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Revises Date for Completion of Severe Accident Capabilities Assessment & Implementation of Enhancements to 981231.Date Consistent W/Ce Plant Owners as Well as Majority of Other NPP Licensees
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/29/1997
From: Bordine T
NUDOCS 9708060048
Download: ML18067A647 (2)



Consumers Energy A CMS Energy Company 11Joma* c. Boni/DB Manager Licensing July 29, 1997 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 DOCKET 50-255 - LICENSE DPR PALISADES PLANT SEVERE ACCIDENT ISSUE CLOSURE GUIDELINES By letter dated April 26, 1995, Consumers Energy committed to implement the formal industry position on severe accident management at the Palisades Plant. The industry strategy was approved by the Nuclear Energy lnstitute's Strategic Issues Advisory Committee and submitted to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation in November 1994. In accordance with the industry position, the commitment includes completion of:

( 1) An assessment of current accident management capabilities to respond to severe accident conditions. This would be performed using Section 5 of NEI 91-04, Revision 1, "Severe Accident Issue Closure Guidelines",

(2) Implementation of appropriate improvements identified in the assessment within the constraints of existing personnel and hardware.

While the industry position does not require completion until December 1998, our ktJO(

April 26, 1995 letter to the NRC stated that we intend to complete the assessment and make any identified enhancements by December 31, 1997. With this letter, Consumers Energy is revising the date for completion of the severe accident capabilities assessment and implementation of any enhancements to December 31, 1998. This date is consistent with other Combustion Engineering plant owners as well as the majority of other nuclear power plant licensees. This schedule change is necessary to


I ~~~~4: i~~ I  ! 111~11111m110011m1i11t1m1111 Palisades Nuclear Plant

  • 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway
  • Covt1il, Ml 49043
  • Tel: 616 764 2913
  • Fax: 616 764 2490
  • 2

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levelize plant workload and to better align with industry initiatives for resolving this issue.


OF COMMITMENTS This letter contains no new commitments and one revision to an existing commitment which is as follows.

Assess Palisades' severe accident management capabilities in accordance with NEI Report 91-04, "Severe Accident Issue Closure Guidelines", and make any identified enhancements by December 31, 1998.


Manager, Licensing CC . Administrator, Region Ill, USNRC Project Manager, NRR, USNRC NRC Resident Inspector - Palisades