* 05.9'W (Sedge Island)

All exposure panel racks suspended in a minimum water depth at mean low water of at least three feet. Racks hung with nylon line from existing structures so the bottom panels are close to, but not touching the bottom. Racks at Forked River railroad bridge and Oyster Creek railroad bridge suspended with wire rope.

WC = Woodward-Clyde IUCL = William F. Clapp Laboratories

  • Site 4-A installed April, 1977 Sites 10 A, 10 B installed April, 1978.

T C3 .

CD lllC C3 .

-- m

TABLE 2. INCIDENCE OF TEREDINIDAE IN PANELS RE10VED MARCH 9-10 0 1981 No. of Percent Size Range Site Panel Specimens Filled in mm. Species Identification Remarks 1 P 7 <1 <1-7 3 T. navalis, 4 Teredinidae*

t C 0 6 P 9 1 <l-35 4 T. bartschi, 5 Teredinidae None live.

C 0 ,

7 P 48 3 <l-40 19 T. bartschi, 29 Teredinidae C 0 -

10A P 5 <1 1-7 1 T. navalis, 4 Teredinidae C C 11 P 11 <1 <1-1 11 Teredinidae C 0 m

Sites 2-5, 8**-10, 10B, 12-17, no Teredinidae present.

P = Long-term panel, submerged September 2-3, 1980.

C = Short-term panel, submerged February 9-10, 1981.

  • = To small to speciate.
    • = Panel f4 removed-submerged October 7, 1980.


.t No. of Percent Size Range Site Panel Specimens Filled in en. Species Identification Remarks 1 P 4 <1 <1 4 Teredinidae* Empty pits.

C 0 7 P 23 <1 <l-22 1 T. navalis, 22 Teredinidae C 0 8** P 1 <1 45 1 T. navalia C 0 11 P 4 <1 <1 4 Teredinidae Empty pits.

C 0 Sites 2-6, 9-10B, 12-17, no Teredinidae present.

u P = Long-term panel, submerged October 6-7, 1980.

C = Short-term panel submerged March 9-10, 1981. ,

  • = Too small to speciate.
    • = Panel submerged March 10, 1981.

TABLE 4. INCIDENCE OF TEREDINIDAE IN PANELS REMOVED MAY 4-5, 1981 No. of Percent Size Range Site Panel Specimens Filled in mm. Species Identification Remarks Sites 1 - 17 No Teredinidae present.

TABLE 5. INCIDENCE OF Limnoric IN PANELS REMOVED I! ARCH, APRIL, AND MAY,1981 March April May No. of No. of No. of Site Panel Tunnels No. of Specimens Tunnels No. of Specimens Tunnels No. of Specimens 1 P 44 40 L. tripunctata 2 1 L. tripunctata O C 0 0 1 1 L. Zigno2vir 2 P 14 14 L. tripunctata 0 2 2 L. tripunctata C 0 0. 0 4 P 0 0 1 1 Limnoria sp.

C 0 0 0 4A P 290 280 L. tripunctata 0 160 200 L. tripunctata C 0 0 115 100 L. tripunctata ce Sites 3, 5 through 17 - no Limnoria present.

P = Long-term panel, submerged 6 months.

C = Short-term paenis, submerged 1 month.

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9 Water _ Quality _

Salinity, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pit were determined with a liydrolab (Model II B), calibrated prior to each day's use. The results for March, April, and May, 1981 may be found in Tables 6 through 8.

Teredinid Conadal Development Studies Table 9 shows the gonad condition of the teredinid borers col-lected from January, February, March, and April, 1981. Included are results from pancis exposed for periods ranging from 6 to 12 months.

10 TABLE 6. WATER QUALITY AT EXPOSURE PANEL STATIONS, MARCII,1981 Depth 02 Strtion Date Time in Feet Salinity (o/co) Temperature (*C) (mg/1) pli 1- 3/10/81 0930 3.0 26.0 4.5 11.4 8.0 2 3/10/81 0950 2.0 24.0 5.0 11.4 7.8 3 3/10/81 1020 2.0. 25.0 4.5 11.2 8.0 4 3/9/81 1530 2.0 26.0 5.5 11.4 8.1 4A 3/9/81 1550 2.5 25.0 5.5 10.5 7.8 5 3/10/81 1040 2.5 22.0 8.5 12.0 8.0 6 3/9/81 1600 2.0 22.0 9.0 10.3 7.5 7 3/9/81 1615 2.5 22.0 9.5 12.0 7.6 8 3/9/81 1635 2.0 21.0 9.5 11.3 7.5 9 3/9/81 1650 2.0 20.0 5.5 10.8 7.5 10 3/9/81 1755 2.0 19.0 5.5 10.9 7.3 10A 3/9/81 1715 2.5 22.0 5.5 10.7 8.0 10B 3/9/81 1735 . 3.0 25.0 6.0 10.7 7.7 11 3/9/81 1740 2.0 22.0 5.5 10.8 7.7 12 3/9/81 1800 2.5 19.0 6.0' 10.9 7.1 13 3/10/81 1115 2.5 18.0 6.0 11.6 7.8 14 3/10/81 1135 2.0 20.0 5.0 11.0 8.0 15 3/9/81 1300 2.0 22.5 5.0 11.7 8.4 16 3/9/81 1350 2.0 15.0 5.5 12.6 7.9 17 3/9/81 1430 2.0 25.0 7.0 11.7 8.1

11 TABLE 7. WATER QUALITY AT EXPOSURE PANEL STATIONS, APRIL, 1981 Depth 02 Strtion Date Time in Feet Salinity (o/co) Temperature ('C) (mg/1) pil 1 4/6/81 1530 3.0 30.0 11.0 9.9 8.0 2 4/6/81 1555 2.0 27.0 11.0 10.3 7.9 3 4/6/81 1620 2.0 25.0 12.0 10.5 8.0 4 4/6/81 1640 2.5 27.0 13.0 9.9 7.8 4A 4/6/81 1650 2.5 26.0 13.0 9.8 7.9 5 4/7/81 1030 2.5 25.0 14.5 8.8 7.5 6 4/7/81 0915 2.5 25.0 14.0 8.6 7.4 7 4/7/81 0950 3.0 23.0 14.5 9.4 7.8 8 .4/6/81 1700 2.5 23.0 14.5 9.1 7.6 9 4/6/81 1720 2.5 25.0 12.0 9.1 7.8 10 4/6/81 1815 2.5 20.0 13.0 9.7 7.6 10A 4/6/81 1735 2.5 22.0 13.0 9.7 7.8 10B 4/6/81 1750 '

2.0 25.0 13.0 9.5 7.8 11 4/6/81 1800 2.0 25.0 12.0 9.6 7.9 12 4/6/81 1830 2.5 20.0 11.5 9.7 7.3 13 4/7/81 0845 2.5 10.0 8.5 10.4 7.3 14 4/7/81 0830 2.0 20.0 10.0 9.7 7.6 15 4/6/81 1235 2.0 22.0 12.5 8.4 7.5 16 4/6/81 1300 2.0 19.0 12.0 10.2 7.7 17 4/6/81 1345 2.0 26.0 11.0 10.2 7.8

r 12 TABLE 8. WATER QUALITY AT EXPOSURE PANEL STATIONS, MAY, 1981 Depth 02 Station Date Time in Feet Salinity (o/oo) Temperature (*C) (mg/1) pH 1 5/5/81 1507 4.0 30.6 12.8 7.3 7.8 2 5/5/81 1557 2.5 26.0 14.9 6.8 7.1 3 5/5/81 1426 3.0 25.8 15.9 6.6 7.6 4 5/5/81 1442 2.5 26.2 15.6 6.1 6.9 4A 5/5/81 1357 3.0 26.3 15.9 6.9 7.6 5 5/5/81 1027 2.0 25.0 15.4 6.5 7.1 6 5/5/81 1042 3.0 25.3 155.5 5.8 74 7 5/5/81 1057 2.5 24.8 14.5 6.3 7.4 8 5/5/81 1125 3.0 26.0 14.7 6.3 7.5 9 5/5/81 1142 4.0 26.3 14.7 6.1 7.5 10 5/5/81 0850 4.5 26.1 15.2 5.4 6.6 10A 5/5/81 0925 3.0 26.1 15.2 6.8 7.3 10n 5/5/81 0937 3.0 26.8 14.9 6.2 7.6 11 5/5/81 0955 2.0 26.9 14.5 6.2 7.0 12 5/4/81 1755 2.5 23.2 16.7 8.5 7.3 13 5/4/81 1727 3.0 22.2 17.7 9.1 7.4 14 5/4/81 1708 3.5 23.8 17.2 7.6 7.1 15 5/4/81 1450 3.0 25.7 15.0 9.3 7.3 16 5/4/81 1520 3.0 19.4 17.0 9.4 7.6 17 5/4/81 1550 1.5 29.4 17.4 9.2 7.4

13 TAs!.E 9 CONDITION OF CONADS OF TEREDINID BORERS REIOVED FROM EXPOSURE PANELS IN BARNEGAT BAY FROM JANUARY THROOCil APRIL, 1981 FA = Early L. Ive; IA = Late Active; R = Ripe; PS = Partially Spawned; S = Sper.t; M = Male; F = Female; H = Hermaphrodite Specimen Month No. Mos. Gonad

_No. Station Removed Exposed Spa,c t e s Sex Con.fttion Comments _

884a 5 Jan 81 6 arnkk youlli M S 6 Sznkia gouldi 'A S c bankia gouldi M S Many ciliates on gills; leukoeytosis a Sinkia gcutdi M S Lentocytic fact a (Linkia gauldi M S 885a 12 Jan 81 6 Amkia gouldi F S Lei.kacytic foci 6 52nkia goaldi M S c Sadia gouldi M S d 52nkia gouldi M S e bankia gouldi M S f n2nkia gouldi No discernable gonad g Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad h Sinkia gouldi M S L B1nkia goutli M S j ,32nkia gouldi No discernable gonad 86S 15 Jan 81 6 arnkia gouldi M S 887a 10A Jan 81 6 Sznkia pouldi No discernable gonad b 82nkia gouldi M S c Bznkia gouldi M S Cysts d Sad ia gouldi M S Leukocytosis, vacuolated leukocytes e Bankia gouldi M S Cysts f B2nkD2 gouldi M S Cysts; leukocytosis, vacu-clated leukocytes g Badia gouldi M- S Cysts; leukocytosis h Bankia gouldi M S Cysts; necrotic tissues, abscesses; leukocytosis i Sinkia gould! No discernable gonad; cysts j Ba dia gouldi F S Cysts; leukocytosis; necro-tic tissues 888 13 Jan 81 6 Sznkia gouldi No discernable gonad; leu-kocytic foci 889 9 Jan 81 6 Bankia got.ldi M S 890a 7 Jan 81 6 Bankia gouldi- F S b Bankia gouldi M S Leukocytosist vacuoliza-tion of leukocytes c Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad; leukocytic foci 891a 7 Jan 81 6 Tcredo hzrtachi F R Cytolysis of gonad;

  1. inchinia; larvae in brood pouch b Terulo hirtschi il PS c Teredo birtcchi F S boribund ?!inchinia d kwdo hrrtochi F S Necrotic; moribund Min-chinia e Teredo hsrtaa' F S i Teredo bartoshi M PS Necrotic g Tcredo h2rta,=h: F S h Terado h2rtschi No Jiscernable gonad i Ture b fortschi No discernable gonad; necrotic ,

3 Taredo b2rtashi It S Necrotic 892 6 Jan 81 6 Tarado bart w hi H S Necrotic

89) 14 Jan 81 6 Bankid gouldi M S Necrotic digestive tubules P00R ORIGINAL

O 14 TABLE 9 (cont inued)

Specimen Month No. Hon. Gonad No. Station Removed Fxpowd Specten Sex Cond it ion Comments 894a 11 Jan 81 6 82nkia goulds M S b Bankia gouldi ho discernable gonad; ne-crotic c Bankia gm4ldi H S Cysts; necrotic d Banhia goulds M S Cysts; necrotic e 82nkia goulli No discernable gonad; cysts i Bankia gou Mi i S g 81nkia gouldi H S h Sinkia gouldi H S i Banki42 gouldi No discernable gonad j Smkia gouldi No discernable gonad 895a 11 Jan 81 6 Teredo nwalla F EA

, b Teredo arsalia H S Minchinia; necrotic 396a 1 Jan 81 6 Teredo navalia H S Horibund Minchinia plas-modia b Teredo nantia V LA Minchinia c Terado navalia N $ Minchinia plasmodia d Teredo nasalis M EA Canad undergoing cytolysis, i not active; Minchinia e Teredo navalis K EA Horibund Minchinia i Tarado rur>1Lia M EA Minchinia; necrotic gonada probably not active g Teredo navalia H EA Moribund Minchinia; necrotic h Terado navalla H S Minchinia i Teredo navaila H Lk j Teredo rnavalia H S Min?hinia k Teredo ruwella H EA Horibuna Miwhinia; necrotic 1 Teredo nwalia M $ Minshinia plasmodia a Teredo ruzoatia Y LA Minchinia; necrotic n Teredo navalis No discernable gonad; Min.?hinia 897a 2 Jan 81 7 Teredo navalis Special panel; no dis-cernable gonad; necrotic b Teredo navalia H EA Minnhinia c Teredo nrJalia M EA Minchinia d Teredo na:?alis H EA Minchinia

. 893a 11 Jan 81 12 Bankia gouldi special panel; no dis-eernable gonad b Bankia gouldi H S Cysts; abscesses c Bankia couldi No discernable gonad d Bankia gouldi H S e Bankia gouldi H $

t Sinkia gouldi H S g Eankia gouldi i S Cysts h Bankia gouldi H S 1 Bankia gouldi H S j Binkia gouldi H S k Bankia gouldi H S Leukocytic foci 1 Bankia gouldi H S 899 7 Jan 81 12 Teredo nr><2tia H S Special panel; Minchinia 900a 7 Jan 81 12 Teredo bari.achi H S b Teredo bartachi H S 901a 7 Jan 81 12 Bankia gouldi special panel; no dis-cernable gonad; meta-plasia of typhlosole epithelium; vacuolir.ation of leukocytes P00R ORIGINAL


  • TABLE 9. (continued)

Specimen Month No. Mos. Gonad No. Station Removed Exposed Species Sex Condition Comments 90lb Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad c Bankia goulJi M S cyst d Bankia gouldi M S e Bankia gouldi M S Necrotic 902a 12 Jan 81 12 Banhia gouldi Special panel; no dis-cernable gonad b Bankia go/Jlli No discernable gonad c Banhia gouldi M S d Bankia gouldi M S e Bankia gouldi M S f Bankia go2Lli No discernable gonad; necrotic g dankia goaldi No discernable gmad; cysts; necrotic tissue h Bankia goaLli No discernable gonad; ,

necrotic j i Bankia goaldi No discernabic gonad; necrotic j ,Bankia goaLli M S Necrotic areas; leuko-cytic foci k Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad; necrotic areas 903 10A Feb 81 6 Tcredo rw>alis 11 S 904a 12 Feb 81 6 Bankia goaldi M S b Bankia goaLil No discernable gonad 905 5 Feb 81 6 Bankia M S Vacuolization cf connec-tive tissue 906a 7 Feb 81 6 Terado bartan i F S Minchinia plasmodia b Tereio bartschi H PS Early Larvae in brood peuch; few Mindlinia plasmodia 907a 14 Feb 81 6 Tcredo n2valia M EA b Teredo naullis M LA 9 08 s 11 Feb 81 6 Tem !o rW2alia V S

, r.c nia b Tewdo ruwalia M '

x ~:ia c TcNdo ru]alia M s

. d Teredo r:Jalia M s buhinia e Icredo rkrA1Lia F ec, early active f Teredo ncr>alia . d.scernable gonad; L e. 'nia ,

g Teredo nasalia M EA Minchtn I I'

909 11 Feb 81 6 Bankia goaldi (?) No discernabin gonad 910a 17 Feb 81 6 Teredo rkWalie M EA Necrotic b Teredo nTJaliB M EA NOCrotic c Tendo nxJalia M EA Miruhinia; necrotic d Temio n2Jalia M EA Minchinia; necrotic e Teredo najalia M EA Necrutic i Teredo rur]alia M EA Necrotic 911 13 Feb 81 6 Bankia gauldi M S 912a 1 Feb 81 6 Tcredo nr>atia 11 r.A b Tercdo naJali.s M PS Minchinia plasmodia (mostly moribund) c Teredo na*>alia 11 EA Conads undergoing cytoly-sis d Teredo n.rsalia 11 EA Leukocytosis of connec-tive tissue; Minchinia plasmodia e Tared <> nrJalia F LA Miruhinia g Teredo nrsalic si EA Miruhinia g Teredo n.nllis M EA h TCralo rkrJalia M EA t Teredo nrJ Zli3 t1 EA P00R ORIGINAL  ;

w- _

1 l

l 16 TABLE 9. (continued)

Specimen Month No. Mos. Gonad l No, Station Removed Fxposed Species Sex Condition tomments j 912j Teredo na9alis H EA Necrotic 4 k Teredo navalis M EA Necrotic 1 Tcredo navalis No discernable gonad; necrotic; Minohinia plasmodia m Terado nasalis M LA Necrotic; Minchinia plas-modia n Teredo navalis M tA Necrotic o Teredo navalis F S Necrotic p Teredo navalis No discernable gonad 913 12 Feb 81 12 Teredo navalia F S Specia janel; necrotic 914a 12 Feb 81 12 Bankia gouldi M S Special panel b Bankia gouldi S Blood sinuses clagged with ,

Leukocytes  !

c Bankia gouldi M S  ;

d Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad e Bankia pouldi No discernable gonal f Bankia goulds M S Blood sinusee clogged with

, leukocytes g Bankia gouldi M S h Bankia gouldi M S ,

i Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad l j Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad k Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad 1 Bankia gouldi M S 915a 11 Feb 81 12 Teredo naualis M EA Special panel; Minchinsa b Teredo navalis M EA Early Minchtnia plasmodia; extensive leukocytic invasion in mantle c Terado navali3 M EA Minohinia; extensive leu-kocytosis in mantle; necrotic tissues d Teredo navalis F S Nibchinia; extensive leu-kocytosis; necrosis 916a 11 Feb 81 12 Ba@ia gouldi M S Special panel; metaplasia, necrosis of digestive tubules b Bankia gouldi M S c Bankia gwidi M S d Bankia galdi No discernable gonad e Bankia gouldi M S ,

f Bankia gouldi M S l g Bankia gouldi M S l h Bankia g w idi M S '

i Bankia gouldi M S Leukocytic foci j Bankia goulds No discernable gonad; leukocyte plugs in blood sinuses k vankia gouldi No discernable gonad 1 Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad; leu-kocytic infiltration under mantle epithelium m Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad n ik2nkia gouldi No discernable gonad 917a 2 Feb 81 8 Tendo navalis H S Special panel; .hinia b Terado navalis M EA Moribund Minef nia plas-modia 918 7 Feb 81 12 Bankia gouuli Special panel; no dis-cernable gonad; necrosis 919 7 Feb 81 12 Teredo maalia F S Special panel; Minchinia necrotic 9204 1 Mar 81 6 Tcudo navalis No discernable gonad

_ b T m do navalia No discernable gonad P00R ORMNAL


17 TABLE 9. (continued)

Specimen Month No. Mos. Gonad No. Station Removed Exposed Species Sex Condition Comments 921a 9 Mar 81 6 Teredo bartschi M S b Teredo bart~ chi M S Moribund Ninchinia plas-modia c Teredo bartschi No discernable gonad d Teredo bartschi No discernable gonad e Teredo bartschi H S Early Minchinia plasmodta f Terado bartechi F S 8 Teredo lartschi No discernable gonad; cluster of unidentified cells in mantle; surrounded by leukocytes h Teredo bartechi V S i Teredo bartschi R S 922 1 Mar 81 6 Teredo navalis No discernable gonad ,

923a 11 Mar 81 12 Teredo nasalis M EA Special panel; Ninchinia I plasmodia b Teredo navalia M EA Minchinia; leukocytic foci c Teredo navalia M EA 924a 11 Mar 81 12 Bankia gouldi Special panel; no dis-cernable gonad b Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad c Bankia gouldi M S d Bankia gouldi M S e Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad f Bankia gouldi M S g Bankia gouldi M S h Bankia gouldi M S i Bankia gouldi No discirnable gonad J Bankia gouldi M S k Bankia gouldi M S 1 Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad a dankia gouldi No discernable gond ;

Minchinia spores in pall'al sinus i n Bankia gouldi M S l 925a 12 Mar 81 12 Bankia gouldi M S Special panel b Bankia gouldi M S c Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad; leu-kocytic inflitration into mantle; blood sinuses occluded d Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad, leu-kocytic inf11tration e Bankia douldi M S Occlusion of blood sinuses f Bankia gouldi Y S g Barthia gouldi M S h Bankia gouldi M S i Bankia gouldi M S Leukocytic inftitration into mantle j lekia gouldi No discernable gonad k Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad 1 Bankia gouldi M S a Bankia gouldi M S 926a 2 Mar 81 9 Teredo navalis M FA Social panel b Tcrelo navalis M EA Ninchinia; most tissues necrotic c Tersia navalia H S d Terado nasalia M S Minchinia; tissues necrotic 927 17 Mar 81 14 Terafo nmulis H S Special pancl; #inchinia; ne rotic P00R ORIGINAL

18 TABLE 9 (continued)

Specimen Month No. Mos. Canad No. Station Removed _ Exposed Species Sex Condition Comments 928a 17 Mar 81 12 Tcrada rkvalia M EA Special panel; Mirchinia; necrotic b Teredo n<walia P S Minchinia; necrotic c Terclo navalia M EA Early Minehinia plasmodia d Teredo ruralis No discernable gonad e Teredo nualla No discernable gonad; Minchinia

'f Teredo navalia M EA Minchinia g Teredo ru2 palls il S Minchinia 929a 17 var 81 13 Teredo navalis M S Special panet; Mirehinia b Tere.lo n.valia M S Minchinia c Te.eJo navalia It 5 Minchinia a Teredo navalia M S Minchinia 930a 12 Apr 81 L@ &znkia goubli M EA Special panel b Bankia gouldi M EA Leukocytosis; vacuo 11za-tion of some leukocytes c S2nkia gouldi M S d Bankia gouldi M EA e Bankia2 gouldi M S Leukocytosis; vacuo 11za-tion of leukocytes; necrosis i Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad; leukocytosis; vacuo 11za-tion of some leukocytes g Bank 02 gouldi M EA h Bankia goaldi M EA Leukocytosis i aznkia gouldi M EA j Bankia gouldi 30 discernable gonad; leukocytosis; vacuoliza '

tion of leukocytes k Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad; leukocytosis 1 Bankia gouL!i M S Leukocytosis a 32nkia gouldi M S Necrotic n Bankia gouldi M S Leukocytic foci in mantle o Bankia gouldi M EA p Bankia gouldi M EA q Bankia Jouldi No discernable gonad; leukocytosis; necrosis l r Bankia gouLil , M S Lev'.oc y t o sis I a Bankia goulli No discernable gonac I t Bankia gouldi M S l u R2nki2 goulli No discernable gonad; leukocytosis v Bankia gouldi M S Necrotic tissues u Bankia goubli M S x Sinkia gouldi No discernable gonad; old cysts 931 12 Apr 81 12 Bankid gouldi M S Special panet; necrotic, probably dead when fixed 932a 11 Apr 81 12 Terclo thralia Special panal; no dis-cernable gonad b Tercio ru?alia  !! EA c Tcre la naalia H EA M!nchini'z d Tercio nwalia M S Minchinia e Ter.:da n.walia M EA (lin*hinia; heavy tissue response f Tereda navalia M EA g TarMo n,walia V S MirA inia P00R ORIGINAL.

19 TABLE 9. (continued)

Specimen Month No. Mos. Conad

_ No . Station Removed Exposed Species Sex Condition Coment s 933a 11 April 81 12 Sari <ia gouldi M S Special panel b Bar:kia gouldi M S c Bankia gouldi M S Leukocytosis d Bankta gouldi M EA e Bankia gouldi M EA Digestive tubules distended, packed with vacuolated leukocytes; metaplasia of digestive tubules f Bankia gouldi M EA g Bankia gouldi M S h Bankia gouldi No discernable gonad; leukocytosis i Adk gmMi M S j Bankia gouldi w discernable gonad k Bankic goulli M S 1 Bankia gouldi M S m &dk gmMi M S 934 8 Apr 81 7 Teredo navalia F LA 935 7 Apr 81 12 Bankia gouldi M S Special panel 936a 17 Apr 81 12 Teredo navalis M S Special panel; Minchinia b Terada navalia M S Minchinia; tissue necrosis c Teredo navalia 11 S Min,'hinia; necrosis 937 7 Apr 81 12 Terado navalia 11 S Special panel; Minchinia; necrotic 933 7 Apr 81 6 Tcredo navalis M LA 939 2 Apr 81 12 Teredo navalla 11 S ,Special panel; Minchinia; j necrosis i


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