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List of Challenges to Special Master'S Finding of Privilege. Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse, Perry  Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/27/1975
From: Aiuvalasit A, Berger M, Charno S
NUDOCS 8002120778
Download: ML19329C043 (8)



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The Toledo Edison Ccmpany -

The Cleveland Electric Illuminating -


Company- )

(Davis-Desse Nuclear Power Sta tion) Docket No 50-346A


The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, et al.

(Perry Plant, Units 1 and 2) Docket Nos. 50-440A and 50-441A LIST OF CHALLENGES TO THE SPECIAL MASTER'S FINDINGS CF PRIVILEGE Pursuant to Chairman Rigler's Order of, June 25, 1975, the Department of Justice herein submits its list of challenges to the Special Master's findings of privilege.

Category 1 At the outset, the Department of Justice requests that the Special Master rule on the following documents for which no ruling was given:

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. 20 83 164 177 520 536 538 539 565 586 783 785 787 797 ,

S33 2026 2034 .

2069 2074 2145 2158 3002 3032 3069 3077*

We also request that .the Master clarify his ruling as to the documents numbered 57, 843, 897, 2079 and 2083 for which privilege was both denied and granted.

Category 2 '

l The Department of Justice challenges the Master's finding )

1 of'the attorney-client privilege for the following documents for which the attorney , client privilege was not claimed:**


  • In Part 1 of Attachment 4, Dccument No. 2077 is listed twice, l the second listing occurring directly after Document No. 3070. l We assume that the second 2077 was intended to be 3077.
    • See Reply Memorandum of the Department of Justice on Applicants' Claims of Privilege, Part I.and Part I.A., and Memorandum of Points and Authorities of the Department of Justice with Regard to the Decision of the Special Master.


4 74 550 8 75 551 14 76 552 15 77 553 16 81 554 17 83 555 18 84 558 19 69 574 21 90 577 22 91 585 24 92 588 26 93 620 29 98 635 31 106 650 36 175 722 38 178 724 42 508 727 .

51 512 3047 52 -  ?.16 3054 53 519 3055 54 527 3060 ~

55 532 ~ 3061 58 537 3062 '

59 541 3063 62 542 3068 63 543 3072 67 544 3078 68 546 3079 69 547 70 548 72 549 Category 3

- The Department of Justice challenges the Master's finding of the " work product" privilege for the following documents for which the " work product" privilege was not claimed:*

  • See Memorandum of_ Points and Authorities of the Department of Justice with Regard to the Decision of the Special Master.


  • Q

'. 109 110 151 171 599 603 608 611 613 614 617 714 890

. 891 2053 2147 2161 2162 2163

  • 2164 2165 2166 -

3008 3013 3014 Category 4 The- Departme.nt of Justice challenges the. finding of the attorney-client privilege for the following documents for which Applicants waived privilege:*

598 877

. 888 Category 5 The Department of Justice challenges the findings of " work product" privilege for the following documents for which Appli-cants waived that. privilege.

  • See Reply Memorandum of the Department of Justice on Applicants' Claims of Privilege, Part I and Part I.A. and Memorandum of Points and Authorities'of Department of Justice with Regard to the Decision of the Special Master.


- 600 SOC

. 607 618

' Category 6 The Department of Justice challenges the finding of the attorney-client privilege for the following documents where, according to the infcrmation' supplied by the Applicants, neither the writer nor the recipient was an attorney:*

522 767 .

781 815 '

Category 7 ,

The Department of Justice also joins in the challenge to those documents challenged by the City of Cleveland in Category 2, Part A of. their List of Challenged Documents for -

the reasons given by the City of Cleveland.

Respectfully submitted, f )/

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STEVEN M. CHARNO f ~'k . /.2 is)l2v' 5ELVIN G. BERGER LA*nt ,  !> s .bs ANTHONY G. AIUVALASIT lj

!I. ((nu'.Y bbl!M (JANET R. URBAN


Attorneys, Antitrust Division j ,

Department of Justice June 27, 1975 Washington, D. C. 20530 l




The Toledo _gdison Ccmpany )

The Cleveland. Electric Illuminating )

Company )

(Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station) ) Docket No. 50-346A

) .

The Cleveland Electric Illuminating )

i Company, et al. ) Docket Nos. 50-440A (Perry Plant, Units 1 and 2) ) and 50-441A

, CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of LIST OF CHALLENGES TO THE SPECIAL FmSIER'S FINDINGS OF PRIVILEGE have been served upon all of the parties listed on the attachment hereto by deposit in the United States mail, first cidss, airmail, or by hand delivery, this 27th day of June 1975.

/?nd /f lbl h'A gANET R. URBAN _

Attorney, Antitrust Division Department of Justice I

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ATTACHMEMT Douglas Rigler, Esquire Benjamin H. Vogler, Esquire Chairman -

Roy F. Lessy, Jr., Esquire Atomio Safety *and Licensing Office of the General Counsel Board puclear negulatcry Commission Foley, Lardner, Hollabaugh Washington, D.C. 20555

& Jacobs 815 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Gerald Charnoff; Esquire Washington, D.C. 20006 William Bradford.Reynolds, Esquire John H. 3rebbia, Esquire Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge


Atomic Safety and Licensing 910 Seventeenth Stract, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20006 Board Alston, Miller & Gaines 1776 R Street, N.W.

Lee C. Howley, Esquire Washington, D.C. 20006 Vice President & General Counsel.

The Cleveland Electric John M. Frysiak, Esquire Illuminating Company .

Atomic Safety and Licensing Post Of fice Box 5000 .

Cleveland, Ohio 44101 Board Panel Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. '20555 Donald H. Hausar, Esquire Corporate Solicitor Atomic Safety and Licensing The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Ccmpany Board Panel Post Office Box 5000

. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 44101 20555 Cleveland, Ohio Washington, D.C.

John Lansdale, Jr., Esquire Frank W. Karl Cox, Langford & Brown Chief, Public rreceedings 21 Dupont Circle, N.W.  ;

Staff 20036 Office of the. Secretary Washingten, O.C.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chris Schraff, Esquire Washington, D.C. 20555 Office of Attorney General Abraham Braitman State of Ohio Office of Antitrust and State House Columbus, Ohio 43215 Indemnity j Nuclear Regulatory Commission Karen H. Adkins, Esquire Washington, D.C. 20555


  • Assistant Attorney General  :

l Herbert R. Whitting, Esquire Antitrust Section Robert D. Hart, Esquire 30 East Broad Street Law Department 15th Floor '

City Hall Cozumbus, Ohio .43215 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Leslie Henry, Esquire Reuben Goldberg, Esquire Fuller, Henry, Hodge David C. Hjelmfelt, Esquire & Snyder I

300 Madison Avenue


1700 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 43604 Toledo, Ohio Suite 550 Washington, D.C. 20006 .J l


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Th'omas A. Kayuha, Esquiro Ohio Edison Ccepany 47 North Main44308 strect Akron, Ohio .

David M. Olds, Esquire '

- Reed, Smith, Shaw & McClay 747 Union Trust Building Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 .

s ,.

Mr. Raymond Kudukis Director of Utilities

  • City of Cleveland .

1201 Lakeside Avenue '

Cleveland, Ohio 44114

  • Wallace L. Cuncan, Esquire Jon T. Brown, Esquire Duncan, Brown, Weinberg .

& Palmer 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue , *!.W.

Washington, D.C. 20006 -

Ecuarc A. Matto, esquire


Assistant Attorney Gancral Chief, Antitrust 5ection 30 East Broad Street .

15th Floor .

Columbus, Ohio 43215 Richard M. Firestone Assistant Attorney General Antitrust Section 30 East Broad Street 15th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 -

Victor F. Greenslade, Jr., Esquire Principal Staff Counsel The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company Post Office Box 5000 Cleveland, Ohio 44101 e

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