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Reactor Operator Training Programs.
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 07/28/1980
From: Barrett R, Garvey W, Sullivan J
Shared Package
ML19327A507 List:
NUDOCS 8008060287
Download: ML19327A511 (58)


7 '


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(ltyd*T* ,%fL?gf.; W9) 633-1951 P.O. BOX 338
  • 05731

.a va n.we a . a vs s.vem To: DISTRIRJTIC.N Sub je'et : pRG4ULGATION OF STATION TRA12'G A1: GIST 2ATION MANUAL This Training Ad=inistration '.:anual is 3rcraigated for use at the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Statien as of August 20, icTT. The training prcgra=s herein are approved by the Station Manager and are effective upon receipt.

This =anual has been promulgated as a ecntrollei distribution docu=ent. Space has been reserved for progra=s still being developed. Rese progra=s will be added by manual revisiens as they are ec=plete'. and ap;rcved.

The training programs will be revised as necessary. Preg-a= cr editorial changes of a minor nature =ay be made by the TraMing Supervisor. Majcr changes in the training progra=, or changes in philcsephy or objectives =ust be reviewed by the Oirector Station Administratics and authcrizei by the Statien Mansger. New prcgra=s =ust follow the same review and approval rcute.

Revisicas tc any prog e=s requiring review and/cr approval by an agency cutside the ec=pany, such as the U.S. Nuclear Reguistory Cc=ission, must have the sa=e review and approval as the original progra=.

Approved changes to the =anual vill be distributed via the Oyster Creek Docu=ent Centrol Center to the designated copy holders.

Recc==endations for changes to the =anual should be sub=itted on a " Station Centrolled Distribution Document Eequest" For 103-1. -

3U341TTED: [ < /Ib / /.I 2-Trainingf5upervisor / Date-k/ o aEv w Eo: R d. _ 2/a/m Director Station Ad=iniat^ tion < phe

  • Ap? ROVED: j -

D D \ EM. Y* Z0 h f Station Manag Date i aer. e 8008oeo##7


[ .~,.n 2 0 i

Letter of Frczulgation 11 Table of Centents iv Distribution y

List cf Tc =s, Figures, and Tables vi List of Iffective Pages 100 Sectien I IIGRODUCTICII Section II To BE PROVIDED Section III NRC LICEI;SD CFERATOR TRAri1IG 300 C;erator Licensing Frcgram 301-1 Senicr Operator Upgrade Fregram 302-1 Licensed Cperatcr Fequalification 303-1 SFECIALISD DELOYEE TRAIIEIG E00 Section IV Fire 3-igade Training hoo-1 Equipnent Operater Trsining h10-1 Mechanical Maintenance Training h16-1 Electrical Maintenance Training h17-1 Instn: cent and Centrol Technician Training h18-1 Crane Operator Training h21-1 1 Chenical Teclu11cian Training k32-1 ,

f 1

1 AF7D*DICIS References A-1 Fc ns 3-1

-- sev. 8


1. Statics Manager (ConferenceRocm)
2. Unit Superintendent 3 Training Supervisor
4. Training Staff 5 Plant Support Superintendent
6. Director of Station Administraticn 7

Chenical Supehtisor

8. Supervisor - Health Thysics 0 Site Quality Assurance Super /iser
10. Security Superviscr
11. Superviser - Station Operations (Control Rc:: Area)
12. Supervisor - Station Mechanical Maintenance 13 Superviser - Station Instrucent & Electrical Maintenance
14. JC?&L Director - persennel Developnent and Training a

O gey, 8 iv

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. . za FASE FTG Training Schedule (week) 3-2 Training Schedule (menth) 33 Training Schedule (year) 34 S1 ple [cpartnent Review Record 3-5 Sanple Written Exam Cover Sheet 3-6 SF-385, .Requalificatica Fregram Audit 3-7 SF-386, Training Frcgram Attendance 3-8 SF-387, Training Fregram Attendance 39 SF-383, Lecture Attendance Record 3 1o SF-369, Lecture Makeup 3_11 SF-390, Lecture Assignnent 3-12 SF-391, Training Frogram Critique 3 13 SF 401, On-the-Jcb Training Eecord 3 15 SF 401A, Control Manipulation Record 3_154 SF-kOl3, Centrol Manipulation Evaluation 3 153 SF kC2, Staff License Duties Record 3-16 SF-403, Licensed cr erator Ferfcrmance Evaluation 3-17 SF-kO4, Licensed 0;erator Cral Evaluation 3 13 SF h03, Energency Frocedure Review Record 3-26 SF h21, Application for Picture I.D. 3adge - Ststicn Ferscnnel 3-30 SF-k22, Orientation Training Check Sheet 3 31 SF h23, AFF11 cation for Picture I.D. 3adge - ncn-Statica Personnel 3-32 G

4 To 3e Frovided TA312S

n. _,.

References V -.A..

4 v

LIST o? ::::,IT/I PA3IS Rev. Inge Rev. 7sge gev, page Rev . - Fase Rev. Isse 8 303-14 8 h18-1 6 3-12 1 i 6 301-16 8 303-15 8 418-2 5 3-13 7 11 8 301-17 3-14 *

/ 8 303-16 8 418-3 5 111 301-18 8 h16-4 0 3-15 5 8 301-19 8 303-17 iv 8 h21-1 0 3-15A 8 y 8 302-1 8 303-18 8 h21-2 o 3-153 8 7 302-2 8 303-19 vi 8 h21-3 o 3-16 6 o 302-3 8 303-20 loo hoo o h21 h T 3-17 o 6 302 4 8 101 401-1 6 432-1 7 3-18 o 8 302-5 8 3co hol-2 6 432-2 6 3-19 o 8 302-6 , 8 301-1 8 Eci-3 6 432-3 6 3-20 o 301-2 8 302-7 hol-h 6 h32-4 6 3-21 o 8 303-1 8 301-3 8 h10-1 7 A-1 6 3-22 o 3o14 8 303-2 hic-2 7 3-1 o 3-23 o 8 3c3-3 8 301-5 3-2 o 3-24 o 8 303 4 8 410-3 7 301-6 8 h104 7 3-3 0 3-25 o 301-7 8 303-5 h16-1 6 3-4 o 3-26 4 8 303-6 8 301-8 E16-2 5 3-5 o 3-27 6 8 303-7 8 301-9 8 L16-3 5 3-6 o' 3-28 6 301-10 8 303-8 1 3-29 h 303-9 8 h164 0 3-7 301-u 8 417-1 6 3-8 7 3-30 o 8 303-10 8 301-12 3-9 7 3-31 o 8 303-11 8 417-2 5 301-13 ,

3-10 0 2-32 o 8 303-12 8 h17-3 5 301-14 8 kl7-4 0 3-11 o 301-15 8 30?-13

  • 7s.;e re=ved - Spee reserved vi 337, g

SFf'"10N III: NFC LICC: SED CPL ~ClIOR TRMNI'C Urder Federal Iaw certain requircrents concerning personnel e>perience, ani training must be met in conjunction with the operation of a nuclear pwer plant. Prior experience and education requirenents for key staff and operating personnel are delineated in ANSI standard N 18.1-1971. Title 10, Crapter 1, Code of Federal Fcgulations, Part 55 (10 GR 55) outlines the process of operator licensing and the required requalification program. ANSI N-18.1, 1971 also lists the inforration required to te presented to all e:nployees.

The progra-s in this section are the reans by v;hich the require ~ents of 10 T R 55 and ANSI 18.1, 1971'will be fulfilled at the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.


e 300 p,ey , 8


1. Purpose
2. Scope 3.a .Pcferences
4. Program Aininistration 4.1 Responsibilities 4.2 Fors Usage
5. Program Paquiranents 5.1 Participation 5.2 Schedule 5.3 Iectures 5.3.1 Topics 5.3.2 Iacture Atte. h e 5.3.3 Training Methods 5.3.4 Instructor Qualifications 5.4 Shift Training
  • 5.5 Simulator Training and Demonstration Certification
6. Alternative Training Programs 301-1 pay, o

.a Program: :Z Reactor Oparator Licensing Prcyram 4

1. Purcose:

This program provides training guidelines for exposure to theory, systems, regulaticns, procedures and practices for NRC Reactor Operator License candidates.

This program assum2s the candidate has no previous nuclear or pcwer plant training.

This program is intended to allow the candidate 'w upgrade required knowledge ard skills to a level necessary to cbtain an URC Reactor Operator license and to safely ard ca petently, operate the Oyster Creek Itclear Reactor.

This program is written to reet all presently existing U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Car. mission Fequirements. This program supersedes and replaces the earlier NRC approved program as describad in J. R. .sb1rar's Septe-bar 4,1975 letter to Mr. Paul F. Collins.

This program will be iglemented i=ediately and beccre effective upon foral approval by the bclear Regu'latory Ccanission. CMnges to this program, such as additieral NPC requirements, lecture title changes, or minor program alterations will not require forral NRC approval. Minor program alterations are changes to the program that result from lessons learned and operating experience. These are inteMed to igrove the program over the long term and will not result in Icwzing of standards belcra that are required by the IGC.

2. Scoce:

The requirements of this prcgram apply to all U.S. N.R.C. Ecactcr Q:erator candidates of the Oyster Creek bclear G3nerating Station. The program l

consists of a planned lecture series, on shift assign:,ent as an ex ra control exxn i l

cperator, sir:ulator training and simulator certification.

Lectures are to cover all NRC regaired topics.

i l

301-2 rav. 0

2e en shift assignment as an extra control rocm operator is intended to alloa tha candidate to apply the lessens learned in the lecture series. During <

this assig: rent tha candidate will upgrade his knoaledge of all plant. systems ard operations, especially as they relate to the control ~ room operator's job.

, .. The si::ulator training and simulator certification phase of this program is intended to provide the candidate with same practical operating experience and to satisfy the regairenents of the demonstration portion of the IE licensing examination.

3. Fefererces_

3.1 ANSI : 18.1 - 1971 3.2 JCP&L Operational Quality AssuraT.c Plan 3.3 10 C R 55 3.4 v*

..EG-0094 3.5 Harold R. Denton's -3/28/80 letter - qualifications of Reactor Operators


4. Program I& inistration 4.l' Fasponsibilities 4.1.1 Panacer of Trainira - The individual with overall responsibility -

f for the organization's training activities, including trai.dng


staff qualifications and the quality of training which is conducted.

4.1.2 Technical Training Manager - The individual respcnsible for the overall operation of technical training, including the planning and coordinaticn of technical, and tra assigr: ment and evaluation of technical training supengs and programs.

301-3 pa, o

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4 e

4.1.3 Surervisor Coerator Training - The iniividual responsible for the day to day cperation of the operator training organization,

- including the planning and schedulin, )f operator training, and the 'assigunent and evaluation of instructors. This 4

.j , individual's duties also include:

l. Scheduling topics to be covered in the lecture series.
2. Assigning lectures to appropriate departmnts or individuals.


3. Id:ninistering and grading of periodic tests and qui::zes.
4. Scheduling si:xlator time.

.5.. Scheduling hr examinations.

6. Scheduling on-shift assig: rents.
7. Pecccmeniing license candiantes be a&ninistered an !E 4


Peactor operator examination.


8. Scheduling :aedical examinations fer license cardidates.

4.1.4 The Supervisor-Station Operations is responsible for:

1. Assigning license candidates to shifts as an extra control roxa operator for training purposes.


- 2. Ensuring that license candidates are provided opportunities to actively participate, as trainees, in station operations.


4.1.5 The Group Shift Stpisors are resconsible for:

1. _ Providing guidance and assistance to license candidates during their on-shift assignnents.
2. Ensuring that license candWtes are provided opportunities to actively participate, as trainees, in station operations.

301-4 Fev. 0 4

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4 .1'. 6 - Assigned lecturers are responsible for lecture preparation, presentation, and with neeting the schedule.

4.1.7 Each reactor operator license candidate. is responsible for:

1. . System qualifications ,

/ ,

2. Making up missed lectures with the lecturers 3' . Maintaining a rword of on shift training activities, particularly.

those involving significant reactivity ranipulations.

4.2 Forms Usace Forrs are provided to document various aspects of the Licensing program.

Their use and disposition is given below. Fee of these forrs is i desired, but not rarriatory. Other ferrs or forrats ray be used to r.

fulfill the intended purposes.

4.2.1 SF-390, LTRJRE ASSIGNCE, is provided to promlgate 4

lecture a'ssigments to the designated lecturer or deret head. The form is not norrally retained.

4.2.2 SF-387,-LTIURE NITE! DANCE, is provided to record atterda.Te at a particular lecture, and is nomally maintained in the licensing program file._

4.2.3 SF-401, ON-TIE-JCB TPAINI'G EBCCRD, is provided to docurent J

4 the ecui;mt operation and reactivity changes performed by an individual and beccnes part of the individuals training file.

4.2.4 SF-403, LICE 3 SED OPEPXIOR PEREVIENCE E@Il& TION, is provided to accrent performance evaluatic:'.s and baccres a part-of the individual's training file.

301-5 Fev. 0

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- 4.2.5 SF-404, LICCSED CPEPATOR CPAL D.'ALGTION, is provided to dccment oral evaluations (walk-thru's) and Necrnes a part of the individual's training file.

.4.2.6- The program ex:urinations, along with any answar or grading

/ keys, are retained in the training program file. Each individual's grades _ are recorded an the exam cover sheet and L retained in his training file with copies of his answer sheets. Any quizzes are similarly retained.
5. Program Recuirmants_

-5.l' Participation _

[ The requirments of this program apply to all reactor operator license l


! 5.2 schedule l This program will be conducted as required to :neet the licensed operator

!- replacement needs of the station.

- This program will consist of a minu:um of 600 hours0.00694 days <br />0.167 hours <br />9.920635e-4 weeks <br />2.283e-4 months <br /> of lectures and a minimum of 520 hours0.00602 days <br />0.144 hours <br />8.597884e-4 weeks <br />1.9786e-4 months <br /> assigment of shift training as an extra person in the control' room..

Incture time includes the live instructor presentation, self-study / system

(- l trace out tire provided for in the schedule, examirations, and reviews.

l-l l  ? Assignment as an extra control room operator does not rean that the candidate reain within tha confines of. the control rocxn at all times. _ che en. shift assigment is: intended to provide the candidate with first hand aposure to the t

operation of the station. $nere will be tires that the candidate will leave the I control rocm in order .to participate in surveillances, testirg, sistem trace l

outs,. and other tasks that will. add to the candidate's kncwledge and ability to _


serve-as a control roan operator.

301 PC'v. 0 l

3 ,, _ ;m. ,,, * ,. .q m ' - l

ys l i

. . i

-l Tais prqam is designed to utiliza a SG simlator for a'dditional hands on training and also to satisfy the requirenents of the de~cnstration portion of the licensing examir. . ion. 'Ihe utilization of a simulator adds 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> of classrocm


lecture and hands on experience to this program. ,

/ 5.3 Iactures (600 hours0.00694 days <br />0.167 hours <br />9.920635e-4 weeks <br />2.283e-4 months <br /> minimum) 1 This portion cf the program will consist of lectures given' by plant staff and/or contractors and supple ented by video tapes.

5.3.1 Topics The following topics will be included in the lecture series.


other topics may be included at the discretion of the Sup d sor Operator Training. Tne hours rec m M ed for each area are provided for guidance. The actual concentration, in hours, for each area may vary to meet the specific needs of the class being

-trained.' Assigned instructors shall meet tM gaalification requirements of Section 5.3.4 of this program.

- Academic FuMamentals s00 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br />)

a. Mathratics (such as)
1) Number systems 4
2) Algebraic Expressions and Cyrations
3) Algebraic Maations
4) Icgarit.5s and Icgarithnic 'D:pressions
5) Graphing
6) Gecraetry

- 71 Introduction to'Trigencmetry -

'b. Concepts in Physics (such as)

1) Units and Unit Corriersion
2) Fork, Energy at r e

+ -301-7 -Fa. 0 e _ - m _



  • ,4 e

- 3) Atcmic Nucleus

4) Fass Energy RIuivalence
5) Binding Energy and Nuclear Fission ,

P 6)L Nuclear Stability g4 7) Linear Fbtion

8) Coulats Iaw and the Electron Volt
9) Radioactive Decay.
10) Nuclear Reactions
11) Nuclear Cross Sections 12)- Interaction of Fadiation with I'atter
13) Introduction to Reactor Theory I c. Heat Transfer Fundamentals (such as).
1) Concepts in Energy
2) Properties of a Substance
3) Temperature and the Ideal Gas
4) hbrk and Heat
5) Introduction to Steam Tables

- 6) First law of Tnermodyramics

- -7) P-V Diagrams

8) Internal Energy
9) _ ~Enthalpy
10) Conservation of yass and Energy -
11) Second Iaw of Themodyramics
12) Carnot Cycle -
13) Entropy as a Property
14) T-S Diagrams l


301-8 Rev. 0 l l

1 i

f f


15) Vapor Power Cycles
16) Fluid Flow
17) Bernrdlli's B;uation
d. P.aivers Any of the 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> of academic funda. rentals


training my be waived providing all of the following conditicns are satisfied.

1) The trainee has had prior schooling in the topic (s) (such as naq nuclear, college or other technical schooling).
2) The trainee has satisfactorily passed

(>70%) an exrination covering the topic (s) to be waived.

The Suce.rvisor CWrator Training grants 3) the waiver of the tcpic(s) . This waiver

..ust be in writing and mde a part of the traince's licensing training file. BWR Plant Fundarentals (100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br />)

a. EG Heat Trar.sfer (such as)
1) Heat Transfer Fir 3nnisms
2) Fundamntals of Fluid Flos ,
3) Pool Boiling
4) Heat Transfer Pegies in the ENR
5) Em Therm 1 Hydraulics .
6) Core Orificing 301-9 Rev. 0



7) Critical Fo er
8) LH3R
9) Peaking Factors
11) Heat Salances as.
b. Em gerating Characteristics (such as)
1) Plant Startup and Shut &>T1
2) Integrated Cnarations
3) Safety Jr.alysis/ Transients
4) Safety Analysis / Accidents
5) 'IMI-2 and the 3 3
6) Technical Specifications
7) Selected Review

'c. Feactor 'Iheory (such as)

1) Neutron Multiplication
2) Reactivity
3) Reactivity Coefficients
4) Rod Worth
5) Subcritical Maltiplication
6) Fission Product Poiscrs
7) Openting Characteristics ard Reactor ]

Physics l l Oyster Creek Systes (250 hours0.00289 days <br />0.0694 hours <br />4.133598e-4 weeks <br />9.5125e-5 months <br />)


a. 'Ite following systers will be covered in the i l



lecture series

1) Print Reading
2) Sysixn Cieckcut Guid3 1

301-10 .oz. 0

- 3). Plant Electrical

. . , 4) N.S.S.S.

5) Recirculation Systan
6) Facirc. Flow Control
#- 7) CFD ard CFD Hydraulics
8) Main Steam
9) Air Ejector ard Off Gas
10) Feedwater and Condensate i . 11) Feactor Invel and Feed'*3ter Control
12) Vital Electrical Power
13) D.C. Electrical Power -


14) S'A' Diesel Generators
15) Cleanup Recire. System
16) Shutdown Cooling Sys's
17) Prirary Centaiment
18) Secondary Containw.t & SGTS
19) Fire Protection Systen

- 20) . Reactor Protection : System 7

. 21) Peactor Manual Controls

22) Pod Worth Minimizer
23) Nuclear Inst:tT.ntation
  • _24) C Te Spray Systan
25) Auto Depressurization Systan


26) Contairrent Spray and Ed d
27) Isolation Condensers 29)- Liquid-Poison ,

301-11 . Fet. 0 J. i.; - \ '

, , .,a. , , . - . , , .


29) Nitrogen Inerting.
30) Additional Engineered Safeguards w

.31) TBCCd

32) Service Water
/- 33) RBC04

.34) Circulating Water and Dilution l


I 35) Turbine and Turbine Auxiliaries 4

36) Turbine Controls

- 37) Instrument aM Service Air

38) Fuel Handling
39) Augmented off Gas

' 40) Radwaste Systems

! Se above lectures are const.ructed with the reis of the control rcon operator in mind. Each lecture provides the follcwing:

, 1) Systems function

2) Systen description
3) Major Ccr1ponent Im.ation
4) . Instnrnntation and Alarms
5) License and Procedure Pcquiremnts
6) operating precautions and limitations
7) Surveillance reqdrecents
8) Nor:ral and abnormal cperation Padiation Protection and Safety (30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />) a .' . . We following tcpics will be included ni' this area
1) Area Nbtion bbnitors

, i l'

Rev. O.

'301-12 I

, ,. . - , . .---..;.e -..i n -- -

2) Process Radiation :bnitors
3) Padiation conta:nination - Units and Sources
4) Procedure 915 - Oyster Creek D<pesure J


5) Procedure 905 - Radiation Energeries
6) Code of Federal Regulations a.
7) Oyster Creek D:ployee Orientation Nonnal and Emrgency Procedures (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />)
  • a. The folicwing will be included as part of  ;

i specific system lectures, as separate lectures,


or by self study.

F '

1) hhinistrative Procedures (100 series)
2) Station Daergency Procedures (500 series)
3) Integrated Plant Procedures (200 series)
4) System Operating Procedures (300 series)
5) Station D:ergen~.y Plan
b. 'Ihe 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> suggested for this tcpic includes only classroca specifically scheduled for these subjects. 'Ibe I actual program dedicated to this area is significantly greater due to on- .

shift study tim. e and the study of nonnal

.and e::ergency procedures in the systens portion of the lecture series.

t I ,

.301-13 Fev. 0 'l L

, m - p. y ,, ..- Operating Characteristics (40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> a.

The follcwing will be included as e

,. lectures or as part of the ERP O J Characteristics lecture series .


Plant transients

  • 2) resign Basis ;ccidents - FDSAR*


Tne Operator's Pesponse in

. 4)

Shart Period Scra s 5)

Cyster Creek 5/2/79 Reent

  • 20 hours includcd in EG C series Revies Progra:rs a.

Pre-Sirulator Training (16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />)

1) Theory 2)

Control Pcran Operations 3)

Startr7 and shutdan 4)

Revica of D ergency Procedures b.

Pre-NRC B: amination Training (80 ho 1) urs)

Tc.cory 2)

Control Rcem CirJations .


Rcactor startup and shutdwn 4) 5)

Sir:ulated NRC License Ec 6)

Sinulated NBC License 'a;IbJ .

Revies of weak areas 7)

Oparating License and :'echnical S pecif i

301-14 \

Rev. O i l


o 5.3.2 Ia:ture Series Attendance All license candidates should attend every pre-planned lecture.

Absence of personnel frcrn a presented lecture rcquires tPat


the lecture be rade up by rescheduling lecture attendance or byutilizingself-stuEyanddiscussionwithappropriate individuals designated by the Supervisor Operator Training.

The absentee should be required to pass a written ereniration covering the mterial presented during the missed lecture.

5.3.3 Training Fathods_

The pre-planned lecture series shall use a forral traimng rathod supported by properly prepared lesson plans and shall be presented by qualified instructors. Lecture Presentation For each training session in the lecture series, a lesson plan should be prepared in accordance with a predetermined forrat and


should be revical by desig.vted knowledgeable personnel.

The incorporation of trai d ng aids s'xh as trainee handouts, fibns, slides, :nodels, transparancies, and videotape presentations is encouraged. Tra lessen plan will bxcne the reference source for the inferration ccriered durirg 9a lecture and should be 301-15 Rev. O i

~ 1 l


retained as part of the progran records.

In the event that videotape or fib presentations are used, an instructor shall be available to

.j embellish, explain, or ecphasize the subject material and to respond to any questions or ccr.1 rents frcm the trainees either during or imediately after the presentation.

The lecture presentation should be conducted in a forml classroom enviro:rnent.

5.3.4 _

Instructor Qualfications Instructors assigned to deliver lectures or conduct training sessions in Hot Licensing progra:n shall be assigned by the Supervisor Operator Training. Such instructors shall possess

- expertise cn the subject matter to be presented.

Instructors who conduct Licensed Operator training sessiens on any of the follcwing topics / systems shall damnstrate their ccmpetence to conduct such training by successful copletion of a IGC senior operator examination.'

Topics /systens requiring SRO siuivalent capetency:

1) Contairmnt Spray System
2) Cordensato System
3) Fedeater Systra 301-16  ? N. O
4) Stardby Diesel Cenerators
5) .D.C. Electrical System
6) Shutdown Cooling System 7)

Reactor Cleanup Facire. Systs .

8) Nuclear Steam Supply Syst m
i Control Pod Drive and Pydraulics Sy


10) Standby Liquid control Syst a
11) Isolation Condenser Syst e
12) Core Spray Syst m
13) Auto:tatic Depressurization Systa
14) Primary Containnant System 15)

Secondary Contaira nt System

'16) Fain Steam System 17)

Standby Gas Treat:nent System

18) Vital Electrical System
19) Nuclear Instrmentation Syst e
20) Process Fadiar. ion bbnitoring Syst :
21) Reactor Protection System
22) Rod Worth Minimizer
23) Traversing In-Core Probe Syste::

< .~ -

24) Peactor Manual Controls System 25)

Station Transient Pasponse Fral'j I

Individuals with considerable espert:

FmE-conduct training on tha alcve topics is obtained frcm the Supervisor Oper :

SPO certified individual is present~

301-17 s .

4 -.

,,p,- -- --m , gn,, ,--,-- -

i a

5.4 Shift Training (520 hours0.00602 days <br />0.144 hours <br />8.597884e-4 weeks <br />1.9786e-4 months <br /> minir.un)

This sc: tion of the program requires that the license candidates be plac.d on shift as an e):tra parson in the control roam.

During this period the candidate will be " checked out" cn

.j systms and becare familiar with control roan surveillance tests and operations. Under the direction of the licensed senior reactor operator a:d control rocm operator on duty, the candida*a will perform or assist in the perforrance of control room cyclutions required during the on shift assignment.

Each cWidate will be provided the omrtunity to participate in station operations involving reactivity ranipulations of a significant nature. 'Ihe lecture schedule and/or shift schdules will 'm modified, during such operations, to allcw for such involycrent.

Exarplas of station operations which involve significant reactivity ranipulations include the following:

(1) Control rod ranipulation accmplishing (a) Startup to point of adding heat. .

(b) Heatup or cooldan of approxirately 50* F.

(c) F.eactor shutdckn. .

(d) Pwer changes of ten (10) percent or greater.

(2) F.ecirculation flow charges to effect pmr changes of ten -

(10) percent or creater.

l I

301-18 Fei. O i 1

0 s

(3)~ Turbine startup or shutdcun.

(4) . Shutdown rargin checks. - ,

4 (5) Plant and reactor operations that involve energency or transient procedures where reactivity is changing including reactor scrars

./ and subsequent activities.

. (6) ~ Control rod insertion tire tests.

(7) Fefueling operations store fuel is moved in the core.

(8) A gradual ranual recirculation ficw change of ten (10) percent or greater balanced by control rod novement to hold reactor power steady.

(9) Any special test or other evolution wttich changes reactor power by ten (10) percent or greater.

5.5 Sinulator Traininc and lyronstration Certification This portion will cc5sist of one week of sirulator training at the General Electric Sinulator, Forris, Illinois, at which tire the applicant will sit for certification by the General Electric simulator training center staff or by an hT examiner. The certification will attest to the applicants':

a. Ability to ranipulate the controls a:xi keep the reactor under control during a reactor startup;
b. Ability to predict instrument response and use the insinrentation during a reactor startup;
c. Ability to follow the facility startup procedure, and;

-d. . Ability to explain alares and annunciators that ray occur during


  1. this operation.

6.0 ' Alternate Training Procrars_

- The JCP&L Cc~i,any ray replace the ab37e prygram require ents w-ith an alterrative program furnished by a vendor or consultant providM it has been approved by tra ST fcr Oysrar C-cek.


' 301-19 Fev. 0


1. ,. Purpose
2. Scope 3.. References .
4. Program Idminis*J :2 tion 4.1 Ecsponsibilities 4.2 _ For:rs Usage
5. Program Pcquircrants 5.1 Participation 5.2 Schedule 5.3 Self Sttdy Progra-s 5.3.1 Topics 5.4 Progress Quizzes 5.4.1 Quiz Sta.* rds 5.5 Suppleaental Iectures .

5.5.1 Supple:nental I4cture Olizzes 5.5.2 Supplanental Ircture Quiz Standards 5.6 Shift Training

6. Alternative Training Prc>grras F4:"/. 0 302-1



This program provides trainire guidelines for exposure to theory, systems, regulations, procedures, and practices for NBC Senior Peactor Operator This program assumes the candidate has 4 years of

/ ' License candidates.

resp nsible power plant experience, as required by reference 3.5, and has held an NBC Operator's license for a minimem of one year. ,

This program is intended to allow the candidate to upgrade required kncUledge

.and skills frcm that of a reactor operator to a level necessary to obtain an NBC Senior Beactor Operator Lice:ise and to safely and canpetently serve

- in that capcity at the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. _ - -


The requirements of this program apply to all U.S.N.R.C. Senior Reactor i Operator License candidates of the Oyster Creek Naclear Generating Station.

This program consists of a structured self-study program, on shift assignment as an e.xtra person in the control room, progress quizzes, and a supplecental

. lecture program to meet deficiencies identified by the progress quizzes.

The on-shift training a,ssignment as an extra person in the control room is

' intended to permit the candidate to upgrade his cperations and administrative knowledge to that necessary to serve as a senior reactor operator.

'i . REFEREr5:

3.1 ANSI N-18.1 - 1971 3.2 JCP&L Operational Quality Assurance Plan 3.3 10 CFR 55 3.4 NLTE-0094 3.5 Harold R. Denton's 3/28/80 letter - qualifications of Reactor (parators 4.. PROGPAM ADMINISTPATION_

4.1. Resconsibilities_ -

4.1.l~ Manager of Training - The individual with cverall responsibility

- for the organization's training activities, inc19IIs training staff qualifications and the quality of training Wich is conducted.

302-2 re:. 0 6


p 4

4.1.2 Technical Traininc Ibnacer - The individual responsible for tne overall operation of Technical training, including the planning and coordination of Tcchnical Training, and the assigment and evaluation of technical training suprvisors

' ard programs.

. "4 .1. 3 Supervisor Operator Training - The individual responsible

-for the day-to-day operation of the operator training organization, including the planning and scheduling of-operator training,

i and the assigment and evaluation of instructors. This individual's duties also include


1.- Atninistering and grading of progress quizzes.

2. Scheduling supplemental lectures to reet needs identified by progress quizzes.

. 3. Assigning lectures to appropriate departrents or individuals.

4. Scheduling 1E examinations.
5. Scheduling on-shift assig=ents.
6. Tecomending license candidates be aininistered an IE senior Tscacter Operator'c.2.mination.


7. Scheduling medical examinations for license candidates.

4.1.4 The Supervisor-Station Cperations is responsible for:

1. Assigning license candidates to shifts as an extra control roan operator for training purposes.
2. Ensuring that license candidates are provided Owcnunities to actively participate, as trainees, in station operations.

4 .1. 5 ~ IThe Group Shift Supervisors are responsible for:

1. Providing guidance and assistance to license candidates during their on-shift assigments.

2.- Ensuring that license candidates are provided opportunities to actively participate, as trainees, in station aparations.

4.1. 6' Assigned lecturers are responsible for lecture preparation, presentation, and with reeting the schedule.

4.1.7 Each Senior reactor operator license candidate is resp'o nsible for:

1. Systan qualifications 302-3 Fev. 0



r .

I  %

2. Paintaining satisfactory self study progress

' 3. Paintaining a record of cn shift training activities, particularly those involving significant reactivity reanipulations.

4.2 For:rs Usage

! #' Forms are provided to docunent various aspects of the Licensing program.


' Their use and disposition is given below. Use of these fems is desired, but not nardatory. Other for:ns or femats :ay be used to*

t falfill the intended purposes. .

t 4.2.1 SF-390, LirIUPE ASSIG:m, is provided to pramulgate lecture assignments to the designated lecturer or departrent head.

- The form is not nomally retained.

4.2.2 SF-387,- LammE A7FENDTdCE, is provided to record attendance at a particular lecture, and is nor: ally retained in the regaalification program file.

'4.2.3 SF-401, ON-TdE-JOB TPAINEG PSCCRD, is provided to docurent the egaiprent operation and reactivity changes parforned by an individual and becones a part of the individual's training file.

4.2.4 SF-403, LICE:: SED CPERATOR PEPEOPENCE EVALIATION, is provided to document perfomance evaluations and baccmes a part of the individual's training file.

4.2.5 SF-404, LICD; SED OPERATOR OPAL LVALUATION, is provided to documnt cral esaluations (walk-thru's) and bx: anes a part j ,

of the individual's training file.

4.2.6 The program examirations, along with a
ry ars ar or grading keys,~are retained in the training program file. Each l individual's grades are recorded on t'T exam cover sheet and retained in his training file with copies of his anser sheets. My quizzes are similarly retained.


5.. Procram Fecuirements. ,

! 5.1 Participaticn The rapiramnts of this prcgram apply to all Senior reactor oper'ator license candidates.


Pav. 0 l j


5.2 ' Schedule This program will be conducted as required to neet the licensed senior operator replacement needs of the station.

This program will consist of a minimum of 160 hours0.00185 days <br />0.0444 hours <br />2.645503e-4 weeks <br />6.088e-5 months <br /> of self study assig=ent and a minimum of 520 hours0.00602 days <br />0.144 hours <br />8.597884e-4 weeks <br />1.9786e-4 months <br /> assigreent of shift tr'aining as a /. an extra person in the control rom.

Assigment as an extra cobtrol rocra operator dces not nean that the candidate remain within the confines of the control rom at all tines.

The on shift 'assigreent is inteMed to provide the candidate with first hand exposure to the operation of the station. There win be times that the candidate will leave the control rom in order to participate in surveillances, testing, system trace outs, and other l

tasks that will add to the candidate's knculedge and ability to serve as a Senior Reactor Operator.

5.3 Self Study Prcgram (Minimum 160 hours0.00185 days <br />0.0444 hours <br />2.645503e-4 weeks <br />6.088e-5 months <br />)

This portion of the program will consist of a structured self study ^

program augnented by supplemental lectures as required.

5.3.1 Topics All topics outlined in section 5.3.1 of part 301 (Reactor Operator Licensing Program) of this manual are to be included.

The actual concentrations, in hours, for each area will vary as required by the individual needs of each candidate.

5.4 Progress Quizzes

.Each candidate will be required to take quizzes during the self study program. These quizzes will be designed to test the candidate's k:naledge and progress during the structured self study program. The level of questioning on each tcpic shall be consistent with the SRO level.

5.4.1 Quis Standards .

Quizzes should be evaluated at the SRO level and a grade determined for each trainee. A perforrance standard of 80%

or acre shall be established for each quiz. Trainees @ l do not neet this performnce standard should ccrcolete a


renedial review process consisting of:

1) Trainee review of the su' p- av.erial covered by the progress quiz.
2) Trainee review of a; maw;. reference material with a nerber of the traini;g statt. l 302-5 Rev. 0 1

x . _


3) The trainee shall undergo another written cuiz or an oral evaluation administered by the Supervisor Operator tra'ining or his designee.

If the reexamination is ccepleted ' satisfactorily, the caMidate should receive credit for passing the quiz. If the reexamination is unsatisfactory, a supplemental training lecture -on the subject material shall be conducted to correct the identified

  1. deficiency.

5.5 Supplemental Iactures -

Supplemental lectures will be prepared and presen'ad to meet any special needs of the candidate. Special needs are those identified by the progress quizzes and/or by plant modifications, operating problems, industry operating experience, or from other sources as determined by the Supervisor Operator Training.

5.5.1 Supplemental Incture Quizzes After each supplemntal lecture all candidates shall take a quiz in order to determine training effectiveness.

5.5.2 ' Supplemental Incture Quiz Standards The standards of section 5.4.1 shall apply. If a trainee is unable to successfully meet this staMard, a reeting between the Supervisor Operator Training, the candidate's functional supervisor, and the candidate shall take place.

At this meeting a determination shall te rade to either:

1. Extend the candidate's program to correct the deficiency, or
2. _ Drop the candidate frcm the program.

5.6 Shift Training (520 hours0.00602 days <br />0.144 hours <br />8.597884e-4 weeks <br />1.9786e-4 months <br /> mininu:n)

This portion of the program r@es that the license candidates be placed on shift as an extra person in the control room. Daring this period the candidate will review actual plant cperations and beccme familiar with co =ol room a&ninistration and operations. Under the direction of the licensed senior reactor operatcr and control room operator on _ duty, the candidate will perform or assist in the perforra:x:e of control roca evolutions required during the on shift assig: rents.

Each candidate will be provided the opportunity to participate in' station operations involving reactivity ranipulations of a significant nature.

Exanples of' station operations which involve significant reactivity ranipalations include the follcwi~. g:

-302-6 Rev. 0 t

D ' . , , . ,


.(1) Control rod ranipulation acccarplishing (a) Startup to point of M M ng heat.

(b) - Heatup or cooldwn of- approximately 50* F.

(c) Reactor Shutdown (d) Power changes of- ten (10) percent or greater.

(2) Recirculation flow changes to effect pomr changes of ten (10)

. percent or greater. -

(3) Turbine startup or shutdown. -

(4) Shutdown :rargin checks.

(5) Plant and reactor operations that involve energency or transient-procedures where reactivity is changing including reactor scrams and subsequent activities.

(6) Control rod insertion time tests.

(7) Refueling operations where fuel is noved in the core.

(8) A gradual ranual recirculation ficw change of ten (10) parcent or -

greater balanced by control rod ncvement to hold reactor pwer steady.

(9) Any special test or other evolution which changes reactor ucw_r '

by ten (10)' percent or greater.

6. . . Alternative Training Procrars The JCP&L CC::pany tray replace the above program recurremnts with an alternative program furnished by a vendor or consultant provided it has -

' been approved by the NFC for Oyster Creek.

i j

302-7 rav, o

+ew - e a .2 ,

y ..




1. Purpose

2.. . Scope.

3. References


'4. Program Administration 4.1 Responsibilities i 4.2 Forms Usage

5. Program Paqairements 5.L Participation i- 5.2 - Schedule -

5.3 Iacture Series .

Y '

5.3.1 Topics t

' 5.3.2. Lecture Series Attendance 5.3.3 Training Methods 5.3.4. Lecture Series Quizzes 5.3.5 Instructor Ocalifications 5.4:' Skills Training

-5.4.1 - Reactivity Fanipulations and Plant E'elutions ,

5.4.2 Knowledge of Plant Sys'w:rs

'5.4.3 Knowledge of Facility Design, Procedure Changes, and Facility . License Ganges .

6. An:nal Requalification Examiration 4

6.l~ A"cual Written Examination

-6.1.1- Written E>aiation Centent ,

6 .1. 2 - Written D2miratica .1&inistrarion g .- 6.1.3- Ecmir.ation Perforrance Standards 4

'303-1 Pav. 8-



.- +-

6.2 Annual Oral Evaluation 6.2.1 . Ora'l Evaluation Con

  • ant

'6.2.2 ^ Oral Evaluation Administration .

.,,- 6.2.3:

Oral Evaluation Stardards

7. Special Retraining Programs. -

7.1" Accelerated Beg'alification Program -.

. 7.1.1 Required Attendance 7.1.2 _ Program Content

' 7 .1. 3 . . Program Administration 7.1.4 Perforrance- Standards 7.2 Inactive Status Retraining' 7.3 Newly Licensed Individuals

.8. Alternative Training Progra:'s 303-2. 33y, 3-L.: ._



This continuing _ requalification program for licensed operators and senior operators is designed to raintain operator. readiness and proficiency in the quest for continued safe operation. In particular, it will aid licensed personnel to prcperly respond to abnormal and crergency situations in tFa unlikely event-that an accident ray occur during the operation of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.

Tbd lecture series is~ a classroczn presentation which provides the licensed personnel with the details of operational information related to the Cyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. -

On-the-job training is designed to insure that all licensed personnel Records ogerate reactor controls and participate in rajor pat evolutions.

of all on-shift perforrance are maintained and pariodically reviewed by the Supervisor Operator Training.

The Annual evaluation examinations simulate the written and oral examinations achinistered by the Nuclear Regulatory Carlssicn'. . Farforrance on these annual evaluation examirations determine the extant of the lecture program during the following-twelve .nonth regaalificatica period.

The requalification program is designed with fixed perforrance standards and specified remedial actions' The program and records are fully auditable.

This program has ' men written to meet the require.sents of 10 GR 55, Apperulix A, and has been ferrally approved by the Nuclear Eegulatory Ccurission. Changes to the program must also receive their fontal approval.

2. .SCCPE The requirements of this program apply to all licensed operators and senior operators of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station who have been assicned on-shift operating depart::ent duties, ya-bers of the swisory, technical, and ranage: rent staff who maintain operator or senior operator licenses for the purpose of providing backup capability to the operations deparment shall participate in the requalification program except to the extent that their norral duties preclude the need for specific retraining in particular areas. Ilcensed operators or senior operators whose licenses are conditioned-to permit ranipulation of specific controls only shall participate in these portions of' the requalification program appropriate to the duties


t%y parfonn.
3. -REFERENCES 3.l' 10CR 50 - Section 50.54 -

3.2 10CR 55 ~- Section 55.31 (e) 3.3~ 10CR 55 - Section 55.33

-3.4 - 107 R 55 - Appendix A 3.5 Harold R. Denton's 3/28/80 letter to All Pcraer Peactor Applicants and Licensees

- 3.6 . JCP&L Operational Q;ality Assurame Plan 3.7-- Plant prccedure 102

-3.8 ANSI N-18.l'- 1971 303-3 Fav. 8

s. .m ..

o- .a-y..

4. .PR33F.'e4 ;CMINISTPATION 4.1.. Responsibilities 4.1.1 Manager of Ti n ning - The' individual with overall responsibility for the orgt .zat.icn's traimng activities, including t%.

staff qual". tionc and the quality of traimng which is conducted i e' 4.1.2 Technical Trainina Manager - The individual responsible for the overall operation of Technical training, including the planning and coordination of Technical Traimng, and the assignment and evaluation of technical training supervisors aM prcgra:rs.

1 4.1.3- Sucervisor Operator Training - The individual responsiN e for the day-to-day operation of the operator training organization,

- including the' planning and scheduling of operator trairing, and the assign: rent aM evaluation of instructors.

4.1.4 The Supervisor-Station Operations, Supervisor Operator Training, or other qualified person designated by the Technical Training Farager is responsible for: Periodic perfor rance and oral evaluations of all license holders. Meeting with license holders who receive unsatisfactory-annual evaluation or e.anination x grades. Certifying operator qualification when returning fra:n a four acnth absence frcrn operation.

4.1.5 Departrent Supervisors are responsible for ensuring lectures assigned to their departrent are given.

4.1.6 Licensed personnel are responsible for: Docu:enting their training on forrs provided (SF-401, SF-402, SF-405 or equivalent) Keeping their records current. Forurding the records to the Su;mrvisor Operator Training on request and'to the training files at the end of the training period.

4.2 For:rs Usage Forms are provided to document various aspects of the requalification progra:n.- Their-use and disposition is given below. Use of these forrs is desired,' but not randatory. Other forns or forats ray be used to fulfill the intended purpose.

303-4 Fei. 8

.i l

i; . . ..

' e

.4.2.1 SF-390, IE.*%RE ASSIGQ" INT, is provided to prcr:ulgate lacture assigreents to the designated lecturer or depam ent head.

The form is not no mally retained.

4.2.2 SF-387, LMRE ATID::rLNCE, is provided to record attendance at a particubr lecture, and is nomally retained in the r qaalification program file.

  1. 4.2.3 ."'-389, LTIURE MAKmP, is provided to assign rakeup for missed lectures. The form can also be used to doc =ent the lecture makeup and beccraes a part of the individual's training file. .

-4.2.4 SF-405, EMERGENCY PROCEDURE RLVIEN REDRD is provided to docu: rent an individual's review of emergency procedures and beccrres a part of the individual's training file.

4.2.5 SF-401, ON-THE-JCB TRAINIE RITORD, is provided to dccument the equipment operation and reactivity changes perfomed by an individual and beccrms a part of the individual's training file.

4.2.6 SF-402, STAFF LICENSE DUTIES RECORD, is provided for ncn-shift, staff personnel to document perforrance of " duties asscciated with their license" and Mcczms a part of the individual's trairing file.

4.2.7 SF-403, LICENSED OPEPATOR PERFOIO'ANCE EVAUr@ ION, is provided to document perforrance evaluations ani becomes a part of the individual's training file.

4.2.8 SF-404, LICENSED OPERATOR OPAL EVALUATICN, is provided to document oral evaluations (walk-thru's) and beccmes a part of the individual's training file. Norrally only the cover sheet will be filed unless an unsatisfactory rating is received.

4.2.9 fne annual written exarination, along with any answr or grading keys, is retained in the requalification program file. Each individual's grades are recorded on the exam cover sheet and retained in his training file with copies of his ansm r sheets. Any cuizzes are similarly retained.

4.2.10 SF-401A, Term 0F NRC License Control yanipulation Pacord, is provided to document perionrance of NRC required control manipulations required by enclosure 4 of reference 3.5. Tnis form shall be raintained by the training staff and beccres a part of the individual's training file.

~4.2.11 SF-401B, Control Manipulation Evaluation is provided to document evaluation of a walk-thro 2gh of control ranipulations required by enclosure 4 of reference 3.5. Tnis form shall be raintained by t%2 training staff and shall be retained in the requalificaticn program file.

303-5 Rev. 8 m.- _ ,m * . , = .-%



5.1 ' Particication f All' NBC licensed personnel will participatie in the applicable portions of the requalification program. Exceptions include the following:

5.1.1 Staff Panbers:

' Individuals who naintain operator or senior operator licenses for the purpose of providing backup capability to the operating staff shall participate in the requalification program except to the extent that their normal duties preclude the need for specific retraining in particular areas. As a minimum these individuals-shall: Camplete the annual written examination and participate in the lecture series based on the results thereof. Manipulate the controls or supervise the nanipulation of the controls through ten (10) reactivity cPanges during the term of their licenses.

, Perform all control ranipulations as required by enclcsure 4 of reference 3.5 and descri'md in section 5.4.1 of this program. Review design changes, procedure changes and facility license changes. Review the content of all erergency. procedures on regularly scheduled basis. Maintain a record of time spent on duties associated with their license, such as:

(a) Preparing for and giving regalification lectures.

(b) Preparing reportable occurrences.

(c) Working en projects associated with safety systems.

(d) Being on shift in the Control Bcan.

(e) ' Writing or reviewing procedures. .


(f) Feviewing procedure changes, facility changes, reportable ocurrences, and sta._, ding orders.

303-6 Pav. 8

. ,- i

, . - . , ~ , .


, , . .n.

t Suparvisor ooerator Training 15.1. 2 ' . _

The Supervisor Cperator Training who is-licensed is exegt f-from the provisions of this program for which he has prirary

responsibility for administering. The licensed individuals who: aid in the preparation administration, and grading of


written examinations need not take that examination. These persons will usually be the Technical Training Panager and

. f the Supervisor Operator Training. The Manager of Training

'* Tray desigrate other qualified individuals to aid in the -

. preparation and grading 'of these examinations. . These individuals will be exempt frcrn taking that portion of the examiration

' for which such assistance was provided. Such individuals will be SB0 licensed..-

5.2 Schedule


  • General The lecture and evaluation portions of the requalification program shall be cenducted on a yearly basis The operations schedule is arranged to allow time for presmtation of 'the lecture series for each shift during each shift cycle.

Usually the lecture series conducted during five cycles, although operaticnal ccanitt: rents or requirerents ray cause this to vary. An annual written examination covering the raterial presented in the lecture series will.

be given to each licensee. The annual written examination

.will be given prior to December 31 and.the results used as a basis for determining the topics to be covered in the lecture. series for the follea-ing year. The December 31 deadline may be extended until January '31 of the follodng

-year under unusual circumstances or operational require:ents.

l-Such an extention requires the written approval of the-

- Technical Training Panager. .

5.2.2 Lectures A minimum of sixty (60) hours of lectures shall be presented each yearly requalification cycle. Iectures schedules will consider heavy vacation periods and scheduled plant outages.

Iectures not presented due to uranticipated outages or operational require ents will be rescheduled and conducted prior to the ad:tunistration of the annual examination for that training cycle.

- On 'Ihe-Job Training -


.5.2.3 on-the-job training is conducted throughout the tm year

-term of'the individual's license. All required on-the-job training will be completed prior to license rencval.

303-7 - Pav. 3 r

I a - n, a , ,

p. ,ar .--o - g .q...w g -

4  %

5.3 'Iacture series-


.5.3.1 Topics

. The content of this lecture series should reflect.the training

.needs of each licensed individual as dete mined by the annual examinatior systan.

. j. The lecture topics are selected on an a'-neededs basis and

nay include the following:

- 1) Geory and. Principles of Reactor Operation

2) Heat Transfer, F'luid Flow,and Ber:nodyra:nics

' 3) . Features of Facility Design

4) General and Specific Plant Operating Characteristics (including mitigation of accidents involving a degraded core)
5) Plant Inst rentation and Control Systes

. 6) Plant Protection Systes

7) Engineered Safety Systes
8) Padiation Control and Safety 9)' Applicable Portions of Title 10, Chapter I, Ccde of Federal Regulations
10) Fuel Handling and Core Para:neters
11) Nor:ral, Abnomal and hgency Oprating Procedures (including Control yanipulations)

.12) Technical Specifications

13) Ad:ninistrative Procedures, Cenditions and Limitations
14) Pajor Operational Evoluticns

-15) Facility Design and License Changes -

.16) Procedure Changes I -

17) Operating History and Probles

= 18)' ' Palated Nuclear LMustry Cparating Dparience i '

303-8 Pav. 8 L

L 4


e 1

5.3.2 Lectare Series Attendance All licensed individuals should attend every pre-planned lecture series topic. Each licensed individual receiving a grade of less thn 80% on an annual written e>: amination category of the most recent annual examination shall attend the lecture series presentations covering that category.

_ ;/

Absence of personnel required .to attend a lecture shall be trade up by rescheduling lecture attendance or by utilizing self-sttrly and discussion with appropriate individuals designated by the Supervisor Operator Training. The absentee should be required to pass a written exarination covering the material presented during the missed lecture.

5.3.3 Training Methods The pre-planned lecture series shall use a formal training method supported by properly prepared lesson plars and shall be presented by qualified instructors. Lecture Presentation For each training session in the lecture series, a lesson plan should be prepared in accordance with a predetamined format and should be reviewed by

' desigrated knowledgable personnel.

Tne incorporation of training aids such as trainee handouts, films, slides, nodels, tranparancies and videotape presentations is encouraged. The lesson plan will becme the reference source for tFa inforration covered during the lectare and should be retained as part of the program records.

t In the event that videotape or film presentations are used, an instructor shall be available to erbellish, explain or emphasize the subject raterial and to respond to any questions or contents from the trainees either during or iw3tely after the presentation.

Tne lecture presentation should ba conducted in a formal classroca envirorecent. Self-Studv Waile individual self-study is encouraced, it shall not be s&stituted for a focal presentation by an irstructor conducted as part of the Iecture Series. Self-study periods should be scheduled in conjunction with the Lecture Series to e able lica-sed tedraes an cpportunity to reinforce the -

lecture series learling exparience.

303-9 Fei. 8

~ .: jy :


5.3.4 Incture Series Quizzes _

After each lecture or block of lectures, all trainees required to attend shall take a qui in order to demonstrate training effectiveness. . Quiz Standards

_ :/. -Quizzes ~should be evaluated and a grade detemined ,

for each trainee. A perforrance standard of 80%

'or more should be established for each quiz.

Trainees who do not noet this perfomance standard should ccuplete a reedial revica prccess consisting of:

1) Trainee revies of the lecture teaterial covered in the training session
2) Trainee revica of associated reference mterial identified by the instnictor
3) The trainee-shall undergo another written quiz or an cral evaluation administered by his functiona' supe fisor and/or the instructor.

If the reem: ation is ccImleted satisfactorily, the trainee should receive credit for ccrmletion of the required lecture. If the ree.umin'a tion is unsatisfactory, the trainee should be reaved frczn any operational duties and enter an accelerated requalification program (See Section 7.1).

i 5.3.5- Instructor Qualificatierp .

Instructors assigned to deliver lectures or conduct training sessions in the requalification program shall be assigned by the Supervisor Operator Such instructors shall possess expertise in the subject tratter to be presen'wd.

Instructors who conduct Licensed Operator traudng sessions on any of the follcaing tcpics/ systems shall derenstrate their ccupetence to conduct such training by successful-completion of a NPC senior cparator emiration.

Topics /systes requiring SFO equivalent cctpetency: - .

. 1) Contai.mant Spray Systen -

2) Condensate Sys'am
3) Feedwater Syst s -
4) Star 5by Diesel Cenerators 4

-303-10 Fev. 8'

5) D.C. Electrical System
6) Shutdown Cooling System
7) Teactor Cleanup Fecirc. System
8) Nuclear Steam Supply Systan

'i Control Pod Drive and Hydraulics System 9)

10) Standby Liquid Control Sysum
11) Isolation Condenser System
12) Core Spray Sys+m
13) Autcratic Depressurization Sys*2m
14) Pri ary Contairinent System
15) Secondary Conrair;aent Sys's
16) Fain Steam System
17) Standby Gas Treat:aent System
18) Vital Electrical Sys*wm
19) Nuclear Instrmtation System
20) Process Padiation 3bnitoring System
21) Reactor Protection System
22) Rod Forth Minimizer
23) Traversing Ir -Core Probe Sys+wm
24) Peactor Manual Controls Sys*wm .
25) Station Transient Response Pralyris NOTE: Individuals with considerable e. M se ray occasionally conduct training on the above topics prcrMing prior approval is obtained frcm the Supervisor Operator Training and an.

SRO certified individual is present during the presentation.


5.4 Sk1 4s Training In order to raintain an acceptable level of skill and familiarity with tha nucle. r plant systes, centrols,and prccedures, each licensed i.'dividual frall participate in frc9ent and varied plant cparatiens. Each lican# 4~'4vidual shall de cr_ strate cp raticral proficiency by participating in the folic =.dng activities:

303-11 Fav. 8

.,: c,

1) Reactivity Manipulation and Plant Evolutions 2)' Nuclear Plant Simulator Exercises 3)' Control Panipulatica Walk 'Ihroughs To raintain these skills, individuals shall actually manipulate the controls while licensed senior operators ray either :ranipulate or actively supervise manipulation of the controls. ~ Training to achieve proficiency should be planned so that skills training exercises are repeated until proficiency is demonstrated. If necessary, a B;G simulator which reproduces the general operating characteristics ray be used to meet


t he control manipulation requirenen. ts.

5.4.1 Reartivity Fanioulation and Plant Evolutions

  • During the to-year term of the NBC license, each licensed individual shall participate in a variety or reactivity control ranipulations and plant evolutions. Annual P@erents On an annual basis, cach licansed individual shall participate in the follcwing control ranipulations:

a) Startup Including Heatup*

b) Parraal Feedwater Control During SU or SD

  • d) Iarge IOCA - Inside Drywell e) . Small IDCA - Inside Dbywell (including laak j Pate Calculation) -

j 4

f) Iarge IDCA - Outside Dr3wl1 g) Small IOCA - Outside Drywell (including laA rate calculation) -

h) Icss of All Recirc. P=ps i) Icss of All Feedater ~Bi-Annual "M enents .


on a two year basis, each licensed individual shall participate in the following control ranipulations:

303-12 Rev. 8

a) Plant shutdown

  • b) Ioss of[Instru:nent Air c) Ibtal Ioss of A.C. Electrical

. d) Ibtal loss of D.C. Electrical

.E 'e) Ioss of Condenser Vactrzn f) Ioss.'of ' Service Water

- g) Icss of Shutdcrm Cooling

' h) Ioss of TBCCW i). Icss of FFXIM j) Icss of RFS CPannel k) Rod Drop

1) Icss of CRD Hydraulics m)l Scram Systan Failure n) Fuel Clad Failure o) Turbine or Generator trip' p) Pacirc. Flcw Control Failure q) Feedwater Flcw Control Failure r) Reactor Scram - .

s) b'ain Steam Line Ereak t) Nuclear Instn:rentation Failure The starred iters (*) in Sections and nest be perferred during actual plant operations or on a sinulator.

Exercises involving multiple failures a:4/or operator error

~should be included. Designation of other abnormal /e:rergency

.condit1T.s for inclusion as a for:ral training exercise is eirouraged. Utilization of applicable plant procedures and technical specifications during the forral Waining exercise x

should be reaximized.

The formal training exercises should be conducted utilizing

'a nuclear plant sirulator or an in-plant walk-through rcquiring

- simulated response to si:nlatal accident conditions.

303 Pav. 8 3

1 --


, v Individual a-d operational _ team perforance during the femal training exercises should be nonitored and deficiencies corrected so that satisfactory proficiency is deconstrated.

'In the event that an actual'abnomal/e ergency condition occurs at the plant and perfomance of the limnred personnel coping with the condition is satisfactory (as determined by their Functional Supervisor), credit for conpletion*of a formal training exercise ray be taken.

s Formal. classroom, sessions conducted in conjunction with these control ranipulations, control Iranipalation walb. -

throughs, and simulator training programs : ray be credited toerd fulfilling the requirements of Section 5.2.

'5.4.2 Knowledge of Plant Systes Each licensed operator or senior operator shall demonstrate, annually in the ph,rfomance of his duties, satisfactory understanding of the cperation of all apparatus and rechanims, and satisfactory knowledge of the operating procedures in each area for which he is licensed. In order to dccament satisfactory perfomance and knowledge in these areas, an auditable record shall be raintained indicating the nethod used to evaluate the operator. Mcaptable nethods include; (1) docurentation of satisfactory ability to ranipulate each

. system's apparatus and rechanis-s, and/or (2) a simulated walk.through of the procedural steps required to start, stop or change conditions of the systers apparatus or mechanisms.

~ A BWR simulator which reproduces the general operating characteristics of Ofster Creek ray be used to supp'eent station activity in neeting the requirements of this section.

The results of this evaluation will constitute a part of tb annual documented evaluation.

5.4.3 Knowledge of Facility DEsicn, Procedure Changes and Facility License Changes Licensed Operators and Senior Operators are required to review information concerning changes to plant operations Specific raterial will be deterined by the Supervisor-Station Operatdens and may include inforration, such as facility design changes,

, procedure revisions, facility license changes, etc. Tne review is nomally documented on signoff sheets initiated, controlled and raintained by the Operations Departnent, but may, when warranted, be covered in lectures conducted by the shift superv'sor, by


staff reetings, or by the preplanned lecture series.

303-14 Fev. 8 4

S v

e *',

l6.  ; AMAL F53]ALIFICATION EX'-6"ISTION In order to determine each licensed individual's }mowledge of topics covered in the requalification program and provide a basis for determining areas in which retraining is needed, an annual requalification examiration shall be given.- t e annual examination shall be given to all licensed indiM duals

' prior' to the ccr:pletion of each annuni requalification program cycle and

. shall consist of an oral evaluation and a written examination.

6.1- Annual Written Examiration An annual written examination shr _1 be administered to all licensed individuals.

6.1.1 ,

Written Examiration Content a) Principals of Reactor Operation b) Features of Facility Design c) General Operating Characteristics d)' Instnraents and control e) SafetV and Energency Sys*ms f) Standard and Erergency Operating Procedure g) Fadiation Control and Safety h)- Principles of Heat Transfer and Fluid Pechanics i) - Reactor teory j) Radioactive Paterials Handling, Dispcsal and Hamrds k) specific Operating Characteristics

1) Fuel Handling and Core Parama'ars m)~ Administrative Procedure, ccnditions, and Liritations n) Theory of Fluids and Thermdynamics 6.1.2 Written Examination .Nirinistration . .

The annual written evaluation examiration will te administered to all licensed personnel as set forth in the follcAng

. guidelines:

(a) The e:cmiration will si= late the exri ation nortrally administered by the Nccitar Pegulatory Cctrission.

303 Fev. 8


~*^ .


~ .

(b) Reactor Cparatcr(s) will take Sections A through H of the enmination while the Senior Peactor Operators will take Sections I though N.

(c) The examination, examination answrs,and a grading key

.will be prepared in advance.

(d) The examination results will be used to. identify specific

.g lecture series topics to be covered by each licensed individual during the subsequent annual req.nlification.

program cycle. .

(e) The examination will be ad m nistered and graded by me:rbers of the training staff.

(f) The persons responsible for the preparation of the examinations and answers will be given credit for passing the examination.

6.1.3 Examiration Perfor:rance Standards A grade of less than 70% in any examination category shall require the licensed individual to participate in an accelerated requalification program covering that category. A grade of less than 80% overall shall require the licensed individual

- to participate in an accelerated requalification procram covering all categories graded less than 80%. All licensed irdividuals required to participate in an accelerated requalification program shall be relievcd of all licensed cperator (RO and SRO) duties until the individual successfully ecxnpletes the accelerated re?.alification program outlined in Section 7.1.

The written enmination results shall be utilized to determine the content and required attenda:re for the next annual Iacture Series (Section 5.3). Areas of significant deficiency

- in each written exazrination category should be covered in the next lecture series. Ilce . sed individuals receiving a grade of less than 80% in an examination category shall be required to attend the Pre-Planned Iacture Series when lectures covering that categcry are presented. Any licensed


individual required to particigate in an accelerated requalification program shall be required to atterd the Pre-Planned Lrture Series for all lectures covering categories included in the individual's accelerated'reqmlification program.

303-16 Fev. 8 1

4 e


I6.2 Annual Cral Evaluation An annual oral examination shall'be administered to all licensed irdividuals.-

6.2.1 Oral Evaluation Content The oral ev61 uation should contain questions covering the

. j followire areas:

a) Duties and responsibilities of licensed operator position.

b) ;ctions in the event of abnon al conditions c) Actions in the ev'ent of emergency conditons d) Interpretation of instrumentation responses 4

e) Plant transient and accident response

.f) Plant rrodifications

.g) Plant procedure change h) Technical Specifications i) Emer@ency Plan j) Plant Operating history and problems k) Related nuclear industry operating experieme The level of evaluation questicning should be consistent with the-individual's license level (FO cr SBO) .

6.2.2 . Oral Evaluation Adninistration The oral evaluation should be conducted uMer a stw.e enabling consistency of questioning and_ evaluation. The follcwing guidelines should be considered. ,

a) A checklist identifying the areas to be covered should ba used.

' b) - l Overall evaluation should be rade on a pass / fail basis, c) Coments on individual strengths and w-d rasses should be !"ade.

'The Supervisor Operator Training and the Supervisor-Station i

' Cperations should.esta.blish the oral evaluation schedule.

1 l

I 303-17 Fev. 8 l 1

l l


t 4

Personnel assigned to conduct an oral evaluation should be designated by the Tech:dcal Training ?' 2 nager. Oral evaluations should be conducted by a Iicensed Senior Coerator or an S.R.O.' certified instructor. Each oral evaluation should be structured so that an evaluation tine between 2 and 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> is appropriate. .

,. 6.2.3 Evaluation Perfor:rance Standards A failing overall oral evaluation shall require the licensed individual to participate in an accelerated requalification program covering each area evaluated as deficient. Any licensed individual required to participate in an accelerated requalification program shall be relieved of all licensed operator (RO and SRO) duties until the individual successfully ccnpletes the requalification program outlined in Section 7.1.

The oral evaluation results shall be utilized in determuung the content of the annual Iacture Series. Licensed individuals who have identified deficiencies shall atte:d the Lecture series presentations related to the deficiencies.

7. SPECIAL PHIPAINDG PPOGRMS Specific retraining prcgra-s for licensed individuals : ray be required to upgrade or refresh knowledge and skills related to lice-sed operator functions.

A forreal means of implementing these program.s and evaluating personnel required to carplete the retraining is needed.

7.1 Accelerated Recualification Procram The accelerated requalfication program is for licensed individuals having identified deficiencies requiri:q assigment to a special retraining effort. Licensed individuals assigned to this program. -

shall be relieved of all licensed cmrator (RO or SPO) duties until the retraining is successfully co pleted.

7.1.1 Recuired Attendance Licensed individuals :reeting one or core of the foliceng criteria shall be assigned to an accelerated requalification program:

1) Annual regmlification written examination overall score of less than 80% ,
2) Annual requalification written er.Tination score of less than 70% on any emmination category.
3) Annual requalification cral evaluaticn of overall failing.
4) Failure of an oral evaluation folicwing the failure of a lecture series quiz.

? 303-18 Pav. 8

6-7;1.2 Proarram Content The accelerated requalification program content should be speci-

.fically structured to upgrade knosledge and skills

-identified as deficient. Examination categories and areas in which perforrance standards were not met shall be covered in_the program.


- The Supervisor-Operator Training and the licinsed individual's functional supervisor should be responsible for fornulating

. and approving the individual accelerated reedification .


-7.1.3 Procram Administration .

The accelerated requalification program ray consist of a variety of training exercises including:

1) Directed self-study
2) Oral intendeas and discussion sessions
3) Pre-Planned lectures
4) Direct skills training exercises at the plant or utilizing a sinulator Personnel assigned to conduct the training exercises should be'at least senior licensed operator certified. Program duration should be dictated by the extent of training required and trainee perforrance.

7.1.4 Perforrance Stardards successful completion of the accelerated requalification program shall be detennuied by aininistering a formal evaluation.

The evaluation shall cover all categories of the regalification written examination and/or all areas of the requalification oral evaluation originally failed. The evaluation forrat should be similar to the original evaluation and should be conducted by individuals designated by the S.m Asor Cparator Training.

Perfonnance stardards for the accelerated reg alification program shall be as follcas: _

1) ~A score of at least 80% on each accelerated requalification written examination category
2) A passing evaluation on the requalification oral examination 303-19 Fev. 8 9"

w W g

In the event that these standards are not ret, the individual's suitability for resuming licensed duties will ba review =d by the Technical Training Parager and the individual's functicnal supervisor. 'Ihese irdividuals shall determine if the individual should be perranently recoved from licensed duties or if additional upgrading efforts should be conducted. If appropriate, another accelerated requalification program shall be structured to upgrade deficiencies.

7.2 Iractive Status Retraininc If a licensed individual has not~ actively carried out licensed duties for a period in excess of four renths, a special retraining pm3 ram ard/or evaluation is required prior to resuming license duties.

In the event that a licensed individual does not raintain an active status, the Supervisor Operator Training shall desigrate a qualified individual to conduct an oral evaluation similar in scope and forat


to an annual cral evaluation prior to resuming licensed duties. In addition, evaluation of parferrance in the current Lecture Series shall be conducted. If perfor ance in the Iacture Series is u . satisfactory, a written er.mination similar in sccpe and for at to the annual written examination shall be administered to the licensed iMividual prior to resuming licensed duties.

The perforrance standards applied to the annual requalification examiration shall be used in evaluating the results of the oral and written examinations. If the perforrance standards are not ret, the licensed individual shall cmplete an accelerated requalification program prior to restrung licensed duties.

7.3 Newly licensed Individuals Newly licensed individuals enter the requalfication program ard participate in the annual program cycle upon receipt of their license. rewly licensed individuals successfully ccrnpleting their FRC licensing examiration less than three (3) renths prior to the annual re? nlification examiration should be required to attend appropriate Lecture Series presentations but ray be excused frcm taking the current annual ritten examiration. The required requalification program lecture series attendance should be based upon tha NRC licansing examiratidn results.

8. ALNTIVE TUAINI'G PROGRTOS The JCP&L Co:Tany ray replace the above program requiremnts with an alternative program furnished by a vencior or consultant provided it has been approved by tha NPC for Cyster Creek. -

303-20 Pav, a e

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2. 30EDI.C ACUIC'IS k \\\ \ k g
s. Fa=iliarity
b. ?rc;er Seq e::e j

'~erify Cute:=es i

2. .



d. ?rozer Use -Cf ?recedure s - 'n'ss 4

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a. Recci ed C--- ' es.10:s l l ,> l
b. *cg Keepi:4 l  ; i

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c. ?Lesse C:::ept I. i.

i  ;

d. Required Calculati :s + I. t.

wa .

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. . .r. ..%.s

. ,, , ,., .u a ' c

p. ,.

'.~ .s S - Satisfactory U - U:satisfactcry g l -


+ . If a;;1icable, e.glsi: Ics'_ustcr (sir )

in :: _ents. ~ss=,

eoeo e


. E7 hcl 3

.  ?- .


i Code Date Entered 3y Ccde Date Entered 37

1. Startup Including Heatup *
2. Manual Feedvater Centrol During SU cr SD
  • 3, 1C$ ?over Change (Rods er Recire) *-

Calculate Leak Rate on Small LOCA .

-E. Large LOCA - inside Drraell 5 Small LOCA - Inside Drreell

6. Large LOCA - Outside Dry 4 ell T. Sns11 LOCA - Outside Dryeell
6. Less of A31 Recire. Funps 4 9 Less of All Feedvater
10. Plant Stutdevn *
11. Less of Instr.::ent Air

-12. Tctal Less of A.C. Electrical

13. Tctal Less of D.C. Electrical

, _ik. Less -of Ccnc.ftser Vacuum ,

l l

t 15 Less of Service ~4ater


16. Less of Stutdevn Cooling ,

I 17 Less of T3CCW'- 1

16. -' Less of R3CCW


19. -Less cf E?S Channel

.2 0.  ?:d Ircy" 9


" m-e..os _

b g

,a.,- -

. ..~ .

d Centrol Mani:ulation ,.


Code Date Intered 37

21. Loss of CRD Hydraulics
22. Scrs=_ System Failure

.23 Fuel Clad Failure .


2k. Turbine or Generator Trip .

25._ Recire. Flow Centrol Failure

26. Feedwater Flow Centrol Failure .
27. Seactor Scram
28. Main Stes: Line 3reak 29 Huelear Instru=entation Failure Instructic s: '

Ite=s 1 thru 9 r2st be ec=pleted a :ually .

Items 10 thru 29 = cst be cc=pleted bi-arrially _ _ _ ..

Cate - Actual date accc plished -

~ ~

Intered By - 1:itials of Evaluater.


Code 1. Fer'c=ed en shift at Oyster Creek .

2. Ferfc med at Siralater 3

Walk through during training session

  • Must be Ferf==ed at Cyster Creek or Sir lator 7:is fers is to be raistained in the License Holder's Individual hiring File during

- i File 'in D.C.C. following License Receval or Dcpiration. -

the term of current license. .

SF E01-A Rev. O

- 20.occo.ooo3 w