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06/07/1976 Letter Confirmation of Verbal Report on Maximum Condenser Change in Temperature Between 23 and 24.25 Degrees Fahrenheit for Approximately 4.5 Hours
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 06/07/1976
From: Jurgensen R
American Electric Power Service Corp, Indiana Michigan Power Co, (Formerly Indiana & Michigan Power Co)
To: James Keppler
Download: ML18219C417 (2)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COIVIMISSION REGION III 750 AOOSEVELT AOAD OLKN KLLYN, ILLINOIS 60I37 Incident Notification From: Indiana & Nichi an Power Com an 50-315 (Lic Docket No. (or Licens o.))

Transmittal Date: June 18, 197 D. C. Cook Plant-Unit 5'1 Distribution: Di ion:

IE Chief, FOSB IE Chief, FOSB IE Chief, FCSEB IE Chief, FCSEB IE:Hq(4) IE'Hq(4)

Licensing(4) L:D/D for Fuels 5 Materials Files DR Central Files IE Files. IE Files

+'n r ( IMIAIVA 5 NICHIGAN PD NER CDNPA NY DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR 1'LANT P.O. Box 458, Bridgman, Michigan 4910G June 7, 1976 Mr. J.G. Keppler, Regional Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 Operating License DPR-58 Docket No. 50-315

Dear Mr.'eppler:

This is to confirm our verbal report to NRC RO: III Inspector, Mr. K.R. Baker, on June 7, 1976. In that conversation, we reported that we had experienced a maximum condenser aT of between 23oF and 24.25oF for approximately 4,5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in violation of Appendix B Technical Specifications Section 2:1.1.'2(l)

We are continuing our investigation and will submit the required report within 7 days as required by Appendix B Technical Specifications Section 5.4. 2. 1.

Sincerely, R.W. J en n Plant anager

/bab cc: R.S. Hunter J.E. Dolan G.E. Lien R. Kilburn R.J. Vollen BPI R.C. Callen MPSC K.R. Baker RO:III P.W. Steketee, Esq.

R. Walsh, Esq.

G. Charnoff, Esq.

G. Olson J.M. Hennigan PNSRC R.S. Keith Dir., IE (20 copies)

Di r., MIPC (2 copies) 'JlJN 1.". 't:

Dir., Licensing (1 copy)