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Unit 2 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jan-June 1989.
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1989
Shared Package
ML17056A271 List:
NUDOCS 8909180395
Download: ML19325C173 (18)


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diA - NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION - UNIT 2 l i i ( 'l SDtI-ANNilAL RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENT . 1 RELEASE REPORT i f.' January through June 1989 . i p: s I

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                                                                                                                                                                                                              .i DOCKET NO:           50-410-                                                                            ,

p P LICENSE NO.: NPF-69 .i

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4 , 4, . .e i NINE MILE POINT h'UCLEAR STATION - UNIT ?  ! p 4 ,, L SEMI-ANNUAL RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT j i L January through Juno 1989  : ( L'  ! Facilityt Nine Mile Poirt Unit #2 Licenseet Niagara Mohawk Power  ! Corporation i i  !

1. Technical Specification 1.imits:


                           - A)   Fission and activation gasest                                                                                      l 1.-   The dose rate limit of noble gases from the site to areas at and                                             !

beyond the site boundary shall be less than or equal to 500 i eresi/ year to the whole . body and less than or equal to 3000 mres/ year to the skin. i i

2. The air dose from noble gases released in gaseous effluents from ,

the Nine Mile Point 2 Station to areaa at and beyond the site boundary shall be limited during any calendar quarter to less , than or equal to 5 mrad for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 10 airad for beta radiation and, during any calendar-  ! year to less than or equal to 10 mrad for gamma radiation and s less than or equal to 20 mrad for beta radiation. l t B&C) Tritium, Iodines and Particulates, half lives > 8 dayst I

1. The dose rate limit of Iodine-131 Iodine-133. Tritium and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than  ;

eight days, reIer. sed gaseous effluents from the site to areas at or beyond the site boundary, shall be less than or equal to 1500  ! mres/ year to any organ, i

2. The dose to a member of the public f rom Ior'.ine-131. Iodine-133, l Tritium and all radionuclides An partic' late form with half 1
                                        > 1ives greater 8 days as part of gaseous ef fluents released                                          +

f rce the Nine Mile Point 2 Station to areas at and beyond the , site boundary shall be limited during eny calendar quarter to , g less than or equal to 7.5 mrem to any organ and, during any j 1 relendar year to less than or equal to 15 m em to any organ. ' 1' D) Liquid Effluents i L 1. The concentration of radioactive material released in liquid L effluents to unrestricted areas shall be limited to the concentrations specified in 10 CFR Part 20. Appendix B, Table , II, Column 2 fer radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained lj noble gases. For dissolved or entrained noble gas, the  ! H concentration shall be limited to 2E-04 microcuries/mi total activity.

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V .c l j' 4. .. I ,, , D. Liquid Effluents (Cont'd)-

2. The dose or dose commitment to a member of the public from e radioactive materials in liquid effluents relecsed from Nine fK Mile. Point Unit 2 to unrestricted areas shall be limited during any calendar quarter to less than or equal to 1.5 mrem to the whole body and to less than or equal to 5 mrem to any organ, and'
                                 ' during any calendar year to less than or equal to 3 mrem to the whole body and to less than nr equal to 10 mram to any organ.


!                    2. Maximum Permissible Concentrations A) .Fissica and activation gases
j. None specified B&C) Iodines and particulates, half lives E 8 days None specified D) Liquid Effluents:

Nuclide MPC - uC1/mi Strontium-89 3E-6 Strontium-90 3E-7 Cesium-134 9E-6 Cesium-137 2E-5 lodine-131 3E-7 Cobalt-58 9E-5 Cobalt-60 3E-5 Iron-59 SE-5 Zinc-65 IE-4

                                            -Mangnnese-54                              1E-4 Chromium-51                               2E-3 Zirconium-Niobium-95                      6E-5 Molybdenum-99                             4E-5 Technetium-99m                            3E-3 Barium-140                                2E-5 Cerium-141-                               9E-5 Tungsten-187                              6E-5 Arsenic-76                                2E-5                           i Iodine-133                                1E-6 Hydrogen-3                                3E-3                           ,

Iron-55 8E-4  ! Manganese-56 IE-4 l Sodium-24 3E-5 Xe-133 2E-4 Xe-135 2E-4 I l l

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3. . Average Energy (Fission and ActiUntion gases - Mev)-  !


                      ' First Quarter * :                 Ey = 0.00                     ; gg ;= 0.00                                                                                                        l Second Quarter's                  Ey= 0.798                     ; Eg = 1.04
4. -Measurements'and Approximations of Total Radioactivity Described below are the methods used to measure or approximate the total }

radioactivity and radionuclide composition in effluents. l t A) Fission and Activation Gases: Noble gas effluent activity is a determined by on-line garama . spectroscopic monitoring (intrinsic j ge:sanium crystal) of an isokinetic sample stream.

                      - B)' . Iodines:            lodice                    effluent- activity                 is                  determined             by          gamma                                 ,

spectroscopic' analysis .(at least weekly) of charcoal cartriages t manually or automatically sampled from an isokinetic sample stream. . C) Particulates: ' Activity released is determined by gamma spectroscopic , analysis; (at' least weekly) of particulate filters manually or  : automatically. sampled from an isokinetic sample stream. l D) Tritium: Tritium effluent activity is measured by liquid scintillation or gas proportional counting of monthly samples taken-  ; with an air sparging/ water trap apparatus. E) 1.iquid Ef fluents: Isotopic Analysis of a repr2sentative sample of - each batch, j

                       - F) -Solid Effluents:                       Isotopic contents of waste shipments are determined                                                                                     ,

by gansna spectroscopy and water content analyses of a representative  ! sample of each batch. Scaling factors established from primary , composite sample analyses conducted off-site -are applied, where , appropriate, to find estimated concentration of non-gamma emitters. . For low activity trash shipments, curie content 13 estimated by dose [ rate measurement and application of appropriate scaling factors. i

5. Batch Releases The following information relates to batch releases of radioactive 4 materials in liquid and gaseous effluents. -

A) Liquid - $ r 1. Number of batch releases: jijk ,

2. Total time period for batch releases: 191 hours _31_ min.
3. Maximum time period for a batch release _ _3 hours _ 2fL min. >
4. Average time period for a batch release ___3 hours 14._ min. 4
5. Minimum time period for a batch release ____3 hours ._l2_ min.
6. Average stream flow during period of release of effluent into a flowing stream: Not Applicable l
7. Total volume of water used to dilute the liquid effluent during release periods: 1.31E+09 liters ,
8. Total volume of water available to dilute '

the liquid effluent during reportir.g period 2d3EtLO liters

  • Unit Shutdown - no radiological releases during period.
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4' .. _ ! B) Gaseous (Primary Containment Purge) "c-T 1. Number of batch releases .JL_

                                      - 2. Total time period for batch releases:                          _60_ hours 4

3.- Maximum time period for a batch release ._12_ hours [

                                      ' 4. Average time period for a batch releases _12_ hours
5. Minimum time period for a batch release .12_ hours  !
6. Licornal Releases '

A .' Liquids - April, 13, 1989 between approximately.1100 and 1230 the ' cooling - tor. : overflowen at a rate of approximately 15000.gpm to a drainage ditch. No radioactivity was detected. t B. Gaseous - none i e F t l t I I h t t 1 jeiers , 4

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                                                       ' E12VATED AND GROUND LEVEL                                                                                      l January through June 1989                                                                                      ,

i Isti 2nd EST. TOTAL I!HII OUARTER QUARTER EER0Rd  : 1 A. Eission & Activation nasts

1. Total release C1 0.00E+00 1.38E+01 5.0E+01  !
2. Average. release rate g for period pC1/sec 0.00E+00 1.76E+00 *
                          . 3. Percent of Technical                                                                                                                 l
                                  . Specification Limit             %                         *
  • l B. .losinta
1. Total iodine-131,133,135 Ci 0.00E+00 5.78E-04 5.0E+01 -
2. Average releese rate t for period pCi/sec 0.00E+00 . 7.35E-05
                           . 3. Percent rf' Technical                                                                                                                i Specificatic.4 Limit             %                         *
  • C.- farticulates
1. Particulates with half- <

lives > 8 days # Ci 0.00E+00 8.02E-05 5.0E+01 >

2. Average release rate
                                  .for period                    pCi/sec             0.00E400 1.02E-05                                                                '1 Percent of Technical 3.'

Specification Limit 1 * *

4. Gross alpha radio-activity C1- 7.74E-05 1.08E-04 5.0E+01 D. Iritium Total release 0.00E+00 2.49E+00 5.0E+01
1. ci
2. Average release rate for period pCi/sec L 00E+00 3.16E-01 '
3. Percent of Technical i SpecificaLion Li. nit 1 * *
                      *See Item E attached.
                      #1nclude Mo-99 also t Unit Shutdown During 1st Quarter
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TABLE 1A. I I * (Cor.tinued) ' { I



                                                            ~ ELEVATED AND GROUND LEVEL
                                                           . January through June 1989                                             l 1

1st* 2nd I

 <                                                                   EIT QUARTER        DUARIER                         i I

E. Egicent of Technieml Specification limits Eiss_ ion _and Activation GastEl i 1. Percent of Quarterly 7 Cansna Air Dose Limit  % DJ0E+00 B.82E-02  !

2. Percent of Quarterly Beta Air Dose Limit 1 Q.JDEf00 1.51E-03 3.. Percent of Annual Gamma .

Air Dose Limit to Date  % 0.00E400 4.41E-02

4. Percent of Annual Beta 7 Air Dose Limit to Date  % 0.00E+00 7.55E-QA
5. ._ Percent of Whole Body. ,

Dose Rate Limit  % 0.00E+00 3.3BE-03 i

                                  -6 . Percent of Skin Dose Rate Limit                      %           0.00E+00       6.67E-Oh                        r Iritium. IodingA._And Particulattsldjji half-lives mrgalgt than 8 daysli
1. Percent of Quarterly
                                      . Dose Limit                      %           D_dQEiHQ       3.86E-03                        '
2. Percent of Annual Dose .
                                       ' Limit to Dr,1e                 1           0.00E+02       1.J3E-03                        ?

Percent of Organ Dose 3. Rate Limit  % 0.00E+00 1.56E-04  : e

                          '* Unit Shutdown During First Quarter

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l fi TABLE IB SEMI-ANNUAL RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLULWT 1.ELEASE REPORT -i NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION #2 F GASEOUS EFFLUENTS-ELEVATED (STACK) Lt  : January through June 1989 t CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE i Nue11 des Released Unit la.t Ouarter 2nd Ouarter lat Ouarter* 2nd_QuatLcI I Fission cames 3 1. Argon-41 C1 ** 9.71E-01 0.00E+00 **  ! Krypton-85m Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 ** Krypton-87 Ci ** 2.33E-0? 0.00E+00 ** Krypton-88 Ci ** 1.31E+00 0.00E&D0 ** i Xenon-133 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 ** i

                       > Xecon-135                  Ci              **                       **                             0.00E+00                             **                   ,
                        ' Xenon-135m                Ci              **               5.60E-01                               0.             40                    **                   ,

Xenon-137 Ci ** 5.65E+00 0.00E+00 ** Xenon-138 01 ** 4.02E+00 0.00E+00 1.05E+00 l

2. Indines Iodine-131 Ci ** 4.17E-05 0.00E+00 ** +

Iodine-133 Ci ** 5.36E-04 0,00E+00 ** Iodine-135 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 ** l

3. Ent1Laulate.a Strontium-89 Ci #** 4.99E-5 0.00E+00 **

Strontium-90 Ci #** ** 0.00E+00 ** Strontium-91 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 ** Cesium-134 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 **  ! Cesium-137 Ci ** ** 0.09E+00 ** Cobalt-60 Ci ** 9.40E-07 0.00E+00 ** Cobalt-58 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 ** Manganese-54 Ci ** 6.80E-07 0.00E+00 ** Barium-Lanthanum-140 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 ** Antimony-125 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 ** Niobium-95 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 ** i Cerium-141 Ci ** ** 0.00E+90 ** Cerium-144 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 ** -' Iron-59 Ci ** ** 0.00.5500 ** i Ci ** ** 0.00h+00 ** Cesium-136 1 Chromium-51 Ci ** 1.78E-05 0.00E+00 **

                                                                    **                1.52E-06                              0.00E+00                             **

Zinc-65 Ci i Iron-55 Ci f** ** 0.00E+00 ** l

                                                                    **                2.85E-06                              0.00E+00                             **                   j Molybdenum-99              01
4. Tritium Ci ** 9.08E-01 0.00E+00 8.58E-01
  • There were no batch releases during the first quarter.
                    ** Less than sensitivity of 1.00E-04 poi /mi for noble gases 1.00E-12 pCi/ml                                                                                       I f or iodines,1.00E-11 p i/n.1 for particulates and 1.00E-06 pCi/ml for                                                                                        1 tritium as applicable in Technical Specifications.
                    # None of these nuclides were released during the fourth quatter of 1988 from the stack.                                                                                                                                                   .. j I
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     .g ...                                                     TABLE 10

January through June 1989 CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MCDE Nuclides Released I!Dit lat Ouarter 2nd Ouarter 1st Ouarter* 2ni_ Quarter *

                 '1.- Fiesion Casta' Argon-41              Ci            **             **              0.00E+00           0.00E+00 Krypton-85            Ci            **             **              0.00E+00           0.00E+00 Krypton-85m           Ci            **             **              0.00E+00           0.00E+00 Krypton-87            Ci            **             **              0.00E+00           0.00E+00 i:                    Krypton-88            C1            **            '**              0.03E+00           0.00E+00 Xenon-133             Ci            **             **              0.00E+00           0.00E+00 Xenon-135             Ci            **             **              0.00E+00           0.00E+00 Xenon-135m            Ci            **             **              0.00E+00           0.00E+00 Xenon-137             Ci            **             **              0.00E+00           0.00E+00 Xenon-138             Ci            **             **              0.00E+00           0.00E+00
2. Indines Iodine-131 Ci ** ** 0,00E+00 0.00E+00 Iodine-133 Ci ** ** 0.00E+09 0.0]E+00 Iodine-135 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
3. EArticulgtgA Strontium-89 Ci #** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Strontium-90 Ci #** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Cesium-?34 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Cesium-137 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Cobalt-60 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Cobalt-58 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Manganese-54 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Barium-14nthanum-140 01 ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Antimcny-125 C1 ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Niobium-95 Ci d* ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Cerium-141 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Cerium-144 C1 ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Iron-59 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Cesium-136 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Chromium-51 Ci ** 6.51E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Zine-65 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Iron-55 Ci #** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Molybdenum-99 Ci ** ** 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
4. Irltium Ci ** 7.21E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
  • There were no batch releases f rom this release point.
                  ** Less than the sensitivity of 1.00E-04 pC1/mi for noble gases 1.00E-li pCi/mi for iodines, 1.00E-11 pCi/ml for particulates and 1.00E-06 pCi/mi for tritium as applicable in Technical Specifications.
                  # None of these nuclides were released from the vent during the fourth quarter i

of 1988. . ., ,,,

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N , , a et . L e .'- M ;, .., TABLE 2A ] i SEMI-ANNUAL RADICACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT l i NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION #2 d E LIQUID EFFLUENTS-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES l January through June 1989  ; let 2nd Est. Total l l! nit Ouarter hsrter Error. 1.

4. f11Ajon and activation products 1.. Total release (not  ;

including tritium,  ! gases, alpha) Ci 2.07E-02 3.17E-03 5.00E+1  !

2. Average diluted con-centr.stion during reporting period pC1/a1 1.39E-09 2.21E-10  ;
                                - 3. Percent of applicable                                                                               ;

limit  % 2.56E-03 4.55E-04 i


B. Iritium

1. . Total release ci 6.54E-01 8.58E-01 5.0CF+1- l
2. Average diluted con-  !

centration ~during reporting period pCi/ml 4.38E-08 5.98E-08 ,

3. Percent.of applicable i limit  % 1.46E-03 1.99E-03 ,

t C. Digagliggi and entrained naggs  :

1. Total release Ci 0.00E+00* 3.185-04 5.00E+1 l
2. Average-diluted con-  !

centration during reporting period pCi/ml 0.00E+00 2.22E-11

3. Percent of applicable limit ~  % 0.00E+00 1.11E-05 D. Ernss alpha radigactivity
1. Total release Ci ** ** - - ---

E. Volumes

1. Prior to dilution lit 2 rs 2.58E+06 2.81E+06 5.00E+1
2. Volume of dilution ,

water used during release period liters 6.39E+08 6.700 08 5.00E+1

3. Volume of dilution vater used during reporting period liters 1.49E+10 1.43E+10 5.00E+1 ,
  • Unit Shutdown - none detected. ,
                         ** <1.00E-07 pCi/ml sensitivity for gross alpha radioacENifyl.

1 7

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2 . 4 4 7ABLE 2A (Continued) l SD4I-ANNUAL kADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPOR1' NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION #2 i LIQUID EFFLUENTS-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES January through June 1989 o ist t..d linit Dumi tet. Duarter F. Percent of Technical Soetification Llmlth -

1. Percent of Quarterly Whole Body Dore Limit 1 3.91E-01 6.34E-02
                                - 2. Percent of Quarterly Organ Dose' Limit (Liver)                     %                         2.63E-01      4.21E-02
3. Percent of Annual Whole Body Dose Limit to Date % 1.96E-01 2.28E-01
4. Percent of Annual Organ Dose Limit te Date (Liver) 1 1.31E 1.52E-01
5. Per:ent of 10CFP20 Concentration Limit 1 4.02E-03 2.45E 6.- Percent of Dissolved or Entrained Noble Gas Limit  % 0.00E+00 1.11E-05 1

I l 1 1 I


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j e , .,>' r' l c- j. , TABLE 2B j i

            .i/                                                   : RADIDACTJVE EFFLUENT RELEASE SD!I-ANNUAL REPORT ~                                                           j)


                                                                               -LIQUID EFFLUENTS RELEASED                                                                         ;
                                                                               ' January through June 1989                                                                    -
       ,.                                                                                    CONTINUOUS MODE                                    BATCH MCDE                      -{

Lhil 1st Ouarter 2nd Ouarter 1 ' ist ouarter 2nd Ouarter  ! Nuclides Released j Strontium-89 Ci * * *

  • St.rontium-90' Ci '* *' * *: 1
                                                - Cesium-134~             Ci               *                    *                         *                    *                  ;

Cesium-137 '. ** * * * *

                   ,,                                                     C1
                                                . Iodine-131            Ci                                    *                         *
  • Cobalt- 58 : Ci *
  • 2.19E-03 7.99E-05  :

e - Cobalt-60 'Ci *

  • 6.92E-03 8.57E-04 5 Iron-59 Ci * * * *-

Zinc-65 CI *

  • 6.62E-03 1.09E-03 .

Unganes2-54 Ci *

  • 4.96E 4.93E-04' l l

Chromiuw51, Ci * *

  • 6.52E ,
                                                  ' Zirconium-Nicbium-5 Ci                 *                    *                         *                    *
                                               -' Molybdenum-99           01               *                    *                         *
  • Technetium-99m. Ci. * * *
  • Barium-lanthanum-140Ci * * *
  • h Cerium-141 Ci * * *
  • j Hydrogen-3' Ci *
  • 6.54E-01 8.58E-01 Sodium-24' Ci * * *
  • 1ron Ci * * *
  • Manganese-56 Ci * * * * ,

1,1ckel-65 Ci * * *

  • l Arsenic Ci * * *
  • Iodine-133 Ci * * * *  !

i' Tungsten-187. Ci * * * * -[ Xenon-133 Ci * *

  • 2.79E-04 Xenon-135 Ci * *
  • 3.94E-05  ;
  • Less than sensitivity of 5.00E-07 pCi/r,1 for ga - emitting nuclides, l .00E-05 pCi/mi for dicsolved and entrained noble gases and tritium, 5.00E-08 pCi/mi for Sr89 and Sr90 and 1.00E-06 pCi/mi for Fe55 as applicable in Technical Specifications.


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              ,,,                                                 TABLE 3A a                                                                                                                                          ;


                                                  ~ NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION #2                                                                            j SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL 5HIPMENTS January through Jeae 1989                                                                                  l A. .Eolid Waste Shioned Off-Eite for Burini or Dianomal (Not irradiated fuel).


1. Troe of Wate UNIT k J0FTl! PE%10D F_RROR.J l t

a.* Spent resins, filter sludge bottoms, etc. me 1.20E+02 5.00E+01 Ci S JwGi 5.00E+01  !

b.  : Dry compressible .

3 waste, contaminated

  • equip., ett. as done Ci None - - - -
c. Irradiated components, control rods, etc. 2 8 None - --

l r Ci None -

                                -d.      0ther **                              m8                     - 1.45E+02               5.00E401 Ci                       1.13E+01               5.00E+01
                                   *All were solidified in cement' as -Class A weste in strong,                                             tirbt containers. All was shipped as radioactive LSA.
                                   **Noncompacted commingled trash shipped to Oakridge, TN for processing before burial, i


                                                                                                                                                   'Ub-s J ..
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d 7 .e' TABLE 3A I j



2. Maior Nuclide Cannoaltion (by Tyne of Waate) i
a. Spent Resins,' filter sludges,: evaporator bottoms, etc.  !

Est. Total Percent Error. 1 c Zine-65 3.18E+01 5.00E+01 - A Iron-55 2.77E+01 5.00E+01  !

                                             . Cobalt-60                             1.66E+01                                      5.00E+01 Mangantse-54                          1.12E+01                                      5.00E+01 Cobal t.-58                          6.50E+00                                      5.00E+01 Chromium-51                          3.40E+00-                                     5.00E+01 Others                               2.80E+00                                      5.00E+01                                         3
b. Dry Compressible Waste, Contmainated Equips, Etc. 5


c. Irradiated components, control rods, etc.


d. Other (Noncompacted Est. Total commingled trach shipped to Percent Error. % -

Oakridge. TN for procecsing prior'to burial) f Cobalt-60 3.08E+01 5.00E+01  ! Manganese-54 2.91E+01 5.00E+01  ; Zine-65 2.37E+01 5.00E+01 i 4 Cobalt-58 1.33E+01 5.00E+01

Iron-55 2.42E+00 5.00E+01 Others <1.00E+00 5.00E+01 i
3. Solid Waste Disposition Number of Shipmenta tiode of Transportation Destination 15 Truck Burial in 1 Barnwell SC 2 Truck Processing in Oakridge, TN B. IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENIS (DISPOSITION) -

Number of Shin.nent Mnde of.Trananortation Destination None - - i v m.

                                                                                  -13                                                                             --

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TABLE 4 SEMI-ANNUAL RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT-y1 , NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION # 2 . [ RECF.NT CHANGES TO THE OFFSITE DOSE CALCUIATION MANUAL ' } Channe Reason . There have been no changes to the Offsite Dose Calculation , Manual during this, reporting period. -i i t.

                                                                                                                                                                 .t 4%'

f n 6 5


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                                                          ' NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION #2                                                                                      l
-                                                    - RECENT CHANGES TO PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM                                                                                    !

a  ;


Change Raason  ! To reflect other changes being made. Table of Contents [ Page 1 The Tech Spec section was broken down from 3/4-11.3 to sub-sections which were applicable.  ; Page 10 ' bection 8.4 Reference to 10CFR50.59 was deleted as it no longer needed af ter Start-up.  ! Page 11 1 Naction 10 the words "The' Supervisor of Radwaste f Operations" were - added to provide a - contact to y ensure requirements are satisfied. . Page 12 In Section 11.1 the sub-section deahng with QA $ verifying each batch sample was deleted so as to  ! conform with QA review of their program. Page 14 Section 11.2.2. This section was changed to - reflect the latest training schedule and to provide flexibility for future schedules to meet

  • training needs. .

t Pages-70 and 21 This was changed to reflect the latest i Radioactive Chipping . Manifest revisions from Chem-Nuclear and U.S. Ecology.  ;


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                                '.V      P                                                                  TABLE 6.

s SEMI-ANNUAL RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT (1989) NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION #2 ' EXPLANATION OF INSTRUMENTATION INOPERABILITY L  ! k . DATE OUT DATE RET"RNED INSTR 11 MENT OF SERVICE TOSDitE ]QQ MNATION l g .0ffgas Noble Gas October 1988 April 1 W9 Offgas system was not in ~{ H, , ;. Ar.' d.vity service due to Plant '; i Outage. t r i j 9.. !- Offges Systew 710w August 1987 April-1989 Design Problems i resolved. .  ; p  ; i Offgas Sampler Flow- October 1988 ' April 1989 Ofigas system was not in.  !

                                                                                                                                                                - service due to Plant' Outage Ofigas H 2-Train                               August 1987               --                                            Design Prob 1mes.         .

A (Returned to service i 8/23/89.)  ; Offgas H2 -Train August 1987 -- Design Problems 3 B (Returned to service  : 8/23/89.) l 0figas h -Conuron 2 August 1987 -- - Desigu Problems.  : Train (Returned to service-8/23/89.)

                                                                                                                                                                   .                                        i
                                         . Reactor /Radweste                            -January 10           Not Returned                                       Difficulty in                              j Vent Noble Gas.                                     19651               to Service                                     trouble-shooting and                       >

obtaining parts. Reactor /Radwaste .Tanuary 10 Not Returned . Difficulty in i Vent System Flow 1989 to Service trouble-shooting and  ; obtaining parts. 7 Reactor /Radwaste January 10, Not Returned Difficulty in Vent Effluent Flow 1989 to Service trouble-shooting and obtaining parts. Liquid Radwaste November 1987 Not Returned High background in Effluent Radiation to Service monitor. Modification is underway. Estimated completion October 1989. Tank Level Indicating - - None on site Devices

                                                                                                                                                                                                      -'s c                                                                                                                                               - _. . _ . - - - -                        _

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gg TABLE 6 (Cont'd) SEMI-ANNUAL RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT (1980) l NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION #2 ) [ EXPLANATION OF INSTRUMENTATION INOPERABILITY p DATE OUT. DATE RETURNED INSTRUjLII 0F SERVICE TO SERVICE EXPIANATION a Cooling Tower October 1988 February 1989 Cooling Tower Blowdown Elowdown Radiatice secured. Returned to Service Febre.ary 1989.  ; Cooling Tower Or.tober 1988 February 1989 Cooling Tower Blowdown Blowdown Flow i secured and monitor was  ; inoperable. Service Watrr A e ' June 1988 Not Returned to Replacement part is not-Fadiation Service available. Expected repair is January 1990. Liquid Radwaste January 9, Februar3 16, Annunciator problems Effluent Flow 1989 1989 in the radwa:lte control room. t 4 (


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