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Forwards Rev 1 to Proposed Tech Spec Changes for Editorial Corrections,Per NRC Request
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/27/1990
From: Hoffman D, Slade G
Shared Package
ML18057A506 List:
TAC-76156, NUDOCS 9010090006
Download: ML18057A505 (4)


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_l>_OWBL____ _ __ .. ___ . . . **-*- __G_B Slade...

General Manager POWERiNii NllCHlliAN'S PROGRESS Palisades Nuclear Plant: 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway, Covert. Ml 49043 September 27, 1990 Nucl_ear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 DOCKET 50-255 - LICENSE DPR PALISADES PLANT -


Consumers Power Company letter dated April 2, 1990 proposed a Technical Specification Change which makes various editorial corrections and_ deleted assignment of the functional responsibility for the Industry Operating Experience Review Program from the Technical Specifications. After preliminary review of this proposed change, the NRC staff has indicated ~hey would like the Specifications to state that the Plant Review Committee (PRC) is responsible for the nuclear safety review of industry experience. Consumers Power Company agrees with this addition to the responsib.ilities of tht? PRC and hereby submits Revision 1 of our original April 2, 1990 proposal.

G B Slade General. Manager .

CC: Administrator, Region III, _NRC NRC Resident Inspector - Palisades


I -** . --,

OC0890-0066-N:L04 90i0090006 900927 PDR ADOCK 05000255 A CMS ENERGY COMPANY P PDC

1 CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY Docket 50-255 Request for Change to the Technical Specifications License DPR-20 For the reasons hereinafter ~et forth, it is requested that the Technical Specificati9ns contained in the Provisional Operating License DPR-20, Docket.50-255, issued to Consumers Power Company on October 16, 1972, for the Palisades Plant be changed as described in Section I below:

I. Changes A. 1. Change the first "SV-2412B" for penetrati6n 40B .in Table 3.6.1 to "SV-2412A".

2. For penetration number 49, change service line size from (3") to (6.").
  • ~* -

B. Change "4.20" to*"4.21" at the end of Section 3.25.1.

C. Revise Section 6.5.3.i to read as follows:

"" FUNCTION "The Plant Safety and Licensing organization shall function to examine proposed changes in design or operation.and such other matters as the PRC may assign to identify issues significant to nuclear safety and recommend nuclear safety improvements . "

  • D. Add "i. Nuclear industry operating experience." to section I E. Change Section-6.5.l.7a to state" ..*. Specifications I through i above." I

. F. Change "NSB tq "NSSD" at *t.he end of Section 6 .10. 2. f by deleting I "NSB" and adding "reviews per.formed by NSSD".


  • Discussion

.Proposed change A corrects two typographical errors*made during the I issuance of Amendment 128 dated September 5, 1989.

Proposed change B corrects a typographical error made during the issuance. of Amendment 122 dated. May 19, 1989.

Proposed change C is requested to bring Palisades Technical Specifications in line with the current plant organization. When the current Technical Specification wording was approved by the NRC in Amendment 127 dated August 16, 1989, the program to examine nuclear industry operating experience was to be the responsibility of the Plant OC0890-0066-NL04 -

2 Safety and Licensing organization. Since that time the responsibility for this program has been reassigned to a newly created organizational unit under the Engineering and Maintenance Manager.

With respect to the examination of nuclear industry operating experience; it is not relevant whether this responsibility is assigned to Plant Safety and Licensing or another organization *. Accordingly~ it is proposed that reference to the function to examine industry operating

~xperience be deleted from Section of the

  • I Palisades Technical Specifications and t~assign responsibility to the I Plant Review Committee (See Change D). I Proposed change D adds the. responsibility for review. of industry I operating experience to the Plant Review Committee* (PRC). This ensures I high level plant management review of pertinent information and makes I the Plant Manager aware of the status of th~ program. I Change E gives the PRC the autJ:iority to be responsible for /

of nuclear industry operating experience. I Proposed change F corrects an oversight made during the is*suance of I Amendment 127 dated August lq, 1989.

Analysis of _No Significant Hazards Consideration These changes as proposed are editorial in nature. Propos~d changes C I

& D will have no impact on the industry operating experiei;ice review *' j.

or safety review functions at the plant. The changes have no effect on I the probability of occurrence or consequences cif an accident, npr has .

the possibility of an accident or malfunction of *a different j:ype been created because they do not effect ,the plant configuration nor the plant operating requirements.

The margin of safe.ty as defined in the basis for' the Technical Specifications ,.will not be affected *because no margin of safety is defined for tre*~dministrativeControls Section of the.Technical Specifications, and the proposed changes are editorial .correc'tions.

III*' Conclusion The Palisades Plant Review Committee has reviewed this Technical Specification Change Reque~t and has determined that this chang*e. does not unreviewed safety question and,. therefore, involves no significant hazards consideration. This chang~ has been reviewed by the Nuclear Safety Services Department. A copy of this Technical Specification Change Request has been sent to the State of Michigan official designated to receive such Amendments to the Opera~ing License.


... 3 CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY To the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the contents of this submittal are .truthful and complete.

By_~~-=o----~~~~__,__~~~~--------.i David P Hoffman, Nuclear Operation Beverly n Avery, Notary JaGkson County, Michigan My commission expires Dec~mber

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7, 1992 OC0890-0066-NL04