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NMPNS Unit 2 Semiannual Radioactive Effuent Release Rept, Jan-June 1995.
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1995
Shared Package
ML17059A916 List:
NUDOCS 9509050190
Download: ML18040A164 (40)




~Peeilii: Nine Mile Point Unii P2 Licensee: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION LIMITS A) FISSION AND ACTIVATIONGASES

1. The dose rate limit of noble gases released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at or beyond the site boundary shall be less than or equal to 500 mrem/year to the whole body and less than or equal to 3000 mrem/year to the skin.
2. The air dose from noble gases released in gaseous effluents from the Nine Mile Point 2 Station to areas at or beyond the site boundary shall be limited during any calendar quarter to less than or equal to 5 mrad for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 10 mrad for beta radiation and during any calendar year to less than or equal to 10 mrad for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 20 mrad for beta radiation.


1. The dose rate limit of Iodine-131, Iodine-133, Tritium and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days, released to the environs as part of the gaseous effluents from the site, shall be less than or equal to 1500 mrem/year to any organ.
2. The dose to a member of the public from Iodine-131, Iodine-133, Tritium and all radionuclides in particulate form with half lives greater than eight days in gaseous effluents released from the Nine Mile Point 2 Station to areas at or beyond the site boundary shall be limited during any calendar quarter to less than or equal to 7.5 mrem to any organ and, during any calendar year, to less than or equal to 15 mrem to any organ.


1. The concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areas shall be limited to the concentrations specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall be limited to 2E-04 microcurie/ml total activity.
2. The dose or dose commitment to a member of the public from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released from Nine Mile Point Unit 2 to unrestricted areas shall be limited during any calendar quarter to less than or equal to 1.5 mrem to the whole body and to less than or equal to 5 mrem to any organ, and during any calendar year to less than or equal to 3 mrem to the whole body and to less than or equal to 10 mrem to any organ.

950'ii050190 950828 PDR ADOCK 05000414 c2DM

Page 2 of 2 MEASUREMENTS AND APPROXIMATIONS OF TOTAL RADIOACTIVITY Described below are the methods used to measure or approximate the total radioactivity and radionuclide composition in effluents.

A) FISSION AND ACTIVATIONGASES Noble gas effluent activity is determined by on-line gamma spectroscopic monitoring (intrinsic germanium crystal) of an isokinetic sample stream.

B) IODINES Iodine effluent activity is determined by gamma spectroscopic analysis (at least weekly) of charcoal cartridges sampled from an isokinetic sample stream.

C) PARTICULATES Activity released is determined by gamma spectroscopic analysis (at least weekly) of particulate filters sampled from an isokinetic sample stream.

D) TRITIUM Tritium effluent activity is measured by liquid scintillation or gas proportional counting of monthly samples taken with an air sparging/water trap apparatus.

E) LIQUID EFFLUENTS Isotopic contents of liquid effluents are determined by isotopic analysis of a representative sample of each batch.

F) SOLID EFFLUENTS Isotopic contents of waste shipments are determined by gamma spectroscopy analyses and water content estimates of a representative sample of each batch. Scaling factors established from primary composite sample analyses conducted off-site are applied, where appropriate, to find estimated concentration of non-gamma emitters. For low activity trash shipments, curie content is estimated by dose rate measurement and application of appropriate scaling factors.

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 2 Summary Data Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Period Jenuar - June 1995 Uquid Effluents:

10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 Average MPC - uCi/ml (Qtr. J1 I 2.62E-03 Average MPC - uCi/ml (Qtr. J2 ~ 2.19E-03 Average Energy (Fission and Activation gases - Mev):

Qtr. 1 Ey ~ 1.26E+00 Ez ~ 6.45E-01 Qtr. 2 Ey ~ 1.22E+00 E> ~ 6.05E-01 Uquid:

Number of batch releases Total time period for batch releases (hrs) 1.84E+ 02 Maximum time period for a batch release (hrs): 3.42E+00 Average time period for a batch release (hrs),: 3.28E+00 Minimum time period for a batch release (hrs): 2.95E+00 Total volume of water used to dilute the liquid effluent during release period (L) 1.05E+09 Total volume of water used to dilute the liquid effluent during reporting period (L) 2.52E+ 10 Gaseous (Emergency Condenser Vent): Not Applicable for Unit 2 Number of batch releases ~NA Total time period for batch releases (hrs) ~NA Maximum time period for a batch release (hrs): ~NA Average time period for a batch release (hrs): ~NA Minimum time period for a batch release (hrs) N/A Gaseous (Primary Containment Purge):

Number of batch releases 13 Total time period for batch releases (hrs) 7.89E+ 01 Maximum time period for a batch release (hrs): 6.47E+00 Average time period for a batch release (hrs): 6.07E+00 Minimum time period for a batch release (hrs): 5.44E+00

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 20f 2 Summary Data Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Period Januar - June 1995 Abnormal Releases: There were no abnormal releases during the reporting'period.

A. Uquids:

Number of releases 0 Total activity released ~NA Ci B. Gaseous:

Number of releases 0 Total activity released ~NA Ci


1. Total release Ci 1.24E+ 01 1.34E+ 01 5.00E+01
2. Average release rate yCI/sec 1.71E+ 01 1.72E+ 00 lodines
1. Total iodine-131 Ci 7.59E- 05 1.52E-04 3.00E+01
2. Average release rate for period /rCI/sec 1.41E-04 3.17E-04 C. Particulatess
1. )

Particulates with half-lives 8 days Ci 2.37E-05 1.22E-03 3.00E+01

2. Average release rate for period
3. Gross alpha radioactivity /rCI/sec 3.03E- 06 1.52E- 04 Ci 2.52E-05 2.45E-05 2.50E+01 Tri'tium
1. Total release Ci 4.94E+ 00 5.63E+ 00 5.00E+01
2. Average release rate for period /rCI/sec 1.06E+00 8.91E-01 Percent of Tech. S ec. Limits Fission and Activation Gases Percent of Quarterly Gamma Air Doss 2.18E-02 3.10E-02 Limit (5 mrad)

Percent of Quarterly Beta Air Dose Umit 1.42E-03 1.78E-03 (10 mrad)

Percent of Annual Gamma Air Dose Umit 1.09E-02 2.64E-02 to Date (10 mrad)

Percent of Annual Beta Air Dose Umit to 7.12E-04, 1.60E-03 Date (20 mrad)

Percent of Whole Body Dose Rate Umit 8.49E-04 1.19E-03 (500 mrem/yr)

Percent of Skin Dose Rate Umit 1.81E-04 2.51E-04 (3000 mrem/yr)

Tritium lodines and Particulatess with half-lives rester than 8 da s Percent of Quarterly Dose Umit 2.20E-02 4.96E-02 (7.5 mrem)

Percent of Annual Dose limit 1.11E-02 3.61E-02 (15 mrem)

Percent of Organ Dose Rate Limit 4.51E-04 9.96E-04 (1500 mrem/yr)

Iron-55 and Strontium rosults for the second quarter were not received from the off-site vendor at the time of this report. These numbers will be providod in tho next Semi-Annual Report.

Includes Mo-99


2'UARTER Nuclidos Released QUARTER Fission Gasest Argon-41 Ci 1.41E-01 1.94E-01 Krypton-85 Ci 0~ 0~

Krypton-85m Ci ~0 OO Krypton-87 Ci 5.37E-01 3.34E-01 Krypton-88 Ci 1.22E+ 00 2.86E+ 00 Xenon-127 Ci ~0 Xenon-133 Ci 0~ ~0 Xenon-133m Ci Xenon-135 Ci 1.15E-01 8.51E-02 Xenon-135m Ci 7.07E-01 7.77E-01 Xenon-137 Ci 5.44E+ 00 7.07E+ 00 Xenon-138 Ci 4.26E+ 00 4.75E+00 2.


Iodine-131 Ci 7.59E.05 1.52E-04 Iodine-133 Ci 9.58E.04 2.17E-03 ladino-135 Ci OO 3.

Particulates Strontium-89 Ci 2.37E.05 2.46E-05 Strontium-90 Ci 3.84E-07 Cesium-134 Ci Cesium-137 Ci Cobalt-60 Ci Cobalt-58 Ci ~0 ~0 Manganese-54 Ci ~~ ~0 Barium-Lanthanum-140 Ci ~0 Antimony-125 Ci Niobium-95 Ci OO Cerium-141 Ci 0~ OO Corium-144 Ci ~0 ~0 Iron-59 Ci ~~ ~0 Cesium-136 Ci ~0 ~0 Chromium-51 Ci ~~ 0~

Zinc-65 Ci 0~ 6.80E-05 Iron-55 Ci 9.47E-06 Molybdenum-99 Ci 4.


Ci 4.43E+ 00 5.39E+ 00 Concentrations loss than tho lowor limit of detection of the counting system used aro indicated with a double asterisk. A lower limit of detection of 1.00E-04 yCI/ml for roquirod noblo gases, 1.00E-11 yCI/ml for required particulates, 1.00E-12 yCI/ml for required lodinos, and 1.00E-06/rCI/ml for Tritium, as required by Technical Specifications, has been verified.

2 Iron-55, Strontium and Tritium results for tho socond quarter wore not received from tho off-site vendor at the time of this report. These numbers include estimates. Actual numbers will be included in the next Semi-Annual Report.


'Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Poriod Januar - June 1995 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - GROUND LEVEL RELEASES CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH'MODE There were no batch releases during the reporting period.



QUARTER 2'UARTER QUARTER Fission Gases Argon-41 Ci

~0 Krypton.85 Ci Krypton.85m Ci 0~


Krypton-87 Ci


Krypton-88 Ci Xenon-133 Ci ~~

Xenon-133m Ci ~~

Xenon-135 Ci ~~

Xenon-135m Ci ~~

Xenon-137 Ci ~0 Xenon-138 Ci 11 Xenon-127 Ci ~~

lodinest iodine-131 Ci iodine-133 Ci 0~ ~0 iodine-135 Ci ~ t Particulatest 2 Strontium-89 Ci 6.26E-06 Strontium-90 Ci ~0 8.10E-07 Cesium-134 Ci ~~

Cesium-137 Ci 0~

Cobalt-60 Ci 3.31E-04 Cobalt-58 Ci Manganese-54 Ci OO Barium. Lanthanum-140 Ci OO Antimony-125 Ci 1~

Niobium-95 Ci 0~ ~0 Corium-141 Ci 4~

Corium-144 Ci 04 Iron-59 Ci ~0 ~0 Cesium-136 Ci Chromium-51 Ci 0~

Zinc-65 Ci 7.55E-04 Iron.55 Ci ~0 1.99E-05 Molybdenum-99 Ci OO Tritium Ci 5.11E-01 2.39E- 01 Concentrations less then the lower limit ot detection of the counting system used aro indicated with a double asterisk. A lower limit of detection of 1.00E-04 yCi/ml for required noble gases, 1.00E-11 yCi/ml for required particulates, 1.00E-12 yCi/ml for required lodines, and 1.00E-06 yCi/ml for Tritium, as required by Technical Specifications, has boon verified.

Iron-55 and Strontium results for tho second quarter were not received from tho vendor at tho time of this report.

These numbers include estimates, and actual numbers will be included in tho next Semi. Annual Report.

ATTACHMENT 5 Page 1 of 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Period Janus - June 1995 LIQUID EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES 1 2~ EST. TOTAL QUARTER QUARTER ERROR A. Fission //E Activation Products'.

Total release (not including Tritium, gases, alpha) Ci 1.82E-02 7.30E-02 5.00E+01

2. Average diluted concentration during reporting period yCi/ml 1.42E-09 5.89E-09 B. Tritium'.

Total release Ci 4.83E+ 00 9 475+00 5.00E+01

2. Average diluted concentration during reporting period yCi/ml 3.76E-07 7.64E-07 C. Dissolved and Entrained Gasess Total release Ci 1.15E-04 5.00E+01
2. Average diluted concentration during reporting period yCi/ml 8.93E-12 D. Gross Al ha Radioactivit
1. Total release Ci 1.20E-04 5.00E+01 E. Volumes
1. Prior to dilution Liters 1.79E+ 06 3.24E+ 06 5.00E+01
2. Volume of dilution water used during release period Liters 3.83E+ 08 6.71E+ 08 5.00E+01 Volume of dilution water available during reporting period Liters 1.28E+ 10 1.24E+ 10 5.00E+01 F. Percent of Technical S ecification Limits'ercent of Quarterly Whole Body Dose Limit (1.5 mrem) Og 9.39E-01 2.70E+ 00 Percent of Quarterly Organ Dose Limit (5 mrem) 5.80E-01 1.67E+ 00 Percent of Annual Whole Body Dose Umit to Date (3 mrem) 4.69E-01 1.82E+ 00 Percent of Annual Organ Doso Limit to Date (10 mrem) 2.90E-01 1.12E+ 00 Percent of 10CFR20 Concentration Limit 1.44E-02 6.73E-02 Percent of Dissolvod or Entrained Noble Gas Limit 4.47E.06 (2.00E-04 yCi/ml)

Tritium, Iron.55, and Strontium results for tho second quarter were not received from the off-site vendor at the itme of this report. These numbers includo estimates. Actual numbers will bo providod in the next Semi-Annual Report.

Concontrations loss than tho lower limit of detection of the counting system used are indicated with a double asterisk. A lower limit of dotection of 5.00E-07 pCi/ml for required gamma emitting nuclides, 1.00E-05 yCi/ml for required dissolved and entrained noble gases and Tritium, 5.00E-OS yCi/ml for Sr-89/90, 1.00E-06 pCi/ml for Fe-55 and 1.00E-07 yCi/ml for gross alpha radioactiVity, as required by Technical Spocifications, has boon verified.

The perecent of tho 10CFR20 concentration limit is based on the average concontration during tho quarter.

kl ATTACHMENT 6 Page 2of 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Period Januer - June 1995 LIQUID EFFLUENTS RELEASED BATCH MODE 1e 2sl Nuclides Released QUARTER QUARTER Strontium-89 Ci 01 6.08E-05 Strontium-90 Ci ~1 1.29E.05 Cesium-134 Ci ~0 ~0 Cesium-137 Ci 00 ~0 Iodine-131 Ci ~0 ~1 Cobalt-58 Ci 01 2.31E.04 Cobalt-60 Ci 2.62E.03 1.90E-02 Iron.59 Ci 9.34E-04 Zinc-65 Ci 1,32E-02 3.63E-02 Manganese-54 Ci 1.15E-03 8.28E-03 Chromium-51 Ci 9.48E-04 5.72E-03 Zirconium-Niobium-95 Ci Molybdenum-99 Ci ~0 Technetium-99m Ci ~~ ~0 Barium-Lanthanum-140 Ci ~~ ~0 Cerium-141 Ci Tungsten-187 Ci ~0 Arsenic-76 Ci ~0 Iodine-133 Ci ~0 Iron-55 Ci 00 1.25E-03 Neptunium-239 Ci ~0 Praseodymium-144 Ci Iodine-135 Ci ~1 Silver-1 1 om Ci 2.91E- 04 1.22E-03 Dissolved or Entrained Gases Ci 1.1 5E-04 Tritium Ci 4.83E+ 00 9.47E+ 00 Concentrations less than the lower limit of detection of the counting system used are indicated with a double asterisk.

A lower limit of detection ot 5.00E-07 pCi/ml for required gamma emitting nuclides, 1.00E-05 pCi/ml for required dissolved and entrained noble gases and Tritium, 5.00E-OS pCi/ml for Sr-89/90, 1.00E-06 pCi/ml for Fe-55 and 1.00E-07 pCi/ml for gross alpha radioactivity, as required by Technical Specifications, has boon verified.

2 Tritium, Iron-55, and Strontium results for the second quarter were not received from tho off-site vendor at the itmo of this report. These numbers include estimates. Actual numbers will be provided in the next Semi-Annual Report.

V ATTACHMENT6 Page 1 of 6 Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Period Jenuar - June 1995 SOUD WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS: There were no shipments sent for burial.

A.1 TYPE Volume ~Activit (m3) (Ci)

Class Clflss B

1. Spent Resin~

0 0 0 0 0 0 Filter Sludges 0 0 0 0 0 0 Concentrated Waste 0 0 0 0 0 0 Evaporator Bottoms Total 0 0 0 0 0 0

2. Dry Compressible Waste, Dry Non-Compressible Waste (Contaminated 0 0 0 0 0 Equipment)'
3. Irradiated Components 0 0 0 0 0 0 The estimated total error is 5.00E+01%.

There were 9 Unit 2 steel encased high integrity containers of waste class A bead resin placed in interim storage at Nine Mile Point during the reporting period. The total activity was 2.54E+02 curies and the volume was 5.12E+01m .

There were 2 Unit 2 steel encased high integrity containers of class A filters/filter sludge waste placed in interim storage at Nine Mile Point during the reporting period. The total activity was 7.65E+01 curies and the volume was 7.14E+ 00ms.

There was 1 steel encased high integrity container of Class A DAW placed in interim storage at Nine Mile Point during the reporting period. The total activity was 1.31E+00 curies and the volume was 5.69E+00ms.

ATTACHMENT6 Page 2 of 6 Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Period Janua - June 1995 SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS A.1 TYPE Solidification Container ~Pk e ~Aeet

1. Spent Resin NIA ~NA ~NA Filter Sludge NIA ~NA Concentrated Waste NNIA NIA NNIA
2. Dry Compressible Waste, ~NA ~NA ~NA Dry Non-Compressible Waste (Contaminated Equipment)
3. Irradiated Components NIA ~NA ~NA


a. Spent Resins, Filter Sludges, Concentrated Waste: There were no shipments Nuclide Percent
b. Dry Compressible Waste, Dry Non-Compressible Waste (C ontaminated Equipment): There were no shipments.

Nuclide ~Percen

c. Irradiated Components: There were no shipments.

Nuclide ~Percen

d. Other: There were no shipments.

Nuclide ~Percen

ATTACHIVIENT6 Page 4 of 6 Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Poriod Janus - June 1996 SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS A.3. SOLID WASTE DISPOSITION There were no shipments Number of Shi ments Mode of Trans ortation Destination 0 ~NA ~NA B. IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS {DISPOSITION): There were no shipments.

Number of Shi ments Mode of Trans ortation Destination 0 ~NA ~NA

ATTACHMENT6 Page 6 of 6 Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Period Janus - June 1995 SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS C. SOLID WASTE SHIPPED OFF-SITE TO VENDORS FOR PROCESSING AND SUBSEQUENT BURIAL There were no shipments sent for burlai; all shipments were returned to Nine Mile Point after volume reduction processln'g.

Below is a summary of Dry Active Waste that was shipped off-site for processing and burial by vendor facilities (i.e., ALARON, AMERICAN ECOLOGY RECYCLE CENTER, INC., and/or SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY GROUP) during Januar - June 1995. These totals were reported separately from 10CFR61 Solid Waste Shipped for Burial" since (a) waste classification and burial was performed by the vendors, and (b) Technical Specification 6.9.1 requires reporting of "information for each class of solid waste (as defined by 10CFR61) shipped off-site during the reporting period. The information provided in this section, therefore, is in addition to that required by the Technical Specifications. The following data represents the actual shipments made from the off-site vendors of our non-compacted commingled trash that was processed prior to burial.

C.1. TYPE OF WASTE - noncompaoted commingled trash shipped to Oak Ridge, TN for processing prior to burial at Burial Volume Activity Est. Total Barnwell, SC ~CI ~Ef of 0 0 5.00E+ 01 C.2. ESTIMATE OF MAJOR NUCLIDE COMPOSITION There were no shipments sent for burial.

Nuclide ~Percen C.3. SOLID WASTE DISPOSITION: There were no shipments for burlai; all shipments were returned to Nine Mile Point after volume reduction processing. 11 shipments to off-site processors were made.

Number of Shi ments Mode of Trans ortation Destination 0 N/A N/A

ATt ACHMfNT 6 Page 6 of 6 Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Period Janua - June 1995 SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS D. SEWAGE WASTES SHIPPED TO A TREATMENT FACILITY FOR PROCESSING AND BURIAL There were no ehipmente of sewage eludge with detectable quantitiee of plant-related nuclides from NMP to the treatment facility during the reporting period.

ATTACHIVIENT7 Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Period Janus - June 1995


OF CHANGES TO THE OFFNITE DOSE CALCULATIONMANUAL There were no changes to the Unit 2 Off~its Dose Calculation Manual during the reporting period.


ATTACHMENT8 Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Period Janua - June 1995


OF CHANGES TO THE PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM There were no changes to the Unit 2 Process Control Program during the reporting period.

ATTACHMENT9 Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Period Januar - June 1995


OF INOPERABLE MONITORS There were no Inoperable monitors for a period greater than 30 days during the reporting period.


Unit 1 Unit 2 X Reporting Period Jul - December 1994 UPDATE OF RELEASE AND DOSE DATA FOR GASEOUS (ELEVATED AND GROUND LEVEL) AND LIQUID EFFLUENTS Update of data using actual results from the off-site vendors for Strontium, Tritium, and Iron-55 for the fourth quarter 1994.

GASEOUS LIQUID 4 QUARTER 4>> QUARTER Quclidst ~Aauvit ci Activit Ci Sr-89 3.51E- 05 Sr-90 ~>> >>~

H-3 8.34E+ 00 2.52E+ 00 Fe-55 1>>


1. Particulates with Ci 7.49E- 04 1.10E-02


half-lives 8 days

2. Average release rate /rCi/sec (gaseous) 1.03E-04 (gaseous) or diluted /rCI/ml (liquid) concentration (liquid) for reporting period Tritium
1. Total release Ci 8.34E+ 00 2.52E+ 00
2. Average release rate yCI/sec (gaseous) 1.15E+00 1.61E-07 for period (gaseous) yCI/ml (liquid) or diluted concentration (liquids) for the reporting period Tritium lodines and GASEOUS LIQUID Particulates with half-lives rester than 8 da s
1. Percent of 1.93E-02 2.91E- 01 Quarterly Dose (Quarterly) (Quarterly)


2. Percont of Annual'ose 2.65E-02 1.59E+ 00 Limit to Date (Annual) (Annual)
3. Percent of Organ 4.19E-04 1.80E-01

- Dose Rate Limit (Quarterly) (Quarterly)

(Gaseous)(Quarterly) ~NA 9.01E-01

- Dose Limit (L)quid) (Annual) (Annual)

(Annual & Quarterly)

4. Percent of 10CFR20$ ~NA 6.48E-03 Concentration Limit (L(quid)
5. Percent of Dissolved N/A ~>>

or Entrained Noble Gas (Liquid)

Concentrations loss than the lower limit of detection, as required by Technical Specifications are indicated with a double asterisk.

s The dose is to the whole body for liquid effluents and to the maximally exposed organ for gaseous effluents.

The percent of the 10CFR20 concentration limit is based on the average concentration during the release period.