NL-18-0670, Third 10-Year Interval Inservice Inspection Program ISI Program Update: Notification of Impractical ASME Code Requirements

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Third 10-Year Interval Inservice Inspection Program ISI Program Update: Notification of Impractical ASME Code Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/24/2018
From: Wheat J
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18144B012 (39)


~ Southern clear Regulatory Affairs 40 Inverness Center Parkway Post Office Box 1295 Birmingham. AL 35242 205 992 5316 tel 205 992 7601 fax f~AY 2 4 2018 Docket Nos.: 50-424 NL-18-0670 50-425 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant- Units 1 and 2 Third 10-Year lntervallnservice Inspection Program lSI Program Update: Notification of Impractical ASME Code Requirements Ladies and Gentlemen:

In accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii), Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) hereby notifies the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) that SNC has determined that conformance with certain ASME Section XI Code (Code) requirements is impractical for the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2 (VEGP). SNC submits the enclosed information to support the determinations of impracticality which are based on demonstrated limitations experienced when attempting to comply with the Code requirements during the third 10-year lSI program interval. Requests for relief are enclosed.

This letter contains no new NRC Commitments. If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Coleman at 205.992.6611.

Respectfully submitted, Justin T. Wheat Nuclear Licensing Manager JTW/kgl/sm


1. VEGP-ISI-RR-03, Version 1.0
2. VEGP-ISI-RR-05, Version 1.0
3. VEGP-ISI-RR-06, Version 1.0 Cc: Regional Administrator, Region II NRR Project Manager- Vogtle 1 & 2 Senior Resident Inspector- Vogtle 1 & 2 RType: CVC7000

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant- Units 1 and 2 Third 10-Year lntervallnservice Inspection Program lSI Program Update: Notification of Impractical ASME Code Requirements Enclosures Relief Requests VEGP-181-RR-03, Version 1.0 VEGP-181-RR-05, Version 1.0 VEGP-181-RR-06, Version 1.0

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Relief Request In Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--I nservice Inspection Impracticality--

(Note: Licensees request under 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii).

The NRC grants under 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(i).) *

1. ASME Code Component(s) Affected Class 1, ASME Section XI Category 8-8, Item Number 82.11 Pressurizer Circumferential, 82.40 Steam Generator Tubesheet-To-Head Weld and Category 8-D, Item number 83.110 Pressurizer Nozzle to Vessel Weld. Welds are shown in Table RR-3.

2. Applicable Code Edition and Addenda

ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda.

3. Applicable Code Requirements Examination Category 8-8 (Item No. 82.40), Table IW8-2500-1 require volumetric examinations of pressure-retaining welds in the steam generator. The applicable examination volume is shown in ASME Section XI Figures IW8-2500-6.

Examination Category 8-8 (Item No. 82.11) and Category 8-D (Item No. 83.11 0), Table IW8-2500-1 require volumetric examinations of pressure-retaining welds in the pressurizer.

The applicable examination volume is shown in ASME Section XI Figures IW8-2500-1 and IW8-2500-7 (b).

4. Impracticality of Compliance Steam Generator Tubesheet-To-Head (8-8/82.40)

Physical limitation due to support legs and identification plate obstructs and/or prohibits transducer movement along the required scan region of the channel head to tubesheet weld (Figure RR-3-1 and RR-3-2). Full Code coverage is not possible in the vicinity of the obstructions.

Pressurizer Head Circumferential Welds (8-8/82.11)

Geometric limitations of the pressurizer supports, identification plates and instrumentation nozzles obstructs (Figure RR-3-3) and/or prevents transducer movement along the required scan region of the upper head to upper shell weld. Full code coverage is not possible in the vicinity of the obstructions.

Geometric limitation of the pressurizer skirt weld configuration (RR-3-4) and alignment lugs (RR-3-5) at 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° obstructs and/or prevents transducer movement along the required scan region of the lower shell to lower head weld. Full code coverage is not possible in the vicinity of the obstructions.

VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 1 of 12

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Pressurizer Nozzle-to-Head Welds (8-D/83.11 0)

Geometric configuration of the 4" spray (Figures RR-3-6 and RR-3-7), 6" relief (Figures RR-3-8, RR-3-9, and RR-3-1 0) and 14" surge (Figures RR-3-11, RR-3-12, and RR-3-13) nozzles prevent scanning from the nozzle side for the upper and lower nozzle-to-vessel welds.

Additional surface examinations were performed on all nozzles due to the limited coverage during the volumetric examinations. Full Code Coverage is not possible due to the configuration of the nozzles.

5. Burden Caused by Compliance Compliance would require redesign and replacement of the steam generator and pressurizer nozzles and supports with special design to allow examination.
6. Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use lnservice examinations of selected welds were performed in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR50.55a and the ASME 8PV Section XI, 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda, including Appendix VIII requirements in accordance with the 2001 Edition of Section XI and applicable PDI requirements. When a component was found to have conditions, which limit the examination volume, SNC is required to submit this information to the enforcement and regulatory authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site. This relief request has been written to address areas where these conditions exist and where the required amount of coverage is reduced below that required by ASME 8PV Section XI and the NRC.

10 CFR50.55a(g)(4) recognizes that throughout the service life of a nuclear power facility, components which are classified as ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 must meet the requirements set forth in the ASME Code to the extent practical within the limitations of design, geometry and materials of construction of the welds and items described in the relief request.

The examinations of the steam generator and pressurizer welds are being conducted to the extent practical. Class 1 pressure boundary, pressure tests are performed in each refueling outage.

Although there are physical obstructions which limit and/or prohibit the amount of examination coverage for those components identified in Table RR-3, reasonable assurance still exists that an acceptable level of quality and safety will be maintained. As a result, SNC requests that relief be authorized pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(i) since it is impractical to perform the examinations as required by the Code.

Relief was granted by the NRC during the Second Ten-Year Interval for those welds/components in Table RR-3 having requests for relief submitted for them. These included Second Ten-Year Interval Requests for Reliefs RR-6 and RR-7. NRC approval was documented in correspondence dated December 31, 1998.

VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 2 of 12

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03

7. Duration of Proposed Alternative The proposed alternative is applicable for the Third lnservice Inspection Interval, extending from May 31, 2007 through May 30, 2017.
8. Precedents
1. Second Interval Relief Request, RR-06 and RR-07, were submitted to the NRC May 29, 1997.
2. NRC letter to Duke Energy Carolina, LLC, Oc~mee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3-Relief from the requirements of the ASME Code (Relief Request Nos. 15-0N-002 and 15-0N-003, Fourth 10-Year lnservice Inspection Interval), dated July 22, 2016 (ADAMS Accession Number ML16797A011 ).
3. NRC letter to Exelon Generation Company, LLC Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 3 and 3- Request 14R-17 Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, dated October 30, 2015(ADAMS Accession Number ML15265A134).
9. References NRC letter to Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Evaluation of Second 10-year Interval lnservice Inspection Program Plan and Associated Requests for Relief for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, dated December 31, 1998 for RR-06 and RR-07 (ADAMS Accession Number 99011101911 ).

VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 3 of 12

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Table RR-3 ASME Section XI Identification No. Description Limitation Approximate 2nd Int.

Cate_g_ory/ltem No. Percentage RR No.

VEGP-1 Upper Head to Nozzles, supports &

8-8 I 82.11 11201-V6-002-W01 75o/o RR-7 Upper Shell Weld identification plate Support skirt weld VEGP-1 Lower Shell to 8-8 I 82.11 11201-V6-002-W05 configuration and alignment 88% RR-7 Lower Head Weld lugs VEGP-2 Upper Head to Nozzles, supports &

8-8 I 82.11 21201-V6-002-W01 75°/o RR-7 Upper Shell Weld identification plate Support skirt weld VEGP-2 Lower Shell to 8-8 I 82.11 21201-V6-002-W05 configuration and alignment 88o/o RR-7 Lower Head Weld lugs VEGP-1 Channel Head to 8-8 I 82.40 11201-86-001-W08 Tube sheet configuration 80o/o RR-6 Tube Sheet Weld VEGP-2 Channel Head to 8-8 I 82.40 21201-86-004-W08 Tube sheet configuration 80°/o RR-6 Tube Sheet Weld VEGP-1 Upper Head to 6

8-0183.110 11201-V6-002-W1 0 Nozzle configuration 51.8°/o RR-7 Relief Nozzle Weld (N-4)

VEGP-1 Upper Head to 6" 8-0183.110 11201-V6-002-W11 Nozzle configuration 51.8°/o RR-7 Safety Nozzle Weld (N-1)

VEGP-1 Upper Head to 6" 8-0183.110 11201-V6-002-W12 Nozzle configuration 55.9o/o RR-7 Safety Nozzle Weld (N-21 VEGP-1 Upper Head to 6" 8-0183.110 11201-V6-002-W13 Nozzle configuration 55.9°/o RR-7 Safety Nozzle Weld (N-3)_

VEGP-1 Upper Head to 4" 8-0183.110 11201-V6-002-W14 Nozzle configuration 48°/o RR-7

--~- - - - -

__ Spray Nozzle W ~d (N-5)_

VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 4 of 12

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Table RR-3 (Cont)

ASME Section XI Identification No. Description Limitation Approximate 2nd Int.

Category/Item No. Percenta_g_e RR No.

VEGP-1 14 Surge Nozzle 11 Nozzle configuration and 8-D/83.110 11201-V6-002-W16 44.6°/o RR-7 Weld to Lower Head (N-6) Heater _Qenetrations VEGP-2 Upper Head to 6 11 8-D/83.110 21201-V6-002-W1 0 Nozzle configuration 51.8°/o RR-7 Safety Nozzle Weld {N-4)

VEGP-2 Upper Head to 6 11 8-D/83.110 21201-V6-002-W11 Nozzle configuration 51.8o/o RR-7 Safety_ Nozzle Weld {N-1)

VEGP-2 Upper Head to 6 11 8-D/83.11 0 21201-V6-002-W12 Nozzle configuration 55.9o/o RR-7 Safety_ Nozzle Weld {N-2)

VEGP-2 Upper Head to 6 11 8-D/83.110 21201-V6-002-W13 Nozzle configuration 55.9°/o RR-7 Safety Nozzle Weld (N-3)

VEGP-2 Upper Head to 4 11 8-D/83.110 21201-V6-002~W14 Nozzle configuration 48°/o RR-7 Spray Nozz.le Weld (N-5)

VEGP-2 14 Surge Nozzle 11 Nozzle configuration and 8-D/83.110 21201-V6-002-W16 15°/o RR-7 Weld to Lower Head (N-6) Heater penetrations VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 5 of 12

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Figure RR-3 Tube Plate to Channel Head Welds Limitations



  • I * "N E::::ur. \ cl llllllllll,llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllfllll(
                                        • ~********r*******: l ....................

\ I J l 0 I l J \ I I

SG Tube Sheet Upstream UPJVol UP/Area Total DH/Vol ON/Area TOial CWJVol CW/Area Total CCWNol CCW/Area Total o* 100% 80% 80% - - - - - - - - -

45" 80% 100% 80Yt 100% 80% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

60. 63% 100% me. 100% 80% 80% 100% 100% 1oo-t. 100% 1001Jrt 100'1.

70° 100% 100% 100% 100% 80%


100% 100% 1001J. 100% 100% 100Yt Figure RR-3-2 Typical Tube Plate to Channel Head Weld


VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 6 of 12

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Figure RR: 3-3 Upper Head Limitations



~ ' 81'% 100 1QD

~  : 81 ....

AQm 71 100 68 100 cw 81 100 a;w 81 100 B.R!i

"'cw 71 68 81 100 100 100 (4) CCR 81 tao Figure RR-3-4: Lower Head Limitations


Coverage D/S-AX45° 75%

U/S-AX60" 85%

D/S-AX45" 70%

U/5-AX 60" 80%

CW-45" 1000A.

CCW-60" 100%

CW-45" 100%

CCW-60" 100%

710% of SOOOA.

Total coverage 88.75%

Figure RR-3-5: Lower Head Limitations



~Dl- 2.0" --j LOWER SHELL WELD <(

l- 2 11'-1 LOWER HEAD

~D VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 7 of 12

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Figure RR-3-6: 4" Spray Nozzle Limitations

[(1/2)1201 V6-002-W14]

n ,

Coverage U/S Ax 45° 67.60%

D/SAX45° 0%

U/SAx 45° 72.60%

D/SAX45° 0%

CW45" 61%

CCW45" 61%

CW60" 61%

CCW60" 61%

384.20% of BOO%

Total coverage 48.03%

Figure RR-3-7: Typical4" Spray Nozzle

[(1/2)1201 V6-002-W14]

VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 8 of 12

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Figure RR-3-8: 6" Safety Nozzle Limitations

[(1/2)1201-V6-002-W10, (1/2)1201-V6-002-W11]

6Z) axi cover age obttllned

= 1.. 75sq ches 0 546%

0-54 6%

45-.Jpst *eam - 82 6%

45-downstream- OOh n pzr head 45- cw- 59%

4!:1- cc * -59%

60- upsh eam - 900~

60- downstream - 0% hes.

60-cw 59%

60- CCV* - 59%

o1 1 f:f'Yc/10 =5~ 8%comblnedcoverage VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 9 of 12

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Figure RR-3-9: 6" Safety Nozzle Limitations

[(1/2)1201-V6-002-W12, (1/2}1201-V6-002-W13]

= 8 .2 sq inciJC!I

- 6U>%

0 - 6 1. 0 4.5 - Upsu-eam - 87%

45-Down - 0%

4S- cw- ~"%

60 - strenm - 93.9%

60 - Down - 0%

60 - CW- 62%

60 - CCW-6~

SSO. 9""' / I 0 - 55.9"/o comb ined covcrase Required exam area - 13 .3 sq. m chcs Figure RR-3-1 0: Typical 6" Safety Nozzle

[(1/2)1201-V6-002-W1 0, (1/2)1201-V6-002-W11, (1/2)1201-V6-002-W12, 1201-V6-002-W1 VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 10 of 12

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Figure RR-3-11: 14" Surge Nozzle Limitations


Coverage U/S Ax 45° 0.000/o D/S AX 45° 64%

U/S Ax 45° 0.00%

D/SAX45° 55%

CW45o 60%

CCW45o 60%

CW60o 60%

CCW60o 60%

357.00% of800%

Total coverage 44.63%

Figure RR-3-12:14" Surge Nozzle limitations


l((lqlllflllllllllll CODE CO\.P.RAGF. PI.OT (112 SC:AI.E)

I 0 I ~..,...._ IDOVIIDftll durto lladrr ...,......_

Code'\-*Clllmle va.~ saara 1 vs VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 11 of 12

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Figure RR-3 Typical14" Surge Nozzle


VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 12 of 12

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-05 Relief Request In Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--lnservice Inspection Impracticality--

(Note: Licensees request under 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii).

The NRC grants under 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(i).)

1. ASME Code Component(s) Affected Class 2, ASME Section XI, Category C-A-Item Number C1.20, Category C-B-Item Number C2.21, Welds are shown in Table RR-5.

2. Applicable Code Edition and Addenda

ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda.

3. Applicable Code Requirements Examination Category, Category C-A, (Item No. C1 .20), Table IWC-2500-1, requires volumetric examination of pressure-retaining welds of Class 2 pressure vessels. Applicable examination volumes are shown in Figure IWC-2500-1.

ASME Section XI, Category C-B, (Item Nos. C2.21 ), Table IWC-2500-1, requires volumetric and surface examinations of Nozzle-to-Shell welds of Class 2 pressure vessels. The applicable examination volume is shown in Figure IWC-2500-4.

4. Impracticality of Compliance Boron Injection Tank Circumferential Head Welds (C-A/C1.20)

For the VEGP-1 Boron Injection Tank (BIT), the outside diameter (OD) configuration, combined with the interfering support legs, presents physical limitations that prevent complete coverage during ultrasonic examinations of weld 11204-V6-001-W02 (Figure RR-5-1).

Class 2 Nozzle-to-Shell Welds (C-B/C2.21)

Geometric configuration of the Steam Generator (SG) Main Steam, Main Feedwater, Auxiliary Feedwater, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) heat exchanger, and Boron Injection Tank nozzles presents physical limitations that prevent complete coverage during ultrasonic examination. As a result, scanning from the nozzle side is not feasible. However, all of the welds listed below received a surface examination via either a liquid penetrant (PT) or magnetic particle examination (MT) method with no recordable indications.

Steam Generator 16" Main Feedwater nozzles have a nozzle configuration that prevents full Coverage of weld (1/2) 1201-B6-002-W19 (Figure RR-5-2)

VEGP-ISI-RR-05 Version 1.0 Page 1 of 11

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-05 Steam Generator 6" Aux- Feedwater nozzles have a nozzle configuration that prevents full coverage of weld (1/2) 1201-B6-002-W26 (Figure RR-5-3)

Steam Generator 32" Main Steam nozzles have a nozzle configuration that prevents full coverage of weld (1/2) 1201-B6-001-W18 (Figure RR-5-4)

RHR heat exchanger tube side shell to 14" Inlet and outlet nozzles have a nozzle configuration that prevents full coverage of weld (1/2) 1205-E6-001-W04 & WOS (Figure RR-5-5)

BIT Inlet and Outlet Nozzle to Head welds have a nozzle configuration that prevents full coverage of weld 11204-V6-001-W04 & W01. (Figures RR-5-6, RR-5-7, and RR-5-8).

5. Burden Caused by Compliance The subject components would require extensive modifications in order to obtain complete compliance with the specific requirements of ASME Section XI.
6. Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use lnservice examinations of selected welds were performed in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR50.55a and the ASME BPV Section XI, 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda, including Appendix VIII requirements in accordance with the 2001 Edition of Section XI and applicable POl requirements. When a component was found to have conditions, which limit the examination volume, SNC is required to submit this information to the enforcement and regulatory authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site. This relief request has been written to address areas where these conditions exist and where the required amount of coverage is reduced below that required by ASME BPV Section XI and the NRC.

10 CFR50.55a(g)(4) recognizes that throughout the service life of a nuclear power facility, components which are classified as ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 must meet the requirements set forth in the ASME Code to the extent practical within the limitations of design, geometry and materials of construction of the welds and items described in the relief request.

No alternate examination is proposed. Class 2 pressure boundary, pressure tests are performed in each examination period. Additionally, surface examinations were performed on Category C-8, Item C2.21 welds contained in this relief. The affected Class 2 vessel welds are being examined to the fullest extent practical.

Although there are physical limitations which limit and/or prohibit the amount of examination coverage for those components identified in Table RR-5, reasonable assurance still exists that an acceptable level of quality and safety will be maintained. As a result, SNC requests that relief be authorized pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(i) since it is impractical to perform the examinations as required by the Code.

VEGP-ISI-RR-05 Version 1.0 Page 2 of 11

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-05 Relief was granted by the NRC during the Second Ten-Year Interval for those welds/components in Table RR-5 having requests for relief submitted for them. These included Second Ten-Year Interval Requests for Relief RR-14. NRC final approval was documented in correspondence dated June 20, 2001.

7. Duration of Proposed Alternative The proposed alternative is applicable for the Third lnservice Inspection Interval, extending from May 31, 2007 through May 30, 2017.
8. Precedents
1. Relief Request RR-14 submitted via letter number LCV-1 016-Q Dated October 18, 2000 was submitted to the NRC (MLI003762772).
2. NRC letter to Duke Energy Carolina, LLC, Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3- Relief from the requirements of the ASME Code (Relief Request Nos. 15-0N-002 and 15-0N-003, Fourth 10-Year lnservice Inspection Interval), dated July 22, 2016 (ADAMS Accession Number ML16797A011 ).
3. NRC letter to Exelon Generation Company, LLC Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 3 and 3- Request 14R-17 Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, dated October 30, 2015(ADAMS Accession Number ML15265A134).
9. References
1. NRC letter to Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Second 10-year lntervallnservice Inspection Program Plan Requests for Relief 13, 14, 15, 21 and 33 for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, dated June 20, 2001 for RR14 (ADAMS Accession Number ML011640178).

VEGP-ISI-RR-05 Version 1.0 Page 3 of 11

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-05 Table RR-5 ASME Section XI Identification No. Description Limitation Approximate 2nd Int.

Category/Item No. Percenta_g_e RR No.

VEGP-1 BIT Head to Vessel Vessel supports and weld C-Al C1.20 11204-V6-001-W02 32.5°/o RR-14 Shell configuration (OD Ta_Qelj_

I VEGP-1 32 11 SG Main Steam C-B I C2.21 11201-B6-001-W18 Nozzle configuration 50o/o RR-14 I Outlet Nozzle *to Head Weld VEGP-1 16 SG Feedwater 11 C-B I C2.21 11201-B6-002-W19 Nozzle configuration 80°/o RR-14 Nozzle TO Shell Weld VEGP-1 611 SG Aux. Feedwater RR-14( 1)

C-B I C2.21 11201-B6-002-W26 Nozzle configuration 80°/o Nozzle to Shell Weld VEGP-1 RHR HX Tube Side C-B I C2.21 11205-E6-001-W04 Nozzle configuration 41.5o/o (2)

Shell to 14.. Inlet Nozzle Weld VEGP-1 RHR HX Tube Side C-B I C2.21 11205-E6-001-W05 Nozzle configuration 41.5o/o (2)

Shell to 1411 Outlet Nozzle Weld VEGP-1 BIT Outlet Nozzle to C-B I C2.21 11204-V6-001-W04 Nozzle configuration 60.5o/o RR-14 Head Weld VEGP-1 BIT Inlet Nozzle to C-B I C2.21 11204-V6-001-W01 Nozzle configuration 50°/o RR-14 I

Vessel Head VEGP-2 32 SG Main Steam 11 C-B I C2.21 21201-B6-001-W18 Nozzle configuration 50°/o RR-14 I Outlet Nozzle to Head Weld VEGP-2 1611 SG Feedwater C-BI C2.21 21201-B6-002-W19 Nozzle configuration 80o/o RR-14 Nozzle to Shell Weld I VEG P-2 6 SG Aux. Feedwater 11 C-B I C2.21 21201-B6-002-W26 Nozzle configuration 80°/o RR-14 J Nozzle to Shell Weld C-B I C2.21 VEGP-2 RHR HX Tube Side 21205-E6-001-W04 Nozzle configuration 41.5°/o (2)

Shell to 1411 Inlet Nozzle Weld I C-B I C2.21 VEGP-2 RHR HX Tube Side 21205-E6-001-W05 Nozzle configuration 41.5°/o (2)

Shell to 1411 Outlet Nozzle Weld (1) Not previously inspected, weld coverage is similar to 21201-B6-002-W26 in RR-14.


(2) Not previously inspected.

VEGP-ISI-RR-05 Version 1.0 Page 4 of 11

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Figure RR-5-1: Boron Injection Tank limitations


0 DJ:GR£E .435 SQ 1.-.:CHES = ~

0 DEGREE 69%

45 DEGRF.F. 57%

60 DEGREE 61%


  • 65%

60DEGR£E (1) .082 SQ INC HES & 13~


60 DEGREE 49% A.-.;'0 13?6 *62% ON LIP SIDE VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 5 of 11

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Figure RR-5-2: SG Main Feedwater Nozzle Limitations 1 1201-B6-002-W1 CODE COVERAGE PLOT (112 SCALE> 111111111111111111111 o I F\Y ~ozzle I DS Examination Volume - Inner 113T & '*" BM I per ASME Section XI (Figure IWC-2500-4).

Supplemental 35" in small area of insulation ring limitation to achieve BM coverage.

I UPNol UP/Area Total DNNol ON/Area Total CWNol CWlArea Total CCWNol CCWlArea Total o* 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% - - - - -

35/45" 100% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100%+ 100% 100%

60° 100% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100%+ 100% 100%

TOTAL COVERAGE-= 80°/o VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 6 of 11

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Figure RR-5-3: 6" SG AFW Nozzle limitations 1201-Bb-UIU:l**VV~~b


CODE COYERAGE PLOT (112 SCALE) 0 AFW Nozzle I DS Vessel Shell / US Examination Volume -

I Inner 1/JT & Y." BM per ASME Section XI (Figure IWC-2500-4).


VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 7 of 11

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Figure RR-5-4: 32" SG Main Steam Nozzle limitations


Percent of required area exam ned - Swface p n:ent of nqulnKt area eamlned .. Votu 100%

ReDel Request Number or Relief Request Requ red? RR-14


Cod Case used (If applicable) NJA NF N (if appl bla) NIA Desat limilatio , If any, (eq, one ed eam due to geometry, etc.) and attach sketch showing lbnltatton and code~


I VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 8 of 11

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Figure RR-5-5: RHR HX Tube Side Shell to 14" Nozzle Limitations

[(1/2} 1205-E6-001-W04 & W05]

Axial scans obtained- SO%

Circ. Scans obtained-33%

Total Code co\uage obtained :; 41.5%

ReliefRequ.est Required Circ.

Scans Coverage Nozzle VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 9 of 11

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Figure RR-5-6: BIT Inlet Nozzle to Head Limitations

[11204-V6-001-W04 & W01]

Figure RR-5-7: BIT Inlet Nozzle to Head Coverage

[11204-VS-001- W01]


CJL I lfll llflllll l ll l 1 0 I Outlet No12le I OS £umlaatloa Volame - laaer l/3T & %" BM per ASME SectioD XI (FI&ure IWC-2500_.).

700 nq11lred per procedure but aot badudcd iD volumr calculatloas.

Eu mlnatioo Coveraae - sew. per RR-1 ...

Vessel Head I US l '* li<UP.Nol!: I "DP.JAri1~ ~. CTotalf-oo 100% 100% 100% 0% 0% .,.,

~JDNN.Ol~ . ~ON/~ ~ --...Totilm "ri.CWNO~ ~-Abti ~TotaL~;.



~5* 100% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100%+ 50% 50%+ 100%+ 50% W .4+

50' ro-

  • 10Q~

N/A 100%

N/A 100%

NIA 0%

NIA 0%

NIA oeJ.

NIA 100%+

NIA 50%

NIA Wlr+

NIA 1ooe.4+

NIA 50%

NJA 10%+


VEGP-ISI-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 10 of 11

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-181-RR-03 Figure RR-5-8: BIT Outlet Nozzle to Head Coverage

[11204-VS-001- W04]

Q T Cldl~--naR T : l l l - -a

~CIIecagaDS6C2g!W! e95 n.a~--~~~~~ CSID Tl ON!D

~2-i$ ..


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~335 ~*


or~=sn,.s.- emr~~

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Taala:~~n~(XWEDdlg*U-a.-~a.JG..c*S75~n:a CCNCSC2g 95~ .,_,.u~....-n:r.

COOS~* ~7519 Sr:w Gl5or51* CXY~Sde!;rell* srm5Ma .aoranr.

~ * ..,... ,,~

  • o 't!Fl!M1"11o14*0 75'1ti'AIII Tdll.--.o~ ... s5~~..-8d-..:".Sl5_....,.

0~*5TS !Um<SII5at6'191.

0 degree 61% + 45 degree 61.75 % + 60 degree 58.75% =181.5% / 3 = 60 5%

VEGP-181-RR-03 Version 1.0 Page 11 of 11

Southern Nuclear Operating Company(SNC)

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP), Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Relief Request In Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii)

--I nservice Inspection Impracticality--

(Note: Licensees request under 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii).

The NRC grants under 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(i).)

1. ASME Code Component(s) Affected Class 1 & 2, ASME Section XI, Code Case N-716 Category R-A-Item Number R 1.11, R.1.16 and R1.20. Welds are shown in Table RR-6.

2. Applicable Code Edition and Addenda

ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda.

3. Applicable Code Requirements Examination Category, Category R-A, (Item No. R1.11}, Code Case N-716 Table 1, requires volumetric examination of High Safety Significant (HSS) pressure-retaining welds of Class 1 and 2 welds subject to Thermal Fatigue. Applicable examination volumes are shown in Figures IWB-2500-8(c), 9, 10 & 11.

Examination Category, Category R-A, (Item No. R1.16), Code Case N-716 Table 1, requires volumetric examination of HHS pressure-retaining welds of Class 1 and 2 welds subject to lntergranular or Transgranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC or TGSCC). Applicable examination volumes are shown in Figures IWB-2500-8(c), 9, 10 & 11.

Examination Category, Category R-A, (Item No. R1.20), Code Case N-716 Table 1, requires volumetric examination of HHS pressure-retaining welds of Class 1 and 2 welds not subject to a degradation method. Applicable examination volumes are shown in Figures IWB-2500-8(c), 9, 10 & 11.

4. Impracticality of Compliance Elements Subject to Thermal Fatigue(R-A/R1.11)

Degradation method -Thermal Transient 11201-030-38-RB is an austenitic stainless steel6" pipe to reducer weld. Limited coverage of 83% was obtained due to a welded pipe support located upstream of the weld. Figure 6-1 shows the coverage obtained for this inspection. 11208-007-1-RB, 11208-007-2-RB, 21208-007-1-RB and 21208-007-2-RB are austenitic stainless steel 3" valve to pipe welds. Limited coverage of 50% was obtained due to geometry of the valve. Figure 6-2 shows the coverage obtained for this inspection. 11201-031-2-RB, 11201-046-2-RB, 11201-042-2-RB and 11201-051-2-RB are austenitic stainless steel2" pipe to elbow welds. Limited coverage of 46%, was obtained due to geometry of the elbow. Figure 6-3 shows the coverage obtained VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Version 1.0 Page 1 of 14

Southern Nuclear Operating Company(SNC)

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP), Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-06 for these inspections. No recordable indications were found in the examination volumes. 6 additional examinations were inspected per unit within item number R 1.11.

Elements Subject to IGSCC or TGSCC (R-AIR1.16)

Degradation method-IGSCC 11204-126-15-RB and 21204-124-15-RB are an austenitic stainless steel 10" pipe to valve welds. Figure 6-4 shows the coverage obtained for these inspections.11204-024-13-RB and 21204-024-15-RB are austenitic stainless steel 6" pipe to valve welds. Figure 6-5 shows the coverage obtained for these inspections. Limited coverage of 50°/o for all welds was obtained due to geometry of the valves. No recordable indications were found in the examination volumes.

Elements Not Subject to Degradation method (R-A /R1.20) 11204-025-20-RB, 21204-024-16-RB and 21204-025-22-RB are austenitic stainless steel6" pipe to valve welds. Figure 6-5 shows the coverage obtained for these inspections. 11204-023-21-RB and 21204-023-21-RB are austenitic stainless steel 6" pipe to tee welds. Figure 6-6 shows the coverage obtained for these inspections.11204-076-42-RB is an austenitic stainless steel1 1/2" pipe to flange weld. Figure 6-7 shows the coverage obtained for this inspection.11204-078-10-RB is an austenitic stainless steel1 1/2" pipe to elbow weld.

Figure 6-8 shows the coverage obtained for this inspection. 11204-021-26-RB and 21204-021-26-RB are austenitic stainless steel 6" pipe to reducer welds. Figure 6-9 shows the coverage obtained for these inspections. 11204-021-28-RB is an austenitic stainless steel 12" pipe to tee weld. Figure 6-10 shows the coverage obtained for this inspection. 11204-021-27-RB is an austenitic stainless steel12" pipe to reducer weld. Figure 6-11 shows the coverage obtained for this inspection.11208-012-5-RB is an austenitic stainless steel 2" pipe to elbow weld. Figure 6-12 shows the coverage obtained for this inspection. 21201-030 RB is an austenitic stainless 4" steel pipe to valve weld. Figure 6-13 shows the coverage obtained for this inspection. Limited coverage of 50°/o was obtained for the welds above due to geometry. 11301-001-6-RB is a class 2 carbon steel 29 Y2" valve to pipe weld. Limited coverage of 75o/o was obtained due to geometry. Figure 6-14 shows the coverage obtained for this inspection. No recordable indications were found in the examination volumes. 147 additional examinations were performed with this degradation method. 138 of these examinations are in the Break Exclusion Region and required by Technical Specifications to inspect every 10 years under an augmented program.

5. Burden Caused by Compliance To obtain the Code required examination volume or coverage of the subject welds would require significant modifications to the welded components and fittings. The components and fittings associated with the subject welds are standard design items meeting the typical national standards that specify required configurations and dimensions. To replace these items with items of alternate configurations to enhance examination coverage would require unique design and fabrication. Because these items are in the Class 1 and 2 boundaries, redesign would be an extensive effort.

Radiograph Testing (RT) is not a desired option because RT is limited in the ability to detect service induced flaws.

VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Version 1.0 Page 2 of 14

Southern Nuclear Operating Company(SNC)

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP), Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Overall, it is not possible to obtain examination coverage of greater than 90°/o of the required Code examination volume or area for the welds and items in this request without extensive design modifications. All examinations have been performed to the fullest extent practical.

6. Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use lnservice examinations of selected welds were performed in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR50.55a, plant technical specifications, and the ASME BPV Section XI, 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda, including Appendix VIII requirements in accordance with the 2001 Edition of Section XI and applicable PDI requirements. When a component was found to have conditions, which limit the examination volume, SNC is required to submit this information to the enforcement and regulatory authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site. This relief request has been written to address areas where these conditions exist and where the required amount of coverage is reduced below that required by ASME BPV Section XI and the NRC.

10 CFR50.55a(g)(4) recognizes that throughout the service life of a nuclear power facility, components which are classified as ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 must meet the requirements set forth in the ASME Code to the extent practical within the limitations of design, geometry and materials of construction of the welds and items described in the relief request.

SNC performed the examinations to the fullest extent practical. For the welds in Class 1 pressure boundary, pressure tests are performed in each refueling outage. For the welds in Class 2 pressure boundary, pressure tests are performed in each inspection period.

Additional inspections are performed in Item Numbers R1.11 R1.20.

Although there are physical limitations which limit and/or prohibit the amount of examination coverage for those components identified in Table RR-6, reasonable assurance still exists that an acceptable level of quality and safety will be maintained. As a result, SNC requests that relief be authorized pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(i) since it is impractical to perform the examinations as required by the Code.

. 7. Duration of Proposed Alternative The proposed alternative is applicable for the Third lnservice Inspection Interval, extending from May 31, 2007 through May 30, 2017.

VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Version 1.0 Page 3 of 14

Southern Nuclear Operating Company(SNC)

Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP), Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-06

8. Precedents
1. NRC letter to Duke Energy Carolina, LLC, Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3-Relief from the requirements of the ASME Code (Relief Request Nos. 15-0N-002 and 15-0N-003, Fourth 10-Year In service Inspection Interval), dated July 22, 2016 (ADAMS Accession Number ML16797A011).
2. NRC letter to Exelon Generation Company, LLC Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 3 and 3- Request 14R-17 Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, dated October 30, 2015(ADAMS Accession Number ML15265A134).
9. References
1. American society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Code Case N-716, Alternative Piping Classification and Examination Requirements,Section XI Division 1.
2. Relief request VEGP-ISI-ALT-02, Request Approval of Risk Informed/Safety Based lnservice Inspection Alternative for Class 1 And 2 Piping, via letter NL-09-0322 dated April 15, 2009.
3. ML100610470 is the NRC ADAMS Accession Number for the NRC Safety Evaluation, dated March 3, 2010 for VEGP-ISI-ALT-02.

VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Version 1.0 Page 4 of 14

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Table RR-6 ASME Section XI cc Identification No. Description Limitation Approximate Category/Item No. Percentage R-A I R1.11 1 11208-007-1-RB VEGP-1 3 11 Valve to Pipe Geometry 50°/o (B-JI89.21)

R-A I R1.11 1 11208-007-2-RB VEGP-1 3 11 Pipe to Valve Geometry 50o/o (8-JI89.21)

R-A/R1.11 1 11201-030-38-RB VEGP-1 6 11 Pipe to Reducer Welded support 83°/o (8-JIB9.11)

R-A I R1.11 1 11201-031-2-RB VEGP-1 2 11 Pipe to Elbow Geometry 46o/o (8-JIB9.21)

R-A I R1.11 1 11201-042-2-RB VEGP-1 2 11 Pipe to Elbow Geometry 46°/o (8-JI89.21)

R-A I R1.11 1 11201-046-2-RB VEGP-1 2 11 Pipe to Elbow Geometry 46o/o (B-JIB9.21)

R-A I R1.11 1 11201-051-2-RB VEGP-1 2 11 Pipe to Elbow Geometry 46o/o (8-JIB9.21)

R-AI R1.16 1 11204-126-15-RB VEGP-1 1011 Pipe to Valve Geometry 50°/o


R-AI R1.16 1 11204-024-13-RB VEGP-1 611 Pipe to Valve Geometry 50o/o (8-JI89.11)

R-A I R1.20 1 11204-023-21-RB VEGP-1 611 Pipe to Tee Geometry 50o/o (8-JI89.11)

R-A I R1.20 1 11204-076-42-RB VEGP-1 1.511 Pipe to Flange Geometry 50°/o


R-A I R1.20 1 11204-078-1 O-RB VEGP-1 1.511 Pipe to Elbow Geometry 62o/o (B-JIB9.22)

R-A I R1.20 1 11204-021-26-RB VEGP-1 6 11 Pipe to Reducer Geometry 50o/o (8-JIB9.11)

R-A I R1.20 VEGP-1 12 Reducer to 11 1 11204-021-27-RB Geometry 50°/o (B-JIB9.11) Pipe R-A I R1.20 1 11204-021-28-RB VEGP-1 1211 Pipe to Tee Geometry 50o/o (8-JIB9.11)

VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Version 1.0 Page 5 of 14

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Table RR-6 (cont)

ASME Section XI cc Identification No. Description Limitation Approximate Category/Item Percentage No.

R-A I R1.20 1 11204-025-20-R8 VEGP-1 6 11 Valve to Pipe Geometry 50°/o (8-JI89.11)

R-A I R1.20 1 11208-012-5-R8 VEGP-1 2 11 Elbow to Pipe Geometry 41.75°/o (8-JI89.11)

R-AI R1.20 VEGP-1 Valve to 29 112 11 2 11301-001-6-R8 Geometry 75o/o

_(C-F-2/C5.51) Pipe R-A I R1.11 1 21208-007-1-R8 VEGP-2 3 11 Valve to Pipe Geometry 50°/o (8-JI89.21)

R-A I R1.11 1 21208-007-2-R8 VEGP-2 3 11 Pipe to Valve Geometry 50o/o (8-JI89.21)

R-A I R1.16 1 21204-124-15-R8 VEGP-2 1011 Pipe to Valve Geometry 50°/o (8-JI89.11)

R-AI R1.16 1 21204-024-15-R8 VEGP-2 611 Pipe to Valve Geometry 50°/o


R-A I R1.20 1 21204-023-21-R8 VEGP-2 611 Pipe to Tee Geometry 50°/o (8-JI89.11)

R-A I R1.20 1 21201-030-19-R8 VEGP-2 4 11 Valve to Pipe Geometry 50°/o (8-JI89.11)

R-A I R1.20 1 21204-021-26-R8 VEGP-2 611 Pipe to Reducer Geometry 50o/o (8-JI89.11)

R-A I R1.20 1 21204-021-17-R8 VEGP-2 6 11 Valve to Pipe Geometry 50o/o


R-A I R1.20 1 21204-024-16-R8 VEGP-2 6 11 Valve to Pipe Geometry 50o/o (8-JI89.11)

R-A I R1.20 1 21204-025-22-R8 VEGP-2 611 Valve to Pipe Geometry 50°/o (8-JI89.11)

VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Version 1.0 Page 6 of 14

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Figure RR-6-1: 6" Pipe to Reducer







CW -1 00%

CCW -1 00%

UPSTREAM - 33°/o ( 7" scanned /21" circumference)


TOTAL COMBINED COVERAGE= 83.3o/o VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Version 1.0 Page 7 of 14

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Figure RR-6-2: 3" Pipe to Valve

[11208-007-1-RB, 11208-007-2-RB, 21208-007-1-RB, 21208-007-2-RB]



VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Version 1.0 Page 8 of 14

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-181-RR-06 Figure RR-6-3: 2" Pipe to Elbow 11201-031-2-RB, 11204-042-2-RB, 11201-046-2-RB, 11201-051-2-RB 11M11rA11110N !DUE ro INTRAOOSE CURVATURE

-L FLOW OISAX45"-110D'Jr -15.87% =84.13%

UfSAX45~- 0 %

ors AX ro~ - 1 oo% -15.87% = 84.13%

U1S AX 70"- 0%

CW DIS AX 45"- 100%

CW U1S AX 45*- OU.t CIN 015 AX 10* -100%

CW UIS AX 70,- 0%


VEGP-181-RR-06 Version 1.0 Page 9 of 14

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Figure RR-6-4: 10" Pipe to Valve limitations

[11204-126-15-RB, 21204-124-15-RB]


~E 11 .0"

\ GORL 45,.

\ I /~--------------------~------

\ ,.}./

- - - __\_}-,L - - - - - - - -

- - *- - , .. / ---------""'--~L__ _ __


I Code coverage for single sided exams on stainless steel welds is limited to 50°/o.

Figure RR-6-5: 6" Pipe to Valve limitations

{[11204-024-13-RB, 21204-024-15-RB, 11204-025-20-RB, 21204-021-17-RB, 21204-024 RB, 21204-025-22-RB]


\ 1.0"

', I  ; ~-60_R_L___________________~45_0 _ _ _ _ _ __

\ ~/

- - ~_y,L--- - - - - -

- - -' - - ~ --\yl;________________'---2-~-------

1 Code coverage for single sided exams on stainless steel welds is limited to 50°/o.

VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Version 1.0 Page 10 of 14

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-181-RR-06 Figure RR-6-6: 6" Pipe to Tee

[11204-023-21-RB, 21204-023-21-RB]


= Required examination ~ume

= 500.4 of required voJmne examined due to Single Side access.

Best effon exam performed on far side \'"O!ume.

Figure RR-6-7: 1 1h" Pipe to Flange


Flange Pipe

-- _ _ e;:;;gzg;gvtSS:S . L_ _


.' ',. ' ,'-"-' *

  • Required examination Volume YULL/LL.

50% of Required volume examined due to single side access. Best effort exam perfonned on far side volume.

Figure RR-6-8: 1 1f2" Pipe to Elbow

[11204-078-1 O-RB]

- ---Flow Pipe No exams perfonned from 1"CCW to 1" CW due to support interference.

No axial coverage obtained in axial scan direction for 1" on intrados of elbow due to curvature.

Achieved 48.3% coverage of required volume from elbow side. Achieved 66.6 % coverage from the pipe side, and 66.6% coverage in CW & CCW scan directions.

Combined coverage for complete exam- 62%.

VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Version 1.0 Page 11 of 14

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Figure RR-6-9: 6" Pipe to Reducer

[11204-021-26-RB, 21204-021-26-RB]

Total mde ean = ..6 Square ntles li ex:ma:aa achiele:f =.3 Sl.pR id1esa 115TeRJ\"" U.FAA~CFYRD Figure RR-6-10: 12" Pipe to Tee


/ m Total oode required exam area =5625 or100%

Total e>cam area Wid = 28125 Square ild1es or 50"/o Bast~ ea:amaeam tasdedwad Figure RR-6-11: 12" Pipe to Reducer


VON= 11~

T:: 1 1" a.

Pf'E Total axle requ red exam area= .6 Square indles or 100%

Total ean area adli~ : .30 Square ilches or 50%

Best effort exam area on far Sde of v.eld VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Version 1.0 Page 12 of 14

Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Figure RR-6-12: 2" Elbow to Pipe


% COVERAGE = 41.

EL80 PIPE FLOW Figure RR-6-13: 4" Valve to Pipe



Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 Third 10-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request Number VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Figure RR-6-14: 29 Y2" Valve to Pipe



<rit. >

-1 -1

-2 -2

-3 -3 Y<JH.>* -1 *.:* *. ,. l . I i , .. I Jl ' *Y<IH.)




CODE COUERAGE OBTAIHEJ) 72+98+69+69:3881'4= 75Y.

VEGP-ISI-RR-06 Version 1.0 Page 14 of 14