ML18219C151 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Cook |
Issue date: | 03/28/1978 |
From: | Tillinghast J Indiana Michigan Power Co, (Formerly Indiana & Michigan Power Co) |
To: | James Keppler NRC/RGN-III |
References | |
Download: ML18219C151 (21) | |
rNDuNh 8 HtCHiehM PO<VER Cp,~iPhIiv P.,O. BOX 18 BOWLING GREEN SThTION NEW YORK, N. Y. 10004 March 28, 1978 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Docket Nor. 50-315, 50-316 DPR 58 and 74 Mr. James G. Keppler, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region Roosevelt Road XXX'99 Glen Ellyn, Xllinois 60137 Re:, Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Environmental Qualification of Power Terminal Blocks
Dear Mr. Keppler:
On March 22, 1978 at 5:35 p.m., Mr. John E. Dolan Executive Vice President, Engineering of American Electric Power Service Corporation informed you of anomalies found during environmental c:ualification tests of certain power terminal blocks installed inside the containment of Indiana &
Michigan Pow~;r Company's Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. A copy of Mr. Dolan'erbal telephone notification to you is attached as Attachment l.
At 6 p.m., at yo1 r request, this sane information was related to Mr. Gaston Fiorelli and Mr. Robert Warnick of Region XIX by Stephen J. Milioti, Assistant Division Head, Nuclear Engineering, American Electric Power 'Service Corporation.
Mr. Milioti also tele@honed Mr. Karl Kniel of the NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation on March 23, 1978, 8:45 a.m. and was informed by Mr. Kniel that thi's information was related to him by Mr. Warnick on the evening of March 22, 1978.
In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 21, 21.21(b)(2) and (3) we are herein submitting the following information:
(i) Name and address of the individual or individuals informing the Commission.
Mr. James G. pier larch 28, 1978 John E. Dolan and Stephen J. Milioti American Electric Power Service Corporation 2 Broadway New York, New York 10004 Xdentification of the facility, the activity, or the basic component supplied for such facility or such activity within the United States which fails to comply or contains a defect.
Facility: Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Basic Component: 3-phase Cutler-IIammer Power Terminal Block (70 ampere and 125 ampere blocks).
(iii) or Xdentification of the firm constructing the facility supplying the basic component which fails to comply or contains a defect.
Basic Component Supplier: Cutler-IIammer Corporation Nature of the defect or failure to comply and the safety hazard which is created or could be created by such defect, or failure to comply.
Nature of Defect: Leakage current behaviors above those acceptable under the test criteria.
Preliminary evidence indicates that marker strips on the terminal blocks melted due to the elevated aging temperature of the test, and water collected in the bottom of the boxes enclosing the terminal blocks. These two items are believed to have contributed to the high leakage current.
Safety Hazard: Potential inability of terminal block to transmit, power required to operate certain safety-related equipment inside the contain-ment following a loss-of-coolant accident or steam line break inside containment.
(v) The date on which the information of such defect or failure to comply was obtained.
On March 22, 1978 at 5:00 p.m. the AEPSC test coordinator and the observer at the Westinghouse-Canada "est facility in Hamilton, Ontario informed the AEPSC engineering management that, in their opinion, the 'higher than acceptable leakage current was caused by the marker strip melting and water collection in the box enclosure.
Mr. James G. Keppler March 28, 1978 (vi) In the case of a basic component which contains a defect or fails to comply, the number and location of all such components in use at, supplied for,. or being supplied for one or more facilities or activities subject to the reg-ulations in this part.
27 Cutler-Hammer power terminal blocks (associated with 25 devices), to which safety-relateQ equip-ment is connected, are installed inside the containment in each Unit. The locations of these components are shown in Attachment 2.
(vii) The corrective action which has been, is being, or will be taken; the name of the individual ox organization responsible for the action; anQ the length of time that has been or will 'be taken to complete the action.
As of 7 a.m. on March 23, 1978, the marker strips on all Cutler-Hammer power terminal blocks in Unit. 1 were removed, and drainage holes were provided in the enclosures. This same work was completed on Unit 2 as of 5:30 p.m. March 23rd.
We believe this corrective action removes the defect in the power terminal blocks with the result that these components are now able to perform their intendeQ safety .function in the event of a loss of coolant accident or steam line break inside the containment. Because of condition B-2 in License Amendment No. 2 to License DPR-74 for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, we have replaced with splices power terminal blocks in Unit 2 on twelve safety-related devices are requireQ to function"in the severe environmental conditions following a.
loss-of-coolant accident. or steam line break (Items 1 through 4 in Attachment 2). Replacement began on March 23 under approved procedures and was completed on March 24, 1978.
'(viii)Any advice relateQ to the defect or ailure to comply about the facility, activity, or basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasers or licensees.
We have not provided any advice on this matter to purchasers or licensees.
- Refers to equipment required for post-accident long-term operation. The other equipment in Attachment 2 is required for either short-term post,-accident function (e.g. containment isolation) or is not required to change position following the accident.
Mr. James G. Keppler March 28, 1978 A copy of a letter and attachment dated March 22, 1978, from F. N. Bien, Vice President of Indiana 6 Michigan Power Company to Edson G. Case which provides further information is enclosed as Attachment 3. In that letter p. 2 we stated that twelve terminal blocks were to be replaced with splices..
This should have stated that terminal blocks on twelve devices were to be replaced with splices.
Very truly yours, ice President JT/mhp Encl.
Sworn and subscribed to before me this>>'-
in New York day of March, 1978 York County, New Notary Publ~i Noh'k't rv"!C,:.M". ot ~icw York
- zhhsc iu (~.
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~ rh.uu'.c t:iod Ncw Yurk Courtly cc
i..r...i...iu.! aJ, I j77 R. J. Vollen R. C. Callen R. W. Steketee R. Walsh R. W. Jurgensen D. V. Shaller-Bridgman Ernst Volgenau
Cook Nuclear Plant Telephone call, John E. Dolan to James G. Keppler, tlRC Region III, 5:35p.m., March 23, 1978.
"During the environmental qualification testing of.electrical comoonents for Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 2, test anomalies were observed P
on power terminal blocks. Specifically, leakage currents were observed and at s'everal times low power fuses in the leakage test circuit were blown.
On completion of testing last evening and opening of the test rig today.
the power blocks, were inspected to determine the cause of leakage current flows. Two conditions were observed. First, the marker strips had softened and deforrr d under the elevated aging temperatures of the test.
In one case the marker strip had puddled across adjacent terminals.
Second, one terminal box contained enough spray water to reach the bottom terminal. (all boxes <.re .vented to allow entrance of the spray water but had no provision for drainage).
Because of th'e above we will not be able to conclude that the power block, are environmentally <.cceptable without additional'esting. We believe a new test without marker strips and with drainage holes will prove acceptabi 1 i ty.
As a cautionary measure we are undertaking the removal of marker strips on the Cutler Harmier power blocks and providing drainage holes on all enclosures of Cook Units 1 5 2. We expect to complete such 'ower-block operations on March 23, 1978.
Telephone call to J. G. Keppler Harch 23, 1978 Page 2 Removal of the marker strips and the provision for drainage will be done unde r appro ve d p ro ce dures.
Me have concluded that these actions do not adversely affect the health and safety of the public."
Don'aid C. Cook nuclear Plant Power Terminal Blocks Xnside Containment
'Attachment 2
- l. ECCS Cold to IIot leg Switchover X>IO 315 1 615 INO - 316 1 '15 XNO 325 1 IDIO 326 1
RHR Cooldown Suction INO 12 8 618 ICI'I 129 '15 Air Recirc./Hydrogen Skimmer Suction VMO 101 618'15 VMO 102 Air Recirc. Fan HV CEQ - 1 '18'15 HV CEQ 2
SI Systems Cold Leg.
Boron In ection '15 INO 51 1 INO - 52 1 '15 INO 53 1 '15' INO .54 1
I Continued Donald C. E, Cook. Nuclear Plant Power Terminal Blocks Inside Containment, Attachment. 2 NO. Or THRMINAL LOCATION 0';4 CONT . WALL FUNCTION BLOCKS UNITS 1 & 2
- 7. RCS Pressurizer Valves HMO 151 1 Ni~lO 15 2 1 623'18'15 NMO 15 3 1
RHR Normal Cooldown Return ICM ill .615 '
BOWLlt<G GREEN STATION HEY( YORK, H. Y. l0004 March 22, 1978 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit No; 2 Docket No. 50-316 DPR No. 74 Mr. Edson G. Case, Acting Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory. Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
Dear Mr. Case:
Our letter of March 17 was aimed at meeting the 2-week requirements in answer to your March 8 letter covering the four final conditions required to be met prior to proceeding above 20~~
of rated power. We provided information on each of these four conditions.
At a meeting on March 20, 1978 with your staff, in review-ing that response only two final items were left unresolved. This letter addresses and satisfactorily resolves these two remaining items.
The NRC Staff requested at the March 20, 19".8 meeting in Bethesda, MD., additional information in two areas; (1) environ-mental qualification for equipment inside containn~e.".t for a steam line break and (2) environmental qualification tests on safety-related electrical terminations inside cori.ainment.
The inform<,tion requested in Item 1 is being sent by We:stinghouse Electric Corporation in the form of 1C copies each of proprietary and non-proprietary versions of Additional Information on Environmental Qualifications of Safety-Related Instrumentation under cover of a letter dated March 22, 1978 from M. H. Judkis to E',son G. Case. Another 30 copies will be forw'arded under separate cover. Indiana 6 Michigan Power Company has revie~. d and concurs with the contents of the attachments to Hr. Judk's'etter which are revised pages to the report which was submittea by Westinghouse in their March 17, 1978 letter and placed on Docket 50-316 by John Tillinghast"'s March 17, '1978 letter.
The information requested in Item 2 is in the form of 10 copies of revised pages to the report. titled "Steam Line Break Qualification 'Test Procedure and Results for Electrical Termin.,tions" enclosed with John Tillinghast's letter of March 17. An additional
Mr. Edson G. Case Mar. 22, 1978 30 copies will be forwarded under separate cover. The rev'sed pages present an update of the tests conducted on electric termination" at h'estinghouse Electric Corporation--.Canada, Hamilton, Ontario.
As of March 22, tests have been completed on 14 terminations I
as listed below:
No. ~Quantie 3-phase sets of motor connections with.
Bishop tape termination
- 2. 2 3-phase sets of motor'onnections with tape termination
- 3. 3-phase sets of power cable splices Penn Union instrument terminal blocks
- 5. 4 .. 3-phase, Cutler Hammer power terminal blocks Xtems 1-4 above (10 of the 14 test terminations) passed the test. However, the tests on the four power blocks performed at Nestinghouse-Canada are not conclusive. The test. data and samples are currently being evaluated by our engineers and the experimenters, but based on the results to date it appears that additional testing will be necessary to provide a firm conclusion as to the adequacy of the power blocks. Under our cu'"rent..
situation, operation of Unit 2 vhich began this moaning is limited to '20% of rated power until the adequacy of these power blocks is demonstrated. Re-testing of these power blocks vill-.take an appreciably longer time than replacing them with splices. Ne have
'herefore decided to replace the power block terminations with splices which have been qualified in the Nestinghouse-Canada facility.
Ne plan to -replace twelve power terminal blocks which are required to function following a loss-of-coolant accident or steam line break. Replacement will begin on March 23 under approved procedures and is expected to be completed on Mare(. 24, 1978.
At our March 20, 1978 with the NRC staff you were able to determine that the documentation we provided in our March 17, 1978 letter on the electrical penetrations and Continental Wire Corporation instrument cable was sufficient to resolve the 2-week conditions of B3 and B4 in. License Amendment No. 2 .. The
Mr. Edson G. Case Mar. 22, 1978 March 17, 1978 .submission on transmitters and electrical terminations as supplemented by the enclosed information resolves the 2-week conditions of-B-1 and 8-2 in License Amendment No. 2.
Upon completion of the replacement of the power terminal blocks with splices all the requirements in License Amendment.
No. 2 will have been satisfied. We request your prompt written permission to permit operation beyond the 20": limit on rated power just as soon as the splice installation is complete.
~-4r;-8 ~g4Qi~
Frank N. Bien Vice President FNB:m Enc.
Sworn and subscribed to before me this ~~~ day of H r~<', 19>>
in New York County, New York Q r( t't7+~ a F ~A'~~
rrotaxy public KATksL~'Ebs~ I QOirr RY f i!5UC., Srs!e ol i~!oa Yorrr'.
l"0. 'J1 Vv6/92 cco R. C. Callen G~ CharnOff ~cr!i<le lz tl:< in Yo~ Yo.k
'<.en+:..sron i.rrprros titurch 3V, County P. W. Steketee 1977 R. J. Vollen R. Walsh D. V.'haller Bridgman R. W. Jurgensen
0 Donald C.*Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 02.
Docket No. 50-316 From March 16-21, 1978 a test was conducted at the Mestinghouse Flectric Corporation Canada in Hamilton, Ontario to demonstrate the ability of safety related te'rminations used inside the containment of Unit 2 at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant to maintain electrical integrity and operability during and after a postulated steam line break incident'. The tested tezminations are identical in design, fabrication and installa-tion to those in Unit 2'f the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.
The purpose of this discussion is to describe the test conducted l
and to present the overall test results. A formal test report.
is under preparation.
The termination configurations tested consisted of four three phase sets of motor. connections (2 consisting of
$ 10 cable with Scotch 23 tape plus neoprene in an enclosure, and 2 consi'sting of 510 cable vith Bishop 962 tape in an enclosure) and 4 three phase sets of pover cable splices (2 con isting of 510 solid Kapton wire to 010 Hypalon cable butt spliced with Raychem Class N materiaL and 2 consisting of 10 solid Kapton to f10 stranded Kapton butt spliced with RT876 heat shrink tubing) and four three phase sets of Cutler-Hammer Power Terminal Blocks (2" - 70 ampere blocks and 2 125 ampere blocks). All test specimens vere connected with 510 or. 02 ANG conductors and electrical test connections are made 'to each point.
The test terminations wexe subjected to the'ollowing environmental profile':
- 1. 340 (min.) for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at 12 p ig (min.).
- 2. Reduced temperature over approximately 30 minutes to 250 F at, 12 psig (min.) anQ then held at a minimum of 250 for 117 hours0.00135 days <br />0.0325 hours <br />1.934524e-4 weeks <br />4.45185e-5 months <br />, 12 minutes.'.
Five minutes after the 340 F tempexature was reached, a chemical environment was created in the test autoclave. Thi environment was created by spraying a 2500 ppm boric acid solution, buffered.
by HaOH to a pH of 9 to 10, into the autoclave.
This environment was maintained for the duration of the test.
Prior to the staxt of the test, with the test termina-
- .tions in the autoc3:ave anQ under room ambient,'conQitions, the insulation resistance of all test items were measured individually and in series using a 500 V DC insulation teste...
During the. test, the terminations were continuously energized at 600 volts AC, 5 amps. The autoclave temperature, pressure, test circuit currents and voltages were measured and recorded hourly. Insulation resistance,was mea..ured at intervals during the course of the test. 'A test specimen is considered to pass the'ests if, with a11 three phases energized, leakage current in any one phase does not e:ceed one ampere.
Upon termination of the test, a final set of test parameter values were recorded, including insulation resistance.
There was no significant electrical QegraQation of any of the splices and motor connections during this test. The auto-clave was depressurized and cooled down to approximately room ambient conditions.. Data was recorded to indicate the approximate cooldown rate. After the terminations had cooled sufficiently, they were removeQ from the autoclave and visually inspected for,"damage and degradation. None was found.
A deviation in leakage readings on one of the two 510 Solid I(upton wire to gl0 strandeQ Yapton wire splices during the test. was proven by post test evaluations to be a problem in the lead in wires to the test specimen external to'he .specimen and not in the test. specimen (i.e. splice) itself.
Samples of both the 125 ampere and 70 ampere Cutler-Hammer terminal blocks exhibited leakage current behaviors above those acceptable under the test criteria. The results of the tests on these block.~ are still being evaluated but I
preliminary evidence indicates that marker strips on the terminal blocks melted and water collecteQ in the bottom of the boxes. These two items in all probability contributed to the high leakage current problem and caii be corrected.
The Nestinghouse Corporation's Quality A surance Department and American Electric Power Service Corporation personnel maintained surveillance over the conduct of the test to assure compliance with tost procedures. Third party veri-fication of adherence to test proceQure and instrument calibra-tion requirements was provideQ by Hr. Narren Dunning of the FranJ."lin institute.
'Xn summary, the succo sful completion of the test described demonstrates that these safety. relateQ plices and.
motor connections u ed inside the containment of Unit 2 at, the Donald C. Cook Huclear Plant are fully capable of maintaining electrical integrity and operability during and after a po'stu-lated steam line break incident. Additional testing will be necessary to prove the electrical integrity and operability of the power terminal blocks.