NL-15-0704, Regarding Response to Request for Additional Information on Multiple Technical Specification Changes

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Regarding Response to Request for Additional Information on Multiple Technical Specification Changes
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/04/2015
From: Pierce C
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16116A201 (109)


{{#Wiki_filter:Charles R. Pierce Southern Nuclear Regulatory Affairs Director Operating Company, Inc. 40 Inverness Center Parkway Post Off1ce Box 1295 Birmingham, AL 35201 Tel 205.992.7872 ' SOUTHERN A Fax 205.992.7601 COMPANY Docket Nos.: 50-321 NL-15-0704 50-366 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Response to Request for Additional Information on Multiple Technical Specification Changes Ladies and Gentlemen: By letter dated October 10, 2014 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML14288A226), Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) submitted a license amendment request for the Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, to adopt various previously approved Technical Specifications Task Force Travelers. In order to continue the review, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff (NRC) requested additional information as discussed in letter dated March 27, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15077A526}. Enclosure 1 contains the SNC response to the NRC request for additional information (RAis). Enclosures 2 and 3 contain revised marked Technical Specification (TS} and TS Bases changes, respectively, required as a result of the SNC response to the NRC RAis. Enclosure 4 contains the corresponding revised clean TS pages. The pages in Enclosures 2 - 4 are a direct replacement for the equivalent pages provided in the October 10, 2014 letter. This letter contains no NRC commitments. If you have any questions, please contact Ken McElroy at (205) 992-7369.

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissi on NL-15-0704 Page2 Mr. C. R. Pierce states he is Regulator y Affairs Director of Southern Nuclear Operating Company, is authorized to execute this oath on behalf of Southern Nuclear Operating Company and, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the facts set forth in this letter are true. Respectfully submitted, Cfi. ~ C. R. Pierce Regulatory Affairs Director CRP/RMJ Sworn to and subsc

  • ed before me this..!:}___ day of...:/Y1.....Jro.;~==.4----' 2015.
                   .             ;t My commission expires:         /0- Z- Zo 11


1. SNC Response to NRC RAis
2. Revised Marked TS Pages
3. Revised Marked TS Bases Pages
4. Revised Clean TS Pages cc: Southern Nuclear Operating Company Mr. S. E. Kuczynski, Chairman , President & CEO Mr. D. G. Bost, Executive Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer Mr. D. R. Vineyard, Vice Presiden t- Hatch Mr. M.D. Meier. Vice Presiden t- Regulatory Affairs Mr. D. R. Madison, Vice Presiden t- Fleet Operation s Mr. 8. J. Adams, Vice Presiden t- Engineering Mr. G. L. Johnson, Regulator y Affairs Manager- Hatch RType: CHA02.00 4 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. V. M. McCree, Regional Administra tor Mr. R. E. Martin, NRR Senior Project Manager - Hatch Mr. D. H. Hardage, Senior Resident Inspecto r- Hatch State of Georgia Mr. J. H. Turner, Director- Environmental Protection Division

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Response to Request for Additional Information on Multiple Technical Specification Changes Enclosure 1 SNC Response to NRC RAis to NL-15-0704 SNC Response to NRC RAis

1. RAI3.6.1-1 for TSTF-30, and TS and Bases:

To explain the difference between TSTF-30-A requirements and the proposed changes to Hatch TS and its associated Bases, the licensee states that:

   " ... the Hatch Technical Specifications provide a separate Action (Condition D) for penetration flow paths with leakage not within limit with a Completion Time of 4 hours. As a result, a penetration flow path with an inoperable PCIV due to leakage not within limit will continue to have a 4-hour Completion Time instead of the 72 hour Completion Time provided in TSTF-30-A.
   ... Additional text is added to the Bases forTS, Condition C, describing the 4 hour Completion Time for inoperable PCIVs in penetrations [other than those associated] with a closed system and excess flow check valves (EFCVs)."

The staff's understanding of the above statement is that for Hatch, there are penetrations with one PC IV other than those associated with closed systems and EFCVs, and the 4-hour completion time (CT) is retained for these cases. Further, an inoperable PC IV, due to leakage not within limit, will fall under the existing Action 0.1, not under the revised Action C.1. The staff requests that the licensee provide examples of cases where the 4-hour CT would be applicable. The staff needs this information to ensure correct implementation of TSTF-30-A requirements. SNC Response to NRC RAI: The requirement for inoperable PCIVs due to leakage not within limit is not changing per this amendment request, and will continue to fall under the existing conditions. HNP Unit 1 and Unit 2 each have several penetration flow paths with one PCIV that are not associated with a closed system or an EFCV. Unit 1 Penetration 270 contains a process flow line for a Drywell Pressure instrument. Its inboard isolation device is an orifice on the sensing line in close proximity to the process line and its outboard barrier is a PCIV, specifically a globe valve. Reg Guide 1.11, "Instrument Lines Penetrating the Primary Reactor Containment, deems this as an acceptable alternative to having a double isolation valve arrangement. In fact, there are several cases of this in the Unit 1 primary containment as well as in the Unit 2 containment. For example, penetrations 206B and 206A, on Unit 1 and Unit 2 respectively, each contain process flow paths for torus water level instruments which are protected by an orifice and a single PCIV. These type lines (instrument lines with an orifice in the sensing line) are the primary type of penetration that would fall within the guidelines of LCO Condition 3.6.3.C and would thus have the 4 hour CT. Action C would apply except in the case of leakage not within limits. There are no changes proposed to Action; it would continue to apply to the appropriate penetrations with leakage not within limits. E1-1 to NL-15-0704 SNC Response to NRC RAis Another example of a penetration with one PCIV is the Traversing In-Core Probe (TIP) Nitrogen Purge line, penetrations 35E for both Unit 1 and Unit 2. These penetrations contain the TIP Nitrogen purge lines for the system and are protected by a single isolation valve.

2. RAJ 3.6.1-2 for TSTF-30 and Bases

In Enclosure 3 of the application, the licensee provides a copy of applicable marked-up TS Bases pages. The staff noted the following:

1. On Page B 3.6-20, Discussion C, the phrase "and the relative importance of supporting primary containment OPERABILITY during MODES 1, 2, and 3" is not needed to justify the CT of "72 hours" for PCIV in closed system.
2. On Page B 3.6-27 (Unit 2), "FSAR, Section 3.1" is added as Reference 8.

This added reference is different from a similar proposed change provided on Page B 3.6-26 (Unit 1) which states "7. FSAR, Section"

3. On Page B (Unit 1), "Unit 2 FSAR, Section 15.3" is listed as Reference 1. Should an equivalent FSAR section for Unit 1 be used for this reference in the Unit 1 TS Bases?

The staff requests that the licensee address the above noted observations. The staff requests this information to ascertain that the supporting discussions in the TS Bases reflect the system design as described in the FSAR. SNC Response to NRC RAJ: The SNC response to each of the three sub-questions is listed below:

1. This change has been incorporated into the revised TS Bases markup.

See Enclosure 3 for the revised pages.

2. The revised TS Bases for Condition C state that the closed system must meet the requirements of Reference 7 (Unit 1) I 8 (Unit 2). Unit 1 Reference 7 refers to Section of the FSAR. Chapter 5 of the Unit 1 FSAR is titled "Containment Systems", and section of the Unit 1 FSAR lists General Criteria for PCIVs. The Unit 2 FSAR does not have a similar FSAR Chapter for containment systems. Section 3.1 of the Unit 2 FSAR describes the Appendix A to Part 50 General Design Criteria (GDC), and how they are met. (Unit 1 received its construction permit prior to the issuance of the current GDC.) Applicable criterion discussed in Section 3.1 of the Unit 2 FSAR applicable to this TS Bases change include GDC Criterion 54, Piping Systems Penetrating Containment, Criterion 55, Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Penetrating Containment, Criterion 56, Primary Containment Isolation, and Criterion 57, Closed System Isolation Valves.

E1-2 to NL-15-0704 SNC Response to NRC RAis

3. The Unit 2 Chapter 15 FSAR Safety Analysis is applicable to both Unit 1 and Unit 2. The Unit 1 Safety Analysis Chapter, Chapter 14, simply states "See HNP-2-FSAR chapter 15, Safety Analysis."
3. RAI 3.6.2-1 for TSTF-458 and Bases B3.6.2.1:

TS Conditions D and F are revised to clarify the intent of TS requirements. The staff noted the following editorial errors in the Bases discussion of the revised Conditions D and F:

1. In the discussion of Actions 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3, the third sentence is no longer applicable. This sentence should be removed.
2. In the heading, "E.2" is no longer applicable.

SNC Response to NRC RAI: The SNC response to each of the two sub-questions is listed below:

1. This change has been incorporated into the revised TS Bases markup.

See Enclosure 3 for the revised pages.

2. This change has been incorporated into the revised TS Bases markup.

See Enclosure 3 for the revised pages.

4. RAI3.6.4-1 for TSTF-322, and SR and Bases:

SRs and are revised to clarify the intent of the secondary containment pressure draw down test requirements. The staff noted the following oversight in the revised SR Due to the unique secondary containment configuration supported by standby gas treatment (SGT) subsystems in both Hatch, Units 1 & 2, the phrase "for each subsystem" after"< 4000 CFM" should be replaced with "per subsystem" instead of being deleted. The staff requests that the licensee address this oversight, and adjust the associated changes to the TS bases, as appropriate. SNC Response to NRC RAI: This change has been incorporated into the revised TS and TS Bases markup. See Enclosures 2 - 4 for the revised pages.

5. RAI 3.6.4-2 for TSTF-322 and Bases B3.6.4.1:

In Enclosure 3 of the application, the licensee provides a copy of applicable marked-up TS Bases pages. The staff noted the following: E1-3 to NL-15-0704 SNC Response to NRC RAis On Page B3.6-79, in the replacement insert for discussions of SR and SR, the sentence "The SGT subsystem(s) used for these Surveillances are staggered to ensure that in addition to the requirements of LCO, the required SGT subsystem(s) will perform this test," needs further explanation clarifying the discussion on 'staggered test,' particularly since the definition has been removed with implementation of the surveillance frequency control program (SFCP). The staff requests that the licensee address this inconsistency in the Hatch TS Bases. SNC Response to NRC RAI: The TS Bases discussion for SR and SR has been revised to be consistent with the Standard Technical Specification Bases Revision 4.0 forGE BWR/4 plants (NUREG-1433 Volume 2) regarding the discussion on staggered test. The current TS Bases state The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program" at the end of this discussion. The Hatch Surveillance Frequency Control Program defines the term "STAGGERED TEST BASIS" and provides the Bases for the frequency of SR and SR See Enclosure 3 for the revised pages.

6. RAI3.8.1-1 for TSTF-283, and TS 3.8.1 and Bases:

TSTF-283 uses two sets of inserts for the TS and Bases for surveillance notes. One set is for when a full surveillance is used to reestablish operability and the other when portions of surveillance can be used to reestablish* operability. In adopting TSTF-283 the applicant made the following changes in the application of the notes without explaining the changes.

1. In both sets of inserts to the TS surveillances, the applicant replaced the word "reestablish" with "establish." The inserts for the associated Bases discussions retain the word "reestablish." Request the applicant make the inserts consistent both with each respective Bases and with TSTF-283, or if deemed appropriate justify this change and make the Bases consistent.
2. The wrong insert was inserted into TS SR and TS SR; Insert 2 should be used in each case, not Insert 1.
3. The wrong insert was inserted into TS SR; Insert 1 should be used, not Insert 2.
4. The wrong insert was inserted into Bases SR; Bases Insert 1 should be used, not Bases Insert 2. The NRC request the above inconsistencies be corrected.

SNC Response to NRC RAI: The SNC response to each of the four sub-questions is listed below: E1-4 to NL-15-0704 SNC Response to NRC RAis

1. The TS markups have been revised to state "reestablish", which is consistent with TSTF-283. See Enclosures 2 - 4 for revised pages.
2. The TS and TS Bases markups for TSTF-283 related to TS or TS Bases "Insert 1" versus "Insert 2" have been revised to be consistent with this Traveler. See Enclosures 2 - 4 for revised pages.
3. The TS and TS Bases markups for TSTF-283 related to TS or TS Bases "Insert 1" versus "Insert 2" have been revised to be consistent with this Traveler. See Enclosures 2 - 4 for revised pages.
4. The TS and TS Bases markups for TSTF-283 related to TS or TS Bases "Insert 1" versus "Insert 2" have been revised to be consistent with this Traveler. See Enclosures 2- 4 for revised pages.
7. RA13.8.4-1 for TSTF-283, and SR, SR, SR and Bases:

The TSTF-283 changes for SA, SA and SA were not adopted for either Hatch 1 or 2. NRC suggests the appropriate TSTF-283 inserts be adopted for SA, SA and SA TS and Bases for Hatch 1 and 2. SNC Response to NRC RAI: The TS and TS Bases markups have been revised to include the TSTF-283 inserts for SA, and SR TS and Bases for Unit 1 and Unit 2. The Hatch Unit 1 and 2 SR does not contain the Note that is modified, so the changes are therefore not applicable to these Hatch SRs. E1-5

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Response to Request for Additional Information on Multiple Technical Specification Changes Enclosure 2 Revised Marked TS Pages

Secondary Containment ITSTF-322 I FREQUENCY SR ------------ -NOTE--- ------------ - The number of SGT subsystem(s) required for this Surveillance is dependent on the secondary containment configuration, and shall be one less than the number required to meet LCO, "Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) System," for the given configuration. the secondary containment ~----~----~~--~ can be maintained In accordance with

                          ~ 0.20 inch of vacuum water gauge ~                                    the Surveillance lseeaefiaey eeatajemeadfor 1 hour. at,;;

t ..;... a~ flo.;;.w _ ra..,...te_. Frequency Control s 4000 cfm !fOr eaeh st:!bS't'Stefij. Program using required SGT subsystem(s) per subsystem HATCH UNIT1 3.6-36 Amendment No. mmJ

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR normally I shal~~~ ~erformed However, th is surveillance may be performed to reestablish MODE 1 unplanned a:)C This Surveillance In 11owever, Cl@lq may be taken for 1nts that satis this SR. OPERABIL ITY provided an / assessmen t determines the safety of the plant is maintained Verify automatic and manual transfer of unit power In accordance with or enhanced . Credit supply from the normal offsite circuit to the the Surveillance alternate offsite circuit. Frequency Control Program I However, this surveillance may SR -1. NOTES r1normally This Surveillance shall not\fleperformed;.. - be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG. assessment determines the For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall safety of the plant is maintained not be performed In MODE 1 or 2 using the or enhanced. Unit 1 controls. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

2. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG rejects a load greater than or In accordance with equal to its associated single largest post-accident the Surveillance load, and: Frequency Control Program

a. Following load rejection, the frequency is s 65.5 Hz; and
b. Within 3 seconds following load rejection, the voltage is~ 3740 V and s 4580 V.

(contrnued) HATCH UNIT1 3.8-10 Amendment No . ~

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE rtnormally J FREQUENCY SR *------NOTES I - However, this surveillance may

1. This Surveillance shall not'te performed in be performed to reestablish MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG .* ~ OPERABILITY provided an For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall assessment determines the not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the safety of the plant is maintained Unit 1 controls. Credit may be taken for or enhanced.

unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

2. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG operating at a power factors 0.88 In accordance with does not trip and voltage is maintained s 4800 V the Surveillance during and following a load rejection of i!: 2n5 kW. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT1 3.8-11 Amendment No . ~

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) lTSTF-283 SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .9 --------- -----NO TES--- ----*----

1. AII OG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period. ~

~---""':':""-~-:-----....2. This Surveillance shall not~ oerformed in However, portions of the MODE 1, 2, or 3..Jn~*~*"* ..,,~~;.1may be surveillance may be performed to taken for unplaniJtJd events that satisfy this reestablish OPERABILITY SR. I provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced Verify on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with Credit power signal: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. De-energization of emergency buses; Program
b. Load shedding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads in~ 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected shutdown loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Maintains steady state voltage
                                                 ~ 3740 V and~ 4243 V,
4. Maintains steady state frequency
                                                 ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected shutdown loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-12 Amendment No .~

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I FREQUENCY SR ------------ NOTES

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period. ~

~---~----::~---....,2. This Surveillance shall not *e performed in However. portions of the MODE 1 or IHt)we*ter, ereflitP,ay be surveillance may be performed to take unp anned events that satisfy this reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Verify on an actual or simulated Emergency Core In accordance with Credit Cooling System (ECCS) initiation signal each DG the Surveillance auto-starts from standby condition and: Frequency Control Program

a. Ins 12 seconds after auto-start achieves voltage~ 3740 V, and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains voltage
                                          ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V;
b. In s 12 seconds after auto-start achieves frequency ~ 58.8 Hz, and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains frequency ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz; and
c. Operates for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT1 3.6-13 Amendment No 1.§§1

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) lTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY jTSTF-400 I SR normally I NOT ......,....----=---___,.,.,..--- - - - . This Surveillance shall not performed In However, this surveillance may MODE 1, 2, or 3'71, ... .... _,,~~may be taken be performed to reestablish for unplanned rents that satrSfYlhis SR. OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the / ~ safety of the plant is maintained Verify each DG's~om~ bypassed on In accordance with or enhanced. Credit actual or simulated Joss of voltage signal on the the Surveillance

                  ;..;.......;;;..;..:.~_ _ ___. emergency bus concurrent with an actual or          Frequency Control simulated ECCS initiation signallixseef$ ~          Program 1::      =.-*~*1                                             (continued)

HATCH UNIT1 3.8-14 Amendment No.lfii6

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued} jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .12 --------------- -NOTES----- ---------

1. Momentary transients outside the load and power factor r~nges do not Invalidate this test. normally I
2. This Surveillance shall not performed in MODE 1 or 2, unless the other two DGs However, this surveillance may are OPERABLE. either of the other two be performed to reestablish DGs becomes inop rable this surveillance OPERABILITY provided an shall be suspended. Credit may be taken assessment determines the for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced .
3. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
4. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG operating at a power factor s 0.88 In accordance with operates for C!: 24 hours: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. For C!: 2 hours loaded C!: 3000 kW; and Program
b. For the remaining hours of the test loaded C!: 2775 kW and s 2825 kW.

(contmued) HATCH UNIT1 3.8-15 Amendment No. ~


1. This Surveillance shall be performed within 5 minutes of shutting down the DG after the DG has operated ~ 2 hours loaded
                                         ~ 2565 kW. Momentary transients outside of load range do not invalidate this test.
2. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG starts and achieves, in In accordance with s 12 seconds, voltage ~ 3740 V and frequency the Surveillance

                                 ~ 58.8 Hz; and after steady state conditions are        Frequency Control reached, maintains voltage~ 3740 V and S4243 V          Program and frequency ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61 .2 Hz.
                                                           *c:r{normally I SR        -                     NOT This Surveillance shall not'te performed in However, this surveillance may    MODE 1, 2, or 3               ...,..,u,14may be taken be performed to reestablish       ~r unplanned ~nts that satisfy this SR.

OPERABI~ITY provided an / assessment determtnes the safety of the plant Is maintained Verify each DG: In accordance with or enhanced. Credit the Surveillance

a. Synchronizes with offsite power source Frequency Control while loaded with emergency loads upon a Program simulated restoration of offsite power;
b. Transfers loads to offsite power source; and
c. Returns to ready-to-load operation.

(conttnued) HATCH UNIT1 3.8-16 Amendment No.~

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR e .normally I This Surveillance sha~~:t ~erformed in However, po rtions of the MODE 1, 2, or 3.J '"'Y!'"'""" ~may be taken surveillance may be performed to for unplanned e_j@nts that satisfy this SR. reestablish 0 PERABILITY _/ provided an assessment Verify with a DG operating in test mode and In accordance with determines t he safety of the plant connected to its bus, an actual or simulated ECCS the Surveillance is maintained or enhanced. Initiation signal overrides the test mode by: Frequency Control Credit Program

a. Returning DG to ready-to-load operation; and
b. Automatically energizing the emergency load from offsite power.

SR 3.8.1 .16 ~normally I This Surveillance shai~~T. ePerformed in However, th is surveillance may MODE 1, 2, or a....................... ~WI 'I. may be taken be performe d to reestablish for unplanned r-snts that satisfy this SR. OPERABILI TY provided an _/ assessment determines the Verify interval between each sequenced load In accordance with safety of the plant is maintained block is within +/- 10% of design interval for each the Surveillance or enhanced Credit load sequence timing device. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-17 Amendment No.12661

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I FREQUENCY SR --------*----------NOTES-------------

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period . ~

.....-------,......._--------. 2. This Surveillance shall not'te oerforrned in However, portions of the MODE 1, 2, o . may be surveillance may be perfOrmed to taken planned events that satisfy this reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant Is maintained or enhanced. Verify, on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with LC_r_ ed_i_t ------------~ power signal in conjunction with an actual or the Surveillance simulated ECCS initiation signal: Frequency Control Program

a. De-energization of emergency buses;
b. Load shedding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads ins 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected emergency loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Achieves steady state voltage
                                                  ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Achieves steady state frequency
                                                  ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected emergency loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-18 Amendment No. 5I

DC Sources - Operating 3.8.4 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify each required battery charger supplies In accordance with

                                   ~  400 amps for station service subsystems, and       the Surveillance
                                   ~  100 amps for DG subsystems at ~ 129 V for          Frequency Control
                                   ~ 1 hour.                                             Program SR                                   NOTES
1. The modified performance discharge test in SR may be performed in lieu of the service test in SR
                                                                                 ,normally  I
2. This Surveillance shall not e performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3, exce~t for the swing DG However, po rtions of the b ~! 11owevet , crelijmay be taken for surveillance may be performed to 1 un nned events that satisfy this SR.

reestablish 0 PERABILITY provided an assessment

                                   -     /

determines th e safety of the plant Verify battery capacity Is adequate to supply, and In accordance with is maintained or enhanced. maintain in OPERABLE status. the required the Surveillance Credit emergency loads for the design duty cycle when Frequency Control subjected to a battery service test. Program (contmued) HATCH UNIT 1 Amendment No . ~

DC Sources - Oper~ting 3.8.4 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)



                                                                         /     normally SR                                            NOT~-            ----

This Surveillance shall not ue performed in tMkO~D~ED1 2mo~r~3, except for the swing DG battery.

                                       ~            2
  • may be taken for unplanned
                                 /'~vents that satisfy this SR.
                      ~                   Verify battery capacity   is~ 80% of the              In accordance with However, po~rt-.-

lo....Jn'- s- o..,., f t,.,- h-e ----wn~~~anufacturer's. rating when subjecte~ to a the Surveillance surveillance may be performed to performance d~scharge test or a modrfied Frequency Control reestablish OPERABILITY performance drscharge test. Program provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. 12 months when Credit battery shows degradation or has reached 85% of expected life with capacity < 100% of manufacturer's rating 24 months when battery has reached 85% of expected life with capacity ~ 100% of manufacturer's rating SR For required Unit 2 DC sources, the SRs of Unit 2 In accordance with Specification 3.8.4 are applicable. applicable SRs HATCH UNIT1 3.8-30 Amendment No . ~

Secondary Containment ITSTF-322 I FREQUENCY SR .4 ---------------NOT E------------- The number of SGT subsystem(s) required for this Sutveillance is dependent on the secondary containment configuration, and shall be one less than the number required to meet LCO, "Standby Gas Treatment {SGT) System," for the r.:-----:---"":""":~-~ given configuration. the secondary containment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - can be maintained In accordance with the Surveillance Frequency Control Program per subsystem HATCH UNIT2 3.6-35 Amendment No.~



lno=rm=a=lly=l._ _ SR - NOTe/ ~: This Surveillance shall notlle rformed in r:-H.,_o_w_e-ve-r-. ...,. th...,.is_s_u_rv_e...,.il,., m_a_y__, MODE 1 or ' may be taken for be performed to reestablish unplannedJ'ents that satisfy this SR. OPERABILITY provided an / assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained Verify automatic and manual transfer of unit power In accordance with or enhanced. Credit supply from the normal offsite circuit to the the Surveillance ~...--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____. alternate offsite circuit. Frequency Control Program SR ---------------------NOTES---......J.I ---!::-1~In=o=rm=a=lly=~l However, this surveillance may

1. This Surveillance shall not~ performed in be performed to reestablish MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG . *7f'- OPERABILITY provided an For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall assessment determines the not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the safety of the plant is maintained Unit 2 controls. Credit may be taken for or enhanced.

unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

2. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG rejects a load greater than or In accordance with equal to its associated single largest post-accident the Surveillance load, and: Frequency Control Program

a. Following load rejection, the frequency is s 65.5 Hz; and
b. Within 3 seconds following load rejection, the voltage is~ 3740 V and s 4580 V.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-10 Amendment No. m

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) SURVEILLANCE ,-{normally *1 FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .8 ---,---*-NOTES / However, this surveillance may

1. This Surveillance shall not'te performed in be performed to reestablish MODE 1 o~ 2, excep~ for the ~wing DG~~ ~ OPERABILITY provided an For the swmg DG, th1s Surveillance shall assessment determines the not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the safety of the plant is maintained Unit 2 controls. Credit may be taken for or enhanced unplanned events that satisfy this SR. a.;..;.....:.....:.;..:..:.....:..::....:..;;;;..
2. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG operating at a power factors 0.88 In accordance with does not trip and voltage is maintained s 4800 V the Surveillance during and following a load rejection of~ 2775 kW. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-11 Amendment No.lm]

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS _(continued). jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR --------------NOTES,--------------

1. AII DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period. ~

f":""':"'"---....,.,--~.,....,...-----.2* This Surveillance shall not~e oerformed in However, portions of this MODE 1, 2, or 3. Howeve1 c1edit may be surveillance may be performed to taken for unplanf}'ed events that satisfy this reestablish OPERABILITY SR. I provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant Is maintained or enhanced Verify on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with Credit power signal: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. De-energization of emergency buses; Program
b. Load shedding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads in s 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected shutdown loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Maintains steady state voltage
                                                     ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Maintains steady state frequency
                                                     ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected shutdown loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.6-12 Amendment No. ml

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I FREQUENCY SR NOTES

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period. ~

This Surveillance shall notl(;e performed ~------------~----~~------------~ However portions of the

2. in MODE 1 or , may be 1

surveillance may be performed to taken f planned events that satisfy reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced Verify on an actual or simulated Emergency Core In accordance with Credit Cooling System (ECCS) initiation signal each DG the Surveillance auto-starts from standby condition and: Frequency Control Program

a. In s 12 seconds after auto-start achieves voltage~ 3740 V, and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains voltage
                                          ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V;
b. In s 12 seconds after auto-start achieves frequency ~ 58.8 Hz, and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains frequency~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz; and
c. Operates for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-13 Amendment No. mJ

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) ITSTF-283 I I e. SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY ITSTF-400 SR normally

                                  - - - - - - N O T E'Mt-...:.=====:!.-- -

I r:-:----------- This Surveillance shall not oerformed in 1 However, this surveillance may MODE 1, 2, or 3.

  • may be taken be performed to reestablish for unplanned ~fits that satisfy this SR.

OPERABILITY provided an / ~on-critical assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained Verify each DG's tomatic trips are bypassed on In accordance with or enhanced. Credit actual or simulated loss of voltage signal on the the Surveillance _;__.-:..;.:_ _ ____j emergency bus concurrent with an actual or Frequency Control simulated ECCS initiation signal ~ Program 1:. ==**~m:endl (continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-14 Amendment No. m

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) lTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR ---------------NOTES-------------

1. Momentary transients outside the load and power factor ranges do not invalidate this test. ~
2. This Surveillance shall not'te performed in MODE 1 or 2, unless the other two DGs However, this surveillance may are OPERABLE. If either of the other two be performed to reestablish DGs becomes in arable, this Surveillance OPERABILITY provrded an shall be suspendecr. t;reatt may ne taKen assessment determines the for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. safety of the plant is maintainecl or enhanced.
3. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition , the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
4. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG operating at a power factors 0.88 In accordance with operates for~ 24 hours: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. For~ 2 hours loaded~ 3000 kW; and Program
b. For the remaining hours of the test loaded
                       ~ 2775 kW and s 2825 kW.

(contrnued) HATCHUNIT2 3.8-15 Amendment No. mJ

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .13 --------------NOTES-------------

1. This Surveillance shall be performed within 5 minutes of shutting down the DG after the DG has operated ~ 2 hours loaded
                                                  ~ 2565 kW. Momentary transients outside of load range do not invalidate this test.
2. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG starts and achieves, in In accordance with s 12 seconds, voltage~ 3740 V and frequency the Surveillance

                                          ~ 58.8 Hz; and after steady state conditions are        Frequency Control reached, maintains voltage ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V Program and frequency ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz.

SR - NOT~/ r-1normally I This Surveillance shall notltle performed in r:- H~o-w-e-ve-r~

          , t~

h:- is_s_ u_rv_ e-:;: 111:- a-nc _e_m _ -., MODE 1, 2, or 3. ay , ......w ..,may be taken be performed to reestablish for unplanned ~nts that satisfy t is SR. OPERABILITY provided an 1-----.J/ assessment determines the safety of the plant Is maintained Verify each DG~ In accordance with or enhanced. Credit the Surveillance

              - - - ' - - - - - - - J a.          Synchronizes with offsite power source          Frequency Control while loaded with emergency loads upon a        Program simulated restoration of offsite power;
b. Transfers loads to offslte power source; and
c. Returhs to ready-to-load operation.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-16 Amendment No . .m:m

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR --NOT~ r1normally I This Surveillance shall not e performed in However, portions of the ~ODE 1, 2, or 3..... , .lfnay be taken surveillance may be performed to or unplanned e~fits that satisfy this SR. reestablish OPERABILITY f-* F provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant Verify with a DG operating in test mode and In accordance with

                                    ~onnected to its bus, an actual or simulated ECCS      the Surveillance is maintained or enhanced .

Credit nitiation signal overrides the test mode by: Frequency Control Program

a. Returning DG to ready-to-load operation; and
b. Automatically energizing the emergency load from offsite power.

_J"-lnormally I SR NOT, This Surveillance shall notSC'e performed in However, this surveillance may MODE 1, 2, or 3 may betaken be performed to reestablish for unplanned ,Vents that satisfy this SR. OPERABILITY provided an / assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained Verify interval between each sequenced load block In accordance with is within+/- 10% of design interval for each load the Surveillance or enhanced. Credit sequence timing device. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT2 Amendment No. m

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS _(continued) jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR ----*-----------NOTES ------------------

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period. . r-tnormally 1

~---------~--~~------, 2. This Surveillance shall not'te_~rformed in However, portions of the MODE 1, 2, or 3. 11

  • may be surveillance may be performed to taken for unplanfjid events that satisfy this reestablish OPERABILITY SR. I provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced Verify, on an actual or simulated lass of offslte In accordance with Credit power signal in conjunction with an actual or the Surveillance

"------------------ ----..J simulated ECCS initiation signal: Frequency Control Program

a. De-energization of emergency buses;
b. Load shedding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads ins 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected emergency loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Achieves steady state voltage
                                                 ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Achieves steady state frequency
                                                 ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected emergency loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-18 Amendment No. fm]

DC'Sffilfces- Operatrng 3.8.4 ITSTF-283 FREQUENCY SR -------------I NOTES----- --------

1. The modified performance discharge test In SR may be performed in lieu of the service test In SR .-n-o-rm
                                                                                         - a.L.I-Iy...,

2, This Surveillance shall not e performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3 except for the swing DG However. portions of the battery.

  • may be taken for surveillance may be performed to un ed events that satisfy this SR.

reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant erify battery capacity is adequate to supply, and In accordance with is maintained or enhanced. maintain in OPERABLE status, the required the Surveillance Credit mergency loads for the design duty cycle when Frequency Control subjected to a battery service test. Program (continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-29 Amendment No. m

DC Sources - Operating 3.8.4 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify battery capacity is c: 80% of the In accordance with However, po-rtl,... o..... ns- of,_t.,... he- - - - .manufacturer's. rating when subjecte~ to a the Surveillance surveillance may be performed to performance discharge test or a modified Frequency Control reestablish OPERABILITY performance discharge test. Program provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced Credit 12 months when battery shows degradation or has reached 85% of expected life with capacity < 100% of manufacturer's rating 24 months when battery has reached 85% of expected life with capacity c: 100% of manufacturers rating SR For required Unit 1 DC sources, the SRs of Unit 1 In accordance with Specification 3.8.4 are applicable. applicable SRs HATCH UNIT2 3.8-30 Amendment No . ~

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Response to Request for Additional Information on Multiple Technical Specification Changes Enclosure 3 Revised Marked TS Bases Pages

P"'ClVs B BASES ITSTF-30 I for penetrations with a ITSTF-269 I ACTIONS C.1 and C.2 (continued)


_ __.. ,TSTF-323 I The Completion Time of 4 hours for PCIVs other than those In penetrations w~h a closed system and EFCVs Is reasonable considering the time required to isolate the penetration and the relative importance of supporting primary containment OPERABILITY In MODES 1, 2, and 3_ The closed system must meet the requirements of Reference 7. The Completion Time of once per 31 days for verifying each affected penetration is isolated is appropriate because the valves are operated under administrative controls and the probability of their misalignment is low. Condition C is modified by a Note indicating that this Condition is only applicable to penetration flow paths with only one PC IV. For penetration flow paths with two PCIVs, Conditions A and 8 provide the appropriate Required Actions. two notes. Note 1 Required Action C.2 is modified by applies to valves and blind flanges located in high radiation areas and allows them to be verified by use of administrative means. Allowing verification by administrative means is considered acceptable, since access to these areas is typically restricted. Therefore, the probability of misalignment of these valves, once the~ ave been verified to be In the proper INSERT - BASES position, is low. Action C With the MSIV leakage rate not within limit, the assumptions of the safety analysis may not be met. Therefore, the leakage must be restored to within limit within 4 hours. Restoration can be accomplished by isolating the penetration that caused the limit to be exceeded by use of one closed and de-activated automatic valve, closed manual valve, or blind flange. When a penetration is isolated, the leakage rate for the isolated penetration is assumed to be the actual pathway leakage through the isolation device. If two Isolation (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 8 3.6-20 REVISION (£] I

SuppresSion Pool Average Temperature B ITSTF-458-T j BASES ACTIONS C.1 (continued) Suppression pool average temperature is allowed to be > 1ooaF when any OPERABLE IRM channel is > 25/40 divisions of full scale on Range 7, and when testing that adds heat to the suppression pool is being performed. However, if temperature is> 105°F, all testing must be Immediately suspended to preserve the heat absorption capability of the suppression pool. With the testing suspended, Condition A is entered and the Required Actions and associated Completion Times are applicable. 0 .1. 0.2. and 0 .3 Suppression pool average temperature > 11 o*F requires that the reactor be shut down Immediately. This is accomQiished b lacin the reactor mode switch in the shutdown osition. F!jfther, eeeiEtewA

                      ~~~~~!!!!~~~~t.J. Additionally,                   when suppression pool temperature is> 110*F, increased monitoring of pool temperature is required ke eRs~:~re tt.at1t Femaitls s 12e*R. The once per 30 minute Completion Time is adequate, based on operating experience. Given the high suppression pool average temperature in this Condition, the monitoring Frequency is increased to twice that of Condition A.

Furthermore, the 30 minute Completion Time is considered adequate in view of other Indications available In the control room, Including alarms, to alert the operator to an abnormal suppression pool average temperature condition. ~ Additionally, the plant must be brought to a MODE in which the requirement does not apply. To achieve this E.1 aAEt c. 2 status, the plant must be brought to at least MODE 4 within 36 hours.

                       ~~~~~~~~~~~_,                         OUffi~~~~~~~~~~

ll&IIJ!:!!~~~~~~~::el!~* The allowed Completion limes-easonable, based on operating experience, to reach the required r=:-----::-,_~I.J~ conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manner and Without challenging plant systems. Continued addition of heat to the suppression pool with suppression pool temperature > 120*F could result in exceeding the design basis maximum allowable values for primary containment temperature or pressure. Furthermore, if a blowdown were to occur when the temperature was > 12o*F, the maximum allowable bulk and local temperatures could be exceeded very quickly. (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.6-50 REVISIONfEJ

Secondary Containment B ITSTF-322 I BASES ACTIONS C.1. C.2. and C.3 (continued) case, inability to suspend movement of irr~diated fuel assemblies would not be a sufficient reason to require a reactor shutdown. SURVEILLANCE SR and SR REQUIREMENTS Verifying that secondary containment equipment hatches and one access door in each access opening are closed ensures that the infiltration of outside air of such a magnitude as to prevent maintaining the desired negative pressure does not occur. Verifying that all such openings are closed provides adequate assurance that exfiltration from the secondary containment will not occur. SR also requires equipment hatches to be sealed. In this application, the term "sealed" has no connotation of leak tightness. Maintaining secondary containment OPERABILITY requires verifying one door in the access opening is closed. An access opening contains one Inner and one outer door. The Intent Is not to breach the secondary containment at any time when secondary containment is required. This is achieved by maintaining the inner or outer portion of the barrier closed at all times. However, all secondary containment access doors are normally kept closed, except when the access opening is being used for entry and exit or when maintenance is being performed on an access opening. When the secondary containment configuration excludes Zone I and/or Zone II, these SRs also include verifying the hatches and doors separating the common refueling floor zone from the reactor building(s). The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. ~~:ERT- BASES 3.6 4.1 ~ SR and SR fl1e t::f11it 1 a11d t:lnit 2 99=t= Systems e~hettst the seeeru:tery C:QR&ail::amaat atmospbara ta tba ea"i[OR&:DeRt tbtougb appcoptiate t.reetment eqt:til'ment. ~ enst:tre that ell fissien predt:tets ere treated, SR a.S.o4.1 .a *terifies that the epprepffate ss; System{!!} w.*ill FapiEtly eslaeJisl=t BR~ lfiBiRiaiR a RSiali\le p~SSI:I~ iR ~Re 69S9RBS~ CCIAteiRment. ;Ris is e8flfifffte~ ey aeffteAst~tiRg lhat U1e FBEtl:liree SB=I= el:lhs~eteFA(&} 'J'fill etFSW a9Wfl the seeeru1BI"f eerttei"me"t to ii1! 9.29 ineh af vaet:tt:tffi r,vateF gat:tge ifl !!i ~29 seeeAds {~a eeeeREI9 ef diesel genereter staftttfl af!d breaheF elesiRg tiffte is iReh:~Eie~ iR IRe 129 secend dra*,'f'de'Wfl time) . This eef!Aet ee aeeemplist:les if the secacda~¥ ccRtaicmaRt bgu~:~dal¥ i& R~ iR~'"" SR , V~ (continued} HATCH UNIT1 B 3.6-79 REVISION ~ I

INSERT- Bases SR The SGT System exhausts the secondary containment atmosphere to the environment through appropriate treatment equipment. The SGT System is designed to draw down pressure in the secondary containmentto ~0.20 inches of vacuum water gauge In~ 120 seconds and maintain pressure in the secondary containment at?. 0.20 inches of vacuum water gauge for 1 hour at a flow rate~ 4000 CFM per subsystem. To ensure that all fission products released to the secondary containment are treated, SR and SR verify that a pressure In the secondary containment that is Jess than the lowest postulated pressure external to the secondary containment boundary can rapidly be established and maintained. When the SGT System is operating as designed, the establishment and maintenance of secondary containment pressure cannot be accomplished if the secondary containment boundary is not Intact. Establishment of this pressure is confirmed by SR ,3, which demonstrates that the secondary containment can be drawn down to ?. 0.20 inches of vacuum water gauge in~ 120 seconds using the required SGT subsystem(s). SR demonstrates that the pressure in the secondary containment can be maintained?. 0.20 inches of vacuum water gauge for 1 hour using the required SGT subsystem(s) at a flow rate!:....4000 CFM per subsystem. The 1 hour test period allows secondary containment to be in thermal equilibrium at steady state conditions. The primary purpose of these SRs is to ensure secondary containment boundary integrity. The secondary purpose of these SRs is to ensure that the SGT subsystem(s) being tested function as designed. There Is a separate LCO with Surveillance Requirements which serves the primary purpose of ensuring OPERABILITY of the SGT System. The inoperability of the SGT System does not necessarily constitute a failure of these Surveillances relative to the secondary containment OPERABILITY.

Secondary Containment B 3.6.4 .1 ITSTF-322 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR and SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS de111onstrates tnat tne req~:~hed SSf stsbs~stem(s) c:en meintain

              ;z 0.20 lnctl Df vacoom water gaoge tor 1hDcr at a flow                                                   rate s ~ooo efm feF eael:t SGl e~:~bsy!MeFA. =l=he ~ l=lattF tes- peFiea alla\'16 seeenda,. eeAteinment to be in tl'lermel e~~ilibrit~m at steady state eonditions. Therefcre, these tvwo tests ere t2sed to ensttre secondary
  • r-o' ....... "
            ! ..........,...    .... , ** ................ 1 ....... .. *1*
                                                                     ~       ..... . .............. _ ........................ ...... 1 seRtaiRFASRl tests, Utey Reea Ret tie peFfeFFAed with eash SG+

s1:2bsystem. =fhe SSf st~bsyste111s are tested on a STASSEREB TEST BASIS, however, ro ensure that In addition to ttte requirements

               "~     ,,...

VI'"'-"'-" UoVo

                              ... "" ...                   ,..,...or
                                          .... , o;ogviO ........    ...UU""1""'""'      U l  "'VIOIUIIICIUUI
                                                                                                                      " ~

Ul . . . . U ...1"'"'111';1

                                        *"-:p ....... . JThe         number of SGT subsystems and the
               " 111 ..................

required combinations are dependent on the configuration of the secondary containment and are detailed in the Technical Requirements Manual (Ref. 3}. The Note to SR and SR specifies that the number of required SGT subsystems be one less than the number required to meet LCO, "Standby Gas Treatment (SGn System," for the given configuration. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. REFERENCES 1. FSAR, Subsection 14.4.3.

2. FSAR, Subsection 14.4.4.
3. Technical Requirements Manual, Section 8.0.
4. NRC No. 93-102, "Final Policy Statement on Technical Specification Improvements," July 23, 1993.

HATCH UNIT 1 8 3.6-80 REVISION (![] I

AC Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 BASES ITSTF-"283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that, during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this SR could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that could challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety sy~tem~ Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. / . I!NSERT 1 -BASES 3 B 1 1t -- -...J This Surveillance tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 2 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the un* swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within norma 11Y Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency Co I Program I for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for not performing the test while the unit is in MODE 1 or 2 does not have applicabilitY to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 1 Surveillance should n be performed with Unit 1 In MODE 1 or 2 and the Unit 2 test should t performed with Unit 2 In MODE 1 or 2. SR 3.8.1 .7 Each DG is provided with an engine overspeed trip to prevent damage to the engine. Recovery from the transient caused by the loss of a large load could cause diesel engine overspeed, which, if excessive, might result in a trip of the engine. This Surveillance demonstrates the DG load response characteristics and capability to reject the largest single load without exceeding predetermined voltage and frequency and while maintaining a specified margin to the overspeed trip. The largest single load for DGs 1A and 1C is a core spray pump at rated flow (1275 bhp). For DG 18, the largest single load is a residual heat removal service water pump at rated flow (1225 bhp). Ttlis Surveillance may be accomplished by: a) tripping the DG output breaker with the DG carrying greater than or equal to its associated single largest post-accident load while paralleled to offsite power or while solely supplying the bus, or b) tripping its associated single largest post-accident load with the DG solely supplying the bus. Although Plant Hatch Unit 1 is not committed to IEEE-387-1984 (Ref. 12), this SR is consistent with the IEEE-387-1984 requirement that states the load rejection test is acceptable if the Increase in diesel speed does not exceed 75% of the (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 83,8-24 REVISION~

INSERT 1- Bases 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance In MODE 1 or 2 Is further amplified to allow the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or on site system when they are tied together or operated independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1 or 2. Risk insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

AC Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 ITSTf-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS difference between synchronous speed and the overspeed trip setpoint, or 15% above synchronous speed, whichever is lower. For all DGs, this represents 65.5 Hz, equiv~lent to 75% of the difference between nominal speed and the overspeed trip setpoint. The voltage and frequency specified are consistent with the nominal range for the DG. SR corresponds to the maximum frequency excursion, while SR is the voltage to which the DG must recover following load rejection. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 Is that, during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this SR could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that could challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety systems redit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. INSERT 1 - BASES 3.8.1 .___ ___.~ In order to ensure that the DG is tested under load conditions that are as close to design basis conditions as possible, testing Is performed with only the DG providing power to the associated 4160 V ESF bus. The DG is not synchronized with offsite power. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Nate 2 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for bath units. This is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be considered inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit. SR This Surveillance demonstrates the DG capability to reject a full load without averspeed tripping or exceeding the predetermined voltage limits. The DG full load rejection may occur beaause of a system fault or inadvertent breaker tripping. This Surveillance ensures proper engine generator load response under the simulated test conditions. This test simul~tes the loss of the total connected load that the DG experiences following a full load rejection and verifies that the DG does not trip upon loss of the load. These acceptance criteria provide (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3-8-25 REVISIONi[)

A"C Sources - dpera{mg B 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS DG damage protection. While the DG Is not expected to experience this transient during an event, and continues to be available, this response ensures that the DG is not degraded for f\Jture application, including reconnection to the bus if the trip initiator can be corrected or isolated. In order to ensure that the DG is tested under load conditions that are as close to design basis conditions as possible, testing must be performed using a power factors 0.88. This power factor is chosen to be representative of the actual design basis inductive loading that the DG would experience. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR Is modified by three Notes. The reason for Note 1 is that during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this SR could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that would challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Not is provided in recognition that if the offsite electrical INSERT 1- BASES 3.8.1 power IS ution system is lightly loaded (i.e., system voltage Is high), It may not be possible to raise voltage without creating an overvoltage condition on the ESF bus. Therefore, to ensure the bus voltage, supplied ESF loads, and DG are not placed in an unsafe condition during this test, the power factor limit does not have to be met If grid voltage or ESF bus loading does not permit the power factor limit to be met when the DG Is tied to the grid. When this occurs, the power factor should be maintained as close to the limit as practicable. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 3 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for both units. This is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be considered inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit. (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.8-26 REVISION153

No change Included for information only. BASES SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS (continued) This Surveillance demonstrates the as designed operation of the standby power sources during loss of the offsite source and is consistent with Regulatory Guide 1,1 OB (Ref, 10), paragraph 2.a.(1 ). This test verifies all actions encountered from the loss of offsite power, including shedding of the nonessential loads and energization of the emergency buses and respectiVe loads from the DG. It further demonstrates the capability of the DG to automatically achieve the required voltage and frequency within the specified time. The DG auto-start time of 12 seconds is derived from requirements of the accident analysis for responding to a design basis large break LOCA. The Surveillance should be continued for a minimum of 5 minutes in order to demonstrate that all starting transients have decayed and stability has been achieved. The requirement to verify the connection and power supply of permanent and auto-connected loads is Intended to satisfactorily show the relationship of these loads to the DG loading logic. In certain circumstances, many of these loads cannot actually be connected or loaded without undue hardship or potential for undesired operation. For Instance, Emergenc;y Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) Injection valves are not desired to be stroked open, or systems are not capable of being operated at full flow~ or RHR systems performing a decay heat removal function are not desired to be realigned to the ECCS mode of operation. In lieu of actual demonstration of the connection and loading of these loads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the DG system to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence is verified. For the purpose of this testing, the DGs snail be started from standby conditions, that is, with the engine coolant and oil being continuously circulated and temperature maintained consistent with manuf~cturer recommendations. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR Is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 is to minimize wear and tear on the DGs during testing. The reason for Note 2 is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.8-27 REVISIONm

AC SourceS: Operating 83.8.1 BASES ITSTF-263 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems. Credit may be taken for unplanned INSERT 2 -BASES 3 8.1 events that satls this SR. T 1 Surveillance tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 2 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing bus. Consequently, a test m1.1st be performed within the Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for n performing the test while the unit Is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not hav. applicability to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents separate tes , the Unit 1 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 1 in M DE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 2 test sh ld not e performed with Unit In MODE 1, 2, or 3. SR 3.8.1 .10 This Surveillance demonstrates that the DG automatically starts and achieves the required voltage and frequency within the specified time (12 seconds) from the design basis actuation signal (LOCA signal) and operates for ~ 5 minutes. The 5 minute period provides sufficient time to demonstrate stability. The requirement to verify the connection and power supply of permanent and autoconnected loads is Intended to satisfactorily show the relationship of these loads to the loading logic for loading onto offsite power. In certain circumstances, many of these loads cannot actually be connected or loaded without undue hardship or potential for undesired operation. For Instance, ECCS injection valves are not desired to be stroked open, low pressure Injection systems are not capable of being operated at full flow, or RHR systems performing a decay heat removal function are not desired to be realigned to the ECCS mode of operation. lh lieu of actual demonstration of the connection and loading of these loads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the DG system to perform these functions Is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence is verified. For the purpose of this testing, the DGs must be started from standby conditions, that is, with the engine coolant and oil being continuously circulated and temperature maintained consistent with manufacturer recommendations. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.8-28 REVISION mE)

INSERT 2- Bases 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance In MODE 1, 2, or 3 Is further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or Incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or onsite system when they are tied together or operated independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety Is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. Risk insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

AC Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) ITSTF-400 I REQUIREMENTS with the expected fuel cycle iengths. The 24 month Frequency is I based on a review of the surveillance test history and Reference 15. This SR fs modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 is to minimize wear and tear on the DGs during testing. The reason for Note 2 is that during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this Surveillance could potentially cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that could challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety systems redit may be taken for un lanned events that satisfy this SR. This urvelllance t....,.....lii..4Ll~~ INSERT 3 - BASES 3.8.1 app ca e ogre assocrate Wit e nrt swrng bus. The normally comparable test specified In the Unit 2 Technical Specifi tions tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing s. Consequently, a test must be performed within the equency contained in the Surveillance Frequency Contr rogram for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for not performing the test r;:;n~orm~a~llyQ~w~h~ile~t~h~e unit Is in MODE 1 or 2 does not have applicability to Unit 2.

            ~                As the S eillance represents separate tests, the Unit 1 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1 or 2 and the Unit 2 test should n be performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1 or 2.

SR This Surveillance demonstrates that DG non-critical protective functions (e.g., high jacket water temperature) are bypassed on a loss of voltage signal concurrent with an ECCS initiation signallllfliA!ili!m-1 The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. The SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DG from (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.8-29 REVISIONfif]

INSERT 3- Bases 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance In MODE 1 or 21s further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or onsite system when they are tied together or operated independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety Is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1 or 2. Risk Insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

INSERT 4- Bases 3.8.1 jTSTF-400 I Non-critical automatic trips are all automatic trips except: a) engine overspeed, b) generator differential current, and c) low lube oil pressure.

AC Sources - Opera ing 83.8.1 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS INSERTS- BASES 3.8.1 service. redit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. This Surveillance tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 2 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed wittlin the Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no performing the test while the unit is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not h e applicability to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents separate te s, the Unit 1 Surveillance should n be performed with Unit 1 in ODE 1 or 2 and the Unit 2 test should t performed with Unit 2 I MODE 1, 2, or 3. Regulatory Guide 1.108 (Ref. 10), paragraph 2.a.(3), requires demonstration once per 24 months that the DGs can start and run continuously at full load capability for an interVal of not less than 24 hours. The first 22 hours of this test are performed at~ 2775 kW and s 2825 kW (which Is near the continuous rating of the DG), and the last 2 hours of this test are performed at i2: 3000 kW. This is in accordance with commitments described in FSAR Section 8.4 (Ref. 2). The DG starts for this Surveillance can be performed either from standby or hot conditions. Th~;~ provisions for prelube and warmup, and for gradual loading, discussed in SR, are applicable to this SR. In order to ensure that the DG is tested under load conditions that are as close to design conditions as possible, testing must be performed using a power factor s 0.88. This power factor is chosen to be representative of the actual design basis Inductive loading that the DG could experience. A load band is provided to avoid routine overloading of the DG. Routine overloading may result In more frequent teardown inspections in accordance with vendor recommendations in order to maintain DG OPERABILITY. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.8-30 REVISION~

INSERTS - Bases 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance in MODE 1, 2, or 3 Is further amplified to allow the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABIUTV (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or Incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety Is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or onsite system when they are tied together or operated Independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. Risk Insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

Sources - Operating 83.8.1 BASES ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS This Surveillance has been modified by four Notes. Note 1 states that momentary transients due to changing bus loads do not Invalidate this test. Similarly, momentary power factor transients above the limit do not invalidate the test. The reason for Note 2 is that during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this Surveillance could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that would challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety systems. However, it is acceptable to perform this SR in MODES 1 and 2 provided the other two DGs are OPERABL~. since a perturbation can only affect one divisional DG. If during the performance of this Surveillance, one of the other DGs becomes Inoperable, this Surveillance Is to be suspended. The Surveillance may not be performed in MODES 1 and 2 during Inclement weather and unstable grid condition Credit may be taken for unplanned INSERT 1- BASES 3 8 1 ev nts that satis this SR. ate 3 is provided in recognition that if the offsite electrical power distribution system is lightly loaded (i.e., system voltage is high), it may not be possible to raise voltage without creating an overvoltage conditfon on the ESF bus. Therefore, to ensure the bus voltage, supplied ESF loads, and DG are not placed in an unsafe condition during this test, the power factor limit does not have to be met if grid voltage or ESF bus loading does not permit the power factor limit to be met when the DG is tied to the grid. When this occurs, the power factor should be maintained as close to the limit as practicable. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 4 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for both units. This Is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be considered Inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit SR This Surveillance demonstrates that the diesel engine can restart from a hot condition, such as subsequent to shutdown from normal Surveillances, and achieve the required voltage and frequency within 12 secon.ds. The 12 second time Is derived from the requirements of the accident analysis to respond to a design basis large break LOCA. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 8 3.8-31 REVISION~

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:Kc-sources -O~ratmg 8 3.8.1 jTSTF~283 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by three Notes. Note 1 ensures that the test is performed with the diesel sufficiently hot. The requirement that the diesel has operated for at least 2 hours at near full load conditions prior to performance of this Surveillance is based on manufacturer recommendations for achieving hot conditions. Momentary transients due to changing bus loads do not Invalidate this test. Note 2 allows all DG starts to be preceded by an engine prelube period to minimize wear and tear on the d1esel during testing. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 3 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for both units. This is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by perfom'ling the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be considered Inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit. SR This Surveillance is consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.108 (Ref. 10), paragraph 2.a.(6), and ensures that the manual synchronization and automatic load transfer from the DG to the offsite source can be made and that the DG can be returned to ready-to-load status when offsite power is restored. It also ensures that the auto-start logic is reset to allow the DG to reload If a subsequent loss of offslte power occurs. The DG rs considered to be in ready-to-load status when the DG is at rated speed and voltage, the output breaker is open and can receive an auto-close signal on bus undervoltage, and the load sequence timers are reset. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note Is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety syste Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy INSERT 5 - BASES 3.6 1 this SR. Thi urveillance tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 2 Technical Specific~tions tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the {continued) HATCH UNIT 1 8 3.8-32 REVISIONliiJ

AC Sources -Operating 8 3.8.1 BASES jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency C trol Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no performing the test while the unit Is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have applicability to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 1 Surveillance should n be performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 2 test sh ld not performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3. norma 11y SR 3.8.1 .15 Demonstration of the test mode override ensures that the DG availability under accident conditions Is not compromised as the result of testing. Interlocks to the LOCA sensing circults cause the DG to automatically reset to ready-to-load operation if an ECCS initiation signal Is received during operation in the test mode. Ready-to-load operation is defined as the DG running at rated speed and voltage with the DG output breaker open. Although Plant Hatch Unit 1 is not committed to this standard, this SR is consistent with the provisions for automatic switchover required by IEEE-308 (Ref. 13), paragraph 6.2.6(2). The intent in the requirements associated with SR is to show that the emergency loading is not affected by the DG operation in test made. In lieu of actual demonstration of connection and loading of loads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the emergency loads to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence is verified . The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. This rveillance tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 sw* g bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 2 INSERT 2 - BASES 3.8.1 echnrca pacifications tests the applicable logic associated With the Unit 2 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the (continued) HATCH UNIT1 B 3.8-33 REVISION ~

AC Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 BASES ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS Frequency contained In the Surveillance Frequency trol Program for each unit The Note specifying the restriction for no performing the test while the unit is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have applicability to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 1 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 2 test sh ld not e performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3. SR Under accident conditions, loads are sequentially connected to the bus by the automatic load sequence timing devices. The sequencing logic controls the permissive and starting signals to motor breakers to prevent overloading of the DGs due to high motor starting currents. The 10% load sequence time interval tolerance ensures that sufficient time exists for the DG to restore frequency and voltage prior to applying the next load and that safety analysis assumptions regarding ESF equipment time delays are not violated. Reference 2 provides a summary of the automatic loading of ESF buses. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note Is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. normally INSERTS - BASES 3.8 .1 This Surveillance tests the applicable logic associ ed with the Unit 1 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the U 't 2 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated 'th the Unit 2 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed 'thin the Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency C trol Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no erforming the test while the unit is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have applicability to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 1 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 2 test sh d not e performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3. normally (continued) HATCH UNIT1 B 3.8-34 REVISION 9 ]

                                                                        -Ac-s ources- bperat*ng 8 3.8.1 BASES ITSTf-283 I SURVEILLANCE       SR REQUIREMENTS (continued)    In the event of a DBA coincident with a loss of offsite power, the DGs are required to supply the necessary power to ESF systems so that the fuel, RCS, and containment design limits are not exceeded.

This Surveillance demonstrates DG operation, as discussed in the Bases for SR, during a loss of offsite power actuation test signal in conjunction with an ECCS initiation signal. In lieu of ~ctual demonsttatlon of connection and loading of IQads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the DG system to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequenti~l. overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence is verified. Forthe purpose of this testing, the DGs must be started from standby conditions, that is, with the engine coolant and oil being continuously circulated and temperature maintained consistent with manufacturer recommendations. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 is to minimize wear and tear on the DGs during testing. The reason for Note 2 is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems redit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. 1 Surveillance tests the applicable INSERT 2 - BASES 3 8 1 Ia *tc associated with the lJ 1 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 2 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the Frequency contained in the Surieillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no performing the test while the unit is In MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have pplicabillty to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents sep rate tests, the Unit 1 Surveillance should not performed with nit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 2 tests n ~be perfor with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3.

                 ~            J'lormal SR This Surveillance demonstrates that the DG starting independence has not been compromised. Also, this Surveillance demonstrates that each engine can achieve proper speed within the specified time when the DGs are started simultaneously. For the purpose of this testing, (continued)


DC Sources - Operating 8 3.8.4 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS The modified performance discharge test is a simulated duty cycle consisting of just two rates: the 1 minute rate published for the battery or the largest current load of the duty cycle, followed by the test rate employed for the performance test, both of which envelope the duty cycle of the service test. Since the ampere-hours removed by a rated 1 minute discharge represent a very small portion of the battery capacity, the test rate can be changed to that for the performance test without compromising the results of the performance discharge test. The battery terminal voltage for the modified performance discharge test should remain above the minimum battery terminal voltage specified in the battery service test for the duration of time equal to that of the service test. A modified performance discharge test is a test of the battery capacity and its ability to provide a high rate, short duration load (usually the highest rate of the duty cycle) . This will often confirm the battery's ability to meet the critical period of the load duty cycle, in addition to determining its percentage of rated capacity. Initial conditions for the modified performance discharge test should be identical to those specified for a service discharge test. The reason for Note 2 Is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DC electrical power subsystem from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy the Su ance. The swing DG DC battery is exempted from this r riction, since it is required by both units' LCO 3.8.4 and cannot be performed in the manner required by the Note without resulting In a INSERT 1 - BASES 3.8.4 dual unit shutdown. SR A battery performance discharge test is a constant current capacity test to detect any change in the capacity determined by the acceptance test. Initial conditions consistent with IEEE-450 need to be met prior to the performing of a battery performance discharge test. The test results reflect the overall effects of usage and age, A battery modified performance discharge test is described In the Bases for SR Either the battery performance discharge test or the modified performance discharge test Is acceptable for satisfying SR; however, only the modified performance discharge test (continued) HATCH UNIT1 B3.8-60 REVISION[W I

DC Sources - Operating 8 3.8.4 BASES ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS may be used to satisfy SR, while satisfying the requirements of SR at the same time. The acceptance criteria for this Surveillance is consistent with IEEE-450 (Ref. 8) and IEEE-485 (Ref. 12). These references recommend that the battery be replaced if its capacity Is below 80% of the manufacturer's rating. Although there may be ample capacity, the battery rate of deterioration Is rapidly increasing. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DC electrical power subsystem from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy the Su illance. The swing DG DC battery is exempted from this restric n, since it is required by both unitsr LCO 3.8.4 and cannot be pe rmed in the manner required by the Note without resulting in a du unit shutdown. INSERT 1 - BASES 3.8.4 t------------~ SR Wrth the exception of this Surveillance, all other Surveillances of this Specification (SR through SR are applied only to the Unit 1 DC sources. Th!s Surveillance is provided to direct that the appropriate Surveillances for the required Unit 2 DC sources are governed by the Unit 2 Technical Specifications. Performance of the applicable Unit 2 Surveillances will satisfy both any Unit 2 requirements, as well as satisfying this Unit 1 SR. Ttte Frequency required by the applicable Unit 2 SR also govems performance of that SR for both Units. {continued) HATCH UNIT 1 8 3.8-61 REVISIONIBiJ

INSERT 1* Bases 3.8.4 This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance in MODE 1, 2, or 3 is further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABIUTY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety Is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or on site system when they are tied together or operated independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. Risk insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

PCIVs for penetrations with a 8 closed system BASES ACTIONS C.1 and C.2 (continued) The Completion Time of 4 hours for PCIVs other than those in penetrations with a closed system and EFCVs is reasonable considering the time required to isolate the penetration and the relative importance of supporting hours ~~son~onsR1enng' ' ~ primary containment the in ment to act as a penetra n isol

  • n bounda and the OPERABILITY in MODES 1, 2, sma pipe diameter of the affected netrations. In the event the lfor EFCVs I and 3. an ed penetration flow path Is iso ated in accordance with Required A ion C.1, the affected penetration ust be verified to be isolated on periodic basis. This Is necessary ensure that primary ontainment penetrations required to be isolated following an accident The closed system must are isolated.

meet the requirements of Reference 8. The Completion Time of once per 31 days for verifying each affected penetration is isolated is appropriate because the valves are operated under administrative controls and the probability of their misalignment is low. Condition C is modified by a Note indicating that this Condition is only applicable to penetration flow paths with only one PCIV. For penetration flaw paths with two PCIVs, Conditions A and B provide the appropriate Required Actions. two notes. Note 1 Required Action C.2 is modified by applies to valves and blind flanges located in high radiation areas and allows them to be verified by use of administrative means. Allowing verification by administrative means is considered acceptable, since access to these areas is typically restricted ifherefore, the probability of misalignment of these valves, once they ave been verified to be in the proper INSERT- BASES position, is low. Action C With the secondary containment bypass leakage rate or MSIV leakage rate not within limit, the assumptions of the safety analysis may not be met. Therefore, the leakage must be restored to within limit within 4 hours. Restoration can be accomplished by isolating the penetration that caused the limit to be exceeded by use of one closed and de-activated automatic valve, closed manual valve, or blind flange. When a penetration is isolated, the leakage rate for the Isolated penetration is assumed to be the actual pathway leakage (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.6-20 REVISION (£]

Suppression Pool Average Temperature B BASES ITSTF-458-T I ACTIONS (continued) Suppression pool average temperature is allowed to be > 100°F when any OPERABLE IRM channel is> 25/40 divisions of full scale on Range 7. and when testing that adds heat to the suppression pool is being performed. However, if temperature Is > 105°F, all testing must be immediately suspended to preserve the heat absorption capability of the suppression pool. Wrth the testing suspended, Condition A is entered and the Required Actions and associated Completion Times are applicable. 0.1. 0.2. and 0.3 Suppression pool average temperature > 11 0°F requires that the reactor be shut down immediately. This is accom *

  • the reactor mode switch in th s utdow o ion.
  • Additionally, when suppression pool temperature is > 11 0°F Increased monitoring of pool temperature Is 8.

required Je ~61::1'! lh~ it Fef!!Bif!s " 4299 The once per 30 minute I Completion iime IS aaequale, based on operating experience. Given the high suppression pool average temperature in this Condition, the monitoring Frequency is increased to twice that of Condition A. Furthermore, the 30 minute Completion Time is considered adequate in view of other Indications available in the control room, including alarms, to alert the operator to an abnormal suppression pool average temperature condition. ~ Additionally, the plant must be brought to a MODE in which the requirement does not apply. To achieve this E. 1 hRa e. 2 1 status, the plant must be brought to at least MODE 4

  • within 36 hours.

Continued addition of heat to the suppression pool with suppression pool temperature > 120°F could result in exceeding the design basis maximum allowable values for primary containment temperature or pressure. Furthermore, if a blowdown were to occur when the temperature was> 120°F, the maximum allowable bulk and local temperatures could be exceeded very quickly. (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.6-51 REVISION !irl l

                                                                      - secondary Containment 13 ITSTF-322 I BASES ACTIONS          C.1. C.2. and C.3 (continued) inability to suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies would not be a sufficient reason to require a reactor shutdown.

SURVEILLANCE SR 3.6.4. 1.1 and SR 3.6.4. 1.2 REQUIREMENTS Verifying that secondary containment equipment hatches and one access door In each access opening are closed ensures that the infiltration of outside air of such a magnitude as to prevent maintaining the desired negative pressure does not occur. Verifying that all such openings are closed provides adequate assurance that exflltration from the secondary containment will not occur. SR 3.6.4. 1.1 also requires equipment hatches to be sealed. In this application, the term "sealed" has no connotation of leak tightness. Maintaining secondary containment OPERABILITY requires verifying one door in the access opening is closed. An access opening contains one inner and one outer door. The intent is not to breach the secondary containment at any time when secondary containment is required. This is achieved by maintaining the inner or outer portion of the barrier closed at all times. However, all secondary containment access doors are normally kept closed, except when the access opening Is being used for entry and exit or when maintenance is being performed on an access opening. When the secondary containment configuration excludes Zone I and/or Zone II, these SRs also Include verifying the hatches and doors separating the common refueling floor zone from the reactor bullding(s). The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. ~~~ERT- BASES 3 6,4 1 (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.6-80 REVISIONt7i)

INSERT- Bases SR The SGT System exhausts the secondary containment atmosphere to the environment through appropriate treatment equipment. The SGT System is designed to draw down pressure in the secondary containment to ~0. 20 inches of vacuum water gauge in~ 120 seconds and maintain pressure In the secondary containment at~ 0.20 Inches of vacuum water gauge for 1 hour at a flow rate~ 4000 CFM per subsystem. To ensure that all fission products released to the secondary containment are treated, SR and SR ,4 verify that a pressure in the secondary containment tnat Is less than the lowest postulated pressure external to the secondary containment boundary can rapidly be established and maintained. When the SGT System is operating as designed, the establishment and maintenance of secondary containment pressure cannot be accomplished if the secondary containment boundary is not intact Establishment of this pressure is confirmed by SR, which demonstrates that the secondary containment can be drawn down to~ 0.20 Inches of vacuum water gauge in~ 120 seconds using the required SGT subsystem(s). SR demonstrates that the pressure in the secondary containment can be maintained ~ 0.20 inches of vacuum water gauge for t hour using the required SGT subsystem(s) at a flow rate 5._4000 CFM per subsystem. The 1 hour test period allows secondary containment to be in thermal equilibrium at steady state conditions. The primary purpose of these SRs is to ensure secondary containment boundary Integrity. The secondary purpose of these SRs Is to ensure that the SGT subsystem(s) being tested function as designed. There is a separate LCD with Surveillance Requirements which serves the primary purpose of ensuring OPERABILITY of the SGT System. The inoperability of the SGT System does not necessarily constitute a failure of these Surveillances relative to the secondary containment OPERABILITY.

Secondary Containment B jTSTF-322 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR and SR {continued) REQUIREMENTS ffiBiAtaiR i;!! 9.29 iAet:l ef 1jlael:fl:fFA 'l'olateF gaijge feF ~ l'tetu at a flew Fate

             !i 4999         efffi feF eaet:l SGT s1:18system. Tf:le 1 t:le1::1r test f)CAet:j allews
                                                          *. tn hc:o in         "'"ilih*i* '"' J:tt *** " dJ:ltA
                *-        .J,                 *                          &L


                                                -~-      _U
                                                                                                                     'I eeHtBiHmeHt eet:tFtSBfY iHtegrit)'. SiFiee these SRs are seeeHBBPf CDIItcliiU11e11t tests, tf18J 11eed IIDt be pe1fo1111ed witl1 eaCII SST swl;u;~s&aFR _ +Re SG+ swtls~s&eFRs aFe tested QR a S+AGGeRI5Q l'ES'f BASIS, however, to errsure llral irr addiliorr to tire requirerrrerrts
               .~  I r"'f" '2 Cl. A ' l      .-  .~  ~r:!.T       .~ *                 '     '     .~   .~    ,f, I
                                     '";..., ,c..,d The number of SGT subsystems and the I VYJII t-QIIUI requrred combinations are dependent on the configuration of the secondary containment and are detailed in the Technical Requirements Manual {Ref. 3). The Note to SR and SR specifies that the number of required SGT subsystems be one less than the number required to meet LCO, "Standby Gas Treatment {SGT) System," for the given configuration. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program.

REFERENCES 1. FSAR, Section 15.1.39.

2. FSAR, Section 15.1.41 .
3. Technical Requirements Manual, Section 8.0.
4. NRC No. 93-102, "Final Policy Statement on Technical Specification Improvements," July 23, 1993.


AC Sources - Operating 8 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that, during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this SR could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that could challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety 7 system s. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this normally !INSERT 1 -BASES 3.8 1 I SR. . This Surveillance tests the applicable logic associated wit the Unit 2 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 1 ~ chnical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated With t e Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently. a test must be performed wit n the Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency Co ol Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for not performing the test while the unit is in MODE 1 or 2 does not have applicability to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 2 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 2ln MODE 1 or 2 and the Unit 1 test should t e performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1 or 2. Each DG is provided with an engine overspeed trip to prevent damage to the engine. Recovery from the transient caused by the loss of a large load could cause diesel engine overspeed, which , if excessive, might result in a trip of the engine. This Surveillance demonstrates the DG load response characteristics and capability to reject the largest single load without exceeding predetermined voltage and frequency and while maintaining a specified margin to the overspeed trip. The largest single load for each DG Is a residual heat removal service water pump at rated flow (1225 bhp). This Surveillance may be accomplished by: a) tripping the DG output breaker with the DG carrying greater than or equal to its associated single largest post-accident load while paralleled to offsite power or while solely supplying the bus, or b) tripping its associated single largest post-accident load with the DG solely supplying the bus. Although Plant Hatch Unit 21s not committed to IEEE-387-1984, (Ref. 11), this SR Is consistent with the IEEE-387-1984 requirement that states the load rejection test is acceptable if the Increase in diesel speed does not exceed 75% of the difference between synchronous speed and the overspeed trip setpoint, or 15% above synchronous speed, whichever is lower. For all DGs, this represents 65.5 Hz, (continued) HATCH UNIT2 8 3.S,.24 REVISION 1m

INSERT 1- Bases 3.8.1 rrsTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance In MODE 1 or 2 is further amplified to allow the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or Incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety Is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or onslte system when they are tied together or operated Independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures ;;~vailable to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1 or 2. Risk insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

AC'SDurces-=-Operating B 3.8.1 BASES ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS equivalent to 75% of the difference between nominal speed and the overspeed trip setpoint. The voltage and frequency specified are consistent with the nominal range for the DG. SR 3.8.1 .7 .a corresponds to the maximum frequency excursion, while SR is the voltage to which the DG must recover following load rejection. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 is that, during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this SR could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that could challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. INSERT 1 -BASES 3.8.1 1 - - - - - - In order to ensure that the DG is tested under load conditions that are as close to design basis conditions as possible, testing is performed with only the DG providing power to the associated 4160 V ESF bus. The DG is not synchronized with offsite power. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 2 allows a single test (Instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for both units. This is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be coflsidered Inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit. SR 3.8.1 .8 This Surveillance demonstrates the DG capability to reject a full load without overspeed tripping or exceeding the predetermined voltage limits. The DG full load rejection may occur because of a system fault or inadvertent breaker tripping. This Surveillance ensures proper engine generator load response under the simulated test conditions. This test simulates the Joss of the total connected load that the DG experiences following a full load rejection and verifies that the DG does not trip upon loss of the load. These acceptance criteria provide (continued) HATCHUNIT2 B 3.8-25 REVISIONf!!j

AC Sources - Operating 83.8.1 BASES ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS DG damage protection. While the DG is not expected to experience this transient during an event, and continues to be available, this response ensures that the DG is not degraded for future application, including reconnection to the bus if the trip initiator can be corrected or isolated. In order to ensure that the DG is tested under load conditions that are as close to design basis conditions as possible, testing must be performed using a power factors 0.88. This power factor is chosen to be representative of the actual design basis inductive loading that the DG would experience. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by three Notes. The reason for Note 1 Is that during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this SR could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that would challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety systemS;r Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. No~ is provided In recognition that if the offsite electrical I~IN~S~E:!R~T~i!_:-~B~A~S~E~S~3~* ~* 8 1

![pmo~wleerrid[fiisSttrlrlbbution system is lightly loaded (i.e., system voltage Is high, It may not be possible to raise voltage without creating an overvoltage condition on the ESF bus. Therefore, to ensure the bus voltage, supplied ESF loads, and DG are not placed in an unsafe condition during this test, the power factor limit does nat have to be met if grid voltage or ESF bus loading does not permit the power factor limit to be met when the DG is tied to the grid. When this occurs, the power factor should be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.

To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 3 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for bath units. This Is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be cohsidered inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit (continued) HATCH UNIT 2. B 3.8-2.6 REVISION 1m]

AC Sources- Operating 8 3.8.1 No change. Included for information only. BASES SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS (continued) This Surveillance demonstrates the as designed operation of the standby power sources during loss ofthe offsite source and is consistent with Regulatory Guide 1.108 (Ref. 9), paragraph 2.a.(1). This test verifies all actions encountered from the loss of offsite power, including shedding of the nonessential loads and energization of the emergency buses and respective loads from the DG. It further demonstrates the capability of the DG to automatically achieve the required voltage and frequency within the specified time. The DG auto-start time of 12 seconds Is derived from requirements of the accident analysis for responding to a design basis large break LOCA. The Surveillance should be continued for a minimum of 5 minutes in order to demonstrate that all starting transients have decayed and stability has been achieved. The requirement to verify the connection and power supply of permanent and auto-connected loads is Intended to satisfactorily show the relationship of these loads to the OG loading logfc. In certain circumstances, many of these loads cannot actually be connected or loaded without undue hardship or potential for undesired operation. For Instance, Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) Injection valves are not desired to be stroked open, or systems are not capable of being operated at full flow, or RHR systems performing a decay heat removal function are not desired to be realigned to the ECCS mode of operation. In lieu of actual demonstration of the connection and loading of these loads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the DG system to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may Include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence Is verified. For the purpose of this testing, the OGs shall be started from standby conditions, that is, with the engine coolallt and oil being continuously circulated and temperature maintained consistent with manufacturer recommendations. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR Is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 Is to minimize wear and fear on the DGs during testing. The reason for Note 2 is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required (continued) HATCH UNIT2 8 3.8-27 REVISIOrtliJ

AC Sources - Operating 83.8.1 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. T 1 Surveillance tests the applicable INSERT 2 - BASES 3.8.1 logic associated w h the Unit 2 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 1 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the Frequency contained In the Surveillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for n performing the test while the unit is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not hav. applicabnlty to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate test , the Unit 2 Surveillance should n be performed with Unit 2 in M E 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 1 test sh ld not performed with Unit n MODE 1, 2, or 3. normally SR This Surveillance demonstrates that the DG automatically starts and achieves the required voltage and frequency within the specified time (12 seconds) from the design basis actuation signal (LOCA signal) and operates for~ 5 minutes. The 5 minute period provides sufficient time to demonstrate stability. The req~.tirement to verify the connection and power supply of permanent and autoconnected loads is intended to satisfactorily show the relationship of these loads to the loading logic for loading onto offsite power. In certain circumstances, many of these loads cannot actually be connected or loaded without undue hardship or potential for undesired operation. For instance, ECCS injection valves are not desired to be stroked open, low pressure Injection systems are not capable of being operated at full flow, or RHR systems performing a decay heat removal function are not desired to be realigned to the ECCS mode of operation. In lieu of actual demonstration of the connection and loading ofthese loads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the DG system to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence is verified. For the purpose of this testing, the DGs must be started from standby conditions, that is, with the engine coolant and oil being continuously circulated and temperature maintained consistent with manufacturer recommendations. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillan~ Frequency Control Program. (continued} HATCH UNIT2 B 3.8-28 REVISION~

INSERT Z- Bases 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance In MODE 1, 2, or 3 Is further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g. post worlt testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or Incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offslte or onsite system when they are tied together or operated independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. Risk insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

AC Sources - Operating 8 3.8.1 BASES ITSTF-283 I ITSTF-400 I SURVEILLANCE SR 0 (continued) REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 is to I minimize wear and tear on the DGs during testing. The reason for Note 2 is that during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this Surveillance could potentially cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that could challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant Credit may be taken for u satisfy this SR. This Surveillance tests the INSERT 3- BASES 3.8.1 applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 1 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the Frequency contained In the Surveillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no performing the test while the Unit is in MODE 1 or 2 does not hav pplicabillty to Unit 1. As the S eillance represents separate test , the Unit 2 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 2 in MO 1 or 2 and the Unit 1 test should n be performed with Unit 1 in ODE 1 or 2. normally This Surveillance demonstrates that DG non-critical protective functions (e.g., high jacket water temperature) are bypassed on a loss of volta e signal concurrent with an ECCS initiation si nalraRi~:i5Catl The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. The SR Is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DG from (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.8-29 REVISIONffi!l

INSERT 3- Bases 3.8.1

                                                                                             'ITSTF-283  I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance in MODE 1 or21s further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or on site system when they are tied together or operated Independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed In MODE 1 or 2. Risk insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

INSERT 4- Bases 3.8.1 ITSTF-400 I Non-critical automatic trips are all automatic trips except: a) engine overspeed, b) generator differential current, and c) low lube oil pressure.

AC- Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 BASES ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS INSERT 5 - BASES 3 8 1 service. redit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. This Surveillance tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 1 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no erforming the test while the unit is In MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not h applicability to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate test , the Unit 2 Surveillance should n be performed with Unit 2 in M E 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 1 test sh ld not e performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or 3. SR normally Regulatory Guide 1.108 (Ref. 9), paragraph 2.a.(3), requires demonstration once per 24 months that the DGs can start and run continuously at full load capability for an interval of not less than 24 hours. The first 22 hours of this test are performed at~ 2775 kW and s 2825 kW (which is near the continuous rating of the DG), and the last 2 hours of this test are performed at ~ 3000 kW. This is in accordance with commitments described In FSAR Section 8.3 {Ref. 2). The DG starts for this Surveillance can be performed either from standby or hot conditions. The provisions for prelube and warmup, and for gradual loading, discussed In SR, are applicable to this SR. In order to ensure that the DG is tested under load conditions that are as close to design conditions as possible, testing must be performed using a power factors 0.88. This power factor Is chosen to be representative of the actual design basis inductive loading that the DG could experience. A load band Is provided to avoid routine overloading of the DG. Routine overloading may result in more frequent teardown inspections in accordance with vendor recommendations in order to maintain DG OPERABILITY. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. {continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.8-30 REVISIONff!)

INSERT 5 - Bases 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance in MODE 1, 2, or 3 is further amplified to allow the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABIU'TV (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or Incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offslte or on site system when they are tied together or operated Independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. Ris~ insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

AC Sources - Opera ing B 3.8.1 ITSTF~83 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS This Surveillance has been modified by four Notes. Note 1 states that momentary transients due to changing bus loads do not invalidate this test. Similarly, momentary power factor transients above the limit do not invalidate the test. The reason for Note 2 is that during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this Surveillance could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that would challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety systems. However, it is acceptable to perform this SR in MODES 1 and 2 provided the other two DGs are OPERABLE, since a perturbation can only affect one divisional DG. If during the performance of this Surveillance, one of the other DGs becomes operable, this Surveillance is to be suspended. The surveillance may not be performed in MODES 1 and 2 during inclement weather and unstable grid condition Credit may be taken for unplanned riN:SEiRfT:"ID~~3.8':n -~e~v~en~ts~th!!a~t~sa~ti~*s!!lJt~h~ls~S~R~. ate 3 Is provided in recognition that if the INSERT 1 -BASES 3 *8-1 offslte electrical power distribution system Is lightly loaded (i.e., system voltage is high), it may not be possible to raise voltage without creating an overvoltage cQndition on the ESF bus. Therefore, to ensure the bus voltage, supplied ESF loads, and DG are not placed in an unsafe condition during this test, the power factor limit does not have to be met if grid voltage or ESF bus loading does not permit the power factor limit to be met when the DG is tied to the grid. When this occurs, the power factor should be maintained as close to the limit as practicable. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 4 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for both units. This is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG falls one of these Surveillances, the DG should be considered Inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit. SR This Surveillance demonstrates that the diesel engine can restart from a hot condition, such as subsequent to shutdown from normal Surveillances, and achieve the required voltage and frequency within 12 seconds. The 12 second time is derived from the requirements of the accident analysis to respond to a design basis large break LOCA. The 24 month Frequency is consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.108 (Ref. 9), paragraph 2.a.(5). The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.8-31 REVISIO~

AC Sources - O perating 8 3.8.1 jTSTF*283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS This SR Is modified by three Notes. Note 1 ensures that the test is performed with the diesel sufficiently hot. The requirement that the diesel has operated for at least 2 hours at near full load conditions prior to performance of this Surveillance is based on manufacturer recommendations for achieving hot conditions, Momentary transients due to changing bus loads do not invalidate this test. Note 2 allows all DG starts to be preceded by an engine prelube period to minimize wear and tear on the diesel during testing. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 3 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for both units. This is allowed sin~ the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be considered Inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit. SR This Surveillance is consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.108 (Ref. 9), paragraph 2.a.(6) and ensures that the manual synchronization and automatic load transfer from the DG to the offsite source can be made and that the DG can be returned to ready*to-load status when offslte power is restored. It also ensures that the auto-start logic is reset to allow the DG to reload if a subsequent loss of offslte power occurs. The DG is considered to be in ready-to-load status when the DG is at rated speed and voltage, the output breaker is open and can receive an auto-close signal on bus undervoltage, and the load sequence timers are reset. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR ls modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillanee would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Thi rveillance tests the applicable logic associated with INSERT 5 - BASES 3 8.1 e n t swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 1 Technical Specifications tests the ~pplicable logic associated With the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.8-32 REVISIONfl!l

AC Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequenc ntrol Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for n performing the test while the unit is In MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have applicability to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 2 Surveillance should n be performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 ahd the Unit 1 test sh ld not performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or3. norma 11 y SR Demonstration of the test mode override ensures that the DG availability under accident conditions is not compromised as the result of testing. Interlocks to the LOCA sensing circuits cause the DG to automatically reset to ready-to-load operation if an ECCS initiation signal is received during operation in the test mode. Ready-to-load operation is defined as the DG running at rated speed and voltage with the DG output breaker open. Although Plant Hatch Unit 2 Is not committed to this standard, this SR is consistent with the provisions for automatic switchover required by IEEE-308 (Ref. 12), paragraph 6.2.6(2). The Intent in the requirements associated with SR is to show that the emergency loading is not affected by the DG operation In test mode. In lieu of actual demonstration of connection and loading of loads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the emergency loads to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence is verified . The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. This urvelllance tests the applicable logic associated with INSERT 2 - BASES 3.8.1 the Unit 2 s g bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 1 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.8-33 REVISIONI:1m

AC Sources - Operating 8 3.8.1 ITSTF~283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency C trot Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no erforming the test while the unit Is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have applicability to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 2 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 1 test sh ld not e performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or3. SR Under accident conditions, loads are sequentially connected to the bus by the automatic load sequence timing devices. The sequencing logic controls the permissive and starting signals to motor breakers to prevent overloading of the DGs due to high motor starting currents. The 10% load sequence time Interval tolerance ensures that sufficient time exists for the DG to restore frequency and voltage prior to applying the next load and that safety analysis assumptions regarding ESF equipment time delays are not violated. Reference 2 provides a summary of the automatic loading of ESF buses. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR Is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system s. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy jiNSERT 5- BASES 3.8.1 this SR. 7 normally This Surveillance tests the applicable logic ass iated with the Unit 2 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the nit 1 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associat with the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performe within the Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency trol Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for n performing the test while the unit is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have applicability to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 2 Surveillance should no e performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 1 test sh d no e performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or 3. (continued) HATCH UNIT2 8 3.8-34 REVISIO~

AC Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 BASES jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS (continued) In the event of a DBA coincident with a loss of offsite power, the DGs are required to supply the necessary power to ESF systems so that the fuel, RCS, and containment design limits are not exceeded. This Surveillance demonstrates DG operation, as discussed in the Bases for SR, during a loss of offsite power ~ctuatlon test signal in tonjunctlon with an ECCS initiation signal. In lieu of actual demonstration of connection and loading of loads, testing that adequately shows the capablfity of the DG system to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence Is verified. For the purpose of this testing, the DGs must be started from standby conditions, that is, with the engine coolant and oil being continuously circulated and temperature maintained consistent with manufacturer recommendations. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 is to minimize wear and tear on the DGs during testing. The reason for Note 2 is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. s Surveillance tests the applicable INSERT 2 - BASES 3.8.1 Ia ic associated With the U t 2 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the nit 1 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the Frequency contained In the Surveillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no performing the test while the unit is In MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have pplicability to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, e Unit 2 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 2 in MOD 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 1 test sho d no e performed with Unit 1 in ODE 1, 2, or 3. normally SR This Surveillance demonstrates that the DG starting independence has not been compromised . Also, this Surveillance demonstrates that each engine can achieve proper speed within the specified time when the DGs are started simultaneously. For the purpose of this testing, (continued) HATCH UNIT2 8 3.8-35 REVISION[ffl

DC Sources - Operating B 3.8.4 BASES jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS The modified performance discharge test is a simulated duty cycle consisting of just two rates: the 1 minute rate published for the battery or the largest current load of the duty cycle, followed by the test rate employed for the performance test, both of which envelope the duty cycle of the service test. Since the ampere-hours removed by a rated 1 minute discharge represent a very small portion of the battery capacity, the test rate can be changed to that for the performance test without compromising the results of the performance discharge test. The battery terminal voltage for the modified performance discharge test should remain above the minimum battery terminal voltage specified in the battery service test for the duration of time equal to that of the service test. A modified performance discharge test is a test of the battery capacity and Its ability to provide a high rate, short duration load (usually the highest rate of the duty cycle). This will often confirm the battery's ability to meet the critical period of the load duty cycle, in addition to determining its percentage of rated capacity. Initial conditions for the modified performance discharge test should be identical to those specified for a service discharge test. The reason for Note 2 is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DC electrical power subsystem from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy the Su ance. The swing DG DC battery is exempted from this INSERT 1 - BASES 3.8.4 riction, since it Is required by both units' LCO 3.8.4 and cannot- be performed in the manner required by the Note without resulting in a dual unit shutdown. SR A battery performance discharge test is a constant current capacity test to detect any change in the capacity determined by the acceptance test. Initial conditions consistent with IEEE 450 need to be met prior to the performing of a battery performance discharge test. The test results reflect the overall effects of usage and age. A battery modified performance discharge test is described in the Bases for SR Either the battery performance discharge test or the modified performance discharge test is acceptable for satisfying SR; however, only the modified performance discharge test may be used to satisfy SR, while satisfying the requirements of SR at the same time. (continued) HATCH UNIT2 8 3.8-60 REVISION~ I

DC Sources - Operating 8 3.8.4 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS The acceptance criteria for this Surveillance is consistent with IEEE-450 (Ref. B) and IEEE-485 (Ref. 12). These references recommend that the battery be replaced if its capacity is below 80% of the manufacturer's rating. Although there may be ample capacity, the battery rate of deterioration is rapidly Increasing. The Surveillance Frequency Is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DC electrical power subsystem from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy the Su illance. The swing DG DC battery is exempted from this restr" ion, since it is required by both units' LCO 3.8.4 and cannot be rformed in the manner required by the Note without resulting in a uai unit shutdown. INSERT 1 - BASES 3.8.4 t---------- SR With the exception of this Surveillance, all other Surveillances of this Specification (SR through SR are applied only to the Unit 2 DC sources. This Surveillance is provided to direct that the appropriate Surveillances for the required Unit 1 DC sources are governed by the Unit 1 Technical Specifications. Performance of the applicable Unit 1 Surveillances will satisfy both any Unit 1 requirements, as well as satisfying this Unit 2 SR. The Frequency required by the applicable Unit 1 SR also governs performance of that SR for both Units. (continued) HATCH UNIT2 8 3.8--61 REVISION£m1

INSERT 1- Bases 3.8.4 This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance In MODE 1, 2, or 3 is further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABiliTY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, defident or Incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety Is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or onsite system when they are tied together or operated Independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety Is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed In MODE 1, 2, or 3. Risk Insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Response to Request for Additional Information on Multiple Technical Specification Changes Enclosure 4 Revised Clean TS Pages

Secondary Containment SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR ----------NOTE------------- The number of SGT subsystem(s) required for this Surveillance is dependent on the secondary containment configuration, and shall be one less than the number required to meet LCD, "Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) System," for the given configuration. Verify the secondary containment can be In accordance with maintained ~ 0.20 inch of vacuum water gauge the Surveillance for 1 hour using required SGT subsystem(s) at Frequency Control a flow rate s 4000 cfm per subsystem. Program HATCH UNIT 1 Amendment No

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR --NOTE This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify automatic and manual transfer of unit power In accordance with supply from the normal offsite circuit to the the Surveillance alternate offslte circuit. Frequency Control Program SR ---------NOTES---

1. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the Unit 1 controls.

Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

2. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG rejects a load greater than or In accordance with equal to its associated single largest post-accident the Surveillance load, and: Frequency Control Program

a. Following load rejection, the frequency is s 65.5 Hz: and
b. Within 3 seconds following load rejection, the voltage is ~ 3740 v and s 4580 V.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-10 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .8 ---------NOTES---------- 1 This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the Unit 1 controls. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

2. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG operating at a power factor s 0.88 In accordance with does not trlp and voltage is maintained s 4800 V the Surveillance during and following a load rejection of 2: 2775 kW. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-11 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8., FREQUENCY SR -NOTES----------

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

Verify on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with power signal: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. De-energization of emergency buses; Program b Load shedding from emergency buses; and c DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads in~ 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected shutdown loads through automatic load sequence timing devices, 3 Maintains steady state voltage
                            ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Maintains steady state frequency
                            ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected shutdown loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-12 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR --------------NOTES-------------

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

Verify on an actual or simulated Emergency Core In accordance with Cooling System (ECCS) Initiation signal each DG the Surveillance auto-starts from standby condition and: Frequency Control Program

a. Ins 12 seconds after auto-start achieves voltage~ 3740 V, and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains voltage
                    ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V;
b. Ins 12 seconds after auto-start achieves frequency ~ 58.8 Hz, and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains frequency 2 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz; and
c. Operates for 2 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .11 -----------NOTE--------- This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. In accordance With Verify each DG's non-critical automatic trips are the Surveillance bypassed on actual or simulated loss of voltage Frequency Control signal on the emergency bus concurrent with an Program actual or simulated ECCS initiation signal. (continUed) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-14 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR -NOTES----- 1 Momentary transients outside the load and power factor ranges do not invalidate this test.

2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2, unless the other two DGs are OPERABLE. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced . If either of the other two DGs becomes inoperable, this surveillance shall be suspended.

Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

3. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit Is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
4. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG operating at a power factor s 0.88 In accordance with operates for 2! 24 hours: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. For ~ 2 hours loaded ~ 3000 kW; and Program
b. For the remaining hours of the test loaded
                    ~  2775 kW and s 2825 kW.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-15 Amendment No.

A"'C-Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR --------------NOTES

1. This Surveillance shall be performed within 5 minutes of shutting down the DG after the DG has operated~ 2 hours loaded
                    ~ 2565 kW. Momentary transients outside of load range do not invalidate this test.
2. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG starts and achieves, in In accordance with

            ~  12 seconds, voltage~ 3740 V and frequency           the Surveillance
            ~  58.8 Hz; and after steady state conditions are      Frequency Control reached, maintains voltage~ 3740 V and s 4243 V        Program and frequency~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz SR          *----NOTE This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provide an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

Verify each DG: In accordance with the Surveillance

a. Synchronizes witt! offs1te power source Frequency Control while loaded with emergency loads upon a Program simulated restoration of offsite power;
b. Transfers loads to offsite power source; and
c. Returns to ready-to-load operation (continued)

HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-16 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR ---NOTE This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. In accordance with Verify with a DG operating in test mode and the Surveillance connected to its bus, an actual or simulated ECCS Frequency Control initiation signal overrides the test mode by: Program

a. Returning DG to ready-to-load operation; and
b. Automatically energizing the emergency load from offsite power.

SR -NOTE This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1. 2, or 3. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify interval between each sequenced load In accordance with block is within +/- 10% of design interval for each the Surveillance load sequence timing device. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3 B-11 Amendment No

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR -NOTES-- ---

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

Verify, on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with power signal in conjunction with an actual or the Surveillance simulated ECCS initiation signal: Frequency Control Program

a. De-energization of emergency buses;
b. Load shedding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads in s 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected emergency loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Achieves steady state voltage 2:3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Achieves steady state frequency 2: 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected emergency loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-18 Amendment No.

DC Sources - Operating 3.8.4 FREQUENCY SR 3.8.4 ,6 Verify each required battery charger supplies In accordance with

            ~  400 amps for station service subsystems, and      the Surveillance
            ~  100 amps for DG subsystems at ~ 129 V for         Frequency Control
            ~ 1 hour.                                            Program SR 3.8.4 .7            *----NOTES-----*---

1 The modified performance discharge test in SR may be performed in lieu of the service test in SR

2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed In MODE 1, 2, or 3, except for the swing DG battery. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provlded an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit In accordance with may be taken for unplanned events that the Surveillance satisfy this SR. Frequency Control Program Verify battery capacity is adequate to supply, and maintain in OPERABLE status, the required emergency loads for the design duty cycle when subjected to a battery service test.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-29 Amendment No.

DC Sources - Operating 3.8.4 FREQUENCY SR -----NOTE This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3, except for the swing DG battery. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILiTY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. In accordance with the Surveillance Frequency Control Verify battery capacity is ~ 80% of the Program manufacturer's rating when subjected to a performance discharge t~st or a modified performance discharge test. 12 months when battery shows degradation or has reached 85% of expected life with capacity < 100% of manufacturer's rating 24 months when battery has reached 85% of expected life with capacity ::: 100% of manufacturer's rating SR For required Unit 2 DC sources, the SRs of Unit 2 In accordance with Specification 3.8.4 are applicable. applicable SRs HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-30 Amendment No.

Secondary Containment 3.6.4 .1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR ----- NOTE---------- The number of SGT subsystem(s) required for this Surveillance is dependent on the secondary containment configuration, and shall be one less than the number required to meet LCO, "Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) System," for the given configuration. Verify the secondary containment can be In accordance with maintained ~ 0.20 inch of vacuum water gauge the Surveillance for 1 hour using required SGT subsystem(s) at Frequency Control a flow rate s 4000 cfm per subsystem. Program HATCH UNIT 2 3.6-35 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .6 ----------NOTE ----- This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify automatic and manual transfer of unit power In accordance with supply from the normal offsite circuit to the the Surveillance alternate offsite circuit. Frequency Control Program SR --------NOTES---------

1. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the Unit 2 controls.

Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

2. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG rejects a load greater than or In accordance with equal to its associated single largest post-accident the Surveillance load, and: Frequency Control Program

a. Following load rejection, the frequency is s 65.5 Hz: and
b. Within 3 seconds following load rejection, the voltage is 2 3740 V and s 4580 V.

(continued) H.ATCH UNIT 2 3.8-10 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR -------------NOTES ------

1. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the Unit 2 controls.

Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. 2 If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.

3. For the swing DG, a single test at the In accordance with specified Frequency will satisfy this the Surveillance Surveillance for both units. Frequency Control
           ------                                                Program Verify each DG operating at a power factor s 0.88 does not trip and voltage is maintained s 4800 V during and following a load rejection of~ 2775 kW.

{continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-11 Amendment No

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR -NOTES-

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, portions of this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

Verify on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with power signal: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. De-energization of emergency buses; Program
b. Load kdding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads ins 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected shutdown loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Maintains steady state voltage
                            ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Maintains steady state frequency
                            ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected shutdown loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 2 3.8-12 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8 ,1 FREQUENCY SR -------------NOTES--

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2. However.

portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify on an actual or simulated Emergency Core In accordance with Cooling System (ECCS) initiation signal each DG the Surveillance auto-starts from standby condition and: Frequency Control Program

a. Ins 12 seconds after auto-start achieves voltage 2: 3740 V, and after steady state conditions are reached. maintains voltage 2:3740 V and s 4243 V;
b. Ins 12 seconds after auto-start achieves frequency 2: 58.8 Hz. and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains frequency 2: 58 .8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz; and
c. Operates for 2: 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-13 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR --------NOTE------------ This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPE;RABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify each DG's non-critical automatic trips are in accordance with bypassed on actual or simulated loss of voltage the Surveillance signal on the emergency bus concurrent with an Frequency Control actual or simulated ECCS initiation signal. Program (continued) HATCH UNIT 2 3.8-14 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3 8 .1 FREQUENCY SR ----NOTES----------

1. Momentary transients outside the load and power factor ranges do not invalidate this test.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2, unless the other two DGs are OPERABLE. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. If either of the other two DGs becomes inoperable, this Surveillance shall be suspended.

Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

3. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.

4 For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units. Verify each DG operating at a power factor s 0.88 In accordance with operates for ~ 24 hours: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. For~ 2 hours loaded 2:3000 kW; and Program
b. For the remaining hours of the test loaded 2: 2775 kW and s 2825 kW.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8 1 FREQUENCY SR NOTES-----------

1. This Surveillance shall be performed within 5 minutes of shutting down the DG after the DG has operated ~ 2 hours loaded
                     ~ 2565 kW. Momentary transients outside of load range do not invalidate this test.

2 All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.

3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG starts and achieves, in In accordance with s 12 seconds, voltage~ 3740 V and frequency the Surveillance

             ~ 58.8 Hz; and after steady state conditions are      Frequency Control reached, maintains voltage~ 3740 V and s 4243 V       Program and frequency ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz.

SR 3.8 .1.14 --------NOTE---- This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify each DG:

a. Synchronizes with offsite power source In accordance with while loaded with emergency loads upon a the Surveillance simulated restoration of offsite power; Frequency Control Program b Transfers loads to offsite power source; and
c. Returns to ready-to-load operation.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-16 Amendment No

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR ---NOTE.---* This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. In accordance with Verify with a DG operating in test mode and the Surveillance connected to its bus, an actual or simulated ECCS Frequency Control initiation signal overrides the test mode by: Program

a. Returning DG to ready-to-load operation; and
b. Automatically energizing the emergency load from offsite power.

SR -NOTE------------ This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify interval between each sequenced load block In accordance with is within+/- 10% of design interval for each load the Surveillance sequence timing device. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT2 3 8-17 Amendment No

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR --------NOTES------- 1, All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period .

2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

Verify, on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with power signal in conjunction with an actual or the Surveillance simulated ECCS initiation signal: Frequency Control Program

a. De-energization of emergency buses;
b. Load shedding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and :
1. Energizes permanently connected loads ins 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected emergency loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Achieves steady state voltage
                            ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Achieves steady state frequency
                            ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected emergency loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-18 Amendment No.


1. The modified performance discharge test in SR may be performed in lieu of the service test in SR 3.8.4. 7.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3, except for the swing DG battery. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit In accordance with may be taken for unplanned events that the Surveillance satisfy this SR. Frequency Control Program Verify battery capacity is adequate to supply, and maintain in OPERABLE status, the required emergency loads for the design duty cycle when subjected to a battery service test.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-29 Amendment No.

DC Sources - Operating 3.8.4 FREQUENCY SR --NOTE--------- This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3, except for the swing DG battery. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. In accordance with the Surveillance Frequency Control Verify battery capacity is~ 80% of the Program manufacturer's rating when subjected to a performance discharge test or a modified performance discharge test. 12 months when battery shows degradation or has reached 85% of expected life with capacity < 100% of manufacturer's rating 24 months when battery has reached 85% of expected life with capacity ~ 100% of manufacturer's rating SR For required Unit 1 DC sources, the SRs of Unit 1 In accordance with Specification 3.8.4 are applicable . applicable SRs HATCH UNIT 2 3 8-30 Amendment No.

Charles R. Pierce Southern Nuclear Regulatory Affairs Director Operating Company, Inc. 40 Inverness Center Parkway Post Off1ce Box 1295 Birmingham, AL 35201 Tel 205.992.7872 ' SOUTHERN A Fax 205.992.7601 COMPANY Docket Nos.: 50-321 NL-15-0704 50-366 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Response to Request for Additional Information on Multiple Technical Specification Changes Ladies and Gentlemen: By letter dated October 10, 2014 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML14288A226), Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) submitted a license amendment request for the Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, to adopt various previously approved Technical Specifications Task Force Travelers. In order to continue the review, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff (NRC) requested additional information as discussed in letter dated March 27, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15077A526}. Enclosure 1 contains the SNC response to the NRC request for additional information (RAis). Enclosures 2 and 3 contain revised marked Technical Specification (TS} and TS Bases changes, respectively, required as a result of the SNC response to the NRC RAis. Enclosure 4 contains the corresponding revised clean TS pages. The pages in Enclosures 2 - 4 are a direct replacement for the equivalent pages provided in the October 10, 2014 letter. This letter contains no NRC commitments. If you have any questions, please contact Ken McElroy at (205) 992-7369.

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissi on NL-15-0704 Page2 Mr. C. R. Pierce states he is Regulator y Affairs Director of Southern Nuclear Operating Company, is authorized to execute this oath on behalf of Southern Nuclear Operating Company and, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the facts set forth in this letter are true. Respectfully submitted, Cfi. ~ C. R. Pierce Regulatory Affairs Director CRP/RMJ Sworn to and subsc

  • ed before me this..!:}___ day of...:/Y1.....Jro.;~==.4----' 2015.
                   .             ;t My commission expires:         /0- Z- Zo 11


1. SNC Response to NRC RAis
2. Revised Marked TS Pages
3. Revised Marked TS Bases Pages
4. Revised Clean TS Pages cc: Southern Nuclear Operating Company Mr. S. E. Kuczynski, Chairman , President & CEO Mr. D. G. Bost, Executive Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer Mr. D. R. Vineyard, Vice Presiden t- Hatch Mr. M.D. Meier. Vice Presiden t- Regulatory Affairs Mr. D. R. Madison, Vice Presiden t- Fleet Operation s Mr. 8. J. Adams, Vice Presiden t- Engineering Mr. G. L. Johnson, Regulator y Affairs Manager- Hatch RType: CHA02.00 4 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. V. M. McCree, Regional Administra tor Mr. R. E. Martin, NRR Senior Project Manager - Hatch Mr. D. H. Hardage, Senior Resident Inspecto r- Hatch State of Georgia Mr. J. H. Turner, Director- Environmental Protection Division

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Response to Request for Additional Information on Multiple Technical Specification Changes Enclosure 1 SNC Response to NRC RAis to NL-15-0704 SNC Response to NRC RAis

1. RAI3.6.1-1 for TSTF-30, and TS and Bases:

To explain the difference between TSTF-30-A requirements and the proposed changes to Hatch TS and its associated Bases, the licensee states that:

   " ... the Hatch Technical Specifications provide a separate Action (Condition D) for penetration flow paths with leakage not within limit with a Completion Time of 4 hours. As a result, a penetration flow path with an inoperable PCIV due to leakage not within limit will continue to have a 4-hour Completion Time instead of the 72 hour Completion Time provided in TSTF-30-A.
   ... Additional text is added to the Bases forTS, Condition C, describing the 4 hour Completion Time for inoperable PCIVs in penetrations [other than those associated] with a closed system and excess flow check valves (EFCVs)."

The staff's understanding of the above statement is that for Hatch, there are penetrations with one PC IV other than those associated with closed systems and EFCVs, and the 4-hour completion time (CT) is retained for these cases. Further, an inoperable PC IV, due to leakage not within limit, will fall under the existing Action 0.1, not under the revised Action C.1. The staff requests that the licensee provide examples of cases where the 4-hour CT would be applicable. The staff needs this information to ensure correct implementation of TSTF-30-A requirements. SNC Response to NRC RAI: The requirement for inoperable PCIVs due to leakage not within limit is not changing per this amendment request, and will continue to fall under the existing conditions. HNP Unit 1 and Unit 2 each have several penetration flow paths with one PCIV that are not associated with a closed system or an EFCV. Unit 1 Penetration 270 contains a process flow line for a Drywell Pressure instrument. Its inboard isolation device is an orifice on the sensing line in close proximity to the process line and its outboard barrier is a PCIV, specifically a globe valve. Reg Guide 1.11, "Instrument Lines Penetrating the Primary Reactor Containment, deems this as an acceptable alternative to having a double isolation valve arrangement. In fact, there are several cases of this in the Unit 1 primary containment as well as in the Unit 2 containment. For example, penetrations 206B and 206A, on Unit 1 and Unit 2 respectively, each contain process flow paths for torus water level instruments which are protected by an orifice and a single PCIV. These type lines (instrument lines with an orifice in the sensing line) are the primary type of penetration that would fall within the guidelines of LCO Condition 3.6.3.C and would thus have the 4 hour CT. Action C would apply except in the case of leakage not within limits. There are no changes proposed to Action; it would continue to apply to the appropriate penetrations with leakage not within limits. E1-1 to NL-15-0704 SNC Response to NRC RAis Another example of a penetration with one PCIV is the Traversing In-Core Probe (TIP) Nitrogen Purge line, penetrations 35E for both Unit 1 and Unit 2. These penetrations contain the TIP Nitrogen purge lines for the system and are protected by a single isolation valve.

2. RAJ 3.6.1-2 for TSTF-30 and Bases

In Enclosure 3 of the application, the licensee provides a copy of applicable marked-up TS Bases pages. The staff noted the following:

1. On Page B 3.6-20, Discussion C, the phrase "and the relative importance of supporting primary containment OPERABILITY during MODES 1, 2, and 3" is not needed to justify the CT of "72 hours" for PCIV in closed system.
2. On Page B 3.6-27 (Unit 2), "FSAR, Section 3.1" is added as Reference 8.

This added reference is different from a similar proposed change provided on Page B 3.6-26 (Unit 1) which states "7. FSAR, Section"

3. On Page B (Unit 1), "Unit 2 FSAR, Section 15.3" is listed as Reference 1. Should an equivalent FSAR section for Unit 1 be used for this reference in the Unit 1 TS Bases?

The staff requests that the licensee address the above noted observations. The staff requests this information to ascertain that the supporting discussions in the TS Bases reflect the system design as described in the FSAR. SNC Response to NRC RAJ: The SNC response to each of the three sub-questions is listed below:

1. This change has been incorporated into the revised TS Bases markup.

See Enclosure 3 for the revised pages.

2. The revised TS Bases for Condition C state that the closed system must meet the requirements of Reference 7 (Unit 1) I 8 (Unit 2). Unit 1 Reference 7 refers to Section of the FSAR. Chapter 5 of the Unit 1 FSAR is titled "Containment Systems", and section of the Unit 1 FSAR lists General Criteria for PCIVs. The Unit 2 FSAR does not have a similar FSAR Chapter for containment systems. Section 3.1 of the Unit 2 FSAR describes the Appendix A to Part 50 General Design Criteria (GDC), and how they are met. (Unit 1 received its construction permit prior to the issuance of the current GDC.) Applicable criterion discussed in Section 3.1 of the Unit 2 FSAR applicable to this TS Bases change include GDC Criterion 54, Piping Systems Penetrating Containment, Criterion 55, Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Penetrating Containment, Criterion 56, Primary Containment Isolation, and Criterion 57, Closed System Isolation Valves.

E1-2 to NL-15-0704 SNC Response to NRC RAis

3. The Unit 2 Chapter 15 FSAR Safety Analysis is applicable to both Unit 1 and Unit 2. The Unit 1 Safety Analysis Chapter, Chapter 14, simply states "See HNP-2-FSAR chapter 15, Safety Analysis."
3. RAI 3.6.2-1 for TSTF-458 and Bases B3.6.2.1:

TS Conditions D and F are revised to clarify the intent of TS requirements. The staff noted the following editorial errors in the Bases discussion of the revised Conditions D and F:

1. In the discussion of Actions 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3, the third sentence is no longer applicable. This sentence should be removed.
2. In the heading, "E.2" is no longer applicable.

SNC Response to NRC RAI: The SNC response to each of the two sub-questions is listed below:

1. This change has been incorporated into the revised TS Bases markup.

See Enclosure 3 for the revised pages.

2. This change has been incorporated into the revised TS Bases markup.

See Enclosure 3 for the revised pages.

4. RAI3.6.4-1 for TSTF-322, and SR and Bases:

SRs and are revised to clarify the intent of the secondary containment pressure draw down test requirements. The staff noted the following oversight in the revised SR Due to the unique secondary containment configuration supported by standby gas treatment (SGT) subsystems in both Hatch, Units 1 & 2, the phrase "for each subsystem" after"< 4000 CFM" should be replaced with "per subsystem" instead of being deleted. The staff requests that the licensee address this oversight, and adjust the associated changes to the TS bases, as appropriate. SNC Response to NRC RAI: This change has been incorporated into the revised TS and TS Bases markup. See Enclosures 2 - 4 for the revised pages.

5. RAI 3.6.4-2 for TSTF-322 and Bases B3.6.4.1:

In Enclosure 3 of the application, the licensee provides a copy of applicable marked-up TS Bases pages. The staff noted the following: E1-3 to NL-15-0704 SNC Response to NRC RAis On Page B3.6-79, in the replacement insert for discussions of SR and SR, the sentence "The SGT subsystem(s) used for these Surveillances are staggered to ensure that in addition to the requirements of LCO, the required SGT subsystem(s) will perform this test," needs further explanation clarifying the discussion on 'staggered test,' particularly since the definition has been removed with implementation of the surveillance frequency control program (SFCP). The staff requests that the licensee address this inconsistency in the Hatch TS Bases. SNC Response to NRC RAI: The TS Bases discussion for SR and SR has been revised to be consistent with the Standard Technical Specification Bases Revision 4.0 forGE BWR/4 plants (NUREG-1433 Volume 2) regarding the discussion on staggered test. The current TS Bases state The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program" at the end of this discussion. The Hatch Surveillance Frequency Control Program defines the term "STAGGERED TEST BASIS" and provides the Bases for the frequency of SR and SR See Enclosure 3 for the revised pages.

6. RAI3.8.1-1 for TSTF-283, and TS 3.8.1 and Bases:

TSTF-283 uses two sets of inserts for the TS and Bases for surveillance notes. One set is for when a full surveillance is used to reestablish operability and the other when portions of surveillance can be used to reestablish* operability. In adopting TSTF-283 the applicant made the following changes in the application of the notes without explaining the changes.

1. In both sets of inserts to the TS surveillances, the applicant replaced the word "reestablish" with "establish." The inserts for the associated Bases discussions retain the word "reestablish." Request the applicant make the inserts consistent both with each respective Bases and with TSTF-283, or if deemed appropriate justify this change and make the Bases consistent.
2. The wrong insert was inserted into TS SR and TS SR; Insert 2 should be used in each case, not Insert 1.
3. The wrong insert was inserted into TS SR; Insert 1 should be used, not Insert 2.
4. The wrong insert was inserted into Bases SR; Bases Insert 1 should be used, not Bases Insert 2. The NRC request the above inconsistencies be corrected.

SNC Response to NRC RAI: The SNC response to each of the four sub-questions is listed below: E1-4 to NL-15-0704 SNC Response to NRC RAis

1. The TS markups have been revised to state "reestablish", which is consistent with TSTF-283. See Enclosures 2 - 4 for revised pages.
2. The TS and TS Bases markups for TSTF-283 related to TS or TS Bases "Insert 1" versus "Insert 2" have been revised to be consistent with this Traveler. See Enclosures 2 - 4 for revised pages.
3. The TS and TS Bases markups for TSTF-283 related to TS or TS Bases "Insert 1" versus "Insert 2" have been revised to be consistent with this Traveler. See Enclosures 2 - 4 for revised pages.
4. The TS and TS Bases markups for TSTF-283 related to TS or TS Bases "Insert 1" versus "Insert 2" have been revised to be consistent with this Traveler. See Enclosures 2- 4 for revised pages.
7. RA13.8.4-1 for TSTF-283, and SR, SR, SR and Bases:

The TSTF-283 changes for SA, SA and SA were not adopted for either Hatch 1 or 2. NRC suggests the appropriate TSTF-283 inserts be adopted for SA, SA and SA TS and Bases for Hatch 1 and 2. SNC Response to NRC RAI: The TS and TS Bases markups have been revised to include the TSTF-283 inserts for SA, and SR TS and Bases for Unit 1 and Unit 2. The Hatch Unit 1 and 2 SR does not contain the Note that is modified, so the changes are therefore not applicable to these Hatch SRs. E1-5

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Response to Request for Additional Information on Multiple Technical Specification Changes Enclosure 2 Revised Marked TS Pages

Secondary Containment ITSTF-322 I FREQUENCY SR ------------ -NOTE--- ------------ - The number of SGT subsystem(s) required for this Surveillance is dependent on the secondary containment configuration, and shall be one less than the number required to meet LCO, "Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) System," for the given configuration. the secondary containment ~----~----~~--~ can be maintained In accordance with

                          ~ 0.20 inch of vacuum water gauge ~                                    the Surveillance lseeaefiaey eeatajemeadfor 1 hour. at,;;

t ..;... a~ flo.;;.w _ ra..,...te_. Frequency Control s 4000 cfm !fOr eaeh st:!bS't'Stefij. Program using required SGT subsystem(s) per subsystem HATCH UNIT1 3.6-36 Amendment No. mmJ

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR normally I shal~~~ ~erformed However, th is surveillance may be performed to reestablish MODE 1 unplanned a:)C This Surveillance In 11owever, Cl@lq may be taken for 1nts that satis this SR. OPERABIL ITY provided an / assessmen t determines the safety of the plant is maintained Verify automatic and manual transfer of unit power In accordance with or enhanced . Credit supply from the normal offsite circuit to the the Surveillance alternate offsite circuit. Frequency Control Program I However, this surveillance may SR -1. NOTES r1normally This Surveillance shall not\fleperformed;.. - be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG. assessment determines the For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall safety of the plant is maintained not be performed In MODE 1 or 2 using the or enhanced. Unit 1 controls. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

2. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG rejects a load greater than or In accordance with equal to its associated single largest post-accident the Surveillance load, and: Frequency Control Program

a. Following load rejection, the frequency is s 65.5 Hz; and
b. Within 3 seconds following load rejection, the voltage is~ 3740 V and s 4580 V.

(contrnued) HATCH UNIT1 3.8-10 Amendment No . ~

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE rtnormally J FREQUENCY SR *------NOTES I - However, this surveillance may

1. This Surveillance shall not'te performed in be performed to reestablish MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG .* ~ OPERABILITY provided an For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall assessment determines the not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the safety of the plant is maintained Unit 1 controls. Credit may be taken for or enhanced.

unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

2. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG operating at a power factors 0.88 In accordance with does not trip and voltage is maintained s 4800 V the Surveillance during and following a load rejection of i!: 2n5 kW. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT1 3.8-11 Amendment No . ~

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) lTSTF-283 SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .9 --------- -----NO TES--- ----*----

1. AII OG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period. ~

~---""':':""-~-:-----....2. This Surveillance shall not~ oerformed in However, portions of the MODE 1, 2, or 3..Jn~*~*"* ..,,~~;.1may be surveillance may be performed to taken for unplaniJtJd events that satisfy this reestablish OPERABILITY SR. I provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced Verify on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with Credit power signal: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. De-energization of emergency buses; Program
b. Load shedding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads in~ 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected shutdown loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Maintains steady state voltage
                                                 ~ 3740 V and~ 4243 V,
4. Maintains steady state frequency
                                                 ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected shutdown loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-12 Amendment No .~

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I FREQUENCY SR ------------ NOTES

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period. ~

~---~----::~---....,2. This Surveillance shall not *e performed in However. portions of the MODE 1 or IHt)we*ter, ereflitP,ay be surveillance may be performed to take unp anned events that satisfy this reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Verify on an actual or simulated Emergency Core In accordance with Credit Cooling System (ECCS) initiation signal each DG the Surveillance auto-starts from standby condition and: Frequency Control Program

a. Ins 12 seconds after auto-start achieves voltage~ 3740 V, and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains voltage
                                          ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V;
b. In s 12 seconds after auto-start achieves frequency ~ 58.8 Hz, and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains frequency ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz; and
c. Operates for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT1 3.6-13 Amendment No 1.§§1

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) lTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY jTSTF-400 I SR normally I NOT ......,....----=---___,.,.,..--- - - - . This Surveillance shall not performed In However, this surveillance may MODE 1, 2, or 3'71, ... .... _,,~~may be taken be performed to reestablish for unplanned rents that satrSfYlhis SR. OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the / ~ safety of the plant is maintained Verify each DG's~om~ bypassed on In accordance with or enhanced. Credit actual or simulated Joss of voltage signal on the the Surveillance

                  ;..;.......;;;..;..:.~_ _ ___. emergency bus concurrent with an actual or          Frequency Control simulated ECCS initiation signallixseef$ ~          Program 1::      =.-*~*1                                             (continued)

HATCH UNIT1 3.8-14 Amendment No.lfii6

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued} jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .12 --------------- -NOTES----- ---------

1. Momentary transients outside the load and power factor r~nges do not Invalidate this test. normally I
2. This Surveillance shall not performed in MODE 1 or 2, unless the other two DGs However, this surveillance may are OPERABLE. either of the other two be performed to reestablish DGs becomes inop rable this surveillance OPERABILITY provided an shall be suspended. Credit may be taken assessment determines the for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced .
3. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
4. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG operating at a power factor s 0.88 In accordance with operates for C!: 24 hours: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. For C!: 2 hours loaded C!: 3000 kW; and Program
b. For the remaining hours of the test loaded C!: 2775 kW and s 2825 kW.

(contmued) HATCH UNIT1 3.8-15 Amendment No. ~


1. This Surveillance shall be performed within 5 minutes of shutting down the DG after the DG has operated ~ 2 hours loaded
                                         ~ 2565 kW. Momentary transients outside of load range do not invalidate this test.
2. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG starts and achieves, in In accordance with s 12 seconds, voltage ~ 3740 V and frequency the Surveillance

                                 ~ 58.8 Hz; and after steady state conditions are        Frequency Control reached, maintains voltage~ 3740 V and S4243 V          Program and frequency ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61 .2 Hz.
                                                           *c:r{normally I SR        -                     NOT This Surveillance shall not'te performed in However, this surveillance may    MODE 1, 2, or 3               ...,..,u,14may be taken be performed to reestablish       ~r unplanned ~nts that satisfy this SR.

OPERABI~ITY provided an / assessment determtnes the safety of the plant Is maintained Verify each DG: In accordance with or enhanced. Credit the Surveillance

a. Synchronizes with offsite power source Frequency Control while loaded with emergency loads upon a Program simulated restoration of offsite power;
b. Transfers loads to offsite power source; and
c. Returns to ready-to-load operation.

(conttnued) HATCH UNIT1 3.8-16 Amendment No.~

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR e .normally I This Surveillance sha~~:t ~erformed in However, po rtions of the MODE 1, 2, or 3.J '"'Y!'"'""" ~may be taken surveillance may be performed to for unplanned e_j@nts that satisfy this SR. reestablish 0 PERABILITY _/ provided an assessment Verify with a DG operating in test mode and In accordance with determines t he safety of the plant connected to its bus, an actual or simulated ECCS the Surveillance is maintained or enhanced. Initiation signal overrides the test mode by: Frequency Control Credit Program

a. Returning DG to ready-to-load operation; and
b. Automatically energizing the emergency load from offsite power.

SR 3.8.1 .16 ~normally I This Surveillance shai~~T. ePerformed in However, th is surveillance may MODE 1, 2, or a....................... ~WI 'I. may be taken be performe d to reestablish for unplanned r-snts that satisfy this SR. OPERABILI TY provided an _/ assessment determines the Verify interval between each sequenced load In accordance with safety of the plant is maintained block is within +/- 10% of design interval for each the Surveillance or enhanced Credit load sequence timing device. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-17 Amendment No.12661

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I FREQUENCY SR --------*----------NOTES-------------

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period . ~

.....-------,......._--------. 2. This Surveillance shall not'te oerforrned in However, portions of the MODE 1, 2, o . may be surveillance may be perfOrmed to taken planned events that satisfy this reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant Is maintained or enhanced. Verify, on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with LC_r_ ed_i_t ------------~ power signal in conjunction with an actual or the Surveillance simulated ECCS initiation signal: Frequency Control Program

a. De-energization of emergency buses;
b. Load shedding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads ins 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected emergency loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Achieves steady state voltage
                                                  ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Achieves steady state frequency
                                                  ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected emergency loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-18 Amendment No. 5I

DC Sources - Operating 3.8.4 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify each required battery charger supplies In accordance with

                                   ~  400 amps for station service subsystems, and       the Surveillance
                                   ~  100 amps for DG subsystems at ~ 129 V for          Frequency Control
                                   ~ 1 hour.                                             Program SR                                   NOTES
1. The modified performance discharge test in SR may be performed in lieu of the service test in SR
                                                                                 ,normally  I
2. This Surveillance shall not e performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3, exce~t for the swing DG However, po rtions of the b ~! 11owevet , crelijmay be taken for surveillance may be performed to 1 un nned events that satisfy this SR.

reestablish 0 PERABILITY provided an assessment

                                   -     /

determines th e safety of the plant Verify battery capacity Is adequate to supply, and In accordance with is maintained or enhanced. maintain in OPERABLE status. the required the Surveillance Credit emergency loads for the design duty cycle when Frequency Control subjected to a battery service test. Program (contmued) HATCH UNIT 1 Amendment No . ~

DC Sources - Oper~ting 3.8.4 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued)



                                                                         /     normally SR                                            NOT~-            ----

This Surveillance shall not ue performed in tMkO~D~ED1 2mo~r~3, except for the swing DG battery.

                                       ~            2
  • may be taken for unplanned
                                 /'~vents that satisfy this SR.
                      ~                   Verify battery capacity   is~ 80% of the              In accordance with However, po~rt-.-

lo....Jn'- s- o..,., f t,.,- h-e ----wn~~~anufacturer's. rating when subjecte~ to a the Surveillance surveillance may be performed to performance d~scharge test or a modrfied Frequency Control reestablish OPERABILITY performance drscharge test. Program provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. 12 months when Credit battery shows degradation or has reached 85% of expected life with capacity < 100% of manufacturer's rating 24 months when battery has reached 85% of expected life with capacity ~ 100% of manufacturer's rating SR For required Unit 2 DC sources, the SRs of Unit 2 In accordance with Specification 3.8.4 are applicable. applicable SRs HATCH UNIT1 3.8-30 Amendment No . ~

Secondary Containment ITSTF-322 I FREQUENCY SR .4 ---------------NOT E------------- The number of SGT subsystem(s) required for this Sutveillance is dependent on the secondary containment configuration, and shall be one less than the number required to meet LCO, "Standby Gas Treatment {SGT) System," for the r.:-----:---"":""":~-~ given configuration. the secondary containment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - can be maintained In accordance with the Surveillance Frequency Control Program per subsystem HATCH UNIT2 3.6-35 Amendment No.~



lno=rm=a=lly=l._ _ SR - NOTe/ ~: This Surveillance shall notlle rformed in r:-H.,_o_w_e-ve-r-. ...,. th...,.is_s_u_rv_e...,.il,., m_a_y__, MODE 1 or ' may be taken for be performed to reestablish unplannedJ'ents that satisfy this SR. OPERABILITY provided an / assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained Verify automatic and manual transfer of unit power In accordance with or enhanced. Credit supply from the normal offsite circuit to the the Surveillance ~...--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____. alternate offsite circuit. Frequency Control Program SR ---------------------NOTES---......J.I ---!::-1~In=o=rm=a=lly=~l However, this surveillance may

1. This Surveillance shall not~ performed in be performed to reestablish MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG . *7f'- OPERABILITY provided an For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall assessment determines the not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the safety of the plant is maintained Unit 2 controls. Credit may be taken for or enhanced.

unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

2. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG rejects a load greater than or In accordance with equal to its associated single largest post-accident the Surveillance load, and: Frequency Control Program

a. Following load rejection, the frequency is s 65.5 Hz; and
b. Within 3 seconds following load rejection, the voltage is~ 3740 V and s 4580 V.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-10 Amendment No. m

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) SURVEILLANCE ,-{normally *1 FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .8 ---,---*-NOTES / However, this surveillance may

1. This Surveillance shall not'te performed in be performed to reestablish MODE 1 o~ 2, excep~ for the ~wing DG~~ ~ OPERABILITY provided an For the swmg DG, th1s Surveillance shall assessment determines the not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the safety of the plant is maintained Unit 2 controls. Credit may be taken for or enhanced unplanned events that satisfy this SR. a.;..;.....:.....:.;..:..:.....:..::....:..;;;;..
2. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG operating at a power factors 0.88 In accordance with does not trip and voltage is maintained s 4800 V the Surveillance during and following a load rejection of~ 2775 kW. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-11 Amendment No.lm]

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS _(continued). jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR --------------NOTES,--------------

1. AII DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period. ~

f":""':"'"---....,.,--~.,....,...-----.2* This Surveillance shall not~e oerformed in However, portions of this MODE 1, 2, or 3. Howeve1 c1edit may be surveillance may be performed to taken for unplanf}'ed events that satisfy this reestablish OPERABILITY SR. I provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant Is maintained or enhanced Verify on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with Credit power signal: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. De-energization of emergency buses; Program
b. Load shedding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads in s 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected shutdown loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Maintains steady state voltage
                                                     ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Maintains steady state frequency
                                                     ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected shutdown loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.6-12 Amendment No. ml

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I FREQUENCY SR NOTES

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period. ~

This Surveillance shall notl(;e performed ~------------~----~~------------~ However portions of the

2. in MODE 1 or , may be 1

surveillance may be performed to taken f planned events that satisfy reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced Verify on an actual or simulated Emergency Core In accordance with Credit Cooling System (ECCS) initiation signal each DG the Surveillance auto-starts from standby condition and: Frequency Control Program

a. In s 12 seconds after auto-start achieves voltage~ 3740 V, and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains voltage
                                          ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V;
b. In s 12 seconds after auto-start achieves frequency ~ 58.8 Hz, and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains frequency~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz; and
c. Operates for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-13 Amendment No. mJ

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) ITSTF-283 I I e. SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY ITSTF-400 SR normally

                                  - - - - - - N O T E'Mt-...:.=====:!.-- -

I r:-:----------- This Surveillance shall not oerformed in 1 However, this surveillance may MODE 1, 2, or 3.

  • may be taken be performed to reestablish for unplanned ~fits that satisfy this SR.

OPERABILITY provided an / ~on-critical assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained Verify each DG's tomatic trips are bypassed on In accordance with or enhanced. Credit actual or simulated loss of voltage signal on the the Surveillance _;__.-:..;.:_ _ ____j emergency bus concurrent with an actual or Frequency Control simulated ECCS initiation signal ~ Program 1:. ==**~m:endl (continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-14 Amendment No. m

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) lTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR ---------------NOTES-------------

1. Momentary transients outside the load and power factor ranges do not invalidate this test. ~
2. This Surveillance shall not'te performed in MODE 1 or 2, unless the other two DGs However, this surveillance may are OPERABLE. If either of the other two be performed to reestablish DGs becomes in arable, this Surveillance OPERABILITY provrded an shall be suspendecr. t;reatt may ne taKen assessment determines the for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. safety of the plant is maintainecl or enhanced.
3. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition , the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
4. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG operating at a power factors 0.88 In accordance with operates for~ 24 hours: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. For~ 2 hours loaded~ 3000 kW; and Program
b. For the remaining hours of the test loaded
                       ~ 2775 kW and s 2825 kW.

(contrnued) HATCHUNIT2 3.8-15 Amendment No. mJ

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .13 --------------NOTES-------------

1. This Surveillance shall be performed within 5 minutes of shutting down the DG after the DG has operated ~ 2 hours loaded
                                                  ~ 2565 kW. Momentary transients outside of load range do not invalidate this test.
2. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG starts and achieves, in In accordance with s 12 seconds, voltage~ 3740 V and frequency the Surveillance

                                          ~ 58.8 Hz; and after steady state conditions are        Frequency Control reached, maintains voltage ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V Program and frequency ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz.

SR - NOT~/ r-1normally I This Surveillance shall notltle performed in r:- H~o-w-e-ve-r~

          , t~

h:- is_s_ u_rv_ e-:;: 111:- a-nc _e_m _ -., MODE 1, 2, or 3. ay , ......w ..,may be taken be performed to reestablish for unplanned ~nts that satisfy t is SR. OPERABILITY provided an 1-----.J/ assessment determines the safety of the plant Is maintained Verify each DG~ In accordance with or enhanced. Credit the Surveillance

              - - - ' - - - - - - - J a.          Synchronizes with offsite power source          Frequency Control while loaded with emergency loads upon a        Program simulated restoration of offsite power;
b. Transfers loads to offslte power source; and
c. Returhs to ready-to-load operation.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-16 Amendment No . .m:m

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR --NOT~ r1normally I This Surveillance shall not e performed in However, portions of the ~ODE 1, 2, or 3..... , .lfnay be taken surveillance may be performed to or unplanned e~fits that satisfy this SR. reestablish OPERABILITY f-* F provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant Verify with a DG operating in test mode and In accordance with

                                    ~onnected to its bus, an actual or simulated ECCS      the Surveillance is maintained or enhanced .

Credit nitiation signal overrides the test mode by: Frequency Control Program

a. Returning DG to ready-to-load operation; and
b. Automatically energizing the emergency load from offsite power.

_J"-lnormally I SR NOT, This Surveillance shall notSC'e performed in However, this surveillance may MODE 1, 2, or 3 may betaken be performed to reestablish for unplanned ,Vents that satisfy this SR. OPERABILITY provided an / assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained Verify interval between each sequenced load block In accordance with is within+/- 10% of design interval for each load the Surveillance or enhanced. Credit sequence timing device. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT2 Amendment No. m

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS _(continued) jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR ----*-----------NOTES ------------------

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period. . r-tnormally 1

~---------~--~~------, 2. This Surveillance shall not'te_~rformed in However, portions of the MODE 1, 2, or 3. 11

  • may be surveillance may be performed to taken for unplanfjid events that satisfy this reestablish OPERABILITY SR. I provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced Verify, on an actual or simulated lass of offslte In accordance with Credit power signal in conjunction with an actual or the Surveillance

"------------------ ----..J simulated ECCS initiation signal: Frequency Control Program

a. De-energization of emergency buses;
b. Load shedding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads ins 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected emergency loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Achieves steady state voltage
                                                 ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Achieves steady state frequency
                                                 ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected emergency loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-18 Amendment No. fm]

DC'Sffilfces- Operatrng 3.8.4 ITSTF-283 FREQUENCY SR -------------I NOTES----- --------

1. The modified performance discharge test In SR may be performed in lieu of the service test In SR .-n-o-rm
                                                                                         - a.L.I-Iy...,

2, This Surveillance shall not e performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3 except for the swing DG However. portions of the battery.

  • may be taken for surveillance may be performed to un ed events that satisfy this SR.

reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant erify battery capacity is adequate to supply, and In accordance with is maintained or enhanced. maintain in OPERABLE status, the required the Surveillance Credit mergency loads for the design duty cycle when Frequency Control subjected to a battery service test. Program (continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-29 Amendment No. m

DC Sources - Operating 3.8.4 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify battery capacity is c: 80% of the In accordance with However, po-rtl,... o..... ns- of,_t.,... he- - - - .manufacturer's. rating when subjecte~ to a the Surveillance surveillance may be performed to performance discharge test or a modified Frequency Control reestablish OPERABILITY performance discharge test. Program provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced Credit 12 months when battery shows degradation or has reached 85% of expected life with capacity < 100% of manufacturer's rating 24 months when battery has reached 85% of expected life with capacity c: 100% of manufacturers rating SR For required Unit 1 DC sources, the SRs of Unit 1 In accordance with Specification 3.8.4 are applicable. applicable SRs HATCH UNIT2 3.8-30 Amendment No . ~

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Response to Request for Additional Information on Multiple Technical Specification Changes Enclosure 3 Revised Marked TS Bases Pages

P"'ClVs B BASES ITSTF-30 I for penetrations with a ITSTF-269 I ACTIONS C.1 and C.2 (continued)


_ __.. ,TSTF-323 I The Completion Time of 4 hours for PCIVs other than those In penetrations w~h a closed system and EFCVs Is reasonable considering the time required to isolate the penetration and the relative importance of supporting primary containment OPERABILITY In MODES 1, 2, and 3_ The closed system must meet the requirements of Reference 7. The Completion Time of once per 31 days for verifying each affected penetration is isolated is appropriate because the valves are operated under administrative controls and the probability of their misalignment is low. Condition C is modified by a Note indicating that this Condition is only applicable to penetration flow paths with only one PC IV. For penetration flow paths with two PCIVs, Conditions A and 8 provide the appropriate Required Actions. two notes. Note 1 Required Action C.2 is modified by applies to valves and blind flanges located in high radiation areas and allows them to be verified by use of administrative means. Allowing verification by administrative means is considered acceptable, since access to these areas is typically restricted. Therefore, the probability of misalignment of these valves, once the~ ave been verified to be In the proper INSERT - BASES position, is low. Action C With the MSIV leakage rate not within limit, the assumptions of the safety analysis may not be met. Therefore, the leakage must be restored to within limit within 4 hours. Restoration can be accomplished by isolating the penetration that caused the limit to be exceeded by use of one closed and de-activated automatic valve, closed manual valve, or blind flange. When a penetration is isolated, the leakage rate for the isolated penetration is assumed to be the actual pathway leakage through the isolation device. If two Isolation (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 8 3.6-20 REVISION (£] I

SuppresSion Pool Average Temperature B ITSTF-458-T j BASES ACTIONS C.1 (continued) Suppression pool average temperature is allowed to be > 1ooaF when any OPERABLE IRM channel is > 25/40 divisions of full scale on Range 7, and when testing that adds heat to the suppression pool is being performed. However, if temperature is> 105°F, all testing must be Immediately suspended to preserve the heat absorption capability of the suppression pool. With the testing suspended, Condition A is entered and the Required Actions and associated Completion Times are applicable. 0 .1. 0.2. and 0 .3 Suppression pool average temperature > 11 o*F requires that the reactor be shut down Immediately. This is accomQiished b lacin the reactor mode switch in the shutdown osition. F!jfther, eeeiEtewA

                      ~~~~~!!!!~~~~t.J. Additionally,                   when suppression pool temperature is> 110*F, increased monitoring of pool temperature is required ke eRs~:~re tt.at1t Femaitls s 12e*R. The once per 30 minute Completion Time is adequate, based on operating experience. Given the high suppression pool average temperature in this Condition, the monitoring Frequency is increased to twice that of Condition A.

Furthermore, the 30 minute Completion Time is considered adequate in view of other Indications available In the control room, Including alarms, to alert the operator to an abnormal suppression pool average temperature condition. ~ Additionally, the plant must be brought to a MODE in which the requirement does not apply. To achieve this E.1 aAEt c. 2 status, the plant must be brought to at least MODE 4 within 36 hours.

                       ~~~~~~~~~~~_,                         OUffi~~~~~~~~~~

ll&IIJ!:!!~~~~~~~::el!~* The allowed Completion limes-easonable, based on operating experience, to reach the required r=:-----::-,_~I.J~ conditions from full power conditions in an orderly manner and Without challenging plant systems. Continued addition of heat to the suppression pool with suppression pool temperature > 120*F could result in exceeding the design basis maximum allowable values for primary containment temperature or pressure. Furthermore, if a blowdown were to occur when the temperature was > 12o*F, the maximum allowable bulk and local temperatures could be exceeded very quickly. (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.6-50 REVISIONfEJ

Secondary Containment B ITSTF-322 I BASES ACTIONS C.1. C.2. and C.3 (continued) case, inability to suspend movement of irr~diated fuel assemblies would not be a sufficient reason to require a reactor shutdown. SURVEILLANCE SR and SR REQUIREMENTS Verifying that secondary containment equipment hatches and one access door in each access opening are closed ensures that the infiltration of outside air of such a magnitude as to prevent maintaining the desired negative pressure does not occur. Verifying that all such openings are closed provides adequate assurance that exfiltration from the secondary containment will not occur. SR also requires equipment hatches to be sealed. In this application, the term "sealed" has no connotation of leak tightness. Maintaining secondary containment OPERABILITY requires verifying one door in the access opening is closed. An access opening contains one Inner and one outer door. The Intent Is not to breach the secondary containment at any time when secondary containment is required. This is achieved by maintaining the inner or outer portion of the barrier closed at all times. However, all secondary containment access doors are normally kept closed, except when the access opening is being used for entry and exit or when maintenance is being performed on an access opening. When the secondary containment configuration excludes Zone I and/or Zone II, these SRs also include verifying the hatches and doors separating the common refueling floor zone from the reactor building(s). The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. ~~:ERT- BASES 3.6 4.1 ~ SR and SR fl1e t::f11it 1 a11d t:lnit 2 99=t= Systems e~hettst the seeeru:tery C:QR&ail::amaat atmospbara ta tba ea"i[OR&:DeRt tbtougb appcoptiate t.reetment eqt:til'ment. ~ enst:tre that ell fissien predt:tets ere treated, SR a.S.o4.1 .a *terifies that the epprepffate ss; System{!!} w.*ill FapiEtly eslaeJisl=t BR~ lfiBiRiaiR a RSiali\le p~SSI:I~ iR ~Re 69S9RBS~ CCIAteiRment. ;Ris is e8flfifffte~ ey aeffteAst~tiRg lhat U1e FBEtl:liree SB=I= el:lhs~eteFA(&} 'J'fill etFSW a9Wfl the seeeru1BI"f eerttei"me"t to ii1! 9.29 ineh af vaet:tt:tffi r,vateF gat:tge ifl !!i ~29 seeeAds {~a eeeeREI9 ef diesel genereter staftttfl af!d breaheF elesiRg tiffte is iReh:~Eie~ iR IRe 129 secend dra*,'f'de'Wfl time) . This eef!Aet ee aeeemplist:les if the secacda~¥ ccRtaicmaRt bgu~:~dal¥ i& R~ iR~'"" SR , V~ (continued} HATCH UNIT1 B 3.6-79 REVISION ~ I

INSERT- Bases SR The SGT System exhausts the secondary containment atmosphere to the environment through appropriate treatment equipment. The SGT System is designed to draw down pressure in the secondary containmentto ~0.20 inches of vacuum water gauge In~ 120 seconds and maintain pressure in the secondary containment at?. 0.20 inches of vacuum water gauge for 1 hour at a flow rate~ 4000 CFM per subsystem. To ensure that all fission products released to the secondary containment are treated, SR and SR verify that a pressure In the secondary containment that is Jess than the lowest postulated pressure external to the secondary containment boundary can rapidly be established and maintained. When the SGT System is operating as designed, the establishment and maintenance of secondary containment pressure cannot be accomplished if the secondary containment boundary is not Intact. Establishment of this pressure is confirmed by SR ,3, which demonstrates that the secondary containment can be drawn down to ?. 0.20 inches of vacuum water gauge in~ 120 seconds using the required SGT subsystem(s). SR demonstrates that the pressure in the secondary containment can be maintained?. 0.20 inches of vacuum water gauge for 1 hour using the required SGT subsystem(s) at a flow rate!:....4000 CFM per subsystem. The 1 hour test period allows secondary containment to be in thermal equilibrium at steady state conditions. The primary purpose of these SRs is to ensure secondary containment boundary integrity. The secondary purpose of these SRs is to ensure that the SGT subsystem(s) being tested function as designed. There Is a separate LCO with Surveillance Requirements which serves the primary purpose of ensuring OPERABILITY of the SGT System. The inoperability of the SGT System does not necessarily constitute a failure of these Surveillances relative to the secondary containment OPERABILITY.

Secondary Containment B 3.6.4 .1 ITSTF-322 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR and SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS de111onstrates tnat tne req~:~hed SSf stsbs~stem(s) c:en meintain

              ;z 0.20 lnctl Df vacoom water gaoge tor 1hDcr at a flow                                                   rate s ~ooo efm feF eael:t SGl e~:~bsy!MeFA. =l=he ~ l=lattF tes- peFiea alla\'16 seeenda,. eeAteinment to be in tl'lermel e~~ilibrit~m at steady state eonditions. Therefcre, these tvwo tests ere t2sed to ensttre secondary
  • r-o' ....... "
            ! ..........,...    .... , ** ................ 1 ....... .. *1*
                                                                     ~       ..... . .............. _ ........................ ...... 1 seRtaiRFASRl tests, Utey Reea Ret tie peFfeFFAed with eash SG+

s1:2bsystem. =fhe SSf st~bsyste111s are tested on a STASSEREB TEST BASIS, however, ro ensure that In addition to ttte requirements

               "~     ,,...

VI'"'-"'-" UoVo

                              ... "" ...                   ,..,...or
                                          .... , o;ogviO ........    ...UU""1""'""'      U l  "'VIOIUIIICIUUI
                                                                                                                      " ~

Ul . . . . U ...1"'"'111';1

                                        *"-:p ....... . JThe         number of SGT subsystems and the
               " 111 ..................

required combinations are dependent on the configuration of the secondary containment and are detailed in the Technical Requirements Manual (Ref. 3}. The Note to SR and SR specifies that the number of required SGT subsystems be one less than the number required to meet LCO, "Standby Gas Treatment (SGn System," for the given configuration. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. REFERENCES 1. FSAR, Subsection 14.4.3.

2. FSAR, Subsection 14.4.4.
3. Technical Requirements Manual, Section 8.0.
4. NRC No. 93-102, "Final Policy Statement on Technical Specification Improvements," July 23, 1993.

HATCH UNIT 1 8 3.6-80 REVISION (![] I

AC Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 BASES ITSTF-"283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that, during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this SR could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that could challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety sy~tem~ Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. / . I!NSERT 1 -BASES 3 B 1 1t -- -...J This Surveillance tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 2 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the un* swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within norma 11Y Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency Co I Program I for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for not performing the test while the unit is in MODE 1 or 2 does not have applicabilitY to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 1 Surveillance should n be performed with Unit 1 In MODE 1 or 2 and the Unit 2 test should t performed with Unit 2 In MODE 1 or 2. SR 3.8.1 .7 Each DG is provided with an engine overspeed trip to prevent damage to the engine. Recovery from the transient caused by the loss of a large load could cause diesel engine overspeed, which, if excessive, might result in a trip of the engine. This Surveillance demonstrates the DG load response characteristics and capability to reject the largest single load without exceeding predetermined voltage and frequency and while maintaining a specified margin to the overspeed trip. The largest single load for DGs 1A and 1C is a core spray pump at rated flow (1275 bhp). For DG 18, the largest single load is a residual heat removal service water pump at rated flow (1225 bhp). Ttlis Surveillance may be accomplished by: a) tripping the DG output breaker with the DG carrying greater than or equal to its associated single largest post-accident load while paralleled to offsite power or while solely supplying the bus, or b) tripping its associated single largest post-accident load with the DG solely supplying the bus. Although Plant Hatch Unit 1 is not committed to IEEE-387-1984 (Ref. 12), this SR is consistent with the IEEE-387-1984 requirement that states the load rejection test is acceptable if the Increase in diesel speed does not exceed 75% of the (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 83,8-24 REVISION~

INSERT 1- Bases 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance In MODE 1 or 2 Is further amplified to allow the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or on site system when they are tied together or operated independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1 or 2. Risk insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

AC Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 ITSTf-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS difference between synchronous speed and the overspeed trip setpoint, or 15% above synchronous speed, whichever is lower. For all DGs, this represents 65.5 Hz, equiv~lent to 75% of the difference between nominal speed and the overspeed trip setpoint. The voltage and frequency specified are consistent with the nominal range for the DG. SR corresponds to the maximum frequency excursion, while SR is the voltage to which the DG must recover following load rejection. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 Is that, during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this SR could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that could challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety systems redit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. INSERT 1 - BASES 3.8.1 .___ ___.~ In order to ensure that the DG is tested under load conditions that are as close to design basis conditions as possible, testing Is performed with only the DG providing power to the associated 4160 V ESF bus. The DG is not synchronized with offsite power. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Nate 2 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for bath units. This is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be considered inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit. SR This Surveillance demonstrates the DG capability to reject a full load without averspeed tripping or exceeding the predetermined voltage limits. The DG full load rejection may occur beaause of a system fault or inadvertent breaker tripping. This Surveillance ensures proper engine generator load response under the simulated test conditions. This test simul~tes the loss of the total connected load that the DG experiences following a full load rejection and verifies that the DG does not trip upon loss of the load. These acceptance criteria provide (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3-8-25 REVISIONi[)

A"C Sources - dpera{mg B 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS DG damage protection. While the DG Is not expected to experience this transient during an event, and continues to be available, this response ensures that the DG is not degraded for f\Jture application, including reconnection to the bus if the trip initiator can be corrected or isolated. In order to ensure that the DG is tested under load conditions that are as close to design basis conditions as possible, testing must be performed using a power factors 0.88. This power factor is chosen to be representative of the actual design basis inductive loading that the DG would experience. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR Is modified by three Notes. The reason for Note 1 is that during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this SR could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that would challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Not is provided in recognition that if the offsite electrical INSERT 1- BASES 3.8.1 power IS ution system is lightly loaded (i.e., system voltage Is high), It may not be possible to raise voltage without creating an overvoltage condition on the ESF bus. Therefore, to ensure the bus voltage, supplied ESF loads, and DG are not placed in an unsafe condition during this test, the power factor limit does not have to be met If grid voltage or ESF bus loading does not permit the power factor limit to be met when the DG Is tied to the grid. When this occurs, the power factor should be maintained as close to the limit as practicable. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 3 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for both units. This is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be considered inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit. (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.8-26 REVISION153

No change Included for information only. BASES SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS (continued) This Surveillance demonstrates the as designed operation of the standby power sources during loss of the offsite source and is consistent with Regulatory Guide 1,1 OB (Ref, 10), paragraph 2.a.(1 ). This test verifies all actions encountered from the loss of offsite power, including shedding of the nonessential loads and energization of the emergency buses and respectiVe loads from the DG. It further demonstrates the capability of the DG to automatically achieve the required voltage and frequency within the specified time. The DG auto-start time of 12 seconds is derived from requirements of the accident analysis for responding to a design basis large break LOCA. The Surveillance should be continued for a minimum of 5 minutes in order to demonstrate that all starting transients have decayed and stability has been achieved. The requirement to verify the connection and power supply of permanent and auto-connected loads is Intended to satisfactorily show the relationship of these loads to the DG loading logic. In certain circumstances, many of these loads cannot actually be connected or loaded without undue hardship or potential for undesired operation. For Instance, Emergenc;y Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) Injection valves are not desired to be stroked open, or systems are not capable of being operated at full flow~ or RHR systems performing a decay heat removal function are not desired to be realigned to the ECCS mode of operation. In lieu of actual demonstration of the connection and loading of these loads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the DG system to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence is verified. For the purpose of this testing, the DGs snail be started from standby conditions, that is, with the engine coolant and oil being continuously circulated and temperature maintained consistent with manuf~cturer recommendations. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR Is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 is to minimize wear and tear on the DGs during testing. The reason for Note 2 is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.8-27 REVISIONm

AC SourceS: Operating 83.8.1 BASES ITSTF-263 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems. Credit may be taken for unplanned INSERT 2 -BASES 3 8.1 events that satls this SR. T 1 Surveillance tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 2 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing bus. Consequently, a test m1.1st be performed within the Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for n performing the test while the unit Is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not hav. applicability to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents separate tes , the Unit 1 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 1 in M DE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 2 test sh ld not e performed with Unit In MODE 1, 2, or 3. SR 3.8.1 .10 This Surveillance demonstrates that the DG automatically starts and achieves the required voltage and frequency within the specified time (12 seconds) from the design basis actuation signal (LOCA signal) and operates for ~ 5 minutes. The 5 minute period provides sufficient time to demonstrate stability. The requirement to verify the connection and power supply of permanent and autoconnected loads is Intended to satisfactorily show the relationship of these loads to the loading logic for loading onto offsite power. In certain circumstances, many of these loads cannot actually be connected or loaded without undue hardship or potential for undesired operation. For Instance, ECCS injection valves are not desired to be stroked open, low pressure Injection systems are not capable of being operated at full flow, or RHR systems performing a decay heat removal function are not desired to be realigned to the ECCS mode of operation. lh lieu of actual demonstration of the connection and loading of these loads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the DG system to perform these functions Is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence is verified. For the purpose of this testing, the DGs must be started from standby conditions, that is, with the engine coolant and oil being continuously circulated and temperature maintained consistent with manufacturer recommendations. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.8-28 REVISION mE)

INSERT 2- Bases 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance In MODE 1, 2, or 3 Is further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or Incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or onsite system when they are tied together or operated independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety Is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. Risk insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

AC Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) ITSTF-400 I REQUIREMENTS with the expected fuel cycle iengths. The 24 month Frequency is I based on a review of the surveillance test history and Reference 15. This SR fs modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 is to minimize wear and tear on the DGs during testing. The reason for Note 2 is that during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this Surveillance could potentially cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that could challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety systems redit may be taken for un lanned events that satisfy this SR. This urvelllance t....,.....lii..4Ll~~ INSERT 3 - BASES 3.8.1 app ca e ogre assocrate Wit e nrt swrng bus. The normally comparable test specified In the Unit 2 Technical Specifi tions tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing s. Consequently, a test must be performed within the equency contained in the Surveillance Frequency Contr rogram for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for not performing the test r;:;n~orm~a~llyQ~w~h~ile~t~h~e unit Is in MODE 1 or 2 does not have applicability to Unit 2.

            ~                As the S eillance represents separate tests, the Unit 1 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1 or 2 and the Unit 2 test should n be performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1 or 2.

SR This Surveillance demonstrates that DG non-critical protective functions (e.g., high jacket water temperature) are bypassed on a loss of voltage signal concurrent with an ECCS initiation signallllfliA!ili!m-1 The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. The SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DG from (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.8-29 REVISIONfif]

INSERT 3- Bases 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance In MODE 1 or 21s further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or onsite system when they are tied together or operated independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety Is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1 or 2. Risk Insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

INSERT 4- Bases 3.8.1 jTSTF-400 I Non-critical automatic trips are all automatic trips except: a) engine overspeed, b) generator differential current, and c) low lube oil pressure.

AC Sources - Opera ing 83.8.1 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS INSERTS- BASES 3.8.1 service. redit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. This Surveillance tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 2 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed wittlin the Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no performing the test while the unit is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not h e applicability to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents separate te s, the Unit 1 Surveillance should n be performed with Unit 1 in ODE 1 or 2 and the Unit 2 test should t performed with Unit 2 I MODE 1, 2, or 3. Regulatory Guide 1.108 (Ref. 10), paragraph 2.a.(3), requires demonstration once per 24 months that the DGs can start and run continuously at full load capability for an interVal of not less than 24 hours. The first 22 hours of this test are performed at~ 2775 kW and s 2825 kW (which Is near the continuous rating of the DG), and the last 2 hours of this test are performed at i2: 3000 kW. This is in accordance with commitments described in FSAR Section 8.4 (Ref. 2). The DG starts for this Surveillance can be performed either from standby or hot conditions. Th~;~ provisions for prelube and warmup, and for gradual loading, discussed in SR, are applicable to this SR. In order to ensure that the DG is tested under load conditions that are as close to design conditions as possible, testing must be performed using a power factor s 0.88. This power factor is chosen to be representative of the actual design basis Inductive loading that the DG could experience. A load band is provided to avoid routine overloading of the DG. Routine overloading may result In more frequent teardown inspections in accordance with vendor recommendations in order to maintain DG OPERABILITY. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.8-30 REVISION~

INSERTS - Bases 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance in MODE 1, 2, or 3 Is further amplified to allow the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABIUTV (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or Incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety Is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or onsite system when they are tied together or operated Independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. Risk Insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

Sources - Operating 83.8.1 BASES ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS This Surveillance has been modified by four Notes. Note 1 states that momentary transients due to changing bus loads do not Invalidate this test. Similarly, momentary power factor transients above the limit do not invalidate the test. The reason for Note 2 is that during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this Surveillance could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that would challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety systems. However, it is acceptable to perform this SR in MODES 1 and 2 provided the other two DGs are OPERABL~. since a perturbation can only affect one divisional DG. If during the performance of this Surveillance, one of the other DGs becomes Inoperable, this Surveillance Is to be suspended. The Surveillance may not be performed in MODES 1 and 2 during Inclement weather and unstable grid condition Credit may be taken for unplanned INSERT 1- BASES 3 8 1 ev nts that satis this SR. ate 3 is provided in recognition that if the offsite electrical power distribution system is lightly loaded (i.e., system voltage is high), it may not be possible to raise voltage without creating an overvoltage conditfon on the ESF bus. Therefore, to ensure the bus voltage, supplied ESF loads, and DG are not placed in an unsafe condition during this test, the power factor limit does not have to be met if grid voltage or ESF bus loading does not permit the power factor limit to be met when the DG is tied to the grid. When this occurs, the power factor should be maintained as close to the limit as practicable. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 4 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for both units. This Is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be considered Inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit SR This Surveillance demonstrates that the diesel engine can restart from a hot condition, such as subsequent to shutdown from normal Surveillances, and achieve the required voltage and frequency within 12 secon.ds. The 12 second time Is derived from the requirements of the accident analysis to respond to a design basis large break LOCA. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 8 3.8-31 REVISION~

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:Kc-sources -O~ratmg 8 3.8.1 jTSTF~283 BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by three Notes. Note 1 ensures that the test is performed with the diesel sufficiently hot. The requirement that the diesel has operated for at least 2 hours at near full load conditions prior to performance of this Surveillance is based on manufacturer recommendations for achieving hot conditions. Momentary transients due to changing bus loads do not Invalidate this test. Note 2 allows all DG starts to be preceded by an engine prelube period to minimize wear and tear on the d1esel during testing. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 3 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for both units. This is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by perfom'ling the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be considered Inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit. SR This Surveillance is consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.108 (Ref. 10), paragraph 2.a.(6), and ensures that the manual synchronization and automatic load transfer from the DG to the offsite source can be made and that the DG can be returned to ready-to-load status when offsite power is restored. It also ensures that the auto-start logic is reset to allow the DG to reload If a subsequent loss of offslte power occurs. The DG rs considered to be in ready-to-load status when the DG is at rated speed and voltage, the output breaker is open and can receive an auto-close signal on bus undervoltage, and the load sequence timers are reset. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note Is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety syste Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy INSERT 5 - BASES 3.6 1 this SR. Thi urveillance tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 2 Technical Specific~tions tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the {continued) HATCH UNIT 1 8 3.8-32 REVISIONliiJ

AC Sources -Operating 8 3.8.1 BASES jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency C trol Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no performing the test while the unit Is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have applicability to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 1 Surveillance should n be performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 2 test sh ld not performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3. norma 11y SR 3.8.1 .15 Demonstration of the test mode override ensures that the DG availability under accident conditions Is not compromised as the result of testing. Interlocks to the LOCA sensing circults cause the DG to automatically reset to ready-to-load operation if an ECCS initiation signal Is received during operation in the test mode. Ready-to-load operation is defined as the DG running at rated speed and voltage with the DG output breaker open. Although Plant Hatch Unit 1 is not committed to this standard, this SR is consistent with the provisions for automatic switchover required by IEEE-308 (Ref. 13), paragraph 6.2.6(2). The intent in the requirements associated with SR is to show that the emergency loading is not affected by the DG operation in test made. In lieu of actual demonstration of connection and loading of loads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the emergency loads to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence is verified . The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. This rveillance tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 sw* g bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 2 INSERT 2 - BASES 3.8.1 echnrca pacifications tests the applicable logic associated With the Unit 2 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the (continued) HATCH UNIT1 B 3.8-33 REVISION ~

AC Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 BASES ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS Frequency contained In the Surveillance Frequency trol Program for each unit The Note specifying the restriction for no performing the test while the unit is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have applicability to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 1 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 2 test sh ld not e performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3. SR Under accident conditions, loads are sequentially connected to the bus by the automatic load sequence timing devices. The sequencing logic controls the permissive and starting signals to motor breakers to prevent overloading of the DGs due to high motor starting currents. The 10% load sequence time interval tolerance ensures that sufficient time exists for the DG to restore frequency and voltage prior to applying the next load and that safety analysis assumptions regarding ESF equipment time delays are not violated. Reference 2 provides a summary of the automatic loading of ESF buses. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note Is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. normally INSERTS - BASES 3.8 .1 This Surveillance tests the applicable logic associ ed with the Unit 1 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the U 't 2 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated 'th the Unit 2 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed 'thin the Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency C trol Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no erforming the test while the unit is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have applicability to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 1 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 2 test sh d not e performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3. normally (continued) HATCH UNIT1 B 3.8-34 REVISION 9 ]

                                                                        -Ac-s ources- bperat*ng 8 3.8.1 BASES ITSTf-283 I SURVEILLANCE       SR REQUIREMENTS (continued)    In the event of a DBA coincident with a loss of offsite power, the DGs are required to supply the necessary power to ESF systems so that the fuel, RCS, and containment design limits are not exceeded.

This Surveillance demonstrates DG operation, as discussed in the Bases for SR, during a loss of offsite power actuation test signal in conjunction with an ECCS initiation signal. In lieu of ~ctual demonsttatlon of connection and loading of IQads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the DG system to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequenti~l. overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence is verified. Forthe purpose of this testing, the DGs must be started from standby conditions, that is, with the engine coolant and oil being continuously circulated and temperature maintained consistent with manufacturer recommendations. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 is to minimize wear and tear on the DGs during testing. The reason for Note 2 is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems redit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. 1 Surveillance tests the applicable INSERT 2 - BASES 3 8 1 Ia *tc associated with the lJ 1 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 2 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the Frequency contained in the Surieillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no performing the test while the unit is In MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have pplicabillty to Unit 2. As the Surveillance represents sep rate tests, the Unit 1 Surveillance should not performed with nit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 2 tests n ~be perfor with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3.

                 ~            J'lormal SR This Surveillance demonstrates that the DG starting independence has not been compromised. Also, this Surveillance demonstrates that each engine can achieve proper speed within the specified time when the DGs are started simultaneously. For the purpose of this testing, (continued)


DC Sources - Operating 8 3.8.4 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS The modified performance discharge test is a simulated duty cycle consisting of just two rates: the 1 minute rate published for the battery or the largest current load of the duty cycle, followed by the test rate employed for the performance test, both of which envelope the duty cycle of the service test. Since the ampere-hours removed by a rated 1 minute discharge represent a very small portion of the battery capacity, the test rate can be changed to that for the performance test without compromising the results of the performance discharge test. The battery terminal voltage for the modified performance discharge test should remain above the minimum battery terminal voltage specified in the battery service test for the duration of time equal to that of the service test. A modified performance discharge test is a test of the battery capacity and its ability to provide a high rate, short duration load (usually the highest rate of the duty cycle) . This will often confirm the battery's ability to meet the critical period of the load duty cycle, in addition to determining its percentage of rated capacity. Initial conditions for the modified performance discharge test should be identical to those specified for a service discharge test. The reason for Note 2 Is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DC electrical power subsystem from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy the Su ance. The swing DG DC battery is exempted from this r riction, since it is required by both units' LCO 3.8.4 and cannot be performed in the manner required by the Note without resulting In a INSERT 1 - BASES 3.8.4 dual unit shutdown. SR A battery performance discharge test is a constant current capacity test to detect any change in the capacity determined by the acceptance test. Initial conditions consistent with IEEE-450 need to be met prior to the performing of a battery performance discharge test. The test results reflect the overall effects of usage and age, A battery modified performance discharge test is described In the Bases for SR Either the battery performance discharge test or the modified performance discharge test Is acceptable for satisfying SR; however, only the modified performance discharge test (continued) HATCH UNIT1 B3.8-60 REVISION[W I

DC Sources - Operating 8 3.8.4 BASES ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS may be used to satisfy SR, while satisfying the requirements of SR at the same time. The acceptance criteria for this Surveillance is consistent with IEEE-450 (Ref. 8) and IEEE-485 (Ref. 12). These references recommend that the battery be replaced if its capacity Is below 80% of the manufacturer's rating. Although there may be ample capacity, the battery rate of deterioration Is rapidly increasing. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DC electrical power subsystem from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy the Su illance. The swing DG DC battery is exempted from this restric n, since it is required by both unitsr LCO 3.8.4 and cannot be pe rmed in the manner required by the Note without resulting in a du unit shutdown. INSERT 1 - BASES 3.8.4 t------------~ SR Wrth the exception of this Surveillance, all other Surveillances of this Specification (SR through SR are applied only to the Unit 1 DC sources. Th!s Surveillance is provided to direct that the appropriate Surveillances for the required Unit 2 DC sources are governed by the Unit 2 Technical Specifications. Performance of the applicable Unit 2 Surveillances will satisfy both any Unit 2 requirements, as well as satisfying this Unit 1 SR. Ttte Frequency required by the applicable Unit 2 SR also govems performance of that SR for both Units. {continued) HATCH UNIT 1 8 3.8-61 REVISIONIBiJ

INSERT 1* Bases 3.8.4 This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance in MODE 1, 2, or 3 is further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABIUTY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety Is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or on site system when they are tied together or operated independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. Risk insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

PCIVs for penetrations with a 8 closed system BASES ACTIONS C.1 and C.2 (continued) The Completion Time of 4 hours for PCIVs other than those in penetrations with a closed system and EFCVs is reasonable considering the time required to isolate the penetration and the relative importance of supporting hours ~~son~onsR1enng' ' ~ primary containment the in ment to act as a penetra n isol

  • n bounda and the OPERABILITY in MODES 1, 2, sma pipe diameter of the affected netrations. In the event the lfor EFCVs I and 3. an ed penetration flow path Is iso ated in accordance with Required A ion C.1, the affected penetration ust be verified to be isolated on periodic basis. This Is necessary ensure that primary ontainment penetrations required to be isolated following an accident The closed system must are isolated.

meet the requirements of Reference 8. The Completion Time of once per 31 days for verifying each affected penetration is isolated is appropriate because the valves are operated under administrative controls and the probability of their misalignment is low. Condition C is modified by a Note indicating that this Condition is only applicable to penetration flow paths with only one PCIV. For penetration flaw paths with two PCIVs, Conditions A and B provide the appropriate Required Actions. two notes. Note 1 Required Action C.2 is modified by applies to valves and blind flanges located in high radiation areas and allows them to be verified by use of administrative means. Allowing verification by administrative means is considered acceptable, since access to these areas is typically restricted ifherefore, the probability of misalignment of these valves, once they ave been verified to be in the proper INSERT- BASES position, is low. Action C With the secondary containment bypass leakage rate or MSIV leakage rate not within limit, the assumptions of the safety analysis may not be met. Therefore, the leakage must be restored to within limit within 4 hours. Restoration can be accomplished by isolating the penetration that caused the limit to be exceeded by use of one closed and de-activated automatic valve, closed manual valve, or blind flange. When a penetration is isolated, the leakage rate for the Isolated penetration is assumed to be the actual pathway leakage (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.6-20 REVISION (£]

Suppression Pool Average Temperature B BASES ITSTF-458-T I ACTIONS (continued) Suppression pool average temperature is allowed to be > 100°F when any OPERABLE IRM channel is> 25/40 divisions of full scale on Range 7. and when testing that adds heat to the suppression pool is being performed. However, if temperature Is > 105°F, all testing must be immediately suspended to preserve the heat absorption capability of the suppression pool. Wrth the testing suspended, Condition A is entered and the Required Actions and associated Completion Times are applicable. 0.1. 0.2. and 0.3 Suppression pool average temperature > 11 0°F requires that the reactor be shut down immediately. This is accom *

  • the reactor mode switch in th s utdow o ion.
  • Additionally, when suppression pool temperature is > 11 0°F Increased monitoring of pool temperature Is 8.

required Je ~61::1'! lh~ it Fef!!Bif!s " 4299 The once per 30 minute I Completion iime IS aaequale, based on operating experience. Given the high suppression pool average temperature in this Condition, the monitoring Frequency is increased to twice that of Condition A. Furthermore, the 30 minute Completion Time is considered adequate in view of other Indications available in the control room, including alarms, to alert the operator to an abnormal suppression pool average temperature condition. ~ Additionally, the plant must be brought to a MODE in which the requirement does not apply. To achieve this E. 1 hRa e. 2 1 status, the plant must be brought to at least MODE 4

  • within 36 hours.

Continued addition of heat to the suppression pool with suppression pool temperature > 120°F could result in exceeding the design basis maximum allowable values for primary containment temperature or pressure. Furthermore, if a blowdown were to occur when the temperature was> 120°F, the maximum allowable bulk and local temperatures could be exceeded very quickly. (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.6-51 REVISION !irl l

                                                                      - secondary Containment 13 ITSTF-322 I BASES ACTIONS          C.1. C.2. and C.3 (continued) inability to suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies would not be a sufficient reason to require a reactor shutdown.

SURVEILLANCE SR 3.6.4. 1.1 and SR 3.6.4. 1.2 REQUIREMENTS Verifying that secondary containment equipment hatches and one access door In each access opening are closed ensures that the infiltration of outside air of such a magnitude as to prevent maintaining the desired negative pressure does not occur. Verifying that all such openings are closed provides adequate assurance that exflltration from the secondary containment will not occur. SR 3.6.4. 1.1 also requires equipment hatches to be sealed. In this application, the term "sealed" has no connotation of leak tightness. Maintaining secondary containment OPERABILITY requires verifying one door in the access opening is closed. An access opening contains one inner and one outer door. The intent is not to breach the secondary containment at any time when secondary containment is required. This is achieved by maintaining the inner or outer portion of the barrier closed at all times. However, all secondary containment access doors are normally kept closed, except when the access opening Is being used for entry and exit or when maintenance is being performed on an access opening. When the secondary containment configuration excludes Zone I and/or Zone II, these SRs also Include verifying the hatches and doors separating the common refueling floor zone from the reactor bullding(s). The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. ~~~ERT- BASES 3 6,4 1 (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.6-80 REVISIONt7i)

INSERT- Bases SR The SGT System exhausts the secondary containment atmosphere to the environment through appropriate treatment equipment. The SGT System is designed to draw down pressure in the secondary containment to ~0. 20 inches of vacuum water gauge in~ 120 seconds and maintain pressure In the secondary containment at~ 0.20 Inches of vacuum water gauge for 1 hour at a flow rate~ 4000 CFM per subsystem. To ensure that all fission products released to the secondary containment are treated, SR and SR ,4 verify that a pressure in the secondary containment tnat Is less than the lowest postulated pressure external to the secondary containment boundary can rapidly be established and maintained. When the SGT System is operating as designed, the establishment and maintenance of secondary containment pressure cannot be accomplished if the secondary containment boundary is not intact Establishment of this pressure is confirmed by SR, which demonstrates that the secondary containment can be drawn down to~ 0.20 Inches of vacuum water gauge in~ 120 seconds using the required SGT subsystem(s). SR demonstrates that the pressure in the secondary containment can be maintained ~ 0.20 inches of vacuum water gauge for t hour using the required SGT subsystem(s) at a flow rate 5._4000 CFM per subsystem. The 1 hour test period allows secondary containment to be in thermal equilibrium at steady state conditions. The primary purpose of these SRs is to ensure secondary containment boundary Integrity. The secondary purpose of these SRs Is to ensure that the SGT subsystem(s) being tested function as designed. There is a separate LCD with Surveillance Requirements which serves the primary purpose of ensuring OPERABILITY of the SGT System. The inoperability of the SGT System does not necessarily constitute a failure of these Surveillances relative to the secondary containment OPERABILITY.

Secondary Containment B jTSTF-322 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR and SR {continued) REQUIREMENTS ffiBiAtaiR i;!! 9.29 iAet:l ef 1jlael:fl:fFA 'l'olateF gaijge feF ~ l'tetu at a flew Fate

             !i 4999         efffi feF eaet:l SGT s1:18system. Tf:le 1 t:le1::1r test f)CAet:j allews
                                                          *. tn hc:o in         "'"ilih*i* '"' J:tt *** " dJ:ltA
                *-        .J,                 *                          &L


                                                -~-      _U
                                                                                                                     'I eeHtBiHmeHt eet:tFtSBfY iHtegrit)'. SiFiee these SRs are seeeHBBPf CDIItcliiU11e11t tests, tf18J 11eed IIDt be pe1fo1111ed witl1 eaCII SST swl;u;~s&aFR _ +Re SG+ swtls~s&eFRs aFe tested QR a S+AGGeRI5Q l'ES'f BASIS, however, to errsure llral irr addiliorr to tire requirerrrerrts
               .~  I r"'f" '2 Cl. A ' l      .-  .~  ~r:!.T       .~ *                 '     '     .~   .~    ,f, I
                                     '";..., ,c..,d The number of SGT subsystems and the I VYJII t-QIIUI requrred combinations are dependent on the configuration of the secondary containment and are detailed in the Technical Requirements Manual {Ref. 3). The Note to SR and SR specifies that the number of required SGT subsystems be one less than the number required to meet LCO, "Standby Gas Treatment {SGT) System," for the given configuration. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program.

REFERENCES 1. FSAR, Section 15.1.39.

2. FSAR, Section 15.1.41 .
3. Technical Requirements Manual, Section 8.0.
4. NRC No. 93-102, "Final Policy Statement on Technical Specification Improvements," July 23, 1993.


AC Sources - Operating 8 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that, during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this SR could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that could challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety 7 system s. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this normally !INSERT 1 -BASES 3.8 1 I SR. . This Surveillance tests the applicable logic associated wit the Unit 2 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 1 ~ chnical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated With t e Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently. a test must be performed wit n the Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency Co ol Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for not performing the test while the unit is in MODE 1 or 2 does not have applicability to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 2 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 2ln MODE 1 or 2 and the Unit 1 test should t e performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1 or 2. Each DG is provided with an engine overspeed trip to prevent damage to the engine. Recovery from the transient caused by the loss of a large load could cause diesel engine overspeed, which , if excessive, might result in a trip of the engine. This Surveillance demonstrates the DG load response characteristics and capability to reject the largest single load without exceeding predetermined voltage and frequency and while maintaining a specified margin to the overspeed trip. The largest single load for each DG Is a residual heat removal service water pump at rated flow (1225 bhp). This Surveillance may be accomplished by: a) tripping the DG output breaker with the DG carrying greater than or equal to its associated single largest post-accident load while paralleled to offsite power or while solely supplying the bus, or b) tripping its associated single largest post-accident load with the DG solely supplying the bus. Although Plant Hatch Unit 21s not committed to IEEE-387-1984, (Ref. 11), this SR Is consistent with the IEEE-387-1984 requirement that states the load rejection test is acceptable if the Increase in diesel speed does not exceed 75% of the difference between synchronous speed and the overspeed trip setpoint, or 15% above synchronous speed, whichever is lower. For all DGs, this represents 65.5 Hz, (continued) HATCH UNIT2 8 3.S,.24 REVISION 1m

INSERT 1- Bases 3.8.1 rrsTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance In MODE 1 or 2 is further amplified to allow the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or Incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety Is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or onslte system when they are tied together or operated Independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures ;;~vailable to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1 or 2. Risk insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

AC'SDurces-=-Operating B 3.8.1 BASES ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS equivalent to 75% of the difference between nominal speed and the overspeed trip setpoint. The voltage and frequency specified are consistent with the nominal range for the DG. SR 3.8.1 .7 .a corresponds to the maximum frequency excursion, while SR is the voltage to which the DG must recover following load rejection. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 is that, during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this SR could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that could challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. INSERT 1 -BASES 3.8.1 1 - - - - - - In order to ensure that the DG is tested under load conditions that are as close to design basis conditions as possible, testing is performed with only the DG providing power to the associated 4160 V ESF bus. The DG is not synchronized with offsite power. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 2 allows a single test (Instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for both units. This is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be coflsidered Inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit. SR 3.8.1 .8 This Surveillance demonstrates the DG capability to reject a full load without overspeed tripping or exceeding the predetermined voltage limits. The DG full load rejection may occur because of a system fault or inadvertent breaker tripping. This Surveillance ensures proper engine generator load response under the simulated test conditions. This test simulates the Joss of the total connected load that the DG experiences following a full load rejection and verifies that the DG does not trip upon loss of the load. These acceptance criteria provide (continued) HATCHUNIT2 B 3.8-25 REVISIONf!!j

AC Sources - Operating 83.8.1 BASES ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS DG damage protection. While the DG is not expected to experience this transient during an event, and continues to be available, this response ensures that the DG is not degraded for future application, including reconnection to the bus if the trip initiator can be corrected or isolated. In order to ensure that the DG is tested under load conditions that are as close to design basis conditions as possible, testing must be performed using a power factors 0.88. This power factor is chosen to be representative of the actual design basis inductive loading that the DG would experience. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by three Notes. The reason for Note 1 Is that during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this SR could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that would challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety systemS;r Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. No~ is provided In recognition that if the offsite electrical I~IN~S~E:!R~T~i!_:-~B~A~S~E~S~3~* ~* 8 1

![pmo~wleerrid[fiisSttrlrlbbution system is lightly loaded (i.e., system voltage Is high, It may not be possible to raise voltage without creating an overvoltage condition on the ESF bus. Therefore, to ensure the bus voltage, supplied ESF loads, and DG are not placed in an unsafe condition during this test, the power factor limit does nat have to be met if grid voltage or ESF bus loading does not permit the power factor limit to be met when the DG is tied to the grid. When this occurs, the power factor should be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.

To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 3 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for bath units. This Is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be cohsidered inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit (continued) HATCH UNIT 2. B 3.8-2.6 REVISION 1m]

AC Sources- Operating 8 3.8.1 No change. Included for information only. BASES SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS (continued) This Surveillance demonstrates the as designed operation of the standby power sources during loss ofthe offsite source and is consistent with Regulatory Guide 1.108 (Ref. 9), paragraph 2.a.(1). This test verifies all actions encountered from the loss of offsite power, including shedding of the nonessential loads and energization of the emergency buses and respective loads from the DG. It further demonstrates the capability of the DG to automatically achieve the required voltage and frequency within the specified time. The DG auto-start time of 12 seconds Is derived from requirements of the accident analysis for responding to a design basis large break LOCA. The Surveillance should be continued for a minimum of 5 minutes in order to demonstrate that all starting transients have decayed and stability has been achieved. The requirement to verify the connection and power supply of permanent and auto-connected loads is Intended to satisfactorily show the relationship of these loads to the OG loading logfc. In certain circumstances, many of these loads cannot actually be connected or loaded without undue hardship or potential for undesired operation. For Instance, Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) Injection valves are not desired to be stroked open, or systems are not capable of being operated at full flow, or RHR systems performing a decay heat removal function are not desired to be realigned to the ECCS mode of operation. In lieu of actual demonstration of the connection and loading of these loads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the DG system to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may Include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence Is verified. For the purpose of this testing, the OGs shall be started from standby conditions, that is, with the engine coolallt and oil being continuously circulated and temperature maintained consistent with manufacturer recommendations. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR Is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 Is to minimize wear and fear on the DGs during testing. The reason for Note 2 is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required (continued) HATCH UNIT2 8 3.8-27 REVISIOrtliJ

AC Sources - Operating 83.8.1 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. T 1 Surveillance tests the applicable INSERT 2 - BASES 3.8.1 logic associated w h the Unit 2 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 1 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the Frequency contained In the Surveillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for n performing the test while the unit is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not hav. applicabnlty to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate test , the Unit 2 Surveillance should n be performed with Unit 2 in M E 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 1 test sh ld not performed with Unit n MODE 1, 2, or 3. normally SR This Surveillance demonstrates that the DG automatically starts and achieves the required voltage and frequency within the specified time (12 seconds) from the design basis actuation signal (LOCA signal) and operates for~ 5 minutes. The 5 minute period provides sufficient time to demonstrate stability. The req~.tirement to verify the connection and power supply of permanent and autoconnected loads is intended to satisfactorily show the relationship of these loads to the loading logic for loading onto offsite power. In certain circumstances, many of these loads cannot actually be connected or loaded without undue hardship or potential for undesired operation. For instance, ECCS injection valves are not desired to be stroked open, low pressure Injection systems are not capable of being operated at full flow, or RHR systems performing a decay heat removal function are not desired to be realigned to the ECCS mode of operation. In lieu of actual demonstration of the connection and loading ofthese loads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the DG system to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence is verified. For the purpose of this testing, the DGs must be started from standby conditions, that is, with the engine coolant and oil being continuously circulated and temperature maintained consistent with manufacturer recommendations. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillan~ Frequency Control Program. (continued} HATCH UNIT2 B 3.8-28 REVISION~

INSERT Z- Bases 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance In MODE 1, 2, or 3 Is further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g. post worlt testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or Incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offslte or onsite system when they are tied together or operated independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. Risk insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

AC Sources - Operating 8 3.8.1 BASES ITSTF-283 I ITSTF-400 I SURVEILLANCE SR 0 (continued) REQUIREMENTS This SR is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 is to I minimize wear and tear on the DGs during testing. The reason for Note 2 is that during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this Surveillance could potentially cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that could challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant Credit may be taken for u satisfy this SR. This Surveillance tests the INSERT 3- BASES 3.8.1 applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 1 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the Frequency contained In the Surveillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no performing the test while the Unit is in MODE 1 or 2 does not hav pplicabillty to Unit 1. As the S eillance represents separate test , the Unit 2 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 2 in MO 1 or 2 and the Unit 1 test should n be performed with Unit 1 in ODE 1 or 2. normally This Surveillance demonstrates that DG non-critical protective functions (e.g., high jacket water temperature) are bypassed on a loss of volta e signal concurrent with an ECCS initiation si nalraRi~:i5Catl The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. The SR Is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DG from (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.8-29 REVISIONffi!l

INSERT 3- Bases 3.8.1

                                                                                             'ITSTF-283  I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance in MODE 1 or21s further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABILITY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or on site system when they are tied together or operated Independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed In MODE 1 or 2. Risk insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

INSERT 4- Bases 3.8.1 ITSTF-400 I Non-critical automatic trips are all automatic trips except: a) engine overspeed, b) generator differential current, and c) low lube oil pressure.

AC- Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 BASES ITSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS INSERT 5 - BASES 3 8 1 service. redit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. This Surveillance tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 2 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 1 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no erforming the test while the unit is In MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not h applicability to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate test , the Unit 2 Surveillance should n be performed with Unit 2 in M E 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 1 test sh ld not e performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or 3. SR normally Regulatory Guide 1.108 (Ref. 9), paragraph 2.a.(3), requires demonstration once per 24 months that the DGs can start and run continuously at full load capability for an interval of not less than 24 hours. The first 22 hours of this test are performed at~ 2775 kW and s 2825 kW (which is near the continuous rating of the DG), and the last 2 hours of this test are performed at ~ 3000 kW. This is in accordance with commitments described In FSAR Section 8.3 {Ref. 2). The DG starts for this Surveillance can be performed either from standby or hot conditions. The provisions for prelube and warmup, and for gradual loading, discussed In SR, are applicable to this SR. In order to ensure that the DG is tested under load conditions that are as close to design conditions as possible, testing must be performed using a power factors 0.88. This power factor Is chosen to be representative of the actual design basis inductive loading that the DG could experience. A load band Is provided to avoid routine overloading of the DG. Routine overloading may result in more frequent teardown inspections in accordance with vendor recommendations in order to maintain DG OPERABILITY. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. {continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.8-30 REVISIONff!)

INSERT 5 - Bases 3.8.1 jTSTF-283 I This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance in MODE 1, 2, or 3 is further amplified to allow the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABIU'TV (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, deficient or Incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offslte or on site system when they are tied together or operated Independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. Ris~ insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

AC Sources - Opera ing B 3.8.1 ITSTF~83 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS This Surveillance has been modified by four Notes. Note 1 states that momentary transients due to changing bus loads do not invalidate this test. Similarly, momentary power factor transients above the limit do not invalidate the test. The reason for Note 2 is that during operation with the reactor critical, performance of this Surveillance could cause perturbations to the electrical distribution systems that would challenge continued steady state operation and, as a result, plant safety systems. However, it is acceptable to perform this SR in MODES 1 and 2 provided the other two DGs are OPERABLE, since a perturbation can only affect one divisional DG. If during the performance of this Surveillance, one of the other DGs becomes operable, this Surveillance is to be suspended. The surveillance may not be performed in MODES 1 and 2 during inclement weather and unstable grid condition Credit may be taken for unplanned riN:SEiRfT:"ID~~3.8':n -~e~v~en~ts~th!!a~t~sa~ti~*s!!lJt~h~ls~S~R~. ate 3 Is provided in recognition that if the INSERT 1 -BASES 3 *8-1 offslte electrical power distribution system Is lightly loaded (i.e., system voltage is high), it may not be possible to raise voltage without creating an overvoltage cQndition on the ESF bus. Therefore, to ensure the bus voltage, supplied ESF loads, and DG are not placed in an unsafe condition during this test, the power factor limit does not have to be met if grid voltage or ESF bus loading does not permit the power factor limit to be met when the DG is tied to the grid. When this occurs, the power factor should be maintained as close to the limit as practicable. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 4 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for both units. This is allowed since the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG falls one of these Surveillances, the DG should be considered Inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit. SR This Surveillance demonstrates that the diesel engine can restart from a hot condition, such as subsequent to shutdown from normal Surveillances, and achieve the required voltage and frequency within 12 seconds. The 12 second time is derived from the requirements of the accident analysis to respond to a design basis large break LOCA. The 24 month Frequency is consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.108 (Ref. 9), paragraph 2.a.(5). The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.8-31 REVISIO~

AC Sources - O perating 8 3.8.1 jTSTF*283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS This SR Is modified by three Notes. Note 1 ensures that the test is performed with the diesel sufficiently hot. The requirement that the diesel has operated for at least 2 hours at near full load conditions prior to performance of this Surveillance is based on manufacturer recommendations for achieving hot conditions, Momentary transients due to changing bus loads do not invalidate this test. Note 2 allows all DG starts to be preceded by an engine prelube period to minimize wear and tear on the diesel during testing. To minimize testing of the swing DG, Note 3 allows a single test (instead of two tests, one for each unit) to satisfy the requirements for both units. This is allowed sin~ the main purpose of the Surveillance can be met by performing the test on either unit (no unit specific DG components are being tested). If the swing DG fails one of these Surveillances, the DG should be considered Inoperable on both units, unless the cause of the failure can be directly related to only one unit. SR This Surveillance is consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.108 (Ref. 9), paragraph 2.a.(6) and ensures that the manual synchronization and automatic load transfer from the DG to the offsite source can be made and that the DG can be returned to ready*to-load status when offslte power is restored. It also ensures that the auto-start logic is reset to allow the DG to reload if a subsequent loss of offslte power occurs. The DG is considered to be in ready-to-load status when the DG is at rated speed and voltage, the output breaker is open and can receive an auto-close signal on bus undervoltage, and the load sequence timers are reset. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR ls modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillanee would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Thi rveillance tests the applicable logic associated with INSERT 5 - BASES 3 8.1 e n t swing bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 1 Technical Specifications tests the ~pplicable logic associated With the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.8-32 REVISIONfl!l

AC Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequenc ntrol Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for n performing the test while the unit is In MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have applicability to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 2 Surveillance should n be performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 ahd the Unit 1 test sh ld not performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or3. norma 11 y SR Demonstration of the test mode override ensures that the DG availability under accident conditions is not compromised as the result of testing. Interlocks to the LOCA sensing circuits cause the DG to automatically reset to ready-to-load operation if an ECCS initiation signal is received during operation in the test mode. Ready-to-load operation is defined as the DG running at rated speed and voltage with the DG output breaker open. Although Plant Hatch Unit 2 Is not committed to this standard, this SR is consistent with the provisions for automatic switchover required by IEEE-308 (Ref. 12), paragraph 6.2.6(2). The Intent in the requirements associated with SR is to show that the emergency loading is not affected by the DG operation In test mode. In lieu of actual demonstration of connection and loading of loads, testing that adequately shows the capability of the emergency loads to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence is verified . The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. This urvelllance tests the applicable logic associated with INSERT 2 - BASES 3.8.1 the Unit 2 s g bus. The comparable test specified in the Unit 1 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the (continued) HATCH UNIT2 B 3.8-33 REVISIONI:1m

AC Sources - Operating 8 3.8.1 ITSTF~283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency C trot Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no erforming the test while the unit Is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have applicability to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 2 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 1 test sh ld not e performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or3. SR Under accident conditions, loads are sequentially connected to the bus by the automatic load sequence timing devices. The sequencing logic controls the permissive and starting signals to motor breakers to prevent overloading of the DGs due to high motor starting currents. The 10% load sequence time Interval tolerance ensures that sufficient time exists for the DG to restore frequency and voltage prior to applying the next load and that safety analysis assumptions regarding ESF equipment time delays are not violated. Reference 2 provides a summary of the automatic loading of ESF buses. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR Is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system s. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy jiNSERT 5- BASES 3.8.1 this SR. 7 normally This Surveillance tests the applicable logic ass iated with the Unit 2 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the nit 1 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associat with the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performe within the Frequency contained in the Surveillance Frequency trol Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for n performing the test while the unit is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have applicability to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, the Unit 2 Surveillance should no e performed with Unit 2 in MODE 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 1 test sh d no e performed with Unit 1 in MODE 1, 2, or 3. (continued) HATCH UNIT2 8 3.8-34 REVISIO~

AC Sources - Operating B 3.8.1 BASES jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS (continued) In the event of a DBA coincident with a loss of offsite power, the DGs are required to supply the necessary power to ESF systems so that the fuel, RCS, and containment design limits are not exceeded. This Surveillance demonstrates DG operation, as discussed in the Bases for SR, during a loss of offsite power ~ctuatlon test signal in tonjunctlon with an ECCS initiation signal. In lieu of actual demonstration of connection and loading of loads, testing that adequately shows the capablfity of the DG system to perform these functions is acceptable. This testing may include any series of sequential, overlapping, or total steps so that the entire connection and loading sequence Is verified. For the purpose of this testing, the DGs must be started from standby conditions, that is, with the engine coolant and oil being continuously circulated and temperature maintained consistent with manufacturer recommendations. The Surveillance Frequency is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program. This SR is modified by two Notes. The reason for Note 1 is to minimize wear and tear on the DGs during testing. The reason for Note 2 is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required offsite circuit from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety systems Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. s Surveillance tests the applicable INSERT 2 - BASES 3.8.1 Ia ic associated With the U t 2 swing bus. The comparable test specified in the nit 1 Technical Specifications tests the applicable logic associated with the Unit 1 swing bus. Consequently, a test must be performed within the Frequency contained In the Surveillance Frequency Control Program for each unit. The Note specifying the restriction for no performing the test while the unit is In MODE 1, 2, or 3 does not have pplicability to Unit 1. As the Surveillance represents separate tests, e Unit 2 Surveillance should no be performed with Unit 2 in MOD 1, 2, or 3 and the Unit 1 test sho d no e performed with Unit 1 in ODE 1, 2, or 3. normally SR This Surveillance demonstrates that the DG starting independence has not been compromised . Also, this Surveillance demonstrates that each engine can achieve proper speed within the specified time when the DGs are started simultaneously. For the purpose of this testing, (continued) HATCH UNIT2 8 3.8-35 REVISION[ffl

DC Sources - Operating B 3.8.4 BASES jTSTF-283 I SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS The modified performance discharge test is a simulated duty cycle consisting of just two rates: the 1 minute rate published for the battery or the largest current load of the duty cycle, followed by the test rate employed for the performance test, both of which envelope the duty cycle of the service test. Since the ampere-hours removed by a rated 1 minute discharge represent a very small portion of the battery capacity, the test rate can be changed to that for the performance test without compromising the results of the performance discharge test. The battery terminal voltage for the modified performance discharge test should remain above the minimum battery terminal voltage specified in the battery service test for the duration of time equal to that of the service test. A modified performance discharge test is a test of the battery capacity and Its ability to provide a high rate, short duration load (usually the highest rate of the duty cycle). This will often confirm the battery's ability to meet the critical period of the load duty cycle, in addition to determining its percentage of rated capacity. Initial conditions for the modified performance discharge test should be identical to those specified for a service discharge test. The reason for Note 2 is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DC electrical power subsystem from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy the Su ance. The swing DG DC battery is exempted from this INSERT 1 - BASES 3.8.4 riction, since it Is required by both units' LCO 3.8.4 and cannot- be performed in the manner required by the Note without resulting in a dual unit shutdown. SR A battery performance discharge test is a constant current capacity test to detect any change in the capacity determined by the acceptance test. Initial conditions consistent with IEEE 450 need to be met prior to the performing of a battery performance discharge test. The test results reflect the overall effects of usage and age. A battery modified performance discharge test is described in the Bases for SR Either the battery performance discharge test or the modified performance discharge test is acceptable for satisfying SR; however, only the modified performance discharge test may be used to satisfy SR, while satisfying the requirements of SR at the same time. (continued) HATCH UNIT2 8 3.8-60 REVISION~ I

DC Sources - Operating 8 3.8.4 ITSTF-283 I BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued) REQUIREMENTS The acceptance criteria for this Surveillance is consistent with IEEE-450 (Ref. B) and IEEE-485 (Ref. 12). These references recommend that the battery be replaced if its capacity is below 80% of the manufacturer's rating. Although there may be ample capacity, the battery rate of deterioration is rapidly Increasing. The Surveillance Frequency Is controlled under the Surveillance Frequency Control Program This SR is modified by a Note. The reason for the Note is that performing the Surveillance would remove a required DC electrical power subsystem from service, perturb the electrical distribution system, and challenge safety system Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy the Su illance. The swing DG DC battery is exempted from this restr" ion, since it is required by both units' LCO 3.8.4 and cannot be rformed in the manner required by the Note without resulting in a uai unit shutdown. INSERT 1 - BASES 3.8.4 t---------- SR With the exception of this Surveillance, all other Surveillances of this Specification (SR through SR are applied only to the Unit 2 DC sources. This Surveillance is provided to direct that the appropriate Surveillances for the required Unit 1 DC sources are governed by the Unit 1 Technical Specifications. Performance of the applicable Unit 1 Surveillances will satisfy both any Unit 1 requirements, as well as satisfying this Unit 2 SR. The Frequency required by the applicable Unit 1 SR also governs performance of that SR for both Units. (continued) HATCH UNIT2 8 3.8--61 REVISION£m1

INSERT 1- Bases 3.8.4 This restriction from normally performing the Surveillance In MODE 1, 2, or 3 is further amplified to allow portions of the Surveillance to be performed for the purpose of reestablishing OPERABiliTY (e.g. post work testing following corrective maintenance, corrective modification, defident or Incomplete surveillance testing, and other unanticipated OPERABILITY concerns) provided an assessment determines plant safety Is maintained or enhanced. This assessment shall, at a minimum, consider the potential outcomes and transients associated with a failed partial Surveillance, a successful partial Surveillance, and a perturbation of the offsite or onsite system when they are tied together or operated Independently for the partial Surveillance; as well as the operator procedures available to cope with these outcomes. These shall be measured against the avoided risk of a plant shutdown and startup to determine that plant safety Is maintained or enhanced when portions of the Surveillance are performed In MODE 1, 2, or 3. Risk Insights or deterministic methods may be used for this assessment.

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Response to Request for Additional Information on Multiple Technical Specification Changes Enclosure 4 Revised Clean TS Pages

Secondary Containment SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR ----------NOTE------------- The number of SGT subsystem(s) required for this Surveillance is dependent on the secondary containment configuration, and shall be one less than the number required to meet LCD, "Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) System," for the given configuration. Verify the secondary containment can be In accordance with maintained ~ 0.20 inch of vacuum water gauge the Surveillance for 1 hour using required SGT subsystem(s) at Frequency Control a flow rate s 4000 cfm per subsystem. Program HATCH UNIT 1 Amendment No

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR --NOTE This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify automatic and manual transfer of unit power In accordance with supply from the normal offsite circuit to the the Surveillance alternate offslte circuit. Frequency Control Program SR ---------NOTES---

1. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the Unit 1 controls.

Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

2. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG rejects a load greater than or In accordance with equal to its associated single largest post-accident the Surveillance load, and: Frequency Control Program

a. Following load rejection, the frequency is s 65.5 Hz: and
b. Within 3 seconds following load rejection, the voltage is ~ 3740 v and s 4580 V.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-10 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .8 ---------NOTES---------- 1 This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the Unit 1 controls. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

2. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG operating at a power factor s 0.88 In accordance with does not trlp and voltage is maintained s 4800 V the Surveillance during and following a load rejection of 2: 2775 kW. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-11 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8., FREQUENCY SR -NOTES----------

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

Verify on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with power signal: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. De-energization of emergency buses; Program b Load shedding from emergency buses; and c DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads in~ 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected shutdown loads through automatic load sequence timing devices, 3 Maintains steady state voltage
                            ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Maintains steady state frequency
                            ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected shutdown loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-12 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR --------------NOTES-------------

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

Verify on an actual or simulated Emergency Core In accordance with Cooling System (ECCS) Initiation signal each DG the Surveillance auto-starts from standby condition and: Frequency Control Program

a. Ins 12 seconds after auto-start achieves voltage~ 3740 V, and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains voltage
                    ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V;
b. Ins 12 seconds after auto-start achieves frequency ~ 58.8 Hz, and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains frequency 2 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz; and
c. Operates for 2 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .11 -----------NOTE--------- This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. In accordance With Verify each DG's non-critical automatic trips are the Surveillance bypassed on actual or simulated loss of voltage Frequency Control signal on the emergency bus concurrent with an Program actual or simulated ECCS initiation signal. (continUed) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-14 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR -NOTES----- 1 Momentary transients outside the load and power factor ranges do not invalidate this test.

2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2, unless the other two DGs are OPERABLE. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced . If either of the other two DGs becomes inoperable, this surveillance shall be suspended.

Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

3. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit Is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.
4. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG operating at a power factor s 0.88 In accordance with operates for 2! 24 hours: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. For ~ 2 hours loaded ~ 3000 kW; and Program
b. For the remaining hours of the test loaded
                    ~  2775 kW and s 2825 kW.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-15 Amendment No.

A"'C-Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR --------------NOTES

1. This Surveillance shall be performed within 5 minutes of shutting down the DG after the DG has operated~ 2 hours loaded
                    ~ 2565 kW. Momentary transients outside of load range do not invalidate this test.
2. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG starts and achieves, in In accordance with

            ~  12 seconds, voltage~ 3740 V and frequency           the Surveillance
            ~  58.8 Hz; and after steady state conditions are      Frequency Control reached, maintains voltage~ 3740 V and s 4243 V        Program and frequency~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz SR          *----NOTE This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provide an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

Verify each DG: In accordance with the Surveillance

a. Synchronizes witt! offs1te power source Frequency Control while loaded with emergency loads upon a Program simulated restoration of offsite power;
b. Transfers loads to offsite power source; and
c. Returns to ready-to-load operation (continued)

HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-16 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR ---NOTE This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. In accordance with Verify with a DG operating in test mode and the Surveillance connected to its bus, an actual or simulated ECCS Frequency Control initiation signal overrides the test mode by: Program

a. Returning DG to ready-to-load operation; and
b. Automatically energizing the emergency load from offsite power.

SR -NOTE This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1. 2, or 3. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify interval between each sequenced load In accordance with block is within +/- 10% of design interval for each the Surveillance load sequence timing device. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3 B-11 Amendment No

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR -NOTES-- ---

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

Verify, on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with power signal in conjunction with an actual or the Surveillance simulated ECCS initiation signal: Frequency Control Program

a. De-energization of emergency buses;
b. Load shedding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads in s 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected emergency loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Achieves steady state voltage 2:3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Achieves steady state frequency 2: 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected emergency loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-18 Amendment No.

DC Sources - Operating 3.8.4 FREQUENCY SR 3.8.4 ,6 Verify each required battery charger supplies In accordance with

            ~  400 amps for station service subsystems, and      the Surveillance
            ~  100 amps for DG subsystems at ~ 129 V for         Frequency Control
            ~ 1 hour.                                            Program SR 3.8.4 .7            *----NOTES-----*---

1 The modified performance discharge test in SR may be performed in lieu of the service test in SR

2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed In MODE 1, 2, or 3, except for the swing DG battery. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provlded an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit In accordance with may be taken for unplanned events that the Surveillance satisfy this SR. Frequency Control Program Verify battery capacity is adequate to supply, and maintain in OPERABLE status, the required emergency loads for the design duty cycle when subjected to a battery service test.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-29 Amendment No.

DC Sources - Operating 3.8.4 FREQUENCY SR -----NOTE This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3, except for the swing DG battery. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILiTY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. In accordance with the Surveillance Frequency Control Verify battery capacity is ~ 80% of the Program manufacturer's rating when subjected to a performance discharge t~st or a modified performance discharge test. 12 months when battery shows degradation or has reached 85% of expected life with capacity < 100% of manufacturer's rating 24 months when battery has reached 85% of expected life with capacity ::: 100% of manufacturer's rating SR For required Unit 2 DC sources, the SRs of Unit 2 In accordance with Specification 3.8.4 are applicable. applicable SRs HATCH UNIT 1 3.8-30 Amendment No.

Secondary Containment 3.6.4 .1 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (continued) SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR ----- NOTE---------- The number of SGT subsystem(s) required for this Surveillance is dependent on the secondary containment configuration, and shall be one less than the number required to meet LCO, "Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) System," for the given configuration. Verify the secondary containment can be In accordance with maintained ~ 0.20 inch of vacuum water gauge the Surveillance for 1 hour using required SGT subsystem(s) at Frequency Control a flow rate s 4000 cfm per subsystem. Program HATCH UNIT 2 3.6-35 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR 3.8.1 .6 ----------NOTE ----- This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify automatic and manual transfer of unit power In accordance with supply from the normal offsite circuit to the the Surveillance alternate offsite circuit. Frequency Control Program SR --------NOTES---------

1. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the Unit 2 controls.

Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

2. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG rejects a load greater than or In accordance with equal to its associated single largest post-accident the Surveillance load, and: Frequency Control Program

a. Following load rejection, the frequency is s 65.5 Hz: and
b. Within 3 seconds following load rejection, the voltage is 2 3740 V and s 4580 V.

(continued) H.ATCH UNIT 2 3.8-10 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR -------------NOTES ------

1. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2, except for the swing DG. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. For the swing DG, this Surveillance shall not be performed in MODE 1 or 2 using the Unit 2 controls.

Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. 2 If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.

3. For the swing DG, a single test at the In accordance with specified Frequency will satisfy this the Surveillance Surveillance for both units. Frequency Control
           ------                                                Program Verify each DG operating at a power factor s 0.88 does not trip and voltage is maintained s 4800 V during and following a load rejection of~ 2775 kW.

{continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-11 Amendment No

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR -NOTES-

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, portions of this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

Verify on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with power signal: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. De-energization of emergency buses; Program
b. Load kdding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and:
1. Energizes permanently connected loads ins 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected shutdown loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Maintains steady state voltage
                            ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Maintains steady state frequency
                            ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected shutdown loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT 2 3.8-12 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8 ,1 FREQUENCY SR -------------NOTES--

1. All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2. However.

portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify on an actual or simulated Emergency Core In accordance with Cooling System (ECCS) initiation signal each DG the Surveillance auto-starts from standby condition and: Frequency Control Program

a. Ins 12 seconds after auto-start achieves voltage 2: 3740 V, and after steady state conditions are reached. maintains voltage 2:3740 V and s 4243 V;
b. Ins 12 seconds after auto-start achieves frequency 2: 58.8 Hz. and after steady state conditions are reached, maintains frequency 2: 58 .8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz; and
c. Operates for 2: 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-13 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR --------NOTE------------ This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPE;RABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify each DG's non-critical automatic trips are in accordance with bypassed on actual or simulated loss of voltage the Surveillance signal on the emergency bus concurrent with an Frequency Control actual or simulated ECCS initiation signal. Program (continued) HATCH UNIT 2 3.8-14 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3 8 .1 FREQUENCY SR ----NOTES----------

1. Momentary transients outside the load and power factor ranges do not invalidate this test.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1 or 2, unless the other two DGs are OPERABLE. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. If either of the other two DGs becomes inoperable, this Surveillance shall be suspended.

Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

3. If grid conditions do not permit, the power factor limit is not required to be met. Under this condition, the power factor shall be maintained as close to the limit as practicable.

4 For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units. Verify each DG operating at a power factor s 0.88 In accordance with operates for ~ 24 hours: the Surveillance Frequency Control

a. For~ 2 hours loaded 2:3000 kW; and Program
b. For the remaining hours of the test loaded 2: 2775 kW and s 2825 kW.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 Amendment No.

AC Sources - Operating 3.8 1 FREQUENCY SR NOTES-----------

1. This Surveillance shall be performed within 5 minutes of shutting down the DG after the DG has operated ~ 2 hours loaded
                     ~ 2565 kW. Momentary transients outside of load range do not invalidate this test.

2 All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period.

3. For the swing DG, a single test at the specified Frequency will satisfy this Surveillance for both units.

Verify each DG starts and achieves, in In accordance with s 12 seconds, voltage~ 3740 V and frequency the Surveillance

             ~ 58.8 Hz; and after steady state conditions are      Frequency Control reached, maintains voltage~ 3740 V and s 4243 V       Program and frequency ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz.

SR 3.8 .1.14 --------NOTE---- This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify each DG:

a. Synchronizes with offsite power source In accordance with while loaded with emergency loads upon a the Surveillance simulated restoration of offsite power; Frequency Control Program b Transfers loads to offsite power source; and
c. Returns to ready-to-load operation.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-16 Amendment No

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR ---NOTE.---* This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. In accordance with Verify with a DG operating in test mode and the Surveillance connected to its bus, an actual or simulated ECCS Frequency Control initiation signal overrides the test mode by: Program

a. Returning DG to ready-to-load operation; and
b. Automatically energizing the emergency load from offsite power.

SR -NOTE------------ This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, this surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. Verify interval between each sequenced load block In accordance with is within+/- 10% of design interval for each load the Surveillance sequence timing device. Frequency Control Program (continued) HATCH UNIT2 3 8-17 Amendment No

AC Sources - Operating 3.8.1 FREQUENCY SR --------NOTES------- 1, All DG starts may be preceded by an engine prelube period .

2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR.

Verify, on an actual or simulated loss of offsite In accordance with power signal in conjunction with an actual or the Surveillance simulated ECCS initiation signal: Frequency Control Program

a. De-energization of emergency buses;
b. Load shedding from emergency buses; and
c. DG auto-starts from standby condition and :
1. Energizes permanently connected loads ins 12 seconds,
2. Energizes auto-connected emergency loads through automatic load sequence timing devices,
3. Achieves steady state voltage
                            ~ 3740 V and s 4243 V,
4. Achieves steady state frequency
                            ~ 58.8 Hz and s 61.2 Hz, and
5. Supplies permanently connected and auto-connected emergency loads for ~ 5 minutes.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-18 Amendment No.


1. The modified performance discharge test in SR may be performed in lieu of the service test in SR 3.8.4. 7.
2. This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3, except for the swing DG battery. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit In accordance with may be taken for unplanned events that the Surveillance satisfy this SR. Frequency Control Program Verify battery capacity is adequate to supply, and maintain in OPERABLE status, the required emergency loads for the design duty cycle when subjected to a battery service test.

(continued) HATCH UNIT2 3.8-29 Amendment No.

DC Sources - Operating 3.8.4 FREQUENCY SR --NOTE--------- This Surveillance shall not normally be performed in MODE 1, 2, or 3, except for the swing DG battery. However, portions of the surveillance may be performed to reestablish OPERABILITY provided an assessment determines the safety of the plant is maintained or enhanced. Credit may be taken for unplanned events that satisfy this SR. In accordance with the Surveillance Frequency Control Verify battery capacity is~ 80% of the Program manufacturer's rating when subjected to a performance discharge test or a modified performance discharge test. 12 months when battery shows degradation or has reached 85% of expected life with capacity < 100% of manufacturer's rating 24 months when battery has reached 85% of expected life with capacity ~ 100% of manufacturer's rating SR For required Unit 1 DC sources, the SRs of Unit 1 In accordance with Specification 3.8.4 are applicable . applicable SRs HATCH UNIT 2 3 8-30 Amendment No.}}