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Revised Licensed Operator Requalification Program
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/23/1980
Shared Package
ML19341A298 List:
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-1.A.2.3, TASK-TM NUDOCS 8101220553
Download: ML19341A300 (11)


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1. Section 2.1 - Revised to be consistent with 10CFR55, Appendix A.
2. Section 3.1 - Length of lecture series increased.
3. Section 3.1.2 - Paragraph added on using quizzes for evaluation purposes.
4. Section 3.2 - Add Step "d" - Plant operation drills
5. Section 3.2.1 - Control manipulations and emergency operation manipulations changed to meet the new criteria of NURIG 0737. The manipu-lations have been revised from NUREG 0737 to be applicable to the HIGR at Fort St. Vrain.
6. Section 3.2.2 - Step "b" changed on feedback of operating experience to operators.
7. Section 3.2.3 " Tech 31 cal Specifications" added to the title.

Step "b added - Plant operation drills Step "c" ddded - Classroom review Delete step referring to lectures by Shift Supervisors.

8. Section 4.0 - Change Revf ew Panel to be " Training Supervisor" and "Superinteident of Operations."

Step "b" (2) changed to conform to INPO's recommendations.

- Step "d" changed to read " Report sent to Administrative Services Manager."

Delete old step "d" on study assignments.

9. Section 5.0 . Add Step "b" - Annual oral exams Add Step "d" - Plant operation drills
10. Section 6.2 - Evaluation reported to Administrative Services Manager
11. Section 8.0 - New section on simulator testing
12. Section 9.0 - New section on instructor's qualifications
13. Some word changes have also been made within this program l to clarify wording or be more specific. Title changes ,

have also been made. l 8101220 3I2f}y

REQUALIFICATION PkCORAM 1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Licensed Operator Requalification Program at Fort St. Vrain is designed to maintain a high degree of knowledge and job proficiency as required by 10CFR50 and 10CFR55, Appendix A. The program will apply to NRC Licensed Operators, Senior Licensed Operators, and Special Senior Licensed Operators (fuel handlers). Special Senior Licensed Operators shall participate only in those portions of the program that are applicable to their specific licensed activities.

The Requalification Program will be conducted on a two-year cycle, divided into requalification year 1 and 2. Each requalification year runs from Memorial Day to Memorial Day.

The Training Supervisor has the responsibility and authority for implementing the Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program.

Licensed Personnel are exempt from those portions of the Requalification Program for which they have primary responsibility as part of their normal duties. For example:

a) Individuals who administer and grade examinations need not take the examination.

b) Individuals who prepare, revtew, and/or approve significant Facility' and procedure changes or Reportable Occurrences need not review them as part of requalification.

Individuals who are not normally engaged in actual control manipulations or directly supervise the actual control manipulation ("back-up" licenses) shall participate in all portions of the Requalification Program not included in their particular job duties. -

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2.0 REQUALIFICATION SCHEDULE 2.1 Licensed and Senior Licensed Operator's lectures are presented each requalification year between Labor Day and Memori'al Day. Lectures may be poscponed during periods of intense plant activity such as re-fueling or major shutdown. Lectures.shall be conducted in the following areas and should be tailored to include equipment and systens that have l

exhibited unusual operating problems and/or subjects that required tort-ification as determined by the previous annual requalification examinations.

'a) Theory and Principles of Operation b) General and Specific Plant Operating Characteristics including expected response to equipment failure c) Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems d) Plant Protection Systems e) Engineered Safety Systema, f) Normal, Abnormal and Emergency Procedures g) Radiation Control and Safety and Plant Chemistry h) Technical Specifications

1) Applicable portions of Title 10, Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regulations j) Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow and Thermodynamics k) Mitigation of F. idents involving a De;;raded Core 2.2 Special Senior License Operator's lectures will be conducted within b

the three months prior to the annual refueling outage. Lectures will be conducted in the following areas and will be tailored to include equipment and systems that have exhibited unusual operating problems and/or subjects that require fortification as determined by the previous annual requalifi-cation examinations.

_3-a) Reactor and Fuel Characteristics b) Equipment, Instrumentation and Design c) Procedures and Limitations d) Emergency Systems and Safety Devices e) Health Physics and Radiation Protection The requalification exam shall be administered at the conclusion of the lec-


ture series. The criteria for adequate performance for Special Senior Licensed Oparators will be the same as described in Section 4.

Prior to in-core fuel handling, each Special Senior Licensed Operator shall manipulate the controls of the fuel handling machine in moving new fuel to storage.

3.0 REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM STRUCTURE Licensed Operator Requalification Program shall be structured in two main sections which shall normally run concurrently. The implementation of any section or aspect thereof, may be delayed or rescheduled when the results of examinations indicate that s at other aspect required priority. The two main sections of the program are:

3.1 LECTURE SERIES The lecture series will be of an estimated length of 60 hours6.944444e-4 days <br />0.0167 hours <br />9.920635e-5 weeks <br />2.283e-5 months <br />, but in no case less than 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> each requalification year.

3.1.1 Lecture Series Attendance. l While it is intended that all licensed individuals shall attend all lecture series presentations, an individual nay be excused from attendance at specific itetures when subject matter is in the area of the individual's expertise or when the individual has demonstrated sufficient knowledge by attaining a minimum of 80%

i in the applicable category (s) of the previous year's annual written i

requalification examination.


3.1.2 Quizzes and/or Written Studv Assignments Quizzes and/or written study assignments will be administered period-ically for evaluation of individual knowledge and progress. A minimum grade of 80% is acceptable. Grsoms less than 80% will require additional -

training in the area (s) of weakness. Training Instructors will be ex-cused from taking those quizzes in subjects they have presented, quizzes they have prepared, or quizzes they have graded.


Periodic quizzes may also be used to evaluate those individuals who scored less than 80% in any category of the Requalification annual exam to assure they have acquired adequate knowledge in that category.


a) Performance of Reactivity Manipulation b) Significant Facility and Procedure Changes c) Abnormal and Emergency Procedure Review d) Plant Operation drills 3.2.1. Plant Controls and Emergency Maniculations ,

Over the two-year requalification period, all licensed individuals shall manipulate the plant controls for all manipulations listed below. All control or emergency operation manipulations, if not actually performed, must be simulated by a walk-through with, and evaluation by, a member of the Training Staff. Normal control manipulations such as reactor startups and shutdowns must be performed.

Control Manipulations ,

  • 1) Reactor startup with observable temperature feedback
  • 2) Reactor shutdown with observable temperature feedback
  • 4) Reactor power change of 10% or greater where load change is performed with load limit control or where flux, temperature, or circulator speed control is on manual


-Emirgency Opw : tion M nipulation,

5) Moisture inleakage
6) Reactor scram
7) Loop shutdown
8) Circulator trip
9) Abnormal power change
10) Main turbine emergencies
11) Extended loss of active core cooling
12) Abnormal radioactivity
13) Fire
14) Radiological alert or radiological emergency
15) Earthquake
16) Loss of instrument air header
17) Loss of hydraulic power
18) Loss of instrument bus
19) Loss of a DC bus
20) Steam leak or inadvertent opening of a main or hot reheat ,

steam relief valve

21) Loss of access to Control Room
22) Loss of HVAC to 480 Volt switchgear room
  • These manipulations must be performed on an annual basis; all other manipulations shall be performed at least once per two-year cycle.

3.2.2 Sienificant Facility and Procedure Changes and Operating Experience Feedback


a) All the licensed individuals are advised of significant changes to the Facility License, Facility Design and l l

Procedures by distribution of documents which state change and the basis for change. Licensed individuals cognizsnce of the changa is documented.


. t b) Operating experience feedback to licensed operators shall be conducted as specified in Plant Administrative Procedures.

c) Licensed individuals whose management function involves the prepration, review and/or approval of changes to the Pacility License, the physical plant modification or operating procedures are not required to take part in the training on these topics by the Licensed Operator Requalification Program.

- 3.2.3 Technical Specifications Abnormal and Emergency Procedure Review e

Annual review by licensed individuals of all Technical Specifications, Emergency Procedures and ALnormal Operating configurations is re-quired. The method of reviewing shall include an appropriate com- i bination of:

a) Walk-through of simulated emergency incidents corresponding to Reactivity and Emergency Manipulations of Section 3.2.1.

b) Plant operation drills c) Classroom review .

d) Individual study l

4.0 EVALUATION 4.1 The Review Panel a) An evaluation of the licensed individual's knowledge and skill shall be nade by a Review Panel. A Review Panel shall consi,st l

- . cf ths Training Supsrvicor and ths Supsrintendent of Op3ratiens or their delegates.

b) The Review Panel uses the technicques described in the following sections to evaluate each licensed individual's knowledge and skill. The Review Panel may recommend ene or more of the following courses of action:

1) Based on the annual examination grades, individuals may be excused from attending specific lectures.
2) Based on inferior performance in any area of the Requalification Program, licensed individuals may be directed to undertake an accelerated program tailored to the needs of the individual and administered by the Training Supervisor.
3) A licensed individual receiving a grade of less thts 70% in any requalification examination category or an overall grade of less than 80% shall be placed in an accelerated review program. Within three weeks of review of the annual written requalification examination, licensed individuals who receive .

less than 70% in any examination category or less than 80%

overall shall undergo an oral examination administered by a member of the training staff appointed by the Training Supervisor. The Training Supervisor shall notify the Administrative Services Manager and the Operations Manager of the oral and written examination results and provide a l recommendation regarding the licensed individual's removal from licensed duties.

c) Records of all Review Panel activities, evaluations, and deci-sions are maintained as part of the Licensed Operator Requalifi-cation Program documentation.

d) Report shall be submitted to the Administrative Services Manager.

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5.0 EIAMINATIONS The Licensed Operator Requalification Program includes:

a) Annual written examination b)- Annual oral examination

.c) Periodic written quizzes on the current subjects of the lecture series d) Plant operation drills e) In addition to forming part of the basis for evaluating the performance ,


of licensed individuals, the results of these examinations are used by the Training Supervise ; in classroom and on-the-job training de-scribed above. Changes in content and/or schedule may be made to upgrade licensed individual knowledge and skill as deemed adviseable by the Training Supervisor.

6.0 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 6.1 Routine Performance evaluat 'n documentation shall be reviewed a minimum of once each calendar year. ,

6.2 Special Following each review, a written evaluation of the licensed individual response shall be made by the Review Panel and retained in the appropriate training file. This evaluation shall be reported to the Administrative Services Manager.

If a licensed individual has been on duty during an incident involving use of an Emergency Procedure, his act'al u response shall be evaluated by the Shift Supervisor and the Superintendent of Operations. ,

l 6.3 Interviews The Review Panel nay conduct personal interviews with licensed indivi-duals to facilitate reaching a decision regarding the course of action to be recommended. .

Interviews are scheduled on an as-needed basis by the Review Panel. I i

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- Records of interview findings will be retained in the appropriate training file.

7.0 RECORDS Copie's of the following requalification records shall be cetained for two years following requalification program completion:

a) Lecture Attendance Records ,

b) . Topic Quizzes and Quiz Answers c) On-the-job Training Records

~d) Annual Written Examination and Answer Key e) Review Panel Evaluation f) Accelerated Training Programs (if assigned) g) License Personnel Graded Examinations and Quizzes E.0 SIMULATOR TRAININr (.' TESTINO No suitable simulator is available for requalification training and testing.

As an alternate to this requirement, the following training vill be conducted: ,

1) Increased emphasis will be placed on Plant Transients during the lecture series.
2) Annual requalification oral exams for all Reactor Operators and Senior Reactor Operators shall be given.
3) Training Instructors will simulate all reactivity and emergency conditions listed in Section 3.2 and walk through each of these manipulations with all Reactor' Operators and Senior Reactor Operators over a two-year period. If an operator has actually performed or supervised the performance of a manipulation satis-factorily, he will be given credit for perfor=ing that manipulation.

. 4) Plant operation drills will be periodically given on an individual or team basis and will be used to evaluate individual or team re- .

sponse to the drill conditions.

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_10-Each Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator shall be involved in a minimum of 5 drills / year.

9.0 INSTRUCTOR QUALIFICATIONS All instructors who teach systems, integrated responses and transients will have a Senior Reactor Operator License and will be enrolled in the Fort St.

Vrain Licensed Operator Requalification Program. Instructors may be excused f' rom those lectures, quizzes and exams which they have prepared, reviewed or presented.

Guest lecturers who are esperts in particular subjects vill not be required to have a Senior License.



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