ML073240739 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Vogtle |
Issue date: | 11/05/2007 |
From: | Falls W F, Prowell D C US Dept of Energy (DOE), US Dept of Interior, Geological Survey (USGS) |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
FOIA/PA-2009-0013A, NL-07-2097 | |
Download: ML073240739 (24) | |
U.S.Department of the Interior U.S.Geological Survey Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of Sediments from Five Cores from Screven and Burke Counties, Georgia By W.Fred Falls and David C.Prowell U.S.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1603-A Prepared in cooperation with the U.S.Department of Energy and the Georgia Geologic Survey GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF FIVE CORES FROM SCREVEN AND BURKE COUNTIES, EASTERN GEORGIA Edited by Lucy E.Edwards CONTENTS Abstract Al Introduction
.1 Test Hole and Core Information 2 Previous Work 4 Acknowledgments 4 Stratigraphic Framework.................................................................................................
4 Cretaceous Stratigraphy 7 Cape Fear Formation 9 Middendorf Formation 10 Black Creek Group 10 Steel Creek Formation 11 Tertiary Stratigraphy 12 Ellenton Formation 12 Snapp Formation 13 Fourmile Branch/CongareelWarley Hill Unit 13 Santee Limestone 14 Barnwell Unit-.............................................................................................
16 Summary 17 References Cited 17 FIGURES 1.Index map showing the Savannah River Site and the location of stratigraphic test holes in the study area A2 2.Correlation diagram showing a generalized comparison of Cretaceous and Tertiary geologic units in the Southeastern United States 3 3-5.Gamma-ray, single-point resistance, and lithologic logs and geologic units of the-3.Millhaven test hole in Screven County, Ga.............................................................................................................
5 4.Girard test hole in Burke County, Ga......................................................................................................................
6 5.Millers Pond test well 1 and test hole in Burke County, Ga."................................................................................
7 6.Gamma-ray, single-point resistance, and lithologic logs (from figs.3-5)showing dip-oriented correlation of geologic units from the Millers Pond test hole to the Millhaven test hole 8 TABLE 1.Elevations and depths of stratigraphic tops for geologic units and subunits in the Millhaven, Girard, Thompson Oak, Millers Pond, and McBean cores A9 ill GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF FIVE CORES FROM SCREVEN AND BURKE COUNTIES, EASTERN GEORGIA Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of Sediments from Five Cores from Screven and Burke Counties, Georgia By W.Fred Falls and David C.Prowell ABSTRACT Five deep stratigraphic test holes were drilled from 1991 to 1993 in support of multidisciplinary investigations to determine the stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous andtiary sediments of the coastal plain in east-central Georgia.Cored sediment and geophysical logs from the Millhaven test hole in Screven County and the Girard and Millers Pond test holes in Burke County are the primary sources oflogic and paleontologic information for this report.logic and paleontologic information from the Thompson Oak and McBean test holes in Burke County supplements the discussion of stratigraphy and sedimentation in the updip part of the study area near the Millers Pond test hole.The Cretaceous sections in the studied cores are divided into the Cape Fear Formation, the Middendorfmation, the Black Creek Group, and the Steel Creektion.These four geologic units consist of siliciclastic sediments.
Evidence of possible unconformities allows us to recognize two subunits in the Middendorf Formation and three subunits in the Black Creek Group.Sediments in the Cretaceous section generally are coarser grained and more oxidized in updip areas.Each contact between units is a regional unconformity and denotes a considerable hiatus in sedimentation.
The sediments in all four geologic units have been interpreted as being part of large deltaic systems that prograded across the paleo-continental shelf in east-central Georgia and western South Carolina.The lithofacies observed in the Upper Cretaceous units tend to be coarser grained in proximal-deltaic environments and finer grained in distal-deltaic environments.
The Tertiary sections are divided into the Ellenton and Snapp Formations of Paleocene age;the Fourmile Branch!CongareelWarley Hill unit and Santee Limestone of Eocene age;and the Barnwell unit, which contains strata of Eocene to Miocene age.The Tertiary section, with the exception of the Snapp Formation, generally is more calcareous and has a more diverse and abundant marine microflora and fauna in the down dip Millhaven core, relative to the up dip McBean and Millers Pond cores.For these units, sedimentary and paleontologic evidence suggests open-marine shelfments at the Millhaven site and marginal-marinements at the Millers Pond site.TheSnappFormation is nearly barren of fossils and is a noncalcareous sequence of oxidized sand and clay.mentary characteristics of the Snapp Formation suggest a fluvially dominated depositional environment such as an upper delta plain or an incised alluvial valley.The presence of a sparse marine microflora suggests some marineence on deposition in the downdip area near Millhaven.ferences in the thickness of this formation in the study area suggest that channels containing the basal sand of the Snapp Formation are incised into laminated black clay of the Ellenton Formation.
INTRODUCTION Five deep stratigraphic test holes were drilled in east-central Georgia from 1991 to 1993 in support ofdisciplinary investigations by the U.S.Geological Survey (USGS)and the Georgia Geologic Survey (GGS)of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.
These tions were conducted to determine the geology andogy oithe Georgia Coastal Plain sediments in the vicinity of the U.S.Department of Energy Savannah River Site (SRS)in South Carolina (fig.1).In this region, poorlydated Cretaceous and Cenozoic strata form a ward-thickening wedge of fluvial and marine deposits underlain by Paleozoic crystalline rocks and sic sedimentary rocks.This wedge of sediment is more than Al A2 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF FIVE CORES FROM SCREVEN AND BURKE COUNTIES, GEORGIA 82'30'82'81'30'TEST HOLE AND CORE INFORMATION EXPlANATION Figure 2.Generalized comparison of Cretaceous andTertiary geologic units in the Southeastern United States (modified from Clarke and others, 1994).Shaded areas indicate missing stratigraphic sections.Dashed lines indicate formation boundary of uncertain stratigraphic position.Abbreviation used: Fm, formation.
Source for the lithoiogic units of eastern Georgia: Prowell, Christopher, and others (1985).Sources for the Georgia Geologic Survey nomenclature in eastern Georgia: Huddlestun and Hetrick (1991), Summerour and others (1994), and Huddlestun and Summerour (1996).Sources for units of South Carolina: Colquhoun and others (1983), Gohn (1992), and Fallaw and Price (1995).The five test holes informally are named for localmarks and formally are assigned either a GGS or a USGS identification number.The informal names used in this report are Millhaven, Girard, Thompson Oak, Millers Pond, and McBean.The five test holes were continuously cored with a wireline, mud-rotary coring system.The cores from the Millhaven, Girard, and Millers Pond test holes were examined for texture, mineralogy, sedimentary structures, diagenetic features, and the presence of macrofossils.
Selected samples were examined microscopically for dinoflagellates, pollen, foraminifers, ostracodes, andeous nannofossils.
The descriptions of the cores and the geophysical logs of the associated test holes at Millhaven, Girard, and Millers Pond are the primary sources ofmation for the following discussion of stratigraphic units (Clarke and others, 1994, 1996;Leeth and others, 1996).The authors interpreted the stratigraphy of theson Oak and McBean cores from descriptions published by the GGS (Huddlestun and Summerour, 1996)and have not personally examined these cores in detail.Samples forontologic examination were collected by P.E Huddlestun of*the GGS from the Thompson Oak and McBean cores.We used the paleontologic results (Frederiksen and others, this volume, chap.C;Edwards, this volume, chap.G;sen, this volume, chap.H)to interpret the stratigraphy and sedimentation of geologic units in the updip area nearers Pond in Burke County, Ga.The stratigraphies of these two cores supplement the following discussion of phy in the updip part of Burke County near the Millers Pond test hole but are not illustrated as stratigraphic columns in this report.Geophysical-logging surveys of the test holes, with the exception of the McBean test hole, include single-point and triple-point electric resistance, spontaneous potential,ral gamma ray, and hole diameter (caliper log).Formation instability and hole diameter of the Millhaven test holevented electric-logging surveys of the section from 571 to 530 ft and triple-point resistance logging below 900 ft.The McBean test hole is the only one studied that was notphysically logged.o 10 20 o 10 20 I!/,/'/',\-1 Jefferson',--\\, ('33'MlIlhaven*Test hole site and intoOTlat name at site-'.........-'_.."'-.......Figure 1.Index map showing the Savannah River Site and the location of stratigraphic test holes in the study area.32'30----.JL.-
-'---'----.J 1,450 ft thick in the down dip Millhaven core in Screven County.Previously, the Upper Cretaceous section in thesurface of the study area was penetrated partially by four cored test holes along the Savannah River in Burke County (Bechtel Corporation, 1972)and by a cored test hole near the town of Midville in the southwestern corner of Burke County (Prowell, Christopher, and others, 1985).Theceous section also was studied by using geophysical logs and cuttings from local water wells (Clarke and others, 1985).The sedimentary history and stratigraphy of thetiary section in the study area already were known fromcrops (Huddlestun and Hetrick, 1978, 1979, 1986;Hetrick, 1992)and from several fully or partially cored test holes in northern Burke County (McClelland, 1987)and along the Savannah River in Burke and Screven Counties (Bechtel Corporation, 1972).This chapter briefly describes the lithologic andgraphic character of the geologic units (fig.2)recognized in the five cored sections to provide a framework for detailed discussions of the fauna and flora identified fromlogic efforts.The paleontologic data presented in the other chapters of this volume are used withthecore descriptions to infer correlation of these geologic units with cally equivalent units in the vicinity of the study area and to infer depositional environments.
33'30' i SERIES EUROPEAN PROVINCIAL WESTERN EASTERN GEORGIA THIS STUDY SOUTH ALABAMA lithologic Georgia Geologic subseries STAGE STAGE GEORGIA Unit Survey Nomenclature EASTERN GEORGIA CAROLINA Ql c: i Hawthorn Formation Ql Undifferentiated Undifferentiated u." Ml Hawthorn Formation 0,..'I Edisto Formation Ql Chickasawhayan Paynes Hammock Sand.I Chandler Bridge Formation c: Chattian Suwannee limestone Ql Chickasawhay Formation Cooper Formation (Ashley Member)u 01 0 Bvram Formation!Barnwell.S!'Vicksburgian is Rupelian Red Bluff Cia IBumonose Fm.unit a;E8 i Tobacco\Parkers Ferry 0-Yazoo Limestone Ocala Harleyville Fms.0-Priabonian Jacksonian Limestone:!3arnwell
=RoadSand (Cooper Group)::::l Clay E7.'GroupDry Branch Bartonian Moodvs Branch Fm.Mood s Branch Fm.E6Clinchfield
.Q)Gosoon Sand c:::_._---,-'-'_.._--"_..-Santee Tinker Q)Q)Santee C1.u'6 E5 Lisb'on Formation Limestone Formation::J 0"C Lisbon Formation Lisbon Formation Formation e LJJt.:l Lutetian E4 Still.Branch Sand Warley Hill Fm."-g>Claibornian Fourmile Branch!::J.c'"TallahattaTallahatta E3 Congaree!HuberCongaree)Cl c:a;FormationFormation
RormatIon Warley Hill unit Fm.Formation 0 s Ypresian E2....0 Halchetigbee/Bashi Fms.Hatcheligbee/Bashi Fms.El!.....'.Fourmile Branch Fm.q ishbumeFm.
--'..,.........._..C1.Thanetian Sabinian=FO Snapp Formation::J Q)a;ker Hill Fms.NanafalialBaker Hlii Fms.NU e c::: Snapp Formation Lang Syne 2..<WiliiamSbur g t.:l Q)0-0 0-Naheola Fm.>Formallon Formallon Cl u::::l Selandian Ellenton.5 0--Biack Mingo--511enlon}---::;;Q)
Porlers Pl-'" ro Midwayan Formation Formation Sawdusl Fm.Rhems u j.!!l 0..Danian Clayton Formalion Clayton Formation Landing Fm.Fm.CD...'........Maastrichtian Prairie Bluff Chalk Providence Sand" Steel Creek Steel Creek/Peedee Navarroan Ripley Formation UK6 Stelll Creek Fm.Formation Formation Formation Ripley Formalion UK5....--------Black Creek Black Donoho Creek Fm.Demopolis Chalk Cussela Sand UK4 Group Creek Bladen Formation Tayloran G.m","".Group Coachman Formation fJ'l Campanian Fm.Creek Cane Acre Formation:::l.Fm.------------------
...Caddin Formation 0 Q)Mooreville Chalk Bluiitown Formalion UK3 u Middendorf Formation.....Shepherd Grove Fm.ctl-Santonian Austinian Eulaw Formalion Eutaw Formalion UK2 PioUnnamed Middendorf Formation Q)Fm, Sand...u Coniacian McShan Formation Tuscaloosa Formalion UKl Cape Fear Formation Cape Fear Formation.......'-.Q)"'.....'i c..Turonian------:"1'c.......:::J Eaglefordian Cape Fear Clubhouse Tuscaloosa Formation Tuscaloosa Formalion Formation Formation'..!--.-.-Cenomanian Woodbinian I***.J.'.Beech Hill Washilan (part)...Formation A4 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF FIVE CORES FROM SCREVEN AND BURKE COUNTIES, GEORGIA The Millhaven test hole was drilled by the USGS in late 1991 and early 1992 and formally designated as 33X048 (Clarke and others, 1996).The Millhaven site is located in Screven County, Ga., at lat 32°53'25" N., long 81°35'43" W.(fig.1)and has a land surface elevation of 110 ft.The test hole was drilled from land surface to a total depth of 1,452 ft (fig.3).This test hole was terminated in Upper Cretaceous sediments of the Cape Fear Formation and did not reach pre-Cretaceous rocks.The USGS drilled the Girard test hole in the spring of 1992 and formally designated it as 32Y020 (Leeth anders, 1996).The Girard site is in Burke County, Ga., at lat 33°03'54" N., long 81°43'13" W.(fig.1)and has a landface elevation of 250 ft.The test hole was drilled from land surface to a total depth of 1,385 ft and penetrated 1,375 ft of coastal plain sediments (fig.4)and 10 ft of continental red beds of probable Triassic or Jurassic age (Siple, 1967;Marine, 1979;Prowell, Christopher, and others, 1985).The GGS drilled the Thompson Oak test hole in early 1993 and formally designated it as GGS-3794 (Summerour and others, 1994;Huddlestun and Summerour, 1996);it is also knowrFas-TR92-6 and'Burke-12.The drill-site is located in Burke County, Ga., at lat 33°10'42" N., long 81°47'10" W.(fig.1)and has a land surface elevation of 240 ft.The test hole was drilled from land surface to a total depth of 1,010.5 ft and penetrated 996 ft of coastal plain sediments and 14.5 ft of biotite gneiss of probable Paleozoic age.The GGS drilled the Millers Pond test hole, also known as Burke 2, in the summer of 1991 and formallyignated it as GGS-3758 (Clarke and others, 1994).The site is located in Burke County, Ga., at lat 33°13'48" N., long 81°52'44" W.(fig.1)and has a land surface elevation of 245 ft.The test hole was drilled from land surface to a total depth of 859 ft and penetrated 852 ft of coastal plainment (fig.5)and 7 ft of biotite-hornblende gneiss ofble Paleozoic age.A nearby hole, Millers Pond test well 1, was logged for geophysical properties.
The GGS drilled the McBean test hole, also known as Burke 5, in 1991 and formally designated it as GGS-3757 (Summerour and others, 1994;Huddlestun and Summerour, 1996).The drill site is near the community of McBean in Burke County, Ga., at lat 33°13'38" N., long 81°55'50" W.(fig.1)and has a land surface elevation of 297 ft.The test hole was drilled from land surface to a total depth of 327 ft and terminated in the upper part of the Upper Cretaceous section.Stratigraphic tops, stratigraphic details, and samples for paleontologic analysis in this volume are reported as core depth below land surface.Geophysical logs for the Millhaven, Girard, and Millers Pond test holes were adjusted slightly to match core depth.PREVIOUS WORK Previous reports on the geology of Burke and Screven Counties and adjacent areas of Georgia include those by Veatch and Stephenson (1911), Brantley (1916), Cooke and Shearer (1918), Cooke (1943), LaMoreaux (1946a,b), LeGrand and Furcon (1956), Herrick (1960, 1961, 1964, 1972), Herrick and Vorhis (1963), Herrick and Counts (1968), Bechtel Corporation (1972, 1973), Carver (1972), Buie (1978), Huddlestun and Hetrick (1978,1979,1986, 1991), Prowell and O'Connors (1978), Schroder (1982), McClelland (1987), Huddlestun (1988, 1992), Hetrick (1992), Clarke and others (1994, 1996), Huddlestun and Summerour (1996), Leeth and Nagle (1996), Leeth and others (1996), and Falls and others (1997).Geologic reports on Burke and Screven Counties and adjacent parts of South Carolina include those by Snipes (1965);Hurst and others (1966);Scrudato and Bond (1972);Daniels (1974);Marine and Siple (1974);Bechtel Corporation (1982);Faye and Prowell (1982);Huddlestun (1982);Prowell, Christopher, and others (1985);Colquhoun (1991, 1992);Edwards (1992);Fallaw and Price (1992, 1995);Harris and Zullo=(1992);and (1994).adjacent parts of South Carolina include those by Sloan (1908);Cooke (1936);Cooke and MacNeil (1952);Christl (1964);Siple (1967);Marine (1979);Smith (1979);Nystrom and Willoughby (1982);Zullo and others (1982);Colquhoun and others (1983);Bledsoe (1984, 1987, 1988);Colquhoun and Steele.(1985);Steele (1985);Prowell, Edwards, and Frederiksen (1985);Nystrom and others (1986, 1991);Dennehy and others (1989);Logan and Euler (1989);Robertson (1990);Colquhoun and Muthig (1991);Price and others (1991);Fallaw and others (1992a,b);
Snipes and others (1993);and Gellici and others (1995).ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank the U.S.Department of Energy for its support of this investigation.
They also thank the Georgia Geologic Survey for allowing access to the Millers Pond core, and Paul F.Huddlestun for sampling and providing lithologic descriptions of the Thompson Oak and McBean cores.The authors also acknowledge the efforts of Donald G.Queen, Eugene F.Cobbs, and Gerald E.Idler during the coring and logging of the Millhaven and Girard sites.STRATIGRAPIDC FRAMEWORK Lithologic data from the Millhaven, Girard, anders Pond cores and geophysical logs from the threeated test holes were used to define the four Cretaceous and five Tertiary units in this study (fig.2).Correlation of these geologic units in the Millhaven, Girard, and Millers Pond cores is presented in a dip-oriented cross section (fig.6).
STRATIGRAPHY AND DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS OF SEDIMENTS FROM FIVE CORES, GEORGIA AS Geologic unit Single-point Lithology resistance (ohms)100 200 Gamma ray (API units)o 150-l--::----l..--.",....,._..--J.-
J.--r-.,-O o 1452..J.._.=:.-.t='-=';,.;'.I----L..L.1452 Land Surface Elevation=110 feet above sea level.Clayey sand Limestone Marl Sandy limestone Sand Laminated clay Massive clay EXPLANATION FOR FIGURES 3-5p:::p:;;:qFigure 3.Gamma-ray, single-point resistance, and lithologic logs and geologic units of the MiIihaven test hole in Screven County, Ga.Abbreviation used: API, American Petroleum Institute.
800 500 200 1000 1100 900 300 600 100 1200 1400 700 1300 Bamwell unit Middendorf Formation Black Creek Group Snapp Formation Ellenton Formation Santee Limestone Steel Creek Formation Cape Fear Formation'"=e".0" lI)'"';: ".0" lI),-'
400", Fourmile IBranch/_Congaree/§Warley Hili ()unit 600 900 200 500 400 800 300 700 100 1100 1200 1000 1300 1400 A6 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF FIVE CORES FROM SCREVEN AND BURKE COUNTIES, GEORGIA O-!---::o=-.1.----,-----:--..,,---1
---1_,--,-Gamma ray (API units)o 150 Single-point Lithology resistance (ohms)100 200 Geologic unit o 1300 1200 Cape Fear Formation Land Surface Elevation=250 feet above sea level.-'-_-==--L:.:=-'==l.---l'--
---lL..--L 1375 1200 1300 1375 Figure 4.Gamma-ray, single-pointtance, and lithologic logs and geologic units of the Girard test hole in Burke County, Ga.Abbreviation used: API, American Petroleum Institute.
Lithologic patterns are explained in figure 3.100 100 Barnwell unit 200 200 Santee 300 Limestone 300'" Fourmile c: Branch!0 u Congareel 400::;;..: Warley Hill 400 LL<Il unit Snapp Formation 500 Ellenton 500 Formation ,_.*.:.._-..-," Iii Steel Creek w u.600 Formation 600u.i u'" U': C 0::;:l::>700.0 700;:l CI)UI 0 z::s s: Black Creek 0 800'" Group 800...J W!II;:l:r:.0;:l l-UI 0-W 0 900 900 ,.0_'§1000'" 1000;:l.0;:l UI Middendorf Formation 1100 1100 STRATIGRAPHY AND DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS OF SEDIMENTS FROM FIVE CORES, GEORGIAA7 Gamma ray (API units)o 150 Lithology Single-point resistance (ohms)175 200 Geologic unit O-l--.::---..L---,.,....,.-:-'"7T""--I..----L,,--------,-O 500 600 700 200 400 300 100 Middendorf Formation Cape Fear Formation Bamwell unit Santee Limestone Ellenton Formation Black Creek Group Steel Creek Formation Fourmile Branch!Congareel Warley Hill unit Snapp Formation Land Surface Elevation 245 feet above sea level.Figure 5.Gamma-ray, single-point resistance, and lithologic logs and geologic units of the 800 Millers Pond test well 1 and test hole in Burke County, Ga.Abbreviation used: API, American 852
__l_l_852 Petroleum Institute.
Lithologic patterns are explained in figure 3.800 700 500 400 600 300 200 100 The section roughly parallels the Savannah River and reflects the thicknesses and stratigraphy of the geologic units from the updip Millers Pond site to the downdiphaven site.Datum for the section is sea level.The elevation and depth of the stratigraphic top of each geologic unit in these three cores and the Thompson Oak and McBean cores are listed in table 1.Prowell, Christopher, and others (1985)correlated Cretaceous and Tertiary geologic units in the updip coastal plain from central Georgia to western South Carolina.They identified five of the six Upper Cretaceous units, twoocene units, six of the eight Eocene units, and onegocene unit in a South Carolina drill hole at the SRS (fig.2).Their units were essentially chronostratigraphic units that were assigned alpha-numeric designations because of a lack of existing nomenclature.
Subsequently, Fallaw and Price (1995)established a working nomenclature and described the stratigraphic units beneath the SRS.The stratigraphy and nomenclature used in this report result from combining information from these reports.Huddlestun and Hetrick (1991), Summerour and others (1994), and Huddlestun and Summerour (1996)proposed a stratigraphic nomenclature for the updip part of the study area in east-central Georgia.A comparison of thegraphic units for previous studies with the stratigraphy in this study is shown in figure 2.The stratigraphy of thehaven, Girard, and Millers Pond cores is shown in figures 3, 4, and 5.CRETACEOUS STRATIGRAPHY The Cretaceous sediments in the study area are divided into the Cape Fear Formation, the Middendorf Formation, the Black Creek Group, and the Steel Creek Formation (fig.2).These four geologic units consist of siliciclasticments, are coarser grained and more oxidized in updip o 5 10 MILES I!I 300 200 100 SEA EVEL 100 200-'300 w>w-'L1i 400 en 0 I-W>500w a: 600 Iii w u..6;700 Z 0800 w-'w 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 I MILLERS POND I Resistance EXPLANATIONUmeslane Marl Masslveclay laminated clay L:..:..:J Clayey send I GIRARD I Gamma ray Ulhology Re:slslance Iloll/""",
"""""'" 300 I MILLHAVEN I-1200 Resistance 100 SEA 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400;l>-00IlZli Sf.!I Figure 6.Gamma-ray, single-point resistance, and lithologic logs (from figs.
dip-oriented correlation of geologic units from the Millers Pond test hole to the Millhaven test hole.Datum is sea level..
STRATIGRAPHY AND DEPOSmONAL ENVIRONMENTS OF SEDIMENTS FROM FIVE CORES, GEORGIA A9 Thble 1.Elevations and depths of stratigraphic tops for geologic units and subunits in the Millhaven, Girard, Thompson Oak, Millers Pond, and McBean cores.[The stratigraphic contacts in the Thompson Oak and the McBean cores are interpreted from lithologic descriptions provided by Paul F.Huddlestun, Georgia Geologic Survey, Atlanta, Georgia.The stratigraphic contacts and names for the Thompson Oak and McBean cores in this table represent the stratigraphic interpretations of the authors and do not agree with Huddlestun's interpretations in all cases.Elevations are in feet above or below sea level.Depths are in feet below land surface.Top of Barnwell unit equals land surface in each core.N.D., not determined; N.P., not penetrated]
Elevation/depth of stratigraphic contact Name of geologic unit Millhaven Girard Thompson Oak Millers Pond McBean core core core core core Barnwell unit---------------------------------------
110/0 250/0 240/0 245/0 297/0 Santee Limestone----------------------------------
-118/228 01250 1101130 163/82 185/112 Founnile BranchfCongaree/
Warley Hill unit--291/401-75/325 58/182 89/156 111/186 Warley Hill Formation------------------------
-291/401 absent absent absent absent Congaree Formation---------------------------352/462-75/325 58/182 89/156 1111186 Founnile Branch Formation-----------------
absent-140/390-111251 absent absent Snapp Formation----------------------------------
-394/504-173/423 absent 80/165 75/222 Ellenton Formation--------------------------------
-460/570-231/481-34/274 13/232 251272 Steel Creek Formation----------------------------
-8/305 Black Creek Group--------------------------------
-729/839-392/642-166/406-87/322 N.P.Subunit 3---------------------------------------
-729/839-392/642-166/406-87/322 N.P.Subunit 2---------------------------------------
-817/927-482/733 N.D.N.D.N.P.Subunit i'
-659/909 N.D.N.D.N.P.Middendorf Formation---------------------------
-708/958-445/685-347/592 N.P.Subunit 2---------------------------------------
-708/958-445/685-347/592 N.P.Subunit 1---------------------------------------
-812/1,062-485/725-418/663 N.P.Cape Fear Formation-----------------------------
-1,269/1 ,379-913/1,163
-602/842-5071752 N.P.Bedrock---------------------------------------------
N.P.-1,125/1,375-756/996-603/852 N.P.areas, and become finer grained in a coastward direction.
Unit contacts are typically overlain by Jags of very poorly sorted sand containing granules, pebbles, and lithoclasts.
Each contact is considered to be a regional unconformity and probably denotes a considerable hiatus in tion.In the updip area, lithologic similarities among the units and the presence of only a few fossil-bearing beds make it difficult to identify unit contacts at Millers Pond.Evidence of possible unconformities is used to divide the Middendorf Formation into two subunits in the Millhaven, Girard, and Millers Pond cores, and the Black Creek Group into three subunits in the Millhaven and Girard cores.ell, Christopher, and others (1985)identified units UKI through UK6 in their study but did not correlate their unit UK3 with units in the test holes at the SRS.Biostratigraphic studies by Christopher (1978)and Prowell, Christopher, and others (1985)suggested thattaceous strata in east-central Georgia ranged in age from Coniacian toMaastrichtian.The sediments in the four units havebeeninterpreted as parts of large deltaic systems that prograded across the paleo-continental shelf in east-central Georgia and western South Carolina (Prowell and others, 1985a;Fallaw and Price, 1995).Lithofacies observed in the Upper Cretaceous units accumulated in coarser grained proximal and finer grained distal deltaic settings.CAPE FEAR FORMA nON The Cape Fear Formation consists of partially lithified to unlithified, poorly to very poorly sorted clayey sand and sandy clay with a few beds of silty clay.The sand is fine to very coarse with granules and pebbles and is predominantly angular to subangular quartz with some feldspar.balite in the clay matrix results in lithologies that are harder and denser than sediments in the other Cretaceous units.The cristobalitic clay matrix imparts a yellowish-green to greenish-gray color to most of the lithologies and occludes most of the intergranular porosity in the sand beds.Electric logs display low resistance in the sands and the clays in most of this unit.Sands in the upper 10 to 20 ft of this unit in the Millhaven and Girard cores are unlithified and have atypically high resistance values on the electric logs.The Cape Fear Formation contains multipleupward cycles that range in thickness from 3 to 15 ft.Each cycle grades upward from a basal coarse pebbly sand to clayey sand or clay.The clays are oxidized and are generally stained with reddish-brown and yellowish-brown patches of iron oxide.A root-trace pattern is present at the top of a few of the fining-upward cycles and at the top of this unit in the Millhaven core.Sediments directly beneath the uppertact of the Cape Fear Formation in the other cores are AIO GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF FIVE CORES FROM SCREVEN AND BURKE COUNTIES, GEORGIA stained with iron oxides.Lag deposits at the base of the Cape Fear Formation contain clasts of saprolitic gneiss in the Millers Pond core and clasts of Triassic siltstone in the Girard core.Most of the strata in this unit are barren of fossils, but a few samples of gray and olive-gray, silty clay from theers Pond core yielded low-abundance and low-diversitylen assemblages.
Palynologic analysis of these samples from the Millers Pond core (Frederiksen and others, this volume, chap.C)indicates a Coniacian microflora that is consistent with the microflora of the Cape Fear Formation of South Carolina and North Carolina (Christopher anders, 1979;Christopher, 1982;Sohl and Owens, 1991).ell, Christopher, and others (1985)and Fallaw and Price (1995)suggested a Santonian age for unit UK1 and the Cape Fear Formation at the SRS.Huddlestun andour (1996)suggested that the Cape Fear Formation isalent to the Cenomanian-Turonian Tuscaloosa Formation of western Georgia.Samples from this formation were notcessed for the other cores.The presence of a terrestrial microflora and the absence of dinoflagellates and other marine fossils in the Cape Fear*Formation"suggest deposition in a nonmarine-.environment at Millers Pond.The Cape Fear Formation in the Millhaven and Girard cores is lithologically similar to the section in the Millers Pond coreandalso is interpreted as having been deposited in a nonmarine environment.
The multiple fining-upward cycles, the coarse texture of the sands, the iron-oxide staining, and root-trace patterns in the clays suggest that most of this unit was deposited in channel and overbank environments during aggradation of avially dominated, subaerially exposed part of a delta-plain environment.
MIDDENDORF FORMATION The Middendorf Formation consists predominantly of unlithified sand, which is locally fine to very coarse or fine to medium quartz (figs.3, 4, 5).The sand includes smoky-quartz granules and pebbles, mica, lignite, anderally very little clay matrix.The Middendorf sands are moderately to poorly sorted and are very porous andable in comparison with the sands in the underlying Cape Fear Formation.
Black clay is present in laminae and thin beds that are less than 2 ft thick intheMillhaven core.Clay beds in the Millers Pond core and most of the Girard core generally are light gray to white and range in thickness from 1 to 10 ft.The Middendorf Formation contains two distinctunits in the Millhaven, Girard, and Millers Pond cores.Additional work in the study area may show these subunits to be separate, mappable formations.
At present, they are informally referred to in ascending order as subunits 1 and 2 of the Middendorf Formation.
Each subunit includes a basal lag deposit of poorly sorted sand that grades up toded and interlaminated clay and sand.Micaceous andnitic sand laminae are common in the Middendorf sections, particularly near the top of each subunit.Clay beds areerally thicker and display more abundant iron-oxide staining near the top of each subunit in the Millers Pond and Girard cores.A root-trace pattern is observed in the clay at the top of subunit 2 in the Girard core.Clays at the top of eachunit in the Millhaven core are not stained with iron oxides.Lithologic data and geophysical log patterns seem to indicate that the upper contact of the Middendorf Formation in the Georgia cores correlates with the unit UK2/UK4 boundary of Prowell, Christopher, and others (1985)and the top of the Middendorf Formation as recognized by Fallaw and Price (1995)at the SRS.A Santonian age was reported for unit UK2 by Prowell, Christopher, and others (1985)and for the Middendorf Formation at the SRS by Fallaw and Price (1995).Samples collected at 1,138 and 1,012 ft in the Girard core and 1,212 ft in the Millhaven core contain pollen that suggests at least part of the Middendorf Formation may be correlative with the Shepherd Grove Formation, which overlies the Middendorf in South Carolina (Frederiksen and others,this volume, chap.cG).All or part of what has been described as Middendorf Formation in this part of Georgia may actually betive with part of the Black Creek Group or an updipcies of either the Caddin or Shepherd Grove Formations, which Gohn (1992)identified as late Santonian to early Campanian in age.Evidence of subaerial exposure andsionallags at the contacts between the upper and lowerunits support the possibility that unit UK2 (Prowell, Christopher, and others, 1985), as defined beneath the southeastern comer of the SRS, contains more than oneositional sequence and is equivalent in part to unit UK3.Huddlestun and Hetrick (1991)applied the name Pio Nono Formation in updip areas of east-central Georgia to the Middendorf Formation as used here.Dinoflagellates and other marine indieators are sparse and suggest aginal-marine environment at Millhaven and a nonmarine environment for this unit in the other cores.BLACK CREEK GROUP The Black Creek Group consists of three distinctunits in the Millhaven and Girard cores: a basallignitic sand in subunit 1, a laminated black clay and sand in subunit 2, and a coarsening-upward sand sequence in subunit 3 (figs.3, 4, table 1).The lag deposits at the bases of the subunits suggest the possibility of unconformities in the Black Creek Group at Millhaven and Girard.The Black Creek Group at Millers Pond is coarser and sandier and is not divided into subunits (fig.5).Black Creek subunit 1 consists of moderately to poorly sorted, fine to coarsequartzsand that gradesintooverlying STRATIGRAPHY AND DEPOSmONAL ENVIRONMENTS OF SEDIMENTS FROM FIVE CORES, GEORGIA All very fine to fine sand with a few thin beds of clay.The sand contains abundant interlaminated fine lignite and mica and verylittleclay matrix.This subunit is lithologically very similar to the underlying Middendorf Formation.
Black Creek subunit 2 in the Millhaven core has a sharp basal contact at 1,119 ft and a second sharp contact at 1,099 ft.Each contact is overlain by a basal lag deposit of very poorly sorted sand.The sand above the contact at 1,099 ft grades and fines into an overlying 161-ft section ofdominantly silty laminated black clay.The 161-ft claytion also includes very fine to fine sand from 1,063 to 1,051 ft.Most of subunit 2 is calcareous and containsnae and lenses of very fine sand and sand-filled burrows.Very fine to fine sand is interlaminated at the top of the clay from 934 to 927 ft.Subunit 2 in the Girard core is sandier and consists of very fine to fine sand with interbedded black clay.The sand at Millhaven and Girard includes mica,nite, and minor amounts of glauconite.
Bioturbation features in subunit 2 at Millhaven and Girard include clay-lined burrows, mottled textures, andcontinuous laminae of clay in the sands.Subunit 2 athaven and Girard yielded the most abundant and diverse marine macrofaunas and microfaunas and microfloras in the'Cretaceous section in the study area, including shark teeth, pelecypods, ostracodes, benthic and planktonicfers, spicules, dinoflagellates, pollen, and calcareousfossils (Bukry, this volume, chap.D;Frederiksen and others, this volume, chap.C;Gohn, this volume, chap.E).Black Creek subunit 3 in the Millhaven core is aening-upward sequence and consists of a very poorly sorted lag deposit from 927 to 926 ft;moderately to well-sorted, very fine to medium sand from 926 to 880 ft;andately sorted, fine to coarse sand from 880 to 826 ft.This subunit at Millhaven includes laminae and thin beds of dark-gray clay, large and small pieces of lignite, and mica;the subunit is crossbedded from 907 to 900 ft.Black Creek subunit 3 in the Girard core has a sharp basal contact at 733 ft and a lag deposit of very poorly sorted sand and granules from 733 to 730 ft.The section includes beds of moderately to poorly sorted, medium to very coarse sand;and moderately sorted, fine to medium sand with 5 to 10 percent clay matrix.This section isbedded from 714 to 710 ft and 679 to 660 ft and includes one light-gray, iron-stained clay from 685 to 679 ft.The top of the clay at 679 ft is overlain by a lag deposit of very poorly sorted sand and granules.The Black Creek Group at Millers Pond contains poorly sorted, fine to very coarse sand and beds of clay (fig.5).Granules and pebbles are more abundant and formeral very poorly sorted lags at the base of sand beds, which generally include clay clasts.The sand isunlithifiedand has minor amounts of clay matrix.The tops of clay bedsally are stained with yellow and red iron oxides.Paleontologic data from the studied cores suggest a Campanian age for the Black Creek Group (Frederiksen and others, this volume, chap.C;Bukry, this volume, chap.D;Gohn, this volume, chap.E).Units UK4 and UK5 (Prowell, Christopher, and others, 1985)and the Black Creek Group at the SRS (Fallaw and Price, 1995)are assigned an age of Campanian to Maastrichtian.
Huddlestun and Hetrick (1991)applied the name Gaillard Formation to the fluvial lithofacies in the updip Georgia Coastal Plain.Paleontologic data (Frederiksen and others, this volume, chap.C;Bukry, this volume, chap.D;Gohn, this volume, chap.E)suggest that the calcareous lithologies of subunit 2 at Millhaven are equivalent to the Donoho Creek Formation of the Black Creek Group (Owens, 1989;SoW and Owens, 1991).The diversity and abundance of dinoflagellates, the abundance of marine faunas, and the presence of glauconite at Millhaven and Girard suggest a strong marine influence during the deposition of subunit 2, probably in the distal part of a deltaic complex.Dinoflagellates in subunit 3gest a marginal-marine depositional environment.
Theposition of the microflora and the absence of other marine indicators suggest that subunit 1 at Millhaven and Girard and the entire section of the Black Creek Group at Millers Pond reflect sedimentation in a nonmarine part of the delta (Frederiksen and others;this volume,
_..0'co STEEL CREEK FORMATION Most of the Steel Creek Formation in the Georgia test holes consists of poorly to very poorly sorted, fine to very coarse sand with granules and pebbles of smoky quartz and 5 to 15 percent clay matrix (figs.3, 4, 5).The basal lags are overlain by thick intervals of oxidized clay in the Millhaven and Girard cores.Steel Creek sections include multipleing-upward sequences with beds of coarser grained sand that become finer and gradeintooverlying clay beds.Many of the clay beds are stained with iron oxide and contain as much as 40 percent sand by volume.Root traces typically are present at the top of the thick oxidized clay near the base of the section and in some of the clay beds near the top of this unit.Crossbedding is common at Millhaven.
Lignite and mica are common accessory constituents.
Kidd (1996)used a subtle difference in grain size and clay content and geophysical-log correlations with test holes on the SRS to identify the contact between the Black Creek Group and the Steel Creek Formation at 397 ft in the Millers Pond core.Huddlestun and Summerour (1996)identified the basal contact at 367 ft in the Millers Pond core and 414 ft in the Thompson Oak core;they described the contact between the Black Creek (Gaillard) and Steel Creektions as either conformable or paraconformable in updip parts of Burke County and as gradational in the Girard core.The contact between the Black Creek Group and the Steel Creek Formation is recognized as an unconformity at the Millhaven and Girard sites.This boundary is placed at the sharp contact at 322 ft in the Millers Pond core in this report A12 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF FIVE CORES FROM SCREVEN AND BURKE COUNTIES, GEORGIA on the basis of projecting the contact from the downdip Girard core.Most of the sediments in the Steel Creek Formation are barren of fossils.Thin beds of brownish-gray clay in the Steel Creek section of the Millhaven core yieldedceous and Paleocene palynomorphs, but more diagnostic taxa were not recovered (Frederiksen and others, thisume, chap.C).The presence of dinoflagellates andocene palynomorphs in samples collected from the Steel Creek section in the Millhaven core is discounted astamination of the samples with drilling mud (Edwards and others, this volume, chap.B).Paleontologic data from the underlying Black Creek Group and the overlying Ellenton Formation restrict the age of the Steel Creek Formation to the Maastrichtian.
Prowell, Christopher, and others (1985)identified a correlative section in wells at the SRS as middle Maastrichtian in age and designated it as unit UK6.They considered unit UK6 to be a biostratigraphic equivalent of the Providence Sand and part of the Ripley Formation in.Georgia and the Peedee Formation in eastern South 2).Fallaw and Price (1995)described-and named the Steel Creek Formation at the SRS.Huddlestun and Summerour (1996)also applied the name Steel Creek Formation to cored sections in east-central Georgia and considered the Steel Creek Formation to be early Maastrichtian.
Marine fossils, carbonate minerals, and glauconite are absent from the Steel Creek sections of the studied cores.The coarse sediments, fining-upward sequences, indications of rooting, and iron-oxide staining suggest channel and overbank deposits in a delta-plain environment.
TERTIARY STRATIGRAPHY The Tertiary section in this report includes the Ellenton and Snapp Formations in the Paleocene strata and themile Branch/Congaree/Warley Hill unit, the Santeestone, and the Barnwell unit in the Eocene and younger strata (fig.2).Each of the Eocene units in the Georgia cores can be lithologically, geophysically, or biostratigraphically correlated with more than one formal formation in the study area and is informally named in the report.The stratigraphy proposed by Prowell, Christopher, and others (1985)at the southeastern comer of the SRS included two Paleocene units designated as units PI and P2, six Eocene units designated as unitsE1,E3,E4,E5, E7, and E8, and an Oligocene unit designated as unit 01.Units E2, E6, and M1 were recognized and correlated in Georgia but were not correlated with units in the southeastern comer of the SRS (prowell, Christopher, and others, 1985).ELLENTON FORMATION The Ellenton Formation in the Georgia cores is finer grained, calcareous, and very glauconitic in the downdip Millhaven and Girard cores.It is coarser grained andcalcareous in the up dip Millers Pond core (fig.6).Lag deposits and sharp bedding contacts identify basalformities and possible unconformities within the Georgia sections.The Ellenton Formation in the Millhaven core consists of glauconitic, calcareous, fine to coarse sand and laminated clay from 642 to 622 ft;well-laminated, slightly calcareous, silty black clay from 622 to 595 ft;and calcareous tocalcareous clay from 595 to 570 ft (fig.3).The Ellenton Formation in the Girard core consists of noncalcareous sand and black clay from 542 to 518 ft;sandy carbonate and limestone and calcareous sand with abundant glauconite from 518 to 491 ft;and well-laminated, noncalcareous silty clay from 491 to 481 ft (fig.4).The section generallytains well-sorted, fine to medium quartz sand.The lag deposits at 638, 625, and 595 ft in the Millhaven core and 518 ft in the Girard core contain 10 to 20 percent glauconite, r:Olln<:ied
_phosphati.c.=and shark.teeth..A.high-angleshear defines a sharp contact at 491 ft in the Girard core.The Ellenton Formation in the up dip Millers Pond core consists of fine to very coarse sand with interbedded sandy clay from 284 to 263 ft;interlaminated black lignitic clay and very fine to medium sand from 263 to 247 ft;and fine to medium clayey sand from 247 to 232 ft (fig.5).Thenated black clay is very dense and may contain as much as 5 percent mica.Recovery of sediment in the Millers Pond core was not as good as recovery in the Millhaven and Girard cores;however, poorly sorted pebble lag deposits at 284 and 271 ft and clay clasts at 263 and 244 ft suggestsible unconformities and reworking of the Ellentontion in the Millers Pond core.Paleontologic results suggest that the Ellentontion in this report is equivalent to unit PI (prowell,pher, and others, 1985)and the Ellenton Formation in South Carolina (Prowell, Edwards, and Frederiksen, 1985).dlestun and Summerour (1996)described a unit that they identified as the Black Mingo Formation undifferentiated in Georgia.They recognized a lower and an upper unit that resemble lithologies of the Rhems, Williamsburg, and Lang Syne Formations of the Black Mingo Group (Vanhuise and Colquhoun, 1982).Fallaw and Price (1995)divided the Ellenton section into the Sawdust Landing and Lang Syne Formations in wells near the southeastern border of the SRS.The noncalcareous, nonglauconitic sand and clay from 542 to 518 ft at Girard and from 284 to 263 ft at Millers Pond are lithologically similar to the Sawdusting Formation.
However, a similar lithologic unit was not recognized at Millhaven.
The rest of the Ellenton Formation at Millhaven and Girard is similar to the very glauconitic STRATIGRAPHY AND DEPOSmONAL ENVIRONMENTS OF SEDIMENTS FROM FIVE CORES, GEORGIA A13 and silty lithologies of the Lang Syne Formation.
Thebonate component at Millhaven and Girard is not described in the Lang Syne Formation at the SRS but is described as part of this unit beneath Allendale County in South Carolina (Fallaw and Price, 1995;Gellici and others, 1995).Paleontologic studies identified a diverse microflora of dinoflagellates, pollen, and calcareous nannofossils and a faunal component of ostacodes, planktonic foraminifers, pelecypods, and gastropods in the downdip sections (Edwards and others, this volume, chap.B).The updiption at Millers Pond contains a low-diversity microflora of dinoflagellates and pollen (Clarke and others, 1994).The marine fossils, glauconite, and carbonate in downdipments indicate an open-marine environment, possibly distal prodelta.The low diversity and the low abundance of dinoflagellates and the absence of other marine indicators at Millers Pond suggest a change to a more restrictedginal-marine environment.
Form.a.tion, and.Mill: ers Pond consists of moderately to poorly sorted, fine to very coarse sand overlain by iron-stained, oxidized kaolin (figs.3, 4, 5).The sand is unlithified and generally hasules, pebbles, and less than 10 percent clay matrix.ual sand beds typically are coarse to very coarse in the lower part of each section.In the middle of each section, the sand beds are fine to medium.At the top of each section, the sand beds grade into white to very light gray kaolin.The clay is stained with red and yellow iron oxides.Pedogenictures in the otherwise massive clay include root traces and desiccation cracks.Pyrite is disseminated in the clay and along desiccation cracks near the top of the Snapption in the Millers Pond and Girard cores.The Snapp Formation in Georgia is equivalent to unit P2 (prowell, Christopher, and others, 1985)and the Snapp Formation at the SRS (Fallaw and Price, 1995).McClelland (1987)applied the name Rhems Formation (lowerocene part of the Black Mingo Group)to a combinedtion of the Snapp and Ellenton Formations in upper Burke County.The Snapp Formation holds the same upperocene stratigraphic position as the Chicora Member of the Williamsburg Formation of the Black Mingo Group (Van Nieuwenhuise and Colquhoun, 1982).The Snapp Formation in the Georgia cores and in cores on the SRS (Fallaw and Price, 1995)is lithologically different from the marinement of the Chicora Member.The Snapp Formation is absent from the Thompson Oak core (fig.1, table 1).Fallaw and Price (1995)described an updip limit for the Snapp Formation near the Upper Three Runs Creek in Aiken County, S.C.Extension of this boundary into Georgia would place the Thompson Oak core near the updip limit of the Snapp Formation.
The presence of Snapp sediments in the McBean core indicates that the updip limit is irregular in that it trends to the northwest from the Thompson Oak test hole across the northern part of Burke County, Ga.(fig.1).Paleontologic samples were not collected from the Snapp Formation in the Girard and Millers Pond cores because of the extensive oxidation of the sediments.
Aple from the base of this formation in the Millhaven core yielded sparse dinoflagellates that are not age diagnostic (Edwards and others, this volume, chap.B).Thegraphic position of this unit between the Ellenton Formation and the overlying early Eocene part of the Fourmile Branch!CongareelWarley Hill unit suggests that the age of the strata is either late Paleocene (Prowell, Christopher, and others, 1985;Fallaw and Price, 1995)or early Eoceneris and Zullo, 1992).Paleontologic data from a sample at 264 ft in the McBean core indicated a Paleocene age;ever, the authors have not independently verified that the sample at 264 ft is from the Snapp Formation.
This sample of the McBean core is above the base of the Snapption as selected by Huddlestun and Summerour (1996).Sedimentary characteristics suggest a fluviallynated depOsitional environment in--either'an uppetdelta plain or an incised alluvial valley.The presence of dinoflagellates in the Millhaven core suggests aginal-marine environment in the downdip part of the study area.The Snapp Formation at Girard is 58 ft thick, which is roughly 20 ft thicker than the Snapp Formation in cores from the southeastern part of the SRS.The thicker section of the Snapp Formation in the Girard core overlies a section of the Ellenton Formation that is thinner by 20 ft relative to the Ellenton section in the southeastern part of the SRS.Structural-contour and isopach maps of the Black Mingo (Ellenton) and Snapp Formations also indicate thickertions of the Snapp Formation over thinner sections of the Black Mingo (Ellenton)
Formation in eastern Burke County and southern Barnwell County (Huddlestun andour, 1996).This thickness change is interpreted here asdence of channel incision of the Snapp Formation into the laminated black clay of the Ellenton Formation.
FOURMILE BRANCHlCONGAREElWARLEY HILL UNIT The lithologies of the Fourmile ley Hill unit range from mixed-siliciclastic-carbonatetions in the central and downdip Georgia cores to siliciclastic sections in the updip cores (figs.3, 4, 5, 6).Paleontologic data suggest that the strata in this unit arerelative with three formally named formations at the SRS (fig.2).However, all three formations are not consistently present in each of the Georgia cores (table 1).In the downdip Millhaven core, the Fourmile Branch!CongareelWarleyHill unit consists of interbedded quartz sand, marl, and limestone.
The sand is very fine to fine"."".....
A14 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF FIVE CORES FROM SCREVEN AND BURKE COUNTlES, GEORGIA below a depth of 415 ft and fine to medium above a depth of 415 ft and is moderately to well sorted throughout.nite is a common accessory mineral and is abundant at 462 ft.The carbonate beds range from lithified to unlithified and include glauconite, clay matrix and fossils.Extensiverowing is recognized in the sandy carbonate matrix.In the Girard core, this unit consists of medium to coarse sand from 423 to 390 ft;fine to medium sand from 366 to 350 ft;and medium to coarse sand, sandy carbonate, and limestone from 342 to 325 ft.A large part of the unit from 390 to 366 ft and several other parts of the section were not recovered during coring.The section below 390 ft is predominantly noncalcareous with only trace amounts of glauconite, generally less than 5 percent clay matrix, clay laminae, and clay-lined burrows.Unlithified sandyate and partially lithified calcareous sand are abundant above 366 ft.This unit in the Millers Pond core consists of a 9-ft section of well-sorted, very fine to fine sand.The sandtains less than 5 percent clay matrix, but clay-lined burrows are present.Surface mapping and drill hole evidence from this updip'region in"Georgia andadjaoent.areas of South Caro-*lina indicate a thicker section of sand and clay (Nystrom and Willoughby, 1982;Nystrom and others, 1986;McClelland, 1987;Prowell, 1994).On the basis of data from augered holes that are 1 mile west of the Millers Pond core site, McClelland (1987)described a 40-ft section of the Huber Formation, a time-equivalent lithofacies of the Congaree Formation.
In the Huber Formation described byland (1987), the burrowed, fine sand observed at Millers Pond is overlain by a crossbedded, fine to coarse quartz sand and lenticular beds of massive, lignitic kaolinitic clay.Dinoflagellates, pollen, and calcareous nannofossils were recovered from the core samples of the Fourmile BranchiCongareelWarley Hill unit at Millhaven and Girard.Dinoflagellates and pollen were recovered from theson Oak and Millers Pond cores.Paleontologic examination of these core samples indicates that this unit is early Eocene to early middle Eocene in age and that it includes more than one biostratigraphic unit (Bybell, this volume, chap.F;deriksen, this volume, chap.H;Edwards, this volume, chap.G).Other fossils observed in the Millhaven core included bryozoans, pelecypods, and foraminifers below 462 ft andpelecypodsand foraminifers above 462 ft.In the Girard core, pelecypods, bryozoans, and shark teeth were observed above 342 ft.Biomoldic pores indicate that gastropods also were present.The Fourmile BranchiCongareelWarley Hill unit from 423 to 390 ft in the Girard core is lithologically andphysically correlative with the Fourmile Branch Formation at the SRS (Fallaw and Price, 1995).The age of this part of the Girard core could not be determined from fossildence.An early Eocene age was determined with dinoflagellates from samples of the Thompson Oak core from 274 to 251 ft (Edwards, this volume, chap.G).These sections in the Girard and Thompson Oak cores appear to be equivalent to unit E2 of Prowell, Christopher, and others (1985)and the Fourmile Branch Formation at the SRSlaw and Price, 1995).A biostratigraphically correlativetion was not identified at Millhaven, Millers Pond, or McBean.The section from 390 to 325 ft in the Girard core is biostratigraphically correlative with the sections from 504 to 462 ft in the Millhaven core and from 165 to 156 ft in the Millers Pond core, and with samples collected from depths of 210,194,192, and 183 ft in the Thompson Oak core.This part of the Fourmile BranchiCongareelWarley Hill unit is equivalent to unit E3 (Prowell, Christopher, and others, 1985)and the Congaree Formation in South Carolinalaw and Price, 1995)and Georgia (Huddlestun andmerour, 1996).The Fourmile BranchiCongareelWarley Hill section from 462 to 401 ft in the Millhaven core is lithologically equivalent and geophysically correlative with at least part of the Congaree Formation as identified in the subsurface of Allendale County in South Carolina (Gellici and others,-1995).This section is biostratigraphically*'eqiiivalent to the-..-"." ,-: lower part of unit E4 (prowell, Christopher, and others, 1985)and the Warley Hill Formation at the SRS (Fallaw and Price, 1995).A biostratigraphic equivalent to this part of the Fourmile BranchiCongareelWarley Hill section is not iden-tified in the other studied cores in Georgia.Sedimentary characteristics of the Fourmile Branch sections in the Girard and Thompson Oak cores suggest a nearshore-marine environment.
Sedimentary characteristics of the overlying Congaree beds suggest an open-marine shelf environment for deposits in the downdip core and a fluvially dominated to marginal-marine environment for deposits in the updip cores in the vicinity of Millers Pond.The Warley Hill Formation at Millhaven also was deposited in an open-marine shelf environment.
SANTEE LIMESTONE The Santee Limestone consists predominantly ofstone and unlithified carbonate with a few beds ofous sand and clay.The Santee Limestone, as correlated in this report, includes lithologies assigned by others to the Warley Hill Formation (Steele, 1985;McClelland, 1987;Fallaw and Price, 1992, 1995), the Blue Bluff Marl of the Lisbon Formation (Huddlestun and Hetrick, 1986), thetee Limestone (Sloan, 1908), and the McBean Formation (Veatch and Stephenson, 1911).These lithofacies are time equivalents of the Lisbon Formation of western Georgia (Prowell, Christopher, and others, 1985)and collectively are correlated as one package of sediment in this report (fig.6), although we do recognize significant stratigraphic contacts within the unit.
STRATIGRAPHY AND DEPOSmONAL ENVIRONMENTS OF SEDIMENTS FROM FIVE CORES, GEORGIA A15 The lower part of the Santee Limestone in the Mill-include oysters and other pelecypods, foraminifers, and haven core from a depth of 401 to 365 ft consists of calcare-echinoid fragments.
Biomoldic porosity also is present ous sand with glauconite and pelecypods that grades into above a depth of 100 ft and reflects dissolution of aragonitic overlying sandy carbonate with large oyster shells and other pelecypods and gastropods.
pelecypods (fig.3).Thequartzsand is medium to coarse The Santee Limestone at Millers Pond is thicker than near the base of the section and fines upward to fine to comparable sections in this updip area (Nystrom and Wil-medium.The carbonate in this part of the section ranges loughby, 1982;Nystrom and others, 1986;McClelland, from unlithified to partially lithified.
The contact between 1987;Prowell, 1994).McClelland (1987)described this unit the lower and middle part of the section at 365 ft is phos-as 40 ft thick in a drill hole located west of the Millers Pond phatized and pyritized.
Pelecypod-moldic pores immedi-site.This information, in conjunction with the evidence for ately beneath the contact are filled with the very fine the section missing from the underlying Fourmile sediments of the overlying marl.BranchlCongareelWarley Hill Formation, suggests that the The middle part of the Santee Limestone in the Mill-basal contact of the Santee Limestone represents scour into haven core from 365 to 245 ft varies from marl to carbonate the underlying unit and is possibly the result of localized with very little quartz sand in both lithologies.
Carbonate channeling.
Observations of similar channeling have been from 365 to 268 ft is welllithified and has biomoldic poros-*reported in nearby strip mines (Nystrom and others, 1986).ity.The marl is burrow mottled to wavy laminated with The Santee Limestone section from 156 to 139 ft in the minor amounts of lignite and pyrite.Fossils in the marl Millers Pond core is biostratigraphically correlative with include foraminifers, spicules, shark teeth, pelecypods, and sections in the Millhaven core from 401 to 365 ft and in the gastropods.
The marl gradesintooverlying well-lithified to Girard core from 325 to 322 ft and with samples collected at partially lithified limestone.
Fossils in the limestone are depths of 181.5,174,172, 164 and 154 ft in the Thompson more abundant and more diverse than in the marl and Oak core and 181 ft in the McBean core (Edwards, this vol-"include pelecypods, gastropods, bryozoans,.echinoids;fora-
.,..ume, chapcG;Bybell,.this volume, chap;.F;Frederiksen,..-minifers, brachiopods, and shark teeth.A sharp bedding this volume, chap.H).This part of the Santee Limestone in contact at 332 ft is underlain by biomoldic limestone with the studied cores is biostratigraphically equivalent to the phosphatized fossil molds and shark teeth from 336 to 332 upper part of the unit E4 (prowell, Christopher, and others, ft.Porosity in the middle part of the section is interparticle 1985).Prowell, Christopher, and others (1985)identified and biomoldic with irregular dissolutioncavitiesfrom 258 their unit as correlative with part of the Warley Hill Forma-to 252 ft.tion underlying the southeastern part of the SRS.Gellici and The sandy carbonate in the upper part of the Santee others (1995)described a similar lithologic unit in the same Limestone in the Millhaven core from 245 to 228 ft includes stratigraphic position in the subsurface of Allendale County fine to medium quartz sand and glauconite.
Marine fossils and desiguated the unit as the Warley Hill Formation.
Steele include pelecypods, bryozoans, and gastropods.
(1985)and McClelland (1987)described a calcareous litho-The Santee Limestone in the Girard core includes a facies of the Warley Hill Formation.
Fallaw and Price very sandy limestone from 325 to 322 ft and a marl and (1995)described a sporadic sand lithofacies of the Warley clayey sand from 322 to 250 ft (fig.4).The limestone from Hill Formation at the base of the Tinker Formation in the 325 to 322 ft is glauconitic with abundant pelecypod-moldic updip part of the SRS.porosity and is pyritic along the contact with the overlying The remainder of the Santee Limestone in the Mill-marl.The marl is a very fine grained limestone unit with as haven, Girard, and Millers Pond cores is biostratigraphic ally much as 30 percent clay matrix.Very fine to fine quartz equivalent to unit E5 (Prowell, Christopher, and others, sand ranges from 2 percent near the base of the section to 25 1985)and the Tinker Formation (Fallaw and Price, 1995).percent near the top of the section.The marl and calcareous This part of the Santee Limestone is lithologically similar to sand are burrow mottled and contain minor amounts of lig-the Blue Bluff Marl of the Lisbon Formation (Huddlestun nite and glauconite.
Macrofossils are sparse and include and Hetrick, 1986), the Santee Limestone (Sloan, 1908), pelecypods.
and the McBean Formation (Veatch and Stephenson, 1911).The Santee Limestone in the Millers Pond core con-The siliciclastic lithologies of the Tinker Formation in South sists of sandy limestone and calcareous sand (fig.5).A thin Carolina (Fallaw and Price, 1995)are correlative with the basal lag of very poorly sorted sand from 156 to 154 ft predominantly carbonate lithologies of the Santee Lime-includes quartz pebbles and granules, glauconite, and pele-stone but are not recognized in the Georgia cores.cypods.The quartz sand above 154 ft is fine to very coarse Calcareous nannofossils, planktonic foraminifers, in calcareous sand beds and fine to medium in sandy lime-dinoflagellates, and pollen from the core localities indicate a stone beds.The limestone below a depth of 121 ft is finely late middle Eocene (late Claibornian) age for the Santee crystalline and contains glauconite and marine fossils, sections (Edwards and others, this volume, chap.B).Marine including pelecypods, spicules, foraminifers, and shark fossils and carbonate suggest that this unit was deposited in teeth.Marine fossils in the limestone above a depth of 100 ft an open-marine, shallow-shelf environment.
The distribu-A16 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF FIVE CORES FROM SCREVEN AND BURKE COUNTIES, GEORGIA tion of siliciclastic sediments and the diversity of marine fossils in the carbonate facies suggest that the updip Millers Pond core is more proximal to a source of siliciclasticments than the down dip Millhaven core.BARNWELL UNIT The Barnwell unit derives its name from the Barnwell Group (Huddlestun and Hetrick, 1979, 1986).The Barnwell Group consists of the Clinchfield Formation, Dry Branch Formation, and Tobacco Road Sand that have been described and mapped on both sides of the Savannah River in the vicinity of the SRS (Huddlestun and Hetrick, 1978, 1979, 1986;Huddlestun, 1982;Prowell, 1994;Fallaw and Price, 1995).The informally named Barnwell unit in this report includes strata of the Barnwell Group and the post-Eocene strata in the study area.The Barnwell unit in the Millhaven core includescareous clay from a depth of 228 to 223 ft, and moderately well to well-sorted calcareous quartz sand and partiallyified sandy limestone from 223 to 123 ft (fig.3).The fine to'.'medium sandjnclu(4:s_J percenLglauconite
...Thin.beds of silica-replaced limestone are common from a depth of 200 to 170 ft.The section from 123 to 54 ft consists fied carbonate and partially lithified limestone withally less than 10 percent quartz sand and 1 percent glauconite.
Irregularly shaped phosphatized limestone clasts at the base of this part of the section produce a sharp spike on the gamma-ray log at 123 ft.The unit from 54 ft to land surface consists of a coarsening-upward sequence of clayey sand and sandy clay.Fossils observed in the core include pelecypods, bryozoans, echinoids, and foraminifers from 223 to 54 ft.Biomoldic pores are present from 67 to 34 ft and reflect dissolution of aragonitic pelecypods and gastropods.
The Barnwell unit in the Girard core consists of clay, sand, and carbonate lithologies in the lower part of thetion from 250 to 104 ft and sand and clay in the upper part of the section from 104 ft to land surface (fig.4).A basal calcareous clay from 250 to 244 ft is overlain by partially silicified, phosphatized, and glauconitic limestone from a depth of 244 to 234 ft;calcareous quartz sand from 234 to 193 ft;sandy limestone from 193 to 183 ft;marl from 183 to 136 ft;and a sandy limestone that grades into an overlying quartz sand from 136 to 104 ft.Fossils include pelecypods and bryozoans.
Biomoldic porosity ranges from 5 to 20cent in the limestone and reflects dissolution of aragonitic pelecypods.
Sand is fine to coarse near the base and very fine to fine in the rest of the section from 250 to 104 ft.Clay matrix ranges from 20 to 40 percent in the sand.Claynae are abundant below 172 ft.The Barnwell unit from 104 ft to land surface is noncalcareous and contains clayey sand and clay.The sand ranges from fine to coarse and contains several flattened, ovoid pebbles at 88 ft.The Barnwell unit at Millers Pond consists ofclastic sediments from a depth of 82 ft to land surface.The contact with the Santee Limestone was not recovered ining.A thin, irregularly shaped bed of limestone at 75 ft is lithologically similar to the underlying Santee Limestone and is presumed to be a large reworked clast.The Barnwell unit from 78 to 67 ft includes thin beds of fine to medium and fine to very coarse sand, and thin beds of nated clay.The sand has fine lignite, clay clasts, and 10 to 20 percent clay matrix.The section from 67 ft to landface is a coarsening-upward sequence of sand and ranges from fine tomediumsand up to fine to very coarse sand.The amount of clay matrix ranges from 5 to 25 percent.imentary structures include clay laminae and clay wisps from 66 to 62 ft, 48 to 47 ft, and 38 to 27 ft.The sand from 49 to 42 ft contains granules and pebbles.The Barnwell unit is mapped as the uppermost stratigraphic unit at the Millers Pond site (Prowell, 1994), where it includes the Tobacco Road Sand and Irwinton Sand Member of the Dry Branch Formation.
Partial recovery of sediments during coring makes selection of aformationcontact within the Barnwell.J,lllit difficuJJ:.
",.The contact between the Barnwell Group and a post-Eocene unit, as mapped in the area of theGirardsite (Prowell, 1994), was not identified in the Girard core.The post-Eocene unit was described and designated as map unit Tn (Prowell, 1994).The mapped contact was projected to a depth of 50 ft in the Girard section.A lag deposit and other evidence of an unconformity, if present in the Girardtion, were not recovered during coring at this depth.The presence of post-Eocene sediments is acknowledged at the Girard site on the basis of previous studies, but a separate unit is not defined at this time.Paleontologic data for the Millhaven and Girard cores suggest a late Eocene to questionably early Oligocene age for the Barnwell sections (Edwards and others, this volume, chap.B).The Barnwell unit is equivalent to units E6, E7, E8, and MI (Prowell, Christopher, and others, 1985)and the Clinchfield Formation, Dry Branch Formation, and Tobacco Road Sand of the Barnwell Group at the SRS (Fallaw and Price, 1995).Throughout the study area, the abundance of carbonate, the presence of glauconite and phosphate, and the abundance of marine macrofossils and microfossils in the calcareous part of the section indicate that the Barnwell strata were deposited in open-marine environments.
The calcareous sand probably was deposited in a shallow-shelf environment, and the fossil bed at the base is a lag deposit produced by a late Eocene marine transgression.
Thecalcareous sand and clay, the ovoid flattened pebbles, and the clay wisps in the upper part of the Barnwell unitgest that these strata were deposited in nearshore-marine environments.
STRATIGRAPHY AND DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS OF SEDIMENTS FROM FNE CORES, GEORGIA AI?REFERENCES CITED Bechtel Corporation, 1972, Applicants environmental report,umes I and II-Alvin W.Vogtle Nuclear Plant: unpublished report for Georgia Power Company, Atlanta, Georgia;report on file at U.S.Geological Survey, Doraville, GA 30360.---1973, Preliminary safety analysis report, volumes II and III-Alvin W.Vogtle Nuclear Plant: unpublished report for Georgia Power Company, Atlanta, Georgia;report on file at U.S.Geological Survey, Doraville, GA 30360.--1982, Studies of postulated Millett fault, Georgia Power Company Vogtle Nuclear Plant: San Francisco, Bechtelporation, unpublished report, volumes 1 and 2, variously paged.Bledsoe, H.W., 1984, SRP baseline hydrogeologic Phase I: E.I.du Pont de Nemours and Company, Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken, S.C., DPST-84-833, 102 p.---1987, SRP baseline hydrogeologic investigation-Phase II: E.!.du Pont de Nemours and Company, Savannah Riveroratory, Aiken, S.C., DPST-86-674, 296 p.---1988, SRP baseline hydrogeologic investigation-Phase III: E.!.du Pont de Nemours and Company, Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken, S.c., DPST-88-627, 294 p.Brantley, J.E., 1916, A report on the limestones and marls of the coastal plain of Georgia: Georgia Geological Survey Bulletin 21,300 p.
ence on deposition in the downdip area near Millhaven.ferences in the thickness of this formation in the study area Five deep stratigraphic test holes were drilled from suggest that channels containing the basal sand of the Snapp 1991 to 1993 in support of multidisciplinary investigations Formation are incised into laminated black clay of the to determine the stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous and Ter-Ellenton Formation.
tiary sediments of the coastal plain in east-central Georgia.The lithologies of the Fourmile Branch/Congaree/War-Cored sediment and geophysical logs from the Millhaven ley Hill unit range from mixed-siliciclastic-carbonate sec-test hole in Screven County and the Girard and Millers Pond tions in the central and downdip Georgia cores to test holes in Burke County are the primary sources of litho-siliciclastic sections in the updip cores.Paleontologic data logic and paleontologic information for this report.Litho-suggest that the strata in this unit are correlative with three logic and paleontologic information from the Thompson formally named formations at the SRS.However, all three Oak and McBean test holes in Burke County supplement the formations are not consistently present in each of the Geor-discussion of stratigraphy and sedimentation in the updip gia cores.part of the study area near the Millers Pond test hole.The Santee Limestone consists predominantly of lime-The Cretaceous sections in the studied cores are stone and unlithified carbonate with a few beds of calcare-divided into the Cape Fear Formation, the Middendorf For-ous sand and clay.The Santee Limestone, as correlated in mation, the Black Creek Group, and the Steel Creek Forma-this report, includes lithologies assigned by others to the tion.These four geologic units consist of siliciclastic Warley Hill Formation, the Blue Bluff Marl of the Lisbon sediments.
Evidence of possible unconformities is used to Formation, the Santee Limestone, and the McBean Forma-recognize two subunits in the Middendorf Formation and tion.These lithofacies are time equivalents of the Lisbon three subunits in the Black Creek Group.Sediments in the Formation of western Georgia and collectively are corre-Cretaceous section generally are coarser grained and more lated as one package of sediment in this report.-._.
updip.areas. between units is con-.-,
unit lit this repo:r-sidered to be a regional unconformity and denotes a consid-includes strata of the Barnwell Group and the post-Eocene erable hiatus in sedimentation.
The sediments in all four strata in the study area.The presence of post-Eocene sedi-units have been interpreted as being part of large deltaic sys-ments is acknowledged at the Girard site on the basis of pre-tems that prograded across the paleo-continental shelf in vious studies, but a separate unit is not defined at this time.east-central Georgia and western South Carolina.The litho-facies observed in the Upper Cretaceous units tend to be coarser grained in proximal-deltaic environments and finer grained in distal-deltaic environments.
The Tertiary sections are divided into the Ellenton and Snapp Formations of Paleocene age;the Fourmile Branch/CongareelWarley Hill unit and Santee Limestone of Eocene age;and the Barnwell unit, which contains strata of Eocene to Miocene age.The Tertiary section, with the exception of the Snapp Formation, generally is moreeous and has.a more diverse and abundant marineflora and fauna in the downdip Millhaven core, relative to the updip McBean and Millers Pond cores.For these units, sedimentary and paleontologic evidence suggestsmarine shelf environments at the Millhaven site andginal-marine environments at the Millers Pond site.The Ellenton Formation in the Georgia cores is finer grained, calcareous, and very glauconitic in the downdip Millhaven and Girard cores.It is coarser grained andcalcareous in the updip Millers Pond core.Lag deposits and sharp bedding contacts identify basal unconformities and possible unconformities within the Georgia sections.The Snapp Formation is nearly barren of fossils and is a noncalcareous sequence of oxidized sand and clay.mentary characteristics of the Snapp Formation suggest a fluvially dominated depositional environment such as an upper delta plain or an incised alluvial valley.The presence of a sparse marine microflora suggests some marine influ-A18 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF FIVE CORES FROM SCREVEN AND BURKE COUNTIES, GEORGIA Buie, B.E, 1978, The Huber Formation of eastern-central Georgia, in Short contributions to the geology of Georgia: Georgia Geologic Survey Bulletin 93, p.1-7.Carver, RE., 1972, Stratigraphy of the Jackson Group in eastern Georgia: Southeastern Geology, v.14, p.153-181.Christl, RJ., 1964, Storage of radioactive wastes in basement rock beneath the Savannah River Plant: E.I.du Pont de Nemours and Company, Report DP-844, 105 p.Christopher, RA., 1978, Quantitative palynologic correlation of three Campanian and Maastrichtian sections (Upperceous)from the Atlantic Coastal Plain: Palynology, v.2, p.27.---1982, Palynostratigraphy of the basal Cretaceous units of the eastern Gulf and southern Atlantic Coastal Plains, in Arden, D.D., Beck, RE, and Morrow, Eleanore, eds.,ceedings;Second symposium on the geology of the ern coastal plain: Georgia Geologic Survey Information Circular 53, p.10-23, pIs.1-3.Christopher, RA., Owens, J.P., and Sohl, N.E, 1979, Lateceous palynomorphs from the Cape Fear Formation of North Carolina: Southeastern Geology, v.20, no.3, p.145-159.Clarke,J.S.,Brooks, Rebekah, and Faye, R.E., 1985, ogy of the Dublin and Midville aquifer systems of east-central Georgia: Georgia Geologic Survey Information Circular 74, 62 p..-,-,.Clarke, J.S., Falls, WE, Edwards, L.E.,[Bukry, David,]sen, N.O., Bybell, L.M., Gibson, T.G., Gohn, G.S., anding, Farley, 1996, Hydrogeologic data and aquifer interconnection in a multi-aquifer system in coastal plainiments near Millhaven, Screven County, Georgia, 1991-95: Georgia Geologic Survey Information Circular 99, 43 p., 1 pocket.Clarke, J.S., Falls, W.E, Edwards, L.E., Frederiksen, N.O., Bybell, L.M., Gibson, T.G., and Litwin, RJ., 1994[1995], Geologic, hydrologic and water-quality data for a multi-aquifer system in coastal plain sediments near Millers Pond, Burke County, Georgia, 1992-93: Georgia Geologic Survey Informationcular 96, 34 p., 1 pocket.Colquhoun, D.J., coordinator, 1991, Southeastern Atlantic regional cross section, eastern and offshore, South Carolina andgia sector: Tulsa, Okla., American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
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SRS-Environmental Report for 2005 Home-ER 2005 Environmental Report-2005 Environmental Data-2005 Soil&Groundwater Closure Solid Waste SREL High-Level Waste Site D&D Forestry Maps SRS Page 1 of 1 The Green Anole The green anole (Anolis carolinensis) often is mistakenly called chameleon because of its ability to change color, choosing green or brown to help it avoid predators by blending into its background.
It feeds on insects and is common at Savannah River Site and in yards and woodlands from North Carolina to Texas.Males have a pink throat fan that they frequently expand in territorial displays.This anole, photographed in a wooded area near the site's TNX Kaolin Settling Basin, is perched on an American beauty berry (Callicarpa americana), a native deciduous shrub seen throughout the coastal plain of the southeastern states.The plant's purple fruits, which mature from August to October, are deemed edible but are pungent and astringent after an initial sweet taste.The fruits are eaten by birds, and the plants often are established as a wildlife-attracting species.The photograph for the 2005 SRS Environmental Report cover was taken by AI Mamatey of the Washington Savannah River Company's Environmental Services Section.The cover was designed by Eleanor Justice of the company's Documentation and Information Services SectionInformation Management and Program Support Group.Washington Savannah River Company'Savannah River Site'Aiken, South Carolina Last updated: June 21, 2006 11/1/2007
- Summary of Savannah River Site Tritium Transport, 1960-2005 Estimated Tritium Transport (Curies)Year 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Based on Point-of-Release Concentrations and Flows a 64,000 6 69,000b 58,000b 97,000b 111,000b 108,400 84,900 70,600 63,800 64,600 36,900 38,200 46,800 71,100 59,900 55,600 59,600 43,800 37,600 29,400 24,900 23,900 32,200 34,200 32,800 25,000 27,800 22,700 19,300 17,300 16,100 27,400 13,800 11,300 8,800 9,900 7,560 8,350 10,555 6,111 5,995 4,423 3,096 4,319 2,683 2,506 Based on Stream Based on Savannah River Concentrations and Flow Concentrations and Flow Rates Rates C 69,600 73,700 83,000 77,000 64,000 63,000 96,900 122;800 131,600 1'43,'(j()Q 109,200'100;200 97,800 78,300 77,000 68,500 67,200 61,800 64,000 58,100 43,200 31,800 44,700 39,100 47,300 45,300 62,800 61,100 54,600 46,000 50,000 49,500 47,400 51,100 39,700 42,500 35,300 36,600 27,100 30,600 28,800 30,700 22,100 25,100 31,300 30,600 33,000 33,000 32,600 33,200 22,300 24,100 22,300 22,100 20,500 26,200 18,300 14,600 17,800 15,600 15,600 14,500 26,600 26,300 13,100 13,800 12,700 12,200 10,400 10,900 11,400 10,700 8,020 8,950 8,550 7,700 10,588 9,420 6,292 5,810 5,956 5,420 4,315 4,815 2,857 4,051 4,139 5,910 2,785 3,630 2,378'1;4;4807";/
a Includes direct releases to streams and migration from seepage basins and the Solid Waste Disposal Facility to streams.b Includes heat exchanger cooling water released from P-Area (of PAR pond orgin)to Steel Creek.c Beginning in 1986, this amount includes tritium released from Plant VogUe (in 2005, Southern Nuclear/Georgia Power reported that 1,860 curies were released).