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Letter Concerning Revised Regulations and Requesting That Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. Inform the Commission of the Date of the Facility'S Next 40 Month Inspection and the Intended Date of Submission of the Amendment Request
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/26/1976
From: Lear G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Rhode G
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp
Download: ML17037B558 (12)


Docket No, 50-220 Niagara Hohawlc Power Corporation ATTN: Hr. Gerald K. Rhode Vice President Engineering 300 Erie Boulevard Uest Syracuse, Now Yorh 13202 Gentlemen:

RE: Nine ?file Point Ue wish to call your attention to the fact that the inservice,in'spection testing requirenents for AS'ode Class 1, 2 and 3 conponents for nuclear power planta delineated in 10 CFR Part 50.55a were changed by a revision to the regulations published on February 27, 1976 (copy enclosed) ~ The revised regulations require inservice inspection and testing to be perforned in accordance ith the examination and testing requirements set forth in


Section XI of ASIK, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and Addenda, A review of the 1974 edition of ASIDE Section ZI indicates that conflicts may occur between these requirements and the technical specifications presently in effect for your facility. To avoid these and future conflicts, you should, in accordance with S50.55a(g)(5)(ii), apply to the Commission for anendnent of your tcchnical specifications. Any such conflicting technical specifications should be replaced with a reference to 10 CPR 50,55a, Sample language for such technical specification changes is provided as an enclosure.

As specified in the revised regulation, for plants arith Operating Licenses issued prior to lfarch 1, 1976, its provisions become effective after September 1, 1976, at 'the start of the next regular 40 month, inspection period, The initial inservice examinations conducted during the first 40 nonth period, and the initial inservice tests of pumps and valves conducted during the first, 20 month period, must comply with the,requirenents in editions of the ASHE Code and Addenda in effect no more than 6 months prior to the date of start of facility commercial operation.

Xf you deternine that conformance with certain ASHE Section XI inservice inspection and testing requirements is inpracticable, you should submit information to the Division of'Operating Reactors to support your determin-ations in accordance with 550.55a(g)(5)(iii) and (iv) ~ Your deterninations should separately identify the specific AQfE Code requirenent that is inpracticable for each affected component. Ue wil.l evaluate your deterninations 'and, if appropriate, grant reli'ef pursuant to %0.55a(g)(6)(i)




rIorm hEC.518 (Rev. 9.f 3) hXChi 0240 4 V, S. 4OVCRNMCNT PRINTIN4 OPPICCI 'IOTS SCS ISS



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0 liiagara Hohawk Power Corporation As required by the x'ovisod regulations, your request fox amondmont of technical specifications, and information to support any, dotorminations that conformance with certain ARCH code requirements is impracticable must be submitted at least si": (6) months prior to the start of the inspection period during which the provisions become.applicablo for your facQ.ity.

Olithin thirty (30) days of the roceipt of this letter, we requost that

'you inform us of tho date your facility's next 40 month inspection period commences and the date you intond to submit your amendmont request, If you have any questions, please contact us, Sincerely, George.Lear, Chief Oporat~mg Reactors Branch P3 Division of Oporating Reactors


1. Sample Technical Specification Languago 2s 10 CPR 50a(g)


Docket NRC PDR Local PDR ORB Rdg KRGoller TJCarter OELD OI6E (7)

JWetmore GLear JGuibert

, CParrish EDisenh'ut TBAbernathy JRBuchanan ACRS (16)

VStello Gray File OPPICS3P ORB3 RB83 ORBS3 SVRNAMSW JGuibe lletmore cr GLear PO4RI OATS~ 4/ ~Q AEC-318 (RST. 9.33) AECM 0240


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Niagara hloha>>: Po>>'er Corporation 3 1 /

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Arvin E. Upton, Esquire LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby 5 .'1acRao 1757 N Street,'. 1'(.

l(ashington, D. C. 20036 Anthony Z. Roisman, Esquire Roisman, Kessler,a>>d Cashdan, 1712 N Street, N.

l"ashington, D. C. 20036 Dr. l~'illiam So>/mour, Staff Coordinator No>> York Stato Atomic Enorg> Cc" neil Ne>> York State Depart.-..cnt of Co....erco 99 l"ashington Street Albany, Ne>>'ork 12207 Os>>'o~o City Library 120 1: Scco>>d S'trcot Os>>cgo,. Nc>>'ork 13126 hlr. Robert P. Jo>>cs, Supervisor To>>'n of Scriba R. D ..-'". 1 Os>>ego, Ne>> York 131 "6

/ ~

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ENCLOSURE SAlPLE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION LANGUAGE The following language e should be substituted, as appropriate, into the Technical Specifications where existing surveillance requirements are superseded by ASHE Section XI inservice inspection and testing requirements:

a. Inservice inspection of ABfE Code Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3


components shall be performed in accordance with Section XI of the ASHE Boiler and Presure Vessel Code and applicab'e Addenda as required by 10 CFR 50,'Section 50.55a(g), except where specific written relief has been granted by the HRC pursuant to 10 CFR 50, Section 50.55a(g) (6) (i).

b. Inservice testing of AS!fE Code Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 pumps and valves shall be performed in accordance with Section XI of the AStLE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda as required by 10 CFR 50, Section 50.55a(g), except where specific written relief has been granted by the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR 50, Section 50.55a(g)(6)(i).

0 PART 50 o LICENSING OF PRODUCTION AND UTILIZATION FA( I Li I ) ):5 Code for Pumps and Valves for?h~ar the preservice examlnat!on requirements (3) For construction ts issued Power and Addenda'nd the require- set forth in Section ZI of editions of the on or after July 1, 1974. pumps wh)ch ASME Boiler and Prcssure Vessel Code are part of the reactor coolant pressure ments applicable to valves sct forth In and Addenda"'pplied to the construc-boundary-" shall meet the requirements articles 1 and 8 of editions of section III tion of the particular component in ac-for Cp<:s 1 components set forth in Sec-~ of the AS~i1E Boiler and Pressure Vessel vvith paragraph (c), <d). (c).

Addenda or for valves cordance tion III of the ASME Boiler and Pres-<a Code and Class 1



'f sure Vessel Code and Addenda" in ef-~

feet'n the date of order the oumpc-or 12 months prior to the formal docket~ suance of section III of the ASME Pressure Vessel Code and Addenda in Boiler effect 12 months prior to the date of is-construction permit and re-or (f) of this section.

'(ll) Components tvhfch are classlfled as ASME Code Class 2 and Class 3 and supports for components )vhich are clas-date of the asap)feat)on for construct)on~ quired. of the is cc u The valves may meet the. rc- sifled as ASME Code Class 1 Class 2. and


permit. )vhfchever is later: Proufdcd, qu!rcmcnts set forth in editions of these Class 3 shall be designed and bc pros')ded That thc appl!cable ASME Code provi- Codes or Addenda wh)ch have become tvith access to enable the perfor<nance of sions for pumps shall be no earlier than effective after the date of valve order or inservice examination of such compo-those of the KV)uter 1972,Addenda of the after 12 months prfor to the date of nents and shall meet the preservfce ex-1971 edition. The pumps may meet the issuance of the construction permit. amination requirements set forth in Sec-requirements set forth in subscauent tion ZI of editions of thc ASME Boiler edit!ons of t)ifs Code and Addenda )vhlch "(3) For construct!on permits fssued on and Pressure Vessel Code and Adden-become effectb e. or after July 1. )974, valves which are da 'pplied to the corstruction of the part of the reactor coolant pressure 'particular component.

(f) Valves: boundary-" shall meet thc requirements <iii) Pumps and valves wh)ch are clas-(1) For construction permits issued 1 shal: be de-for Class 1 components set forth in Sec- s!fle as ASME Cede Classw)th access to before January 1, 1971. for reactors not tion III of the ASME Boiler and Pres signed and be provided licensed for operation, valves which are part of thc reactor coolant pressure boundary'hall meet the requirements fect 'n the date of order 'f sure Vessel Code and Addenda'" in ef- enable the performance of!nservlce the valve ing of the pumps ard valves for assessing or 12 months prior to the formal docket operational readiness set forth test-fn Sec-sct forth in date of the appl!cation for construction tion ZI of editiors of the ASME BoVe."

(l) Thc American Standard Code for permit. )vhfchever is later: Prov dcd, and Pressure Vessel Cade and Pressure Piping <ASA B31.1) Addenda, to thc corstructfcn of the par-Addenda'pplied


That the applfcable AS!t)E Code provi-and applicable Code Cases, or thc USA sions for valves shall bc no earlfer than ticular pump or valve in accordance tvith Standard Code for Pressure Piping those of thc WV)htet 1972 Addenda o! thc paragraphs <e) and (f) of this sect!on cable Code Cases, in effect 'n (USAS B31.1.0), Addenda. and appli-the date I

1971 edition. The vahes may meet the requ)rements set forth in subsequent or thc Summer 1973 Addenda, vvhlchcver is later.

of order4 of thc valves or the Class editions of this Code and Addenda which < iv) Pumps and valves )vh!ch are clas-section of thc Draft ASME Codq for become effective. sifled as ASME Code Class 2 and Class 3 Pumps and Valves for 1(uclcar <g) Inser vice in~neet)on requirements: sha)l be designed and be provided '.v!th and Code Cases in cfTect on the access to enable thc performance of in-Power,'ddenda.

date of order of the valves; or (1) For a facility whose constructiot) permit tvas issued prior to January 1 a se rvice testln of ti:e pumpsreadiness and valves (li) Thc nondestructive examination



)971. comoonents <fnc)ud)nq sunports) <a for assessing opcratlona!

and acceptarce standards of ASA B31.1 shall meet the rcquhcmcnts of para- <cforth in Sect!on ZI of e<!itlons Code and of the Code Cases N2, N7. N9. and N!0, except graphs <g> <4) ard <g<<6) of this section u. Boiler and Prcssure Vesselconstruction that the acceptance standards for C!ass to the extent pract!cal. Corn poncnt>> ~Addenda" applied to the I valves set forth In the Draft AS;.!E. wh!ch arc part of the reactor coo!ant of the particular pump or valve or thc Code for Pumps and Valves for Nuclear prcssure boundary'nd thc!r sun"..orts Sum)ner 1973 Addenda. )vhichcver Is Power and Addenda in ef:ect on thc date shall )rect thc requirements applicable later.

of order of the valves may bc applied. to components tvhlch are classified as (v) All components <including sup-Thc valves may meet thc requirements <a AS'A!E Code Class l. Other safety-re- ports) may meet the requirements set sct forth in editions of ASA B31.1. USAS ev lated pressure vessels. piping. pumps and forth in subsequert editions of which codes B31.1.0, and the Draft ASME Code for valves shall meet the reoulrements ap and addenda or port!ons thereof Pu<nps and Valves for Nuclear Power, ~ pl)cable to components )vhich are classi- become elfcctivc.

Addenda, nnd Code Cases, which became

~ fled as ASME Code Class 2 or Class 3. (4) Throughout the service life of a effect)ve after the date of order of the <2) For a facilitv whose construction facil!ty. compovents <includ!ng sup-vialvcs. permit was issued on or after January 1 ports) tvhich are classifled as AS%!E Code


(2) For construction pc<n<i<s issued on or 1971, but before July l. ) 974. components Class 1. Class 2 and Class 3 shall n:eet after Janua<y I. l97), bu< before July l, (including supports) vvhich are classi- the requirements. except design and ac-l 97 f t>> valves which fied as ASXIE Code Class 1 and Class " cess provisions and preservfce examina-are part of thc reactor coolant pressure boundary ').all meet the requirements shall be desfgned and be provided tvith requirements. set forth ln Section 'ion for Class I valves set forth ln editions of access to enable the performance of <i) ZI of editiors of the ASME Boil'er ard "

(I) thc Draft ASME Code for Pumps and !nservice exan!!nation of such compo- Pressure Vessel Code and Addenda nents (includir. supports> and <il) tests becon>e effectbe subsequent to edi-Valves for Nuclear Power and Addenda

'hat c!Tcct'n the date of order'f thc for operational ')

readiness of pu<nps and t!ons spec!fled in paragraphs <g> <2) ard valves and the require.ncnts applicable to valves. and shall:neet the prescrvice ex- <g) (3) of this section and are ircorpo-valves sct forth in articles 1 nnd 8 of amination requirements set forth in edi- rated by reference in paragraph ib) of cd)!fons of section IIIof thc ASME Boiler t!ons of Section ZI of the ASME Boiler " this section. to the extent practical tv!th-and Pressure Vessel Code ard Addenda and Pressure Vesse! Code and Addenda in thc li:ritations of design. geometry effect on the date of order of the

'n ln effect 6 months prior to the date of and mater!als of construction of the valves, or (ii) the requirements appli- issuance of the construction permit. The components.

cable to Class 1 valves of section III of components <ircluding supports) may <i) Thc iritial )nser;icc examinations the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel meet, the requ)rements set forth )n sub- conducted during the flrst 40 months Code and Addenda in c<Tcct on the date sequent editions of th!s code and ad- shall comply w)th thc rcqulrements in of order of the valve; Provided, )<o<<<eucr, denda tvhich become effective. the editions of the code and addenda in That if the valves are ordered more than !3) For a faci)ity tvhose constrvctlon effect no n:ore than 6 months prior to 12 months prior to the date of issuance of permit was issued on or after Julv 1, the date of start of facil!ty commercfa) thc construction perm!t, compliance with )974: operation.

thc requirements for Class I valves sct (i) Components tvhich are classifled (li) The inservice examinations con-forth tll odit!ooo or tho Droit *Shih as AS%!E Code Class 1 shall be designed ducted during successive 40-month pe-o oo oot ~ r \ t \ ttl Qro. and be provided tvith access to enable riods throughout the service life of the

>>A<nendvd dl F!t <i256.

thc performance of inservice examhm- facility thereafter shall comply tvith tion of such components and shall )neet 50-14a February 27, 197G

PART 60 o LIC NSING OF PRODUCTION AND U 'ZATION FACILITIES those.requirements in edit! of the the licensee that could result ff code and addenda ln effect no more than requirements were imposed on thc r6 months prior to the start of each 40- facility.

nfonth period. (fl) The Commissfon may require the (ill)- ~ane initial inservlce tests of licensee to follow an augmented inservlce pumps and valves for assessing opera- . inspection pzogram for systems and com-tional readiness and system pressure ponents for which the Commission deems tests conducted during the first 20 ~ that added assurance of structural relf-months shall comply wrth those require- g ability ls necessary.

ments ln editions of the code and adden- (h) Protection systems: For construc-da in effect no more than 6 months prior gc tfon permits issued after January 1, 1971.

to the start of facility commercial opera- protection systems shall meet the re-tion. ~ quirements set forth in editions or revi-(iv) Inservice tests of pumps and sions of the Institute of Electrical and valves for assessing operational readi- Electronics Engineers Standard: "Cri-ness and system pressure tests conducted teria for Protection Systems for Yucfear during successive 20-month periods Power Generating Stations." (IEEE-279) throughout the service life of the facility ln effect'n the formal doci:et date of shall comply with those requirements in the appllcatfon for a construction per-editions of the code and addenda in ef- mit. Protection systems may meet the fect no more than G months prior to the requirements set forth in subsequent edi-start of each 20-month period. tions or revisions of IEEE-279 which (v) For an operating facility whose become effective.

operating license was issued prior to ibfarch 1, 197G. the provisions of para-graph (g) (4) of this section shall bccomc effective after September 1. 1976, at the start, of the next, regular 40-month pe-riod of a series of such periods beginning at the start of facility commercial opera- ~


(5)(f) Thc lnservice inspection pro-gram for a facility shall be revised by the licensee. as necessary, to meet, the requirements of paragraph (g) (4) of this section.

(li) If a revised fnservfcc Inspection g program for a facility conflicts with the technical specification for t!rc'acility.

thc licensee shall apply to the Commfs-sion for amendmcnt of the technical specifications to confcrm the tec!nrical spec ffcatfon to the revised prograln. Tflfs application shall be submitted at least, 6 months before the start of the period during svhlch the provisions become ap-

. plicable-as determined by parag;aph (g)

(4) of this sectfon.

(il!) If thc 1!censce has determined that conforn>ance with certain code re-quirements is impractical for his facility.

tho llcenscc shall no:ff) the Con)mission and submit information to support his dctcrrnfnatfons.

(iv) IVhcre an cxaminatlon or test requirement by the code or addenda fs determined to be impractical by the li-censee and is not included in the revised inscrvfcc inspection program as permit-ted by lraragraph (g) (4) of this section.

the basis for thfs dctcrrnination shall be dcrnonstratcd to thc satisfaction of the Commlssfon not later than 12 months after the cxpfr~tfon of the initial 120-month perfod of operation from start of facility commerc!al operation and each subsequent 120-month period of opera-tion during svhfch the examination or test fs determined to be impractical.

(G)(l) The Commission will evaluate determh)ations under paragraph (g) (5) of this section that code requirements arc impractical and may grant such re-lief as it determines fs authorized by law and )vill not endanger life or property or thc common defense and security and is otherrvise in the public interest giving duc consideration to the burden upon February 27, 1976 50-14b (next page Is 50-15)