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Proposed Tech Specs Re Administrative controls-independent Review Function.Safety Evaluation Encl
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 02/07/1986
Shared Package
ML18149A040 List:
TAC-60714, TAC-60715, NUDOCS 8602130106
Download: ML18149A039 (6)



i TS 6.1-9

2. Safety Evaluation and Control (SEC)
a. Independent Review Function The Independent/Operational Event Review Section of SEC shall function to provide independent review of designated activities in the areas of:
1. Nuclear Power Plant Operations
2. Nuclear Engineering
3. Chemistry and Radiochemistry
4. Metallurgy
5. Instrumentation and Control
6. Radiological Safety
7. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
8. Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance Practices
9. Other appropriate fields associated with the unique characteristics of the Nuclear Power Plant
b. Composition The Independent/Operational Event Review (IOER) staff in SEC shall be composed of the Supervisor Independent/Operational Event Review and a minimum of three individuals who qualify as staff specialists. Each SEC Staff specialist shall have an academic degree in an engineering or physical science field and, in addition, shali have a minimum of five years technical experience in one or more areas given in Specification 6 .1. C. 2. a. These staff specialists shall not be directly involved in the licensing function.
c. Consultants Consultants shall be utilized to provide expert advice to the IOER when determined to be appropriate.

TS 6.1-10

d. Meeting Frequency The SEC Staff shall meet at least once per calendar month for the purpose of fostering interaction of reviews regarding safety-related operational activities and related licensing activities.
e. Review The following subjects shall be reviewed by the IOER Staff:
1. Written safety evaluations of changes in the stations as described in the Safety Analysis Report, changes in procedures as described in the Safety Analysis _Report, and tests or experiments not described in the Safety Analysis Report which are completed without prior NRC approval under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59 (a) (1). This review is to verify that such changes, tests', or experiments did not involve a change in the Technical Specifications or an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59(a)(2) and is accomplished by review of minutes of the Station Nuclear Safety and Operating Connnittee and the design change program.
2. Proposed changes in procedures, proposed changes in the station, or proposed tests or experiments, any of which may involve a change in the Technical Specifications or an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59(a) (2).

Matters of this kind shall be referred to the Director - Safety Evaluation and Control by' the Station Nuclear Safety and Operating Connnittee following its review prior to implementation.


TS 6.1-12

6. Any other matter involving safe operation of the nuclear power stations which is referred to the Director - Safety Evaluation and Control.

7.. Reports and meeting minutes of the Station Nuclear Safety and Operating Committee.

f. Authority The Supervisor-IOER shall report to and advise the Director-SEC regarding any safety concern discovered during the independ~nt review process. The Director - Safety Evaluation and Control shall report to and advise the Manager - Nuclear Programs and Licensing, who shall advise the Vice President - Nuclear Operations on those areas of responsibility specified in Section 6.1.C.2.d.
g. Records Records of SEC activities required by Specification 6.1.C.2.e shall be prepared and maintaL12d in the SEC files and a summary shall be disseminated each calendar month as follows:
1. Vice President - Nuclear Operations
2. Nuclear Power Station Managers
3. Manager - Nuclear Operations Support
4. Manager - Nuclear Programs and Licensing
5. Executive Manager - Quality Assurance
6. Others that the Director - Safety Evaluation and Control may designate

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DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED TECH SPEC The proposed Technical Specification change provides clarification of the independent review function. Section of the existing Technical Specification requires Safety Evaluation and Control (SEC) to perform the independent review function. The proposed Technical Specification change further delineates the independent review functions. The Independent/Opera-tional Event Review Section of SEC wiil perform this function. The authority for implementation of independent review still rests with the Director-Safety Evaluation and Control.

50.59 Safety Review Pursuant to 10CFR50.59, we have reviewed the proposed Technical Specification changes and have concluded that no unreviewed safety question exists: (i) The probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction is not increased by these changes. (ii) The possibility of a different type of accident other than discussed in the UFSAR has not been created by this proposed change. (iii) The margin of safety as defined in the basis for any Technical Specification is not reduced by the proposed changes. Since the proposed changes do not effect plant design, operations or the safety analyses the proposed changes do not increase the probability or consequences of any accident previously analyzed or create the possibility of a new or different type of accident.

50.92 Significant Hazards Review The proposed changes do not pose a significant hazards consideration as defined in 10CFR50.92. The Commission has provided examples of changes that constitute no significant hazards consideration in Federal Register, Volume 48, page 14870. Example (i) consists of purely administrative changes. The proposed change is similar to example (i) in that the change provides further clarification of the independent review process. Overall responsibility for the independent review process has not changed. Because this change does not alter plant design, operations, or the basis for any Technical Specification it does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated; create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; or involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.
