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Proposed Tech Spec 6.4.E.4 Re Assistant Health Physics Supervisor or Health Physicist
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/09/1982
Shared Package
ML18139B991 List:
NUDOCS 8208120289
Download: ML18139B992 (1)


e TS 6.4-4 D. All procedures described in A and B above shall be followed.

E. Temporary changes to procedures described in A and B above which do not change the intent of the original procedure may be made, provided such changes are approved prior to implementation by the persons de-signated below based on the type of procedure to be changed:

1. Administrative Cognizant Supervisor
2. Abnormal Shift Supervisor or Assistant Shift Supervisor
3. Annunciator Shift Supervisor or Assistant Shift Supervisor
4. Health Physics *Assistant HP Supervisor or Health Physicists
5. Emergency Shift Supervisor or Assistant Shift Supervisor
6. Maintenance *Cognizant Supervisor
7. Operating Shift Supervisor or Assistant Shift Supervisor
8. Periodic Test *Cognizant Supervisor
9. Start-up Test *Engineering Supervisor
10. Special Test *Engineering Supervisor
11. Quality Assurance Manager Quality Assurance or Supervisor Quality Control, O&M
12. Chemistry *Chemist
  • These procedures must have the approval of a licensed Senior Reactor Operator.

Such changes will be documented and subsequently reviewed by the Station Nuclear Safety and Operating Committee and approved by the Station Manager within fourteen days.

8208120289 820809 PDR ADOCK 05000280 P PDR