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Part 03 Environmental Report (Rev. 1) - Part 3 - Er - Master Table of Contents
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 12/15/2017
From: James Shea
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of New Reactors
Fetter A
Download: ML18003A379 (41)


Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application PART 3 Environmental Report Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT.................................... 1-1 1.1 THE PROPOSED ACTION ............................................................................................ 1-1 1.1.1 Purpose and Need ............................................................................................ 1-1 1.1.2 Proposed Project .............................................................................................. 1-3 The Applicant and Owner .................................................................. 1-3 Site Location ...................................................................................... 1-4 Reactor Information ........................................................................... 1-4 Cooling System Information ............................................................... 1-4 Transmission System Information ...................................................... 1-4 Preapplication Public Involvement ..................................................... 1-5 Construction Start Date ...................................................................... 1-5 1.2 STATUS OF REVIEWS, APPROVALS AND CONSULTATIONS.................................. 1-5 1.2.1 ESP Issuance ................................................................................................... 1-6 1.2.2 Preconstruction, Construction, and Operation Activities ................................... 1-7 1.3 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................... 1-7


............................................................................................................... 1-7 CHAPTER 2 ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................. 2.0-1 2.1 SITE LOCATION ......................................................................................................... 2.1-1 2.1.1 References..................................................................................................... 2.1-2 2.2 LAND ........................................................................................................................... 2.2-1 2.2.1 The Site and Vicinity ...................................................................................... 2.2-1 The Site........................................................................................... 2.2-1 The Site Vicinity .............................................................................. 2.2-4 2.2.2 The Region .................................................................................................... 2.2-6 2.2.3 Transmission Corridors and Offsite Areas ..................................................... 2.2-7 2.2.4 References..................................................................................................... 2.2-9 2.3 WATER .................................................................................................................... 2.3.1-1 2.3.1 Hydrology .................................................................................................... 2.3.1-1 Surface Water .............................................................................. 2.3.1-1 Groundwater .............................................................................. 2.3.1-13 References................................................................................. 2.3.1-34 2.3.2 Water Use ................................................................................................... 2.3.2-1 Surface Water .............................................................................. 2.3.2-1 Groundwater Use ......................................................................... 2.3.2-3 References................................................................................... 2.3.2-7 2.3.3 Water Quality .............................................................................................. 2.3.3-1 Surface Water .............................................................................. 2.3.3-1 i Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE Groundwater ................................................................................ 2.3.3-9 References................................................................................. 2.3.3-13 Appendix 2.3-A Oak Ridge Reservation Selected Bedrock Hydraulic Conductivity Test Results ........................................................... 2.3-A-1 Appendix 2.3-B Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project Packer Test Results ........................................................................................ 2.3-B-1 Appendix 2.3-C Vertical Hydraulic Gradients .............................................. 2.3-C-1 Appendix 2.3-D Detailed Analytes Table ..................................................... 2.3-D-1 2.4 ECOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 2.4.1-1 2.4.1 Terrestrial Ecology ....................................................................... 2.4.1-1 Upland Habitats ........................................................................... 2.4.1-1 Wetland Habitats.......................................................................... 2.4.1-5 Important Terrestrial Habitats .................................................... 2.4.1-10 Wildlife ....................................................................................... 2.4.1-13 Important Terrestrial Species ..................................................... 2.4.1-17 Transmission Corridor Habitats and Species ............................. 2.4.1-26 References................................................................................. 2.4.1-27 2.4.2 Aquatic Ecology .......................................................................................... 2.4.2-1 Aquatic Habitats ........................................................................... 2.4.2-1 Important Aquatic Habitats......................................................... 2.4.2-21 Important Aquatic Species ......................................................... 2.4.2-21 References................................................................................. 2.4.2-31 2.5 SOCIOECONOMICS ............................................................................................... 2.5.1-1 2.5.1 Demography ............................................................................................... 2.5.1-1 Population Data by Sector ........................................................... 2.5.1-1 Population Data by Political Jurisdiction ...................................... 2.5.1-2 Transient Population .................................................................... 2.5.1-3 Total Permanent and Transient Populations ................................ 2.5.1-5 Population Density ....................................................................... 2.5.1-6 References................................................................................... 2.5.1-6 2.5.2 Community Characteristics ......................................................................... 2.5.2-1 Economy ...................................................................................... 2.5.2-1 Transportation .............................................................................. 2.5.2-3 Taxes ........................................................................................... 2.5.2-8 Land Use.................................................................................... 2.5.2-10 Aesthetics and Recreation ......................................................... 2.5.2-12 Housing ...................................................................................... 2.5.2-16 Community Infrastructure and Public Services .......................... 2.5.2-19 Education ................................................................................... 2.5.2-25 ii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE References................................................................................. 2.5.2-27 2.5.3 Historic Properties ....................................................................................... 2.5.3-1 Cultural Resource Surveys .......................................................... 2.5.3-2 Consultations with the State Historic Preservation Office and Native American Tribes................................................................ 2.5.3-7 Prehistoric Archaeological Sites .................................................. 2.5.3-8 Multicomponent Archaeological Sites .......................................... 2.5.3-9 Historic Archeological Sites ....................................................... 2.5.3-10 Caves ......................................................................................... 2.5.3-12 Historic Sites .............................................................................. 2.5.3-12 National Historic Parks ............................................................... 2.5.3-25 Historic Cemeteries .................................................................... 2.5.3-26 Traditional Cultural Properties ................................................... 2.5.3-26 References................................................................................. 2.5.3-26 2.5.4 Environmental Justice ................................................................................. 2.5.4-1 Methodology ................................................................................ 2.5.4-1 Minority Populations ..................................................................... 2.5.4-2 Low-Income Populations.............................................................. 2.5.4-4 Communities with Unique Characteristics ................................... 2.5.4-5 Migrant Populations ..................................................................... 2.5.4-8 References................................................................................... 2.5.4-9 2.6 GEOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 2.6-1 2.6.1 Geological Conditions .................................................................................... 2.6-1 Physiography .................................................................................. 2.6-1 Stratigraphy..................................................................................... 2.6-2 Structural Geology .......................................................................... 2.6-2 2.6.2 References..................................................................................................... 2.6-3 2.7 METEOROLOGY AND AIR QUALITY ..................................................................... 2.7.1-1 2.7.1 Regional Climatology .................................................................................. 2.7.1-1 Data Sources ............................................................................... 2.7.1-1 Tennessee Climate Description ................................................... 2.7.1-1 CRN Site Regional Climate .......................................................... 2.7.1-3 References................................................................................... 2.7.1-6 2.7.2 Regional Air Quality .................................................................................... 2.7.2-1 Background Air Quality ................................................................ 2.7.2-1 Projected Air Quality .................................................................... 2.7.2-2 Restrictive Dispersion Conditions ................................................ 2.7.2-2 iii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE References................................................................................... 2.7.2-3 2.7.3 Severe Weather .......................................................................................... 2.7.3-1 Thunderstorms, Hail and Lightning .............................................. 2.7.3-1 Extreme Winds............................................................................. 2.7.3-1 Tornadoes .................................................................................... 2.7.3-2 Winter Storms .............................................................................. 2.7.3-3 Tropical Cyclones ........................................................................ 2.7.3-4 Droughts ...................................................................................... 2.7.3-4 Heavy Fog .................................................................................... 2.7.3-4 References................................................................................... 2.7.3-4 2.7.4 Local Meteorology....................................................................................... 2.7.4-1 Normal, Mean, and Extreme Values ............................................ 2.7.4-1 Topographic Description and Potential Modifications .................. 2.7.4-7 Potential Influence of Plant and its Facilities on Local Air Meteorology ................................................................................. 2.7.4-8 Global Climate Change ................................................................ 2.7.4-8 References................................................................................. 2.7.4-10 2.7.5 Short-Term Diffusion Estimates .................................................................. 2.7.5-1 Purpose and Background ............................................................ 2.7.5-1 Calculation Methodology and Assumptions ................................. 2.7.5-1 Results and Conclusions ............................................................. 2.7.5-5 2.7.6 Long-Term (Routine) Diffusion Estimates ................................................... 2.7.6-1 Calculation Methodology and Assumptions ................................. 2.7.6-1 Complex Terrain Modeling Analysis ............................................ 2.7.6-3 Summary of XOQDOQ Results and Conclusions ........................ 2.7.6-5 References................................................................................... 2.7.6-6 2.8 NOISE ......................................................................................................................... 2.8-1 2.8.1 References..................................................................................................... 2.8-3 2.9 RELATED FEDERAL PROJECT ACTIVITIES ............................................................ 2.9-1 2.9.1 TN 58/Bear Creek Road Modifications .......................................................... 2.9-1 2.9.2 Barge Terminal Refurbishment ...................................................................... 2.9-2 2.9.3 69 kV Underground Transmission Line .......................................................... 2.9-2 2.9.4 Summary........................................................................................................ 2.9-3 2.9.5 References..................................................................................................... 2.9-3 CHAPTER 3 PLANT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... 3.0-1 3.1 EXTERNAL APPEARANCE AND PLANT LAYOUT ................................................... 3.1-1 3.1.1 Site Description .............................................................................................. 3.1-1 3.1.2 Power Plant Description................................................................................. 3.1-1 iv Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE 3.1.3 References..................................................................................................... 3.1-3 3.2 REACTOR POWER CONVERSION SYSTEM ........................................................... 3.2-1 3.2.1 Reactor Description ....................................................................................... 3.2-1 3.2.2 Engineered Safety Features .......................................................................... 3.2-2 3.2.3 Power Conversion Systems ........................................................................... 3.2-2 3.3 PLANT WATER USE .................................................................................................. 3.3-1 3.3.1 Water Consumption ....................................................................................... 3.3-1 3.3.2 Water Treatment ............................................................................................ 3.3-2 3.3.3 References..................................................................................................... 3.3-2 3.4 COOLING SYSTEM .................................................................................................... 3.4-1 3.4.1 Description and Operational Modes ............................................................... 3.4-1 System Description ......................................................................... 3.4-1 Operational Modes.......................................................................... 3.4-1 Heat Generated, Dissipated to the Atmosphere, and Released in Liquid Discharges........................................................................ 3.4-1 Water Source and Quantities of Water Withdrawn, Consumed, and Discharged ............................................................................... 3.4-2 3.4.2 Component Descriptions................................................................................ 3.4-2 Intake System ................................................................................. 3.4-2 Holding Pond .................................................................................. 3.4-3 Discharge ........................................................................................ 3.4-4 Heat Dissipation .............................................................................. 3.4-4 Bypass Flow.................................................................................... 3.4-4 3.4.3 References..................................................................................................... 3.4-5 3.5 RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.................................................... 3.5-1 3.5.1 Liquid Waste Management Subsystem ......................................................... 3.5-1 3.5.2 Gaseous Radioactive Waste Management Subsystem ................................. 3.5-2 3.5.3 Solid Radioactive Waste Management Subsystem ....................................... 3.5-2 3.6 NON-RADIOACTIVE WASTE SYSTEM ..................................................................... 3.6-1 3.6.1 Effluents Containing Chemicals or Biocides .................................................. 3.6-1 3.6.2 Sanitary System Effluents .............................................................................. 3.6-1 3.6.3 Other Effluents ............................................................................................... 3.6-2 Gaseous Effluents ........................................................................... 3.6-2 Liquid Effluents ............................................................................... 3.6-2 Solid Effluents ................................................................................. 3.6-3 3.6.4 References..................................................................................................... 3.6-4 3.7 POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM .......................................................................... 3.7-1 v Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE 3.7.1 Transmission System ..................................................................................... 3.7-1 3.7.2 Transmission Line Corridors .......................................................................... 3.7-2 3.7.3 Transmission System Design Parameters ..................................................... 3.7-3 500-kV Switchyard and 161-kV Switchyard .................................... 3.7-3 500-kV Structures and Conductors ................................................. 3.7-3 161-kV Structures and Conductors ................................................. 3.7-3 Underground 69-kV Line ................................................................. 3.7-4 General Methods of Construction Switchyard ................................. 3.7-4 Transmission Line Tie-Ins and Relocation of the 161-kV Transmission Line ........................................................................... 3.7-5 69-kV Underground Transmission Line .......................................... 3.7-6 Description of Various Uprating Activities ....................................... 3.7-6 3.7.4 Predicted Noise Levels from Transmission System Operations .................... 3.7-9 3.7.5 References..................................................................................................... 3.7-9 3.8 TRANSPORTATION OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS .............................................. 3.8-1 3.8.1 Transportation of Unirradiated Fuel ............................................................... 3.8-1 3.8.2 Transportation of Irradiated Fuel .................................................................... 3.8-1 3.8.3 Transportation of Radioactive Waste ............................................................. 3.8-2 3.9 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ................................................................................... 3.9-1 3.9.1 Construction Schedule ................................................................................... 3.9-1 3.9.2 Preconstruction Activities ............................................................................... 3.9-2 Clearing, Grubbing, and Spoils Management ................................. 3.9-2 Connection to Existing Power Transmission Corridor ..................... 3.9-2 Access Road ................................................................................... 3.9-3 Rail Siding and Barge Facility Improvements ................................. 3.9-3 Preconstruction Security ................................................................. 3.9-3 Temporary Construction Utilities ..................................................... 3.9-4 Temporary Construction Facilities .................................................. 3.9-4 Power Block Earthwork (Excavation) .............................................. 3.9-4 Cooling Towers and Makeup Water Supply Pipelines .................... 3.9-5 Potable Water Pipelines.................................................................. 3.9-5 Dredging ......................................................................................... 3.9-6 3.9.3 Construction Activities .................................................................................... 3.9-6 Reactor Service Building ................................................................. 3.9-6 Radwaste Building .......................................................................... 3.9-7 Turbine Building .............................................................................. 3.9-7 Other Facilities ................................................................................ 3.9-7 3.9.4 Construction Equipment ................................................................................. 3.9-8 3.9.5 Construction Traffic and Scheduling .............................................................. 3.9-8 vi Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE 3.9.6 Noise .............................................................................................................. 3.9-9 3.9.7 References..................................................................................................... 3.9-9 3.10 WORKFORCE CHARACTERIZATION ..................................................................... 3.10-1 3.10.1 Construction Workforce Characterization .................................................... 3.10-1 Preconstruction Activities Workforce ............................................ 3.10-1 Construction Activities Workforce ................................................. 3.10-1 3.10.2 Construction Worker Relocation and Commuting ........................................ 3.10-2 3.10.3 Operations Workforce .................................................................................. 3.10-3 3.10.4 Peak Overlap Workforce .............................................................................. 3.10-3 3.10.5 References................................................................................................... 3.10-4 CHAPTER 4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF CONSTRUCTION ...................................... 4.0-1 4.1 LAND USE IMPACTS ................................................................................................. 4.1-1 4.1.1 The Site and Vicinity ...................................................................................... 4.1-1 The Site........................................................................................... 4.1-1 The Vicinity ..................................................................................... 4.1-4 4.1.2 Transmission Corridors and Offsite Areas ..................................................... 4.1-5 4.1.3 Historic Properties .......................................................................................... 4.1-6 Prehistoric and Historic Archaeological Sites ............................... 4.1-10 Historic Structures ......................................................................... 4.1-11 Cemeteries.................................................................................... 4.1-11 Traditional Cultural Properties ...................................................... 4.1-11 4.1.4 References................................................................................................... 4.1-12 4.2 WATER-RELATED IMPACTS .................................................................................... 4.2-1 4.2.1 Hydrological Alterations ................................................................................. 4.2-1 Surface Water ................................................................................. 4.2-2 Groundwater ................................................................................... 4.2-4 4.2.2 Water-Use Impacts ........................................................................................ 4.2-4 Surface Water ................................................................................. 4.2-4 Groundwater ................................................................................... 4.2-5 4.2.3 Water Quality Impacts .................................................................................... 4.2-5 Surface Water ................................................................................. 4.2-5 Groundwater ................................................................................... 4.2-6 4.2.4 References..................................................................................................... 4.2-7 4.3 ECOLOGICAL IMPACTS ............................................................................................ 4.3-1 4.3.1 Impacts to Terrestrial Ecosystems ................................................................. 4.3-2 Upland Habitats .............................................................................. 4.3-2 Wetland Habitats............................................................................. 4.3-4 Important Terrestrial Habitats ......................................................... 4.3-6 Wildlife ............................................................................................ 4.3-6 vii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE Important Terrestrial Species .......................................................... 4.3-8 Transmission Corridors ................................................................. 4.3-10 Summary of Impacts to Terrestrial Ecosystems during Preconstruction and Construction ................................................. 4.3-11 4.3.2 Impacts to Aquatic Ecosystems ................................................................... 4.3-12 Streams on the CRN Site and the Barge/Traffic Area .................. 4.3-13 Ponds on the CRN Site and the Barge/Traffic Area ...................... 4.3-14 The Clinch River Arm of the Watts Bar Reservoir ......................... 4.3-15 Important Aquatic Species and Habitats ....................................... 4.3-17 Transmission Corridors ................................................................. 4.3-18 Summary of Impacts to Aquatic Ecosystems during Preconstruction and Construction ................................................. 4.3-19 4.3.3 References................................................................................................... 4.3-20 4.4 SOCIOECONOMIC IMPACTS .................................................................................... 4.4-1 4.4.1 Physical Impacts ............................................................................................ 4.4-1 Noise and Vibration......................................................................... 4.4-1 Air Quality ....................................................................................... 4.4-5 4.4.2 Social and Economic Impacts ........................................................................ 4.4-7 Population and Housing .................................................................. 4.4-7 Employment and Income ................................................................ 4.4-9 Transportation ............................................................................... 4.4-10 Tax Revenues to Local Jurisdictions ............................................ 4.4-14 Land Use....................................................................................... 4.4-15 Aesthetics and Recreation ............................................................ 4.4-17 Community Infrastructure and Services ........................................ 4.4-18 Education ...................................................................................... 4.4-21 4.4.3 Environmental Justice Impacts .................................................................... 4.4-22 Potential Physical Impacts ............................................................ 4.4-23 Potential Socioeconomic Impacts ................................................. 4.4-24 4.4.4 References................................................................................................... 4.4-25 4.5 RADIATION EXPOSURE TO CONSTRUCTION WORKERS .................................... 4.5-1 4.5.1 Site Layout ..................................................................................................... 4.5-1 4.5.2 Radiation Sources .......................................................................................... 4.5-1 Direct Radiation .............................................................................. 4.5-2 Gaseous Effluents ........................................................................... 4.5-2 Liquid Effluents ............................................................................... 4.5-3 4.5.3 Construction Worker Dose Rates .................................................................. 4.5-3 Direct Radiation .............................................................................. 4.5-3 Gaseous Effluents ........................................................................... 4.5-3 viii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE Liquid Effluents ............................................................................... 4.5-4 4.5.4 Construction Worker Dose Estimates ............................................................ 4.5-4 Direct Radiation .............................................................................. 4.5-5 Gaseous Effluents ........................................................................... 4.5-5 Liquid Effluents ............................................................................... 4.5-5 Workforce Dose .............................................................................. 4.5-5 4.5.5 Compliance with Dose Regulations ............................................................... 4.5-6 4.5.6 Summary of Radiation Exposure to Construction Workers ............................ 4.5-7 4.5.7 References..................................................................................................... 4.5-7 4.6 MEASURES AND CONTROLS TO LIMIT ADVERSE IMPACTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ....................................................................................................... 4.6-1 4.7 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS RELATED TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES .................. 4.7-1 4.7.1 Contributors to Cumulative Effects ................................................................ 4.7-1 Past, Present, and Reasonably Foreseeable Future Projects ........ 4.7-1 Global Climate Change ................................................................... 4.7-2 4.7.2 Cumulative Land Use Impacts ....................................................................... 4.7-2 4.7.3 Cumulative Water Impacts ............................................................................. 4.7-5 Surface Water Hydrology Impacts .................................................. 4.7-5 Water Use Impacts ......................................................................... 4.7-6 Water-Quality Impacts .................................................................. 4.7-10 4.7.4 Cumulative Ecological Impacts .................................................................... 4.7-12 Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands Impacts ................................... 4.7-13 Aquatic Ecology Impacts ............................................................... 4.7-17 4.7.5 Cumulative Socioeconomics and Environmental Justice Impacts ............... 4.7-21 Socioeconomic Impacts ................................................................ 4.7-21 Environmental Justice Impacts ..................................................... 4.7-25 Historic Properties Impacts ........................................................... 4.7-26 4.7.6 Radiological Health Impacts ........................................................................ 4.7-28 4.7.7 Nonradiological Health Impacts ................................................................... 4.7-30 4.7.8 References................................................................................................... 4.7-31 CHAPTER 5 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF STATION OPERATION ............................. 5.0-1 5.1 LAND USE IMPACTS ................................................................................................. 5.1-1 5.1.1 The Site and Vicinity ...................................................................................... 5.1-1 The Site........................................................................................... 5.1-1 The Vicinity ..................................................................................... 5.1-2 5.1.2 Transmission Corridors and Offsite Areas ..................................................... 5.1-2 5.1.3 Historic Properties .......................................................................................... 5.1-2 Prehistoric and Historic Archaeological Sites ................................. 5.1-3 Historic Structures ........................................................................... 5.1-4 ix Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE Cemeteries...................................................................................... 5.1-4 Traditional Cultural Properties ........................................................ 5.1-4 5.1.4 References..................................................................................................... 5.1-4 5.2 WATER-RELATED IMPACTS .................................................................................... 5.2-1 5.2.1 Hydrology Alterations and Plant Water Supply .............................................. 5.2-1 Hydrologic Setting ........................................................................... 5.2-1 Impacts of Facility Operations on Hydrology .................................. 5.2-2 Sufficiency of Water Supply for Facility Operations ........................ 5.2-5 5.2.2 Water Use Impacts ........................................................................................ 5.2-5 Water Availability ............................................................................ 5.2-5 Water Quality .................................................................................. 5.2-7 5.2.3 References..................................................................................................... 5.2-8 5.3 COOLING SYSTEM IMPACTS ................................................................................... 5.3-1 5.3.1 Intake System ................................................................................................ 5.3-1 Hydrodynamic Description and Physical Impacts ........................... 5.3-1 Aquatic Ecosystems ........................................................................ 5.3-2 5.3.2 Discharge System .......................................................................................... 5.3-5 Thermal Discharges and Other Physical Impacts ........................... 5.3-5 Aquatic Ecosystems ...................................................................... 5.3-11 5.3.3 Heat Discharge System ............................................................................... 5.3-12 Heat Dissipation to the Atmosphere ............................................. 5.3-12 Terrestrial Ecosystems ................................................................. 5.3-19 5.3.4 Impacts to Members of the Public ................................................................ 5.3-22 Etiologic Agent (Microorganism) Impacts ..................................... 5.3-22 Noise ............................................................................................. 5.3-26 5.3.5 References................................................................................................... 5.3-27 5.4 RADIOLOGICAL IMPACTS OF NORMAL OPERATION ............................................ 5.4-1 5.4.1 Exposure Pathways ....................................................................................... 5.4-1 Liquid Pathways .............................................................................. 5.4-2 Gaseous Pathways ......................................................................... 5.4-3 Direct Radiation from SMRs ........................................................... 5.4-3 5.4.2 Radiation Dose Modeling ............................................................................... 5.4-3 Liquid Pathways .............................................................................. 5.4-4 Gaseous Pathways ......................................................................... 5.4-5 5.4.3 Impacts to Members of the Public .................................................................. 5.4-6 5.4.4 Impacts to Biota Other than Members of the Public ...................................... 5.4-7 5.4.5 Occupational Doses ....................................................................................... 5.4-9 5.4.6 References..................................................................................................... 5.4-9 x Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE 5.5 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF WASTE................................................................. 5.5-1 5.5.1 Nonradioactive-Waste-System Impacts ......................................................... 5.5-1 Impacts of Discharges to Water ...................................................... 5.5-1 Impacts of Discharges to Land ....................................................... 5.5-2 Impacts of Discharges to Air ........................................................... 5.5-3 Sanitary Waste................................................................................ 5.5-3 5.5.2 Hazardous and Mixed Waste Impacts ........................................................... 5.5-4 Plant Systems Producing Hazardous and Mixed Waste ................. 5.5-4 Hazardous and Mixed Waste Storage and Disposal ...................... 5.5-5 Waste Minimization Plan ................................................................. 5.5-5 Environmental Impacts of Hazardous and Mixed Waste ................ 5.5-6 5.5.3 References..................................................................................................... 5.5-6 5.6 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM IMPACTS ........................................................................ 5.6-1 5.6.1 Impacts to Terrestrial Ecosystems ................................................................. 5.6-2 5.6.2 Impacts to Aquatic Ecosystems ..................................................................... 5.6-3 5.6.3 Impacts to Members of the Public .................................................................. 5.6-5 Electromagnetic Field Exposure ..................................................... 5.6-5 Electrical Shock .............................................................................. 5.6-5 Noise ............................................................................................... 5.6-6 Radio and Television Interference .................................................. 5.6-7 Visual Impacts................................................................................. 5.6-7 5.6.4 References..................................................................................................... 5.6-8 5.7 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE AND TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS................................. 5.7-1 5.7.1 Uranium Fuel Cycle Impacts .......................................................................... 5.7-1 Land Use......................................................................................... 5.7-4 Water Use ....................................................................................... 5.7-5 Fossil Fuel Effects ........................................................................... 5.7-6 Chemical Effluents .......................................................................... 5.7-7 Radioactive Effluents ...................................................................... 5.7-7 Radioactive Wastes ........................................................................ 5.7-9 Occupational Dose........................................................................ 5.7-10 Transportation ............................................................................... 5.7-10 Summary....................................................................................... 5.7-10 5.7.2 Transportation of Radioactive Materials ...................................................... 5.7-10 Transportation Assessment .......................................................... 5.7-11 Incident-Free Transportation Impact Analysis .............................. 5.7-15 Summary....................................................................................... 5.7-18 5.7.3 References................................................................................................... 5.7-19 xi Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE 5.8 SOCIOECONOMIC IMPACTS .................................................................................... 5.8-1 5.8.1 Physical Impacts of Station Operation ........................................................... 5.8-1 Noise ............................................................................................... 5.8-1 Air Quality ....................................................................................... 5.8-3 Thermal Emissions ......................................................................... 5.8-6 Visual Intrusions.............................................................................. 5.8-8 5.8.2 Social and Economic Impacts of Station Operation ..................................... 5.8-12 Population and Housing ................................................................ 5.8-12 Employment and Income .............................................................. 5.8-15 Transportation ............................................................................... 5.8-17 Tax Revenues to Local Jurisdictions ............................................ 5.8-19 Land Use....................................................................................... 5.8-20 Recreation..................................................................................... 5.8-22 Community Infrastructure and Services ........................................ 5.8-22 Education ...................................................................................... 5.8-27 5.8.3 Environmental Justice Impacts .................................................................... 5.8-28 Potential Physical Impacts ............................................................ 5.8-28 Potential Socioeconomic Impacts ................................................. 5.8-30 5.8.4 References................................................................................................... 5.8-31 5.9 DECOMMISSIONING IMPACTS ................................................................................ 5.9-1 5.9.1 NRC GEIS on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities ................................... 5.9-1 5.9.2 Conclusions ................................................................................................... 5.9-3 5.9.3 References..................................................................................................... 5.9-3 5.10 MEASURES AND CONTROLS TO LIMIT ADVERSE IMPACTS DURING OPERATION ............................................................................................................. 5.10-1 5.11 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS RELATED TO STATION OPERATION ............................ 5.11-1 5.11.1 Past, Present, and Reasonably Foreseeable Future Projects ..................... 5.11-1 5.11.2 Cumulative Land Use Impacts ..................................................................... 5.11-1 5.11.3 Cumulative Water Impacts ........................................................................... 5.11-3 Surface Water Hydrology Impacts ................................................ 5.11-3 Water Use Impacts ....................................................................... 5.11-4 Water Quality Impacts ................................................................... 5.11-7 5.11.4 Cumulative Ecological Impacts .................................................................... 5.11-9 Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands Impacts ................................. 5.11-10 Aquatic Ecology Impacts ............................................................. 5.11-11 5.11.5 Cumulative Socioeconomics and Environmental Justice Impacts ............. 5.11-15 Socioeconomic Impacts .............................................................. 5.11-15 Environmental Justice Impacts ................................................... 5.11-21 5.11.6 Cumulative Historic Properties Impacts ..................................................... 5.11-23 xii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE 5.11.7 Cumulative Impacts of Postulated Accidents ............................................. 5.11-24 Cumulative Fuel Cycle, Transportation and Decommissioning Impacts ....................................................................................... 5.11-25 5.11.8 Radiological Health Impacts ...................................................................... 5.11-28 5.11.9 Nonradiological Health Impacts ................................................................. 5.11-30 5.11.10 References................................................................................................. 5.11-32 CHAPTER 6 ENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENTS AND MONITORING PROGRAMS .... 6.0-1 6.1 THERMAL MONITORING ........................................................................................... 6.1-1 6.1.1 Site Preparation Thermal Monitoring ............................................................. 6.1-1 6.1.2 Construction and Preoperational Thermal Monitoring ................................... 6.1-3 6.1.3 Operational Thermal Monitoring .................................................................... 6.1-3 6.1.4 References..................................................................................................... 6.1-4 6.2 RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING ................................................................................. 6.2-1 6.2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 6.2-1 6.2.2 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs ......................................... 6.2-1 Pathways Monitored ....................................................................... 6.2-2 Land Use Census ........................................................................... 6.2-3 6.2.3 Quality Assurance Program ........................................................................... 6.2-3 6.2.4 References..................................................................................................... 6.2-4 6.3 HYDROLOGICAL MONITORING ............................................................................... 6.3-1 6.3.1 Site Preparation Monitoring ........................................................................... 6.3-1 Surface Water ................................................................................. 6.3-1 Groundwater ................................................................................... 6.3-2 6.3.2 Construction and Preoperational Monitoring .................................................. 6.3-3 Surface Water ................................................................................. 6.3-3 Groundwater ................................................................................... 6.3-3 6.3.3 Operational Monitoring................................................................................... 6.3-4 6.3.4 References..................................................................................................... 6.3-4 6.4 METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING .......................................................................... 6.4-1 6.4.1 Historical Data Collection at the CRN Site ..................................................... 6.4-1 6.4.2 Site Preparation Monitoring ........................................................................... 6.4-2 General Site Description ................................................................. 6.4-2 Meteorological Tower Description, Location, and Exposure ........... 6.4-2 Potential Obstructions Surrounding Meteorological Tower ............. 6.4-3 Meteorological Measurements ........................................................ 6.4-5 Meteorological Sensor Orientation .................................................. 6.4-7 Data Recording ............................................................................... 6.4-7 Meteorological Data Analysis Procedure ........................................ 6.4-9 Instrument Calibration and Maintenance ........................................ 6.4-9 xiii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE System Accuracy .......................................................................... 6.4-10 6.4.3 Operational Monitoring................................................................................. 6.4-11 6.4.4 References................................................................................................... 6.4-11 6.5 ECOLOGICAL MONITORING .................................................................................... 6.5-1 6.5.1 Terrestrial Ecology and Land Use .................................................................. 6.5-1 Site Preparation Monitoring ............................................................ 6.5-1 Construction, Preoperational, and Operational Monitoring ............. 6.5-2 6.5.2 Aquatic Ecology ............................................................................................. 6.5-3 Site Preparation Monitoring ............................................................ 6.5-3 Construction Monitoring .................................................................. 6.5-5 Preoperational and Operational Monitoring .................................... 6.5-5 6.5.3 References..................................................................................................... 6.5-6 6.6 CHEMICAL MONITORING ......................................................................................... 6.6-1 6.6.1 Site Preparation Monitoring ........................................................................... 6.6-1 Surface Water Monitoring ............................................................... 6.6-1 Groundwater Monitoring ................................................................. 6.6-5 6.6.2 Construction and Preoperational Monitoring .................................................. 6.6-6 Surface Water Monitoring ............................................................... 6.6-6 Groundwater Monitoring ................................................................. 6.6-7 6.6.3 Operational Monitoring................................................................................... 6.6-7 Surface Water Monitoring ............................................................... 6.6-7 Groundwater Monitoring ................................................................. 6.6-7 6.6.4 References..................................................................................................... 6.6-8 6.7


OF MONITORING PROGRAMS.............................................................. 6.7-1 6.7.1 Site Preparation and Construction Monitoring ............................................... 6.7-1 6.7.2 Preoperational Monitoring .............................................................................. 6.7-3 6.7.3 Operational Monitoring................................................................................... 6.7-4 CHAPTER 7 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF POSTULATED ACCIDENTS INVOLVING RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS ................................................................................................. 7.0-1 7.1 DESIGN BASIS ACCIDENTS ..................................................................................... 7.1-1 7.1.1 Accident Selection ......................................................................................... 7.1-1 7.1.2 Source Term .................................................................................................. 7.1-2 7.1.3 Evaluation Methodology and Conclusions ..................................................... 7.1-3 7.1.4 References..................................................................................................... 7.1-3 7.2 SEVERE ACCIDENTS ................................................................................................ 7.2-1 7.2.1 Methodology .................................................................................................. 7.2-1 7.2.2 TVA Methodology .......................................................................................... 7.2-3 xiv Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE 7.2.3 Consequences to Population Groups ............................................................ 7.2-4 Air Pathways ................................................................................... 7.2-4 Surface Water Pathways ................................................................ 7.2-5 Groundwater Pathways ................................................................... 7.2-6 7.2.4 Health Risks ................................................................................................... 7.2-6 7.2.5 Conclusions ................................................................................................... 7.2-7 7.2.6 References..................................................................................................... 7.2-7 7.3 SEVERE ACCIDENT MITIGATION ALTERNATIVES ................................................ 7.3-1 7.4 TRANSPORTATION ACCIDENTS ............................................................................. 7.4-1 7.4.1 Radiological Impacts ...................................................................................... 7.4-2 Transportation of Unirradiated Fuel ................................................ 7.4-3 Transportation of Irradiated Fuel ..................................................... 7.4-3 Transportation of Radioactive Waste .............................................. 7.4-6 7.4.2 Non-Radiological Impacts .............................................................................. 7.4-7 Transportation of Unirradiated Fuel ................................................ 7.4-7 Transportation of Irradiated Fuel ..................................................... 7.4-8 Transportation of Radioactive Waste .............................................. 7.4-8 Comparison to 10 CFR 51.52 Table S-4 ......................................... 7.4-8 7.4.3 Summary and Conclusion .............................................................................. 7.4-9 7.4.4 References..................................................................................................... 7.4-9 CHAPTER 8 NEED FOR POWER ............................................................................................ 8-1 CHAPTER 9 ALTERNATIVES ............................................................................................... 9.0-1 9.1 NO-ACTION ALTERNATIVE ...................................................................................... 9.1-1 9.1.1 References..................................................................................................... 9.1-2 9.2 ENERGY ALTERNATIVES ......................................................................................... 9.2-1 9.3 ALTERNATIVE SITES ................................................................................................ 9.3-1 9.3.1 Identification of Candidate Areas ................................................................... 9.3-3 9.3.2 Identification of Potential Sites ....................................................................... 9.3-3 9.3.3 Evaluation of Potential Sites and Identification of Candidates Sites .............. 9.3-4 9.3.4 Alternative Site Review .................................................................................. 9.3-5 Environmental Criteria .................................................................... 9.3-6 Cumulative Impacts ...................................................................... 9.3-64 9.3.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................... 9.3-102 xv Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)

PAGE 9.3.6 References................................................................................................. 9.3-104 9.4 ALTERNATIVE PLANT SYSTEMS ............................................................................. 9.4-1 9.4.1 Heat Dissipation Systems .............................................................................. 9.4-1 Proposed Heat Dissipation System ................................................ 9.4-1 Screening of Alternatives to the Proposed Heat Dissipation System ............................................................................................ 9.4-1 9.4.2 Circulating Water Systems ............................................................................. 9.4-5 Proposed Circulating Water System ............................................... 9.4-6 Alternatives to the Proposed Circulating Water System ................. 9.4-7 Water Treatment ........................................................................... 9.4-15 9.4.3 Transmission Systems ................................................................................. 9.4-16 9.4.4 References................................................................................................... 9.4-16 CHAPTER 10 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE PROPOSED ACTION ........ 10-1 10.1 UNAVOIDABLE ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS......................................... 10-1 10.1.1 Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Impacts during Construction and Preconstruction ............................................................................................... 10-1 10.1.2 Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Operational Impacts ............................. 10-4 10.2 IRREVERSIBLE AND IRRETRIEVABLE COMMITMENTS OF RESOURCES ........... 10-6 10.2.1 Irreversible Environmental Commitments ....................................................... 10-6 Land Use.......................................................................................... 10-7 Aquatic and Terrestrial Biota ............................................................ 10-7 Historic Properties ............................................................................ 10-7 Air and Water Resources ................................................................. 10-8 Socioeconomic Resources .............................................................. 10-8 Disposal of Non-hazardous, Hazardous, and Radioactive Waste ... 10-8 Uranium Fuel Cycle ......................................................................... 10-8 10.2.2 Irretrievable Environmental Commitments ...................................................... 10-8 Construction and Irradiated Materials .............................................. 10-9 Water Consumption ......................................................................... 10-9 Consumption of Energy Used in Constructing the Reactors ............ 10-9 Consumption of Uranium ............................................................... 10-10 10.3 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SHORT-TERM USES AND LONG-TERM PRODUCTIVITY OF THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT................................................. 10-10 10.4 BENEFIT-COST BALANCE ....................................................................................... 10-11


........................................................................................................... 10-11 APPENDIX A CONSULTATION APPENDIX B ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN xvi Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF TABLES Table 1.2-1 Consultations Required for Early Site Permit Table 1.2-2 Authorizations Required for Preconstruction, Construction, and Operation Activities Table 1.3-1 Environmental Report Responses to Early Site Permit Regulatory Requirements Table 2.1-1 CRN Site Center Point in Longitude and Latitude (Decimal Degrees)

Table 2.1-2 CRN Site Center Point in Tennessee State Plane Projection (NAD27 UTM Zone 16 Meters)

Table 2.2-1 USGS Land-Use Categories for the CRN Site and Surrounding Areas Table 2.2-2 1942 Soil Survey for Roane County, Tennessee Table 2.2-3 2009 Soil Survey for Roane County, Tennessee Table 2.3.1-1 Monthly Means of Estimated Pan Evaporation Computed from Meteorological Measurements Using a Form of the Penman Equation Table 2.3.1-2 Summary of Hydrogeologic Properties on the ORR Table 2.3.1-3 Well Construction Summary Table 2.3.1-4 Horizontal Hydraulic Gradients Table 2.3.1-5 Borehole Packer Test Results Summary Table 2.3.1-6 Well Slug Test Results Summary Table 2.3.1-7 CRN Constant Rate Aquifer Pumping Test Results Table 2.3.1-8 Rock Effective Porosity Measurements on the Oak Ridge Reservation Table 2.3.1-9 Representative Soil and Rock Properties Important to Radionuclide Transport Table 2.3.1-10 Groundwater Linear Velocity and Travel Time Table 2.3.2-1 Trends of Estimated Water Use in the Tennessee River Watershed 1995 to 2035 Table 2.3.2-2 2010 Surface Water Use in the Surface Water Review Area (mgd)

Table 2.3.2-3 Surface Water Withdrawals in Anderson, Knox, Loudon, Meigs, Morgan, Rhea, and Roane Counties Table 2.3.2-4 Groundwater Withdrawals from Five Counties Surrounding the CRN by Use Category Table 2.3.2-5 Summary of Nearby Water Systems Using Groundwater for Supply Table 2.3.2-6 Nearby Public Water Systems Using Groundwater for Supply Table 2.3.2-7 Characteristics of Individual Wells Located Within a 1.5-mile Radius of the CRN Site Table 2.3.3-1 Surface Water Bodies near CRN Site listed in 2012 303(d)

Table 2.3.3-2 Maximum Concentrations for Quarterly Surface Water Samples at the CRN Site (July 2013; March, May, November 2014; and February, April, and June, 2015)

Table 2.3.3-3 Maximum Concentrations for Quarterly Stormwater Samples at the CRN Site (July 2013, and March, May, and November 2014) xvii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED)

Table 2.3.3-4 Analytical Results for Standard Water Quality Parameters and Chlorophyll a in Samples Collected Monthly March through December 2011 at CRM 15.5, 18.5, 19.7 and 22.0 Table 2.3.3-5 Concentrations of Total and Dissolved Metals in Water Samples Collected Bi-Monthly April through December 2011 at CRM 15.5, 18.5, 19.7 and 22.0 Table 2.3.3-6 Maximum Concentrations of Selected Metals in Water Samples Collected at CRM 15.5, 18.5, 19.7, and 22.0 and Respective Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Fish and Aquatic Life Table 2.3.3-7 Pesticide and PCB Concentrations in Sediments Collected at CRMs 15.5, 18.5, and 22.0 in 2011 and at Far-Field Locations (CRM 24.5, TRM 560.8, and TRM 532.5) in 2010 and 2011 Table 2.3.3-8 Metals Concentrations in Sediments Collected at CRMs 15.5, 18.5, and 22.0 in 2011 and at Far-Field Locations (CRM 24.5, TRM 560.8, and TRM 532.5) in 2010 and 2011 Table 2.3.3-9 Field Geochemical Results Table 2.3.3-10 Laboratory Geochemical Results Table 2.3.3-11 Baseline Range of Field Parameters for Groundwater Table 2.3.3-12 Detailed Summary - Baseline Range of Field Parameters for Groundwater Table 2.3.3-13 Baseline Groundwater Temperatures and Sample Depths Table 2.3.3-14 Baseline Groundwater Summary Table 2.3.3-15 Baseline Groundwater Summary Legacy Contaminants Table 2.3.3-16 Baseline Groundwater Summary of Detected Analytes Table 2.4.1-1 Vegetation/Land Cover Types, Percent Coverage, and Acreage on the CRN Site Table 2.4.1-2 Plants Observed on the Clinch River Property (2011 and 2013) and Barge/Traffic Area (2015)

Table 2.4.1-3 Wetlands on the CRN Site and Barge/Traffic Area Table 2.4.1-4 Animals Observed on the Clinch River Property (2011 to 2013) and Barge/Traffic Area (2014 to 2015)

Table 2.4.1-5 Terrestrial and Wetland Species with Federal or State Status and Recorded Occurrences in Roane County, Tennessee Table 2.4.1-6 Habitats of Terrestrial and Wetland Species with State Status and Recorded Occurrences in Roane County, Tennessee Table 2.4.1-7 Biological Resources in ROWs of Transmission System Line Segments to be Modified Table 2.4.2-1 Fish Species Collected in 2011 Sampling During Four Seasons at Locations Upstream (CRM 18.5) and Downstream (CRM 15.0) of the CRN Site Table 2.4.2-2 Summary of Reservoir Fish Assemblage Index (RFAI) Scores and Ecological Health Ratings xviii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED)

Table 2.4.2-3 Numbers and Percent Composition of Fish Eggs and Larvae Collected in Ichthyoplankton Samples from Upstream (CRM 18.0) and Downstream (CRM 15.5) of the CRN Site - February 2011 through January 2012 Table 2.4.2-4 Summary of Overall Reservoir Benthic Index (RBI) Scores and Ecological Health Ratings Table 2.4.2-5 Water Bodies Documented on the CRN Site and Barge/Traffic Area Table 2.4.2-6 Aquatic Species with Federal or State Status and Recorded Occurrences in Roane County, Tennessee Table 2.5.1-1 Counties Wholly or Partially Within the 50-Mile Radius Table 2.5.1-2 Projected Permanent Population for Each Sector 0 to 10 Miles (0 to 16 km)

Table 2.5.1-3 Projected Permanent Population for Each Sector 0 to 10 Miles (0 to 16 km)

Table 2.5.1-4 Projected Permanent Population for Each Sector 10 to 50 Miles (16 to 80 km)

Table 2.5.1-5 Projected Permanent Population for Each Sector 10 to 50 Miles (16 to 80 km)

Table 2.5.1-6 Historical and Projected Population Table 2.5.1-7 Age and Gender Distribution, 2010 Table 2.5.1-8 Contributors to Transient Population within the 50-Mile (80 km) Region Table 2.5.1-9 National and State Parks Within 50 Miles with Reported Visitor Data Table 2.5.1-10 Peak Daily Projected Transient Population for Each Sector 0 to 50 Miles (0 to 80 km)

Table 2.5.1-11 Transient Workers Entering the 50-Mile Region, 2006-2010 Table 2.5.1-12 Description of Sparseness and Proximity Demographic Categories Table 2.5.1-13 Generic Environmental Impact Statement Sparseness and Proximity Matrix Table 2.5.2-1 Employment By Industry (2001 - 2011)

Table 2.5.2-2 Employment Trends (2001 - 2011)

Table 2.5.2-3 Top Employers Located in Anderson, Knox, Loudon, and Roane Counties, Tennessee Table 2.5.2-4 Household Income Distribution in Communities Closest to Clinch River Site Table 2.5.2-5 Per Capita Personal Income (2001 - 2011)

Table 2.5.2-6 Level of Service (LOS) Index Table 2.5.2-7 Total Revenues for Anderson, Knox, Loudon, and Roane Counties FY 2010 through FY 2014 Table 2.5.2-8 Anderson, Knox, Loudon, and Roane County Tax Collections by Category Table 2.5.2-9 Tennessee Property Tax Classes Table 2.5.2-10 Appropriation of Tennessee State Funds for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 xix Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED)

Table 2.5.2-11 TVA Tax Equivalent Payments to State of Tennessee and Counties FY 2011 through FY 2015 Table 2.5.2-12 Housing in Anderson, Knox, Loudon and Roane Counties, Tennessee Table 2.5.2-13 Percent of Houses Built by Decade Table 2.5.2-14 Temporary Housing at Recreational Sites Table 2.5.2-15 Public Water Supply Systems and Capacities in Anderson, Knox, Loudon, and Roane Counties, Tennessee Table 2.5.2-16 Public Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Anderson, Knox, Loudon, and Roane Counties, Tennessee Table 2.5.2-17 Police Services Table 2.5.2-18 Area Hospitals and Medical Centers Table 2.5.2-19 Nursing Homes in Anderson, Knox, Loudon, and Roane Counties, Tennessee Table 2.5.2-20 Public Schools in Anderson, Knox, Loudon, and Roane Counties, Tennessee Table 2.5.2-21 Colleges and Universities within 50 Miles of the CRN Site Table 2.5.2-22 Traffic Incident Rates in the Vicinity of the Clinch River Site (February 2008 to November 2012)

Table 2.5.3-1 Previously Recorded Aboveground Historic Properties Within a 10-Mile Radius of the CRN Site Table 2.5.3-2 Prehistoric and Historic Archaeological Sites on and in the Vicinity of the CRN Site Table 2.5.4-1 Minority and Low-Income Populations within 50-Mile Radius1 Table 2.5.4-2 Organizations Contacted to Identify Communities with Unique Characteristics Table 2.5.4-3 Farms that Employ Migrant Labor in the Clinch River Nuclear Site Region, 2007 Table 2.7.1-1 Normal Temperatures (°F) Across Tennessee Table 2.7.1-2 Normal Precipitation (inches) Across Tennessee Table 2.7.1-3 Dry Bulb Temperatures at the Oak Ridge NWS and Knoxville NWS Stations Table 2.7.1-4 Mean Wet Bulb Temperatures, Dew Point Temperatures and Relative Humidity at the Oak Ridge and Knoxville NWS Stations Table 2.7.1-5 Wind Data for the Oak Ridge and Knoxville NWS Stations Table 2.7.2-1 Tennessee County Nonattainment Areas Table 2.7.2-2 Maintenance Areas in Tennessee Table 2.7.3-1 Maximum Wind Speeds at Oak Ridge and Knoxville Table 2.7.3-2 Tornadoes reported within 10 Miles of CRN Site (1950-2013)

Table 2.7.3-3 Extreme Snowfall for NWS Stations Around CRN Table 2.7.4-1 Comparisons of Meteorological Tower Measurements xx Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED)

Table 2.7.4-2 CRN Site 10-Meter Joint Frequency Distribution by Wind Speed and Direction for All Stability Classes (April 21, 2011 through July 9, 2013)

Table 2.7.4-3 10-Meter Wind Direction (WD) Persistence for CRN Table 2.7.4-4 Air Temperatures for the Knoxville NWS Station Table 2.7.4-5 Air Temperatures for the Oak Ridge NWS Station Table 2.7.4-6 CRN Site, Oak Ridge and Knoxville Mean Monthly Dry Bulb Temperatures Table 2.7.4-7 Relative Humidity and Wet Bulb Temperatures for CRN Site (10-Meters),

Oak Ridge NWS Station, and Knoxville NWS Station Table 2.7.4-8 Historical Precipitation Data for the Oak Ridge NWS Station Table 2.7.4-9 Precipitation at the Oak Ridge NWS Station During CRN Meteorological Sampling Period Table 2.7.4-10 Oak Ridge NWS Station Precipitation by CRN Wind Direction Table 2.7.4-11 Historical Snowfall (Inches) for the Knoxville and Oak Ridge NWS Stations Table 2.7.4-12 Fog Occurrence for the Knoxville and Oak Ridge NWS Stations Table 2.7.4-13 Pasquill Atmospheric Stabilities for CRN Site Table 2.7.4-14 Frequency Distribution of Consecutive Hours of Inversion Conditions Table 2.7.4-15 Average Mixing Height Data Table 2.7.4-16 CRN Site Historical Meteorological Towers Table 2.7.5-1 Classification of Atmospheric Stability Table 2.7.5-2 Joint Frequency Distribution (Hours) of Wind Speed and Direction by Atmospheric Stability Class - Stability Class A June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2013 Table 2.7.5-3 Joint Frequency Distribution (Hours) of Wind Speed and Direction by Atmospheric Stability Class - Stability Class B June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2013 Table 2.7.5-4 Joint Frequency Distribution (Hours) of Wind Speed and Direction by Atmospheric Stability Class - Stability Class C June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2013 Table 2.7.5-5 Joint Frequency Distribution (Hours) of Wind Speed and Direction by Atmospheric Stability Class - Stability Class D June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2013 Table 2.7.5-6 Joint Frequency Distribution (Hours) of Wind Speed and Direction by Atmospheric Stability Class - Stability Class E June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2013 Table 2.7.5-7 Joint Frequency Distribution (Hours) of Wind Speed and Direction by Atmospheric Stability Class - Stability Class F June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2013 xxi Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED)

Table 2.7.5-8 Joint Frequency Distribution (Hours) of Wind Speed and Direction by Atmospheric Stability Class - Stability Class G June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2013 Table 2.7.5-9 Percent Occurrence for Each Wind Direction June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2013 Table 2.7.5-10 Percent in Each Stability Class June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2013 Table 2.7.5-11 Distances for the EAB and LPZ at the 16 Wind Direction Sectors Table 2.7.5-12 PAVAN Modeling Inputs Table 2.7.5-13 CRN Site SMR 50 Percent Probability Level X/Q Values Table 2.7.6-1 List of Inputs used in the XOQDOQ Modeling Table 2.7.6-2 CALPUFF Model Input Configuration for Complex Terrain Analysis Table 2.7.6-3 Long-Term Average X/Q Values Estimated from XOQDOQ and CALPUFF at the EAB Table 2.7.6-4 Long-Term Average X/Q Values Estimated from XOQDOQ and CALPUFF at the Low Population Zone (LPZ)

Table 2.7.6-5 CRN Offsite Receptor Locations Table 2.7.6-6 Annual Average X/Q for No Decay, Undepleted for Specified Distances at Each Sector Table 2.7.6-7 Annual Average X/Q for 2.26 Day Decay, Undepleted for Specified Distances at Each Sector Table 2.7.6-8 Annual Average X/Q for 8 Day Decay, Depleted for Specified Distances at Each Sector Table 2.7.6-9 Annual Average D/Q at Specified Distances for Each Sector Table 2.7.6-10 X/Q and D/Q Values for No Decay, Decay, and Undepleted, at Each Receptor Location Table 3.1-1 CRN Site Characteristics Table 3.1-2 CRN Site Related Design Parameters Table 3.5-1 CRN Site Projected Average Normal Liquid Radioactive Release Table 3.5-2 Liquid Effluent Activities Per Reactor Table 3.5-3 CRN Site Project Average Normal Gaseous Radioactive Release Table 3.5-4 Gaseous Effluent Activities Per Reactor Table 3.5-5 Projected Principal Radionuclides in Solid Radioactive Waste from the CRN Site Table 3.6-1 Projected Blowdown Constituents and Concentrations Table 3.6-2 Projected Maximum Annual Emissions from Auxiliary Boilers Table 3.6-3 Projected Maximum Annual Emissions from Standby Diesel Generators Table 3.6-4 Projected Standby Power System Gas Turbines Flue Gas Effluents Table 3.7-1 Detailed Transmission Line Segment Information Table 3.9-1 Anticipated Schedule for Construction and Operation of Two or More SMR Units at the CRN Site xxii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED)

Table 3.9-2 Peak and Attenuated Noise Levels Expected from Operation of Construction Equipment Table 3.10-1 Estimated Percent of Onsite Construction Labor Force by Category Table 3.10-2 Estimated Construction Workforce for a Projected Six-Year Construction Schedule (From Beginning of Site Preparation until Fuel Load of the Last Unit)

Table 3.10-3 Estimated Operations Workforce by Month for a Projected Six-Year Construction Schedule (From Beginning of Site Preparation until Fuel Load of the Last Unit)

Table 4.1-1 Land Cover Types to be Disturbed by Development on the CRN Site Table 4.3-1 Land Cover Types to be Disturbed by Development on the CRN Site Table 4.4-1 A-Weighted Sound Levels (dBA) of Construction Equipment and Modeled Attenuation at Various Distances Table 4.4-2 Typical Emission Factors (grams/bhp-hr) for Construction-Related Equipment Table 4.4-3 Emission Factors (grams/veh-mi) for Vehicles on Construction Site Table 4.4-4 Summary of Overall LOS and Delay by Intersection Table 4.4-5 Police Protection in the Four Counties of Interest, Adjusted for the Construction Workforce and Associated Population Increase Table 4.4-6 Fire Protection in the Four Counties of Interest, Adjusted for the Construction Workforce and Associated Population Increase Table 4.4-7 School Enrollments and Teacher/Student Ratios Table 4.5-1 Total Doses to Construction Workers from All Units (mrem/yr)

Table 4.5-2 Compliance of Construction Worker Doses from All Units with 10 CFR 20.1301 Criteria Table 4.5-3 Compliance of Construction Worker Doses from Each Unit with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I Criteria (mrem/yr)

Table 4.6-1 Summary of Measures and Controls to Limit Adverse Impacts During Construction Table 4.6-2 Summary of Construction- and Preconstruction-Related Impacts for Safety-Related Structures, Systems, or Components Table 4.7-1 Past, Present and Reasonably Foreseeable Projects and Other Actions Considered in the Cumulative Analysis Table 5.3-1 Average annual densities of fish eggs and larvae (number/1000 m3) collected at the upstream sample location (CRM 18.0) near the proposed intake for the CR SMR Project from February 2011 through January 2012 Table 5.3-2 Cooling Tower Design Inputs for SACTI Model Table 5.3-3 Cooling Tower Droplet Mass Spectrum Table 5.3-4 Water Deposition in kg/km2-mo Table 5.3-5 Salt Deposition kg/km2-mo Table 5.3-6 TDS Deposition kg/km2-mo xxiii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED)

Table 5.3-7 Hours of Plume Shadowing Table 5.3-8 Annual Plume Length Frequency Table 5.4-1 Liquid Pathway Parameters - Aquatic Food and Activities Table 5.4-2 Aquatic Food Consumption from Clinch River arm of Watts Bar Reservoir for 2067 Population within 50 Miles (kg/yr)

Table 5.4-3 Liquid Pathway Parameters Table 5.4-4 Gaseous Pathway Parameters - GASPAR II Information Table 5.4-5 Total Population Distribution Within 50 Miles of the CRN Site in 2067 Table 5.4-6 Food Production in Tennessee Table 5.4-7 Vegetable, Milk, and Meat Production within 50 Miles in 2067 Table 5.4-8 Liquid Effluent Doses per Unit Units to MEI (mrem/yr)

Table 5.4-9 Liquid Effluent Doses from All Units to MEI (mrem/yr)

Table 5.4-10 Gaseous Effluent Doses per Unit to MEI Table 5.4-11 Gaseous Effluent Doses from All Units to MEI Table 5.4-12 Liquid Effluent Doses Per Unit to Population Within 50 Miles (person-rem/yr)

Table 5.4-13 Gaseous Effluent Dose Per Unit to Population Within 50 Miles (person-rem/yr)

Table 5.4-14 Gaseous Effluent Thyroid Doses Per Unit to MEI from Iodines and Particulates (mrem/yr)

Table 5.4-15 Compliance of MEI Annual Doses Per Unit with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I Criteria Table 5.4-16 Compliance of MEI Doses from All Units with 40 CFR 190.10 Criteria (mrem/yr)

Table 5.4-17 Doses from All Units to Population Within 50 Miles (person-rem/yr)

Table 5.4-18 Liquid Effluent Doses from All Units to Biota Table 5.4-19 Gaseous Effluent Doses from All Units to Biota Table 5.4-20 Doses from All Units to Biota Table 5.7-1 Scaling Factor - Reference Plant and CRN SMRs Table 5.7-2 Uranium Fuel Cycle Environmental Data Table 5.7-3 Whole Body 100-Year Dose Commitment Estimate Table 5.7-4 Estimated 100-Year Environmental Dose Commitment from Mining and Milling for Each Year of Operation Table 5.7-5 Radiation Exposure to the United States Population Table 5.7-6 Number of Truck Shipments of Unirradiated Fuel Table 5.7-7 Number of Radioactive Waste Shipments Table 5.7-8 CRN Site SMR Comparisons to 10 CFR 51.52 Reference Conditions Table 5.7-9 Total Shipment Cumulative Dose Summary Table 5.8-1 Preliminary Annual Estimates for Criteria Pollutant Emissions from SMR-Supporting Fossil Fuel Fired Equipment xxiv Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED)

Table 5.8-2 Comparison of Life-Cycle CO2 Equivalent Emissions for Different Energy Sources Table 5.8-3 Law Enforcement Officers and Officer-to-Resident Ratios in Geographic Area of Interest Table 5.8-4 Fire Fighters and Firefighter-to-Resident Ratios in Geographic Area of Interest Table 5.8-5 School Enrollments and Teacher/Student Ratios in Geographic Area of Interest Table 5.10-1 Summary of Measures and Controls to Limit Adverse Operational Impacts Table 5.11-1 Geographic Areas of Interest Defined for the Analyzed Resource Areas Table 5.11-2 Title V Operating Permit Sources In Roane, Anderson, Knox, Loudon, and Morgan Counties, Tennessee Table 6.1-1 Description of Thermal Monitoring Locations and Data Collection Table 6.2-1 Duration of Preoperational Program for Specific Media Table 6.2-2 Potential Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Sample Station Locations Table 6.2-3 Site Preparation, Construction/Preoperational, and Operational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Table 6.4-1 Onsite Meteorological Data Collection Table 6.4-2 Data Recovery Rates for Combined Wind Speed and Direction Table 6.4-3 Combined Wind Speed, Wind Direction, and Stability Class Data Recovery Rate at 10-Meters for June 1, 2011 through May 31, 2013 Table 6.4-4 Calibrations of Meteorological Sensors Table 6.4-5 Meteorological System Accuracy Versus Specifications Table 6.5-1 TVA Field Activities included in the Terrestrial Wildlife Site Preparation Monitoring Program Table 6.6-1 Surface Water Analytical Parameters and Bottle Types Table 6.6-2 Surface Water Quality Parameters, Reporting Limits, and Methods of Analysis Table 6.6-3 Total and Dissolved Metals Analyses in Surface Water, Reporting Limits, and Methods Table 6.6-4 Chemical Measurements in Sediments, Detection Limits, and Methods Table 6.6-5 Groundwater Analytical Parameters Table 6.6-6 Monitoring Wells Included in Sampling Table 6.7-1 Summary of Monitoring Programs Table 7.1-1 LOCA Bounding Design Basis Accident Atmospheric Radioactive Release (in Ci)

Table 7.1-2 CRN Site LOCA Doses Table 7.2-1 Bounding CRN Site SMR Release Category Relative Frequencies Table 7.2-2 Representative CRN Site SMR Chemical Group Assignment Table 7.2-3 Representative CRN Site SMR Source Term Release Fractions xxv Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED)

Table 7.2-4 Environmental Impacts with a 50-Mile Radius for Severe Accidents at CRN Site Table 7.2-5 Comparison of Environmental Risks for the PPE with Risks for Current-Generation Reactors at Five Sites Evaluated in NUREG-1150 Table 7.2-6 Comparison of Environmental Risks from Severe Accidents for PPE with Risks for Current Nuclear Power Plants Undergoing Operating License Renewal Review Table 7.4-1 CRN Site Model Accident, Fatality and Injury Rates Table 7.4-2 CRN Site Model Irradiated Fuel Source Term Table 7.4-3 CRN Site Model Severity and Release Fractions for Uncanistered Truck-Transported Fuel Table 7.4-4 CRN Site Model Radiological Accident Analysis Results (per CRN Site operating year)

Table 7.4-5 CRN Site Model Non-Radiological Accident Analysis Results for Normalized Number of Shipments: Fatalities Table 7.4-6 CRN Site Model Non-Radiological Accident Analysis Results for Normalized Number of Shipments: Injuries Table 7.4-7 CRN Site Model Comparison to 10 CFR 51.52 Summary Table S-4:

Accidents in Transport Bounding Technology Summary Table 9.3-1 Summary of Preconstruction, Construction, and Operation Impact Evaluations for Environmental and Socioeconomic Criteria Table 9.3-2 ORR Site 2 Land Use/Land Cover Table 9.3-3 ORR Site 8 Land Use/Land Cover Table 9.3-4 Redstone Arsenal 12 Land Use/Land Cover Table 9.3-5 Minority and Low-Income Populations within Redstone Arsenal 12 50-Mile Radius Table 9.3-6 Summary of Past, Present and Reasonably Foreseeable Projects Considered in the Cumulative Analysis Table 9.3-7 Summary of Potential Cumulative Impacts of Construction and Operation to Environmental and Socioeconomic Criteria by Site Table 9.4.2-1 Discharge Alternatives Evaluated to Attenuate Impact of SMR Blowdown Table 9.4.2-2 Order-of-Magnitude Capital Costs and Notable O&M Impacts for Alternative Systems Table 9.4.2-3 Assessment Summary of Discharge Alternatives Table 10.1-1 Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Impacts from Construction and Preconstruction Table 10.1-2 Operational-Related Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Impacts xxvi Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1-1 CRN Site Location Map Figure 2.1-1 CRN Site 50-Mile Regional Map Figure 2.1-2 CRN Site 6-Mile Vicinity Map Figure 2.1-3 CRN Site Layout Figure 2.2-1 CRN Site Topographic Map Figure 2.2-2 CRN Site Land Cover Types Figure 2.2-3 CRN Site Prime Farmland Soils Figure 2.2-4 CRN Site 6-Mile Vicinity Land Cover Map Figure 2.2-5 CRN Site 50-Mile Regional Land Cover Map Figure 2.2-6 CRN Site Vicinity Transmission Lines Figure 2.2-7 Transmission Line Segments Requiring Upgrades Figure 2.2-8 CRN Site Borrow Areas Figure 2.2-9 CRN Site Flood Hazard Map Figure 2.2-10 Transmission Segments Requiring Upgrades with Federal Lands, Parks, Wildlife Refuges, and Wilderness Areas Figure 2.3.1-1 CRN Site Vicinity Water Resources Figure 2.3.1-2 CRN Site Regional Water Resources Figure 2.3.1-3 Melton Hill Dam Weekly Discharge Frequency Figure 2.3.1-4 Operating Guide for Headwater Elevation at Watts Bar Dam Figure 2.3.1-5. Daily Average Release from Melton Hill Dam Figure 2.3.1-6 Percentile for Daily Average Release from Melton Hill Dam Figure 2.3.1-7 Percentile for Hourly Average Release from Melton Hill Dam Figure 2.3.1-8 Average Annual Frequency of No Release Events from Melton Hill Dam Figure 2.3.1-9 WSEL Measurements at CR SMR and WBH, and Discharge Measurements at Melton Hill Dam Figure 2.3.1-10 Headwater Elevation at Watts Bar Dam, Showing Max, Min, and Average Values of Daily Midnight Readings, 2004-2013 Figure 2.3.1-11 Hourly Water Temperature for Tailwater Below Melton Hill Dam Figure 2.3.1-12 Daily Maximum, Minimum, and Average Hourly Water Temperature for Tailwater Below Melton Hill Dam Figure 2.3.1-13 Percentile for Change in Hourly Water Temperature between CRM 16.1 and CRM 22.6/MHH Tailwater Figure 2.3.1-14 CRN Site Bathemetry Figure 2.3.1-15 Location Map - ORR and CRN Site Figure 2.3.1-16 Geographic Regions of Tennessee Figure 2.3.1-17 Preconstruction Topographic and Geologic Map and Cross-Section of the CRBRP Project Figure 2.3.1-18 Current Site Topography and Observation Well Locations Figure 2.3.1-19 CRBRP Fill and Excavation Areas Figure 2.3.1-20 Cambrian and Ordovician Aquifers Figure 2.3.1-21 Typical Cross-Section of the East Tennessee Aquifer System xxvii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED)

Figure 2.3.1-22 Site Area Hydrogeostratigraphy Figure 2.3.1-23 ORR Vertical Flow Conceptualization Figure 2.3.1-24 ORR Historic Bedrock Hydraulic Conductivity Test Data Figure 2.3.1-25 ORR Aquifer Pumping Test Results Figure 2.3.1-26 CRBRP Bedrock Packer Hydraulic Conductivity Tests Figure 2.3.1-27 Groundwater Levels Adjacent to the Clinch River Figure 2.3.1-28 Sole Source Aquifers in EPA Region IV Figure 2.3.1-29 U.S. Geological Survey Regional Hydrograph Figure 2.3.1-30 U.S. Geological Survey Hydrograph near the CRN Site Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 1 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-101 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 2 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-202 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 3 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-401 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 4 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-409 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 5 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-415 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 6 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-416 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 7 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-417 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 8 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-418 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 9 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-419 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 10 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-420 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 11 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-421 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 12 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-423 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 13 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-428 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-31 (Sheet 14 of 14) Hydrograph of OW-429 Well Cluster Figure 2.3.1-32 Bethel Valley Flow Conceptualization Figure 2.3.1-33 Potentiometric Surface Map for September 24, 2013 Figure 2.3.1-34 Potentiometric Surface Map for December 20, 2013 Figure 2.3.1-35 Potentiometric Surface Map for January 13, 2014 Figure 2.3.1-36 Potentiometric Surface Map for March 16, 2014 Figure 2.3.1-37 Potentiometric Surface Map for May 15, 2014 Figure 2.3.1-38 Potentiometric Surface Map for August 18, 2014 Figure 2.3.1-39 Potentiometric Surface Map for November 4, 2014 Figure 2.3.1-40 Potentiometric Surface Map for February 12, 2015 Figure 2.3.1-41 Potentiometric Surface Map for May 19, 2015 Figure 2.3.1-42 Potentiometric Surface Map for August 10, 2015 Figure 2.3.1-43 Snapshot in Time Showing Equipotential Lines in the Vertical Plane Along the Strike of the Bedding Plane on June 13, 2014 Figure 2.3.1-44 Fracture Frequency Histogram Figure 2.3.1-45 Example Acoustic Televiewer Geophysical Log Figure 2.3.1-46 Clinch River Nuclear Borehole Packer Test Results Box and Whisker Plots xxviii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED)

Figure 2.3.1-47 Scatter Plot of Clinch River Nuclear Packer Test Hydraulic Conductivity Results with Depth Figure 2.3.1-48 Slug Test Results for CRN Site Figure 2.3.1-49 Comparison of Slug and Packer Test Results Figure 2.3.2-1 Surface Water Intakes near the CRN Site in Anderson, Knox, Loudon, Meigs, Morgan, Rhea, and Roane Counties Figure 2.3.2-2 Groundwater Use Study Areas Figure 2.3.2-3 Groundwater Use by Category in the Groundwater Study Area for 2000, 2005, and 2010 Figure 2.3.2-4 Groundwater Intakes Near the CRN Site in Anderson, Knox, Loudon, and Roane Counties Figure 2.3.2-5 Individual Well Locations Within a 1.5-mile Radius of the CRN Site Figure 2.3.3-1 CRN Site Surface Water Monitoring Locations Figure 2.3.3-2 Piper Trilinear Diagram Figure 2.3.3-3 ORR Groundwater Contamination Map Figure 2.4.1-1 Land Cover Types on the CRN Site Figure 2.4.1-2 Streams, Ponds, and Wetlands on the CRN Site and Barge/Traffic Area Figure 2.4.1-3 ORR Designated Areas in the Vicinity of the CRN Site Figure 2.5.1-1 0 to 10 mile Population Sector Map Figure 2.5.1-2 10 to 50 mile Population Sector Map Figure 2.5.1-3 0 to 2 Mile Population Sector Map Figure 2.5.2-1 Traffic Study Intersections Potentially Impacted by the Proposed Project Figure 2.5.3-1 Prehistoric/Historic Archaeological Sites On and Adjacent to the Clinch River Property Figure 2.5.3-2 NRHP-Listed Aboveground Historic Properties Within 10-Mile of the Center Point of the CRN Site Figure 2.5.3-3 Previous Surveys On and Adjacent to the CR SMR APE Figure 2.5.4-1 Minority Population Block Groups Within 50 Miles of the CRN Site Figure 2.5.4-2 Low-Income Population Block Groups Within 50 Miles of the CRN Site Figure 2.6-1 Map of Physiographic Provinces Figure 2.6-2 Local Physiography Figure 2.6-3 Geologic Cross Section of the CRN Site Figure 2.6-4 CRN Site Geologic Map Figure 2.7.1-1 Tennessee Meteorological Data Monitoring City Locations Figure 2.7.1-2 Topographical Features Within 5 Miles of the CRN Site Figure 2.7.1-3 Topographical Features Within 50 Miles of the CRN Site Figure 2.7.2-1 Roane County Census Block Group PM2.5 Non-Attainment Area Relative to CRN Site Figure 2.7.4-1 Wind Rose CRN Site 10-Meter January through December Figure 2.7.4-2 Wind Rose CRN Site 60-Meter January through December xxix Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED)

Figure 2.7.4-3 Wind Rose Oak Ridge NWS 10 Years January through December Figure 2.7.4-4 Clinch River Property Average 10-Meter Wind Direction (by Quarter)

Figure 2.7.4-5 Wind Rose CRN Site 10-Meter All Data Figure 2.7.4-6 Wind Rose CRN Site 60-Meter All Data Figure 2.7.4-7 Wind Rose Oak Ridge NWS 10 Years All Data Figure 2.7.4-8 Concurrent Mean Dew Point Temperatures (Fahrenheit)

Figure 2.7.4-9 Concurrent Mean Wet Bulb Temperatures (Fahrenheit)

Figure 2.7.4-10 Topography in the Vicinity of the CRN Site Figure 2.7.4-11 Effects of Topography on Wind Flow in the CRN Site Vicinity Figure 2.7.4-12 Elevation Profiles 0 to 50 Miles from CRN Site Figure 2.7.5-1 Effluent Release Boundary with Analytical EAB Figure 2.7.5-2 Effluent Release Boundaries (ERBs), Analytical EAB, and Site EAB Figure 2.7.5-3 Site Center Point and Distance to the LPZ Figure 2.7.6-1 Location of Sensitive Receptors (Land Use Survey)

Figure 2.7.6-2 LPZ and Analytical EAB Distances Used for the Complex Terrain Analysis Figure 2.8-1 Ambient Noise Measurement Locations Figure 3.1-1 CRN Site Utilization Plan Figure 3.1-2 CRN Site Cleared Areas Figure 3.1-3 Architectural Rendering of the Clinch River SMR Surrogate Plant (Two Units) Superimposed on a Site Aerial (View to the Southeast)

Figure 3.3-1 CRN Site Water Use Diagram Figure 3.4-1 Location Plan of Intake Structure Figure 3.4-2 Conceptual Intake Structure Arrangement Figure 3.4-3 Conceptual Plan View of Intake Structure Figure 3.4-4 Conceptual Section View of Intake Structure Figure 3.4-5 Conceptual Layout of Proposed Discharge Structure Figure 3.7-1 CRN Site Transmission System Figure 3.7-2 Transmission Systems in the Vicinity of the CRN Site Figure 3.7-3 Typical TVA 500 kV Switchyard Figure 3.7-4 Typical TVA 161 kV Switchyard Figure 3.7-5 Typical TVA 500 kV Structure Figure 3.7-6 Typical TVA 161 kV Transmission Structures Figure 3.7-7 Transmission Line Segments Requiring Upgrades Figure 3.10-1 Estimated Construction Workforce by Month Figure 3.10-2 Estimated Operational Workforce by Month Figure 3.10-3 Estimated Overlap Workforce by Month Figure 4.1-1 Areas to be Cleared and Land Cover Disturbed on the CRN Site Vicinity Figure 4.3-1 Areas to be Cleared and Land Cover Disturbed on the CRN Site and Barge/Traffic Area Figure 4.4-1 Proposed Geometry xxx Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED)

Figure 5.3-1 River Flows for PPE Extreme Winter Conditions, Full Power Figure 5.3-2 River Flows for PPE Extreme Summer Conditions, Full Power Figure 5.3-3 Temperatures at 5-Foot Depth for PPE Extreme Winter Conditions, Full Power Figure 5.3-4 Temperatures at 5-Foot Depth for PPE Extreme Summer Conditions, Full Power Figure 5.3-5 Approximate Zone of Influence of SMR Thermal Effluent at Water Surface for PPE Extreme Winter Conditions, Full Power Figure 5.3-6 Approximate Zone of Influence of SMR Thermal Effluent at Water Surface for PPE Extreme Summer Conditions, Full Power Figure 5.8-1 CRN Site Key Observation Points Figure 5.8-2 Baseline View from KOP 5 Figure 5.8-3 View From KOP 5 with the CR SMR Project Figure 5.8-4 View From KOP 5 with the CR SMR Project and the Average Annual Plume Figure 5.8-5 View From KOP 5 with the CR SMR Project and the Winter Plume Figure 5.8-6 Baseline View From KOP 7 Figure 5.8-7 View From KOP 7 with the CR SMR Project Figure 5.8-8 View From KOP 7 with the CR SMR Project and the Average Annual Plume Figure 5.8-9 View From KOP 7 with the CR SMR Project and the Winter Plume Figure 5.8-10 Baseline View From KOP 8 Figure 5.8-11 View From KOP 8 with the CR SMR Project Figure 5.8-12 View From KOP 8 with the CR SMR Project and the Average Annual Plume Figure 5.8-13 View From KOP 8 with the CR SMR Project and the Winter Plume Figure 5.8-14 Baseline View From KOP 16 Figure 5.8-15 View From KOP 16 with the CR SMR Project Figure 5.8-16 View From KOP 16 with the CR SMR Project and the Average Annual Plume Figure 5.8-17 View From KOP 16 with the CR SMR Project and the Winter Plume Figure 5.8-18 Baseline View From KOP 19 Figure 5.8-19 View From KOP 19 with the CR SMR Project Figure 5.8-20 View From KOP 19 with the CR SMR Project and the Average Annual Plume Figure 5.8-21 View From KOP 19 with the CR SMR Project and the Winter Plume Figure 5.8-22 Baseline View From KOP 22 Figure 5.8-23 View From KOP 22 with the CR SMR Project Figure 5.8-24 View From KOP 22 with the CR SMR Project and the Average Annual Plume Figure 5.8-25 View From KOP 22 with the CR SMR Project and the Winter Plume xxxi Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED)

Figure 5.8-26 Baseline View From KOP 40 Figure 5.8-27 View From KOP 40 with the CR SMR Project Figure 5.8-28 View From KOP 40 with the CR SMR Project and the Average Annual Plume Figure 5.8-29 View From KOP 40 with the CR SMR Project and the Winter Plume Figure 6.1-1 Thermal Monitoring Locations in Close Proximity to CRN Site Figure 6.1-2 Thermal Monitoring Locations Used to Evaluate SMRs Figure 6.2-1 CRN Site Local Radiological Sampling Locations (1-Mile Radius)

Figure 6.2-2 CRN Site Remote Radiological Sampling Locations (5-Mile Radius)

Figure 6.4-1 CRN Site Historical Meteorological Monitoring Locations Figure 6.4-2 6-Mile Vicinity Topographic Map Figure 6.4-3 Meteorological Tower 3 EDS Site Layout Figure 9.3-1 Proposed and Alternative Candidate Site Screening Methodology Figure 9.3-2 TVA Service Area and Direct Service Federal Customers Figure 9.3-3 General Site Criteria Evaluation Results Figure 9.3-4 ORR Candidate Sites Figure 9.3-5 Redstone Arsenal Candidate Sites Figure 9.3-6 ORR Site 2 - Potential Layout Figure 9.3-7 ORR Site 8 - Potential Layout Figure 9.3-8 Redstone Arsenal Site 12 - Potential Layout Figure 9.3-9 ORR Site 3 (CRN Site) Flood Hazard Map Figure 9.3-10 ORR Site 2 Flood Hazard Map Figure 9.3-11 ORR Site 8 Flood Hazard Map Figure 9.3-12 Redstone Arsenal Site 12 Flood Hazard Map Figure 9.3-13 Minority Population Block Groups within 50 Miles of the Redstone Arsenal Candidate Site Figure 9.3-14 Low-Income Population Block Groups within 50 Miles of the Redstone Arsenal Candidate Site Figure 9.3-15 Redstone Arsenal Past, Present, and Reasonably Foreseeable Projects Considered in the Cumulative Analysis xxxii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS

°C degrees Celsius

°F degrees Fahrenheit

µg/L micrograms per liter AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic ac acres ACS American Community Survey ADEM Alabama Department of Environmental Management AEDC Arnold Engineering Development Center AFB Air Force Base ALARA as low as reasonably achievable ALDOT Alabama Department of Transportation ALS Advanced Life Support AMEC Amec Foster Wheeler plc ANA aquatic natural area APE area of potential effect ARA aquatic reference area ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASOS Automated Surface Observing System ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry B/CTP Bicide/Corrosion Treatment Plant bgs below ground surface BMP best management practices BOD Biological Oxygen Demand BP Containment Bypass BRAC Base Realignment and Closure Program Btu British thermal units BWRs boiling water reactors CAA Clean Air Act CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDF core damage frequency CEQ Council on Environmental Quality CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics CFE Early Containment Failure CFI Intermediate Containment Failure CFL Late Containment Failure CFR Code of Federal Regulations cfs cubic feet per second CH4 methane Ci curies Cl chloride cm centimeter xxxiii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (CONTINUED)

CO carbon monoxide CO2 carbon dioxide COC Cycles of Concentration COD Chemical Oxygen Demand COL Combined License COLA Combined License Application CR Clinch River CRBRP Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project CRM Clinch River Mile CRN Clinch River Nuclear CRUD corrosion related unidentified deposits CWA Clean Water Act CWS circulating water system DAR Daughters of the American Revolution DASU Data Acquisition Switch Unit dB decibel dBA a-weighted decibels DBAs Design basis Accidents DBT Design Basis Tornado DNL Day-Night Average Sound Level DO dissolved oxygen DoD U.S. Department of Defense DOE U.S. Department of Energy DOT U.S. Department of Transportation DRH Division of Radiological Health EAB exclusion area boundary EDS Environmental Data Station EIA U.S. Energy Information Administration EIS Environmental Impact Statement EMA Environmental Monitoring and Analysis EMF electromagnetic field EMS Emergency Medical Services EO Executive Order EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPFS Emergency Preparedness Field Support EPRI Electric Power Research Institute EPZ emergency planning zone ER Environmental Report ERB Effluent Release Boundaries ESE east-southeast ESP Early Site Permit xxxiv Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (CONTINUED)

ESPA Early Site Permit Application ETHRA East Tennessee Human Resource Agency ETTP East Tennessee Technology Park FBI Federal Bureau of Investigations FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FIRMs Flood Insurance Rate Maps FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact fps feet per second ft feet ft/ft feet per foot ft/s feet per second ft2/d feet squared per day ft3 cubic feet FWPCA Federal Water Pollution Control Act FY Fiscal Year g/kWh grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour GEIS Generic Environmental Impact Statement GHG greenhouse gas gm/cm3 grams per cubic centimeter gpd gallons per day gpm gallons per minute ha Hectare HABs harmful algal blooms HABS Historic American Building Survey HAER Historic American Engineering Record HFIR high flux isotope reactor HLW high-level waste HPA Habitat Protection Area hr hour HRCQ highway route controlled quantity HSP Health and Safety Plan HSV Huntsville International Airport HUC Hydrologic Unit Code HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning HWEL Headwater Elevation I- Interstate IC Intact Containment in. inches IPPP Integrated Pollution Prevention Plans ISFSI independent spent fuel storage installation xxxv Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (CONTINUED)

ISL in-situ leaching IUs Industrial Users JFD Joint Frequency Distributions KAT Knoxville Area Transit Kg kilograms kg/ha/mo kilograms per hectare per month kg/km2-mo kilograms per square kilometer per month km kilometer KOP Key Observation Points kV kilovolt kWh kilowatt-hour LCD Local Climatological Data LiDAR Light Detection and Ranging LLRW low level radioactive waste LLW low-level waste LMDCT Linear mechanical draft cooling towers LOCA loss of coolant accidents LOS Level of Service LPZ low-population zone LWR light water reactor ly/min Langleys per minute m meter m/s meters per second m3 Meters cubed mA milliamperes MBtu Million British Thermal Units MCL maximum contaminant levels MEI maximally exposed individual mg/L milligrams per liter mgd million gallons per day mi mile MMT million metric tons mph miles per hour mrad millirads mrem millirem MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area msl above mean Sea Level MT metric ton MTU metric ton of uranium mVolts millivolts MW megawatts xxxvi Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (CONTINUED)

MWd megawatt-days MWe megawatt electric MWh megawatt hours MWt megawatt thermal N2O nitrous oxide Na Sodium NAA nonattainment area NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NaCl sodium chloride NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NAVD88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 NAWQA National Water-Quality Assessment Program NCA National Climate Assessment NCDC National Climatic Data Center NEI Nuclear Energy Institute NEPA National Environment Policy Act NERP National Environmental Research Park NESC National Electrical Safety Code NGVD29 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 NLCD National Land Cover Database NO2 nitrogen dioxide NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOI Notice of Intent NOx nitrogen oxide NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRHD National Register Historic District NRHP National Register of Historic Places NSA Naval Support Activity NSR New Source Review NSSS nuclear steam supply system NTU nephelometric turbidity units NWI National Wetland Inventory NWR National Wildlife Refuge NWS National Weather Service O&G Oil and Grease O&M Operating and Maintenance O3 ozone ODCM Offsite Does Calculation ORFD Oak Ridge Fire Department ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory xxxvii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (CONTINUED)

ORR Oak Ridge Reservation OSCS Oriented Spray Cooling System PA Programmatic Agreement Pb Lead PBA power block area PCB polychloriniated biphenyls Percent g acceleration due to gravity PGA peak ground acceleration PM particulate matter PM10 particulate matter with a diameter of less than 10 microns PM2.5 particulate matter with a diameter less than 2.5 microns PMF Probable Maximum flood PPD presidential policy directive PPE plant parameter envelope ppm parts per million PRA probabilistic risk assessment PSAR Preliminary Safety Analysis Report PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration psi Pounds Per Square Inch PWR pressurized water reactors Qc Colluvium Qha Holocene alluvium RAC Remote Access Computer RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act REMP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program RG Regulatory Guide RIMS II Regional Input-Output Modeling System RM Road Miles Rn-222 Radon-222 ROS Reservoir Operations Study ROW Right of Way RTDs Resistance temperature detectors RV Recreational Vehicle Ryr reactor year s second SACTI Seasonal and Annual Cooling Tower Impact SCRAM Support Center for Regulatory Atmosphere Modeling SDWIS Safe Drinking Water Information System SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer SI subsurface investigation SMR Small Modular Reactor xxxviii Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (CONTINUED)

SMZ Streamside management zones SNA State Natural Area SO2 sulfur dioxide SOx sulfur oxide SPCC Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures sq square SSAR Site Safety Analysis Report SSC structures, systems, and components SSE south-southeast Sv person sievert SVOC semivolatile organic compound SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan TAC Texas Administrative Code Tc-99 Technetium-99 TCA Tennessee Code Annotated TDEC Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation TDOH Tennessee Department of Health TDOT Tennessee Department of Transportation TEDE Total Effective Dose Equivalent TLD thermoluminescent dosimeters TN Tennessee State Highway TRM Tennessee River Mile TROC temperature rate of change TRU transuranic TSS Total Suspended Solids TVA Tennessee Valley Authority TWPC TRU waste processing center TWRA Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency U-235 Uranium -235 U-238 Uranium-238 U3O8 Uranium Oxide U3O8e Uranium Oxide equivalent UF6 Uranium Hexafluoride UFC Uranium fuel cycle UHS Ultimate Heat Sink UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UO2 Uranium Dioxide UPF Uranium Processing Facility USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USC U.S. Code USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture xxxix Revision 1

Clinch River Nuclear Site Early Site Permit Application Part 3, Environmental Report ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (CONTINUED)

USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USGS U.S. Geological Survey VES visual and aural encounter surveys VOCs volatile organic compounds WMA Wildlife Management Area WSEL Water Surface Elevation WWC wet-weather conveyances X/Q atmospheric dispersion factors yr year xl Revision 1